That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on Aug 8, 2022


"That Was Unexpected 14"

Copyright 2022

After "only" fourteen chapters it has been noticed that single quotation marks are missing in places. Sorry about that. They are in the original document!

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From Part 13...

"I need to clean up...After Nick...I feel...DIRTY!" he said softly.

"Go right ahead! Maybe I'll cook us something for dinner!" I replied.

The look on his face was priceless....

"Hey! There's no need to threaten anyone like that!" he hooted.

I swatted him on his delectable, gorgeous ass as he turned and headed for the bedroom.

Part 14

As Randy followed Mark, he couldn't help but admire the firm, tantalizing ass just a couple of feet in front of him. Covered only by a thin, worn denim fabric, Mark's butt was a masterpiece all by itself on a young man who would have made Adonis turn green with envy.

Even though he had entered Mark's alluring hole many, many times, it still beckoned to him like a moth to a flame. And why not? It had the perfect shape: round, firm and tight while soft at the same time. A seeming contradiction, yet Mark's entire body was that way. Hard, strong and supple yet so smooth and tender to the touch. Not visible behind the jeans was the alluring, dark cleft between those irresistible butt cheeks. Devoid of any hair, the darkness of his most private spot was a prize any man or boy would die for...and only Randy owned it! Well, Randy and their new friend who was crashed out behind the bedroom door...

Mark abruptly stopped at the closed door and spun to face his lover. That act caught Randy by compete surprise; he barely avoided crashing into the tall ginger stud.

"Following too closely?" Mark giggled, then he spied an obvious, large tubular shape straining in Randy's jeans, "Hey! Were you staring at my ass?"

"Anyway," he continued without waiting for Randy's response, "I can't shower in there. It will wake up Kevin! Maybe I better use the main bathroom!"

"Huh?" Randy squeaked, "Oh...Yes!'

"Yes what?" Mark asked.

He watched with amusement as the boy stammered and fidgeted while turning beet red.

"Yes... Oh the answer to your question...!"

"Which one?" Mark smiled.

"Both of them!" Randy croaked.

That signature big toothy grin flashed across Mark's face. Randy felt his cock expand and throb.

"Okay!" Mark replied as he headed back down the hall towards the main bathroom.

Randy followed like a little puppy in heat. He WAS in heat! His body quivered as he watched Mark glide down the hallway. His movements reeked of power and manliness...packaged with a radiant, youthful appearance.

Reaching the bathroom, Mark turned to face Randy, who again was close to colliding with him. He smiled at his friend's dilemma...

"Well... This is the bathroom!" he giggled.

"Uh...yeah!" Randy stammered.

"I guess...!" Mark started to say.

"Can I shower with you?" Randy blurted out, "I mean...Can I bathe you...?"

"What? Like with Kevin...?" Mark grinned, then he added, "And isn't is supposed to be May?'"

"Uhhhh! Something like that I mean...! Hey! When did YOU get to be the grammarian!"

Mark was enjoying his friend's "dilemma."

"Have I been doing something wrong? Maybe missing some spots?" Mark giggled as he teased the boy.

"N...N...No! N...N...No! N...N...No! You're per...per..perfect" Randy stuttered.

Mark just shot him a cheeky grin.

"Then by all means," he said softly while stepping out of his jeans. His shirt quickly followed; up over his head and down to the floor. Randy stood transfixed; his mouth agape. No matter how many times he saw Mark naked, it was always a sight to behold. Free of confinement, his massive cock jutted out and up into the air. Two massive egg shaped balls hung down in a velvety smooth pouch adorned by a wild nest of ginger pubes.

"How did I ever land him?" Randy thought to himself.

He knew the answer to that question but still...waking up to someone as perfect as Mark every single day was the stuff of dreams. At least for someone like himself. Even though they had both discussed this topic many, many times, and Mark was firmly committed to him, it just seemed too perfect!

"I never have luck like this!" he had said to himself over and over...

Mark eyed him with amusement.

"It's customary to take off your clothes before taking a shower!" he teased his friend.

Mark's voice brought Randy out of his trance.

"What? Oh...Oh yeah!" he stammered again while blushing as brightly as the sun.

Quickly he stepped out of his jeans and T-shirt. Mark's eyes roamed up and down his lover's lean body.

"Nice....!" Mark purred.

"Too skinny and too weak!" Randy shot back.

"Are we going to start that discussion again?" Mark laughed.

Randy knew it was futile; he would lose that conversation just like he did every time...

"Is there room enough for both of us in here?" Mark giggled as he stepped into the bathtub.

Randy's eyes were riveted on the boy's mesmerizing body.

"Hellllloooooo!" Mark taunted him, "Anyone in there?"

"What? Oh yeah!" Randy blushed yet again.

"What's the matter with you? You've seen me naked a million times before...!" Mark started to ask.

