That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on Sep 27, 2021


"That Was Unexpected 05"

Copyright 2021

Note: this prologue may contain spoilers!

This is a period piece (1970s) erotic love story featuring two main characters in their early twenties. Where contextual clarification may be needed, a set of [ ] provides relevant information. The characters are all based on real people but "the names have been changed to protect the innocent." There are real places intermingled with fictitious constructs necessary for the story. Grammarians may notice that I frequently shift the tense. It reads better that way; and this isn't an English Lit assignment. Although that would be an interesting idea... I do claim responsibility for all typos!

Thank you for reading....

From Part 04...

Tuesday after work, Mom called around six.

"I spoke with your Father yesterday."


"Honey.... I told him you're leaving at the end of the month...!"

"I supposed that really impacted him...!"

"I didn't say a word about you and Mark..... I mean.... That's a decision I think you should make."

I was glad to hear that. If my Father was going to find out that I'm gay and have a boyfriend, I wanted to be the one to tell him...

"Remember what we talked about?" she asked me.

"Uhhhh...We talked about a lot of things....!"

"He wants to see you before you leave!"

Part 05

Part of me didn't want to do this, and part of me did. The thought of just leaving Tulsa without saying goodbye to my Father certainly had immense appeal. "My Father?" What a joke. When I was a kid, he only seemed to notice me when I did something to piss him off. Which happened a lot.

Then I grew into my teens and....I must have become even more invisible. Except at report card time.

Now on the other hand... if I did decide to say goodbye to a man whose biggest contribution to my existence was shooting me out of his cock twenty-one years ago, it was all coming out on the table. Yeah. Mark. Mark and me. The fact that I am gay. And I am in love with the cutest boy in the world.

Did I really want to go that route? It wouldn't go very well. Mom had been the best ever about Mark and me. Shit, she adores him!

Then there is Mark's family. He was as surprised as me about how they all rallied behind him!

What to do...

The first thing....

I talked to Mark. Damn! He's so easy going. He listens. He never judges me on anything.

"Do you want me to go with you?" he asked.

I did. But I knew that would be like pouring gasoline on a fire.

He understood.

"I am damn sure not ashamed of you. Or me. Or us," I said.

"I know that!" he said while twirling my hair.

I got goose bumps...

"You know your family better than I do," he said, "And from the few comments your Mom made about him.... I can see why my being there might not be a good thing."

His next comment really surprised me.

"Unless you want me to be there to.... protect you... I mean... I could wait in the car or something....!"

"WHAT? WAITING IN THE CAR? NO WAY! You're not a guard dog!" then I paused, "What... do you think he might try to beat me up or......?"

Mark looked pensive before answering.

"I've read stories about parents who have done even worse...!"

I wondered.

Would my own Father try something like that? He hadn't hit me since before I became a teenager. I had grown since then... although not enough to suit me... But Dad wasn't.... Well, anything like Mark, his Brothers or his Father.

I could probably handle myself against him... even though I never fought anyone in my life.

"He'll probably just yell at me a lot!"

Mark snorted.

"You don't need that crap!"

I smiled. Damn! He was always looking out for me!

We tossed the subject around for a while; in the end I decided to go alone.

"I'll probably never see him again in my life. Which doesn't really bother me," I said, trying to shrug it off.

I don't think Mark believed that for a minute.

"Mom.... Mom is so great! I can see her coming out to visit us some time!" I added.

"Great! She and I could put our heads together and whip up some spectacular meals!"

I smiled again. Mark made me smile a lot!

The date was set. Thursday, August 15th around seven o'clock at Dad's apartment. I sure as hell wasn't going to waste weekend time with Dad over something that might blow up in my face. Seven in the evening meant I could get out early if necessary.

"Gotta get to bed so I can go to work tomorrow!"

That's almost as good as the old excuse Mark gave all the girls, "I don't date while I'm in high school."

"How did he sound when you talked to him?" he asked.

"Friendly enough. But I haven't seen him in months. He did seem kind of busy so the call was pretty short."

"Can he cook?" Mark snorted.

"Oh yeah! Not nearly as well as you can... but I won't starve!"

We both laughed....

"Okay," he said slowly, "Just remember I can be there in less than twenty minutes if you need me!"

I smiled again. My "guardian angel!" And a damned cute one at that!

The week seemed to fly by until Thursday arrived. I had been growing increasingly fidgety as the day drew near. The only time I really calmed down was when Mark and I were alone.... Oh yeah!!! Nothing mattered then!

On "the day," I jumped in the shower and then tried to pick out something to wear. There weren't many slacks in my wardrobe. Mostly Levis and corduroy jeans. Mark loved those because of the way they hugged my ass.

Finally I selected a pair of navy cords and a blue polo shirt.

Mark was in the kitchen whipping up his dinner.

"I don't like this. You should be eating with me....!"

He stopped at mid-sentence as his eyes raked over my skinny frame.

"Oh fuck, baby!" he sighed, "You......just.....!"

He didn't need to say anything. That long fat cock had slipped out of his skimpy shorts.

"Those don't fit you anymore!" I laughed.

"Should I get rid of them?"


In a flash I was down on my knees.....

Of course he returned the favor. Then we kissed. Tasting each other's offerings. That meant I had to brush my teeth again!

"Remember," he said, "Twenty minutes!"

"He won't get the best of me. I can yell as loud as he can. And it's all okay now because I'm twenty-one!" I said.

We kissed in the open doorway. I didn't give a shit if anyone saw us or not!

The drive didn't take long and before I knew it, there was his door. I rang the bell.....

"Hello, son!"

I quickly eyed my Father. In fact, we both checked out each other.

"Hi, Dad!"

There was a familial resemblance; but nothing like the house full of "Marks" I saw on Sunday! About 5'8" tall, just a little shorter than me. He had gained some weight. I'm a lousy judge there but maybe... 170 pounds. That was kind of sad because at one time Dad really took care of his body. Now it looked like "middle age" was settling in.

Quick mental note: "Somewhere along the line," I thought, "there's going to have to be some exercise in my daily routine. I don't want Mark having to fuck a marshmallow!"

The first obligation was a quick tour of his apartment. Nothing really spectacular there. Maybe a little fancier than mine, but damn! I'm twenty-one. He's in his forties. He had a really nice home and now.... that's gone. By his own choosing!

We sat in the living room. He offered me a drink. Alcohol or not... I chose a soda. He opened a beer.

"Steaks okay?" he asked.


We talked about miscellaneous, completely random topics. Nothing heady at all. Apparently he was selling sporting goods again. As a "manufacturer's representative," which meant he drove a lot.

I talked about my job and my apartment. Nothing came up about me quitting or planning to leave. That only put me more on guard because he already knew of my decision.

It was past seven-thirty when he put the steaks on the grille. His apartment has a nice, but small, fenced in patio. Kind of like mine. I might have eventually bought an outdoor grille but certainly not now. It would just be one more thing to get rid of when Mark and I leave.

"Medium well done okay?"

"That's fine!"

I have to admit he could still cook. I mean.... not as good as Mark... or maybe it's because I missed Mark.... No, fuck it! Mark is a master chef in his own right!

As we ate, I was nervous. Something had to becoming my way, and it must be getting closer!

For a while, the conversation remained fairly innocuous.

"Living on your own seems to have done you well," he said, "You're looking very healthy!"


"I just don't understand one thing."


"You Mother told me you quit your job and... you're leaving Tulsa?"

I just nodded.

"I don't get it....! You have no job lined up and yet you're just taking off?"

"Dad, no one is going to hire me sight unseen from fifteen hundred miles away. Especially since I don't really have a lot of skills. So I HAVE to move first...!"

