That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on May 26, 2022


"That Was Unexpected 12"

Copyright 2022

Note: this prologue may contain spoilers!

This is a period piece (1970s) erotic love story featuring two main characters in their early twenties. Where contextual clarification may be needed, a set of [ ] provides relevant information. The characters are all based on real people but "the names have been changed to protect the innocent." There are real places intermingled with fictitious constructs necessary for the story. Grammarians may notice that I frequently shift the tense. As the story progresses, the writing style may become less "formal" i.e. "correct," and more reflective of the characters living in their era. I do accept responsibility for all typos!

Now about those "anachronisms." Every attempt has been made to keep the story pure and accurate for its time setting. A really difficult type of anachronism is trying to write about the perspective of a nineteen to mid-twenty year old gay male while accurately reflecting the knowledge, language and customs of the era. This information is something not found on the internet!

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From Part 11...

"I just wish I could be better. Like you and Randy!"

"Don't sell yourself short! You're stronger than you think!" Mark cooed in his ear.

Then Kevin turned to me.

"I...lov.....!!" he stopped as I hugged him.

"I know! I know!" I said softly, " I feel exactly the same way! Be true to yourself. Don't let anyone try and run your life! You are a very special guy, Kevin Nelson!"

More sniffles came. We pulled apart.

There was one last exchange of looks before Kevin simply said, "Goodbye;" then he turned and closed the door behind him.

Part 12

Mark pivoted towards the window. I quickly reached out and touched his shoulder.

"No, Baby! You have to let Kevin go! Watching him leave will only make things worse!" I whispered.

He could have easily flicked my hand away or dragged me along with him but that didn't happen. Instead, Mark stopped and spun around to face me. That's when I saw it... His face was swollen and wet as tears poured out of his beautiful green eyes.

"He's just gone and...and...!" he sniffled, "I already miss him! So much!"

My heart was aching at what I saw. Mark. The love of my life. Funny, personable, strong, honest, the perfect guy of my dreams, was falling apart right in front of me! I had never seen him cry like this before!

"Come here!" I pulled him in to a close embrace, "I miss Kevin too! But...!"

"I should have tried to stop him! He has...He really has nowhere to go!" Mark sobbed.

Deep down inside I thought that was correct. Going "home" to hell? It didn't sound appealing to me!

"Why...Why...?? I know he wanted to stay with us! I could have stopped him!"

"Baby...We had to let it end like this! What would you do? Kidnap him?"

Ordinarily I suppose that reply might have made Mark smile. Not this time. He only cried more!

"He's so little...and...weak...!"

" Weak?' He ran us around the track many, many times!" I said, again trying to make light of the situation.

"I don't mean that! He can't defend himself at all! What if his parents throw him out...or worse?" Mark cried.

We had considered the possibility of Kevin's parents tossing him out in the street. After all, he's over eighteen and they are no longer obligated to provide him with anything. It's the "worse" part that bothered me...

Before I had time to reply, Mark changed the subject.

"I fucked up so badly!" he bawled.

His scent overpowered me as I held him closely...

"What? How?"

"You were supposed to be the only guy I would ever be with and...we didn't even get to Phoenix before I messed it all up!"

WOW! Mark is compounding multiple issues over which he has no control or are completely irrelevant! His body shook like a leaf as I held him. He was tearing himself apart for absolutely no reason!

"You didn't mess up anything...!" I started to say.

"When we first met Kevin, I figured it might be like with those two guys in Abilene, or maybe Skipper...but it quickly turned into a lot more!" he sniffled.

"You mean Kevin grew on you. On me. BOTH of us!" I replied.

"Yeah but I could have shut him off right away and...!"

Watching him collapse like this was too much for me. I don't know how it happened, or where I acquired the skill, but something inside of me assumed control.

"We agreed to everything. We didn't cheat' on each other. Kevin turned out to be a lot more than some quick fuck! He is a very honest, sweet, caring, nice person!" I said, "You and I were mesmerized by him. He has some kind of aura or... I don't know the fuck what...some ability, or a talent, that drew us all together! You did NOTHING wrong!"

Mark kept sniffling as I held him. Very tightly...

"I love you, Mark Ellis! Nothing will ever change that! I want to spend the rest of my life with you! To grow up together and Hey! You have to get that truck so we can travel all over Arizona! We're here, Baby! Tulsa is gone forever! We have a new future ahead of us!"

"I...I...!" Mark said softly as we pulled apart.


"...Don't deserve you!" he whispered.

"Oh no! Don't even go in that direction! You're like an answer to every boy's dream! You are the rock, the cement, that holds me together! Without you, I'd be," I paused, "I wonder if I would have turned out to be like Kevin was...going from one guy to another while looking for someone to love me...And all the time, there you were! Right in front of me from the first day at ATCO! Remember, I was the one leaving my past behind. I was heading out West alone. YOU were the one who turned up on my doorstep determined to make yourself a part of my life! YOU!...YOU! YOU!!! YOU had the balls to take a stand! To make a decision. To see if I felt about you like you did about me! So don't ever sell yourself short or say you fucked up' because you didn't! Kevin...I...I don't know... I had no idea it would turn out like it did between us! Baby, HE loves YOU and he loves ME! How is that even possible? For three guys to be in love with each other? He would never have done anything to hurt you or me. He only wanted to be a part of us. But it just isn't the time. Not now. He has unfinished business in his own life. Who knows... He might end up with Clark and be very happy after all...!"

"No way! FUCK Clark! He could never give Kevin what we did!" Mark snorted.

"You don't know that! Maybe Clark is...!"

"NO! If Clark had any brains in his head, he would have recognized Kevin for the absolute angel that he is! He didn't! He passed up his chance there!" he barked.

I pulled him tightly into me.

Nuzzling his ear, I whispered, "I need you...Two...two barn owls alone here together...I need my big strong, fluffy barn owl to help me find a place for us to nest...and start our new life together...a life forever!"

He turned and stared into my eyes.

"You always manage to say the right thing," he cooed.

"Are you afraid? It's just you and me together. Finally after fifteen hundred miles, we're here. Alone. No parents. Two strangers in a new town...!" I said.

He pulled back and smiled. Reaching over to the dresser, he grabbed his cowboy hat.

"Strangers in town, huh? I kind of reckoned that!" he said in an overly corny cowboy accent replete with his Okie drawl, "I guess we better git to work a-findin' that new nest! Can't have two lonely barn owls a-flittin' about without a home!"

We both giggled..

"First," I said softly, "Make love to me! The first time in Phoenix!"

Mark easily swept me off my feet and carried me to the bed. I was putty in his strong arms...

"How do you...?" he started to ask.

"Inside me. Deep and hard!" I pleaded.

He complied...with the same passionate and thorough skill as always. I felt his long tool slide deep into my body; it always amazed me that it fit so easily!

Slowly at first, then faster. Harder. I knew Mark was putting everything into his efforts to help him forget Kevin. He came really quickly. I could feel the warmth of his copious seed filling my guts. The only thing missing from our powerful coupling were the vocalizations. Oh we made noises; plenty of them...but the verbalizations that Kevin had brought out in Mark were gone...

We broke apart. His heart was racing. That didn't stop him. Without missing a beat, he slid down to my aching bone and swallowed it like a piece of candy.

"Cumming!" I groaned.

Not a drop was wasted!

"Our first time in Phoenix!" he exclaimed.

His fiery green eyes were back...

"Let's start looking for a nest!" I said softly.

We had plenty of time to begin searching. The trip from Tucson had only taken a couple of hours. After making love and washing up, we still had half the day.

"Are you going to call Mrs. Nettles?" Mark asked.

"Sure!" I chirped.

Luckily she was in her office. I introduced myself told her about Mark, and how we had just arrived in Phoenix. Naturally she was curious how we had heard about her. I explained...

"Oh Kevin! Such a sweet young man! How is he doing?" she asked.

I didn't want to tell her the truth, but I didn't want to lie either. In the end, though, the lie won out. Well, maybe it was just a small fib...

"He's okay!" I said, without offering any more details.

We talked about what kind of an apartment might be right for us.

"None of those huge multi-unit places!" I laughed.

"They're more like hotels than places to live!" she laughed, "I don't represent many of them; they have their own leasing agents."

"We'd like something smaller. Quiet. With maybe a pool, a weight or exercise room and a laundry," I said.

"I know of some you might like...!" she said.

I explained to Mark everything that Lois had said in our conversation.

"We're gonna meet her tomorrow around eleven. She'll have a list of a few properties ready by then," I explained, "Meanwhile, I thought...just for the fun of it...we might look at some of those places advertised in the paper."

"Great!" Mark replied.

The classified section had pages of available apartments. The listings ranged in size from just a few lines to larger box-shaped ads with pictures and details of the offered amenities.

We selected some larger complexes. I let Mark take over from there. He knew a lot more about construction than me...Well, that's a really loaded statement since I don't know ANYTHING! I can barely nail two boards together!

The afternoon flew by as we visited four different locations. Afterwards, Mark gave me his opinion.