"I know!" Randy gulped for air, "It's just that lately it's been different and...I've missed...seeing you as much as we...!"

"Oh!" Mark chortled, "Then stare away! Looks are always free!"

"What about anything else besides looks?" Randy croaked.

"For you?" Mark hooted, "You know you have a lifetime free pass!"

Randy blushed again. Mark was right; since Kevin turned up at their door, life had been completely upended for both of them. The culmination of what had just happened at Kevin's former home... had been a lot for anyone to assimilate.

Caring for their wounded friend had completely changed the domestic routine. Not that either Randy or Mark were annoyed; but their lovemaking and casual closeness had been interrupted.

Randy joined Mark in the bathtub and instantly discovered a big mistake; Mark was closest to the shower head which wouldn't work at all for Randy. They quickly switched positions as Randy turned on the water.

"Feels so good!" Mark said softly.

"Yeahhhh!" Randy moaned.

Mark was facing the shower while Randy faced his lover (towards the rear of the tub). That meant their bodies were in constant contact...bumping and jostling around under the refreshing cascade of water. Naturally their cocks collided. Over and over. That only made the scene more erotic as they both fought to control their raging boners.

"Lower your head," Randy said.

Mark did as requested. Lathering up some shampoo, Randy began massaging his friend's ginger mane.

"OHHHH!! That feels really nice!" Mark sighed, "No one ever did that to me before!"

Randy carefully applied shampoo to all of Mark's hair and then rinsed it away.

"Please hand me the conditioner!" he said.

Mark complied.

"Your hair is so...beautiful!" Randy panted.

His friend smiled at the compliment.

"Close your eyes!" Randy whispered.


"I don't want to get any soap in them!"

"Oh!" Mark grunted as he then realized his friend was going for a complete body wash!

Taking a wash cloth, Randy carefully scrubbed Mark's face. After completion, he rinsed away all the soap and gazed at the picture of beauty facing him.

"You can open your eyes now," he said.

Mark complied. Randy's cock throbbed so hard it hurt as he stared into two gorgeous green orbs.

"You're so beautiful!" he whispered.

The cascading shower obscured Mark's brilliant blushing...

Taking the wash cloth in hand, Randy started to lather up his ginger boy's chest, arms and pits. Slowly he worked his way down Mark's tall, lean body, stopping to give undue attention to two very erect nips. Mark let out a soft groan as his lover reached the waistline.

Kneeling down, Randy took a deep breath and began to lather up Mark's crotch. He was face to face with his lover's immense cock and ball sack, the latter which hung down quite low with its two massively pendulous nuts.

He could barely control himself while lathering up Mark's tool. It throbbed and pulsated in his grip, spewing out a stream of dick snot which was quickly washed away in the shower.

"OHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Mark moaned in a deep, low voice, "Baby......Please!"

It was too much for Randy; he quickly opened his mouth and began swallowing as much of Mark's rod as he could.

"YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Mark sighed as he leaned into his friend, "It's not gonna take....long!"

That proved to be the understatement of the year! No sooner had the words escaped his mouth when a powerful blast of thick dick cream flooded Randy's throat. Being proficient at sucking his lover's long, thick bone, he knew exactly what to do, and with not a second to lose as another volley followed in rapid succession, followed by many, many more...

"Damn, Baby! You're such a stud!" Mark cried as his body bucked and quivered under the talents of Randy's tongue and throat.

After uncoupling from Mark's long, hard bone, Randy felt himself being lifted upwards. Their lips met in a passionate kiss that caused the bathroom to reverberate with loud moans.

"I love you so much!" Mark sobbed.

Randy wrapped his arms around his lover and they held each other in a tight embrace as the shower rained down on them.

"I have to do your legs," Randy giggled, "Then your backside!"

"If it feels as good as it has so far, I can't wait!" Mark giggled.

The legs were done in a flash; then Mark turned around to face the back end of the tub while Randy started working his way down his lover's strong shoulders.

Mark let out another long moan as Randy progressed through the hollow of his friend's back. It took only a few seconds to reach the two firm globes of flesh that beckoned like a lighthouse.

Carefully Randy inserted his finger deep into the dark crevice dividing the two orbs. Mark bucked and heaved at the penetration.

"YEAHHHHH!!!" Mark sighed, "Please......!"

That was all Randy needed to hear. Withdrawing his finger, he leaned in and began to tongue fuck his 6'4" stud. Mark yelped with joy and then began bucking and thrashing while thrusting backwards towards his lover.

"FUCK ME!!!!" he hissed as Randy's tongue dove deep into his hot hole.

Randy smiled at his friend's condition.

Slowly he withdrew from Mark's tight ass. Reaching for a bottle of hair conditioner, he lathered up his rod and slipped it into Mark's boy cunt with one long forceful thrust.