"Why? What's wrong with your job and living here?"

He just couldn't - or wouldn't - try to figure it out! And it was only just beginning! We moved from the dining table to the den. Dad sat in a comfortable looking chair while I sat to his right on a sofa

"My job is okay. Fine, in fact. But... How can you not know that.... I HATE it here?"


"Because Oklahoma is a big fat zero!"

He shook his head in disagreement.

"I know Mom must have told you about my big trip out West!"

"What's the curious attraction with the West?"

"Really? Mom told me the both of you were initially headed that way before you stopped in.....!"

"That was a smart decision...!"

"Are you kidding? You worked your ass off for ten years and then had to sell out!"

"Because things change," Dad replied.

"That still doesn't alter the fact that there's nothing here. Arizona and New Mexico are such beautiful states!"

"Well at least you're not going to California!" he groused.

"We talked about it but it's too crowded and expensive. And I'm not really fond of earthquakes!"

The recent [1971] Sylmar earthquake was still in my mind.

"Good! California is full of a lot of bad things!"


"Drugs and perverts!"

I knew it was starting.... I also forgot one very important thing. A BIG mistake! Or let's say, my hand was tipped before I was ready...

"Who's we?'" he asked.

He caught the verbiage..... Damn! I was hoping he hadn't noticed!

"Oh.... I was talking to a friend and....!"

"Do I know this friend?"

Who is my Dad kidding? He didn't know any of my friends when I was living at home.... I mean... not when I was a kid, or even in my teenage years... And of course I never really had very many anyway!


"So this friend' has been out West then?"

"No, sir."

"Oh. What makes anyone an expert if they haven't lived in a place....?"

"Books!" I chirped.

"I see."

There was a long pause; like Dad was trying to decide where to go next.

"I still don't think you should go. You are taking a big chance!"

"Why? I'm not helpless. I can work. I'm pretty smart too!" I replied.

"Striking out on your own is such a gamble!"

I took a deep breath... The moment had arrived!

"I'm not going alone! I am going with the we.'"

That must have sounded odd....

Dad cocked an eye and looked at me with the weirdest expression.


Then he smiled and grinned.

"I get it! You got yourself a girlfriend! Way to go, son! I always knew you....! A chip off the old block! Just like your old man!'"

I shook my head negatively. Hearing a man in his mid-forties, who had just lost his wife of twenty-seven years because he apparently couldn't keep his fly zipped, bragging about snagging a girlfriend made me sick. He was no positive role model for anyone. And that "chip off the old block" bullshit. Another phrase I HATED!

Dad stopped smiling and stared at me.


"The friend I am going with is a guy!"

He slowly digested what I had said.

"Well... I guess that's okay. It makes things easier when you're getting settled in a new city.... and then you can both go your own ways...!"

It sounded like Dad was trying to convince himself of ...... as I shook my head negatively.

He stared at me again. Much more intensely than last time.

"We're not going to separate when we get there. In fact, he's living at my place right now!"

I was scared to death. My revelation had just told him everything.

He turned beet red.

"Wait! Don't you have just a one bedroom apartment? What... What.... What aren't you telling me, son?"

"Something you don't want to hear. Or acknowledge. Or handle," I said softly.

"What!!!!" he sputtered.

Simultaneously we both spoke...

"Dad, I'!"

"Are my son is a sodomite?"

My revelation was soft spoken. He spat the words out like they were fresh turds....

"A sodomite?' Isn't that kind of old world?'"

"Don't you know your Bible?" he barked.


"I should have known! It's all your Mother's fault! She raised you!"

I glared at him.

"You leave Mom out of this! Yes! She raised me! Without any help from the Bible. And you sure as hell were never around!"

"This can't be," he shook his head, "We... Maybe we can get you help. A cure or something... I've read about...!"

"What? Shock treatments to my cock? No thank you!"

"I'll have no language like that in this house!"

I looked around...

"House? Not any more, Dad! You gave that up! You also don't seem to realize that I am twenty- one now. You don't own or control me! And isn't that what it's all about? What you can't face? Or control? I like guys! And everything that goes with them! That includes.....," I paused, "You know what I mean! I DON'T like girls! Pussy' doesn't turn me on...! Why is it that pussy' is okay to say but cock' isn't?"

"NO! NO!! NO!!! NO!!!!" he yelled while shaking his head, "My son is a.... PANSY? A QUEER?"

"No, damn it! I'm GAY! G.A.Y! That means GUYS, not GIRLS!! I've ALWAYS been this way! And now I have one! One very special guy! We love each other....!"

"NO! NO!! NO!!! The Bible condemns two men lying together....! You can't love' another man! I should have figured it out when you wouldn't play sports like all the other boys...! What about me? " he screamed, "A family! You're supposed to give me grandchildren!"

"It's never going to happen, Dad. A family? You mean that's all I am to you? Are you kidding me? I know you gave up on me because I wasn't a jock boy. A big athlete on all the school teams! And I don't give a shit what the Bible says! What does the Bible say when my heart does cartwheels for one guy....! I DO love a guy! ONE guy only, Dad! Forever! AND TELL ME, WHAT DOES YOUR FUCKING BIBLE SAY ABOUT ADULTERY?"


"NO, Dad! It's who I am!"

"It is NOT! You weren't raised that way! I was counting on you to carry on our Family name!"

"Our Family name' stops with me!" I yelled back at him, And what the FUCK do you know or care about me!"

Then it came. He slapped me hard up against the side of my head. The force knocked me and the chair sideways.


I stood up.

"No, it's not! It's one of the most beautiful things on Earth! Every time we have sex I feel like I'm in paradise! And Mark isn't older than me...!"

"Mark.... Mark... that's the little sodomite's name? It's a damned good thing you didn't bring that filthy son of a bitch here or I would have....!"

That's when I hit my Father. I mean I laid everything I had into one punch!

It was time to leave. Nothing good was going to come out of this.

When he called Mark a "filthy son of a bitch," my mind and body erupted. I had never hit anyone in my life. Never been in any fights. Ever. My skills there must have been less than perfect, but my first blow sent Dad sprawling out on the floor.

He stared up at me.

"What has happened to you?"

"I finally grew up!" I snapped.

"Son... We can fix' this ... if you want to!"

"There's NOTHING to fix!"

"I'll give you $1500 dollars to drop this evil, stupid plan. Stay here and get help...!" [$8457 in 2021 dollars]

"You think I can be bought for that?"

"Two thousand dollars!" [$11,276 in 2021 dollars]

"You really don't understand it, do you?"

"I won't have a queer.... a FAGGOT.... A SODOMITE SON!"

"Then you have no son!" I said quietly.

Turning, I made a quick exit out of his apartment to the safety of my car.

Ever since I bought my Camaro, I had never "peeled out." This was the first time....

My hands were shaking as I drove away.

"Mom!" I thought, "I have to find Mom!"

Her house was closer than my apartment. Pulling up in the driveway, I bolted to the door and range the bell.

"Why hello, honey.....!"

She stopped in mid-sentence as she saw the tears cascading down my face.

Once inside, I completely broke down.

"Baby... Honey... What's wrong," she paused, "Did you and Mark have a fight...?"

I looked at her through bloodshot eyes and nodded negatively.

"Dad...!" was all I could say.

She knew. She's my Mom....

"That son of a bitch!" she hissed while picking up the phone and dialing....

I thought she might be calling Dad...

"Hello... Mark.. Honey....This is Betty.... Yes.... Randy's Mother.... You... Oh dear.... You need to come over here right away!"

Mom just held me in her arms while I cried. She didn't say a word except trying to calm me down.

