That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on Jun 11, 2022


"That Was Unexpected 13"

Copyright 2022


This chapter takes a dark turn and contains content including physical violence and sexual assault. It is included as part of growing up in the 1970s and as a reminder that until everyone who lives under the rainbow flag has the same freedoms and opportunities as the rest of society, there remains much work to be done.

Note: this prologue may contain spoilers!

This is a period piece (1970s) erotic love story featuring two main characters in their early twenties. Where contextual clarification may be needed, a set of [ ] provides relevant information. The characters are all based on real people but "the names have been changed to protect the innocent." There are real places intermingled with fictitious constructs necessary for the story. Grammarians may notice that I frequently shift the tense. As the story progresses, the writing style may become less "formal" i.e. "correct," and more reflective of the characters living in their era. I do accept responsibility for all typos!

Now about those "anachronisms." Every attempt has been made to keep the story pure and accurate for its time setting. A really difficult type of anachronism is trying to write about the perspective of a nineteen to mid-twenty year old gay male while accurately reflecting the knowledge, language and customs of the era. This information is something not found on the internet!

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Thank you for reading....

From Part 12...

"I can't wait to start mailing out resumes," I exclaimed.

"How do we...I mean...Since we don't have a typewriter, do we hand address the envelopes?"

"Hmmm!" I replied, "That's a good question. I guess it doesn't make any difference since the envelopes probably go in the trash anyway...I can ask Dean when I...!"

"What was that?" Mark interrupted me.

His head cocked from side to side.

"I didn't hear anything!" I replied.

As soon as the words escaped my lips, there was a loud "thud" at the door.

"I'll get it! Maybe it's Dean or Glen!" Mark said as he rose from the table and headed around the corner and down the short hallway. I started to rinse off the dishes when an ear shattering cry broke the silence of our apartment.

"RANDY!! HELP ME!!" Mark cried.

Part 13

Avenging the wounded.

Instantly I dropped the dishes in the sink and sprinted around the corner to the front door. It all came at me so fast: Mark's plea for help, and someone crying. I am sure that was also him. Then there was another sound; one I will never forget! The high pitched whine of someone screaming in pain.

Instantly I came face to face with a sight straight out of hell: Mark was down on all fours trying to gently cradle the head of a young boy. It actually took my brain a few seconds to realize that it wasn't ANY young boy, it was Kevin!

Mark turned and stared at me. His face was swollen with tears as he gingerly held our friend.

"Who...Who could do something like this...and WHY?" he sobbed.

I couldn't answer because shock came over me at what I saw. Kevin's face was swollen and covered with bruises. His normally shiny, fluffy hair was matted and clung together in clumps. It only got worse from there. One eye was completely bruised and swollen shut. His other one was barely open; a similar bruise albeit not as large was also present.

The urge to puke was forming in my gut...but it only got worse as my eyes focused on the carnage someone had wreaked on such a cute, adorable boy! His nose was caked with blood; there was a cut on his upper lip, and more bruises covered his neck and arms.

My mind was spinning: these are not Universal Studios or Old Tucson special effects. The damage done to Kevin is real...I watched his young body shudder in pain as Mark tried to comfort him.

There was something else: Kevin stank to high heaven. That was something completely out of his character. In the short time we had been with him, his fastidious nature quickly came to our attention. He loved to groom himself. He always carried the scent of cinnamon, or roses, or lilacs... Now he reeked of...someone who hadn't bathed in days!

"What happened...?" I started to ask Mark.

"I don't know," he sobbed, "After we heard the thud' and I opened the door, there he was...lying on the porch!"

My mind was trying to process exactly how he got to our apartment in the first place!

"Oh baby!" Mark sobbed, "My little Kev! What...Who...!"

Kevin tried to lift his head and look around.

"MARRRRRRRK!" he cried in a tiny little voice.

"Yes, baby!" Mark replied.

"I guess...I guess...I'm not...not so...not so...strong...after all!" he stammered.

When Mark heard that, he completely lost control; tears flowed like a waterfall as his 6'4" frame shivered. I knew exactly why: one of the last things he had told Kevin before we split up was how strong he had become since meeting us...

"Yes you are! You're very strong...!" he tried to reply.

"No...No...I'm just...a...sissy boy!" Kevin gasped and then he fell silent.

I was about to go over the edge as well, but if that happened then Kevin would be the one suffering the most. Something deep inside of me took charge. I don't know where it came from. I only knew that two boys needed my help.

I reached out and touched Mark on the shoulder...

"Baby! We have to take care of Kevin!" I said softly.


An idea started forming in my head.

"Can you gently carry him to the bedroom?"

I knew that question was unnecessary; Mark could easily have carried BOTH of us to the bedroom!


"Okay! I'm gonna get some extra linens. You just get him to the bed. But be careful!" I swallowed a lump in my throat, "We don't know how badly he's been injured!"

I jumped up and ran to the linen closet. Gathering up what I needed, I found Mark already in the bedroom holding our injured friend. Stripping off the bedspread and other linens, I laid out a second mattress protector and some extra sheets. The protector had been Mark's idea when we got our new bed.

"Just to make sure we don't soak the new mattress with our jizz," he had joked.

Am I ever glad I took his advice!

Mark gently laid Kevin down on the bed. The more I looked at our friend, the sicker I felt; like I might start puking at any minute.

"You stay here and...!" I started to say.

"I'm not going anywhere!" Mark replied.

Like a rocket I flew out of the apartment and across the courtyard. Away from Mark and Kevin I could now cry, and that is exactly what I did. The tears flew everywhere as I sprinted harder than ever.

"Please be home!" I cried softly as apartment number seventeen came into view.

There were lights on inside. I breathed a sigh of relief. Reaching my destination, I began ringing the bell and pounding on the front door.

The door opened and I saw Glen; at first he smiled, but my facial expression and tears told a story of distress and pain.

"Please help us!" I cried, "Hurt! Badly!" was all I could utter.

Glen turned his head and vaguely I saw Dean standing a few feet behind him.

"Babe, Get my kit!" he said softly.

Dean nodded; then Glen and I scurried to my apartment. There was no conversation between us; I was too busy sobbing as we crossed the courtyard.

There were easily audible cries of anguish as Glen and I entered the bedroom. Mark was sitting on the bed next to Kevin. He was trying to console our friend, but it wasn't working. They were both crying rivers of tears.

Glen took one look at Kevin and his face went ashen.

Dean popped into the bedroom, saw Kevin and gasped, "Oh fuck! What...Who...?"

I couldn't answer; all that came out of my mouth was incoherent babbling.

Glen snapped to attention.

"I need some things," he said to me.

That request jerked me out of my anguished state. I listened while he told me his needs. Then I set about gathering them. Dean handed Glen a little black bag...the sight of that made me smile for just a minute. I didn't know doctors even carried them any more. Maybe back when I was a little kid...but I hadn't seen one in years!

"We need to stabilize him," Glen explained.

"Can you give him something for...he...he's in a lot of pain!" Mark said softly.

"I will...but first I need him lucid so I can maybe find out what happened...and where he hurts the most," Glen explained.

I placed everything that Glen requested on a night stand next to the bed. It consisted mostly of common household items. A large bowl of hot water, some towels and wash clothes...

"Do you know his name?" Glen asked.

"K...K...Kevin!" I stuttered.

Dean's head turned towards me.

" The' Kevin?" he asked softly.

I nodded.

Glen began examining our friend. Dean pulled me aside and started with the questions...

"I don't know...Mark and I had just finished dinner...there was a loud thud' at the door...Mark went to see who it was...we thought it might have been one of you guys...and there he was...lying there just like you see him now...I...I'm still trying to figure out how he even got here!...I mean, he has a car, but how could he drive in his condition?" I sobbed.

Dean hugged me closely.

"I...We...didn't know what to do...I mean...I know Glen isn't a people' doctor but...!" I sobbed.

"It's okay! If Kevin needs to go to the hospital, Glen will tell us...!" Dean said softly.

Our attention was drawn back to Glen, Mark and Kevin. Mark watched everything like a hawk. A parent protecting its little fledgling... For the most part, Kevin was unresponsive to most of Glen's questions, other than indicating if something hurt or not.

"It may be emotional trauma," Glen advised, "Which can resolve all by itself or with the help of some drugs."

I was watching Mark like he was watching Kevin. His face told me everything. I had never seen him come close to anything like this. He seemed ready to explode but there was no target for his wrath. Someone had damaged his little fledgling, but who?

"We need to remove his shirt," Glen said.

His directive brought me back to the horror show in our bedroom.

"Okay," I croaked, "How?"

"Easy! Like this! You guys steady him on each side so he doesn't make any quick movements.

With that, Glen pulled out a pair of scissors. Mark and I reached out to steady Kevin. He jerked back from both of us.

"It's okay, Kevin! We just want to remove your shirt!" I said.

"No! No! Hurt...Ugly!" Kevin squealed.

I looked at everyone in the room for some guidance...

"Kevin...Kevin...!" Mark said softly.

"Marrrrrrrk! Is that you?" Kevin bleated.

My heart broke some more...

"Yes! It's your Markyasaurus!'"

Hearing that made Kevin seem to relax.

Marky....Marky....a...saurus!" he stuttered, "Where's Rannnnnndeeeee?"

"I'm right here, Kevin!" I said, taking hold of his hand, "We need to remove your shirt so the doctor can examine you...!"

Kevin's body visibly stiffened up at the suggestion.

"No....You'll see...see...see me ugly!" he cried.

"Please, baby! It's...We have to make sure you're okay!"

I gently petted his hand as did Mark. He relaxed a bit more.