Mark squealed at the feeling of being penetrated so quickly by his friend's fat tool.

"Tear me up!" he sobbed, "Make me all yours! Own my hole!"

Randy smiled as Mark's vocalizations began to return. They had been amiss since Kevin parted company upon their arrival in Phoenix.


These demands and more echoed in the bathroom as Randy began to savagely pound his lover's ass. It didn't take long before a flood of dick cream erupted from his cock.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Randy screamed as his seed flooded Mark's guts.

"I FEEL IT BABY!!! OH FUCK YES!!!!" Mark cried.

Mark's ass felt like a huge vacuum pump, sucking all the cum of out his lover's fat cock. Randy's eyes rolled back in his head as he felt his prick enveloped, gripped, massaged and drained by his ginger boy's hot hole.

Their screams of passion reverberated in the bathroom as the shower continued to flow down and over their young, potent bodies. Temporarily sated, Randy disengaged from his friend, who then spun around to face him.

"Good enough?" he asked with his big toothy smile.

"Are you KIDDING?" Randy laughed.

"Good! Cause now it's my turn...!"

Kevin awoke and rolled his head to face a clock on the night stand. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Only forty minutes?" he thought to himself.

Lying spread-eagle in the middle of Mark and Randy's huge bed, he took stock of the room and its furnishings. True, he had spent the last few nights in this exact location, but now, in broad daylight and alone, he had the chance to look everything over.

Three lava lamps sat on top of one of the dressers.

"Those have to belong to Randy!" he said with a grin.

Two beautiful full color prints, one of a saguaro cactus surrounded by other native Sonoran vegetation, and the other a breathtaking panorama of the Grand Canyon, hung on the walls.

"Markyasaurus! It has to be! Those are his!" he whispered aloud.

The events of that day brought him back to reality.

"I don't have a home anymore," he said softly, "No parents, no house. No place I can call my own!"

He started to cry...

"I can't stay here with them! They love each other and have their own lives to lead. Maybe I should leave. Get out of Phoenix and go somewhere...back to El Paso or...anywhere a long ways away from here!"

His tears started to flow in copious amounts.

Lying in there in the bed, the scent of his two friends surrounded him. It was the place where Randy and Mark shared their deepest intimacies! Where they made love with abandon, not caring what anyone thought...

"It's so fucked up!" Kevin cried, "Why did I have to meet both of them? I never thought it would...that they so kind and...!"

His mind turned towards Mark.

"He stood up for me like no one ever has. Ever! Much more than Alan or Nelson! He avenged what that prick Nick did to me! He actually cared enough to risk getting hurt just to settle the score....!"

Then he paused for a moment...

"Well, I don't know about the getting hurt part! It was pretty one-sided, powerful and fast!" he laughed, "Like something in a movie only it was real! Mark really does me...!"

As soon as he said the words, his thoughts turned to Randy...

"He must really...I mean...Mark is HIS! All HIS! Yet he shared him with me! Why? Why did he do that? I kind of wish he hadn't...because...after having been with both of them, it hurts to think of being alone again!"

Despite his sadness, the scent of Mark and Randy and the sensuous setting of their huge bed were enough to send his 9 «" cock into full bloom. He stared at it, first with disgust...

"Damn!" he exclaimed while glaring at the huge tubular fuck stick that swayed back and forth while jutting up from his tiny frame, "Why do you have to like BOYS? Why couldn't you...!"

He stopped in mid-sentence.

"YUCK! What am I thinking? A girl? No thanks. I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life!"

He continued to watch his impressive prick as it throbbed and weaved in the open air. Sitting up, he leaned forward and did what he always did when there was no one around to do it for him...Opening his mouth, he slowly swallowed his cock and began to suck he had done since seventh grade. Doing this so many times had honed his skill as a proficient sock sucker... It didn't take long for him to complete his task!

Mark and Randy toweled each other off and turned to face one another while simultaneously proclaiming, "You're beautiful!"

"I said it first!" Randy giggled.

"Bullshit if you did!" Mark hooted.

"At least we know the hot water tank works really well!" Randy chuckled.

"Is you ass okay?" Mark asked.

He always was so afraid of hurting his friend; it was so difficult to hold back and not cut loose on Randy's alluring boy-cunt.

"Never better!"

"Let's get dressed and...!" Mark started to suggest.

"Dressed? Why? Are we going someplace!" Randy hooted.

"No...Unless you want to...but remember we have a friend here and he might not be used to how we....!" Mark stammered.

"Oh, I bet he'd be FINE with us in our birthday suits. But you're right! A little modesty might be appropriate. At least temporarily...!"

They both wondered about that... So far, the sex between Kevin and both of them had been limited to "showering episodes," and it had been pretty light and easy.

