That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on Aug 26, 2021


"That Was Unexpected 03"

Copyright 2021

Note: this prologue may contain spoilers!

This is a period piece (1970s) erotic love story featuring two main characters in their early twenties. There is a considerably extended sexual scene in this chapter, so if that offends did you get this far? Where contextual clarification may be needed, a set of [ ] provides relevant information. The characters are all based on real people but "the names have been changed to protect the innocent." There are real places intermingled with fictitious constructs necessary for the story. Grammarians may notice that I frequently shift the tense. It reads better that way; and this isn't an English Lit assignment. Although that would be an interesting idea... I do claim responsibility for all typos!

Thank you for reading....

From Part 02....

"And...!" he stopped again.

" And?'" I repeated.

"I can't help it," he sobbed.

His eyes started to water...

"Tell me," I implored him, "We have no secrets....!"

"I... I.... I've fallen completely in love...with you!" he cried.

Part 03

My head snapped up and our eyes locked. It felt like ten thousand volts had coursed through my body. My brain was melting down trying to process what I had just heard.

Standing before me was a precious gift. Mark Ellis had everything any guy could ever hope for. Well, he sure as hell had everything I could ever dream of or desire. Tall, lean, cute as hell, strong, intelligent, truthful, kind, considerate... I could list a whole dictionary of positive attributes to the boy who just tumbled into my life. Okay. Mark's not a "boy." He's all man. Oh yeah... a certified 100% stud in bed... Not that it made any difference. That criteria was actually the smallest part of his complete offering. Sex is transitory. Even when there's a lot of it. Which there sure as hell had been so far...

It's what he's like when we're NOT in bed that counts. That's what makes compatibility. Mark had what I needed. What I had longed for all my life.

His tall, lean frame stood before me. I could read his face and eyes like an open book. He looked uncertain. Afraid. Very nervous and apprehensive. Anxious that maybe that he had said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

The carefree, easy-going Mark had disappeared. Yet through his serious but uncertain pose, I could sense hope. Desire. A deep, craving need. Devotion coupled with an overwhelming lust; a gnawing hunger that was covering the biggest jackpot of all: Love!

I had found exactly what, or who, I had been looking for all my young life.

"I...I....," he stammered softly, "I guess maybe.... I misspoke.... I'm sorry....!"

"NO! NO!!!" I yelped, "PLEASE STOP apologizing for things you didn't do! I'm the older one... I should have figured this shit out...!"

"Older? By three months?" he laughed.

I melted and collapsed into his arms. His strong grip made me feel safe and secure. We ground our clothed bodies together.

"You.... I.....!" I babbled, "I... We....!"

He giggled softly.

"YES!" I finally said, "You and me.... I.... I love you so much..... I never want anyone else!"

"Are you sure?" he asked shyly.

I glanced up into his fiery green eyes.

That hunger and passion was back...

"YES! I've known it forever but... Oh fuck!!! Why can't I just ONCE do something right?" I barked.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You've been doing just fine! You captured my heart....!"

I couldn't stand it any more. Tears streamed down my face. I was shaking like a leaf in a gale.

Mark easily scooped me up as we flew into the bedroom. I could feel his strong arms cradling my body. His scent was driving me crazy.

Very gently he laid me down on the bed.

"Forever is a very long time," he whispered.

"I'm ready to spend it with you!"

"No secrets?" he asked.

After our little game last night, I knew I would never... HAVE to keep anything from him. Nor would he do the same to me.

"NO!" I swore.

"No lying. No cheating. Just me!" he said.


"Can you.... make a promise like that when there are so many guys out there....!"

"FUCK YES!" I yelped.

We both LOOKED at guys all the time. Trying to figure them out. Which ones might be gay. Which ones could be lured into bed with just the right moves at just the right time. But that was a game.

There was no way on Earth I would ever touch another guy. Not when I had Mark. What MORE could I ask for in a person?

"GOOD!" he replied, "Because I would cut my cock off....!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

"..............Before I would ever hurt you!" he finished.

"I can think of lots of better things to do with that monster!" I whispered.

"Show me!" he said with a sinister smile....

I complied with his suggestion by drinking down his cum. More than once. More than twice....

"You're really horny!" I laughed while he twirled my hair.

That powerful aroma of sex filled the bedroom.

"Now it's your turn," he said.

Another wicked grin crossed his face.

I fucked him. Hard and fast. As deep as I could go. I wished my cock were about four inches longer... He moaned and bucked, lifting both of us up in the air. His ass gripped my fuck stick and milked it to multiple seedings of his warm, tight hole.

Actually..... I didn't just FUCK Mark, I completely DOMINATED him....determined only to give compete pleasure. Yeah! Me..... a 135 pound twig easily controlled the stud writhing under my pale, skinny body!

We uncoupled and fell back together on the bed.

"It's a good thing we put down some towels first," he laughed.

"Damn!" I gasped as he held the cum soaked linens in his hands, "I thought I had sucked you dry....!"

His deep laughter resonated in the bedroom.

"Nope..... I don't know my limits! But...but... you sure were.....on fire just now!"

My face turned crimson red.

"Guess it is that hot ass of yours....!" I giggled.

"Keep drilling me like that....!" he started to say as I broke out in laughter.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh... I was just thinking about that stupid statue....!"


"You know. The one at the Fairgrounds!"

"Oh... The Golden Driller!'" he said, and then the cutest smile broke out on his face, "That guy is out of a job now! The REAL Golden Driller' is lying right here next to ME!"

"You're just saying that....!" I started to say.

"Because it's TRUE!" he chirped.

My face radiated with heat from more blushing...

I admired Mark's backside as he hopped out of bed to dispose of the towels.

His ass.... It is so perfect! Yet.... Still.... I felt uneasy because he hadn't taken my cherry yet.

Reentering the room, he laid down next to me. We cuddled.

"It's going to be quite a change," he said.

"That's true....but we have each other!"

"YEAH!!!" his voice echoed.

"What about your parents...?" I started to ask.

"Tomorrow. After work. I'm gonna head home and pick up some more of my stuff.... and.... tell them...!"

"What will they say?"

"I don't know. I'm gonna start with Stan. He and I are very close....! What about your Mom?"

I had thought a lot about that lately.

"She doesn't even know I quit. Let alone that I'm leaving."

"How will she take it?"

"I don't know.... She has a job now. Dad isn't living there any more....!"

"I'm not worried. I mean... about my parents," he said, "I'm more worried....!"

Curiosity must have shown on my face.

He shot me a big grin.

"I'm more worried about you starving to death if I get home late....!"

"Back to soup and TV dinners!" I cracked.

"Oh no!" he laughed as he stood up.

My eyes watered at the sight of his naked body. And that huge weapon jutting out from his groin.

"I have a plan to keep you fed. Just in case I'm late, there'll be plenty for you to eat tomorrow."

Mark had already figured everything out in advance. I admired his mind. And the fact that he was always thinking about me. I also admired his tight, firm butt as he sauntered into the kitchen.

I followed like a dog in heat!

He glided around the room while I watched. We were both naked....

"Spaghetti?" I guessed.

"With huge tasty meatballs!" he replied.

"As big as your meaty balls?" I hooted.

He smirked.

"We have time...!" he said softly.

I was addicted to Mark Ellis. Worse, if that's the right verbiage, I was completely helpless to resist his overpowering sexual allure. It made me wonder why other guys didn't sense it.

It didn't matter. Actually that was a good thing. The last challenge I needed would be fighting off hordes of horny guys wanting a taste of Mark......

Naturally we did it again. In the kitchen, "So I can keep an eye on dinner," he laughed.

His laughter quickly turned to moans as I drilled that hungry hole.

"Damn..... You are so good!" he gasped.

Me? He's the one with the ass that won't quit!

His compliments (and sound effects) only aroused me even further.

After dinner we lounged on the sofa.

I couldn't help admiring his body.

He smiled at me with his pearly white teeth.

"It's going to be a bad day for Mr. Spinner!"

"True," I replied, "But he must be used to guys quitting all the time."

"Yeah... I guess so... It will really mess up Tim's plan to move into drafting...!"

"Fuck him!" I barked.

"He probably needs that," Mark chortled.

"Well he's not getting it from me!" I quipped.

After dinner as we got ready to crawl into bed (this time for some sleep!), I stopped and rummaged around through the junk on my dresser.

"Here!" I said, handing Mark a key.

He looked at me funny.

"You live here now. You need a key....!"