"Okay, now?" I asked him softly.

He offered no resistance. Mark and I both looked at Glen. He nodded and then in one fast move sliced Kevin's shirt from its tail to the neck.

"WOW! That was fast!" I gasped.

Now it was easy to peel the rancid garment off our friend.

I wish it had remained in place... Kevin's torso was bruised from his chest down to the waistline of his Levis.

"SHIT!" Mark whispered.

Drawing him aside, I embraced his quivering body.

"Kevin's gonna be fine! He IS a lot stronger than either of us realize!" I told him, "I mean...He GOT here under his own power...ALL by himself! It took a lot of courage and stamina to do that!"

Glen's examination of Kevin's torso was thorough and succinct. His next request made Mark and me very uncomfortable...

"We need to remove his jeans."

"Why?" Mark shot back.

"Because...of a hunch I have...and I want to do a complete examination!" Glen explained.

Mark looked at me for advice. I nodded in agreement with Glen's request.

"I can't cut off his Levis without hurting him, so they'll have to be removed the regular old fashioned way: one leg at a time. Do you think Kevin will let me try?" Glen asked.

The answer came very quickly as our young friend immediately started to resist.

"No!" he whimpered, "Kevin is dirty and I...I...!"

This interplay, with minor variations, continued for several minutes until Mark intervened.

Taking Kevin's small hand in his much larger one, he whispered very gently, "Kevin...Baby...the Doctor needs to examine you...!"

"Marrrrrrkkkk! Is it you?" Kevin cried.

"Yes, Baby! It's your Markyasaurus. I need you to trust me! No one is going to hurt you again...I promise!"

Watching the dynamic between my ginger boy and Kevin made my heart ache. I couldn't help it as tears started flowing...

"Marky-asaurus? My Marky-asaurus?" Kevin whispered in a broken voice.

"Yes, Baby, it's me!"

"I love my Marky-asaurus," Kevin sobbed.

I could see Mark's eyes watering up...

"I love you too, Kevin! So does your Randyasaurus!"

"Randy-asaurus? Is he here?" Kevin cried.

"Right here, Baby!" I said.

"It's okay! Kevin will try...!" he said, speaking in the third person.

"Better let me," Mark said while looking at Glen, who nodded in agreement.

Mark slowly popped the buttons on Kevin's Levis. The most difficult part would be sliding the tight jeans off of his slender frame. Almost as if he knew, our friend arched his butt up off the bed to make the task easier.

One by one, Mark peeled off each leg. There lay Kevin, completely naked. Even now, in his condition, the sight made me tremble. He had such soft skin; his 6 «" limp cock was resting in a nest of wild pubes next to two very impressive balls.

Glen did a once over of Kevin's groin. There appeared to be no injuries. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Help me turn him over," Glen said to Mark.

"Why?" he asked.

"Just to confirm or deny...!"

That didn't sound good to me. Suddenly my "sigh of relief" seemed premature. Mark whispered to Kevin that they needed to turn him over. His reply was not what I expected.

"NO!" he cried.

"Please!" Mark begged.

"NO! NO!!" Kevin whimpered.

"Why, Baby? We won't hurt you! It's just us, Markyasaurus and Randyasaurus. You can trust us! I promise!"

Kevin still refused.

"But why?" Mark asked.

The room fell deathly silent. Suddenly I felt very cold...

"Because you'll see!" came a tiny, thin, shivering voice.

"What?" Mark asked.

"You'll see!"

"Please!" Mark said, now begging, "We won't make fun of you! I promise!"

Suddenly Kevin seemed to go limp. Mark seized on that opportunity and gently rolled our friend over on his stomach. My stomach almost puked up everything in it...

Where Kevin's groin had been unscathed, the same could not be said for his butt. That tiny little ass that gave us such pleasure...was covered in red welts and stained with...blood!

"Oh fuck!" Mark sobbed and he started bawling like a baby. I quickly moved to his side and wrapped myself around him.

"He's been assaulted," Glen said.

"I know that! It's pretty obvious!" I yelped.

My mind was only imagining an actual physical assault.

"N-o," Glen said as his voice broke.

I remember him talking about being "dispassionate" with his clients....

"I mean he's been raped," Glen said softly.

Dean and I both started crying while Baby, my perfect ginger stud, went completely off the wall.

"NO! NO!! NO!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" he cried, "I was supposed to protect him! I failed and...! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"

He started hammering one very large fist into an equally very large palm of his hand.

Glen looked at me and then shook his head, "I'm sorry but this is the only tool I have... I mean...I didn't expect this at all," he said while producing an otoscope.

It took him only a couple of minutes to gently probe and examine inside Kevin's rectum.

Standing up, he turned to the three of us. I could see that he was visibly shaken.

"Let's make Kevin comfortable," he suggested.

Mark and I rolled Kevin over on his back. I gently pulled a sheet over his thin body.

"We can talk in here," Glen said while we transited to the living room.

"What do we do? Does he need to go to the hospital...?" I started to ask.

"Someone or some people have...," Glen cleared his throat, "Oh fuck! I never thought this would be my first patient... Let me tell you what I saw...His facial bruising; in fact all of his bruises are mostly superficial and will heal themselves in time. I don't anticipate any long term adverse effects. No scarring. Nothing there. It's his left eye that bothers me. Well, it's a point to watch. Someone tried to give him a black eye...!"

"Looks like they did that to me!" I said.

"No...they actually missed. The point of impact was below his eye. The right eye is actually undamaged. I performed some simple tests....," Glen paused, "Now remember, I'm a veterinarian...but it LOOKS like the eye will recover by itself. If within..twenty-four hours at the most...or if Kevin experiences vision problems then we have to get him to a hospital without delay!"

I nodded in agreement.

"His's a common injury that kids get all the time from fighting. Just make sure he doesn't pick at it or do anything to interrupt the healing process. Traumas like that usually resolve themselves in a week or so. The cut on his lip? Looks ugly but essentially the same thing. The rest of the bruises on his arms and chest will mend themselves. He doesn't appear to have any broken bones. His ribs are fine. So are his fingers, wrists and toes," Glen explained.

"Will he be able to eat okay?" I asked.

"Yes," Glen replied, then he continued, "The real injury is to his...!"

"You mean where someone raped him! They fucked him against his will!" Mark hollered.

Glen could only nod in agreement, then he added, "It looks like this was an attempt to degrade rather than seriously injure...I mean...!"

"What about him being raped? That sure as hell sounds like a serious injury to me!" Mark barked.

"It could have been much worse there. Just so you'll know... Kevin didn't go down without a fight. Or at least trying to stop his attacker. Especially the sexual assault. His attacker was...well...," Glen stammered, "Fortunately not very well could have been a lot worse. Imagine if his attacker had been someone like you!"

Glen eyed Mark carefully as the impact of his statement hit home.

"From the bruises, I think Kevin really tried to fight that assault off..." Glen added.

"He's a little warrior!" Mark said softly, "My little warrior!"

I watched as his eyes teared up again.

"You knew, didn't you?" I asked Glen

"I had an idea that there was a sexual nature to his assault," he replied.

"How? How did you know? Was it...maybe some know, fag bashing?'" Dean asked.

I had never heard that term before, but it didn't need any explanation.

"No. I don't think so...!" Glen started to say.

"Why not?" Dean inquired.

"Because there is evidence that Kevin was restrained...," Glen said.

"RESTRAINED? You mean something like tied up?" Mark yelped.

"That I cannot answer, but there are burns, or bruising, around his wrists and neck that are consistent with...!"

"HIS NECK? You mean someone tried to hang him?" Mark cried.

"That I cannot answer either. I can only tell you what is there. As for how I knew about the possible sexual assault...well, for starters, his hair is encrusted with semen...," Glen continued.

I felt my stomach turn...Kevin's beautiful hair...Filled with dried cum?

"And his shirt and jeans are urine stained. Those were my initial clues," he concluded.

"GREAT! He's beaten to a pulp and we don't have any idea who did it!" Mark barked.

"There's only one way to find that out, and it has to come from him," Glen replied.

"Should we go to the police...?" I started to ask.


"Why...?" I started to ask.

"Because this is Phoenix, Arizona, not Los Angeles or San Francisco. Let me tell you what would happen if you went that route. You'd walk into the police station and make a report that your gay friend had been beaten and raped. Chances are the cops would start snickering right there. If they didn't, they would as soon as you turned your back to leave...whereupon they would throw your complaint in the trash! Now if someone is killed, that's a different story altogether. Especially if it's a gay guy like us. Then they'd probably high-five' each other after the coroner removed the body...!" Dean snarled.

"Forgive him, he gets a little emotional," Glen said.

"Oh bullshit, Babe! You know it's true! We don't count as human beings because we don't worship the golden pussy! No little woman and cribs filled with screaming babies waiting for us at home!!"

"So then this attack goes unpunished...," I said.

"NO! It won't!" Mark interrupted, "Someone hurt Kevin and someone is going to pay for it. Dearly!"

"Well then, what next?" I asked.

"Regarding Kevin, he needs lots of sleep and peace and quiet," Glen advised, "I have some medications here for him... and yes, they are PEOPLE, not animal, medicines...!"

I smiled at his intuition.

"Can we...Can I...clean him up? I mean, will water hurt any of his wounds...?" Mark asked.

"No. However I have given him a sedative and some pain killers might be difficult. I would suggest waiting until morning," Glen replied.

"Yuck! He has to...sleep...with...cum in his hair! His beautiful hair!" Mark cried.

"Dean and I will be home all weekend so...I can keep tabs on him. If ANYTHING doesn't look right, then let me know right away!"