"Kevin needs to decide when he wants to go back to being himself!" Mark had suggested, "He's still dealing with what Nick did to him and...!"

"He keeps saying he's ugly and he's NOT! His bruises are healing and...!" Randy interrupted.

"Yeah but sometimes when they heal, they look even worse until...all of a sudden they're almost completely gone!" Mark interjected.

He led the way out of the bathroom and, to their surprise, found Kevin in the spare bedroom.

"Hey! We thought you were going to take a nap and...!" Randy said.

"I did but then I woke up's still daylight so...I decided to get up and...," he stopped and looked at both of them, "Did Randyasaurus and Markyasaurus do some fucking in the shower?"

"Uh...Uhhhh!" Mark stammered as both of them turned beet red.

"AH HA! I KNEW IT!" Kevin hooted.

"!" Randy stuttered.

"I know! Three's a crowd!" Kevin said softly.

No. Not at all...!" Randy started to reply.

"I'm in your way and...!" the boy said softly.

"NO YOU ARE NOT!" Mark barked.

Randy had been studying their friend since the conversation started...

"Have you been crying?" he gently asked.

Kevin quickly turned away from him. Unfortunately he ended up staring directly at Mark...

"YES! You have!" he exclaimed.

He quickly sat down next to him and threw an arm around his shoulder.

Kevin started to cry.

"What's the matter, little warrior?"

It was then that Mark noticed a photo album lying on the floor. There were several snapshots visible, including one of Kevin all dressed up in a train engineer's uniform complete with the striped cap.

"May I?" Mark asked.

Kevin nodded affirmatively.

Picking up the album, Mark studied the picture. It was a much younger Kevin, posed in front of part of a huge HO train layout. Off to the side was another young boy. He knew right away it was Nick...

"This must have been the model railroad layout you talked about," Mark said softly.

Kevin nodded.

"How old are you here?"

"Maybe...I think I was eleven...!"

"You looked pretty happy then!"

"It was about the only time I was ever happy at home. I could forget about everything else and just act like I was a real engineer on a real train far away from...!" he stopped and sniffled.

Mark showed the picture to Randy.

"It looks really neat!" Randy observed.

"It was. But Nick always had to have his way...breaking things...and just being a brat...!"

Based on what they had recently seen of him, that statement made a lot of sense.

"Thank you!" Kevin sobbed, "Both of you!"

"Huh?" Mark grunted.

"For what you did...Standing up for me and teaching Nick a lesson!"

"It was the least I could do...I really wanted to do a lot more but...I had to control myself!" Mark replied.

Randy's eyes widened as he thought, " Control myself?' I'd hate to see what more he could have done...!"

"Do you think you'll get in any trouble for what you did? I'm not worth that...!"

"STOP!" Mark yelped, "No. Nothing will happen to me!"

"How do you know?" Kevin asked, "You really fucked Nick up...!"

"Fucked him hard!" Randy snorted.

They all laughed.

"Kevin...Think about it! Nick has no idea who I am. Or Randy. He only knows you. And he threw you out. Or rather he did what your parents wanted. Because they are fucking assholes. None of them know where you are. Do you think your Mom and Dad are going to put out an all points bulletin' for the guy who beat up their son?"

"But what if...!" Kevin protested.

"Trust me. Your Dad doesn't sound like the kind of guy who's going to run to the police to report that his little darling jock boy son got fucked in the ass by another boy. Think of the humiliation that would cause Nick...! In fact, I would be surprised if Nick even tells your Dad that he DID get fucked in the ass. Everything else that I did to him can easily be dismissed as some kind of fight...maybe a gang thing...and that's it...!"

Kevin buried himself into Mark's shoulder.

" one every stood up for me like that. In my whole life. Ever! Ever! Ever!" he sobbed.

"Look...Kevin...When I first met Randy, one of the things I promised was to love, honor, cherish respect, defend and protect him forever. The same thing applies to you!"

Kevin looked up at Mark's brilliant green eyes and then he broke down into a complete flood of tears. He then turned to look at Randy.

"Thank you so much!" he bawled.

"For what?" Randy asked.

"For sharing Mark with me. You didn't have to. He's yours. Not mine. I don't deserve someone!"

"SSSSHHHH!" Randy hushed him, "You deserve the very finest there is!"

They all snuggled together on the floor. Kevin was sandwiched in the middle, and he seemed to enjoy that position.

"I don't have anything anymore. No parents. No brother. No home. No job. Nothing!"

It was then that Randy and Mark knew; they had simultaneously come to the same decision...

"Well.....!" Mark said slowly, "Randy and I were kind of thinking you could stay here...!"

Kevin looked up at him.

"We DO have this spare bedroom and...Shoot! We could easily buy another bed and dresser and you could live right here... Don't worry about rent or anything until you get a job. You could just come and go as you please! "

"Oh...!" Kevin said softly.