It took about twenty minutes before I heard the squealing of tires. Then came an incessant, relentless, forceful knocking as the doorbell started going off. Over and over and over and over.

Mom excused me to answer who I knew was there.


He bounded into the living room. One look at my tear laden face and he exploded.

"What did that son of a bitch do to you?"

I felt his strong arms encircle me...

"Oh honey!" Mom exclaimed, directing her comment to Mark, "He was this way when he got here. I think his Father....!"

Mark nodded. He knew. I nuzzled into his strong shoulder as he petted my hair.

"Baby... Baby... Are you okay? What did that bastard do to you?" he said softly.

Just hearing his voice made my mind start to clear.

Mom looked on in awe as Mark slowly calmed me down. His scent invaded my nostrils again. Just like it always did.

If she had any lingering doubts about our bond (and I didn't think that was so), they quickly flew out the window as I came around.

"Tell me, baby. I'm here now. No one will hurt you!"

"Here, honey," Mom said as she gave me a box of tissues.

I tried to recount what had happened. In every detail. When I got to the word, "sodomite," Mom hit the roof.

"That filthy bastard!" she barked.

I don't think Mark knew the meaning of the word. I had developed an awareness that his Family wasn't very religious at all.

By the time I got to "faggot" and "queer," the change in his attitude was ..... well.... I had never seen this side of him before. Even that night with Timothy paled in comparison.

Mom unloaded a tirade of invective against Dad. She finally excused herself....

"I have to try and compose myself.... and make a phone call!"

Once she left, Mark looked into my eyes.

They were bright green, but somehow different. He began smashing his fist into the palm of his hand.

"I should have gone with you!

"No. That.... He might have....!"

"I wish he would have TRIED!"

"I don't want you to get hurt over me!"

"You don't understand, baby. If I have to get hurt' to protect you then...!"

"NO!" I protested.

He smiled at me.

"Nothing to worry about... I know I could handle your Dad!"

"You've never met him!"

"No. But I've met you. And I love you. That's all I need. I could easily take on ten guys to protect.....!"

I started to cry again. This time my sobbing was different. How in the world had I ever found someone like my Mark?

We were distracted by my Mom's voice.... She was in her bedroom but the sound echoed all over the house.

"You filthy rotten bastard..... He's your SON!... I don't care who he loves and neither should YOU! ... Our agreement is OFF! DONE! FORGET IT! I'm calling Mr.....!"

Then she must have shut the door because her voice became muffled and unclear.

Mark cuddled with me again. Just his touch completely calmed me down.

"You stood up for me," he said softly.


"When your Dad called me a filthy son of a bitch,' that's when you....!"

"I wish I could have hit him harder!"

"You did okay if you knocked him down on the floor!"

"Still not good enough," I said with a weak smile.

"But all that money he was going to give!"


Mark looked at me and then broke out in the cutest, goofiest grin ever.....

"You.....I..... know.....You really do love me!"

"Are you kidding? I'd give up everything I own and live in a cardboard box before ever losing you!"

His eyes were almost luminous...

"You'll never have to do that! I promise! Someday we're gonna have a really nice house together...!"

"Don't you mean a nest?'" I giggled.

Mark gently twirled my hair and pulled me closer to him. What he said next made me break out in laughter....

"Baby.... what is a sod-o-mite?'"

The innocent look on his face when he asked me that question made my heart melt.

"It's from the Bible; it's another name for us...!"

"Well then isn't bad....?"

"Actually, yes it is. No one uses it anymore except for crazy preachers who hate people because they are gay."

"OH! So then it's kind of like fag' or queer?'"

"Yeah! Dad wasn't being kind when he called me that!"

The mention of my Father made Mark's face cloud over.

I held him tightly and now it was my turn to play with his hair...

Mom came back into the room. I could see that her face was really red.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She turned the question around to me.

"I'm fine now...!" I said, looking at Mark.

"I called your Father...!"

"Not any more!" I said softly.

She looked at me for a moment and then understood what I meant.

"I had some really choice words with him...!"

"We heard part of it!" I chuckled.

"I know... That's why I closed the door... I didn't want you getting any more upset. I'm not through with that bastard yet!"

I wondered what she meant....

"Would you boys like something to drink? I know Mark likes lemonade...!"

"MMMMM!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!" Mark chirped.

We all laughed.

After our drinks, Mark looked at me and asked, "Feel good enough to drive home?"

"Yeah. I'm okay now!" I smiled.

Mom hugged me and Mark too!

"You two are made for each other," she said, then turning to Mark, "Thank you for being here for my son!"

Mark blushed and nodded.

"I wish I could have been with him earlier!"

"You two let me handle that asshole. I have ways!" she said with an evil smile.

I hugged Mom again and then we left.

That night we only cuddled. I didn't feel like having sex. I Father just wrote me off as his son... The only reason I wasn't crying like a baby was because of the boy snuggled up next to me....

"I love you so much," I said softly.

He rolled over and looked at me.

"I get it. I finally finally do!"


"How much I mean to you!"

"Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh..... My big, soft, cuddly barn owl!" I said softly.

And then we fell asleep...

The next morning I awoke to Mark's body pressed up against my backside. Things had cleared up quite a bit in my brain. Lying next to him all night had really helped me.

I had lost my Father. Forever. But... hadn't that actually happened a long, long time ago. Yesterday was just confirmation of what I had known for.....a while.

If I had told Dad about myself years ago, what would have happened? Would he have thrown me out? Or sent me away for some "cure?" A "cure" for WHAT? There's nothing on Earth that would ever make me stop loving Mark Ellis!

I felt him sigh as he pressed into me.

His cock. There it was. Nestled in my ass crack.

I wanted him. NOW!

Gently I pulled away and reached for the lotion. Very quickly I resumed where we had been nestled together. Slowly sliding my body back and forth until I felt his cock head slip at the entrance of my hungry hole.

"MMMM!" he groaned, "What....?"

Now more than ever, I needed Mark inside of me....

We usually didn't fuck in the morning before work. It took everything just to get out of bed, shower, eat and get to work on time.

"What... baby?" he giggled.

He sounded so cute..

"I need you....!"

"Is there time...?

"If you're fast!"

He was....

After work, we dashed home, showered and headed to Mark's house. Raymond was sitting in the same chair on the porch when we pulled up. His greeting was much friendlier this time than last.

"You boys can pull your cars around to the barn. Stan is waiting for you!" he said.

"Uhhhh The new barn or the old one?" I asked Mark.

"New!" he laughed, "Don't want to disturb our guests!"

I laughed at the thought of two barn owls commandeering an entire building.

Stan was indeed waiting for us. I wasn't surprised to see him munching on what looked like a piece of chicken.

He greeted me with an eerily familiar toothy grin...

Mark talked to him about installing the CB radios while I wandered around the cavernous building.

"So this is where Mark grew up...!" I thought, "Almost twenty-one years here all by himself...!"

Technically not "by himself." He has a great family, but there was one big thing missing in his life.

"And now he has it!" I thought, "ME!"

I wandered back to Stan and Mark...

"You guys thought of your handles' yet?" Stan asked.

"Huh?" Mark grunted.

Stan rolled his eyes.

"Your CB names! Unless you plan on going by Mark' and Randy!' Every CB guy has one...!"

"What kind of name...?" Mark started to ask.

"Anything you like! Big Bear,' Rolling Thunder,' ANYTHING!"

"Oh," Mark replied.

"Jackrabbit!" I chirped.

Both of them stared at me.

"Because a jackrabbit is fast!" I laughed.

Mark giggled. I wondered if he was reading something......into "fast!"

"Well.... He's right about that!" I thought to myself.