"The first place...It was a model apartment instead of a real unit. I mean, it sat all by itself...not as part of the complex. So you have no idea what the real place would be like. But I can tell you, the walls were poorly insulated and I bet a million dollars if it's on the bottom, you'll hear people walking overhead all the time. I just bet the soundproofing is pretty sad. It looks like something that was assembled in a few hours and as cheaply as possible. You also have to consider if it's an upper story option, and the roof insulation is crappy, it will cost a shitload of money to keep cool in the summer! Otherwise, the place looked fine. Nice pools and recreation rooms and huge laundry facilities. But you don't live in those. I liked the place you had in Tulsa. It was small and much better built. No fancy frills but at least it was quiet and you didn't hear everyone around you!"

This is what I love about Mark. He's so sharp about things like this. Me? I would have probably rented an apartment there and been completely oblivious to everything until after moving in and then finding out what it's really like...

"You're not only a cute barn owl, but a smart one too!" I hooted.

He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"The other places... Gee...Where do I start? The doors all stuck in that one apartment because they had been painted too many times without stripping off the old finish. And the sounds...!"

I remembered that; we both heard the muted "thump thump thumping" from someone's stereo. Then there were the odors of people cooking. In the middle of the afternoon!

"Imagine what it must be like around five or six when everyone gets home!" he said.

We did see one that wasn't too bad...except for the fact that it was wedged into a massive three story building. That would have meant having neighbors to the left, the right, on top, and since it was on the second floor, underneath as well.

"It's like living in a beehive," I had remarked.

"Well, it's only half of our first day here," Mark laughed, "Four down and how many? A few thousand to go!"

Driving from site to site gave us plenty of time to check out Phoenix as well. We were both amazed at how clean the city looks.

"A lot nicer than Los Angeles," I remarked.

"And the sky is so crisp and clear! The haze on the horizon like we had all the time in Tulsa is...Well, it ISN'T!" Mark laughed.

We decided to eat out rather than in our room.

"We can watch the people," Mark laughed.

"You'll be checking out all the guys!" I replied.

He shot me a sly grin...

We found a Shakey's Pizza Parlor and proceeded to devour four large pizzas. There wasn't a lot of interesting "scenery" except for a few straight boys...well I guess they're straight.

"So?" I said to Mark.

"So what?" he replied while devouring a large piece of pizza. Oh yeah; "devouring" it the way he does when he wants to tease me. Dangling it in the air and then slowly gobbling it down to his fingers.

"You're just doing that to tease me," I said quietly, "I thought we agreed to no funny stuff!'"

"Me?" he snorted, batting two bright green doe eyes at me.

"Stop that!" I whispered, "You're giving me a boner!"

"If the day ever arrives when I CAN'T give you a boner....!" he chuckled.

There was his damned toothy grin...

"I was asking you about the....Uhhhh... scenery,'" I giggled.

"OH! You mean are there any guys here I would fuck?"

"Geez!" I rolled my eyes, "Do you have to be so...blunt?"

"Honesty is the best policy!" he hooted.

"That's an old saying like cute as a bug,' and I don't know if it's always applicable!"

He gazed around the restaurant.

"Pretty slim pickings!" he snorted, "Maybe the dark haired guy over by the jukebox!"

I casually scanned in that direction. The dim lighting made it hard to ascertain all his features, but he appeared to be lean and tall, had nice broad shoulders, trim like Mark, and either black or very dark brown hair.

"He has a girlfriend!" I observed.

"How do you know she's not his sister?"

"I always assume the worst!" I hooted.

He smiled at my comment.

"There's only one guy in here that really makes my cock ache!" he said quietly.

"Who? Where?" I exclaimed.

His eyes bore into mine...

After returning to our room Mark wasted no time in pulling off my clothes and carrying me to the bed...whereupon we made love. More than once... I guess...I just had to make sure that he knew I am the one who can always satisfy his monstrous cock! From the look on his face, and the sounds he made, I think I passed the test!

The next morning we both bounded out of bed, eager to start our search for that special "nest."

"Think we'll get lucky today?" I asked.

He gave me one of his cute, mischievous smiles.

"I already got lucky!" he giggled.

"Oh? When?"

"Last night!"

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yeah! Some cute brown haired stud with the most amazing cock fucked me like a pile driver...!"

"Oh! Gee! I wish... Maybe...You'll see him again and...!" I smirked.

"That's definite! I've been seeing him for months now...!" he chuckled.

"And you're completely satisfied with him?"

"More than! He's a real Oklahoma stud!"

"Funny! I know a guy like that too!" I shot back.

"Is that so?" Mark smiled.

"Yeah! Tall, lean, smart and so damned cute...and he has a cock that fills me up makes me groan in ecstasy!"

"...Does sound like a true stud to me...!" he chuckled.

I leaned in and kissed him.

"Do we have time?" he asked.

"If you're fast!" I moaned while staring at his massive cock...

We arrived at Lois' office precisely as scheduled. My ass was somewhat sore from the pounding it had just received, and I knew there was probably a quart of cum in my guts. Mark smiled at me before we got out of his car.

"You okay?" he asked.

My eyes had a dreamy, contented appearance.

"Yeahhh!" I whispered.

"We can do it again later!" he said.

"Oh baby! As many times as we can forever!" I cooed.

Lois Nettles turned out to be a very personable and attentive person...she listened to our story about moving to Phoenix while jotting down some notes about what we were looking for in an apartment.

"You boys realize it gets very hot here in the summer!" she laughed.

"Yes, Ma'am! We hear that all the time! But it can't be as bad as a summer in Oklahoma! It's like living in a swamp! And in the winter it either snows or worse yet, there are ice storms...And spring has tornadoes!"

"Goodness! We don't have anything like that here! Just a lot of sunshine and three months where it gets," she smiled, "A little...HOT! Oh and we DO occasionally get those summer monsoons!"

" Monsoons?'" I asked.

"It's when the summertime weather pattern changes, bringing moist weather up from the Gulf of California. That can cause very intense thunderstorms...!" Mark started to explain.

"How you do know all of that?" she asked Mark.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "He read a lot of books about this place before we came here!"

She smiled and nodded her head.

"Now here is a list...of about eight apartment complexes with available vacancies. They are smaller units like the type you seem interested in...I personally have a favorite on the list but I won't tell you which one it is!" she said while pulling out a map of Phoenix, "We can locate them here so you'll be all set to go looking!"

"Gee, thanks!" I chirped.

"If you find one you like, let me know and I'll make sure there's no problem with the rental or lease agreement!"

"Problem?" I asked.

"Well...Sometimes there can be. A lot of people move here and then once they find out about the summer heat, they skip out...or they're just deadbeats trying to steal a month's occupancy...!"

I nodded.

"And I assume that neither of you have local bank accounts or references yet," she said.

Mark and I glanced at each other.

"Uh...Gee..No...We can't exactly open a bank account without an address and as for local references...No...But I have my Bank Americard," I explained, "And we both have money!"

"Well that should be all you need... I know these landlords personally so there shouldn't be any problems," she replied.

We thanked her and headed off for our first day of looking. Which turned into day two. Then day three. Finally came Saturday as we finished off the list... Well, to tell the truth, we took a few breaks during our search. The first was to visit Metro Center, which is the biggest shopping mall I ever saw in my life. Mark was even more awed by its size!

"It's like a small city all by itself!" he exclaimed.

It is a two story mall with five major anchor stores and what seemed like a million little speciality shops. We roamed around the expansive facility for almost three hours before resuming our apartment search. Oh and of course, we kept our eyes out for cute boys...which presented no problem as they were everywhere!

"I never even imagined a mall being this big!" Mark exclaimed as we walked around.

"I know...You could probably take all the malls in Tulsa and fit them inside this place with room to spare!"

[Like most shopping malls today, Metro Center is now just a ghost of its vibrant past.]

The rest of our "breaks" were...well...the "that's all it takes!" kind of "pauses" in our apartment hunting. Kevin certainly hadn't exaggerated; Phoenix has a lot of parks and we took advantage of them as only two horny guys can...

Back to the apartment search...Lois had supplied us with some good prospects. They were indeed all smaller facilities, not the huge monstrosities we saw on our first day. The landlords all seemed very personable and the fact that we were new in town didn't seem to bother any of them.

Mark tentatively gave his "seal of approval" to three of the prospects but we still decided to see all eight just to be sure.

"Did you notice they're all two bedroom units?" he asked me.

"Yeah! I guess she figures we're just two guys looking to room together!" I laughed.

"We could actually use a second bedroom...I mean we have to buy everything from scratch and an extra room would be great to put anything extra that we acquire...!" Mark started to say.

"Yeah! Or use it as an office, you know, to pay bills or whatever, or even as a den!" I replied.

We saw the last apartment on Saturday morning. It didn't take me very long to figure out that Mark was in love with it.

"Look at this place!" he gasped, "It's completely different from any of the others...!"

He was so right! The "Saguaro Arms" apartments: right off the bat, Mark went nuts with the name and mostly the appearance. It is all desert landscaped with huge saguaro cacti and other desert vegetation in a very neatly manicured complex. Best yet, the units are two-plexes, like little duplexes, laid out around a center court with a swimming pool, weight room and laundry facility.