He blushed then smiled.

"I should help pay the rent then...!"

"What? For three more weeks? Besides, rent is paid in advance at the first of the month."

"Oh!" he exclaimed.

I wondered if he knew that or not. It didn't matter anyway...

"And you don't have to knock on the door. If you're gonna live here, then just come on in!"

"But what if you're naked or something?" he giggled.

"What? Like I am now?"

His eyes raked over my body.

"Then you won't have to be bothered taking off my clothes...!"

We both laughed and crawled into bed. Sleep finally came after we.... Yeah.... Addicted! Completely to him!

The last words I heard were, "I love you Randy!"

I snuggled up against his huge cock, forcing it into my butt crack.

The day was coming...soon... when I would be riding my boyfriend, sending him into orbit as he took my cherry!

Monday at work, Mark nodded to me before heading into Mr. Spinner's office. It was official now. We would soon be leaving ATCO, Tulsa, "The Golden Driller," and all the other stunning "highlights" this utterly forgettable state seemed to such great abundance!

My eyes feasted on Mark's ass as he walked to the front of the department.

Quickly I resumed my work until Mr. Spinner approached me. Soon I was sitting in his office with Mark.

"Both of you? Two of my best workers?" he exclaimed.

"Sorry sir," I said, "But I guess.... Mark heard me talking about everything so much he decided to go with me!"

"YEAH!" Mark exclaimed.

"I guess it's the way kids are today! No more staying in one place and settling down!" Spinner lamented.

"Oh that sounds great," I chirped, shooting Mark a big grin, "It's just that .... Oklahoma isn't exactly....!"

"I understand," the man said, "So where are you going? Los Angeles?"

We both made distasteful faces.

"Too big and congested and expensive," I said while outlining our plans.

"Phoenix would probably be your best bet... But let me tell you... It gets HOT there!" Spinner laughed.

"But it's dry. Not a sauna like it is here!" I pointed out.

Our conversation was cordial. Because both of us quitting would short the Department, and since we had no deadline to meet, I changed my last day to August 30th.

The end of the month was a Saturday. It would be perfect. Turn in the apartment keys and do a final inspection with the landlord and then LEAVE!

Mr. Spinner shook our hands and wished us well.

"I hope Personnel can send me some new people soon," he lamented.

We both agreed.

"And poor Timothy.... I guess he'll have to hold off on moving into drafting," he added.

Mark and I shot each other a pair of cocky grins...

The rest of the day went as usual. No one else knew (yet) about Mark's notice. Only a couple of people had heard about mine.

In the parking lot after work, Mark said goodbye as he prepared to head home. To his "old" home. Suddenly I felt lonely all over again.

"Oh don't worry.... I'll be home as soon as I can. If you get hungry, warm up that spaghetti. There's plenty of vegetables in the crisper to make a salad!"

"Okay!" I said softly, and then added, "Good luck!"

He looked at me and laughed.

"Don't worry! I mean... If something went really wrong, what's the worst thing that could happen? Mom and Dad throwing me out? It's not likely but then.... where would I go? The same place I'm going anyway!"

He grinned.

I brightened at the thought. Not of his parents kicking him out. But of Mark living with me. Permanently.

Which is stupid because that's exactly what was happening now!

Anyway, I had plans of my own...

"You gonna call your Mom?" he asked.


"Good luck with her!" he said.

We hopped in our cars and headed out. Before going home I had one stop to make. Well, hopefully just one..... Pulling into the parking lot at Oertles [a huge discount store like today's Target or Walmart], I headed inside.

Luckily they had everything I wanted. Now I was set.

Once home, I decided to call Mom first.

I had NO idea how this call would turn out...

It was after six when I dialed her number...


"Hi, Mom!"

"Hi, sweetie! Long time, no hear from you...!"

Even though we talk every week.... Just being Mom, I guess!

We exchanged pleasantries and before I could get to my point, she dropped a nuclear bomb on me.

"Honey... Your Father and I are getting a divorce...!"

The silence on my end must have been deafening.

"Oh!" I finally croaked, "So you're both sure?"

"Yes.... We tried to make it work again but..... it's not going to happen!"

She explained that it would be an amicable separation.

Mom would get the house, her car (which Dad had originally bought), a $275 a month alimony payment [2021 equivalent $1555], while Dad would keep his car, his boat [a small 15' runabout] and some General Motors stock.

"Can you afford the house?" I asked.

She told me "Yes."

The monthly payment was only around $200. The alimony, which would continue until either she remarried or Dad died, would easily cover the house and insurance. Plus she had her new job at.... Acme Fasteners. I laughed many times when I thought of that name. "Acme." Was it the same Acme that "Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius" was always ordering his various devices in a vain attempt to catch that elusive Roadrunner?

"I guess I knew it was coming," I said.

"We tried. We really did."

"Shoot, Mom... You know Dad.... I remember when I was just a kid.... You both fought all the time!"

"It all started when we visited his parents and they talked him into opening that damned store!"

"I was kind of young then... I mean to remember it!" I said.

She laughed.

" Kind of young?' Honey, you were only TWO!"

"Okay," I chuckled, "VERY YOUNG!"

"We never should have stopped in that hell hole!"

"You never really got along with Grandma and Grandpa, did you?"

"NO!" she barked.

"Well.... I always wondered..... I mean.... When Dad lost his job in New York and we all headed West..... Was there any plan? Were we just going to keep traveling until we ran out of country....?"

She laughed.

"Sort of. We actually talked about going all the way to California."

I was instantly pissed. Instead of spending my life in numerous shitholes that time forgot, I could have grown up in sunny California! Of course if that had happened, I wouldn't have met Mark. Maybe things do happen for a reason. Well, once in a great while... No, screw it. With Mark, I just got lucky. VERY lucky!

Her voice brought me back to the conversation....

"...Or Phoenix!"

"Phoenix? What about Phoenix?" I asked.

"Oh your Father... He was always so.....!"

"Stodgy? Old fashioned?" I barked.

She laughed again.

"Yes! We talked about Arizona or New Mexico.....!"


Inadvertently, Mom had just given me an opening to tell her why I was calling...

"Speaking of Phoenix, I quit my job last Friday..."

There was a long pause.....VERY long....

"Oh dear....," she sighed, then hoping for the best, asked, "Did you get a better offer?"

"No, Mom, I'm leaving Tulsa. And Oklahoma!"

She knew I hated it here. I had made that sentiment clear a long time ago.

"What does that have to do with Phoenix?" she asked.

I could hear trepidation in her voice.

"I might end up there. It is the largest city in the Southwest," I explained.

"You're going there with no job..... already lined up?"

"Mom... No one is gonna hire a twenty-one year old with no real skills from fifteen hundred miles away. The only way to get a job there is to move there....!"

There was another long pause.

"I always knew this day might come... but I had hoped with your job at ATCO.... things might have changed. I guess not...!"

"Oh Mom... come on.... You have a house here. I have nothing but an apartment!"

"It's a very nice apartment!" she said.

"Yeah but you can get those anywhere. I've been out West and seen it.... Mom.... it's so GREAT! Like another world.... Waiting to be explored! And there's NO tornadoes! Not a dozen of them at once! And no snow and hail storms and you don't drown in your own sweat just spending a minute outdoors!"

"I never knew you liked the outdoors," she replied.

"How can I? Here? And what is there to do? Hunting and fishing? That's it! And practically everywhere you go, someone owns the land!"

"But you're so young," she protested, "To be setting out all by yourself....!"

The moment was here... Should I tell her about Mark or just omit that one "tiny" detail?

There was no decision to make.

"I'm not going alone," I said.

"Oh?" her voice uplifted, "You have a girlfriend?"

The way she said it; the inflection in her voice, told me her response was more programmed than real.

I had to laugh.

"No, Mom... I don't need or want any excess baggage!"

One tiny toe had just crossed over the line...

"Well I don't think a girlfriend is baggage,'" she laughed.

It was a nervous laugh.

"Then who.....?" she started to ask.

"Mark," I said, anticipating her question.

"Mark...? Mark...?" she mumbled, "Oh, the boy from work?"

It took her long enough! I had certainly mentioned him quite often when we had our weekly phone conversations.


"Do you know him well enough? Can you trust him? What if he steals everything you own and just disappears? What if he shoots you or something?"

Mom just being a Mom....again!

"I don't think so," I said, "Mom.... He wants to go. He's not cut out for working on his family's farm. And he's not in love with Tulsa or Oklahoma any more than I am...!"

