That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on May 8, 2022


"That Was Unexpected 11"

Copyright 2022

Note: this prologue may contain spoilers!

This is a period piece (1970s) erotic love story featuring two main characters in their early twenties. Where contextual clarification may be needed, a set of [ ] provides relevant information. The characters are all based on real people but "the names have been changed to protect the innocent." There are real places intermingled with fictitious constructs necessary for the story. Grammarians may notice that I frequently shift the tense. As the story progresses, the writing style may become less "formal" i.e. "correct," and more reflective of the characters living in their era. I do accept responsibility for all typos!

Now about those "anachronisms." Every attempt has been made to keep the story pure and accurate for its time setting. A really difficult type of anachronism is trying to write about the perspective of a nineteen to mid-twenty year old gay male while accurately reflecting the knowledge, language and customs of the era. This information is something not found on the internet!

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From Part 10...

Then...there it was: Tucson. All of a sudden the city just seemed to pop out of thin air! We had made it; a significant part of our trip was over. Oklahoma was long gone. So were Texas and New Mexico. I knew we were close to finding a new home!

I tried not to think about...just 120 miles down the road, Kevin would have to leave us forever...

Part 11

The most distinguishing feature about Tucson has nothing to do with the city itself, but rather a nearby overpowering geologic formation that stands out for miles. As we got closer, I slowly became aware of that landmark: Mt. Lemmon. It towers over all the lesser peaks around the city.

The dry desert air can play lots of tricks with a person's brain. Something that is actually miles away can look quite close. Having only been to Tucson once before, I didn't want to make a fool out of myself by saying, "This is it!" And by the time I did realize "This is it," it was completely obvious.

We all gathered at a gas station on the Eastern edge of the city. Mark was the first one of out his car. The electrified look on his boyishly cute face said it all...

"Did you see that? Did you see those cacti? Did you see that...? What is THAT!" he exclaimed while pointing to Mt. Lemmon.

"Uhhh... I think... it's called a mountain!'" Kevin chirped, then he said to me, "He sure is excitable!"

"Well, all either of us have seen for most of our lives are miles and miles of rolling nothingness!" I replied.

"I know it's a mountain, smart ass! But what's it doing HERE?" Mark chimed in.

Kevin and I stared at each other while laughing.

"How do I know? It's...!" Kevin started to reply.

"It sure is tall! I wish we could drive up to the top and see... I bet the view is a million miles...!"

Kevin and I laughed again.

"Well...I doubt if it's a million miles,' but there is a road up to the top!" Kevin replied.

"ARE YOU KIDDING? REALLY? OH PLEASE! CAN WE GO? CAN WE? PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! I mean, I'll do anything if you guys say yes...!" Mark exclaimed.

"You've already done anything' with me...!" I hooted.

"NOT ME!" Kevin chirped.

"I'll do it! I'll do ANYTHING ......ANYTHING you want as many times as you want...if we can just drive up to the top!" Mark pleaded.

"ANYTHING?" Kevin replied with a cheeky grin.

"YES! YES!" Mark babbled.

"Then you'll fuck me?" Kevin giggled.

Mark stopped and seemed to be thinking it over.

"OKAY! OKAY!! I'll fuck you... all night long if you want!" Mark conceded.

"OH! That was sure easy! One ride to the top of the mountain and I'll get what I want!" Kevin squealed.

"I think we should get a room first," I said while laughing and wondering if Kevin realized what kind of a deal he had just made...

True to his promise, our young friend led us to a very nice motor court. Secluded, small and of older design, it was just what we had come to like. Unpacking our basics, Kevin flopped out on the king-sized bed.

"This is fine!" he chirped.

"Yeah but the clerk kept trying to sell us that extra single-sized bed for an added $1.50 a day...!" I said.

" You boys might get all cramped up sleeping three in one bed,' she kept saying!" Mark hooted.

"I don't care how cramped it is as long as I'm in the middle!" Kevin squeaked.

...That kind of opened the door to something we had all been craving since the restroom "relief" at the Arizona/New Mexico border! Kevin proved to be in fine form, taking turns satisfying my ginger stud AND me. Without missing a beat! Of course, no good turn can go unrewarded and we soon had him squealing in ecstasy...

Afterwards, we all piled into Kevin's car and headed out for a quick tour of Tucson. Most of the day was gone and it was too late to do anything else. I kept marveling at the contrast between the bright blue sky and the Earth tones of the desert. Then there is the green! Most people think a desert is dead and lifeless. Not so in the Sonoran. There are mesquites, palo verde trees, acacias and cacti of every type, dominated by the stately saguaro.

Kevin acted as chauffeur and tour guide all rolled into one. I was surprised at how much Mark had absorbed from the forty-plus books he had read.

"...You really can't get any water out of them," I heard him remark as my focus turned to the two cute guys riding with me.

"Huh?" I grunted.

"Barrel cactus. In the movies, some guy is always about to die of thirst when he finds a barrel cactus, cuts it open and drinks like it's New Years Eve! That's a bunch of bullshit!" he said.

Kevin giggled and agreed with his summation.

"Yeah! And the saguaro ONLY grows here and in parts of Mexico. Those John Wayne movies were all a bunch of crap. They never grew in Texas!" he added.

Mark seemed fascinated by the architecture of the homes and buildings.

"Pueblo and Santa Fe," he announced, "And some ranch style too!"

"Who are you? Frank Lloyd Wright?" I laughed.

For that comment I got a poke in the ribs....

"Well it beats Cape Cod and farm houses!" he said.

" lived in a farm house. A nice one...!"

"That's all I ever got to see. THIS is so different!" he exclaimed.

Tucson is bordered on the West by a low range of mountains, to the Northeast is Mt. Lemmon, and Eastward are other lesser mountains as well. It's like the city is safely tucked away in a private little enclave away from the rest of the world.

We finally ended up at the University of Arizona campus, and after strolling around for quite a while, sat down at a covered table and watched the people passing by.

"There are some cute boys here," Kevin said.

"What about us?" Mark hooted, "Or are we old news now!"

We all laughed.

"It's so nice out. I bet it's like ninety degrees or so but...!" I started to say.

"That's because it's so dry!" Kevin said.

"Yeah! If we were sitting like this in Tulsa, we'd be soaking in our sweat!" Mark added.

"This is one huge University!" I said.

"We have three big Universities. This one, Arizona State University in Phoenix and Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff...!"

"What is Flagstaff like?" Mark asked.

"Very pretty. Lots of pine trees. It gets cold and snows in the...!"