The more Mark looked, the more critical he became. That turned out to be a good thing! He was studying everything about the facility.

"Concrete block outer walls refinished with stucco to give it a pueblo style appearance. A solid block wall separating both units so there's better sound insulation. The concrete block construction will make it cooler than a wooden frame building. No crappy drywall either! And look at those vigas!" he exclaimed, "It makes the units look like...!"

"The WHAT?" I laughed.

"Those!" he said, pointing to ends of poles sticking out from just below the roof line, "It's part of the design... I mean, they're fake but they did a good job. It gives the place that Southwestern look!"

"Okay...What I want to know is where the fuck did you learn about...!" I started to ask.

He just shot me a cheeky "eat shit" look.

"I may have been only 29th in my class, but I still...!"

"There's nothing wrong with that...!" I started to object.

There came his award winning smile and big signature toothy grin.

The inside of the apartment was as perfect as the exterior! Hardwood floors with carpeting in the bedrooms. Since it is a two-plex, there is a lot of window space. The wall coverings are new, and the appliances are only a few years old.

"Listen!" he said to me.

"What?" I replied while cocking my ear to one side.

"You don't hear a thing!" Mark replied, "Because it's well built AND we aren't all sandwiched in like sardines! There's even a private courtyard where we can cook out...!"

" We?'" I hooted.

"Well... Okay...I'll cook. You eat!" Mark guffawed.

"I'm always ready to eat!" I snickered, "Especially tube steak!"

"Only if it's the RIGHT tube steak!" he giggled.

The main entry had a small hallway with closets on one side. It quickly opened into a kitchen area which then overlooked the huge dining and living room areas. There was one master bedroom with a bath, a second bedroom and then the main bathroom. The living and dining areas looked out into the small fenced courtyard as well as the meticulously landscaped grounds.

"Covered, assigned parking too!" I commented, "I didn't have that in Tulsa. Just park out in the open...Of course with only four units, finding a space wasn't problem but the covered part is really nice!"

Mark and I stopped at the kitchen.

"Well?" he asked.

"Well what? I KNOW you're in love with this place!" I giggled.

"Yeah but it's not just about me. It's about us!" He said softly.

I moved close to him and we kissed.

"It's fine, Baby! We found our nest!'" I cooed.

His cock must have boned to full size in record time, as did mine! We pressed our bodies together. Small groans escaped our lips.

"Let'!" he panted.

The twinkling of his eyes told me everything: My Baby is horny and ready to fuck!

"Yeah!" I groaned.

He pawed at my jeans, tugging them down far enough to let my cock leap out and spring up into the air. Spinning around, Mark braced himself against the kitchen counter top.

"Dry?" my voice croaked.

"Go for it, Baby!" he panted.

I wrapped my arms around his strong body, spit on my cock and pressed it in to his tantalizing hole.

"OHHHHH YEAHHHHH!!!" Mark groaned, "I love...the way...your cock...forces itself all the way...inside of me! It's so...fucking great!"

It didn't take me more than three or four minutes before I dumped a load of cum in Mark's hole. He quickly spun around as I dropped to my knees...his long fat cock barely made it inside my mouth when he started blasting out loads of thick hot cum.

After we finished came the task of stuffing our tools back into tight, frayed Levis. We both looked around to make sure there was no telltale "evidence" of what we had done.

"Let's go to the rental office!" Mark said with his big goofy grin.

We had a home! Now came the REAL work! First, though, we called Lois to let her know about our selection. She was overjoyed!

"Remember I told you I had a favorite!" she laughed, "Well, The Saguaro Arms was it! I put it at the bottom of the list for that reason!"

"But what if we had rented one of the other places instead?" I asked.

"I admit it was a chance, but after meeting both of you," she paused, "Especially Mark... I just had a feeling...!"

"Huh?" I asked.

"He strikes me as the kind of person who likes to look at all the options before making a decision!" she explained.

Wow! Did she ever have him figured out! Since we rented on Saturday, there wasn't much that could be done until Monday. Then it began...A mountain of tasks to accomplish! First, we opened bank accounts...then off to exchange Driver's Licenses, which made us official residents of Arizona!

There was so much more to do than when I rented my first apartment in Tulsa...The electricity had to turned on in our name. Then came the telephone service. Finally, we had to find furniture. All we had right now was a nice apartment with nothing in it!

It was a team effort on every task. The most exciting part was picking out our furniture. Lois gave us the names of three furniture stores that dealt with students and people on tight budgets. That sure as heck fit us since we had no jobs!

We both agreed that used furniture would be okay EXCEPT for the bed and chairs. We wanted new stuff there! We were going to get a King Size mattress and springs until a salesman showed us a California King Sized mattress, which is longer but narrower. Mark liked that because of his height.

Bit by bit everything fell into place. By Thursday, furniture started arriving at our apartment. That was the first night we slept in our new "nest." And did we ever "christen" it in a proper manner! My ass was sore the next morning but I had never been so happy in my life! Sleeping with Mark in our own apartment at the end of a long journey from what seemed like another world!

Getting all our "stuff" out of both cars was a welcome relief. It felt like I had been driving a delivery vehicle packed with merchandise. Of course that's when we discovered how many things we needed. A lot of our shirts were wrinkled. I had an iron, but we had to leave the ironing board behind. It took many trips to K-Mart to slowly build up the basics that we thought we already had.

Naturally I had to iron Mark's clothes. How can such a stud be so helpless in little things like that? What am I saying? I am barely past the stage of being able to boil water!

There was another advantage to keeping busy settling in. It kept our minds off of Kevin. Well, it kept us distracted enough so that he didn't occupy the bulk of our thoughts. That was especially good for Mark. Deep down inside I knew he was still missing our friend. He wouldn't let it show, but I could tell. I had him figured out enough so that it wasn't necessary to actually ask anything about how he felt.

By Friday [September 20] we were mostly done with the bigger stuff. The furniture had all arrived. We had stocked up on any needed items including groceries, which is a top priority for Mark. I swear he eats his weight in food every day! The only thing not completed was having the phone installed. Mountain Bell promised a Monday installation. Then we'd be done! More importantly, with a phone number, we could call home and let our parents know how things are progressing AND we'd be ready to start looking for work.

Friday while taking out some empty boxes, it happened. I ran directly into someone while heading down the walkway to the trash bins. Stuff went flying everywhere as I recoiled form the impact.

"Ohhhh!" I exclaimed, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have...!"

Free of the boxes blocking my view, I came face to face with a really cute guy...our eyes locked and he smiled.

"It's okay! Nothing broken!" he laughed.

Okay...I guess I am FINALLY figuring it out! His glance seemed a little protracted; more than that, his eyes roamed up and down my body. Wearing my tattered cutoffs and an old T-shirt certainly gave him an eyeful.

"No, really! It's just that we're finally through getting everything moved in and I was in a hurry...!" I stared to explain.

"Oh!" he smiled, "You're the new people in number eight!

"Uhhh...Yeah! I'm Randy!" I smiled while extending my hand.

We shook. He had a nice firm grip.

"Dean! Dean White!" he replied.

"Oh!" I blushed, "Randy Martin!"

"So you're new just this place or...?"

"Oh no!" I smiled, "We just got here from Tulsa...!"

"Oh wow! Well, I guess that's good... I mean, Tulsa is kind of...well, why do people live in Oklahoma anyway?"

I started laughing.

"You've been there?"

"Only through it, and over it!"

"Over?" I asked.

"In a plane! It doesn't look any better from the air!" he chuckled.

I laughed as well, then asked, "I guess I'm puzzled...You said you guessed it was good that we moved here...!"

He smiled.

"Phoenix is hardly a garden spot of anyplace!"

"Don't tell me," I giggled, "It gets hot here!"

"Oh that's a given. And not a problem. But it's a pretty backward city...!"

I know the look on my face must have been puzzling.

"Backward? How...?"

"I'm sorry about that! It's just that we've lived here forever and, well, it's no Los Angeles or San Francisco!"

"Oh! I get it! I've been to Los Angeles. Too big and congested for me!"

"You said we'" he started to ask.

It was one of those moments of decision.

"Yeah. Mark and me!" I explained.

"Oh! I live in number seventeen with Glen...Glen Harris...We went to ASU for four years," he rolled his eyes, "Well, I went there for four years. He's on year number six now."

"Six? WOW! How come...?"

"He's studying to become a veterinarian. Actually, he already has his DVM...!"

"Huh?" I said.

"A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine' degree," Dean explained, "But little did I know when I met him that, just like with human doctors, he'll be studying forever! Plus, he wants to specialize in exotics so that requires more work!"


"Yeah. Just think of anything other than dogs and cats....!"

"OH! Like birds and rabbits and stuff!" I replied.

"Yeah! That stuff' requires a lot more studying AND," he smiled, "When you finally go into business, the word exotic' goes with the sound of a cash register ringing!"

"OHHH! I get it! It costs more to treat...!" I said.