"Roadrunner!" he chirped.

"Beep Beep?" I hooted.

We all laughed.

"Do you know your Ten Codes?"

Mark and I stared at each other.

"COMPLETE babes in the woods!'" Stan chuckled, "How are you ever gonna make it all the way to Phoenix!"

"I got there once before!" I objected.

"Beginner's luck!" Stan snorted.

"Okay, big Brother, What's this Ten Code stuff?"

"Well, Breaker Breaker Nineteen! What's your twenty?'" Stan replied, speaking like an over- the-road trucker.

"Huh?" Mark grunted.

"It's how truck drivers communicate. They use codes to convey or request information!"

"How are we supposed to figure that stuff out?" Mark asked.

Stan eyed his younger Brother.

"I thought you were supposed to be the smart one...!"

"No," Mark laughed, "Remember? That's Ed!"

I couldn't help breaking out in laughter at his reply.

"I bet you can find a list of the codes in those really neat things called magazines!'" Stan quipped.

Mark didn't say anything for a minute then he grinned.

"Great! Now I know where to find this.... Ten Code stuff!"

Slapping my forehead, I moaned, "Great!"

"What?" Stan asked me.

"Now we'll have five hundred different magazines about CB radios and truckers scattered all over the apartment!"

"Maybe only 495...!" Mark hooted.

"Okay, Farm Boy!" I chortled.

"City Slicker!" he shot back.

That routine was becoming more common between us. I loved calling him a "Farm Boy" because.... Well...he is. Sweet and wholesome. Just like a Farm Boy should be!

Mark called me "City Slicker" because.... compared to him... I guess I am. Even though I lived in a lot of small towns all my life....while Mark had never lived anywhere but on his Family farm.

"Boys!" Raymond called.

"Yes, sir!" Mark replied.

Martha wants to know if she should put two extra plates on the dinner table!"

Mark and I looked at each other.

"Can we? I don't want to impose...!"

"We were just asked, dummy!" Mark grinned.

"Just you wait until we get home!" I laughed.

"Sure, Dad!" Mark replied.

"Good! Food will be ready in about twenty minutes!"

Mark led me towards the house. My eyes again feasted on his delectable ass. Inside, we bounded up the stairs to his room.

"You should bring all these posters," I said while studying each one, "We could get a couple of those tubes at work ...the ones that Eloise uses for shipping blueprints. Once we get wherever we're going, they could all be framed."

"YEAH!" he chirped, "They'd look great hanging on the wall like that! Not a bad idea, City Slicker!'"

I just grinned at him and then asked, "Are you going to bring all your models too?"

He shook his head, "No."

"They would take up too much room in the car. And they're so fragile. What if we have to move a few times? They would be a pain to keep repackaging. I can always have Mom ship them to us later."

"What about your television and the lava lamp?"

"Should I?" he asked.

"Well... the lamp doesn't take up much room. I'm sure keeping mine. And your TV set is the same size as mine. We could put one in the living room and another in the bedroom!"

"We're gonna watch TV in the bedroom? We've never done THAT before!" he giggled.

We both had very small sets. I think they both had a twelve inch screen. I just didn't watch a lot of television. And that was BEFORE Mark moved in! I had thought about buying a larger set, maybe even a color one, but they are so expensive. In any event, a new television would have to wait for now.

"Yeah! Bring it anyway!" I suggested, "We should sweep through here before leaving and make sure you don't leave anything behind that you really like....!"

He looked at me with the cutest expression.

"I already have that!"

"What?" I asked.

"The one thing I really like!"

"Oh? What would that be....?"

"Not what...' but who!'" he grinned, "come here, City Slicker!'"

We embraced. Then kissed. I felt his boner and he did the same with mine.

"I wish we had time," I said.

"I know.... But when we get home tonight....!"

I swooned at the thought...

"I love you, Farm Boy!'" I whispered.

He lightly nibbled on my ear. I squirmed in his strong grip.

"OHHH!" I softly moaned.

"I never knew I could love someone as much as I do you!" he said softly.

That was music to my ears....

We heard footsteps coming down the hall.

Quickly breaking apart, both of us tried to calm down.....

There was a knock at the door.

"Dinner's ready!" Ed shouted.

Mark opened the door for his Brother.

He looked at both of us and grinned.

"You two better behave!"

We both blushed and smiled.

Dinner was fantastic. The main course was chicken again.

"We eat a lot of chicken because it's cheap!" Martha said.

"It's GREAT!" I chirped.

Stan maintained his place of honor by consuming more food than three of us....

After the main course, dessert appeared in the form of two apple pies.

"Mark.... do you feel like making some ice cream?" his Dad asked.

"YEAH! That would go great with the apple pies!"

"Only two pies?" Stan grunted.

"I made some brownies too," Martha laughed, at which Stan's face brightened.

Mark led me into the kitchen.

"I know a City Slicker' probably has NO idea how to make homemade ice cream!" he hooted.

My blushing confirmed his statement.

"It's easy!" he laughed.

Once again, my "Farm Boy" was right! It only took about half an hour. Stan was chomping at the bit for ice cream and pie...

While snorkeling down his dessert, he told us the cars would be ready by Sunday afternoon.

"Why don't you borrow one of the trucks," Raymond suggested.

"Yeah. Take the old Ford. I just tuned it up!" Stan added.

"GREAT!" Mark exclaimed, "That way we won't be stuck home all weekend!"

The evening had been spectacular! It almost felt like I was part of the Ellis Family. Mark did most of the talking during a travelogue for Arizona.

"It sounds like you've already decided where you want to live!" Raymond laughed.

"Well Phoenix does have a lot to offer. More than El Paso or even Tucson," Mark explained.

I'm sure you both will make the right decision. And even if you decide Phoenix isn't what you like, you're both young enough to make a change for something else," Raymond said.

Martha loaded us up with extra food. Stan watched with envy as we piled it in the truck.

"I'll call you on Sunday," he grunted.

We couldn't help but laugh as he kept eyeing our "staples."

"Wanna drive?" Mark asked.

"What? Me? This?" I stammered.

"Sure!" he laughed.


He tossed me the keys and I climbed in. Right away there was a big problem...

"UHHHHHH!!!" I mumbled while looking at the steering wheel.

"Don't tell me....!" Mark giggled, " City Slicker' can't drive a three on the tree!'"

Confusion must have been written all over my face.


"You don't know how to drive a manual transmission!" he laughed.

I blushed and nodded, "No!"

"Great!" he chortled, "Tomorrow I will show you how!"


"Of course! It'll beat going to the mall again!"

"NEAT!" I exclaimed.

We swapped places on the wide bench seat. Mark fired up the engine and we headed home. It was getting dark so seeing exactly what he did was difficult.

"Don't worry about it. By the time I get through with you, you'll wonder why you ever thought it was hard...!"

"It IS hard.... Almost all the time!" I giggled.

"YEAH! Tell me about it!" he said.

I reached over and began massaging a long hard shape in his Levis....

"Oh baby!" he sighed.

Once inside the privacy of our apartment, a trail of clothes led to the kitchen and then the bedroom. I pulled him down onto the mattress and began nibbling all over that very edible 6'4" frame. Moans began to fill the room as his body bucked and heaved under a relentless assault by my tongue and teeth. I had no idea what I was doing, but it sure as hell seemed to turn Mark on. His cock looked like it would explode any minute.

"I ...wanted ...all ...evening!" he cried.

The feeling was more than mutual. Mark was infecting my brain so badly. Or maybe the word should be "goodly." Wait..... Is that even a word? All I know is... I... He...drives me fucking CRAZY!

I couldn't stand it any more.....