"But you've only known him for .....?"

"Over a year!" I explained.

Technically that was true. Mark had infected my brain from day one at ATCO. The fact that I had been slower than a sea slug in making things happen wasn't his fault....

"We fit together perfectly," I explained, trying not to think HOW perfectly when my cock settled into his insatiable, always-tight ass.

That was so true. No matter how many times or how hard I fucked him (it was never a long fuck; but that's okay. I'd just do it again!), Mark's ass was always ready for another round!

"But honey... A year isn't a very long time...!"

"How long did you and Dad date before you got married?"

It dawned on me that might not have been the best example to use since they were now in the throes of a divorce....

"But that's different," she sputtered.


"We were in love.... Once long ago!" she said sadly.

It was time. Either I retract my cock and balls into my body and slink away in shame, or I take a stand....

"He's....," I felt a lump in my throat, "Mark ...means ...a whole lot me...!"

There! No lightning bolts. No thunderclaps. No sinkholes opening up dropping me into the lap of "Satan."

Those previous pauses in our conversation; the long ones.....seemed like a hiccup compared to the silence on the phone line as my Mother digested what I had just said.

"For heaven's sake," she sighed, "You talk about him like he's your boyfriend or something....!"

Now my turn for a pause came.....

"He's not something!'"

I wondered what was going through her mind ......

"But.... But .... that would.... have to mean..... my son.....!"

Now I'm in the third person?

"....My son..... is gay?" she squeaked.

Yeah, Mom, I am....!"

A tickertape parade was in order. Or a twenty-one gun salute. Or a massive fireworks display.... My cock and balls had not crawled up inside my body. I finally took a stand! No more hiding! Why should I have to hide who I love?"

"Oh....!" came her voice.

Another long pause.

"You know.... I always had a feeling....!" she added.

"What? How?"

"You were never like the other boys," she quickly continued, "I don't mean that in a bad way. You were quiet. Sensitive. Reserved. And such a cute boy too..... You should have had girls flocking all over you when you were in high school....! And the way you dressed! Showing off your growing adolescent body! I always though you were doing it for some girl!"

My mind reeled while hearing her observations!

"I didn't choose to be this way. It's what I am. And Mark is my....!"

"SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT!!!!! Don't you dare back down, you cowardly piece of shit!!!!"

My mind has a "mind" of its own....


My voice broke as I said the word.

Another long pause.

"Well, then," Mom said, "Since you two are going on a journey together, do I get to meet this young man before you leave?"

Whiplash. That's how it felt as my head spun round and round like a top.

"You don't hate me?" I said softly.

"Why Randy James Martin! How could.... OF COURSE NOT! You are my son! I raised you. I have loved you all your life! Even when you were two years old and spit a spoonful of prunes in my face!"

I really hated prunes as a child! And I still do!

I started to cry.

"Oh honey! Don't cry! You are what you are: my fine, handsome, strapping son!"

Was she maybe thinking of someone else?

I sniffled some more.

"He must be a very special young man!"

"Yes, he is! We....It's like destiny brought us together. Or luck smiled at me for once!"

"I hope he feels as strongly about you as you do him...!"

"Mom.... HE told ME how he felt first!"

"Oh! My goodness!"

She paused.

"Honey... Why don't you bring Mark over to the house this Saturday? For dinner?"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am! We can drink a toast to your upcoming journey together.

I liked how that sounded. "Journey together." Hopefully a very LONG journey!

"Well.... Okay... But Mark's not twenty-one yet! Not till October!"

She laughed.

"I won't tell anyone if you don't!"

I started to cry again. She had to talk me off the edge of a full-blown flood of tears. Mom had known. Or suspected. For.... years? My own Mother? And I didn't see that? Yet the Motor Vehicle Department says I have perfect vision....

Our conversation ended not too long after that. Hanging up the phone, I saw my arm shaking. My entire body was doing the same.

"Holy fuck!" I exclaimed while collapsing on the sofa.

It was over. Done. I stood up for myself and Mark. I took a vow then to NEVER hide the truth.

"Fuck the world if it can't deal with Mark and me!" I barked.

It was almost seven. I wondered how he was doing with his parents?

"Doesn't matter! He's over eighteen! If they kick him out, who cares? I'll love him even more!"

There wasn't much time left. Well, I didn't actually know that... but I still had something very important to do. First came a thorough shower. Cleaning myself inside and out... Then I opened the bag from Oerltes...

"Hello, old friends!" I laughed while staring at the contents.

An assortment of zucchini squash and cucumbers greeted me. Along with two fat candles...

"It's time!" I said to myself.

Mark had patiently waited long enough. Longer than enough.... He never broached the topic once. I was always the one doing that.... But I wanted him inside me. I wanted him fucking my tight little ass. Pounding me like I did to him.

It didn't matter how often; it just wasn't fair that I fucked him multiple times a day and he never had the chance to try me even once! Besides..... I had a burning desire.... to see what it felt like getting laid by the cutest, sexiest boy in the world. Judging by the way he reacted when I drilled his butt, it MUST feel really good (eat your heart out, "Golden Driller!").

I started whittling. That was easy. Carving the candles into giant cocks. They weren't nearly long enough.... nothing that I looked for in the store came close! Oh.... some of the vegetables did, but they looked a little rough.

If anyone had seen me caressing the zucchini and cucumbers in the produce department they would have thought I was crazy... But they had to be smooth!

The candles were different. At the base they would be nice and fat. Just like Mark's hose. I tapered them down so that at the tip they barely fit when I circled them with my thumb and middle finger....

"Okay" I exclaimed.


"I hope this works! What if Mark walks in while I am shoving a candle up my ass?"

I couldn't help but laugh....

All my "tools" were ready....laid out neatly in front of me. I threw a couple of towels down on the bed just in case.... It would be difficult explaining to Mark why the sheets are bloody! I hadn't done anything like this since I was fifteen.

Lying face down, I applied some cocoa butter lotion to my middle finger. Being the longest, it was the lucky one for my "conditioning." Slowly reaching back, I found the entrance to my hole. A quick push and my finger slipped inside. So far, so good. I had already made sure my finger nails were nicely trimmed.

A little more pressure and it was in all the way. Carefully I moved my finger around inside my butthole.

"WOW!" I gasped.

My cock sprang to attention. I moved my finger some more.... Waves of euphoria swept over my body.

"What the....?" I gasped.

Mark had the same reaction every time I fucked him. It really started that night we were parked in his car.

Without fail, no matter how many times I would blow him beforehand, he always shot a big load of spunk when I nailed him.

I had no idea what caused it, and now I felt that familiar pressure building in me... With just a finger? What the hell would it be like when his telephone-pole sized cock invaded my tiny ass?

My exploration continued until my cock lost it.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as my body arched upwards.

A fountain of cum erupted from my aching cock into the towels underneath my body. Those towels! Was I ever glad they were there!

Slowly I worked my way up to two digits, then three. My cock kept protesting. I feared it would erupt again. The problem with my fingers was depth.

"No way they're going deep enough!" I sighed.

The clock read eight-fifteen. I knew I didn't have much more time. In fact, Mark's car could come rolling up to the front of the apartment any minute. Yet this was the only time I could count on trying to loosen myself up...

I glanced at the candle. It was just like the one I had tried years ago. In the process of carving it into the shape of a cock, I had to shave about an inch off of the length. Not actually completely shaved off, but tapered to look like a big wax dick.

I smiled at the image.

It was definitely thick enough at the base, but of course I couldn't shove all of it in my ass. If it got stuck.... Oh brother! How would I explain THAT?

My hole was already gaping from the finger probing. That was progress.

I remembered how Mark's butthole was always completely dilated after we had sex.

"I must be getting there!" I laughed.

Slowly the candle entered me; I shuddered.


That's how Mark described his long fat bone.

"A candle is not pliable!"

No shit!

Twisting my body and slowly working the fat wax plug from side to side, I felt it sliding deep inside me. Well... About 6 «-7" deep. I had to have something to hold onto so it could be removed.

I was pleased that it didn't hurt. My ass just felt.... stuffed!

Last up were the vegetables. The zucchini was longer but the cucumber was fatter. I needed something long enough to compare with Mark's sword!

"You're it!" I said to the zucchini.

It had already passed the roughness test. No prickly, knobby bumps that might mess up my guts.

"Here we go!" I whispered as the well-lubed vegetable pushed into my asshole.