"That's it exactly!" Dean replied, then he added, "I took the easy' route and got a degree in Library Science. I work in a branch library in Glendale."

"WOW! That's great! Mark and I don't have any degrees... I mean, I went to college for a very short while but I don't really know what I want to do with my life. And neither does he!"

"That's okay! You have plenty of time to decide...!" he smiled, then came the thousand dollar jackpot question, "So you and Mark are...roommates?"

Our eyes locked. There was a pause. A REALLY long pause. One that would let a two hundred car freight train going ten miles an hour pass by with time to spare, before I replied.

"No!" I said, taking a deep breath, "He's my boyfriend!"

I wondered what would happen next. This was different than Skipper the precocious paper boy, or the two guys in Abilene, or even Kevin...Either Dean would turn and walk away or...

"That's cool!" he said with a big smile, "I kind of guessed that...I've seen both of you unloading all your stuff...that other guy...the tall, lean one...he's Mark, right?"

I breathed a sigh of relief! Dean didn't walk away or hit me...!

"Yeah! That's him!" I said.

I knew my eyes must have taken on that dreamy look...

"He sure looks scrumptious!" Dean giggled, then he paused, "I'm sorry! I mean...!"

"Oh he IS scrumptious!' Very much scrumptious!" I hooted.

"You're pretty brave coming out like that!" he said.

I didn't know what that meant; well, I mean, I figured it out pretty quickly...

"Actually, Glen and I are boyfriends too!" he smiled.

"Oh really? Great! Then I'll raise you one level and say that Mark and I are lovers...!" I said softly.

"Oh wow!" Dean exclaimed, "You sound pretty sure of yourself!"

"We are! Both of us!" I replied.

He looked at his watch before continuing, "I have to be going but...It was very nice meeting you...Maybe you and Mark would like to have dinner with us tomorrow? About six or so?"

"Really? That would be GREAT! How do we dress? I mean...!"

His eyes raked my body...

"If the rest of your wardrobe is like what you have on right now...Well...that would be fine...!" he said softly.

I'm not blind; it was obvious he was boning up!

"...Otherwise, Levis and a T-shirt are fine!"

"Great!" I exclaimed as we parted ways, "Tomorrow at six o'clock, apartment seventeen!"

He nodded and we went our separate ways. I couldn't wait to get back to the apartment. Bursting in, I found Mark vacuuming. My eyes trailed to his delectable ass. He spun around and immediately saw the excitement on my face.

"I met a guy!" I chirped.

"Great!" he said, rolling his eyes, "I guess it's time for me to be moving on...!"

Now I rolled MY eyes.

"I don't think so...Not at all! But..but...he's gay like us and...!"

"Is he cute?"

"YES!" I squeaked before pausing, "Not as cute as you are...!'"

"That's usually how it starts," he replied.

"What? Wait? What do you know about how it' starts...!"

"I was just a tiny flame in the night!" Mark whined.

Quickly I grabbed him and planted a long deep kiss on his lips. His body bucked and pushed into mine.

Breaking free, I sighed, "No one will ever steal me away from YOU! Are you crazy? You're the one with the perfect body. The mile-long cock, the coconut sized balls. The cute toothy grin. The great sense of humor. The pouty kissable lips. The deep calculating mind...!"

"All right! All right!" he laughed while blushing, "Although I think you need to recheck some of my measurements! Now tell me about your new boyfriend!"

"That does it!" I barked.

Grabbing Mark's waist, I flipped him back around. Instinctively he gripped the counter top.

"Now you're gonna get it!" I commanded.

He arched his butt towards me.

"Just like we did in Tulsa?" he panted.

"YES!" I yelped.

"OHHHH YEAHHHHH!!!" he purred.

Our shorts fell to the floor in seconds. My cock was hard as steel and slinging dick juice in all directions. Hocking up some spit, I lathered it up and took aim...

"Hard, fast and deep, Baby!" he pleaded, "PLEASE!!"

I remembered how Kevin fucked both of us, so I did the same. One quick hard shove and my tool bottomed out in Mark's ass. He whimpered and moaned as my "battering ram" opened him up...

"I love the feeling...when your cock...forces itself...deep hole!" he cried.

"Then you'll love THIS!" I snickered as my prick began pummeling his tight ass.

We did it hard and fast. I shot a double cum and left two huge loads dripping out of his dilated hole. While cleaning up our "mess," I told him more about our new acquaintance. He seemed very enthusiastic.

"The more people we know, the easier it will be to adjust to our new home," he said, followed by a question, "How are we supposed to dress for dinner?"

"Well," I hemmed, "I got the distinct feeling that he thought I am overdressed now...!"

"We'll wear Levis then!" Mark huffed.

I knew he had been teasing all along; as if anyone could just waltz right into my life and "steal" me away from him! The mess on the kitchen floor, cabinet door and the stream of jizz oozing out of his butt were proof that I wasn't going anywhere!

Saturday we lounged around the apartment until Mark announced he was going swimming.

"In those?" I asked while eyeing his undersized swimsuit.

He just flashed me a cheeky grin.

"Wait until I change then!" I said, which took place in a flash...

"Talk about showing too much!" he said while eyeing my lean body in a very tiny bathing suit.

"You've seen me in this before!" I giggled.

I know but you look more edible than ever!"

"Well I don't think we'll be fucking on the pool deck," I quipped, recalling our adventure in El Paso. It was the first time either of us had come close to recalling anything connected with Kevin...

Out by the pool, we both stretched out on some Chaise lounges and then took turns applying some suntan lotion. There was no one else around. We enjoyed the still very warm September Arizona sun.

"Thirty minutes on our front, then our backs," Mark advised.

When it came time to flip over, both of us had a similar "condition."

"What do we do...? I started to ask.

"As long as nothing is hanging out, don't worry about it!" Mark chortled.

I managed to keep my "stuff" all safely tucked away. For Mark it was a much bigger challenge! My mouth watered at the sight of a huge arched bulge straining against his very tiny garment. There was a massive wet patch soaking the fabric of both our suits!

After sunning for an hour, Mark stood up and faced me. I had to wipe the drool off my lips at what I saw...A 6'4" stud with a raging boner and a swimsuit dripping with dick snot.

"Did you...?" I started to ask.

"Not yet! But I'll never make it back to the apartment without losing it!" he grinned.

"Then what are you going to do...?" I started to ask as he turned and dived into the pool!

I quickly followed behind. The warm water felt so good. It also hid the treasonous wet spots which signaled to the world our perpetual horniness! Now that we were both soaking wet, it was easier to scoot unnoticed over to our place. Once inside, Mark mounted me like a raging bull. I was crying out his name as he repeatedly tapped my eager, hungry hole!

After that, we showered and headed over to dinner with our new friends.

Dean answered the door. His eyes raked up and down both of our bodies.

"Nice!" he giggled as we entered.

This meeting gave me a better chance to "assess" our new friend. I guess he's about 6' 1" with blonde hair and blue eyes and around 140 pounds. All in all, he has an eerie similarity to Kevin.... I did learn that he is 22, and Glen is 24. Neither of them looked anywhere close to their age.

He couldn't take his eyes off of Mark. I am used to that by now. EVERYONE looks at Mark with, I think, varying degrees of lust. Luck is my guiding star that I have a guy who is completely devoted to me!

Glen was in the kitchen puttering over the stove as Dean introduced us. It was the same thing all over again...I felt like he was undressing me with his eyes. Then he saw Mark...

"Oh my! You weren't kidding!" he laughed while ogling my ginger stud.

If I had to compare Glen and Dean to myself and Mark, I would say that Dean and I are similar, while Glen and Mark are more alike. Glen is about the same height as Dean, but has a much more athletic body. His unruly brown mop of hair nicely matched two very piercing dark eyes...

Mark blushed while I smiled.

"Babe! Don't embarrass our guests!" Dean admonished his friend.

"Sorry... It's just that he described both of you but...well, his words fell short...!" Glen chuckled.

We all laughed again.

"I hope you like chicken," Glen said.

We both enthusiastically nodded.

"He's the chef in our family. I can cook as long as it's instant or comes in a can!" Dean chortled.

"Oh that's like me!" I hooted, "Mark cooks. I enjoy!"

"I can see why you would enjoy him!" Glen snarked.

"Damn, you're gonna scare both of them away!" Dean tittered, then he turned to us, "Forgive him...he hasn't gotten laid in quite a while...!"

"Since this morning! Glen laughed.

"So he's kind of horny...!" Dean tried to finish.

" Kind of?" How about always!" Glen giggled.

The interplay between them was fun to watch. After our introductions, Dean led us into the living area. Their apartment is almost identical to ours except that it is a one bedroom unit.

"You guys got a two bedroom apartment, right?" he asked.

"Yeah! The realtor we used gave us a list of places to check out and they were all two bedroom apartments. I guess she figured we are just two guys rooming together...," I said, "...We're gonna used the extra room for a den or something. Or maybe just to collect furniture for when we move to a bigger place."