He rolled over and our eyes met. So bright! So green! Mark was on fire!

"Are you sure?" he asked.


He grinned. Pearly white teeth...

"I don't know! I can want' a lot!"

"Then take me!" I begged.

Did he ever...

I'm still in shock over what happened between Mark and myself that night. In about thirty minutes my world changed completely. We had sex all the time. Morning, noon and night. It never grew old and neither of us were remotely tired of each other. This night was different. Completely so.

Mark's ability to "double" or even "triple" cum drove me wild. By comparison I was much more sedate. With a lower sexual drive. Or so I thought.

A "supercharged ball of energy." That's what Raymond called his youngest son. Mark was so deceptive. On the surface he seemed very mellow and low key. Oh yeah. He could get really excited about things that piqued his interest. Like our upcoming adventure. I would hardly call that "supercharged."

Then there was his fight with Timothy. It had been swift, sharp and decisive. I knew deep down inside that what I had seen that night was only the surface of Mark when he became "unleashed." Because he was defending me... But was that "supercharged?"

Sex was another matter. There the real "supercharged" Mark started to show. He claimed it was because of what I did to him. I felt flattered, but I had no idea exactly what that meant.

Then came tonight. Friday, August 16th, 1974. We fell into bed together and I begged him to take me. I wanted to feel that huge cock of his buried deep in my ass. His body pressed against mine. I wanted to hear him moaning, whimpering and crying. Knowing that I was doing all of that to him! I wanted the smell of raw sex to saturate the bedroom.

Sweet Jesus! I got all of that and more. More than I ever imagined! There was no warning of what was to come, or maybe "cum," when his steely hard, fat cock sank into my bowels. He began to slowly fuck me. Going deep. Careful. Slow....still worried about hurting me.

When it all started, we were lying face down on the bed. My cock was sandwiched between my body and a layer of towels (to protect those poor linens!). Mark's strong, lean powerful body had me pinned. Before we started, I had shoved a pillow under my crotch to push my ass up in the air.

We both liked that little added extra.

Mark was very verbose that evening. I mean... we usually are, but tonight he was ....extremely aroused and talkative. "Going to seed your little ass..... breed your tight hole..... make you scream my name for more....!" It all came to pass!

His first orgasm happened really quickly; within a couple of minutes. I felt his juices filling up my guts. Oh yeah.... my cock also "seeded" the towel and my abdomen.

I was crying for more. In complete ecstasy....

"You want more?" he panted.

"Yes!" I squeaked.

"YOU WANT MORE OF MARKY'S COCK?" he said in a louder voice.


"I can barely hear you!" he barked.


I can imagine him smiling. Those green eyes twinkling.....


He did. Very quickly. I felt that oversized fuck stick swell up, stretching my ass to its limits as another round of jizz flooded my guts.


I often wondered about our.... vocalizations when we had sex. Neither of us were particularly quiet. None of my neighbors ever complained. Maybe it was a refreshing change from the sounds of couples fighting all the time. The bedroom fronted an outside hallway so there were no adjoining rooms from other apartments.

The living room was pretty safe too. However, the kitchen and dining area shared a common wall with the same arrangement next door. Sounds carry.... Through the walls and out the windows... If any of our sexual episodes were capable of attracting notice, this one was it!

It didn't escape my attention that, as Mark released his second load, my cock was also pouring more cum into the already squishy, soaked towels.

This is when I realized Mark was switched on to a "sexual overdrive." There was no withdrawal. No stopping. His cock kept raking back and forth inside my ass; it's long length "punishing" whatever it is that makes me lose control and shoot cum like a firehose.

"I ...want ...badly!! I ...need!!! I ...have ...have!!!" he panted.

All I could do was moan. Loudly. Repeatedly. Number three took a few minutes but that was normal. Mark let loose with a wall-shaking scream as he filled my guts again. I wondered where all his cum was going as my cock also drenched the towels.

"Cummmminnng!!!!" I screamed.

"YEAH!!!! CUM FOR ME BABY!!!" Mark replied.

This is where things got.... out of control. Not that I would ever complain....

Mark slowly pulled out of me and rolled off my body. I figured we were through. I thought we had both been sated.

As I turned over, the sight of his long fat cock still jutting out from that perfect body greeted my eyes.

"We're just getting started!" he said in a raspy voice.

I acquiesced. Mark was in complete control.

My eyes popped as he grabbed my legs and hoisted them up on his chest and shoulders.

"Now I can see you cum!" he grinned.

The intensity of his eyes told me everything!

I felt him easily slide inside me again. Very strong hands gripped my ankles as we went for another ride.

This time we could see each other's faces. His was alive with energy as that big cock slid in and out of me like a piston.

The room reeked of sex. The walls echoed with our cries. Soon we both shot our loads again. His went deep inside my guts. Unimpeded and free, my cock flopped about and threw a spray of dick juice all over me, the bed and probably the floor.

"Wait!" I remember thinking, "I just shot my fourth load?"

"YEAH WATCH MY BABY CUM!!!" he whooped.

Shortly afterwards came number five. Mark had never stopped or slowed down at all!

I was overcome by feelings never before experienced in my life. My body shook and trembled as I felt raindrops of cum landing on my face.

Slowly he withdrew and very carefully lowered me onto the bed.

"I'll get some washcloths!" he chirped.

As he climbed out of bed, I was able to admire his entire body, front and rear. That big cock, which only seemed to be slightly droopy, and his magnificent, tantalizing ass.... My body shuddered again.

Returning very quickly, Mark carefully washed off my chest and face, then dropped into bed next to me.

We turned and stared at each other. His eyes captured me again. It felt like I was being drawn into him!

I glanced at the clock. Thirty minutes. One-half of an hour. My life. Our lives together... had been changed forever.

"What just happened?" I asked him.

Mark seemed reluctant to reply.

"I... I.... just had to have you so badly....!"

"Five times?" I giggled.

Then he said something that made my body quiver.

"I only stopped because I didn't want to hurt you."

A rush of desire coursed through me.

I thought about what he said. Even when he was in the throes of passion, pumping my twenty- one year old ass, Mark still cared enough to make sure he didn't injure me. He's strong. Very strong....and could easily rip my guts apart. As hard as he fucked me, I had the feeling it was on his "low" setting. So as not to render my ass into chopped hamburger.

He sniffled.

"What, baby?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...!"

"SORRY? You took me on the ride of my life!"

His face brightened.

"Yeah!" he giggled, "You shot five times just like I did!"

"I've never done that before in my life," I confessed.

"Is your ass okay?"

"Sore. But....!" I smiled dreamily, "I bet it will get back to normal really fast!"

He looked at me and then dipped his head.

"I love you so much it hurts. I can't get you out of my thoughts. Morning, noon and night. I never knew loving someone could feel like this," he said softly, "And your body.... You... fire up something inside of me. I can't help it!"

My body? Hearing his praise made ME start to cry.

"My body is .... I will always give it to you!" I said quietly.

He cried some more.

"And my cock... I know you think having a big dick like mine is all good and no bad.... Trust me... It isn't...!"


"Yeah! Having to keep it hidden all the time. I mean unless I wear robes like a monk or a flour sack... It's not always easy....!"

"I like the way you dress. And what I get to see!" I giggled.

"Anyway.... My cock belongs to you. Always and forever!"

I pulled him next to me.

"You are such a barn owl!'" I chuckled.

"For life!" he said.

"For life!" I replied.

We had reached a new level in our budding relationship. Mark was finally over all of his doubts. About himself, me and us. He knew now. Completely. Exactly what I had known the first time I laid eyes on him. We were totally in love with each other.

He draped an arm over my body and pulled us together.