"I'll pass!" he said, cutting off Kevin's reply, "I never want to live where it snows...EVER... EVER again!"

We all laughed again...

"Did you ever think of going to school here or in Phoenix?" I asked Kevin.

"Yeah... For a while... I mean in high school everyone was making plans and... I kind of thought about it...but I don't even know what I would like to do...!"

"What about computers? I read article about them and it's supposed to be a growing field!" Mark said.

"Yuck!" I barked.

"What?" Mark asked.

"I had to take a class in Data Processing in college... I mean for the brief time I was there...and I wasn't impressed... It was a pain in the ass... You had to write out a program and then sit at a glorified typewriter and punch out commands line by line...and then run these stupid cards on the computer and hope like hell you did everything right or...!" I barked.

"What kind of a program?" Kevin asked.

"Easy bullshit like simple math equations and...!"

"What if you messed up?"

"Then the computer went fucking nuts; all that came out was gibberish. What a crock! I could have figured the damned thing out faster using my slide rule! If that's all computers can do then I'll pass...!"

"Speaking of, did you pass the class?" Mark cackled.

"Yeah. It took me like six fucking tries to get the damned thing to come out right...!"

"Six tries at fucking...?" Kevin giggled, "Why so many tries? It's not that hard... Oh, maybe that was the problem!"

Then we all broke out laughing.

"I kind of thought about maybe electronics or something related," Kevin continued, "But then that bullshit with Kathy and getting married kind of flushed my life into oblivion!"

"Do you know anything about...?" I started to ask.

"I liked putting together a lot of those Radio Shack kits!" he exclaimed, "And I can solder things really well and...!"

The blank look on our faces must have said everything!

"You don't know...?" Kevin hooted.

"No!" I replied.

"Oh shoot! I built an audio amplifier, an AM radio receiver, a shortwave radio receiver, a wireless microphone...," he started to explain.

"That's pretty impressive! I couldn't even do a decent job assembling a Revell model!" I chortled.

"Then really your parents fucked up whatever plans you might have had...!" Mark barked.

Kevin nodded affirmatively.

"After you get things worked out at home, maybe you should think about college again," Mark suggested.

"There is a junior college I could try out. It's a little slower paced than someplace like ASU!"

It was getting late and our stomachs were telling us they were hungry.

"Mexican food or all you can eat?'" Kevin giggled.

"I like the idea of Mexican food, but I am STARVING!" Mark chortled.

"Enough to go through the line three or four times?" I giggled.

"As long as no wrinkled old prune gets pissed off!" he said.

"So what the fuck if one does! Tell her to eat a big one!'" Kevin chirped.

Mark and I again rolled with laughter.

"Where the heck do you come up with these....!" I started to ask.

"They just pop into my head!" Kevin snickered.

At the restaurant, he stacked his dinner plate in an unending series of creative "creations," all of which quickly and thoroughly disappeared.

"What are we going to do tomorrow...?" Mark started to ask.

"Oh I have the day all planned out," Kevin interrupted between mouthfuls of mashed potatoes.

"Uhhh...When were you going to tell us about it; sooner or later?" I asked.

"Probably later," he giggled while attacking a drumstick.

"Be sure and suck ALL that meat off...!" Mark started to say as Kevin artfully and quite erotically managed to do just that...

"You're giving me a boner," Mark whispered.

"Fuck! EVERYTHING gives you a boner!" I laughed.

"Yeah but what if I want to go get some more food? I can't walk up to the serving line with...!"

"Why not?" Kevin giggled as his tongue circled two very pouty, sensuous lips.

"OHHHHH!" Mark moaned.

I was laughing to myself thinking how my ginger stud was probably completely boned and leaking dick juice right there at the table.

"Someone has a problem?" I chided him.

Mark blushed.

"I supposed he doesn't turn you on too!" he snorted.

Of course that was true; but Mark was obviously much more aroused.

"What about tomorrow?" I asked, trying to deflect and calm things (one very BIG "thing") down.

"Oh that's easy! We're going to Old Tucson, The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum and Saguaro National Monument," Kevin declared.

"All in one day?" Mark asked.

"Sure! They're all right next to each other so it will be easy! I gotta go get some more food... Are you coming?" Kevin hooted while staring directly at Mark.

"He probably will be very soon," I chortled, which made my ginger boy turn beet red.

We all went back to the serving bar. Mark was assiduously trying to conceal his boner and a decent sized stain on his jeans.

"That's what you get for wearing a cropped T-shirt and no underwear," I heckled him.

"Look who's talking?" he replied while glancing down at my jeans.

Yeah... My cock was betraying me right along with his! Enough that it caught the eye of a young boy opposite from us at the serving table. His eyes were darting, much like Kevin's did, back and forth between Mark and me. Our eyes locked and then he started blushing before quickly looking elsewhere.

Unfortunately for the young boy, that "elsewhere" happened to land right on Kevin's very lean frame, replete with an equally tantalizing view.

We all ended back at our table where Kevin proceeded to buzz-saw his way through another plate of food.

"I saw him looking at you guys," he giggled.

"Who?" I "innocently" asked.

"Some little twink. I bet he's in the bathroom right now pounding his meat...!"

With that, Kevin slurped down on another big fat chicken drumstick. It was amazing how he could make anything look so...sensual and arousing! I noticed Mark staring at his display as well.

"Don't drool," I whispered to him.

"Huh? OH!" he exclaimed.

Somehow we survived without blowing our loads or drawing any undue attention save for one very curious teenager.

In the car, Mark breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you have to torture me like that?"

Kevin played his innocence to the hilt...

"Just wait until we get back to our room," Mark huffed.

"YEAH! I can HARDLY wait!" Kevin hooted.

"Satyr!" My mind kept screaming over and over...

Once back at the motel, we brushed our teeth and got ready for bed.

"We're gonna have a big fun day tomorrow," our young friend advised, "But now, we're gonna have an ever bigger fun night...!"

Mark and I stared at each other; he was probably wondering the same thing as me: "Does Kevin have an off' switch?"

We watched as he jumped into bed. Naked, of course. His shyness was long gone.

"I just want to always be in the middle!" he snickered, "It makes things easier for me to control!"

That's exactly what Kevin did....he controlled both of us! It started with something new. Well, sort of new. Mark and I had experimented with doing it...kind of...but Kevin leaped right into it and soon had both of us writhing and begging for more...

He started with Mark. Eyeing my ginger stud's mouth-watering body, our friend asked an odd question.

"Are you squeaky clean?"

"Of course!" Mark giggled.

We all were. All the time.