"What about his...his...I mean...he was...OH FUCK!!! I can't even say what I'm thinking!" Mark sobbed.

"Calm down and try again...slowly!" I told him.

"What if...there's blood...when he the bathroom?" Mark stammered.

"You'll notice there are some suppositories along with the medicine I have provided. Use them if he has any discomfort," Glen replied.

"This is a nightmare!" Mark cried, "WHY! WHY!! WHY!!!"

"Does he have any enemies that you know of?" Dean asked.

"No. He never mentioned anyone other than his high school friend, Clark. I can't imagine him being the one...! What kind of a monster could do this...?"

"Well, This assault took time. Which is another reason why I ruled out any fag bashing.' Those are usually quick, brutal and over with. What happened to Kevin took more than a day...!" Glen said.

The more I heard, the more I didn't want to hear...

I watched as Mark tucked Kevin in bed.

He gently pulled up a sheet and blanket and then turned to me and announced, "I'm not sleeping in the bed. Kevin can have my space. I'll sleep in a chair. And I'm not leaving him all night. For any reason!"

"Okay. Agreed! I'll sleep on the floor. Let Kevin have the whole bed!" I replied.

"I have a couple of air mattresses that Glen and I use when we go camping. It'd be a lot more comfortable than sleeping on the floor!" Dean suggested.

We accepted his offer and he scurried off to retrieve them. The living room sofa did fold out into a bed, but neither Mark nor I wanted to be that far away from least until his condition improved.

After Dean returned, we set up our make-shift "beds." Then came the profuse thanks to Glen for his assistance.

"I...I...don't know what we would have done without your help," I sobbed.

He hugged me and smiled.

"Hey! Kevin is my first patient!" he giggled.

"A wounded little warrior!'" I thought to myself.

Alone at last, Mark and I settled in; we pulled the air mattresses together so we could lie next to each other.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

There was a long pause...

"He fought! He tried to stop it from happening! Kevin IS a fighter! And he IS stronger than he thinks!" Mark whispered, then he started crying.

I held my ginger stud next to me as my mind reeled with what had happened.

"It really couldn't have been Clark...could it?" he asked.

"No. I hardly think so...!" I replied.

"Do you think...that...Kevin...maybe...was...hanging around the parks again...and got caught up...with the...wrong people?" Mark stammered.

That actually sounded almost plausible, even though Kevin had promised that the parks and gay bar parking lot days were over...

Slowly we both fell asleep. It was an uneasy sleep for sure... I woke up several times; twice I found Mark sitting in a chair next to the bed. He just sat there watching over Kevin...

"I don't want to fail him again!" he said softly.

"BABY! YOU DIDN'T FAIL KEVIN!" I tried to assuage him, "You had no way of knowing any of this was happening, or going to happen!"

"I could have stopped him from leaving us!" he whimpered.

"No, you couldn't have! Not really! Come here, you silly barn owl!"

I gently pulled him down to the mattresses and we made very tender love...

The next morning I awoke first. Mark was sacked out and all curled up in a little (well, for him) ball. He looked so cute and innocent... Kevin's head was barely poking out from under the sheet. I shook my head and frowned knowing about his unwashed and bruised body.

I crept out of bed and showered; my mind wouldn't stop conjuring up images of Kevin's disarray. To avoid waking anyone, I used the main bathroom instead of the one in our master bedroom.

Sunlight streamed through the living room windows. It was going to be another excellent Phoenix day except for the nightmare in our bedroom! I headed back to check on Mark and Kevin but stopped just short of the door.

"Voices?" I thought to myself.

Slowly I crept up to the door jamb so I could peek in on them. There was Mark, sitting on the bed and talking to Kevin. No! He wasn't just talking...he was reading...poetry!!

He gently petted Kevin's head. My heart was breaking at the sight...

"...And this is one I really like," he said softly.

There was an open book in his lap.

"It's called I Heard A Bird Sing,'" he cooed to Kevin, " and it goes like this...!"

"I heard a bird sing In the dark of December. A magical thing And sweet to remember.

We are nearer to Spring Than we were in September,' I heard a bird sing In the dark of December."

[ Oliver Herford (1863 1935) was an American poet, humorist, and illustrator. From Welcome Christmas! A Garland of Poems (Viking Press, 1955). This poem is now in the public domain.]

I recognized the poem right away from my junior English Literature class.

"Mark? Reading poetry?" I thought.

His deep, resonant voice was almost hypnotic! Once again, the complexity of my ginger stud amazed me. That amazement compounded to astonishment when it dawned on me that he wasn't READING the poem, he was RECITING it from memory!

I continued to listen...

"That'," Kevin mumbled, "Very...pretty!"

"A pretty poem for a pretty boy!" Mark declared.


"NO, you are not! You are my little warrior!'" Mark sobbed.

He was starting to cry...

"Do you understand the meaning in that poem?" he asked.

"It...means...winter...winter...over...with...soon," Kevin replied.

"It also means the darkest, coldest days are gone, and brighter, sunnier days lie ahead," Mark whispered, "Brighter days for my little warrior! And both your Markyasaurus and Randyasaurus are here for you!"

Kevin had drifted back to sleep. Now I was crying too!

Trying to compose myself, I entered the room. Mark's face lit up when he saw me.

"He was awake for a little while," he explained.

I leaned over and kissed him. His scent drove me crazy.

"Poetry?" I said softly while eyeing the book in his lap.

I knew it wasn't from my collection.

"Yeah, well... I thought maybe...!"

"You weren't reading it, you were reciting it. You know it by heart!" I said softly.

"What's the matter? Don't you think a big corn-fed fluffy barn owl could appreciate some really nice poems...?" he laughed while putting on his best Okie inflection.

My eyes started watering...

"How is it that every time I think I know all about you, something new and exciting pops up and...!" I started to say.

"I don't want you to get bored with me!" he chortled.

"How is he?" I asked.

"He woke up for a little while... I mean, I was watching over him and all of a sudden his eyes...!" Mark paused for a moment while stifling a sob..., "His eye...opened and he smiled at me!"

"How does his other eye look?" I asked.

"I can't tell. I think he was trying to open it but it must be really sore!"

"Let's just let him sleep for a while. With all that's happened and the sedatives and pain killer, I bet he is really exhausted," I suggested.

Mark agreed and got out of bed. As we left the bedroom, I tugged him towards the kitchen.

"I need you," I sobbed.

"I haven't showered yet," he said timidly.

"I don't care!" I replied...

The rest of the morning was spent attending to Kevin; by that, I mean Mark's dedication not to leaving him unattended.

We played some board games; Risk and Monopoly...although both tend to be more fun with several players, and Battleship. Good for two players only! Around ten, Glen stopped by to examine his "first patient." That meant we had to wake up our sleepy boy...

He was groggy at first, but soon snapped out of it.

"How are you feeling?" Glen asked Kevin, who quickly shot back, "Who are you?"

I had to carefully explain to Kevin how Glen had tended to him the night before...slowly his memory of the events came back. Naturally I didn't mention that Glen is a veterinarian... I also had to apologize to Glen about Kevin not having time yet to bathe.

"He's been sleeping almost all the time since last night," I said.

"That's fine," Glen replied.

"He's cute," Kevin said while eyeing, and I mean that word singularly, the tall, lean guy looking over his frail body.

Glen blushed and smiled while thanking Kevin for the compliment.

"How does your butt feel?" he asked our friend, "Any discomfort or blood?"

"No," Kevin replied shyly.

Glen took out a Snellen eye chart and attached it to the wall. He then put Kevin through some tests. Then he used an ophthalmoscope to look into his eyes. And finally, he used his fingers to track Kevin's vision.

"So far so good," he said, "I don't think he needs any more medication but I'll leave you with some painkillers and sedatives in case he either experiences some sort of discomfort or has sleeping issues. If anything really out of the norm occurs, just call me."

We profusely thanked him and then he headed home.

"Well at least that's some good news," I said.

"My little warrior!" Mark said softly.

Our attention was diverted by a voice from the bedroom.

"I'm hungry!" Kevin squeaked.

Just hearing his voice again made both of us feel so good...

"What does a little warrior' eat at eleven in the morning?" Mark asked.

"Who is the little warrior?'" Kevin asked.

Mark and I looked at each other and smiled.

"You are! Now...what would you like...?

"Pancakes!" Kevin chirped.

"Okay! That's easy enough!" Mark laughed.

"Gee...I wish they could be chocolate chip pancakes...!"

"You mean like the ones at IHOP?" Mark giggled.

"YEAH!" Kevin replied.

Mark turned to me and asked, "Don't we have some chocolate chips? I know we have some Hershey's chocolate syrup."

"Yeah.... They're in one of the cupboards somewhere," I laughed.

"Great! I'll find them; you need to bathe our little warrior!'" Mark chuckled.

We hadn't really thought about that, but Kevin definitely needed to be cleaned up after...what he had been through.

Mark started to whip up breakfast while I went into the bedroom to take care of our "patient."

"Bath or shower?" I asked him.


"Glen said you can have either; the only problem with a shower is I don't want you falling down or're still pretty exhausted," I replied.

The master bedroom has a pretty decent sized stall shower. I had pondered trying to lure Mark into it with me but...well, there hadn't exactly been time for that yet. The main bathroom had a tub/shower combination.

"I don't like taking a bath. It's like sitting in a tub of dirty water," Kevin groused.

He MUST be feeling a little better to reply like that! And...given his current condition, he was correct.

"Do you think you can manage a shower all by yourself?" I asked him.

"Why not? I'm not a little kid!"

Another one of his feisty replies made me feel better.