His response seemed less than enthusiastic.

Randy glanced at Mark. His look signaled complete confusion.

"Or....!" Mark continued, "There is another option...But it's a little different and comes with some... rules...Well, one really strong rule...!"

Kevin looked up at him again. His eyes were still flooded with tears.

"You COULD decide to stay with us...I with Randy and me...The three of a family...I mean...!" Mark stammered.

"He means we love you. We have for a long time now. And we'd love it if you decided to become a part of our life. Completely!" Randy interjected.

Kevin's face suddenly lit up like a lighthouse.

"Really?" he squeaked.

Yes. Really. We've felt this way about you for...Well, we REALLY felt it when we got here and you had to leave...!" Randy replied.

"Yeah!" Mark added, "It wasn't the same when you left...and so...Randy and I...we kind of wondered if you'd be interested in...!"

"YES!!!" Kevin squeaked.

"There's only one thing...The one rule...," Mark continued.

"What's that?" the boy asked.

Randy and I are...a couple and...we don't fuck around with other guys...!"

"What about me?" Kevin giggled.

"You were one BIG exception. Something about you just...turned us on so much and then the more we got to know you, the more we came to like you until...!"

"Then what's the rule?" Kevin asked.

"It's just Randy, me and you. No more parks. No more bar parking lots. No more stray boys unless we all're one sexy little stud who can charm any boy and lure him into your grasp almost...!" Mark explained.

"Like a Venus Flytrap!" Randy hooted.

They all broke up with laughter.

"So...No more of that unless we all agree!"

"Three guys together? How does that work?" Kevin asked, "What would your parents say?

"The three of us seemed to be working out pretty well together until we got here and ...well...that's all settled now...!" Randy said while eyeing Mark, "As for Mom... she would accept you because WE invited you into our life!"

"Mom and Dad will sure be surprised, and Ed and Stan...," Mark smiled, "...they'd figure you're here to tame both of us!"

"To help us sow all those wild oats' guys our age are supposed to have!" Randy chortled.

" Supposed to have?'" Kevin giggled while eyeing Mark.

Everyone laughed, then suddenly he became very serious.

"But...But...I'm not pretty or cute anymore. I'm ugly!" Kevin said softly.

"Damn it! I'm tired of hearing that bullshit!" Mark laughed.

He effortlessly scooped up a squealing Kevin and carried him into the bathroom. Randy followed close behind. There they stood in front of the mirror.

"See? Do you see the beautiful boy?" Mark giggled.

"No! Well... Yes... I see YOU!" Kevin snorted.

"Look again! At the cute blonde boy with THE BIG COCK!" Mark hooted.

"He's all bruised and ugly!"

"You're looking better every day!" Randy laughed, "Mark knows a cute boy when he sees one!"

"And I see THREE!" Mark chortled, "Now... What's it gonna be?"

Kevin stared at Randy and Mark.

"Maybe I...I could...Can I sleep in the middle of the bed?" he asked.

"You can sleep anywhere you like!" Mark assured him.

"And all I have to do is...!"

"Whatever you want with both of us! But we're a...trio! Completely monogamous unless we decide otherwise...!" Mark reiterated, "AND...You don't have ANY obligation to satisfy' either of us! You can do what comes...!"

"Don't you mean c.u.m.s?" Kevin giggled as he spelled out the word...

Mark and Randy laughed.

"Yeah! A little Venus Flytrap!" Randy hooted.

"Wait a minute! Who's little?' I have a BIG COCK!" Kevin giggled, then the cheekiest grin crossed his face, "And it's not...I'm not...a Venus Flytrap!' I'm a PENIS Flytrap!'"

They all broke out in laughter...

So it was settled on that day, October 2, 1974: It was now Randy, Mark and Kevin... three young men completely in love. There was no doubt among any of them that they possessed something very special. Kevin was ecstatic! For the first time in his life, he had a HOME! A real place to call his own! With two guys who loved him as much as he loved them!

The first order of business was to unpack all of Kevin's belongings. The three of them decided that the extra bedroom could be Kevin's domain...even though he planned on spending his nights right between Mark and Randy in that nice king sized bed.

Kevin had a lot of personal "stuff." Records, his stereo, clothes, and books... LOTS of books!

"Like I said, I like to read a lot!" he told the both of them while unpacking.

"You have some really great works here!" Randy said, " A Midsummer Night's Dream', A Christmas Carol,' Hamlet,' 1984,' Animal Farm,' The Canterbury Tales!' I am impressed!"

That was an understatement! Kevin was proving to be much more multidimensional than expected.

"Probably why he was fourth in his class," Mark snickered.

"YEAH!" Kevin hooted, "I never wanted to be a one of those guys...when the teacher called on them...they just sat there looking lost in space!'"

"Danger! Danger Will Robinson!" Mark cackled.