Their apartment was tastefully decorated with a modern Southwestern motif. And then there were the pictures... Large, framed, full color ones of birds. Parrots. Cockatoos. Many types I couldn't even identify.

"Glen kind of likes birds!" Dean laughed.

"They're beautiful," Mark exclaimed.

Sitting in the corner of the living room was a huge wrought iron cage and playpen. It had somehow escaped our immediate notice, but we were being watched by a beautiful cinnamon pearl cockatiel!

"He's gorgeous!" I exclaimed, "He...Uhhh...He is a He,' right?"

Dean laughed and nodded "Yes."

"Glen found him at the Humane Society a couple of years ago. It's not a particularly good place for birds to end up. They tend to deal more with dogs and cats. So the next thing I knew, we had a new addition to our life. His original owner really neglected him...!" he explained.

"That sucks!" Mark barked.

Dean smiled, "Yeah! That's for sure... His name is...most appropriately, Cinnamon!'"

"This place is okay with people having birds....?" I asked.

"Yeah. No dogs or cats. But birds, fish and small mammals are okay. And of course, no kids under eighteen except with some rare exceptions," he explained.

"Well, I guess we don't have to worry about having kids," I chortled.

"Doesn't hurt to keep trying, though!" Mark chirped.

My head almost spun off my shoulders at his remark, then we all started laughing...

Over an excellent dinner of stir-fried honey chicken, we told our new friends about how we met.

"That's such a sweet story!" Glen said.

They had met by having similar classes as ASU. Their relationship started out with a few casual dates and then became more and more intense as time passed. For a while, Dean supported both of them with his library job.

"I guess I'll be going to school forever," Glen moaned,

"Oh you love what you do!" Dean chuckled.

"It must be pretty complicated. I mean, knowing how to deal with sick animals and stuff," Mark said.

"It's just like being a human doctor. Actually, I think it's more difficult...because my patients are so small and fragile. If a parakeet loses just ten drops of blood it can be fatal," Glen explained.

"WOW!" I gasped.

"You must need a real steady hand, good coordination and very sharp eyes!" Mark observed.

"Yes, yes and yes!" Glen chuckled, "But the worst part is... I mean they talk about it a lot in school, but you can't really train for being dispassionate with each client."

"Huh?" Mark said.

"You can't get emotionally involved. It's really difficult because're gonna lose some animals. It's just a fact of life. To the owner, it can be like losing a kid. But as a doctor, I have to not show any personal feelings. It's really rough," Glen explained.

"I don't think I could do that," I said.

The conversation turned to our plans now that we were settled and ready to start looking for jobs.

"I guess we need to create a resume or something, I mean, we don't have that much job experience...," I said.

"Don't worry about it," Dean replied, "Employers understand that at your age. Shoot! I had none when the City hired me for my library job!"

"Well, after we put something together, then find someplace to get it typed and know, make some copies and... then we'll start answering ads in the paper," I explained.

"I think I can help you out there," Dean suggested, "Just create a rough draft and I can type it for you at work."

"That's great but... I... We don't want you to get in any trouble!" I said.

"No problem. I can breeze through two resumes in minutes AND we have IBM Selectrics at the Library so they'll look really professional...and I can even run off some photocopies for you too!"

"That would be GREAT!" I chirped, "But first we have to get that damned phone installed. They are slower than a snail!"

Dean rolled his eyes and nodded in agreement.

"Anyone for dessert?" Glen chirped, "Fresh pumpkin pie!"

"Oh yeah!" Mark exclaimed.

While attacking the pie, Glen mentioned both of our cars.

"Very nice!" he said.

"Yeah but Mark wants to get a four wheel drive!" I said, "He really wants to explore the desert and...!"

"Really? I have a 73 Ford four wheel drive pickup!" Glen said.

That revelation made Mark open up like a flower, with a million questions...

Glen chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"It's okay but the gas mileage sucks. We use it sometimes to go camping...throw some air mattresses in the bed and sleep out under the stars...!"

"Why not get a tent?" I asked.

"OH NO!" Dean gasped, "You'll never get me to sleep on the ground HERE!"

"Why not?" I asked.

"He's paranoid about rattlesnakes and scorpions!" Glen laughed.

"It's Arizona, Babe!" Dean shot back, "They're EVERYWHERE!"

"Do we need to worry?" Mark asked.

"What? About here? In your apartment? No. Unless you live next to a desert-type park, I bet you'll never see a scorpion. And definitely not a rattler!" Glen said.

Dinner ended with the promise to do it again soon.

"Maybe go out for dinner next time... If you like Mexican or Chinese...!" Dean started to say.

"OH YEAH! Ever since we hit El Paso, Mark and I have developed a real taste for Mexican food!" I replied.

We headed back to our apartment. The night was crystal clear, dry and very temperate. Once inside, I quickly moved to embrace my ginger boy.

"Everyone drools over you," I whispered in his ear.

"But my heart and my body belong to only one guy," Mark cooed.

"Mount me, please!" I begged, "I need to feel you inside me all the way...!"

Mark carried me like a feather to our king sized bed.

"Gladly!" he whispered.

Over the weekend we worked on drafting up resumes for both of us. It was an effort to come up with enough information to even begin to fill a standard size sheet of paper. Missing was the phone number, but that would be remedied on Monday.

Naturally there was some conversation about our two new friends. We agree meeting them was a definite plus. Just the help in getting our resumes finished would be many times more than we expected. It was only natural, I guess, as our conversation slowly moved into the sexual realm...

"Who is the top?'" I asked.

Mark acted like he was giving the matter some great thought.

"Well, based on their personalities, I would say Glen. He has the more athletic build and he's older...!"

"Yeah... I kind of thought the same thing too!"

"But then look at us! By similar standards, people would naturally assume that I am the top!" Mark laughed.

"Well...I seem to recall your big cock sliding inside my hole a whole bunch of times!" I laughed.

"Yeah but right from the very start; the day I first saw you at ATCO, I wanted you inside of me!"

Mark's honesty made my cock ache...

"Maybe they're like us.. What is it...I fuck you maybe sixty percent of the time...Maybe I need to give more opportunities over to you!" I chortled.

"Trust me, I'm fine with things just the way they are!" Mark giggled.

Naturally this type of talk made us both horny. No, we're ALWAYS horny. It made us stop and do what two horny guys do best! After that, we headed out to the pool for some sun. Since it was Saturday, we wondered if there might be more people outdoors.

We noticed one short and rather portly guy exit his apartment and head out of the complex. Even from the center courtyard, the sounds of some hideous country and western music started echoing from the outside parking lot into the common grounds until a louder exhaust fired up with a shattering roar. There was the sound of screeching tires as an old pickup tore out of the lot.

"One of our neighbors?" Mark laughed.

"Fuck I hope not! He came out of number six!" I replied.

"Great! Just two doors down from us!"

We resumed sunning and soon I felt my cock boning up. Since we were lying on our backs it became very obvious... I glanced over and saw Mark in a similar condition. He looked at me and grinned.

"The sun does it to me!"

"HA!" I yelped, "EVERYTHING makes that beast stand at attention!"

"I wish I could sun myself like I did back in Oklahoma!" Mark groused.

The thought of my ginger stud lying buck naked on his bedroom patio with that big cock towering in the hot Oklahoma sun did nothing to alleviate my aching rod!

"Don't even try it!" I cautioned.

A few minutes later we heard footsteps passing by on the pool deck. I looked up and saw a very strikingly cute guy walk by wearing an extremely skimpy bathing suit. That's ALL he was wearing except for some tennis shoes...

Mark and I watched him out of the corner of our eyes. Soon enough the stranger dove in the pool.

"Another interesting one," I laughed.

"Yeah! About your height and weight. I saw him exit from number twelve!" Mark said.

"If we keep this up, soon we'll know everyone here!" I giggled.

The stranger climbed out of the pool and scurried over to his lounge chair. After toweling off a bit, he flopped down in the sun, but not before I noticed his really cute ass and a really hefty bulge in his swim suit.

I KNOW Mark must have seen the same thing as well. He played it very discrete and said nothing, but the cheeky grin on his face told me everything.

It was time to go in. Gathering up our possessions, we stood up and started to leave but not before Mark managed to pivot in the stranger's direction. Then we walked to our apartment.

"Flaunting yourself?" I hooted.

"Why not?" he chuckled.

Sunday we polished off our resumes and then headed out to Metro Center again. There is so much crammed into that place; we spent a few hours wandering around looking at all the stores...and the GUYS!

"Phoenix has some really cute boys!" I remarked as we strolled along the upper level.

"Well, two more cuties just moved here!" Mark laughed.

I noticed that we received our share of discrete, and some not-so-discreet, looks as we ambled through the mall.

Monday saw Mountain Bell show up and install our phones. We had one wall phone with a very long cord in the kitchen and another extension in the bedroom. Just picking up the receiver and hearing a dial tone made me feel like we are now actually bona-fide Arizona residents.

Tuesday Glen invited us out to dinner.

"Out to dinner? How are we supposed to dress? I don't have any really nice clothes...!" Mark chattered.