Deeper..... deeper.... my eyes watered. It was about nine inches long. I was holding onto the end as it sank inside my body.

"SHIT!" I yelped as it bottomed out.

Slowly I worked it back and forth. There was no misconception in my mind that Mark's cock would be so gentle. He was a complete stud; loaded with high energy and enough strength to rip me apart. I remembered his warning about ending up in the hospital after we fucked!

It was time to quit. Mark was later getting back than I had expected. I was really pushing my luck. Quickly I cleaned up everything. The candles were easy to hide. Deep in my dresser drawer under some socks. The vegetables were another matter. I debated throwing them out. Instead, they were washed and tucked in the back of the crisper.

"Just in case I get another chance!" I thought, although that was unlikely.

Now that I had somewhat loosened up my virgin hole, I wanted to give myself to Mark as soon as possible. Like tomorrow!

I took a quick shower after checking my butt for any blood. I saw nothing....except my asshole was stretched wide open!

The bedroom smelled like cum. That wasn't good. Incense would get rid of the sex smell, but Mark might wonder why I was burning it. Instead I sprayed a lot of "Old Spice" around the apartment.

My stomach grumbled.

Out of necessity, dinner had been shelved. It was just after nine.

"Pretty late to be eating!" I thought as there was a knock at the door.

"Who...?" I wondered.

Opening the door, there he stood. I smiled.

"You don't have to knock anymore!" I laughed.

He blushed. And looked SO damned cute.

"Sorry I am so late," he said, "But I stopped at Waldenbooks and got these!"

He tossed two Rand McNally atlases on the kitchen table.

"I thought it might be good if we each had one," he smiled.

His mind was always working!

He sniffed the air.

"You smell good!" he said.

I blushed.

"Well.... Tell me.... How did it go?" I asked.

"Never mind me! What about you?"

We both giggled. An impasse!

"I asked you first!" I hooted.

He smiled. I melted inside...

"Better than I thought," but then he paused.

"Any problems?" I asked.

He nodded, "No."

"Dad wasn't home when I got there. So I found Ed and.... told him.... about quitting and....!" he kept stumbling...

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"He... he.... Ed....already knew..... I mean... about me!"

"You mean that.... you're gay?"

"Yes! As soon as I started talking about leaving with you, he really cut through everything."

"Well.... What happened?" I asked.

"I told him we were heading West ... probably going to end up living in Phoenix.... Or maybe Tucson.... He asked me, Are you sure you can trust this guy?'"

I smiled.

"Mom asked me something very similar!" I said,

"Really?" Mark asked.

"Yeah! I'll tell you about it after you finish your story...!"

"So..... he wanted to know some more about you and... all of a sudden.... he just came out and asked.... Randy is gay, isn't he?' I must... I mean.... have turned beet red and all I could do was nod... And then he finished by saying, that cinches it. My little Brother is gay too! I knew it! I knew it!'"

"WOW!" I gasped, "What....?"

"I started crying!"

Now my heart ached. I never wanted Mark to cry over me!

"Was he upset?" I asked.

"No! He held me and patted me on the back and said, It's okay, little Brother. I've had you figured out for a long, long time!'"

"No shit!" I cried.

"Yeah! I looked at him and he just smiled. It's just the way you are. It's no big deal!'" he said.

"Your Brother is fantastic!" I exclaimed.

"Ed and I talked for a long time. About me. And you. And... he said....," Mark laughed, " I started wondering about this Randy guy months ago. The look in your eyes when you talked about him ...was like a semaphore. It was so obvious.....!'"

I choked up inside. Reaching out, I pulled Mark close to me. His scent hit me like a lightning bolt.

"I missed this," I said as I inhaled his aroma.

"Missed what?"

"You. Your scent! It... makes me so horny!"

I can see," Mark laughed as he looked at the tent in my well-aged gym shorts that had long ago become too small for me.

He continued, "We had dinner... All of us together. I broke the news to Mom and Dad and Stan about quitting and our trip. Dad was rapt with attention after he heard what I said....!"

"Is that something special?" I asked.

"Heck yeah! Usually he spends dinner time shoveling his food in non stop while guarding it like someone's gonna steal a piece off his plate when he's not looking," Mark explained.

I couldn't help laughing.

"He had a lot of questions but...," Mark stopped.

"Well.... I answered as many as I could but....!"

He hung his head low.

"WHAT?" I prodded him.

"There was so much to explain.... I never really told him about.... us.... I mean... other than we're going together....!"

"That's okay.... You have to deal with your parents the way you think is best!" I said.

"But.... But....," Mark stammered.


"It's.... just.... that....!" he stopped and stared at me, "This Sunday..... He and Mom want to meet you.... at my place for dinner!"

I started laughing.

"That worked out pretty well!"


"We're gonna get fat!" I said as I kept laughing.


"Because Mom wants to meet you for dinner on Saturday...!"

"No shit? She knows about ME?" Mark exclaimed.

I nodded, "Yes!"

"Sunday we usually have a big feast in the afternoon. I don't know what's going on in Dad's mind.... if he just wants to meet you or if there's more.....," he paused, "But I'm not going to hide it any longer. Like you said, what is the worst thing that could happen? Getting kicked out?"

He laughed.

"Heck... I have most of my personal stuff out in the car right now," he paused while looking around, "And a place to live with a cute guy who I fucking LOVE!"

My eyes started tearing up.

"So Sunday is going to be very interesting!" he concluded, "Now... How did it work out for you?"

I told him how the conversation with Mom went.

"Just like that? She's ....Okay with you?"

"Not ME.... US!" I said.

Mark smiled at me. Green eyes. Cute nose. Luscious lips.....

"What... How.... I don't know.... I mean.... when I meet her...!"

He looked so cute when he was tongue tied.

"Just be the great guy you are! You can win anyone over with your smile and your personality," I chirped.

He blushed.

"Oh yeah," I added, "Mom and Dad are getting a divorce....!"

His face suddenly turned serious and then very sad.

"Oh baby....I'm so sorry to hear that!"

I melted as he hugged me.

"I like that," I whispered.


"You called me your baby!'"

"Oh... I didn't mean like you ARE a baby... It's like... Well I hear straight guys call their...!"

I put my finger to his lips.

"Shhhh! I said I LIKE IT!!" I laughed.

"Oh!" he said while blushing.

"I better bring my stuff in from the car!"

"Do you need any help?"

"No.... That's fine....I can handle it...!"

"Great! Then I'll heat up your spaghetti cause I haven't eaten yet!"

Mark looked at the time.

"WOW! It's so late! Why not?"

My mind moved at supersonic speed.

"Well... I.... I ... had to think of what I was going to say to Mom... and work up the nerve to call her.... and then when she told me about the divorce.... I mean after the call, I was kind of bummed out!"

I couldn't tell him that I spent over an hour shoving various items up my ass.....

"Damn!" he said while ruffling my hair.

"It's okay now, though.... Because you're here!" I said.

Which was completely true.... Nothing mattered after Mark walked through the front door!

He started towards the kitchen.

"I can fix your dinner really fast and maybe throw in a nice leafy green salad!" he chirped.

"OH NO! The zucchini and cucumbers!" I thought.

I tried to divert him back to unloading his stuff.

"It's okay... I kind of wanted some creamed corn with the spaghetti!" I said.

He shot me an evil grin.

"What kind of cream do you want with your corn?" he snickered.

"You're getting as bad as I am!" I laughed, but the idea did make my cock throb.

I guided my perpetually horny boyfriend towards the front door before heading back to the kitchen.

"I gotta dump these," I said to myself while peering in the crisper, "He's in and out of the frig too much.... Sooner than later.... Probably sooner.... he's gonna see them!"

It was a dumb idea to keep them in the first place. I mean... my ass was ready now.... Or as ready as I could get it... the rest would soon be...history!"

My cock lurched again. A wet spot appeared on my shorts....

Mark handily and quickly brought in his stuff: clothes (lots of them), his stereo gear (pretty nice, too), some books, lots of albums and singles, and a few personal items.

"This is all I really need," he said while surveying the pile, "Along with YOU!"

He flashed me a cute toothy grin. The wet spot on my shorts grew in size.

"Well... I mean.... if you have anything else and it'll fit in your car....!" I started to say.

"Yeah... I'll do a once-over of my room before we leave," he replied, then he asked, "Are you getting excited about this?"

"YES!" I yelped, "Even more so now that you're going with me!"

I ate dinner; he showered, then we went to bed. But not to sleep.....