"Why...?" Mark started to ask.

Kevin just shot him a lascivious grin while saying, "Roll over!"


"Roll over on your stomach!" he repeated.

I think Mark was figuring that Kevin was going to mount him. That's certainly what I thought was coming (there's that double entendre again), which it eventually did...but not before Kevin did something new. From the way he performed, it was not the first time...

"SLAP!" echoed in the room as Kevin took a good whack at my ginger boy's perfectly formed ass.

Mark groaned and thrust his butt upwards.

"SLAP" again...and again...and Mark's continued, guttural groans...

"You like that, don't you?" Kevin barked.

"MMMM!" Mark moaned.

"ANSWER ME!" Kevin ordered.

This was new; hearing Kevin ordering Mark to respond! I had seen it flipped the other way and thought it was so damned arousing. Now seeing and hearing skinny little Kevin dominating Mark quickly set a new ceiling for the hottest thing I could ever imagine.

"YES!" Mark replied.

" YES' WHAT?" Kevin barked.

It WAS a reversal of roles!


Kevin's eyes came alive.

"OH YEAH! KEV IS GONNA MAKE YOU BEG AND CRY!" he chirped in his signature high, squeaky voice.

"PLEASE!" Mark whined.

I couldn't believe how Mark was responding. If it was an act, he made it very convincing. On the other hand, what if...?

" PLEASE' WHAT?" Kevin growled.

"PLEASE, SIR!" Mark cried.

Okay...I don't think Mark is acting...He's actually under Kevin's control! The two of them continued, making my cock ache to the point of exploding. Then it REALLY got interesting...


With that, he leaned forward and while spreading Mark's butt cheeks open, thrust his face into my lover's ass.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mark moaned.

Kevin withdrew.


"PLEASE SIR, DO IT AGAIN, SIR!" Mark mewled.

My cock throbbed as I watched Kevin reduce Mark to a whining baby, begging for more!


"PLEASE, SIR! TAKE ME!" Mark cried.

" TAKE YOU?'" Kevin mocked him, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?"


Kevin lined his cock up with my stud's dilated, dripping hole.



With one long hard shove, Kevin slammed the entirety of his 9«" rod deep into Mark's ass.

Just before he began to pound away, he turned and stared at me, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU JUST SITTING THERE FOR? GET OVER HERE AND FUCK ME!"

I heard a voice reply, "YES, SIR!"

That voice was mine!

It was like no other night in my life and I'm sure the same held for Mark; and it was all due to one boy who had some skill or ability to draw our sexual energy into full blossom. The room reverberated with Mark and Kevin's "sex talk." I was the neophyte there, but just hearing these two studs verbally (and physically) going at it in high gear drove me wild.

Wild it was; we continued into the early morning hours with stamina and endurance that came from who knows where. I fucked Kevin, he fucked me. I fucked Mark and he sent me into orbit by burying his immense bone deep in my gut.

Our oral skills were also put to the test; I drank from Mark and Kevin's turgid tubes as did both of them in a type of sexual merry-go-round! The icing on the cake for me came when Kevin tongue fucked my hole... There was only one option left untaken by the time we all fell asleep... Kevin had not succeeded in tempting Mark to take his willing young ass.

Oh, he had tried; of that I am vocalizing when I repeatedly fucked him, " TAKE ME HARD, RANDY!' TEAR UP MY HOLE!' FUCK ME TILL I SCREAM YOUR NAME!'" While calling me by name, I think his cries were actually subtle pleas aimed in Mark's direction.

Mark didn't take the bait, and I knew why. Despite Kevin's experienced past, my ginger stud wasn't going to be the guy to hurt him, and if anyone were capable of wreaking such physical damage, it would be him.

We all fell asleep together with Kevin exactly where he wanted to be: in the middle.

"You guys can cuddle with me," he squeaked.

Were we sated? Probably. Well, partially. At least enough to break the underlying sexual energy that always seemed present between the three of us. I fell asleep telling myself over and over that satyrs are mythical creatures... Sure they are... I smiled and quietly said, "bullshit" to that!

The next morning I awoke again to a familiar feeling... Sated? Maybe for a few hours at best! A blonde thatch of hair was once again servicing my aching cock while Mark watched on; grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"I suppose you've already had yours...?" I started to ask.

My answer came in the form of a cheeky smile... After Kevin vacuumed the cum out of my balls, I sat up and kissed him. The taste of me was fresh in his mouth. He giggled, squeaked and squirmed as I went down on his drooling tool.

"He's already...!" Mark started to say.

Pausing my "work," I looked at him and smiled, "I don't think it matters. He's like a flowing brook!"

Kevin broke out in giggles when he heard my description.

We had arrived in Tucson on Thursday, and the plan was to remain there until Monday morning when we would leave for the last leg of our trip. It would give us the chance to review the jobs in the Sunday local newspaper, and since Phoenix is only 120 miles away and the capital of the state, we could easily secure a Sunday paper for that city as well.

Monday seemed like a long ways off, even though I knew it would be here sooner than I wanted. Today, however, was the first of two big explorations into the numerous attractions around "The Old Pueblo," as old-timers fondly called our current host city. The day's events were all in Kevin's hands. He knew the city well enough to organize everything. After breakfast, we all loaded into the Dart and headed towards attraction number one, "Old Tucson."

The trip involved an exciting passage over West Gates Pass Road, a narrow two lane highway clinging to the side of the range of lesser mountains bordering the Western edge of the city.

Once we crested the summit and headed downhill, Mark literally exploded at the sight of a most stunning panorama of the Sonoran Desert. There were his cactus. Or rather, cacti. A SHITLOAD of them as far as the eyes could see...which, given the pristine clear air, was quite a ways!

As Kevin promised, Old Tucson came first. It was built in 1939 for the movie "Arizona." The site has like 50 buildings; it's a complete Western town that turned out to be the location for a lot of westerns including John Wayne's "Rio Bravo" and "El Dorado." Most of John Wayne's movies were supposed to be set in Texas, but the telltale saguaros always gave them away as having been filmed in Arizona.

I had taken the Universal Studios tour on my vacation to Los Angeles, and Old Tucson shared some minor similarities. Those included "revelations" of movie making secrets. While Universal had big special effects, Old Tucson had gunfights and lots of guys falling off of buildings (after getting shot by fake bullets).

It was neat learning how they did everything but at the same time the magic was gone. Now every time I watch a Western, in the back of my mind I'll know exactly how they pulled off each stunt!

[Sadly Old Tucson was closed in September, 2020, but recently plans have been announced for its reopening.]