"Hot water cascading over your bruises would probably feel good," I suggested.

Kevin sat up, then crawled out of bed. Even with all the physical damage, I couldn't help but admire his agile body. His cock was...probably one of the most beautiful I had ever seen in my life. Softly dangling between his smooth thighs, it signaled a significant weight and dimension. I mean... 6 «" and he's not the slightest bit aroused? It's size made me feel like a little boy!

He started to walk towards the bathroom. I followed close behind just in case...and there I was presented with a view of his tiny little butt. The discoloration from the bruises made my blood broil. How could anyone have been so cruel to such a sweet boy? I tried not to think about what had happened to him...

I pulled some towels out of the closet and guided him to the shower opening.

He turned and stared at me, squinting through one eye.

"Shower with me.....," he said softly, "Please.....!"

I didn't even hesitate. Why would I? Nothing would probably happen and in any event, he might need help reaching some parts of his body.

"Okay!" I said softly as I dropped my cut-offs and peeled off a very old T-shirt.

He watched my every move...I leaned in and turned on the water.

"Ready?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Yes!"

We stepped in together and I closed the shower door.

"First is your hair!" I laughed.

"YEAH! Kevin's hair is all fucked up!" he giggled.

I squeezed out some shampoo and gently lathered his soft blonde mop It felt so good under my fingers...caressing his scalp...I felt my cock starting to inflate...and I knew it would be pointless to try and stop it. So I just acted like nothing was happening...until I felt something poking my body...something very familiar and very hard! I knew exactly what it was!

Kevin tried to shampoo my hair but I quietly said, "No! This is all about you!"

Slowly I worked my way down his tender body.

"Let me know if it hurts," I whispered.

"It feels really good!" he replied.

The dried blood, the dried cum and the grime all disappeared down the shower drain. I dropped down to my knees to wash his stomach and groin. I knew this could be the hard part...damn! There's another double entendre! I was correct...His cock was jutting straight out with just a slight upward curve. Warm water trickled down its immense length and disappeared into his frenzied nest of pubes. Two very sizeable balls were slowly swaying as I worked my hands around them.

It all happened so fast; like a lightning strike...Kevin's cock suddenly expanded and stretched out to its full length. Even the shower couldn't obscure a stream of dick snot gushing out of its huge gaping piss slit; that nectar suddenly turned into a massive blast of thick white cum that coated my face and neck.

Instinctively I leaned forward and tried to deep throat Kevin's aching bone. Wave after wave of salty hot boy jizz flowed into my gut. I felt his thin arms wrap around my body for support as we both moaned in ecstasy.

I don't know how many times he shot; it felt like an eternity until the flood of spunk began to taper off. Kevin remained clutched to my body for support. Slowly I stood up and embraced him.

"I'm sorry," he cried.

"Why?" I replied.

"Because I'm ugly now. No one wants to love an ugly person," Kevin sobbed.

"NO! NO!! NO!!!" I cooed in his ear, "You'll be fine soon enough, I promise! You're already healing up...!"

"I'm scared!" he cried.

"I know, baby! But you're Mark's little warrior!' And a very brave one at that!"

Our embrace grew tighter. My cock was pressed against his soft, warm was so erotic; more than I could have ever imagined...

"I love you, Randy," Kevin sobbed.

"I know, little warrior!' I love you too!"

Then we both came - in two massive eruptions. Kevin's body violently spasmed over and over while I felt my cock discharging massive shots of dick juice; all of which disappeared down the shower drain. Afterwards we toweled off. Kevin's hair had regained its fluffy texture and actually seemed to sparkle in the daylight.

We stood together naked, side by side, and looked in the mirror. He averted his eyes.

"Ugly," he cried.

"Just wounded!" I reassured him.

Since his Levis were filthy, I loaned him an old pair of my gym shorts and a T-shirt. Every pair of jeans Mark and I had were either too long or too short for his frame. The shorts fit him fairly well but without underwear it was a chore for him to keep things "hidden." Not that Mark or I objected...

"I thought you guys would use up all the hot water," Mark chortled while placing a huge platter of chocolate chip pancakes in front of our hungry friend.

Kevin's eyes lit up when he saw them.

"All for me?" he squeaked.

We just nodded and laughed. The pancakes quickly disappeared and Kevin was still hungry! Mark whipped up some more, followed with bacon and eggs. I had noticed in the shower that our friend seemed much thinner, which made me wonder what else had been going on over the past three weeks. I's not like he had any fat reserves to lose!

For the remainder of the weekend, a curious showering "ritual" developed with Kevin and myself; one which resulted in him being the shiniest, cleanest, best groomed young man...probably anywhere! After our initial experience, I had to tell Mark what had transpired. He wasn't pissed at all.

"Why should I be? We all know each other!" he laughed, to which I replied, "try showering with him sometime!"

That is exactly what happened...It was getting late. Mark and I had stayed home with Kevin all day. Since it was Saturday, there was no job searching to do....we played board games and watched some TV. Glen stopped by again around five. Everything looked good. Well, not from Kevin's was easy to understand that! He avoided looking in the bathroom mirror and kept degrading his current physical appearance. Mark was the master of positive morale, telling him that it's only temporary and constantly boosting his ego...anyway, it was time for bed and out of the blue when Mark announced, "time for your shower!"

Kevin looked at me, then to Mark. His eyes took on a cheeky sparkle I hadn't seen since before this nightmare began! After that, all the way through Sunday evening, Kevin sparkled....while Mark and I were...well, neither of us complained. I know from my side, and probably from his as well, that what we did in the shower was pretty easy, light sex...but it was some of the best ever!

"Was it sex or...?" I asked Mark while Kevin was napping, "You and I don't have sex; we make love!"

I was telling him something he already knew...

"You mean...are we making love to Kevin?" he replied.

I nodded.

" you love him? Mark asked.

I didn't hesitate for a second, "YES! And he loves me!"

My ginger boy smiled. I knew he was in the same position!

"Do you know how many guys would give anything to have what we do...?" I asked, "How exactly does something like that work? I mean...three guys and...?"

"We do just what we have been doing! Kevin loves us. What more is needed?" Mark replied.

"That's why I love YOU!" I cooed to him.

Then we made love...

Sunday night we all fell asleep together. That was at Kevin's request.

"I don't want to be alone," he said softly.

We made sure he ended up in his favorite position: in the middle between both of us!

"I love my Markyasaurus and my Randyasaurus," he cried softly.

"We love our little warrior,'" I replied.

It must have been around two in the morning when Mark and I awoke to the sounds of a very distressed Kevin. He started bucking and thrashing in bed. A sheet was wrapped around his slender fame.


Mark and I tried to console Kevin; his distress only seemed to get worse...


Then he let out a shattering scream and started crying rivers of tears.

"!" I held him tightly.

"Nick?" Mark hissed in disbelief, "NICK? YOUR FUCKING BROTHER HURT YOU LIKE THIS?"

Kevin's crying increased. Mark gently cuddled him and whispered in his ear.

"Tell me all about it, little warrior!' I won't make fun of you. Neither of us will. We want to help you, but we can't unless you open can't keep it all bottled up inside like you have...!"

"I'm weak! A sissy boy! Nick called me that. And more...!"

"Bullshit if you are weak; you are one strong young man! You've been through hell and we want to help! So PLEASE...start from the beginning and tell us...," Mark paused, "Tell your Markyasaurus so he can help you!"

"Markyasaurus? You're my Markyasaurus...!" Kevin sobbed.

"Yes I am! But Markyasaurus can't do anything unless he knows all the facts!"

Watching the dynamic between Kevin and Mark was amazing. There was something about...some ginger boy had on our friend...that...well...even I could feel it and none of his comments were directed at me...!

"I...I...I...," Kevin sobbed, "I cried all the way home after I left you guys at the motel. I didn't want to go back home. Never...Never...Never!!! All my life ... All I EVER wanted was for someone to love me... and...!"

The dam had broken...again. Very similar to when Kevin first met us in El Paso and revealed his horrid life story about a failed arranged marriage and a family that seemed more than willing to simply disown him. His story came out rapid fire, punctuated by long run-on sentences. I am glad Mark was with me because there was so much to absorb...Our friend was certainly no one- dimensional cardboard cutout character!

"Kevin only wanted [his third person narrative again!] someone to love him To hold him. To have him as part of his life. I kept trying and trying and trying to find someone but there's no one out there for me so I cried and cried on the way home and when I got there I drove around and around trying to figure out if I should go inside or just turn around and leave town again...!"

"But you didn't have any money!" I interjected.

"I know...I know...I know!!! But if I could have, I would have turned around and left and never set foot in that hell house again. No one was home...I mean Mom and Dad but...Fuck they never ARE I parked in the driveway and went inside and heard music playing and right away I knew that Nick was there...Oh shit he's the last person I wanted to see...but I went inside my bedroom. All my stuff was just like it was when I left so I sat there and wondered what I am but why?"

"I don't know how long it was before Nick figured out I was there. Mom and Dad usually get home around six or seven so I just stayed in my room and read...I have lots of books and records too but why play any of them and maybe get into it with Nick so I I said...I guess I was kind of hiding..."

"Well, what happened when your parents came home?" I asked, "They had to know you were there...!"

"Yes they did have to know because the Dart was parked in the driveway. I figured Dad would come barging in my room full of thunder because I ran away from the marriage thing but nothing happened. NOTHING!"

"What about dinner? Didn't you eat? You look like you've lost a lot of weight...!" I asked.

"I could tell Mom was cooking dinner because of the odors coming from the kitchen but I just stayed in my room and waited and nothing happened. I know they had dinner together but no one ever came to check on me or anything. I ate some old candy bars and that was my dinner...!"