"Fuck me," he whispered.

I never got tired of hearing that request....

"Just wait till tomorrow!" I thought, "Are you gonna be surprised!"

The next day came and went without much notice. With one exception. I'm not really sure when it happened, but Timothy started giving Mark some pretty intense stares.

I mentioned it to him at lunch.

"Maybe Mr. Spinner nixed his move into drafting until the new replacements are hired," he said.

"AWWWW!!! Too bad!" I said in mock pity.

Mark laughed and nodded in agreement.

"I'll get all my stuff stowed away tonight... Maybe my stereo could go in the bedroom since yours is in the living room?"

"That's great!" I chirped.

It was difficult... REALLY difficult.... to eat lunch with Mark now that.... we are together. Naturally we both had to act "normally." That was killing me! I wanted to play with his hair or rub his shoulders or.... just touch him in some way.... but I couldn't!

I could tell he felt the same way. We had to be content gazing into each other's eyes. That made my cock ache with desire.

Hopeless. I was hopelessly addicted to Mark Ellis!

After work we both headed home. In separate cars. Maintaining a facade....

The minute the front door closed on our.... yeah...... OUR.... apartment, we pawed and ravaged each other like two wild animals in heat. Well, I guess that's exactly what we are...

We both showered. While it was Mark's turn, I slipped outside and disposed of the vegetables.

"Thanks, guys," I laughed while closing the trash dumpster lid, "You probably saved me a lot of pain!"

The candles were still hidden away but they were no problem.

While I showered, Mark took care of his gear. Then we ate dinner. Another excellent feast which he so easily prepared. I was getting nervous. THIS was going to be the night that Mark took my cherry!

We cuddled and watched some TV. Mark also studied the maps of Texas and Arizona.

"It's all Interstate!" he said, "Except.... What about this?"

He showed me a gap between Wichita Falls and Abilene.

"That is called a giant pain in the ass!'" I laughed.

"It's only a two lane road! And look at all those little towns!"

"With pot-bellied sheriffs who love to write tickets to people just passing through," I cackled.

"There's no other way to go!" he exclaimed.

"Not unless we go down to Dallas and then head West. But that's a lot longer and who the fuck wants to go to Dallas anyway!" I said.

"I've been there. You're right. It's just a huge cow town!"

"I thought that was Fort Worth?" I snickered.

"Yeah!" he chortled, "You're right.... But we'd have to go through there too!"

"All we can do is drive carefully from Wichita Falls to Interstate 20!" I said, "And don't forget that the speed limit is fifty-five miles per hour now!"

[President Richard Nixon signed a national fifty-five mph speed limit into law on January, 1974 and it remained on the books until 1987!]

"That's gonna suck!" Mark said as he looked at the map, "Texas is a big state!"

"And boring!" I laughed, "It's almost as bad as Oklahoma!"


"Well... We only have to drive it once!" I added.

"YEAH!" he laughed.

The moment I had been planning was at hand as we headed off to the bedroom. Sleep would have to wait. I was going to give Mark a present.

We started off by rolling around together, rubbing our cocks until they were coated in slime. Mark's tongue invaded my mouth more than once. He sure had mastered the art of kissing. That alone was almost enough to make me shoot!

Usually he ended up on top on me. Pinning me to the bed while staring into my eyes. The lust, adoration and love in his gaze was so obvious to me now. HOW had I managed to dance around it for over a year with someone this beautiful?

Typically I ended up dominating him right before driving my cock into his delectable ass. Tonight would be different.

I returned his gaze. We both smiled.

"I love you!" he said softly.

My cock almost erupted right then and there!

"I love you just as much!" I shot back.

I felt him weaken for a second. That was all it took. Quickly we rolled over on the bed and I ended up straddling his chest. For once, not weighing a lot was a benefit as I settled down on his strong torso. My angry cock jutted out in front of me.

"This is new," he giggled.

I grinned.

"Just wait!" I said softy.

He raised an eyebrow like Mr. Spock did on Star Trek...

We had only been intimate for four nights.....there were many "new" things to try. I could easily feel the presence of his huge cock behind me. If I leaned backward, it could have served as a backstop!

Slowly I scooted my body forward. His eyes were riveted on my dripping, pulsating boner.

Forward again....

"Baby.... PLEASE!" he whimpered.

There was no way I could torture this boy! In a flash, I was close enough for him to swallow my rod. Which he did. With ease. Kissing wasn't the only skill possessed by his determined tongue...

I fed him. Twice. He greedily took every drop, spilling nothing.

"Thanks!" he said quietly.

HE'S thanking ME?

"I think you have that backwards," I laughed, "I should be thanking YOU!"

Which I then did.

It was my hope that cumming like I did would take the edge off for the show that was about to open. If that was indeed my plan, someone didn't inform my cock.... it was still hard as steel.

Slowly I lifted my petite body up of off Mark's warm, firm chest.

There is was. Like the Eiffel Tower, jutting up into the semi-light room.

It sure looked a lot bigger than the candle, the zucchini or the cucumber!

Who am I kidding? It didn't just LOOK bigger, its.... brute size was overwhelming....and mesmerizing.....almost hypnotic!

Mark watched as I focused all my attention on his beast. I knew he was trying to figure out what I was doing....

Reaching over, I grabbed the cocoa butter.

"Tonight is the night," I said, smiling at him.

"You... You.... What.... Baby?" he sputtered.

"Something I've wanted to give you for so long... Something I know you want... and more importantly, DESERVE!"

"But... But... We talked about this before and....!"

"...And now it's time!" I replied, "Besides, I've been practicing!"

The look of confusion and uncertainty on his face was actually priceless!

"You.... mean with someone....?" he stuttered.

"Of course not!! You know I'm pledged to you," I hastily cut him off.

He looked relieved.

"No.... I had to call on some old friends....!'" I giggled.

It took him about a half a second to figure that out.

"Not the candles....!" he snickered.

I nodded.

"And some zucchini and cucumbers!" I giggled, "Last night... before you got home!"

"That explains it!" he hooted.

"Huh? What?"

"I though I smelled cum in the bedroom.....!"

Damn! Mark is one sharp stud! There's no way to fool this boy!

I started laughing.

"The Old Spice' didn't work?" I giggled.

"No. Not really!"

We both laughed.

"You don't have to do this!"

"I WANT to do this! It's not fair to you! I fuck you all the time....!"

"I know!" he said dreamily.

"And I want you to have me the same way...!"

"Okay then!" he agreed.

Before I knew what had happened, Mark had ME pinned face down on the bed!

Strong, fast and smart....all rolled into one adorably hot guy!

I felt his hands gingerly probing around my crack.

"What....?" I started to ask then my body arched up in the air.

Mark's tongue has slipped inside my hole!

I moaned and bucked on the bed as he began savagely tongue fucking my ass!

"MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!" he cooed.

My eyes were watering so much I couldn't see straight!

"Yeah, baby! Nice, fresh and hot!" he said as his talented organ withdrew from my butt.

"You're dilated somewhat.... Either the candle or the vegetables did their job!" he chuckled.

Before I could respond or even laugh, he rolled me over on my back then laid down next to me. Looking up, I saw his cock swaying back and forth. It looked ever bigger from this perspective.

"Okay.... I know.... There's NO way I can convince you otherwise.... So here's how we're gonna do it!"

My eyes focused on his.

"I'm gonna lie on my back. You're gonna mount me. All by yourself. You're gonna do EVERYTHING. Because if I tried..... I don't think I could control myself..... I'll be watching you like a hawk.... If you look like you're in pain, I expect you to STOP!..... if you don't, I'll lift you right off my big prick and it'll be over for the night... Those are my conditions!"

I was dumbfounded that he cared so much about me!

"So I'm gonna be riding your big pole?"

"Yup! You're doing it all. I just supply the prop....a very BIG prop.... and if you get to the finish line, you'll feel a volcano erupting in your guts!"

My body shivered hearing Mark's sexy voice outlining how he was going to take my virginity. I would be in control! That's fine. At least for now. His concern for my well being was overwhelming.

"What if.... It all works out okay?" I asked.

"Then plan on getting laid A LOT!" he snickered.

I shivered again. The moment was here! Twenty-one years and I was about to become a man. I knew Mark would disagree with that thought. But this was the last big hurdle in my sexual development.

"Ready?" he asked.

"For?" I queried.

"I'm gonna help you prepare!"

I didn't know what that meant but I nodded "Yes!"