"Jackrabbit," he said softly.

"Yeah, Roadrunner?"

"I love you so much.....!"

I cried myself to sleep. It was real! It was truly real!

"Now... slowly let out on the clutch and.....!" Mark tried to explain....again!

The truck bucked and bucked and then stalled.

"I guess I'm not very smart...!" I started to say.

"Yes you are. It's just all new to you. And besides, you're learning the hardest style of manual transmission. The floor mounted shifters are so easy...!"

"Well how did you learn?" I asked.

"Are you kidding? It was this or nothing!" he chortled, "So let's try it over!"

Mark had the proverbial patience of a saint. We started right around ten and now it was almost noon. Most of it was easy. It was getting started and stopping that messed me up. Even though I must have stalled the truck a thousand times, he never laughed or yelled at me.

"Once you figure it out, it will seem so easy!" he said.

His smile. Those lips. His adorably cute face. And there was last night...

As usual, Mark woke up before me. The smell of breakfast soon filled the apartment. I wandered into the kitchen and there he was. Cooking in his birthday suit! Of course I was ogling him in MY birthday suit!

My throat instantly went dry as my cock sprang up to full mast. Walking up behind my "Farm Boy," I wrapped an arm around him and began chewing on his left ear.

"OOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!" he moaned, pushing his lean body backwards into mine.

He could feel my cock pressed up against his ass.

"Good morning, Jackrabbit!!'"

"Good morning, Roadrunner!'"

"Want it?" he panted.

"YES!" I chirped, "But we need some lube....!"

"No, we don't!"

Mark slipped his finger into the butter dish and then lubed himself up.

"All ready!"

"You sure?"

"Try me and see!"

He spread his legs and leaned into the counter top. His ass beckoned to me.

My cock easily slipped into his tight hole. We fucked; or rather, I fucked him hard and fast right there in the kitchen. Like we had done so many times.

My "staying power" was near zero. It only took me a couple of minutes before I was filling Mark with my hot thick cream. He mewled as his body bucked and thrashed, pushing backwards against me.

"YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" he cried.

I collapsed into him. Our hearts were pounding.

"Damn, Jackrabbit!'" he giggled, "You were on fire!"

"Yeah!" I gasped.

"Can you do it again?"

My cock was still embedded in his tight hole. He squeezed his sphincter muscle and I thought I would pass out...

"YE-AH!" I croaked as my voice broke.

That was how our morning started! After breakfast and showering, Mark drove the truck out to an abandoned subdivision. There were several paved streets surrounded by vacant lots, some of which still had vestigial remains of houses that had been started but were never finished.

"This place is perfect. No one comes here except a few teenagers who like to drink and neck!"

"Oh! We could given them lessons!" I laughed.

He ruffled my hair and then began to teach me how to drive a manual transmission. First we rode around in the truck while he went through the shifting procedure.

"Pay attention to my clutch work .....!"

"The clutch?" I asked.

He just smiled.

"The pedal on the left!" he replied.

Somehow I had a feeling this was going to take a long time...

I had never come close to a manual transmission before in my life. Dad only bought cars with automatics. Mainly, I guess, because of Mom. Although I remember her saying she learned how to drive with a stick shift. But that had been a long time ago.

Noon time rolled around. Mark positively appraised my skill level.

"You're not stalling it nearly as much!"

"It's easy when you get rolling. Starting is what messes me up!" I said.

"It's that way with everyone," he reassured me.

Having a "teacher" as cute as Mark was somewhat of a distraction. Especially when he was sitting so close to me. His scent was driving me crazy!

"Time to eat," he announced, "We can take a break and then resume! There are some restaurants a couple of miles from here...!"

We looked at each other; he smiled. Damn! Those teeth again... I hope I never get tired of feeling the way I do when he looks at me.

My eyes dropped down to his crotch. He was wearing very short Levis cutoffs and a cropped T- shirt.

He caught me staring at him.

"What?" he laughed.

"Feed me," I said softly.

We didn't even have to get out of the truck! He stretched his long lean frame out on the wide bench seat and slowly rubbed a growing mound in his shorts.

Both of us must have been very hungry because we ate a lot.... !!

Then we headed off to the restaurants he had mentioned.

My lesson resumed after lunch.

"You're getting better. That's a good thing!"

"Well ....Yeah... I mean sooner or later I have to figure it out...!"

"No, I mean because....," he shot me a mischievous grin, "'re driving us back home!"

"Oh no! Really? Are you sure? I mean....!"

"Calm down, Jackrabbit!' You'll do fine.

The softness of his deep, resonant voice sent shivers up my spine. My cock started to ache...

Mark stretched his long legs out and leaned back in the seat.

"Yes sir... If my horny Jackrabbit' wants some more of what he had last night, then he'll have to get us both home!"

I had to fight from staring (and drooling) at what I saw bulging in Mark's shorts. It always amazed me that he trimmed his cutoffs so close and yet his oversized balls and fuck stick seldom fell out into view... wait...did I say "seldom?"

By the time four o'clock rolled around, I think I finally had it figured out. The accolades that Mark lavished on me did wonders for my ego.

"Okay. Time for you to take us home!"

"Are you sure....?"

"Never more so in my life. You'll do just fine!"

I slowly drove to the exit of the former subdivision and pulled out into traffic. Which was almost non-existent.

The drive home proved to be a cinch! I never stalled the truck once!

"See? All you need is confidence in your abilities!" Mark exclaimed.

We went inside and he proceeded to begin fixing dinner.

"That was great!" I chirped, "It really IS easy once you figure it out!"

Mark nodded as he worked on our meals.

"We're not done yet though!"


"Hills and parking!" he said, "Tomorrow!"


"Don't worry! You will be just fine!"

"What happens after we're done? I mean.... My car has an automatic and so does yours...!"

"You never really forget how to drive a manual once you learn it!"

"Oh!" I replied.

I was kind of floating in the clouds all evening! Mark spent so much time with me; more importantly, he never got angry, flustered or chided me. I did most of that to myself!

After showering, we watched some TV and then crawled into bed.

"Thank you," I said quietly, "My Dad would never have spent time like that with me! No one would have....!"

"I'm not no one!'" he laughed.

"No, you are SOMEONE! The most important SOMEONE in my life....EVER!"

"Come here!" Mark laughed.

I nestled up close to him.

"It's time for something new!" he said softly.


"Your turn is tonight!"

Mark rolled over on his back. He began to twist one leg under his arm and then the other followed.

"What are you doing...?" I gasped, "That looks painful!"

He ended up lying on his back with his cock pointed directly at his face.

My eyes popped at the sight in front of me.

"You look like a pretzel!"

He just laughed.

"See anything you like?"

His dark, alluring hole was winking at me. My cock spat out a wad of dick snot.

"You want me to....?" I stammered.

"Fuck me while I suck my cock!"

I felt dizzy.....


"I didn't twist myself up like this for nothing! If I wanted to suck my own cock, and I really don't anymore now that we're together....!"

"...That's what I'm for!" I giggled

"...There are easier ways to do it!" he finished.


"Are you gonna stare at my butthole all night, or are you gonna....!"

I slid up next to his body and reached for the lotion.

"FUCK ME!" he barked.

Not to argue, I did. Hard and fast! While he sucked his own prick! I could see it all! How easily he swallowed almost the entire length! How his body bucked and convulsed as I slammed my "battering ram" deep into his guts.

I screamed. He could only make muffled moans. We both shot our loads. Mine deep inside him, and his straight into his gullet.

Mark let his cock slip out from between his thick, kissable lips.

"Damn, Jackrabbit!' That was fucking great!"

I laughed at the sound of him cursing.