Mark was fascinated by those stunts... I wonder. Am I going to have a problem with him taking falls off the rafters or something? Of course no attraction like this would be complete without the souvenir shops, and they had several. Naturally, we had to browse through them while fighting the temptation to buy more "things" that we didn't really need. Well, it almost worked...until...

"How do I look?" Mark asked in a heavy Okie drawl.

Kevin and I spun around to face him. My heart skipped about a million beats when I saw my ginger boy all decked out in a straw cowboy hat. That view caused my cock to instantly wake up: there he stood...a 6'4" stud looking so fucking sexy and...adorable!

"I'll take three!" Kevin chirped, "no...maybe FOUR! I can do all of once!"

"Do I...I mean...I don't I?"

"Heck no! You're cute as...!"

"Don't say as a bug,'" Mark giggled.

"No!" I said softly while looking around to see if anyone was in earshot, "You look sexy and ready to fuck!"

Mark blushed.

"I might have to take you up on that offer," he whispered back.

"Don't forget ME!" Kevin chirped.

Mark looked too fucking cute in his hat so...he bought it and off we rode to our next destination, The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum. This was something completely outside the realm of our life's experience.

A zoo, natural history museum and art gallery all rolled into one...not a crappy zoo with cages and bars where the animals look like prisoners. Oh no...It was built right out in the desert with animals in their natural habitat. "Residents" include everything from scorpions, centipedes and rattlesnakes right up to black bears and mountain lions.

Obviously these animals aren't wandering around mingling with the guests; they are housed in natural settings just like in the wild.

I turned out to be a big hit at the walk-through hummingbird aviary. These tiny little birds flocked around me like I was a movie star.

"It's because you're so sweet!" Kevin giggled.

The rattlers, scorpions and centipedes are housed in glass-front cages, which is as close as I ever want to get to one. Another neat feature of the museum is that since it is located IN the desert, occasionally real wildlife "visitors" will stop by and view the happened when a herd of javelinas wandered right across our path, pausing only to grunt and give us a cursory examination.

"They're big ugly pigs!" Kevin hooted, "And they stink, too!"

Mark was ecstatic because he was able to see all the animals that had been pictured in those legions of books scattered about our former apartment in Tulsa.

The day couldn't go by without SOMETHING funny happening, and it came from Kevin as we watched the prairie dog display. These cute little animals are in an exhibit which features a glass- fronted section of their burrows, kind of like those ant farms we had in elementary school science classes.

We stood there peering through the glass into the shadows of their dens when suddenly Kevin squeaks, "LOOK AT THE BALLS ON THAT GUY!" as one of the animals scurried by.

"YOUNG MAN!...PLEASE! ...MY SON!" a woman gasped.

Kevin spun around to see a lady clasping her hands over the ears of a boy who looked to be about eleven or twelve...

"What's the matter with your son? Doesn't he have any balls! Shoot! He'll never have any fun that way...!" Kevin hooted as I placed my hand over his mouth...

"Well! I never!" she indignantly huffed while dragging her son away from us.

We watched with various forms of amusement as the boy protested her treatment of him...

"WHERE do you come up with these...?" I started to ask while rolling with laughter.

"What? The prairie dog? He's got a huge pair of...!" Kevin started to explain as we left the exhibit.

"Oh...So you have studied a lot of prairie dog balls?" Mark hooted.

Kevin blushed but quickly replied while staring directly at Mark, "No, but I like cowboy balls a lot!"

"Oh? Is that so...?" Mark hooted.

"YEAH! I like a cowboy with REALLY big balls!" Kevin giggled.

"So do you know many...?"

"Only one," Kevin confessed, "And he...has some pretty huge balls...! I don't know how he carries them around without getting tired! And he's got a monstrous cock too!"

" Monstrous Marky!'" I quipped, to which they both started laughing.

"How monstrous?'" Mark asked, "Is it bigger than your arm?"

"Bigger than this?" Kevin gave a weak grin while displaying his skinny forearm.

"Oh okay...Then bigger than your leg?"

Kevin squeaked with laughter, "That would mean he has three legs!"

"Like a Triceratops!" Mark exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes while Kevin snickered.

"No, dummy...!" I started to say.

"A Triceratops had three HORNS and four legs just like...!" Kevin took over.

"That's the difference between being fourth and 29th in your class!" I giggled.

"Maybe then a Markyasaurus,'" Kevin hooted., "They only have ONE horn...!"

Mark stared at me, "Okay, you wise guys...I only have ONE horn but it's big enough to do the job....!"

Our bantering was interrupted as a flock of birds ran across the path in front of us!

"What the heck...!" I started to ask.

"Gambel's quail!" Mark exclaimed.

"How do you know THAT?"

"From all those books in our apartment..!"

"So you actually did read all of them!"

"Of course," he snorted, "What do you think I did? Just look at the pictures?"

"Then a Markyasaurus can READ!" Kevin giggled.

"Yeah, and fuck like a little bunny too!" Mark snorted.

"I wouldn't know! I've never been fucked by one!" Kevin groused.

"You're still really young yet...," Mark snickered.

As we approached the gift center and restaurant, our stomachs growled.

"Let's get some lunch now because we still have a lot to see," Kevin suggested.

As we ate on the terrace, I noticed Mark kept staring off into the distance.

"What...?" I started to ask him.

"It's so big and beautiful!" He replied.

"What? Another Markyasaurus?" Kevin hooted.

Mark shot him a pained grin.

"No! This place! Look at the view!"

He was right. The visibility seemed to stretch on forever. A clear blue sky with no noticeable humidity allowed the vista to open almost to infinity.

"The only way to explore this place is... I gotta get a truck!" Mark declared.

"I still can't believe you'd give up your Challenger!" I exclaimed.

"That was...That was me in a different time and place. This...It is such a different... I mean, it looks and feels like another world!"

"Sounds like your Markyasaurus is falling in love with the desert!" Kevin chortled.

We spent most of the day at the Museum; there was just enough time afterwards to tour the Saguaro National Monument. Mark was close to hyperventilating at the display of cacti around us as we entered the grounds. The facility features a Visitor Center, so we hurriedly exited the car and went inside.

It was just in the nick of time; there was one last audio/visual presentation starting in about fifteen minutes. We perused the Center's displays and came across a crusty old man who wore a Ranger's uniform. Mark instantly engaged him in conversation, asking about a million rapid-fire questions...

"Do the saguaro really live to be 200 years old or even more...?"

"Yes. We have some in the Monument that were here before the United States even existed....!"