"WHAT?" Mark barked.

"It was like that for a couple of days...I mean them just ignoring me and everything. I would go out in the afternoons...the mornings were okay because Nick was in school...well, I guess he was...I never went to the parks...I promise you I didn't do any of that again because I had learned that there are two guys out there who do like me for just being me and they would accept me for who I am but I had to leave them and I was so sad...I hung out in the library a has so many things to read and since I was back in Phoenix I could get money out of my checking account so I could eat...I really wanted to stay home all day but if Nick was around it would have been better not to...I'd go home before Mom and Dad got in from work and nothing happened until...let's see, it was...Uhhh...Thursday and Dad finally said something to me...he wanted to know when I was going to apologize to them and to Kathy for what I had done and...!"

"Oh that's FUCKING BULLSHIT! APOLOGIZE for fucking WHAT?" Mark barked.

"I know...I thought here we go again the same crap all over and I told him I wasn't going to apologize because I didn't do anything wrong I just wanted to live my life as the person that I am and make my own decisions and everything...!"

"See!" Mark exclaimed, "You ARE a little warrior!'"

"Yeah but it didn't do me any good. Dad said I had disgraced our family and Kathy's as well because of the way I lied and ran away from what could have been a perfect life for both of us and...!"

"More like being trapped in HELL!" I exclaimed.

"He said I needed to think about someone other than myself and that the world doesn't revolve around me and I need to start figuring out what I am going to do with my life and he actually said that maybe the thing with Kathy could be salvaged...!"

"Geez! That fucker doesn't give up!" Mark bellowed.

Kevin gave him a weak smile.

"I said No Dad, it's not for me. I want to live with someone I choose, not have chosen for me. I have to love them and they have to love me.' He said that sometimes love has to take a backseat to more important things like making money and being successful...!"

I could see that Mark's temperature was quickly rising to the point of him exploding!

"Nothing is more important than loving someone and having them love you!" my ginger boy exclaimed.

"Tell that to my Dad. I told him my mind was made up and nothing could change it. He said my actions had brought such shame that our family name might never recover...!"

"Oh Boo-Hoo!" Mark snapped.

" You'll take your meals in your room and not in the dining room,' he told me which I didn't care anyway because dinner with my family is like a funeral wake or something. Not that I know anything about that but they are a monument to silence. It's all Dad talking about work or some shit but never me. Mom sits there like she's a mute while Dad and Nick go on and on about some sports crap or something that makes no fucking difference to anything and he [Dad] is always complementing Nick about his sports skills and how he's going to go far someday when he can barely pull a C' average in his classes...I feel like Claude Reins [The Invisible Man, Universal Pictures 1933] sometimes I want to pull out my cock and jack off at the dinner table just to see if anyone would even notice...!"

Mark and I broke out laughing.

"Oh they'd notice THAT beast for sure!" Mark hooted.

"Maybe Nick could join in...!" I added.

For the first time in a while, Kevin cracked a big smile, "Not likely. He may have all the athletic skills but I got all the cock in our family!"

"Oh?" Mark said while "cocking" one eye.

"He can barely hit six inches when he's ready to pop!" Kevin giggled.

We all laughed. It was good to hear Kevin's attitude change.

"Anyway, being condemned to eating in my room was actually a blessing because it left me alone and free from all that bullshit about settling down or so I thought until I ran into Mom one day in the pantry. I was looking for some Oreos..."

"YUMMMM!!!" Mark growled.

"She just kind of stared at me and then I spoke first about my decision to leave because I didn't want to marry Kathy and she said Kathy is a nice girl and how she and I could have made a nice family had lots of grand kids...!"

"Not THAT crap again!" I barked.

"Yeah I know I can't ever imagine having kids or fucking some girl....YUCK...I tried to tell her that I had to make my own choices and set my own course but she's too under the influence of Dad...she kept saying Kathy is such a nice girl and then I really fucked up...I guess because I told her I didn't want a girl and when I said that she stopped and just stared at me like I had three heads on my shoulders...she said what do you mean' and I said I don't want a girlfriend and then she asked me if I was acting this way because of that boy Clark' and..."

"Whatever happened to Clark anyway? We wondered if you had tried to call him and...," I started to ask.

Kevin looked away and started to cry again.

"I did call him when I got back and when he answered the phone and he knew it was me his response was just a dull Hello' like why are you bothering me' and I tried to see about us getting together but he said he can't and I asked him why and he told me he's dating a girl now and...!"

"What the fuck?" Mark exclaimed.

"He told me that what we had done was fun but he considered it just to be like experimenting and anyway it's easier to do what everyone expects and date and marry a girl. A lot less problems all the way around,' he told me..."

"Except he's living a lie and he will as long as he stays on that course!" I barked.

"Well anyway I told Mom that Clark and I hadn't seen each other since right after graduation but she wanted to know what I meant by not wanting a girlfriend and like I told you I really fucked up when I just blurted out because I like boys.'

"HOLY SHIT!" Mark and I yelled in perfect unison.

"She turned ash white and started shaking her head and saying No! No! No! This can't be happening in OUR family. I'll have to talk to your Father about this. Maybe you can be cured or something' and I really got pissed and told her I'm not sick so there's nothing that needs to be cured!"

"My little warrior' took a stand!" Mark cried.

"Yeah well it didn't take long before Dad found out about it and he came into my room and wanted to know if it was true about what I said and I nodded Yes' and he said maybe...there are clinics where things like this' can be fixed' and I said I'm not a dog and I don't need to be fixed' and he told me not to get smart with him and I replied I am what I am and that's all that I am,' ...I kind of felt like Popeye the Sailor when I said that but he wasn't going to accept it."

"The next week for almost the ENTIRE time Dad was badgering me to think about going to some place in Utah to be...repaired...I think that's what he called it and I kept telling him I'm not broken and it only pissed him off even more. Mom slowly started becoming hysterical trying to figure out why I had turned out the way I am...I told her it wasn't anything to worry about that I was just fine with me being the way I am but neither of them accepted that either."

"Then my asshole Brother got into the act. I mean either Mom and Dad TOLD him or he was listening at a keyhole somewhere...I think the latter but who knows...When we passed in the hallway he's say things like faggot' and homo' and queer' and I'd just smile and laugh because trying to argue with him would only make things worse and when he said things like fuck you' to me I'd just laugh and say not with your itty-bitty cock' and it got him so pissed...!"

"Does he know that...Uhhh... That you're...?" I stammered all over the place.

"...That I have a cock almost twice his size? Heck yes!" Kevin chortled, "More than once he walked into the bathroom when I was jacking off and he'd just stop and stare at me and I'd just give him a big goofy grin especially when we both looked down towards his little twig!"

"So by the end of the week [September 24 - the day we had dinner at Dean and Glen's apartment] things were not going anywhere good. I tried to stay away from home as much as possible. I did call Lois and got your address but she didn't have a phone number for you yet."

"Monday was the last day things were even close to normal for me...Mom and Dad were going to San Diego for two weeks and I was glad or so I thought because all we had done was argue about my choice' and how I was so wrong and I would never be happy and it wasn't natural and all that bullshit without really saying why just because I like cock instead of pussy but the really sad thing is neither of them ever acknowledged or used the word gay' at all. It was completely unspoken in our house. Only Nick's slurs, which he used a lot!"

"Tell me more about Nick. What's he like?" Mark asked.

I had a feeling Mark was looking for information...

"He's...well... he's seventeen and like I said, taller than me a little bit I guess but he's really built from all the sports stuff he does...I bet he weighs as much as you and he's got lots of muscle...his eyes and hair are like mine except he keeps it cut really short and he's loud and obnoxious and he looks a lot like me," Kevin explained, "So when I got up Monday morning [the day we had the phone installed], I found a note from Dad taped to my bedroom door telling us that he and Mom were going to San Diego for two weeks and that he expected me to be out of the house by the time they got back...!"

"WHAT?" Mark screamed.

"Yeah! I guess if I'm not going to get fixed' like a broken piece of china or end up banging some pussy for the rest of my life that I am supposed to leave...I mean I'm over eighteen anyway what can I do? I was really bummed out because I had no job and no place to go and even if I did I'd have to move all my stuff and how would I do that and...!"

"Why didn't you just come to see us? I mean, okay, maybe you'd have been shy about showing up at our doorstep with your car loaded with everything, but..!" Mark asked.

"Babe, I think Kevin wasn't know...we have each other and...!" I said softly.

Kevin dipped his head and started sobbing, "I can't be a burden to anyone...!"

"HORSESHIT!" Mark barked.

"If only I had...then...what happened next wouldn't have happened...!" Kevin cried.

"Nick...he beat you up, didn't he? He did ALL of this to you! And he...he...raped...!" Mark couldn't even finish his sentence before breaking down in tears.

He and Kevin cuddled each other while sobbing away...

"I wasn't too worried at first because I had two weeks and...,"

"Wait! Your Mom and Dad left for San Diego so who did they leave in charge while they were gone?" I asked.


"Oh that's a bunch of fucking bullshit! Some stupid seventeen year old jock boy instead of you? What about him and school?" I yelped.

"Because he...Kevin's parents...were disowning him!" Mark snarled, "They were in effect kicking you out but they didn't have the balls to do it in person so they left their younger son behind to do the job!"

"It's funny you said that," Kevin replied, "Because I've...I...I came to the same conclusion although not at first...! He only has to go to class for five periods since he's a senior now and...I know he skipped some of them that week because of....what he did to me...!"

"Fuck! No wonder he barely has a C' average! ....Uhhhh...Is your Dad a really rough and tough guy or...?" Mark asked.