"No, Danger!! Danger!! The Penis Flytrap with the HUGE cock!'" Kevin shot back, which made for more uncontrolled laughter.

Kevin was returning to his normal self, and that change made both Mark and Randy feel much better. Understandably, their friend had been very quiet since the assault by Nick. Now he had a home and not one but two boys who loved him!

They quickly found out that the unpacking of Kevin's stuff would have to wait until tomorrow. Stacks of records and piles of books with no place to go...

"We can go to K-Mart and get a cheap book case and a record rack too," Randy suggested.

The plan was set: now there was a more pressing urge. All three of them were starving, and it was getting close to ten o'clock.

"Pizza?" Randy suggested.

"YAY!!!!" Kevin squeaked.

They piled into the Dart and Mark drove them to Shakey's, where they placed a huge order then retired to a corner of the restaurant to watch the crowd.

Kevin tracked every boy that entered the establishment. He would whisper "Yes," "No," and "Maybe" to Mark and Randy, which made them both break out in grins. His judgments were on whether or not the boy in question "played on their team."

The "maybes" were followed by his declaration that "I bet I can turn him gay...!"

"It doesn't work like that," Randy chortled.

"Wait until they see my big cock!" Kevin giggled.

"Insatiable?" Mark hooted.

"A true Penis Fly Trap!" Randy replied.

More laughter followed until their order was ready. Back at their apartment, they spread the food out on the table. Well, most of it; there wasn't quite room for all the pizzas and the bread sticks!

"We can call this a christening of our new life together! Sharing everything between us!" Randy suggested.

"That sounds neat...!" Mark started to reply as Kevin stood up.

A huge mischievous grin adorned his cute face.

"There's only ONE way to do a proper christening between lovers!" he giggled.

"I thought we had already done that...!" Mark started to say.

Before either could say a word, Kevin whipped out his cock which instantly inflated to it's very impressive size.

"What...?" Mark gasped as their friend started to jack his hard bone while taking careful aim at a ham and pepperoni pizza.

"SPECIAL SAUCE!" Kevin gasped as his cock throbbed and began coating the pie with a copious amount of thick creamy jizz!

"Well.....that's different!" Randy chuckled as he watched Kevin shake off the last drops of cum.

"Who's gonna try it first?" Kevin hooted.

Mark and Randy looked at each other and smiled as the ginger boy reached out for a piece. Randy watched as Mark's long, sexy tongue slurped down the specially frosted slice. His cock instantly chubbed up as he saw Mark's Adam's apple bobbing while the food slid down into his gullet.

"YUMMM!" Mark laughed.

"How does it taste?" Randy asked.

"Like regular pizza but with a special tart flavoring!"

Kevin reached down and took a slice, as did Randy. Things began to snowball from there...

"Maybe I should offer another special topping," Mark said with a big smirking grin.

He stood up and whipped out his cock in front of both boys.

"Damn!" Kevin moaned, "it's so fucking BIG!"

Randy felt his throat go dry as Mark's bone quickly grew in both of his hands.

"Here's my topping!" he said in a raspy voice.

In less than a minute, wads of thick white spunk began splattering another pizza...

"OHHHHH!!!!" cried Kevin as he watched, "You added more topping than I did!"

Randy was the last one to join the display. Throwing his head back, he began to savagely pump his fat cock.

"Look at that!" Kevin squeaked,

Randy's bulbous cock head turned a scarlet purple as droplets of jizz starting slinging out of its gaping piss slit.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed as thick wads of spunk splattered not only on the pizza but all over the table as well...

"He...did...more than...either of us....!" Kevin groaned.

The three of them stood there panting as the pungent smell of sex mingled with that of the pizzas.

"I never did that before!" Kevin giggled.

"Me either!" Mark chuckled as Randy agreed.

Jizzing on their pizzas only made the three of them hungrier as they eagerly devoured every last slice!

When it was time to hit the bed, Mark turned to Kevin as asked, "Where do you want to sleep?

Between you and Randyasaurus !" he replied softly.

"No clothes?" Mark joked with him.

"Never! Not any more!"

They climbed in together as Randy turned off the lights.

"Can I just cuddle you?" Kevin asked his friend.

"Of course!"

"You!" Kevin said to Randy, "...Please... snuggle up behind me!"

Mark and Randy could tell that their friend was still reluctant to engage in intimate physical contact. As they cuddled together under the covers, Kevin nestled his long hard bone in Mark's tantalizing ass crack.

Randy likewise nestled up to Kevin and pressed his thick rod into the tiny crevice between his butt cheeks.

"It's okay if something happens during the night," Mark assured the boy.

"Really?" Kevin said softly.

"Of course!" Mark chuckled.

Randy moaned softly and pulled himself in tightly to the young boy.