"WOW!" Mark gasped, "And they grow to fifty feet?"

"Yes! Or even taller!"

"And weigh up to 5000 pounds?"

"Yes. Every so often some...rather dim-witted person gets the idea of trying to knock one over with his truck. If the cactus falls on his vehicle, it usually doesn't end very well...!"

"What kind of an idiot would try something like that?" Mark barked, "It takes all that time to grow and some fool wants to tear it down just like that?"

The man nodded and smiled.

"So...We're moving to Phoenix and...are they up there too?"

"Yes. Not as many in the City itself because...Saguaro prefer elevations between two thousand and thirty five hundred feet. Phoenix is lower in elevation, much hotter and drier than Tucson...!"

"Oh...!" Mark said in a dejected tone.

The Ranger must have noticed because he quickly added, "But you don't have to go very far to find them. LOTS of them...North along Interstate 17 up to Sunset Point, East into the Tonto National Forest and Northwest out towards Wickenburg..."

The call came for the last show. Mark eagerly thanked the Ranger and we scrambled into a small theater. We learned a lot more before leaving the Center.

"Now comes the best part," Kevin exclaimed, "Let's go see a bunch of them...up close!"

The Monument overflows with all types of cacti. They replace trees as the dominant vegetation. Kevin drove us through a series of roads giving us breath taking views. After about thirty minutes we pulled off at a scenic spot (which is somewhat of an oxymoron since the entire place is scenic!) and got out of the car. Mark took off like a race horse towards a tall specimen about 300 feet from the road.

We caught up with him while he looked up at the cactus; a classic specimen festooned with multiple arms.

"Just like in the movies!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah...I expect John Wayne to come sauntering by any minute!" Kevin hooted.

"Naw... He's lost someplace in Texas trying to figure out where he is...!" I quipped.

"Well... Maybe Ricky Nelson will show up... He was sure cute enough in Rio Bravo!'" Kevin chortled.

"He's not bad, but I think a real live Markyasaurus is a lot cuter!"

Kevin smiled and turned to ogle Mark's body as he stretched backwards to look up to the crest of the cactus.

"Hmmmm! I think you're right!" he purred.

"WHAT are you looking at?" I asked Mark.

He turned and stared at me. His eyes were a bright fiery green.

"YOU! This...I'm here because of you...I never would have left Tulsa...!"

"Uhhhh...Do I have to remind you AGAIN about how some cute ginger stud showed up at my front door and...," I chortled.

"That story is so cute," Kevin added, "I wish someone would do that to me!"

We started back to the car. I led, followed by Mark and then Kevin. The air was warm and dry with a slight breeze.

"I knew it would be like this," Mark kept saying over and over, "But actually BEING here is so much better!"

We reached Kevin's car and Mark slid up behind me. I felt his strong arms wrap themselves around my skinny waist.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear, "Forever...I promise!"

His huge cock was pressed into my backside.

"Oh Oh!" Kevin giggled, "It looks like Markyasaurus is going to fuck Randyasaurus!"

We all laughed at his humor.

"Yes...I AM!" Mark declared, "In the car or outside...?"

"Not in my poor car AGAIN!" Kevin whined.

"Here!" I croaked.

Mark's hands quickly unfastened my Levis and yanked them down around my ankles. I heard him doing the same as he pressed into me.

"Here's some lotion!" Kevin giggled.

Mark slathered up his cock. I arched my butt backwards while bracing against Kevin's car and then I felt it. Long, thick, hard and full of energy...sliding into my guts.

"WOW!" Kevin gasped.

I thought his reaction was funny because he had seen Mark fuck me before.

"DAMN!" my lover panted as his cock bottomed out.

I could feel his warm body pressed against mine.

Kevin's eyes were wide as saucers; they darted back and forth from Mark to me.

"I wish I could join...!" he started to say.

"Why don't you?" Mark said, cutting off his comment, "See anything you like?"

I could tell my ginger stud was flaunting his tight firm ass at our friend.

"Rea-lly?" Kevin's voice broke.

"Yes. REALLY!" Mark hooted.

Kevin wasted no time skinning off his Levis and slipping up behind Mark. True to form, he shoved his cock in with one savage thrust.

"Ready?" Mark asked me.

"OHHHH BABY!" I sighed.

And that is how we chain fucked in the Saguaro National Monument. None of us cared if anyone drove by. We were too lost in a cloud of sexual euphoria. All day long the three of us had been catching sneak peaks of each other and now the pressure was being released. It didn't take long before Kevin's loud, excited squeaks announced he was seeding Mark's hole. That quickly tripped a very noisy chain reaction...

"YOU JIZZED ON MY CAR!" Kevin hooted after we uncoupled.

"Sorry!" I snarked.

He was right. A heavy cum bath was dripping down the side of his vehicle. Mark had very easily fucked a load out of my aching balls...

"I'll clean it off when we get back to our motel," I promised.

"Forget that! It'll be a souvenir of my trip!" Kevin giggled.

Reluctantly we left the Monument and headed back to our motel.

"This was one of the best days of my life!" Mark exclaimed.

"Me too!" I seconded.

"And me!" Kevin squeaked.

Once back in our room, we got ready for dinner. While Kevin was in the bathroom, Mark and I had time to talk.

"Mexican food?" Mark asked.

"YEAH!" I replied, then we stared at each other, "Time is running out...!"

He knew exactly what I meant. Tomorrow would be the trip up Mt. Lemmon, and then Sunday was our last day in Tucson.

"Fuck, I know!" Mark replied, "Why did he have to be so fucking cute and...!"

"Friendly, personable, sweet and innocent," I said, hijacking his thoughts.

"Well, at least he'll...he's learned some from us and...maybe he and Clark can...!"

I nodded and really hoped that would happen. Kevin is simply too adorable to have anything but someone who could dote on him forever...

Dinner went off without a hitch. No cranky crone bitching about how Kevin stacked his plate; which didn't present itself as an option since we weren't dining at an all-you-can-eat restaurant. No "Kevinisms," which while funny as hell, always seemed to pop out at the most inopportune moment. Or, as I think about it, maybe they actually did occur at the most opportune moment...

After dinner, which was very tasty, we went back to our room. Kevin fiddled with the television while I talked with Mark about our plans for tomorrow.

"It should be a really cool drive up to the summit!" Mark said.

"Cool in more ways than one! It's like a seven thousand foot change in elevation!" I replied.

"How are you guys gonna get there?" Kevin asked.

He had a really cheeky look on his very boyish face.

"What...?" I asked.