He gently flipped me over so I rested on my knees with my face down in the bed, supported by my forearms. My ass was sticking up in the air.

"Okay!" he said in a very raspy voice.

As I wondered what was going to happen next, two strong hands kneaded my tiny butt cheeks.

Then I felt it again! His tongue! Invading my hole! I moaned and squirmed. He gripped my hips and held me in place while continuing to penetrate my most private place.

"OHHHHH MARRRRRKKKKK!!!!!!!!" I cried, "YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That only seemed to excite him more. My cock was so hard I thought for sure this time it would snap right off my body. I mean... that feeling had happened several times since we started having sex but THIS time was the most intense!

He worked my hole over for a long time.

My heart was racing as my body kept quivering and shaking.

He finally withdrew and sat up.

"Nice! Your ass is SO nice! And squeaky clean, too!!"

I blushed at his praise but it made me feel proud.

"Where.... How.... did you learn...?" I started to ask.

"It just hit me... I mean.... there is a sweet tight hole and my tongue just... led me to it!" he laughed, then added, "I can tell you've been ... practicing!'"

We both laughed.

"It's that obvious?"

No, but it's looser than I've seen it maybe this won't hurt you much at all!"

"Wait.... You've been .... examining my hole?" I gasped.

"Of course!" Mark laughed, "It's part of YOU! A very SEXY part, too!"

I was amazed! He was way far ahead of me on a lot of things!

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt his hand at my crack.

"What now?" I asked.

"I'm gonna lube up your hole!" he replied.

I felt his middle finger enter my ass. Mark had thick, long fingers; mine were long too, but really skinny compared to his.

Slowly his middle digit penetrated me and then bottomed out.

I moaned.

"You like that?"

"There's something in my ass that.... when it gets rubbed just right, makes me cum!" I said.

"I know. Me too! I guess all guys have it!"

With that, his finger began probing my fuck hole.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelped as he rubbed that special spot.

"OHHH!!!!" Mark laughed, "I found it!"

"YYYYESSSS!" I squealed.

He began massaging it and my body started bucking and shaking.

"M...M...Markkkkkk! I'm gonna..... OH FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

A torrent of thick white jizz began drooling out of my aching boner.

"Look at my baby cum!" Mark giggled.

I couldn't help it; my prick was responding to his careful manipulation.

"Damn!" he gasped as my unplanned eruption finally ceased, "Three times in a row!"

All I could do was mewl and spew a torrent of nonsensical sounds.

I collapsed on the bed, panting like a dog in heat.

"Maybe we should stop...!" Mark started to say.

"NO!" I yipped as I sat up.

My stomach and chest were covered with thick white cum.

"I'm doing this!" I declared.

Mark stretched out on his back; his cock towered in the air.

"Okay then... If you insist.... But you don't HAVE to! I keep telling you that! I LOVE you just the way you are!"

"Then you'll love me even more after I give myself to you!"

Mark realized I wouldn't back down.

"Stubborn!" he guffawed.

"No. Just in love!" I shot back.

"Then I better slick up my own cock. If you try to do it, I'll probably paint your ceiling with my dick snot!"

That image made me start laughing.

"Okay!" I nodded.

He proceeded to prepare his flagpole-sized cock.

"Ready!" he announced, "Just remember the rules!"

I agreed while straddling his lean, supple body. Looking down at his cock, I shuddered.

"It looks bigger than before!" I squeaked.

"Shit I hope not! It's big enough now!"

We laughed.

Slowly I lowered my body downwards.

First contact! I felt the tip of his monster slip in between my small butt cheeks.

"Relax and breathe deeply! Don't clench up your hole or it will NEVER go in!"

Moving my body slightly, I found the spot. It was now or never. If I quit, nothing would change in my mind. I would remain a virgin and Mark would never be able to fully claim me as his.

Slowly I lowered my body down.

His cock started to split open my tiny hole. I gasped.

He was watching me like a hawk. I could see concern in his deep green eyes.

My asshole opened up.


Pain radiated through my butt. Not a sharp sensation but rather something dull.... My persistent boner was gone. In fact, my cock had shriveled up to almost nothing. If Mark noticed, he didn't say anything. For that I was grateful....

I stopped for a minute. Trying to relax. The feeling slowly subsided.

"Once you get past your ass ring, it won't be so bad....!" he said.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"At least for a little ways....!" he added.

I stared at him in shock.

"UHH!!" I grunted as my body dropped down a little more.

"The head is almost in!" he said.

"Almost?" I thought, "He has to be kidding!"

Such was not the case...

"Try pulling out and going back in again. A few times. That will open you up and make the rest easier...! Sort of....!"

I think Mark was still trying to make me bail out. His candid remarks wouldn't stop me!

Rising up, I lowered myself back down and repeated the same over and over. It was getting easier!

"AHHHHH!!!" I moaned as the head of his cock fully entered me and I sank down a few inches on that long, thick shaft.

Neither the candle or the vegetables were anything close to this!

After a few minutes of penetrating myself, withdrawing, and repeating, things did seem to be getting easier.

My breathing was growing faster and shorter.

"Not bad! You're almost half-way in!" he said.

" Mark the score keeper!'Announcing the progress of me giving up my cherry! ...Thanks!" I grunted.

The further his cock impaled itself into my tight hole, the more I felt it. I was sitting on a huge, hot, throbbing wedge of flesh! My asshole was slowly being forced open wider and wider.

Mark moaned.

"Damn! You're so fucking tight!"

"I won't be after tonight!" I grunted.

"Yes you will! You'll always be tight. You'll just be able to take it easier each time we do it!

"Then we better do it a lot!" I gasped.

"Oh I think you can count on that!" he chortled.

"I think I've created a monster," I moaned, parroting his remark about me.

"Oh... I've always been a BEAST...just waiting to be unleashed!" he giggled.

After about ten minutes I must have been three-quarters of the way down his long fat pole.

"You're getting there!" he laughed.

"Does it ever stop?" I moaned.

"All good things....!" he hooted.

"...Are just beginning!" I interjected, hijacking his comment.

The remaining couple of inches were eluding me. It felt like Mark's cock had struck a wall inside my guts.

"Maybe it won't go any further," he suggested.

"No! It just needs some coaxing!"

I kept trying. Moving upwards a bit, then down.

Finally my patience give out.

Before Mark could say anything, let alone act, I quickly slid up his cock and then, in one determined thrust, forced my slim frame down. All the way down!

"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

My face flushed bright scarlet; sweat broke out on my forehead as my eyes teared up and began flowing.

"RANDYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mark yelped.

He started to lift his arms upwards.


He stopped and stared at me. Our eyes met.

"I'm.....I'm......Oh....DAMN!!!!! All the way IN!" I cried.

My butt rested on Mark's pubic bone. I could feel his nest of ginger pubes rubbing against my soft skin.

"Don't you see?" I gasped, "Your cock....!"

"...Has gone where no man has gone before!" he hooted, referencing a famous quote from "Star Trek."

"YEAHHHH!" I panted. "I DID IT!"

My ass was completely impaled on Mark's huge cock. I could feel it throbbing inside my fuck chute.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

His face displayed abundant concern.

"Yeah... If ....I.... can just.... rest here like this.... for a minute.... or two!"

"No problem! I can stay hard like this all night long!"

That I knew for a fact to be true.....

"It feels so.... I FEEL SO FULL!" I moaned.

It was a moan of pleasure. The pain was quickly fading away.

"YEAHHHHHHH!!!!! You ...have one ....really tight ...little ass!" Mark stammered.

Every so often I could feel his fat rod throbbing inside my hole. It was then that I noticed my "battering ram" boner had returned in full force. A long strand of clear dick snot drooled out of a gaping, angry looking piss slit.

"Now what?" I asked.

"It's your show, remember? But I can tell you... I'm not gonna last much longer!"

"You never do!" I giggled.

"Yeah well.... This time is gonna be REALLY quick!"

Gingerly, I raised myself up and then settled back down. All the way down. There was no more resistance!

"Here we go!" I exclaimed.

Quickly I fell into a rhythmic motion riding Mark's oversized fuck stick. Judging by his body's reaction, and the barrage of noises filling the room, I was doing a good job.

As I sped up, my cock started slapping up and down, throwing a spray of dick spittle all over our bodies.

"YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!" Mark cried, "You're gonna make me cum!"

My eyes glossed over as his cock raked by whatever it was inside my ass that made me cum so hard.

"ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!" I yelped.

He was true to his word; I did all the work. My ass was savagely milking his prick.