Nothing did happen all night; all three of the newly formed "family" slept through until around nine in the morning. Randy awoke first; at least he thought that was the case until he detected the scent of something tasty coming from the kitchen. That could only mean Mark had a good head start on the day.

Something else drew Randy's attention: a hard warm object was poking at his butt crack. He smiled thinking about how Kevin was now a part of their life. Gently he pushed back against the horny sleeping boy.

"MMMMMM!!" Kevin moaned.

"Morning, little warrior!" Randy said softly.

"Randyasaurus?" came a sleepy reply.

"You feel good next to me!"

"So do you!" Randy replied.

"I dreamed last night...!" Kevin started to say.

"Oh? I hope it was a good one!"

"It WAS! I dreamed about back when Randyasaurus would let me fuck him. Before I became all bruised and ugly!"

Randy pushed his ass against Kevin's rod.

"Stop that! You aren't ugly! Do I have to get Markyasaurus in here to show you again?"

"That was fun!" Kevin giggled.

"If you want to fuck your Randyasaurus, all you have to do is...well, do it! I know you know how!"

"You mean you would let an ugly boy fuck you?" came a timid reply.

"No. I don't know any ugly boys.' Only two really cute ones with BIG cocks!" Randy giggled.

"Do I know them?"

"I think so. One is a cute blonde named Kev! He's a totally wild stud when he wants to be...!"

Randy hoped that using the name "Kev" would ignite something sorely missing in their new family member.

"Kev...Kev...Kev...! Yeah! Kev used to be a real stud!" the boy said softly.

"He still IS a stud that both Mark and I have been missing!" Randy replied.


"Yes, REALLY!"

"Randy...!" a timid voice called out.


"Can I fuck you?" the boy asked.

"Yes you can, and yes you may!" Randy chuckled.


Randy didn't reply; instead he rolled over on his stomach, shoved a pillow under his pelvis and arched his ass up in the air.

"How does that look?" he said while wiggling his butt.

Kevin didn't say anything. The only sound was that of him moaning slightly while slicking up his long cock.

He gently climbed over Randy and took aim.

"Your butt is so cute!" he panted, "How many times can...How many times MAY I...?

"Until you run out of cum!" Randy chortled.

"We might be here a long time!" Kevin groaned.

"I have the whole day!"

Lining his cock up with Randy's tight hole, Kevin leaned in and slowly entered his friend. Actually, his lover...he still had to adjust to the reality that the long days of loneliness and searching were over. He didn't have one hot sexy cute guy; he had TWO!

"OHHHH YEAHHHH!" they both moaned.

"Kev is so fucking sexy!" Randy cried.

Hearing that praise DID reignite a spark in the boy.



That did it; Kevin instantly cut loose like a bolt of energy as he begin to pump Randy's ass for all it was worth.... The room began to echo with the sounds of two boys in complete, unrestrained heat.



The bedsprings began to squeak as Kevin pumped Randy's hot hole. He made good on his promise by delivering not one, or two, but three successive rapid fire cum shots, seeding Randy's ass with multiple loads of his hot boy jizz.

Randy's eyes glazed over as his cock fired an equal amount of massive loads into the towel he had wisely placed under his body. He had quicky learned with Mark that failing to do so would guarantee a mattress filled with hot cum...

Just as Kevin delivered his final load into Randy's ass, a loud voice shook the bedroom...

"AH HA! I spend an hour preparing a nice breakfast while you two are in here fucking like little bunnies!"

Randy and Kevin froze in place. Them Mark started laughing...

"I hope I didn't interrupt anything!" he chortled.

"No!" Kevin squeaked, "I just finished...!"

"I bet! How many times? Knowing you...!" Mark started to ask.

"Three!" Randy chirped.

"Damn! Glad I showed up or in another hour your ass would have been stretched to its limits!"

Randy turned crimson red as Kevin slipped his long cock out of a very dilated hole.

"Please don't be mad! It was my fault...!" Kevin started to explain.

"Mad? Why would I be mad? Aren't we a family now? The three of us?" Mark replied.

"Then you're not...?" Kevin started to ask.

"No!" Mark laughed as he moved to the edge of the bed.

Quickly he pulled the slender boy towards him.

"Suck this cock NOW before your breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes!"

Like a lightning bolt, Kevin complied and was soon savoring the taste of Mark's jizz.

After a hasty breakfast, the three of them were back in bed together. It was a turning point in their relationship. The "shake down cruise" had been their journey together from El Paso to Phoenix. The three boys quickly found that they all fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Kevin's departure and subsequent ordeal had been another part of the bonding test. His absence had left a hole in Randy and Mark's life. The young boy's infectious nature, quick wit, intelligence and sparkling personality (to say nothing of his "BIG COCK") made for a winning combination.