"Well...I seem to recall a little agreement...!" he started to say.

Mark and I exchanged glances.

"You mean about" Mark asked him.

"Of course I realize that was just an oral agreement...and while I really like oral...," he snickered, "Nothing in writing...just oral... but I'm pretty sure there was a witness...!"

"Okay, buster!" Mark said in his classic Okie drawl, "You asked for it...!"

He easily scooped up Kevin and laid him down on the bed.

"These clothes have to go!" Mark announced.

Kevin quickly slipped out of his jeans and T shirt. This was going to be it! Actually, it had been preordained to happen...he had been angling for this from the beginning. We had shared each other completely with one exception. That was going to change right now!

Mark and Kevin were naked in record time. Their huge cocks both jutted out in the cool air, slinging dick slime in all directions.

"How are you gonna do it...?" Kevin asked.

"Any way I please!" Mark laughed, "For starters...!"

"Starters?" Kevin croaked.

" Starters!' You didn't think it was going to be a one-off thing, did you?"

Kevin squealed with glee!

Mark gently laid him on his back.

"Now you listen to me! This is supposed to be fun! I don't want any pain. I don't want to hurt you at all! It's not worth it! You wouldn't like to end up shitting blood for a week just because you wanted to ride my fat cock!" Mark cautioned.

If Mark's warning was supposed to dissuade Kevin, it failed.

"I'm ready!" he chirped while staring at both of us and continuing, "...Your honor, I agreed to let Mark drive my car up to the summit of Mt Lemmon in exchange for him driving his big fat cock into my tight little ass!"

There was no way we could keep from laughing at his imagination...

"You REALLY want to ride my cock, don't you?" Mark asked.

"Unlimited rides!" Kevin squeaked.

"I can't persuade you to...!"

He shook his head, "No!"

"You DO realize what you're asking for...?" Mark pleaded.

Kevin nodded "Yes," and replied, "A shitload of fun! Randy can take it; so can I!"

Mark looked into his eyes...He gently started to move over him when Kevin suddenly resisted.

"No!" he pleaded while trying to turn face down on the bed, "I want you to do something first...!"

He arched his tiny butt up in the air. My cock was so hard it felt like the slightest movement would make it break into a million pieces.

"Eat my ass," a tiny voice begged, "PLEASE! I'm super clean...I promise! Just eat me and then you can fuck me any way you like!"

Mark glanced at me and then moved in towards Kevin's very tiny butt. Neither Mark or I were well-versed at this; but Kevin's recent "lesson" had opened up a new experience for both of us.

As soon as Mark's tongue touched Kevin's hole, he bucked and shivered. A series of soft moans filled the room. Emboldened, my ginger stud probed deeper. Kevin's reactions magnified ten fold. His young body was squirming and thrashing on the bed.


I was struck by his third person verbiage again along with the instant return of his dominant nature. Even when he was about to get fucked by... well, a very BIG cock, Kevin was determined to be in charge.

"How long will that last after Mark has him speared on his very thick tool?" I wondered.

Mark continued to tongue fuck Kevin's ass for a good ten minutes. The room echoed with tiny mewling sounds.

Slowly removing his tongue from its target, he gently turned Kevin over on his back.

"I want you like this so I can look into your eyes when I cum in your butt!" he panted.

I wondered if Kevin had yet figured out what was about to happen. It certainly was going to be one of the biggest days, or actually nights, in his young life. He didn't look away at all; instead, his mesmerizing blue eyes raked up and down Mark's tight body.

"Now remember what I said," Mark cautioned him, "NO pain!"

"Not even good pain?" Kevin chirped.

I rolled my eyes; our friend always seemed to have some kind of quick reply.

After slathering his cock with plenty of lotion, Mark slowly pushed his thick long middle finger into Kevin's hole. He tried to arch his body upwards while letting out a squeaky moan.

"You're all primed and ready," Mark panted.

His voice suddenly became very raspy. I knew that meant he was super horny and ready to take Kevin on the ride of his life. Moving in, he lined up his cock and slowly began to enter a very dilated hole...


"Just wait till its ALL in, then you'll be screaming thick' and long!'" Mark hooted.

Inch by inch Mark penetrated his young partner.

"OOOHHHH!!! OHHHHHHH!!!!!" Kevin yelped.

"YEAHHHHH!!!!!" Mark barked, "You're so damned tight!"

Kevin was doubled over like a pretzel with both knees touching his shoulders. His legs pointed skyward as he reached up and clasped Mark's sides.

Mark's arms supported his upper body. We had done this many, many time before and I knew Kevin was in for a savage pounding...

"YEAHHHH!" Mark panted as he continued to slowly force his huge rod into Kevin's tiny hole.

"Is ...Is ...Is in yet?" Kevin squeaked.

"Not even half way!" Mark chortled.


"Are you okay?" Mark asked.

I could sense the concern in his voice. Kevin's upper torso and face were scarlet red and beads of perspiration were scattered all across his forehead.

"Don't stop! I have to do this!" Kevin pleaded.

" Have to?'" Mark asked.

"I want to know what...what...Randy feels every time you do it to him!"

Mark glanced at me and than back to Kevin.

"Are you sure you...?" he started to ask.

"YES!!!!" Kevin squealed, then he cried out as Mark's cock passed the halfway point.

I knew what that felt like. The first few times Mark fucked me, I thought my ass would never recover...Naturally I never mentioned a word about it to him...

"About three-quarters!" Mark said.

"DAMN! How much is there?" Kevin croaked.

"You should know! You've seen it up close enough!" Mark chortled.

They seemed at a stalemate. Kevin was obviously feeling the immense size of Mark's cock. His body pallor and rapid breathing told everything. Mark eyed his condition and then looked towards me.

" shouldn't try it now," he said softly, "You've already taken more than most guys could ever begin to and it's not worth ripping up your guts for...!"

"Yeah, Kev," I seconded, "Maybe...!"


It was like a switch had been turned on. Before any of us could speak, Kevin thrust his body against Mark, letting out a loud, long scream.

There was complete silence in the room except for his heavy breathing and our heartbeats pounding away...

Mark stared at the young teen impaled on his cock.

"Well...You're in!"

"All...the...way?" Kevin asked.


"I knew I could do it! I've wanted your cock since I first saw it! You guys are the perfect examples of pure studs! First I took Randy's fat hose and now I've taken yours!" he chirped.

"Uhhhh," I said, "You've TAKEN it, but you haven't actually been FUCKED by it!"