Kevin broke out laughing.

"No way! He's tall like Nick but has a middle-age gut. He's very passive to everyone except me, and he rules the house like a dictator. Mom always agrees with everything he says...!"

"A prison, then!" I observed.

" really is...which is why I hated being home. I'd rather be on my knees sucking cock in a park all night than...!"

"Well you won't have to do that anymore. I know of two cocks you can work on all the time!" Mark giggled.

Kevin returned to his narrative. I knew the worst was yet to come!

His rapid fire run-ons began again, "It didn't take long after Mom and Dad left before Nick started haranguing me. Like a big bee buzzing around my head. Actually, I like bees. He was more like a fucking fly! I never figured for a minute...well at least at first...that things would go the way they did...until he started getting physical with bumping into me in the hallways or something like that and then pushing or shoving me and calling me a queer or a fag or a homo....I just tried to hide in my room...I kept the door locked and just read from my book collection...but...well...if Dad had told him to get me out of the house...I never had a chance...and Nick started with the you need to get out' crap and I said I have two weeks and he replied that he didn't want to live with a faggot and I just told him to fuck off that I would go when I was ready...I never thought he would get violent with me but then I never knew how much he hated me because I'm gay...!"

"Or maybe he hates HIMSELF because he's gay too," I suggested.

"I don't know," Kevin replied, "Nick has NEVER even hinted that he's interested in boys. He's always been a big sports guy which of course is something I've never cared about. Anyway, it WAS getting harder to deal with him as the week went by. Its like he was waiting for me to come out of my he could start his shit all over again...taking a shower or using the bathroom was really becoming a challenge...I mean if I could get from my room to there, it was okay because I could lock the door...then it got...well...!"

Kevin started to tear up. Mark pulled him close.

"Don't be afraid, little warrior!' Nick isn't going to hurt you again. Ever!"

"I just wish...I did everything wrong!" Kevin cried.

"Wrong? You had no way of knowing that your Brother is...a fucking monster!" I said.

"It's actually worse than that. His Dad is the real asshole. Instead of just saying, Son, it's time you moved out on your own,' which I think is fucking mean beyond anything, he essentially commissions' his other son to do the dirty work," Mark barked.

"Whatever or however it came about, last Wednesday was the...was...the worst day in my life...I mean it started out fucked-up and got worse. Nick was becoming more and more abusive...I should have left then...why the fuck didn't I...I should have seen something bad coming but I guess I'm just stupid!"

"You are NOT stupid! We're talking about your Brother, not some stranger off the street!" I said.

"A stranger wouldn't have done what Nick did to me...," Kevin cried, "Wednesday night I went to bed and...I guess because of everything that had been going on I fell asleep really fast. Nick's room was quiet. I wasn't even sure if he was home...sometimes he goes out with some of his jock friends...but I could hear some noises so I figured, No, fuck, he's there...!"

" was late...really late I guess around one in the morning when all of a sudden I'm being yanked out of bed and then it gets dark because something is covering my head...I'm all disoriented and I feel something being tied around my neck...I tried to resist and all of a sudden I'm getting punched and beaten... I told you to get out, faggot!'...then Nick is tying my hands together so I can't fight back...I tried to kick but it was pretty useless because I couldn't see... You kick like a fucking pussy!'" he laughed.

Mark slammed his fist into his hand again. I could sense his blood starting to boil...

"He kept hitting me. I couldn't breathe because turned out to be a pillow case...was tied so tightly around my neck...I felt him pulling off my shirt and jeans... What a puny little faggot!'...I heard that a lot...Then...I don't know why, he removed the pillow case and laughed at me...I begged him to let me go and he said Not yet. You had a chance to leave. You should have taken it!'...Then he hit me. Over and over...My hands were tied behind my back...He kept calling me a fag' and a fucking queer' ...I guess that's when I realized it was all over. I wasn't going to make it through the night in one piece...So I did the only thing I could. I taunted him. I ridiculed him...I said Yeah while you're home beating your tiny little meat I'm out getting fucked ten times a night'...I know...I guess I should have shut up but what then?...Go down in silence?...I think what really sent Nick over the edge is when I said Call up you jock buddies and have them all come over. I'll let them fuck me all night long...especially if any of them has a cock bigger than yours...!'"

"You said THAT?" I gasped.

"Yeah. It was the stupidest thing I've ever said in my life...Nick went into a raging fit...that's when he...he... I'll fuck the queerness out of you all by myself,' he said and then he...!"

Kevin started really crying now...

"That's when he...?" Mark asked softly.

"Yeah. I guess he's not very good at it or maybe he's still a virgin but he sure fumbled around a lot...I fought at first, trying to keep him from entering me...but he's so much stronger than took him several tries before he could get his cock in my ass...I finally just let him do it because it was easier than fighting him...he's got a lot of stamina and look at me...I'm just a puny little twig!"

"Don't say that! Please!" Mark begged.

"How long did he...?" I started to ask.

"He kept me tied up all of Thursday and Friday morning. He tried to fuck me again...a few times but I don't know what his problem he ended up jizzing all over my face and that's how it got in my hair...and then he pissed on me and said I'm marking my new bitch...' He unbound me but not before beating the crap out of me...that was in the afternoon then he kicked me out the front door right after it got dark. I mean he KICKED me...I went sprawling into the dirt...crying...I could barely see...all I had was my house keys and my wallet and checkbook...and he said stay the fuck out of my house, faggot... Don't ever even think of coming back!'"

Mark and I sat in silence. You could hear a pin drop in the room.

"How did you get here? I could barely see out of one eye and...!" I started to ask.

Kevin gave a weak smile.

"I knew your address...I mean I got it from Lois was the slowest drive of my life...I took back streets as much as possible to try and avoid traffic and those fucking traffic signals, which are everywhere and they are ALWAYS red no matter what direction you're going!"

I managed to smile at his observation about the red lights...

"That's another reason why Kevin is a little warrior!' He was injured so badly yet he fought and managed to get to the only safe place he knew!" Mark said softly, "Dean said it looked like a fag bashing!' Actually, he was right...a prolonged torture of someone for...WHAT? For who he wants to LOVE?"

Kevin was crying as Mark stroked his hair.

"This isn't going to stand! Your Brother is going to feel the wrath!"

I shuddered at the impact of Mark's words...

"There's nothing I can say or do to make up for what has happened to you," he continued, "But I mean it with every fiber in my body...That fucking son of a bitch is going to pay, and pay dearly, for what he did to you!"

Mark pulled Kevin close to him and they snuggled. I bracketed our friend on the other side.

"You're safe here now. No one will ever hurt you again!" Mark promised.

The next morning Mark and I awoke to find Kevin snuggled in between both of us. We carefully crawled out of bed and silently moved out of the bedroom.

"What are you thinking?" I asked him.

"We don't have much time. In fact, it might be too late," Mark replied.

"For what?"

"Think about it. Nick threw Kevin out. What's next?" Mark asked.

"Uhhh.. I don't know!"

"Well...Nick just purged Kevin's house of Kevin...what remains behind....?"

A light went on in my head.

"All of his stuff!" I exclaimed.

"Correct! If I'm right, Nick is probably throwing all of Kevin's personal possessions into the trash right now!"

"So what do we do?"

"The minute Kevin wakes up, we have to find out what day the trash is collected at his house. We might have time but...if we screw around and miss the day, or if it's today, then all of his stuff either will be or is gone. Forever."

"Do you think Nick would actually do that?"

The minute I said it, I realized how stupid I sounded. Mark gave me the biggest eye roll ever.

"He just beat the shit out of his Brother. What do you think?

"I still can't believe a seventeen year old could do that to someone older...!"

Mark was rolling his eyes again...

"Are...are you okay? I was pretty difficult listening to Kevin's story...," I asked.

" Okay?' No. Inside I am seething. Broiling. Ready to erupt because of what that fucking prick Nick did to him. He's going to pay and pay a lot!!"

"But how? Certainly you don't just expect to walk right into Kevin's house... Uhhh...his former house...and just gather up all of his stuff...?"

Mark smiled. It was a devilish smile that I knew all too well.

"Well yes...That's exactly what I plan to do...I mean, I could throw a brick through a window to get inside, but Kevin still has his keys...the only part where you are wrong and he are going to collect his stuff. I am going to be having a talk' with Nick...!"

My mind shuddered at Mark's definition of the word, "talk!"

"We don't have to do anything. We could...!" I started to say.

"What? Let some punk high school jock throw all of Kevin's stuff away? Even if we bought all of it over again, it's the principle that matters...And there is NO way I am ever going to let that piece of shit get away with what he did to our little warrior!' He RAPED him! More than once! And jizzed and pissed on him! Every time I look at Kevin's sweet face and see the hurt he suffered for NO reason at all, I...!"

I reached over and put my arm around his shoulder.

"I know! But what if you get hurt? Kevin said that Nick is pretty strong and...!"

"HA!" Mark grunted, "Someone IS going to get hurt all right!"

Kevin woke up from his nap and came into the living room. His eyes roamed around our apartment. It actually was the first time he had the chance to casually check out our new home.

"This is nice," he said softly while wiping the "sleepy bugs" out of his eyes, "Maybe some day I can get a place like this too!"

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"Sore. But I think I'm better than yesterday...except for my eye and the bruises...they look so ugly!"

"Glen said that would be normal for a while. But you don't feel any pain...anywhere in your body?" I asked; trying to be discreet in my concern.

"Oh you mean my butt!" Kevin giggled, "No. It's fine. Lucky for me Nick has a gerbil-sized cock...!"

Mark and I broke out laughing.