From here on out, it would be a completely new experience for the three of them. Another barrier had fallen: The original "Kev" was back! That shy, insecure Kevin, conscious of the "war wounds" from his Brother, had hung over his head like a dark cloud. With a little sexy talk and offering up his nice tight ass, Randy had whisked that cloud away in less than an hour.

They quickly reacquainted themselves and them proceeded to shake the walls of their bedroom with the sounds of unrestrained passion.

"Think you can keep up with me?" Mark asked a newly energized Kevin, "After all, you already had three shots at Randy! You might need to rest up a bit!"

"HA!" Kevin barked, "I'm younger than you guys! I NEVER run out of cum and I NEVER get tired!"

Mark cocked an eye at him and gave off big shit eating grin...

"Sounds like a challenge!" he chuckled.

Three hours later they finally rolled back together on the bed.

"How's your ass?" Mark asked Randy.

"Yeah! Can you walk?" Kevin hooted.

"I feel a little sore," he replied, "But that's not what bothers me...!"

"What?" Mark started to ask.

"I think there must be five gallons of cum somewhere inside my body!"

They all broke out laughing...

It turned out that Randy could walk just fine...although even after washing himself there was still a stream of jizz seeping out of his butt as they rolled into the K-Mark parking lot.

They managed to find acceptable and inexpensive furniture items for the records and books. After a conventional dinner (as opposed to the pizzas the night before), Mark proceeded to put them together. Kevin had the best stereo system so they moved it into the living room. Randy helped him sort out all of his books and records.

"You could start a library with all of these!" he laughed.

"Fourth in his class!" Mark chuckled again, which made Kevin blush.

Bed time came and that saw the last "barrier" fall in their reunification...

"Fuck me please!" Kevin said in a timid voice to Randy.

"Are you sure?" he replied.

It would be the first time Kevin bottomed since they split up upon arriving in Phoenix. After the horrible abuse committed by Nick, Randy and Mark had decided not to even mention the subject.

"When he's ready, he'll certainly lt us know," Mark told his lover.

That moment had arrived!

"I don't want to hurt you!" Randy added.

"I can take it and I want it!" Kevin replied.

"Are you absolutely positively sure? It's been a while and...!"

"YES! I don't feel.....!" he stopped while thinking of how to describe his feelings, "...Complete! I need to have you and Markyasaurus riding me again like it was before!"

"I don't know!" Mark said softly.

"PLEASE! Randy can loosen me up for you!" Kevin whined.

"Kev really wants it!" Randy said.

The boy's eyes lit up...

"YEAHHHH!!! Kev needs to be fucked by both his Randyasaurus and Markyasaurus! He's missed it soooo much! Ride me like a wild bull!!!!" the boy squeaked.

Randy looked at Mark; they could only nod and smile...

"Okay!" Randy said, "But if it hurts...!"

"It WON'T! Kev needs to get plowed by your big fat cock!"

"I don't know about big,' but...!" Randy laughed.

"It's BIG and FAT and POWERFUL!" the boy hooted.

"How do you want it?"

Kevin didn't answer. Instead he just rolled over on his side.

"We'll start this way!"

"Start?" Randy chuckled.

"Sure! I might want it more than once! Anyway, like this, Markyasaurus can suck me while you pound my hole!"

Randy and Mark could barely suppress giggling at Kevin's insistence and determination.

The rest came fast and...hard! Randy easily penetrated the boy, and far from causing any discomfort, it made Kevin come alive!

Then came Mark's turn....

"Are you sure, little warrior?' We can always do it tomorrow!"


"Maybe I should lie down and you can sit down on it so....!" Mark started to say.

"NO! I want you to fuck me doggy style like you did before! Kev LOVES that!"

Mark looked at Randy for guidance...

"Go for it! Give Kev what he wants!" his friend suggested.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHH! Markyasaurus is gonna breed Kev!" the boy chirped.

To say that is what happened was an understatement. Randy marveled at the power, strength and stamina of his ginger boy. Mark easily, but carefully, took Kevin's tiny butt with ease and soon had the boy reduced to babbling and moaning under his domination.

Their reunification was complete! Lying next to each other in bed, Kevin turned to Mark and, through gentle tears, softly thanked him for what he had done.

"You...both of you...have made me complete again! I've wanted to be with both of you ever since we split up...I never wanted to go what used to be my home. THIS is my home now, and Randyasaurus and Markyasaurus are the only two people in the world who matter to me! I love both of you so much!" he sobbed.

Mark gently cradled the petite boy.

"I'll love, honor, cherish, respect, defend and protect you just I do Randy! I promise!' he said softly.

Hearing that promise from Mark made Randy start bawling like a baby...

The three of them slept better than they had since their arrival in Phoenix. Everything was finally falling into place for their new lives in Phoenix. Mark and Randy had each other, and as a bonus they had a new person with which to share their love and affection.

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