"That's not gonna stop me now!" Kevin declared as he stared into Mark's eyes, "Fuck me, PLEASE! Fuck me like you fuck Randy!"

"Uhhh...Maybe we should...!" Mark started to say.


I couldn't help but smile. His vocalizations were cute and sexy at the same time.

"OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kevin squeaked, "I felt your cock throb inside my ass!"

"That's just the beginning!" Mark smiled.

Slowly he began to slide his long hard bone out of Kevin's completely stretched hole.

"AHHH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! My prostate! Make it .... OHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Kevin cried.

I had no idea what he meant by "prostate;" my mind was focused on the fact that IT was starting! Mark was going to give Kevin the ride of his life! I watched in awe as almost the complete length of my ginger boy's big tool slid out of it's warm confinement.

It was obvious that Kevin was still feeling some pain, but slowly the expression on his face began to change. His cock also expanded and began dripping clear dick juice as Mark started slowly pistoning his hole.

"Kev likes Markyasaurus banging his ass?" Mark hooted.


"OH I PLAN TO!" Mark hooted.

Very quickly the pace increased. Kevin's face started to radiate with contentment as he felt Mark's cock in action.


His body began convulsing and squirming under Mark's domination. There was no doubt about it now. Kevin's body had adjusted to the overwhelming size of my ginger boy.

The vocalizations cinched it. Kevin was in ecstasy! Then Mark "sealed the deal" by leaning forward and kissing him. That did it for both of them; first Kevin, then Mark. I could tell by their body language. My "Markyasaurus" was seeding Kevin, which caused him to unleash a torrent of jizz that covered both of their bodies.

Slowly their lips parted. Mark withdrew his long fat bone and Kevin sat up. An electrified smile covered his cute young face.

"WOW!" he exclaimed, "I never thought it would be so great!"

Eyeing both of their cum soaked bodies, I moved in to quickly lap up the precious nectar before it dried.

"What...?" Kevin squeaked.

"Randy is just having dessert!" Mark hooted.

"Or maybe an appetizer," I said between mouthfuls of warm cum.

"There's more?" Kevin asked.

"Of course!" Mark chortled, "Remember? I promised! I didn't go to all this work to open you up for just one shot!"

Kevin squealed with delight...

This was indeed Kevin's big night. The culmination of something he had wanted since meeting both of us. It was also the night I finally learned about that magical "thing" inside my ass; the spot that sent me off into space every time I got fucked.

"Where did you learn about that...prostate?" I asked him, "And what exactly is it?"

"I kind of found out about it a long time ago when I was fingering my hole," Kevin giggled, "I knew there was something there so...!"

"Don't tell me; you went to the library and...!" I chortled as Kevin blushed and nodded.

"It's some gland in your ass. Only guys have it...It's not really IN your ass, but close enough so that when you get fucked or if you finger it just right you can make yourself cum...!"

"But what does it do?" I inquired.

Kevin pondered the question before answering, "Well, I' not completely sure but it has to do with making cum and...!"

"I thought that was what your balls did...!" I interrupted.

"They do. But they work somehow with the prostate. So if you wanna get off a different way and...," he started to reply.

"I better not catch you fingering yourself," Mark warned me, "What the heck am I here for?"

We all couldn't help laughing...

While Mark provided the cock for the evening, Kevin quickly and decidedly took charge of how that huge tool was to be used on his slender body. I had planned to sit on the sidelines and let him have his way with my ginger boy...However, Mark had other plans!

As the two of them prepared for round two, doing it "doggy style" as Kevin called it, Mark turned to me and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Huh?" I grunted.

"You just gonna sit there and watch or what...?"


"YEAH! BUTT!' MY BUTT!' Mark snorted.

I didn't need to have my arm twisted...

The three of us carried on until the early hours of the morning. I wondered how sore Kevin's ass would be by sunrise! Something else also crossed my mind. Our friend's "off" switch wasn't broken. He didn't have one...!!

It was a night of uncontrolled sexual passion. We all knew what each other liked, and relished in making it happen. By the time we fell asleep, there was Kevin: nestled between Mark and me. For several hours my mind had been distracted from the math: In two days, our numbers would be decreased by one!

Saturday started sunny and beautiful. No clouds. Just another typical Tucson day! I awoke once again to a familiar feeling on my cock. There was the same head of unruly blonde hair bobbing up and down on my rigid Mark watched and grinned like that amused Cheshire cat!

"What a way to wake up!" I giggled.

Kevin looked up at me; his eyes were a deep lustrous blue shade...

"Hi!" he chirped before going back to work on my prick.

Once we were all sated (again, for a short while!), it was shower time, breakfast and then off to see Mt. Lemmon.

While Kevin was in the bathroom, Mark and I shared some thoughts.

"Are you okay with what happened last night?" he asked me.

"Sure! We were all here together!" I replied.

"I guess Kevin got what he wanted!"

"You mean the feeling of getting deep fucked by your huge tool?" I chortled.

Kevin was consumed with Mark's cock. Which is easy to understand. He had been very effuse in praising its dimensions.

"I don't really get that... I mean, he's got a pretty fucking nice tool of his own...!" Mark laughed.

"Yeah...but...yours!" I stammered as my mouth suddenly became very dry.

I had to change the subject!

"Only two days left!"

"I know," Mark said softly, then he seemed to brighten up a bit, "You know, it's not like we're leaving him in Phoenix and then going to Los Angeles or someplace... We'll all still be right there in the same city...Once he ...Once the dust settles in his life, and after we get a place... we can see him again!"

I guess Mark had a point. The big "if" would be that "dust" settling in his life...

"I... I...just wanted to be sure that you weren't... I mean...I lost count of how many times I fucked him and...," Mark stammered.

"Yeah! I know! He IS insatiable!' And so are YOU!" I giggled, then I asked, "Was he walking...funny... when he headed to the bathroom?"

We both laughed.

"He always said he could take it!" Mark reflected, "And he sure proved that...!"

The door to the bathroom flew open and Kevin strutted out twirling his cock with one hand while toweling his hair with the other.

"How's your asshole?" I hooted.

Without missing a beat, he squeaked, "Parking space for an aircraft carrier!"

I almost choked on that imagery!

After breakfast we set off for Mt. Lemmon.

Mark drove because Kevin claimed, "It kind of scares me...I mean...You'll see! It's a long ways down in a lot of places!"

We laughed as Kevin piled into the back seat with me. He wasn't lying! The road started climbing right away, affording astounding views in all directions. Mark was chattering like a magpie (something I was getting used to by now) about anything and everything.