"I don't think he really knew HOW to fuck...!" he added.

It felt good to hear him laughing again.

"Mark has a plan...!" I said.

"Doesn't he always?" Kevin giggled.

"Yeah! We're going to go and get your stuff. All of it," I said.

"From my house? What if Nick is there?"

"I'm counting on it," Mark said with an evil grin.

"He's strong!" Kevin cautioned.

"So am I!" Mark chortled.

We both laughed as Kevin squealed while Mark hoisted him like a feather.

"I have to know just one thing," he said, "What day do they pick up the trash at your house?"

"Uhhh...Thursday! Why?"

"Because Mark thinks that Nick will probably throw out all your stuff...unless there's anything he wants for himself," I explained.

"Not my stereo and my record collection! And my books...well...yeah...I don't think he's very good at reading and most of my books don't have a lot of they wouldn't interest him!"

Mark and I laughed again...

"That doesn't give us much time. Tomorrow or Wednesday," Mark said.

"Don't forget he's still in school," I said.

"Then we'll have to go late in the day. Does he always come straight home?" Mark asked.

"Usually," Kevin confirmed, then he asked, "Do I have to go to?"

"Yes," Mark replied, "First. How will we know where you live, and where your room is, and...!"

"Okay. It was a dumb question...," Kevin said, "But I...I...what's gonna happen then?"

"Easy. You and Randy can load up your stuff. I'll be busy dealing with Nick."

" Dealing with?'" Kevin squeaked.

Mark pulled him close and held him tightly.

"What your Brother did to you is beyond any definition of reasonable or allowable. He has to pay for his abuse!"

"But what if he hurts you?" Kevin cried, "I'm not worth that price!"

"Yes...Yes you are! Worth that and much more....As for me getting hurt...don't worry! I've been...well, my Brothers trained me for something like this since I was barely a teenager!"

Kevin looked at us, nodded, and then shyly asked, "I need to take a shower!"

I smiled as he and Mark headed towards the bathroom...

Over the next two days, Glen stopped by a few times to examine his "patient." On Wednesday he proclaimed that Kevin was on the road to a full recovery; including his damaged eye.

"It will take a while for the skin coloration to resume its natural hue, but you're going to be fine," he said.

We said nothing to him about Mark's plan...

Late Wednesday we loaded into two cars: Mark drove his Challenger and I drove the Dart. Kevin didn't feel like it would be safe for him to drive yet, and the Dart has a lot more room in it than my Camaro.

We stopped at a filling station not far from Kevin's house. Mark gave him a dime.

"Call and see if he's home. If he answers, DON'T say a thing! Just hang up!"

"Why?" Kevin asked.

"Well, we have to be sure he's there!"

"Yeah but if he isn't, we could just go in, get my stuff and leave!" Kevin suggested.

"Kevin...Baby...You don't understand," I explained, "Mark WANTS Nick to be there!"


I could see him shivering with fear.

"Don't worry! Mark is in control of everything!" I assured him.

Kevin made the call, " Yeah... he's home, listening to his music and probably looking for his cock!"

Then he added, "What if he has some friends over?"

"Does he do that a lot?"


"Well if this is the day when they are there, I'll make sure they leave before we...finish our task," Mark replied.

I pondered just exactly how he planned to do that; I AM sure he had a plan...I just kept wondering what it might be!

We drove through the picturesque landscape of Paradise Valley. It was right up Mark's alley: lots of desert vegetation. Kevin directed us to his parent's home. Pulling up in the driveway of a really HUGE house, we all walked up to the front door.

"Your parents MUST be rich! This place is a fucking mansion!" I gasped.

"I think Dad said it's almost four thousand square feet and we have more than three acres of land," Kevin explained.

"Nice," Mark said while examining the Santa Fe style architecture.

"Let Randy and me lead, side by side. You stay behind us and tell us where to go," Mark told our young friend.

It almost sounded like a military maneuver!

"Are you nervous?" I asked Kevin.

"No," he said in an unsteady voice.

His trembling body betrayed him!.

"Well...Don't worry! I've seen Mark in action. He knows how to take care of himself. And he's certainly not going to let anything happen to you!"

"Ready?" Mark said to Kevin.

He nodded "yes."

Mark reached out and turned the door knob. The spacious double wide door swung right open...

"That was easy," I said.

The three of us went inside. There was a huge foyer with expensive looking marble flooring. It opened into a large room, which opened into more even larger rooms...

"The living and dining rooms, kitchen and Great Room,'" Kevin explained.

"What the heck is a Great Room?'" Mark asked.

"It's just another den," Kevin giggled.

They moved further into the house.

"Nice! A fireplace! And Oak hardwood flooring?" Mark asked.

"I guess. I really don't know," Kevin replied.

Kevin's house; well, his former house; actually his PARENTS house; certainly spoke of money.

"Very opulent," I said to Mark.

"Yeah! And luxurious too!" he said.

I just looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"What?" he asked.

"Twenty-ninth in your class," I giggled.

"The secondary bedrooms are this way," Kevin pointed.

"Secondary?" Mark said to me.

"Yeah. Opulent!'" I snorted.

We turned a corner and instantly I could see Kevin's body tense up...There was no time for me to say anything when a door opened and out stepped a boy. It wasn't any boy; it was Nick. The clues were obvious: He looked like a copy of Kevin, only much taller and muscular. Maybe just over six feet with the same blue eyes and blonde hair.

His frame was lean and taut. Very nice arms and thighs; not like a body builder but more like a swimmer or a gymnast. Dressed only in very small white gym shorts, his chest was broad and punctuated by horizontal ripples. I think Mark had once called them "washboard abs."

Holding a towel in his hand, he stopped and stared at the three of us.


Mark and I stepped apart so that Kevin was now clearly visible.


He never got to finish his sentence. Mark uncoiled like a spring. I'll never forget the sound I heard when his fist struck Nick's jaw. It's not like what you hear in those fights on TV and in the movies. Those are all dubbed in. This was very real; kind of a hard "thud" that sent Nick reeling backwards towards a destiny with the wall.

Nick's journey was compounded by Mark slamming his 165 pound body into the startled teen. The impact caused the wall to shake as both made contact. I just knew the strike had to have left an "impact crater" behind as evidence.

I wasn't going to be able to confirm my suspicion because Mark tore into the boy like a jackhammer. Or maybe a sledgehammer. It didn't matter. Before the unsuspecting teen could move or do...anything...Mark had him by the throat with one hand while delivering a non-stop series of slaps across Nick's face.

Mark had quickly drawn first blood as a small trickle instantly appeared at one corner, then the other, of the boy's mouth.

That was only the opening assault; while delivering a barrage of strikes to Nick's head, Mark grasped the teen's throat and, between the facial blows, repeatedly slammed his head against the wall. THAT had to have also left some drywall damage!

Nick was too overwhelmed to say anything except emitting a series of pained grunts.


Even though the center of attention was Mark beating the shit out of Nick, I managed to glance at Kevin to try and ascertain his reaction. He glanced at me and his face seemed...relieved...that finally someone was standing up for him.

My attention jerked back to the battle, actually it was a one-sided beating...


It suddenly dawned on me that he had been toying with Nick all along... Yeah...some toying!...But as I watched, the intensity of his hits slowly became stronger and stronger with each one. That made sense. If he wanted to do so, I knew Mark had enough power in his body to lay out Nick in one blow. Obviously that was not his plan.

"It's his way of making Nick hurt the most!" I thought.

Again my thoughts were distracted as I heard another loud thud and then a low painful groan. Nick was lying on the floor and in great pain. At last I could see the wall where he had been pinned by Mark's vicious and relentless attack.

"That IS gonna cost some money to repair!" I thought.


Kevin had been correct: Nick did have a lot of stamina. If I had been him, I wouldn't have moved a muscle. Slowly he stood up and faced Mark. Blood was now obvious in each corner of his mouth and his nostrils.

"I don't know...who the fuck you are...or why you're house...!" he stammered.

His swagger and arrogance were gone... yet he was still trying to project the obnoxious bravado that some kids his age wear like a badge of honor... until they have it taken away from was happening now.

Mark motioned both of him arms toward himself.


Nick looked at Mark, then to Kevin and me.

"What? Three against one?" he croaked.

"NO. JUST ONE!! ME!! YOU AND ME!! LET'S SEE WHAT YOU'VE GOT!!" Mark taunted him.

Nick looked us over again. I had to think he knew that Mark was more than capable of inflicting much more damage. In any event, my ginger boy sensed his hesitation and delivered a challenge that couldn't go unanswered...


Nick's eyes widened.


I stared at both of them. Nick was definitely showing the effects of Mark's unrelenting assault. There was something else present that made my eyes widen. "Is Mark turned on by this?" I could see definite evidence in an extremely large shape straining against the frayed fabric of his Levis.

That did it. Nick should have passed. But he didn't. He had been goaded into making a very unwise move. With his left arm raised like he was going to strike, and cutting loose with a bloodcurdling scream, he lunged at Mark. My ginger stud caught his fist in mid-air.

Kevin gasped at what he saw. It was a sight I had only seen once before; with Timothy Cole down on Brookside in Tulsa...

Mark's hand was much larger and stronger than Nick's. He easily enveloped the boy's fist and squeezed. A howl of pain filled the hallway as Mark not only contracted his grip but quickly snapped Nick's wrist backwards at an impossible angle while spinning him in a full semicircle.

"OWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! YOU BROKE MY WRIST!!!" Nick screamed.

"Then you'll have to learn to jack off with your right hand!" Mark snarled.