"Relax! T-shirts and passable Levis are fine!" I laughed.

"So no holes where my cock can fall out?" he hooted.

Eye roll time...

"They're taking us to some place called Macayos.' It's a landmark restaurant in Phoenix and serves the best Mexican food!" I replied.

Wednesday came quickly enough. We met at Glen and Dean's apartment before heading out. I have to say we presented the image of four young studs in the prime of our lives... Okay, I really don't know anything about our new friends' sexual prowess, but we sure did look extremely...nice!

Once again Glen and Dean kept ogling both of us as we packed into their car.

"WOW! What a nice car!" Mark exclaimed as he examined Dean's blue Pontiac Ventura.

"Well, it seats four easier than Glen's truck!" he laughed.

"What year is it?" Mark asked.

"1973. With 350 V-8. Pretty fast too, but when you get it up past seventy, the gas mileage really goes to hell!" he said, then with a quick pivot, changed the subject, "You guys look really!"

A long wolf whistle accentuated his remark.

I know that made Mark blush; but I also know he loved it when people checked out his lean tight frame...

"Thanks!" I replied.

"And you both work...just out of the blue?" Glen giggled.


"Some people have all the luck! I had to work at it to snag this one, and I almost let him slip away...!" Glen confessed.

"HA!" I yelped, "I would have let Mark slip right through my fingers except HE took the big move by showing up at my front door with plans to convince me to drag him along on my trip to Arizona!"

"It obviously worked!" Glen chuckled.

"Yes it sure as hell did...but it amazes me how the ... how a guy you...Oh fuck! I don't even known how to say it...He was right there in front of me...for months and I was too fucking stupid to realize it!" I stammered.

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Mark said as he threw his arm around my shoulders, "I should have been more...aggressive...well, at least earlier than ....!"

I loved watching him get tongue tied!

"It doesn't matter, Babe, it all worked out for the best!" I cooed.

"When we get to Macayos, feel free to order whatever you like," Glen said.

"That can be dangerous," I chuckled.

"Huh?" Glen grunted.

"You don't know how much this one can pack away," I laughed while snuggling next to Mark. "Especially Mexican food!"

"Damn! If I had known that, I would have fixed something different the other night!" Glen chortled.

"It was fine!" Mark chirped.

Macayos proved to be a unique dining experience. Located on Central Avenue just North of downtown, the restaurant resembles an Aztec or Mayan (I can never tell the two apart) temple. Inside it was all Mexican and Southwestern flavor.

[A local fixture in Phoenix and family owned for years, the original Macayos location was closed and razed in 2017. Other locations still exist but it is no longer family owned.]

Speaking of "flavor," the food was excellent. Even better was the conversation with our new friends...

It began with Mark peppering Glen with a million questions about his truck.

"It's okay," he said, "But the quality isn't that great...!"

"But it's a Ford...," Mark started to reply.

"I know. But they don't seem to be as well made as they were a few years ago. If I were you, then save your money and buy a Toyota Landcruiser."

"Toyota? Aren't they... they're Japanese!" Mark exclaimed.

"Yeah and they build the best four wheel drives out there!" Glen replied.

"Where do you guys go? I mean...!" Mark started to ask.

"Just pick a spot! In the Fall, Winter and Spring the weather is perfect. You don't HAVE to camp out overnight. There are plenty of day trips. Take a drive into one of the Forests. We have two nearby; one of them is right on the Eastern edge of the City," Glen explained.

"I've never really camped outdoors. I mean, church camp when I was very young but...," I started to say.

"It's NEAT!" Dean chirped, "Sleeping on an air mattress under the stars! And it's SO dark and clear...I mean, no city lights or anything!"

"Just don't sleep on the ground!" Mark chided him.

"NO! NEVER!" Dean squeaked.

"I'll try and have your resumes ready for you guys in a couple of days...but before I make any copies, please read them and make sure I didn't spell anything wrong or...!" he added.

"Great! Thanks! It feels so much better now that we have a telephone! Before it made us feel cut off from the world. We both called home and talked to our parents for the first time in...!"

"Oh...Do they know all about you?" Glen asked.

"Yes. Everything!" Mark replied, "Even my Brothers too!"

He them told about the bet his Mom and Dad had; we all broke up laughing over that.

"What about your folks?" I asked.

Dean looked at Glen before answering.

"They HAVE to know. Or at least have some idea. Glen was right there at my college graduation ceremony. And we spent the night together...!"

"So your parents all live here?" I asked.

"Yes. That's why I mean they must have a clue. Gee, we're always together. Everywhere. And now, living in a one bedroom apartment...!"

"Have they ever visited your place?" I asked.

"No. I kind of think that would confirm what they already suspect. So we're just letting it slide for now," Dean explained.

"Well at least it's better than my Dad handled it!" I barked.

Of course that required an explanation...

"Why don't people just leave us alone?" Mark groused, "What business is it who I sleep with?"

"Because you're outside the norm.' Despite what you may have been taught, it's only a free country' to a certain degree! And there's the sex thing....!" Glen started to say.

"What? Because I like Randy's ass?" Mark snorted.

Everyone smiled.

"I can see why!" Dean hooted.

"It's because you're having sex and just doing it just for fun!" Glen laughed.

"Yeah that's true too!" Dean chuckled.

"Let me guess....I bet neither of you has ever been to a gay bar.....!" Dean asked.

"Well he's not old enough yet," I said, nodding towards Mark," But I did sit outside one once in my car back in Tulsa...!"

We all laughed again...

"What goes on in one of those places?" Mark asked.

"The same things as in a straight bar. Dancing, drinking, playing pool and a lot of smoking... and everyone is looking for a new piece of meat!" Glen sarcastically replied.

"Dancing? Two guys together?" Mark gasped.

"Of course, silly!" I hooted, "I'd love to dance with you!"

"Me too!" Dean squeaked.

"And me!" Glen chuckled.

"But I don't know how...!" Mark started to protest.

"It doesn't matter! It's not the dancing, it's the intimacy!" Glen explained.

"OHHHH!" Mark said with a twinkle in his eye, "But I still don't get it. What did you mean about bars being a place where everyone is looking for a new piece of meat?'"

It's where guys go to socialize...and, more likely, find someone to fuck!" Glen explained.

"Oh!" Mark said quietly.

"Not everyone is part of the gay lifestyle!"

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It's how society portrays us. Not how we actually are. You know: sissies, pansies, faggots. Weak little pussies!" Glen said.

"Even him?" I asked, nodding towards Mark.

"Yeah!" Dean giggled, "I don't think he fits that mold. None of us really do either!"

"It's sad that people don't understand history. Alexander the Great had many male lovers. The gladiators...a lot of them were gay...some of the strongest warriors in history were gay!" Glen explained.

I knew Mark's brain was absorbing all of this like a tape recorder.

"Where did you learn so much?" I asked.

"He reads a lot!" Dean chuckled.

He's right," Glen replied, "I spent a lot of time at the campus and the city library. Mainly for my studies, but also because I wanted to learn more about myself! Society is all fucked up. I AM gay, I like guys, but that only applies to my preference for a lover. Being gay doesn't make any other difference in my life. Otherwise, I am just another regular guy!"

"YEAH!" Mark agreed.

"I don't understand why...How come... Why a lot of guys want to mess around with so many... I mean...!" I stumbled around a bit, "I knew I wanted to find someone who I could love forever. When I found Mark, it was mission over with...!"

"Because too many guys only want the easy part and not the challenges that go with a relationship," Glen explained.

"Challenges?" I asked.

"Yeah. What happens when you and Mark have a disagreement or a fight?"

"We never have!" I replied.

"Really? At all?"

"No! Mark affirmed my claim, "I couldn't fight with him! I'd rather fuck him instead!"

More laughter...

"Then you two are really very special. Most guys... when they have a fight, one runs out, goes to the local bar or someplace, and ends up sucking some other guy's cock...add to that, because it's so easy to get laid, there's just no desire by a lot of guys to be tied down,'" Glen said.

"So it's very superficial?" I asked.

"Exactly!" Glen affirmed.

"It takes a lot of effort to make a relationship work out!" Dean added.

Mark and I stared at each other.

"I guess we are really lucky!" I said softly.

"You both are!" Dean agreed.

Conversation turned to our apartment...

"Have you made any other friends since moving in?" Glen asked.

"No. Not really. We were lying out at the pool for a while on Saturday and... we saw, or rather heard, this guy...!" I started to say.

"Don't tell me! Let me guess! Teddy the Trucker!'" Dean barked.

"Who?" I asked.

"A short, barrel shaped man who lives in number six. With a beat up old pickup truck and lots of loud country music...!"

"Yeah! That's him!" Mark hooted.

"He's an asshole!" Dean scowled.

"Now Babe, he's never done anything to you...!" Glen interrupted.

"I don't care! He always gives me dirty looks!"

"And we saw another guy...!" I started to reply.

"About your height?" Glen asked me.


"Brown hair and brown eyes. Pretty cute. Always showing off a pretty big bulge in his jeans!"

"Stop looking at him!" Dean squeaked.