His body suddenly shuddered and he bucked, lifting us both up and down. The bed springs squeaked from the movement of our young bodies.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" he screamed.

I felt that monster cock expand inside my ass. Every movement of his thick prick registered with my senses.

"HERE IT COMES!!!" he squeaked.

That knowledge set me off. Cum erupted from my boner, pelting Mark's face, the pillows and the headboard.

"I FEEL IT!" I cried as he began seeding my guts.

Mark was claiming me. Making me his own. It was the culmination of everything I wanted between us.

A warm flood enveloped my throughly stuffed butthole.

"YEAH! YEAH!! YEAH!!!!" I yelped.

Our eyes met. His were on fire as he made me one with him. This wasn't some anonymous park encounter. It was Mark Ellis fucking me. Filling me with his torrent of virile hot cum.

"OHHHH GODDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!" I sobbed.

"BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" Mark screamed.

It finally stopped. We were both sated. At least for now. I remained impaled on his throbbing fuck stick.

"Was it worth it?" I chortled.

His head lolled from side to side.

"Nothing... Oh shit! I never...... Baby!!!!" he babbled.

"You're not making any sense so.... I guess that means you liked it!" I giggled.

"FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!" he barked.

We both smiled then starting laughing.

"If I had known..... I mean..... I ....wouldn't have been so adamant about you NOT trying it!"

"Yeah were only doing that because you didn't want me to hurt myself!"

"How do you feel now?"

I wiggled around on his fat cock.

"Very happy!" I smiled, then I added, "Sorry about the cum on your face!"

He scooped up as much as possible and eagerly swallowed it.

"I better clean up!" I said.

"And clean yourself out! I think I dropped a quart of spunk in your ass!"

We both laughed as I slid off his glistening rod.

After we both freshened up and crawled into bed, he asked me, "Are you okay? Did you see any...?"

"No!" I assured him.

I could tell he was worried about there being any blood..... And there wasn't.

"I don't know what happened at the end... It's like your cock forced its way someplace deep inside of me!" I said.

"You never have to do it again if you....!"

"Are you KIDDING?" I laughed, "I didn't go through all of this just for it to be a one-time event!"

Mark chuckled.

"That's good.... Because I really liked it too!"

I nestled up close to him and we quickly fell asleep.

Things were different after that. Mark owned me. At least that's how I felt. How I wanted it. I was a man now. My boyhood innocence was swept away in one evening. It made me feel proud and important. Simply because I was able to make another guy so happy!

The rest of the week sped by really quickly.

Timothy must have received the news that his promotion to drafting was on temporary hold. He ignored both of us like the plague. He also kept giving Mark the vilest looks.

"Fuck him!" Mark said one day after work, "I don't owe him anything!"

I just stared at Mark and smiled.

"You are cursing more than when I first met you!"

"Because you have totally corrupted me!"

"Is that bad?"

"No. I like it!" he said with an evil grin.

Every night afterwards, I repeated my actions with Mark. Riding his fat cock until we both exploded. As a precaution, he draped a towel over his head. Which proved to be a wise move!

Our sexual escapades aside, things started appearing in the apartment. New things related to our coming trip.

First there were two CB radios.

"So we can keep in touch on the road!" he explained.

"How.... I don't know.... !"

"How to install it? Oh that's easy. We can do it at my place!"

Next were two radar detectors!

"If we're gonna have to deal with that fifty-five crap, I thought these would be a good investment!"

I marveled at how Mark's mind was putting all of this together. I never would have thought of either!

Friday evening found us going out for pizza. It was the eve of "Meeting the Families" weekend. For some reason, Mark was more nervous about it than me.

"I want to make a good impression!" he kept saying.

"You already have. With the only person that matters!"

That made him smile.

"Besides," I continued, "What's the big deal? She already knows about us. Anyway, Mom is just one person. With your family, I have to win over....!"

I counted in my head...

"Four people!"

He just laughed.

"You're in all the way with me!"

Given what I had been doing with him for the past three days, that remark made me choke with laughter.

"All the way!" I giggled, "But those... last two inches were brutal!"

"Yeah but you're really getting good at it now!"

"Because it feels soooooo good!" I said as my eyes glossed over.

"Well don't go getting a boner here," he laughed while looking around the crowded restaurant.

"I think it's too late!" I whispered.

"Then just stand behind me!" he chortled.

That invitation was perfect. In front of me was a bull's-eye view of Mark's delectable ass! He was wearing a cropped T shirt and skimpy cutoffs; I had a more conventional T shirt but also sported a shortly cut pair of old Levis.

"Your legs are so smooth!" he whispered.

"Are you trying to start something here?" I laughed.

He looked around.

"There's a vacant table over there... we could.....!" he grinned.

"And you call me a monster!'" I laughed.

One thing I paid attention to was the crowd. Specifically the guys. Mark was correct. There was a fairly large amount of discreet looks directed our way. A lot of them were aimed at him.

Our order was called. We gathered our food and headed out to his car. As always, Mark parked way out on the edge of the lot. It was a habit I also had acquired.

I had settled into the passenger seat and Mark was just getting ready to when a red Chevelle screeched its tires and parked next to us.

It was Timothy and two of his friends.

"Stay here," Mark told me.

Of course I did just the opposite.

Timothy and his buddies wasted no time in exiting the vehicle.

Mark stood facing the three of them. The look on his face told me to get back in the car. I didn't move.

I had no idea what was happening but if trouble arose, I wasn't leaving him alone.

Not that I could really DO anything! I couldn't fight a gnat!

"I wanna talk to you!" Timothy barked.

"Since we're here, that seems unavoidable," Mark replied.

"Are you trying to get smart with me?"

"No... That could never happen!" Mark fired back.

I smirked at Mark's replies. And his courage!

"Thanks to you, my promotion into drafting is on hold!"

"So what? Only for a month or so. It's not the end of the world!"

"I was counting on the extra money to swap out the tranny in my car!"

"Looks like it will have to wait a bit," Mark laughed.

"You know... I never really liked you!" Timothy barked.

"I've lost many nights sleep worrying about that!"

"And you!" Timothy glared at me, "Everything changed when you showed up!"

His singling me out was a complete surprise!

"Well.... we're leaving in three weeks so that should make you happy!" Mark said.

"Yeah. Both of you... That's what Spinner said... What's with that?"

His eyeballs raked over both of our bodies.

Unlike either of us, Timothy was wearing Levis and a pullover shirt.

I (always) thought his Levis fit him just a little too well....

"We're getting the hell out of this place," Mark said, "It's a dead-end town in a dead-end state!"

"Did you hear that," Timothy said to his friends, "He called us both dead-enders.'"

"He did not!" a voice barked.

That voice was mine!

"He's right," Mark said, "But this town is full of losers!"

He stared at Timothy. I couldn't help snickering.

"So what's the problem?" I asked, "We'll be gone and you'll get your job with the extra money...!"

"Shut up, lightweight!" Timothy snarled.

Mark's body stiffened up.

"Leave him alone!" he said in a tone that I had never heard him use before.

"Or what? What's the matter? Did I hurt your boyfriend's feelings?"

A look came over Timothy's eyes. It was unclear whether he had guessed the truth or if it was just ritualistic straight boy taunting.

"Leave Randy out of it!" Mark warned again.

Things were starting to escalate.

A few people had gathered around. Technically we were not parked on the pizza parlor's property, but on an adjacent vacant lot.

"Or what? You gonna break down and cry?" Timothy taunted.

One of his friends chucked, while someone in the crowd shouted "Leave them alone!"

"Hardly!" Mark said.

"I get it! You two ARE boyfriends! Look, guys, a couple of faggots! A scarecrow and a fly weight pussy boy!"

Mark winced at Timothy's insult.

"Let's go," he said to me.

I was just about ready to get back in the car when it happened. It looked like Timothy was starting to move towards me but..... My mind reeled at what happened next...

Timothy raised his arm like he was going to try and hit me. Mark grabbed his wrist. In mid air! Damn! I've read about rattlesnakes and how fast they strike but this happened in a blur.

There the two stood. Mark's huge hand had a crushing grip on Timothy's smaller wrist.

Timothy wiggled and yelped,

"Let go of me, faggot!"

"I don't like that word," Mark said in a soft, even tone.

It was almost like he was casually holding a candy bar or a can of soda in his hand. Timothy squirmed and writhed in pain.

His two friends stood by motionless. Some girls in the crowd (which was now much larger) gasped.