"I've corrupted you!" I hooted.

"Corrupt me some more! If you can!" he pleaded.

Was he kidding......?

Afterwards we rested side by side. He twirled my hair while I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"I never knew a human body could ....!"

"I was kind of into gymnastics when I was in school," he said.

"Yeah but that was .... when did you last take Phys Ed?"

"My final classes were in my sophomore year!"

"That was a long time ago!" I exclaimed.

"I .... like to.... keep in shape...!"

"I like your shape!" I chuckled, then I added, "You like to measure your skills by competing against yourself, don't you?"

Mark looked at me and smiled.

"Have you been talking to Ed?"

I blushed.

"Well.... Yes... at your place last week...!"

"Yeah... I can measure my improvement by comparing how well I did one time versus another."

"You don't like team activities?"

"I don't fit in. I never did."

We were both silent for a minute as I thought.

"Me either!" I said.

He looked at me.

"Did you ever play ANY sports?"

"No," I blushed, "Except when I had to at school. And I wasn't very good."

"That's all a bunch of bullshit!" he said.


"That team shit' at school. The jock boys all cluster together and make life miserable for anyone who doesn't measure up to their standards."

"I know," I said softly.


"I was one of those who.... didn't...couldn't....!"

I stopped.


"When we played basketball and volleyball. I was....!"

"You're too short...!" Mark blurted out.

He turned scarlet red and starting hemming and hawing.

"I didn't mean it as an insult... I'm sorry....!"

I kissed him on the cheek.

"It's okay!" I promised.

We looked at each other for a long time....

"Teach me how to fight!" I said.


"Teach me how to defend myself!"


"I don't want to be weak!"

"There's nothing weak' about you!" Mark said with a big cheeky grin, "Besides.... That's my job!"

"I don't want you to have to always be looking out for me.... And anyway... what kind of a job is that? It doesn't pay very well....!" I laughed.

"Yes it does. It pays me more than you can realize!"

The implication of what he said ....... made my head spin.

"Why did you.... I mean... twist yourself up like that? It looked uncomfortable as hell!"

"It wasn't. Really. If you know how to do it. I was...well... I was trying to think of new ways to... do things so you don't get bored with me and.... the night you were at your Dad's.... I practiced to make sure I could still do it!"

"Bored with you? Are you kidding? Just sitting next to you is like ...paradise!"

Mark smiled.

"Anyway... What we did tonight.... !

" We?' You're the human pretzel!" I laughed.

Mark giggled at my description.

"And that new way you nailed me?"

"Oh... you mean your legs on my shoulders?"

I smiled.

"Yeah! I thought it would be so hot to look in your eyes when I fucked you!"

My only response was a gentle purring.

"I can't help how I act with you," he said in a very soft voice.

"Why apologize?"

"Because... I think... I don't know... I mean.... All I wanna do is spend all my time with you!"

"Well... Your Father did tell me that you are a supercharged ball of energy!'"

Mark thought for a moment before answering.

"I never felt that way until I met you!"

I couldn't help laughing...

"What?" he asked.

"You .... made me cum five times last night! ME! I never did anything like that in my life! I didn't even know it is possible!" I exclaimed, then I recalled his comment about stopping when he did because he didn't want to hurt me.



"Do you think other guys are like us?"

I wondered about that. A lot. His question would have to go unanswered as we both fell asleep....entwined and nestled together.

Sunday started out the same way. Mark fixed breakfast. I filled him full of my spunk in the kitchen and then we set out for more "driving lessons."

We went back to the same place. He found some old sawhorses and placed them in the street.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Parallel parking!"

"No one does that any more!" I laughed.

"Yeah...But if you can maneuver in and out without hitting the sawhorses and without stalling, then you are almost done!"

"I feel like I'm sixteen again!"

Mark eyed me carefully.

"You don't look much older than that....!"

I started laughing.

"Are you kidding? Look in a mirror some time, Farm Boy!'"

It was easier than I thought! I sailed through the parking tests without messing up once.

"What's next?" I asked, "Or are we done?"

"Nope. Stopping on hills. That's a real bitch! I saved it for last!"

He wasn't kidding! I either let the truck roll backwards, or stalled it, over and over, trying to get going!

"I thought I knew it all!" I carped.

"You almost do! This is the last big skill to master!"

"What happens if I'm stopped on a hill, I roll backwards and then hit someone?"

"It depends. If they were too close to you, it's their fault! Which is why when you stop behind another car, you should always leave plenty of room between your vehicle and the one front of you."

"You should have been a driving instructor!" I laughed.

"No thanks. I couldn't put up with all the students' dumb mistakes!"

"What about my dumb mistakes.'"

"That's different."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I love you!"

My eyes started to tear up.

Through it all, he never got mad at me. Or laughed. Instead, his steady, calm voice was the reassurance and motivation I needed to keep trying. Until I finally figured it out.

"See!" he chirped, "you've got it!"

"It took me long enough!

"I think you need a reward!" Mark laughed.

I got a BIG reward! Deep down my throat!

This time when I drove us back to the apartment, I had a lot more confidence in my abilities. The phone was ringing upon our arrival. Mark answered.

Of course I could only hear his side of the call...

"Teaching Randy how to drive a stick!"

"He handled it like a champ!"

Which was not least from my perspective....

"Yeah! He's ready to go cross country now!" Mark laughed.

I loved how his hair flopped back and forth. His posture was very animated. My "supercharged ball of energy Farm Boy!"

He turned and looked at me. All grins. Toothy smile.... Made my heart go crazy like always.

"You wanna have dinner with....?" he started to ask.

"Again? Are you sure....?" I started to ask.

He rolled his eyes and didn't wait for my answer.

"YES! We're on our way shortly!" he said.

Hanging up the phone, he turned to me and said, "but first......!"

Yes....... he never seemed to wear down!!!!

I drove us out to the Ellis Farm.

Stan smiled while I parked the truck.

"So you're an expert now...!" he chuckled.

Before I could answer, Mark took over, "He sure is! He flew through it like nothing you ever saw!"

I blushed at his praise.

"Great! I got both of your cars done. Finished around noon but couldn't reach either of you!"

He showed us the vehicles. The CB radios were installed and ready to go. New hoses, belts, oil and filter, spark plugs and points; he had checked over everything.

"Plus," he said, I installed an ignition kill switch for both of you!"

"Really? Great!" Mark exclaimed.

"Why?" I asked.

"So no one can steal our cars!" Mark explained.

I had never heard of a kill switch.

"Is it hard to use?"

Stan laughed.

"No... Here!"

He showed me. The switch was hidden up under the dash.

"It's just a simple toggle switch!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! But when it's off, your car isn't going anywhere!"

"How much do I owe you....?" I started to say.


"Huh? That doesn't seem right!"

"Nothing. It's a present to you....!" Stan said.

My face must have conveyed my confusion.

He looked over at Mark, who was busy fiddling around inside his car.

"You just keep taking care of my little Brother!" he said in a low voice with a big toothy grin that must have run in the family!

"Oh I plan to!" I replied.

I knew I was blushing.

"He's never been so happy in his life!" Stan said.

Mark popped over and joined us.

"It's NEAT!" he exclaimed, "We're all ready for the trip of a lifetime!"

The electrified look on his face was the biggest gift I could ever receive!

"Come on," he said, "Let's go up to my room!"

I thanked Stan again and we went inside. Raymond and Ed were watching television. We exchanged greetings and Mark gushed more about my (alleged) prowess in mastering a manual transmission.

"Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes," his Dad said.

"Okay... We'll be in my room....!" Mark replied as he led me by the hand up the stairs. I didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable with his outward show of affection.