We all chuckled at his faux outrage...

"He's Mr. Lothario!'" Glen explained.

"Huh?" Mark grunted.

"It means he likes to bang girls. Lots of them!" I hooted.

"YUCK!" Mark said while making retching sounds.

"That's pretty much it. He never talks much. But we've both seen him with an endless parade of girls going in and out of his apartment," Glen chortled.

"He's welcome to them!" Mark barked.

More laughter...

"Otherwise, there's not much of interest. A few couples and older single guys. No one really stands out. You two sure did the moment we laid eyes on you!" Glen laughed.

Dinner ended and we headed home. Being Wednesday night, I quickly learned it was THE big time for "cruising Central Avenue."

"Yeah...we had the same thing in Tulsa! All the horny high school and college age guys out looking for some pussy. Most go home alone and beat their meat raw...all the while not realizing that the guy sitting next to them would probably have been a lot easier to score with...!" I barked.

"WOW! I think Randy has that one all figured out!" Glen chortled.

We all ended up back at their apartment after taking a few runs up and down Central Avenue with the multitude of frustrated boys looking for love...or some kind of quick thrill.

"Dinner was great!" I chirped.

"Yeah!" Mark added.

"You sure can eat!" Glen said to my ginger boy.

"Well he has to keep his energy levels up for me!" I hooted.

We all laughed...

"Would you guys like something to drink? Maybe some wine?" Dean asked.

Mark and I looked at each other, not sure what to say...

"Uhhhh We don't really drink that much... I mean Mark's not even old enough yet...!" I said while blushing.

"Okay then! A Pepsi or something?"

"YEAH!" Mark exclaimed.

Our conversation centered around finding work.

"You guys will do just fine. You might have to take some crappy job at first, but keep looking for the good ones. The big aerospace and semiconductor companies are growing like crazy and hiring lots of people," Glen said.

As we talked I seemed to notice a change in Glen and Dean's demeanor. They seemed sort of fidgety. Like a person wanting to say something but unsure how to do it. I guess I must have inadvertently forced the issue when I said we should be going home...

"Uhhhh!" Dean stammered.

Mark and I looked at him curiously.

"Shit I can't!" he exclaimed to Glen, "YOU ask them!"

I looked at Mark and then back to our hosts for the evening.

"We...were...kind of...wondering...if...we could...," he paused and took a deep breath, "We wanna watch you guys...!"

Mark cracked the biggest, goofiest smile!

"You wanna watch a couple of Okie boys making love!" he said in his perfect textbook drawl.

Glen and Dean turned scarlet...

"It's just that...that...!" Glen stammered, "We've never met two guys who are so taken with each other like both of you...I mean there's always that rush when you first meet someone, but you two are different. Really different!"

"And you wanna watch us make love!" I chuckled.

"Well that's a different take from what we like to do!" Mark giggled.

That required me to explain our, or maybe it was my, enjoyment of "doing it" in public.

Mark and I looked at each other. I could see the fire in his emerald green eyes.

"Look...I'm sorry! We fucked up! It's none of our business and I hope we can still be friends!" Glen stammered.

Mark stood up; his 6'4" frame was more than mouth watering. I followed his lead.

"So you wanna watch two Okie boys doing it!" he said softly in his most seductive voice.

"Y...Yes!" Glen stuttered.

Mark looked at his watch...

"I don't know! It's ten o'clock and this might take a while!"

I giggled as Glen and Dean stared at each other, then back to us. I could tell by the looks on their faces that they thought Mark was bullshitting them!

"We're willing to stay up...!" Glen started to say.

"...Most of the night?" I hooted.

They both nodded.

I turned and faced my ginger boy.

"Let's give them a really good show!" I said softly.

Mark's eyes were SPARKLING! He reached down and in one slow, sensuous move, pulled off his T-shirt. Dropping it to the floor, he turned to face our hosts. They gasped in awe.

"So...beautiful!" Dean croaked.

"Gorgeous!" was all Glen could manage.

I could easily see they were both sporting boners...

"Babe?" Mark said to me.

I instantly dropped to my knees and "power popped" the buttons open on his Levis. Pulling them down exposed Mark's massive cock, which when soft was almost 7 «" in length. Fortunately for us, that's EXACTLY how it was on display for out hosts. A huge, pendulous, floppy tube of flesh that signaled its power even when resting. The riotous forest of ginger pubes and a low hanging nut sack containing two massive balls were icing on the cake.

Mark's ability to control his cock was most fortuitous. It meant Dean and Glen were in for a big...a very BIG surprise!

"Ready?" I looked upwards at my lover.

His cheeky smile said it all. I leaned towards his huge prick as a drop of clear juice oozed out of its tip.

"Holy fuck! Damn!" Our hosts squeaked.

"You haven't seen anything yet," I grinned while opening my mouth.

In a second, Mark's tool was in my throat. I felt it instantly start to grow... Rather than trying to keep gobbling it down my willing throat, I slowly backed off as his rod expanded in length and girth.

"Look at that!" Glen gasped.

"I... t...t..told he's h...h...hung!" Dean stuttered.

Inch by inch, I let Mark's long cock slip out from between my lips.

"How fucking big IS IT?" Glen cried.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see that both of our friends were sporting decent sized boners themselves. Dean's was already leaking dick snot, leaving a good sized stain on his jeans....

"HOLY FUCK!" Dean gasped as the tip slipped out of my mouth.

A long trail of dick snot and spit drooled downwards as Mark's rod throbbed and continued to leak even more jizz.

"It gets pretty big!" Mark chuckled.

"I've seen pictures of cocks like that in gay magazines but I always figured they were fake!"

"Not his!" I chirped.

"Let's go to the bedroom," Glen suggested. We followed them; I was the last in line which suited me just fine because there was the perfect ass right in front of me. It was the place where in just a few minutes I would be burying my aching bone.

Glen and Dean had a nice king size bed. That was going to work out fine for the fuck show Mark and I were going to produce...

"Now it's time for you!" Mark said with a smile as he rapidly popped the buttons on my Levis.

Unlike my ginger stud, I had zero control over my prick. It was; actually had been, hard as granite since I unwrapped Mark for our friends.

"His cock is really unique!" Mark said in a very husky voice.

I knew that tone. It meant he was almost ready to explode.

Slowly his long strong fingers pulled down my pants. My cock leaped out into freedom...

"DAMN!" Glen yelped, "Look at the size of that head...! I bet it really feels good opening up your hole!"

"A perfect mushroom shape...!" Dean croaked.

Mark and I stared at each other. Our eyes seemed to penetrate into our souls.

"Ready?" he quietly asked.

I turned to our hosts and said, "This is how we make love...Oh sure and note the time...!"

Then I looked at Mark...

"Baby... Show them that neat trick you can do!"

Without missing a beat, Mark doubled up into his pretzel position, which left him ready to blow himself. His ass winked like it was sending the message, "Cum inside!"

I hocked up some spit and lathered up my bone.

"Uhhhh! We have some lube...!" Glen offered.

"We don't need it," I giggled.

Then I eased myself into Mark's tantalizing hole...

That's how it began! I don't think Dean and Glen had any expectation of what was about to happen.

We put on a passion show that raged from tender and soft to hard and savage. So much that it had one or both of us continuously crying and mewling in heat. I fucked Mark; he fucked me; we switched positions multiple times. There were "double cums" from both of us and he even managed a triple shot. The room reeked of sex and the walls echoed with the sounds of our ecstasy.

I deep throated his massive prick; well, as best as any human could...while he swallowed mine like it was a lollipop. And there were the kisses...Yes...long, slow and deep. More than once I tasted my cum in my mouth as did Mark.

Glen and Dean didn't just sit there watching us like department store mannequins... It only took about a minute of my nailing Mark as he sucked his own beef stick before they were going at it.

Dean has a very impressive cock; maybe 8«" and pretty thick. Glen's is around 7«" and average in thickness. Which once again left me at the bottom of the scale in size. Not that I cared... I knew how to use my tool, and use it I did on the boy I love!

Try as they might, our friends couldn't even begin to keep up with us! And they DID try....I don't understand or know why or how Mark and I are such sexual animals but we are indeed different. The only other person we knew who could match our sexual energy was... I tried not to think about him....

His absence was noted in a more subtle way, detectable only to myself and Mark. As hard and long as we fucked, there were no overtly wild vocalizations as had been in the past. I did slap Mark's ass until it was beet red, and he did the same to me...but that was it... I wondered how it would play out, and took cues from my ginger stud. Even in the throes of our lovemaking, it was obvious to me that he had a sad spot in his heart.

We paused sometime after one in the morning.

"See?" I said to Glen and Dean while looking at the clock by the bed.

It was easy to tell they were both exhausted!

"Are you guys always like this?" Glen gasped.

"Yup!" Mark chortled.

"You guys are completely unique...two of a kind! I bet there aren't any others like you....!" Glen exclaimed.

"There is another one...!" Mark said in a very somber tone.

I chose to try and deflect away from Mark's sudden mood change.

"You guys need a rest and it's getting late" I chortled, "So we'll give both of you a breather!