"Too bad all that working out you do can't make you any bigger," Mark laughed, "You shouldn't go picking fights with guys outside your own size!"

Timothy yelped as Mark sharply bent his wrist backwards; then in one quick, violent move he spun the smaller boy around and planted his size fourteen shoe squarely on Timothy's butt. A good swift push sent him forcefully down face first into the dirt.

Some guys in the crowd applauded.

"Just stay down there and don't try to stand up," Mark warned the now-prostrate boy, "Otherwise you'll be back down on the ground faster than before!"

He then spun to face Timothy's two friends.

"You two wanna crack at me?"

One of them seemed uncertain.

"There's two of us," one said to the other.

"Yeah... but did you see that? I don't want any part of this!"

Both of the young men were considerably shorter and thinner than Mark.

Mark looked down at Timothy, who had turned over and was holding his hand in pain.

"I think you broke my damned wrist!"

"Then learn to jack off with your left hand. It's really easy!" a voice said.

Mark's head snapped in my direction when he heard my remark.

The crowd (which had numbered about twenty) started to disperse with some comments like "Atta boy!" and "Way to go!" They all seemed directed at Mark!

Timothy glared at me.

"You're not getting the message, are you" Mark said, "You touch him. Even one hair. And we'll finish this fight!"

He turned to Timothy's friends.

"Bring them along if it makes you feel like a stud. Bring twenty guys. I don't care. In fact.... If you want to finish this...... I'm available until the end of the month."

What can I possibly say? It all had happened so quickly. When I saw how easily Mark took out Timothy, I realized my plan to help was silly.

Reality came calling as I heard Mark's voice, "Pick up your friend and get out of here!"

We both watched as the two young men helped Timothy stand up.

"You just got your ass kicked.....literally!" I giggled, "By a scarecrow!'"

Mark grinned at my comment.

We watched them pile into Timothy's car.

"You think you can drive?" one of the two asked him.

"Fuck yeah!" Timothy snapped to his friends before howling out in pain.

"Come on," Mark motioned to me, "We're done here!"

On the ride home, Mark was very quiet.

"I didn't mean to hurt him that much!"

I thought carefully before replying.

"How did you know what to do?"

"I didn't. It just happened."

"Didn't you tell me you punched out a couple of bullies in high school?"

"Yeah but it wasn't like this. Timothy was going to hurt you."

"You sure were fast!"

"But I've never actually fought anyone before in my life. Except for Ed and Stan...!"

"You fought with your brothers?"

"Not actually but...they showed me how to take care of myself. Knowing what I know now... I think Ed did it because I'm....!"

"Because you're gay and he was afraid of you getting beaten up!" I said.

Mark nodded, "Yes."

"Well fat chance of that! You sure took Timothy in a flash!"

"I wasn't going to let him touch you!" he said softly.

I felt warm all over hearing Mark say that...

"Besides... Timothy has small hands. So it was easy to overpower him!"

"I guess all his weightlifting and stuff was for nothing...!"

"Oh he's got some nice muscle tone... But all the workouts in the world won't change the fact that he's a lot shorter than me. His bones are a lot smaller than mine....!"

"I know," I said ruefully, "I've been giving my bone a workout for years and it's still the same size!"

There was a sudden silence in the car before Mark spoke, "Did you just say what I thought you said?"

"Yes!" I chirped.

He started laughing. Uncontrollably. Gripping the steering wheel while his deep resonant sounds filled the car.

"That's ...another ...thing ...I love ...about you...!"

"Oh! Are there many....?" I started to ask.

"Heck yes! Tons of them! But you always come up with something like...," he paused, " Then learn to jack off with your left hand. It's really easy,' and " You just got your ass kicked by a scarecrow!' How do you come up with stuff like that?"

"They just pop out!" I giggled.

We pulled into the apartment parking lot. Mark switched off the car and turned to look at me.

"No one will ever hurt you. I promise!" he said softly, "And if by some reason.... someone does.... they will be very, very sorry!"

I shuddered at his words but my cock was hard as steel.

"Would you really fight Timothy AND his friends?"


"But.... two... or three... against one?"

"Go for the leader!"


"Go for the leader. Eliminate him and the rest will fall .... or run.... away. Just like they did tonight!"

Following Mark into the apartment, I thought about what had happened and what he said. I also had an excellent view of his broad shoulders which tapered down to a very firm waist. And that ass.........a sight ALWAYS worth viewing!

"Are you staring at my butt?" he said over his shoulder.

"How did you know?"

"I didn't. But you just admitted that you ....are!"

We both started laughing.

After dinner we headed off to bed. I had to work four hours the next day. Mark did not. We snuggled together under the sheets while the air conditioning kept the bedroom glacially cold.

"You've had a big week," he whispered in my ear.

"I know. Now I belong completely to you!"

"I'll never get you to understand that... it wasn't necessary.... I'm already a part of you and you are of me!" he replied.

"But now we're completely equal! And tonight you saved my life"

"Isn't that a little bit of an overstatement.....?"

"Yeah but it sounds so good!" I hooted.

"I meant what I said. No one better ever hurt you....!"

I snuggled tightly against his firm young body. Soft but hard, warm, supple and with that intoxicating essence....



"I know you probably want me to fuck you again but.... Please.....!"


"I need you inside of me!" he pleaded.

"How many times....?" I giggled.

After work, I couldn't wait to get home. Mark was cleaning the apartment and had already done the laundry. Everything was spotless, which was amazing because he's a little casual..... Okay.... I finally found one "flaw" with my perfect guy! He leaves clothes everywhere. On the bed, on the bedroom floor, in the bathroom.

Oh, he eventually picks them all up.... but at his own leisure. I still think he's a "keeper!" Today he "made up" for it all by vacuuming, dusting, putting all the dishes away and also the aforementioned laundry.

There was time for lunch and then we headed out grocery shopping.

"I don't know why," I laughed, "We're not eating dinner here for two days!"

"That still leaves the rest of the week!" he replied.

"Yes. I am very good at math!" I laughed.

"How was work?"

"Pretty busy. In case you're wondering, Timothy wasn't there. But then he hardly ever works any overtime."

"Monday will be interesting," Mark said.

"No shit!" I laughed.

After shopping we headed back home and killed some time goofing off. And of course, doing what two horny guys do best. I rode Mark's monster again. It was getting easier and easier. And yes, I drenched his (towel covered) face with my jizz!

By late afternoon, we showered and then dressed to head over to Mom's place.

"I don't know what to wear!" he said desperately.

"You have a shitload of clothes!" I laughed.

"I know. But I want to look good...!"

"When have you ever NOT looked good?"

"But this is different!"

He picked out a nice blue and white polo shirt. It was the jeans that drove him nuts!

"They all show off my cock too much!"

"It's not the jeans' fault!" I hooted, "Besides, look at me!"

I had on some faded Levis; when they're at the point that the blue denim has started to turn to a whiteish shade.

"I can see your cock," he laughed.

"It's okay as long as I don't get a boner!"

"You trust yourself that much?"

"I always dressed like this before and Mom never cared. Besides, we're not going to a five star restaurant; we're going to my former home!"

"How about these?"

I must have heard him ask me that same question fifteen times.

"What about the jeans you wear at work?"

"Those aren't Levis!"


"I thought we should dress alike...."

My head spun over THAT remark!

"...I mean, we ARE boyfriends!"

I shook my head in amazement. There went his brain again... Into places I never would have guessed!

I finally helped him pick out a pair of Levis 501s that fit him perfectly.

"Just YOU don't go getting any boners!" I laughed, "Or that beast might tip over the dining table!"

He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Don't start! Or we'll never get there!" I warned him.

"But you look SO good!"

"Just think about tonight when we get home!"

He licked his lips; his green eyes and sexy smile told me everything.

We took my car. On the drive, he kept asking me what to say and what to talk about.

"Just be YOU!" I laughed.

Inside, I was glad to see my boyish Mark back in charge again.

"This is your home?" he whistled as I pulled up to a large new house situated on the side of a hill.


"It's really beautiful!"

"I guess so... except I don't know why it doesn't have a fucking basement! A house on a sloped lot like this....!"

My mind went back to the recent tornado outbreak.

We walked side by side up to the door. I stood very close to him.

"Is my hair okay?" he asked.

"YOU LOOK FINE!" I chuckled as I rang the bell.

The door opened....

"Hey!" I said to Mom, "Here we are!"

Next: Chapter 4

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