Once the door closed, he turned and kissed me. I felt that long, probing tongue invading my mouth. I responded in kind...

He made little squeaking sounds.....

We embraced. He spun me round in circles before both of us landed on his bed.

I felt him savagely pawing at my jeans.

"Here?" I squeaked, "Won't your parents or someone.....?"

"I've jacked off and fucked my bed here for years," he giggled, "We'll be fine!"

Instantly I was jealous of his bed....

He quickly found my raging cock and within..... a very short time I fed him a huge "appetizer."

"It might ruin your appetite!" I hooted.

"I'll chance it!"

He stared at my "battering ram."

"May I have seconds?" he smiled.

I pushed his head down.....

Not wanting to be left out, I dined on his "meat stick" as well.

"MMMMM!" I purred as his slimy jizz slid down my throat.

We nestled together on the bed.

His scent overpowered me.

"Thank you!" I said softly.

"For what?"

"For teaching me how....!"

His only response was a long deep kiss. We tasted each other's juices.

"Better get dressed," he laughed, "I don't want Ed seeing any more than he has to!"

We both laughed.

Dinner went without a hitch. I was trying to figure out if anyone knew what we had done.... It didn't appear so. I guess Mark had been correct about the "sturdiness" of his bedroom.

We said our goodbyes and headed home. Loaded with more leftovers!

The next few days seemed to fly by very quickly. In less than two weeks we would be on our way! True to my expectations, trucker and CB magazines started showing up in our apartment.

Thursday evening the doorbell rang. Before answering, I slithered into a pair of frayed, tattered skimpy shorts...and no shirt.

"Oh! Hi!" I said while standing at the open doorway.

It was my newspaper boy. Cancelling the paper had completely skipped my mind. I told him we were leaving on the thirty-first.

I don't think the kid knew Mark was living with me. That took care of itself when he slipped up next to me and gently placed one hand on my butt. Our difference in height caught the boy's eye.

"Wow! You're tall!" he squeaked.

Mark shot him that toothy smile. He was also wearing a pair of his completely erotic (at least to me) frayed, skimpy shorts. Also with no shirt.

"You're not far behind me," he replied.

The kid was a lot taller than me; maybe a tad over six feet with dark brown hair and matching eyes. He was very skinny; maybe around 120 pounds soaking wet! The boy was definitely going to grow up to be a real cutie. I had considered trying to proposition him many times but.... Well.... being jail bait and all... and since I had met his Father... the idea seemed very unwise.

He did like to dress very skimpily. At least in the summer.

Today it was a pair of short cutoffs and a cropped T-shirt, which highlighted his very tight abdomen. He also had nice arms for such a young boy. I guess throwing papers will do that.

"Thanks for not throwing my paper in the bushes!" I laughed.

He always managed to have it right on the front porch. Every day!

"Between this job and baseball I can hit anything I aim for!" he giggled.

We both smiled. I gave him an extra tip for his great service.

"Gee thanks! Now I almost have enough money to get that new baseball bat and mitt...!" he chirped.

"How much do you still need?" Mark asked.

The boy made some mental calculations.

"About six dollars I think!"

"Wait a minute," Mark replied.

He left and came back with a ten dollar bill.


"REALLY? WOW!" the kid exclaimed.

Mark and I looked at each other and smiled.

We said our goodbyes and closed the door.

Mark started laughing.


"That little guy was checking both of us out!"

"Huh? How do you know?"

"Didn't you see his eyes almost pop when I put my hand on your ass?"

"No! I guess I'm not very observant! Well at least he'll get his baseball bat and stuff!"

"He appears to have a pretty nice bat' between his legs!" Mark chuckled, "Don't tell me you didn't see THAT?"

"How do you..?" I started to ask.

"You mean you don't.... Don't you check guys out?"

"Sometimes!" I replied.

"Well what do you SEE?" he laughed.

"Nothing much.. I mean.... I already have a total stud!"

Mark caressed my ass.

"Good! I'm glad to hear that .... Well... I'm not going to teach you how to check guys out! I don't need any competition!"

We both laughed. I guess I really didn't have that skill mastered. Not that I cared any more. I mean, sometimes I would look at a cute guy but only kind of generally. Mark seemed to have that ability honed way over mine.

That evening we crawled into bed as usual. Soon Mark had my legs hoisted up on his shoulders and was pounding my willing hole. He came fast and hard and then settled down next to me.

We talked about our trip while I played with his hair. It was around ten-thirty. Suddenly he gripped my arm.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you hear something?"

I listened carefully.


A faint sliding sound came from the patio.

"Hear that?" Mark asked.

I have to admit I did.

"It's probably just a cat!"

There were some rustling noises.

"What's out there?" Mark asked, trying to remember, "A couple of chairs and a table?"

"Yeah. They came with the place!"

"Did you lock the sliding glass door?"

I nodded, "Yes."

"I'll have to be fast then!" Mark whispered.

More soft noises came from outside...

"Shouldn't we call the police?" I asked.

"What if it IS a cat? We'd look pretty silly!"

Mark jumped out of bed and moved towards the door.

"Aren't you going to put on any clothes?" I asked.

He nodded, "No."

Reaching the door, he slowly turned the lock.

There were some more sounds from outside.

Faster than lightning, Mark opened the door and leaped outside.

"Gotcha!" I heard him exclaim.

There were sounds of someone struggling.

"Lemme go! Lemme go!"

It wasn't Mark's voice but it did sound familiar.

He quickly stepped back through the door carrying a squirming, wiggling boy in one arm while covering the kid's mouth with his other hand.

I jumped up and closed the door as Mark threw his "captive" down on the bed.

"YOU?" Mark barked, "What the fuck!"

I turned around and saw the newspaper boy lying on our bed!

His eyes were as big as saucers as he checked out Mark's magnificent body. Then he did the same for me.

"I think you have some explaining to do!" Mark said.

"Lemme go home, please!"

"No, we'll take you home to your parents. Then you can tell them what you were doing...!"

"NOOO!!!!" the boy squealed, "Please! Don't do THAT!"

"Okay then, start explaining!" I said.

The boy's eyes were still darting back and forth between us, before focusing on Mark's massive prick.

"Your dick is HUGE!" the boy squeaked.

"I know THAT!" Mark laughed, "But you are avoiding my question. What's your name, anyway?"


"Okay. How old are you....!"

"Fifteen!" he said then he paused, "But I'll be sixteen in May!"

Mark and I laughed.

Since this is August, that's quite a ways off!" I said.

Skipper looked dejected at my observation.

"Now. Are you gonna tell us what you were doing on OUR patio? Maybe trying to steal something... Or break in and...!"

"NO!! NO!! NO!!! NO!!!!" the boy cried, "I promise it wasn't that!"

Both of us stared at him.

I remembered Mark's explanation about "dominance," and waited for the boy to look away first.

He didn't. Skipper stared right back at us.

"He's a different one," Mark said as he sat down next to the boy.

Skipper's eyes continued to trail up and down Mark's lean frame, before again settling on the same "target."

"We're still waiting," I said.

"I... I.... was kind of....curi....curious!"

"About?" Mark asked.

"Please don't hurt me!" the boy pleaded.

"HURT you?" Mark exclaimed.

"I.. I... I.... wanted.... to... know..... you guys are GAY.....aren't you?"

Mark and I swapped astonished looks.

"Yes," I said.

"That's what .... why.... I wanted.... I saw what you two were doing!"

Mark broke out laughing.

"Oh yeah?" He chuckled.

Skipper looked at me and stammered, "It doesn't.... hurt... when...he.... he... puts it.... in you?"

Next: Chapter 6

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