"Then you...haven't...You actually mean you could go on for longer?" Glen asked.

We affirmed that and told him about our have that notorious contest to see which of us could cum the most in one day.

"I wanna be the referee for that one!" Dean giggled.

We bid our guests goodnight and went home.

Once Mark closed the door, he turned to me and said softly, "Make love to me please!"

I don't understand any of this at all, but I'm not complaining!

The next day (Thursday) we slept in very late. I can't imagine why...and I woke up to Mark nibbling on my boner...

Once we took care of that and breakfast, it was pool time for about an hour and a half. Mark and I challenged each other to some sprints and I won all but two.

"My little otter!" he said while eyeing my lean body, "And slowly getting tan, too!"

"Great! Just when summer is over!" I carped.

There was no one else at the pool while we were there. No "Teddy the truck driver" with his loud vehicle and obnoxious country music. No frustrated straight boy trying to keep his tan at maximum density. No one period!

"Everyone is probably as work," Mark observed.

"Something we need to do too!"

"Don't worry! Sunday we'll go through the classified ads from beginning to end!'

We went back inside, showered and then I was hit with an inspirational idea!

"What?" Mark asked as I pulled out the Phoenix telephone directory.

"You'll see!" I exclaimed.

"Well okay... You do your...whatever it is. I have to gas up the car and get some stuff for dinner," he said.

"Here!" I replied, handing him some money.

"You don't need to....!" he started to object.

I shushed him with my finger, which he sucked into his mouth.

"You start that and we'll never get ANYTHING done!" I giggled.

After he left, I pulled out a ruled tablet and started looking in the phone book. It must have been about twenty minutes when the doorbell rang.

It was Dean, with a folder in his hand.

"Hi! Come on in!" I said, "I'll give you the grand tour!"

He smiled and I quickly showed him around the apartment.

"Very nice!... Well...I have both of your resumes here...I read them very carefully for any mistakes...take a look at them and if they are okay, I can make some copies for you!" Dean said.

"Great!" I chirped.

"There was a sudden long pause...

"Uhhhh About last night...I hope ...I mean...We didn't...Oh fuck!" he stammered.

"It's okay! Really!" I reassured him.

"You mean it?" he sighed.

"We told you about doing it in public and...!"

"Yeah...But that was just the two of you... I mean...we kind of wanted to know because...because...!" he stopped and seemed at a loss for words.

"Go ahead!" I urged him.

"Well... Glen...He is still talking about it...I mean...what we saw...both of you guys...I never imagined it of you are like somehow in tune...or each other so perfectly...I can could Glen...that Mark is like crazy head over heels in love with you and...he's...he literally worships you...!"

I was scarlet red hearing Dean's compliments.

"How do you do it? I mean...Go at it so intensely for so long and never wind down? Shit! If Glen and I do it twice in a row it's a big deal...but you guys...!"

"I know! Mark and I have talked about that a lot! I mean, we don't know a lot about other guys and how...much...endurance they have...!" I replied.

"Nothing like what we saw last night! Most are one or two times and that's it... I mean at least for a while...!"

"The minute I met Mark, I...felt something ...some kind of we were supposed to be with each other... Before him I just jacked off maybe a couple of times a day...but after...that first time it heaven!" I said.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"I think it's supposed to be may' and you already did!" I giggled.

He looked at me funny until the joke hit him.

"Smart ass!" he hooted.

"Smart and well cared for!" I chortled.

"No shit! With what Mark is packing...It must feel like...!"

"It is!"

"And you take it without any lube...?"

"I was just showing off," I blushed, "Doing it a lot does make it much easier...!"

"Uhhh!" he stammered.

"So was that your question or...? I asked.

"No. Actually... It...maybe it's none of my business, but last night Glen made a remark about both of you being one of a kind,' then Mark said something about there being another...guy!" he paused.

"Oh!" I said softly.

"What? Did I fuck up? I mean if it's none of my business, then tell me and...!"

"No...It's okay...Really...It's just a sad story...!"

Then I told him...all about Kevin...and us. Well, not "all about." I didn't go near revealing our friend's salacious past with the parks and bars. It was mostly about his family and the failed attempt by his parents in setting up an arranged marriage.

"Why do parents...What the fuck is wrong with them?" Dean barked, then his mood changed, "What happened to...I said Kevin lives Paradise Valley, right?"


"That's a very nice neighborhood...Have you heard from him?"

"No. It was kind of by mutual agreement that we didn't get his phone number or address... I mean...calling him at home might have been like poking a hornet's we left it up to him. He knew the motel where we were staying, and he set us up with the realtor who helped find this place...they're friends if he ever wants to find us, he that we have a phone...!"

"It takes a long time for a new number to show up in Directory Assistance," he said.

"Yeah...Kevin said the same thing! But Lois...that's the realtor...she can always tell him where we are," I said, "But...I have to think that he's probably moved on with his life...!"

"But it sure sounded like the three of you... Damn! Most guys can't find ONE and there you are with two!" Dean giggled.

"I know...I guess...Fuck! I don't know! Anyway, I wish you wouldn't say anything to Mark about Kevin at all...He's really been sad since ...!" I explained.

"I understand!" Dean replied.

Mark showed up as our conversation about Kevin was winding down. Talk about perfect timing!

"Hey!" he chirped to Dean, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh...About how you manage to control your cock like it has an on' and off' switch!" I hooted.

Without missing a beat, Mark joked, "Well if it does, the off' feature has been broken since I met you!"

We all laughed...

"Dean brought us our resumes," I said.

"GREAT! Sunday we plan to really start looking for work!" Mark replied.

As Dean was preparing to leave, he noticed that I had the phone book open to "Employment Agencies." I had written down several companies on my ruled pad...

"Uhh Uhhh! Don't even bother with those!" he advised.


"Because they all charge you a fee for using them and...!"

"Isn't that kind of backwards? The employer needs someone but WE have to pay?" Mark asked.

"Welcome to Phoenix!" Dean chortled, "And it isn't cheap! Sometimes it's almost a month's wages!"

I slammed the phone directory shut.

"So much for that idea!" I barked.

"Don't worry! You both will find work...I bet within two weeks!" Dean assured us.

We said our goodbyes and shortly afterwards, Mark began puttering around in the kitchen.

"I hope you like chicken!" he called out.

"Chicken and tube steak!" I fired back.

"Great! Because you'll be getting both before the night is over!"

Friday started off like any other day: crystal clear skies, sunny, warm does that saying go? "Chamber of Commerce weather?"

Our resumes were perfect. I dropped them off at Dean and Glen's apartment. Dean was working. Glen was very excited about possibly starting work at a veterinary clinic in Scottsdale.

Mark and I spent some time at the pool again. There were two couples sunning for a while and then they left. We visited Papago Park, which proved to be completely overwhelming. There is a botanical garden there plus the Phoenix Zoo.

Mark whined about wanting to see the Garden so naturally I caved in a heartbeat. It's the way he does that puppy dog eyes thing. Works for him every time!

"We'll have to come back and see the Zoo on another day," he said.

I agreed.

Back home he started preparing dinner; soon pungent, tasty aromas filled the apartment. If not for Mark... meaning, if I had to live on my own, and worse yet, COOK for myself, I'd probably be down to 110 pounds by now...

My nose detected a familiar yet new scent coming from the kitchen...

"Dinner's ready!" he called.

"Is it...?" I started to ask.

I was right...Mark had prepared his first Mexican dinner! There they were: HUGE tostadas crammed with beef, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, and more. He also whipped up a huge leafy green salad to go along with the main course.

"It's my first try," he said shyly.

"It's PERFECT!" I chirped.

"I also bought a cherry pie for dessert... I guess that's not exactly Mexican fare, but it looked SO good and was on sale...!"

"It's FINE!" I giggled, "I was just thinking before dinner about...well...if I hadn't had this adorable ginger stud show up at my front doorstep in Tulsa, and if he hadn't talked me into taking him with me on my trip West, then...why...I'd probably be a walking skeleton by now!"

Mark blushed a bright red, which made him even more adorable!.

After dinner came the pie. He was right: not exactly Mexican food, but it sure was tasty! Once that was rapidly consumed (and I do mean rapidly! And completely!), we started clearing off the table. It was about nine o'clock; usually we don't eat that late, but today had been an exception to the rule...

"I can't wait to start mailing out resumes," I exclaimed.

"How do we...I mean...Since we don't have a typewriter, do we hand address the envelopes?"

"Hmmm!" I replied, "That's a good question. I guess it doesn't make any difference since the envelopes probably go in the trash anyway...I can ask Dean when I...!"

"What was that?" Mark interrupted me.

His head cocked from side to side.

"I didn't hear anything!" I replied.

As soon as the words escaped my lips, there was a loud "thud" at the door.

"I'll get it! Maybe it's Dean or Glen!" Mark said as he rose from the table and headed around the corner and down the short hallway. I started to rinse off the dishes when an ear shattering cry broke the silence of our apartment.

"RANDY!! HELP ME!!" Mark cried.

Next: Chapter 13

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