They slammed into the poor wall...again...with Mark's body pressing into Nick's backside. The teen was sobbing and crying in pain while trying to grasp his now obviously broken hand, but the pressure of Mark's body prevented that from happening.


As Mark kept Nick pinned to the wall, he ever so casually turned to Kevin and me and calmly said two things; one directed at both of us, and the other at me...

"Go get Kevin's stuff...!"

He looked at me with strangely dark eyes and whispered, "Anything that happens here means nothing. It's only for Kevin!"

I grabbed Kevin's hand and asked, "Which way?"

He led me down another long hallway...

Surprisingly, he said nothing about what had just happened. When we got to his room, he stopped and gasped.

"It's...All my stuff...!" he said while crossing the room to his closet and dresser, "It's all GONE!"

I recalled what Mark had said.

"Where are the trash cans?"


"Your trash cans. The ones you put out for pickup!"

He quickly led me down another hall and out to a detached four car garage. I'm glad he was with me; I would have easily gotten lost in that huge house!

In a small enclosed area next to the garage were the trash cans. Stacked next to them were Kevin's personal belongings. Everything: books, clothes, even his lava lamp and black light posters. All just discarded as if he had never existed.

"Hey!" he wailed, "It's not ALL here!"

"What's missing?" I asked.

"My stereo gear and my records. ALL of them!" he cried.

"Let's get this stuff loaded into the cars first. Then we'll go looking for your stereo," I suggested.

"I'm sure glad you're with me," he said softly.

Mark had suggested bringing along some moving boxes. He had been right about everything so far; just another one of his plans that seemed to be working to perfection!

"You sure have a lot of books," I said as we started packing up his gear.

"I like to read a lot," he said.

"Read...what?" I asked.

"Anything. Science, Science Fiction, Poetry and Literature, even old Westerns and stuff. I don't want to be ignorant!"

My head reeled.

"You're hardly ignorant! Fourth in your class, remember?" I laughed.

"Those rankings were a lot of bullshit. I knew some of the guys who scored near me and they were fucking stupid! I don't ever want to be like that! I'll read anything at least once. What do I have to lose?"

"You're one special guy," I replied.

"Special but weak!" he said softly.

"You're not weak! Nick is a lot bigger and stronger than...!"

"HA! Bigger yes, but I saw Mark take him down so easily!"

It was his first acknowledgment of what we had both just witnessed.

"Are you upset by what he did...I mean...Nick is your Brother...!"


"Your wounds will heal and soon you'll be good as new!" I said, trying to soothe him.

"Maybe cosmetically, but deep down inside I will still be nothing but a sissy boy!' A weak, puny...!"

"STOP THAT! You are NOT weak, puny or a sissy boy!' Do I need to remind you put both Mark and me in orbit with your...abilities?" I replied.

"Mark is still the fucking stud!!"

"NO! STOP! Mark IS different. He's bigger and stronger but we're not all alike! Trust me, he thinks the world of you. He adores you just as much as I do...the only difference is he has all the muscles and I don't!"

Kevin shot me the cutest grin.

"I love my Randyasaurus just the way he is!"

I gently ruffled his hair.

Hey! Maybe we should take a shower when we get back to our apartment!" I laughed.

His eyes sparkled at the idea...

It took us about forty minutes to get everything packed and loaded into both cars.

"Be sure you have everything," I told Kevin.

"It's all here except my stereo and my records...That bastard! He had no right to do this!"

"It's going to get a lot better," I cooed in his ear, "Trust me!"

Kevin led me back to where we had left Mark and Nick. When we arrived, I Immediately sensed that something had changed. Mark was just leaning against the wall looking as cute and sexy as ever...and I couldn't help but notice the outline of his huge cock as it strained to escape from his jeans.

The difference was Nick: he was curled in a ball in a corner of the hallway, clutching his stomach while shivering and sobbing...

"Damn! It took you guys forever!" Mark hooted.

"Well, Kevin has a lot of stuff. A ton of really neat books and more...!" I started to explain.

"Did you get it all?" he asked.

"No! My stereo and my records are missing!" Kevin said.

"Oh really? Gee! I wonder where they might be!" Mark replied in a tone dripping with sarcasm.

I wasn't ready for what my eyes saw next. Never in a million years...

"HEY! ASSHOLE!" Mark barked at Nick, "Where is Kevin's stereo and his records?"

He gave Nick a not-so-gentle shove with his size fourteen shoe. The boy turned and stared up at him. His eyes flew open in terror...

"NO!! NO!! NO!! GET AWAY FROM ME!! STAY AWAY!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!!" he screamed while trying to scramble away.

There was no place for him to go: he was trapped in a corner.

"SHIT!" I gasped as I saw Nick's face.

It was a carbon copy of what Nick had done to Kevin right down to a black left eye! His face looked like it been beaten with a hammer, or more likely, two strong fists... There was more. My mind reeled at what my eyes were telling me.

Nick's white gym shorts were stained red between his legs and on his butt. It suddenly became clear why he was shivering and terrified of Mark...

"Well?" Mark barked.

"!" Nick stammered.

"Come on," Kevin said, leading me by the hand.

Nick's bedroom was the epitome of something you'd expect to see from a teenage jock. Pennants all over the walls for various teams and full color posters of baseball, basketball and football "stars." The room also reeked of something else...a familiar smell every teenage boy would instantly recognize: stale cum.

"What a pig pen!" Kevin snorted, then he spied his missing records and stereo gear, "That fucking asshole!"

We gathered all of it up and proceeded to load it into the Dart. Kevin has quite the record collection! And his stereo gear is top notch too! It puts mine and Mark's to shame! A Pioneer receiver and turntable, a Sony reel to reel, a graphic equalizer and two huge speakers. There was also huge shortwave radio as well.

"This is great stuff!" I told him while we moved it to the car.

"I've always liked having a good sound system," he replied.

"And your albums? Rock and classical too?"

"I also have a little jazz but not much!"

It seems like Kevin is much more complex than I first thought. He's definitely not like the average nineteen year old!

We met Mark in the hallway. Nick was still curled up in the corner.

Got everything?" he asked Kevin.


"Are you sure? Because I doubt if we will be coming back!" Mark chuckled.

"I got all my records and my stereo...!"

"He has a GREAT sound system!" I interjected.

Mark smiled at our friend.

"I also got all my clothes and my lava lamp and books and other stuff; even my chess yeah! I'm ready to get the hell out of here!" Kevin chirped.

"I should have known you'd know how to play chess!" I laughed.

"You have anything to say to your Brother before we leave?" Mark asked.

Kevin looked down at Nick and scowled.

"Why? WHY, you asshole!" he said softly, "I never did anything to you in my life. All I wanted was a Brother who I could relate to. WHY WHY WHY???"

Nick looked up at him and even though he was in pain and crying, a scowl came across his face.

"At least I'm not a fag! No fags in my house! No sick fags in my family! Ever!" he grunted.

I saw Mark tense up at the first utterance of the word "fag." Before he could do anything, Kevin shocked the shit out of both of us by delivering a powerful kick to Nick's balls. The boy doubled up even more while howling in pain...

"WOW! Way to go, little warrior!!'" Mark hooted.

"I have no longer have a Father. A Mother or a Brother," Kevin replied softly as he unfastened his house keys and threw them down on the floor.

Mark dropped down and leaned close to the boy's ear.

"Hey!" he whispered, "Just remember what I told you. If you ever even think about hurting your Brother or anyone again because of who they are, just remember I can always come back and we can spend more time, me and my big cock...and when I'm through, you'll end up shitting blood for a year...!"

Nick shivered at his words.

The drive back to our apartment was serene. Kevin actually seemed at peace with himself. He said nothing about what had happened back at his house...well, I guess now it's his former house... When we arrived home, Mark and I unloaded the cargo and gently placed it all in the spare bedroom. Kevin asked if he could take a nap.

"You don't have to ask!" Mark chuckled, "Go right ahead!"

"A lot of his clothes may have to be ironed because they are pretty wrinkled, but otherwise, everything looks fine," I observed.

"That's great!" Mark replied.

"Now...what about you?" I asked my ginger stud.

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever...the Mark started to cry!

"Baby!" I squeaked as I rushed to embrace him.

"I...I...It meant...nothing to me...but I had to...because of Kevin!" he sobbed.

I looked into his eyes and could see the hurt on his face.

"I kind of wondered," I said softly.

"What?" he sobbed.

"Well...After you laid out Nick...I don't even know how you managed to do it so fast and easy...Did he even hit you? Once? Ever?"


"Kevin and I talked about what we witnessed and at first I think...he hoped you might have kicked Nick's ass a little bit more but," I hesitated, "Now it's obvious that you drove your point home!'"

Mark couldn't help giggling...

"I wanted to leave a long, deep lasting impression!"

We both snickered at his meaning.

" Nick will always know...that a bigger, stronger guy...owned him. Marked him. Dominated him. A bigger, stronger guy who just happens to be gay!" he said softly.

"Well...I think you did score one with that long, deep lasting impression!" I chortled.

"'re not...I mean...I didn't cheat on you...did I?"

"Oh Baby Fuck No!!!!! You did it for Kevin! The strong protecting the weak!" I cooed.

He gave me a shy smile.

"I could never hate you for that! If I could have done the same thing, I would have...!" I started to say as Mark stood up.

"I need to clean up...After Nick...I feel...DIRTY!" he said softly.

"Go right ahead! Maybe I'll cook us something for dinner!" I replied.

The look on his face was priceless....

"Hey! There's no need to threaten anyone like that!" he hooted.

I swatted him on his delectable, gorgeous ass as he turned and headed for the bedroom.

Next: Chapter 14

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