"He's never seen anything like this in his life!" I told Kevin, "In Oklahoma the interchanges on the expressways are about the highest things around and...!"

" Expressways?'" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. The same thing as freeways. I don't know why they call them...!" Mark explained.

"Well you won't have any problem with that in Phoenix!" Kevin laughed.


"Freeways. Or expressways!'"

"Why?" Mark asked.

"Easy. Phoenix doesn't have any!" Kevin replied.

"He's right," I exclaimed, "I never really thought about it, but Interstates 17 and 10 are it; and 10 doesn't even go all the way through town!"

"Yeah!" Kevin agreed, "It [Interstate 10] is supposed to run from Florida all the way to Los Angeles, but there's a big gap in Arizona. Right in Phoenix. As for any other freeways, or expressways, or whatever..., well, there aren't any. They've been talking about it for years but...!"

"For years? I thought all that stuff was built back in the 60s and...!" Mark interrupted.

"Maybe in the rest of the country, but not in good old Phoenix!" Kevin giggled, "You'll notice that, other than the Interstate going through Tucson, there aren't any other freeways here either!"

Our discussion was interrupted by a sweeping panoramic view that afforded unlimited visibility to the North and East... As we climbed the terrain had changed. Once past around three thousand feet, the saguaros and other cacti disappeared, to be replaced by chaparral brush. Then came the pine trees. They first appeared singularly before suddenly becoming thicker and thicker along the roadside.

Mark parked the car and we all scrambled out. The first big noticeable thing was the temperature.

"I thought it was getting kind of extra cool in the car!" he squeaked.

"That's because it's cool outside!" I laughed.

"Duhhh! No shit! I can tell that now!" he shot back.

"Well...By the time we get to the top it will be over nine thousand feet. The temperature is usually at least twenty degrees cooler in the summer and...!" Kevin explained.

"I bet it snows a lot here!" I chirped.

"Shit yeah! Sometimes they have to close the road! I mean, in the winter there can be several feet of snow up here while it's in the sixties down in Tucson!"

"I can't imagine FEET' of snow!" Mark whistled.

He took off running into the trees.

"Now what?" Kevin hooted.

"Who knows! This is all completely new to him!"

We soon received our answer as he came bounding back to the car with his hands full of pine cones.

"Don't tell me you've never seen pine cones before!" Kevin laughed.

"But this place is FULL of them! Can I keep some? PLEASE?" he begged.

I stared at my ginger stud all decked out in frayed Levis, a cropped T shirt and his cowboy hat (which seems to have replaced the usual baseball cap) and my heart melted...while my cock quickly stirred.

"I think I have an empty box in the trunk!" Kevin offered.

Mark looked at me with his cute, adorable green puppy dog eyes...what could I possibly say?

"YAY!" he squealed as Kevin got out to open the trunk.

Mark watched as he rummaged around looking for a suitable container. I couldn't help but notice that his eyes kept lingering on Kevin's tiny ass...

"Nice," he panted to me.

"Very nice!" I agreed.

"Do you think we could...?"

"HERE?" I exclaimed.

"Why not," he said while looking around, "We're off the highway and the trunk is open...!"

"Not THAT far off the road and the trunk only hides us in one direction...!"

"Then be fast!" he snickered.

"What are you guys talking about?" A tiny voice squeaked from inside the trunk.

"Oh... Nothing except maybe...fucking your hot little butt!" Mark laughed.

"HERE? The lotion is in the car and it's kind of open here and...!"

"After last night? You won't need any lotion at all!" Mark giggled as he pressed his body into Kevin's nicely arched butt.

"I... I...!" Kevin squealed.

"Let's do it now," Mark pleaded, "We'll be fast!"

"BOTH of you?" Kevin squeaked.

"Yes!" Mark affirmed.

"Maybe he should go first," Kevin said, nodding towards me, "You know... to kind of loosen me up!"

Mark and I laughed.

"I bet you're already loose!" Mark snickered, "But Okay...Just hurry...I'm so fucking horny!"

Mark and I traded places. Now I had my body pressed against Kevin's ass. Quickly my pants came down far enough for my rod to pop out.

Kevin wiggled against me until we were pressing together, flesh to flesh. My cock was slimy and throbbing as I hocked up some spit.

"Ready?" I asked Kevin.

"Do me!" he said in a soft, pleading voice.

I lined up my bone and gently entered him. Kevin shook with pleasure as he began moaning. The open trunk amplified his young voice. My thrusts became very sharp and hard. His moans increased as he tried to arch his body back against me.

Pressing into Kevin, my nuts emptied their load inside his gut.

After pulling out, I turned to Mark and laughed, "Well, you said to be fast!"

"Like a jet plane!" Mark hooted, "Now it's MY turn!"

We switched places and Mark took aim.

"Thanks! He's all lubed up for me! And ready for my cock!"

"Your BIG cock!" Kevin hooted.

Mark leaned in and quickly entered his hole.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kevin cried.

"Gotta be fast!" Mark panted as he began shoving his long bone back and forth.

It didn't take long before he emptied his load into a very willing, ripe ass. Then came the challenging part: pulling out and trying to stuff that throbbing fuck stick back into his jeans.

"I jizzed on my car TWICE!" Kevin wailed as we helped him stand up.

All three of us broke out in laughter. Our timing was perfect; a procession of three cars passed by as we prepared to continue our journey.

"Lucky!" Kevin gasped.

"Lucky, fast and horny!" Mark hooted.

We finally reached the summit. There is a small town appropriately named "Summerhaven," and along the way we saw ski lifts (obviously not in use now). We also passed some really cool rock formations called "Hoodoos," which are spires of eroded stone (they kind of resemble totem poles) that stand like silent sentinels. Neither Mark or I had ever heard of them before; something else not found in Oklahoma! Kevin was acting as our very knowledgeable tour guide; I guess that's part of being fourth in his class!

We visited the Mt. Lemmon General Store. Mark seems to be a sucker for places like that! He fit in really well with his cowboy hat and alluring Okie drawl. I noticed more than one person, male AND female, feasting their eyes on his stunning body.

The peak of Mount Lemmon has an observatory which used to be an Air Force radar base. All of this is surrounded by lush forests of pine and fir trees. THAT really set Mark into amusing fits of excitement!

Then there are the views... Pick a direction and enjoy it!

"I bet we can see Phoenix from here!" Mark chirped.

"No, it's hidden behind the South Mountain range," Kevin replied.

"Are those mountains like this?" Mark asked.

"No," Kevin said, "They're only around two thousand feet; but they do have a lot of cacti on them and...anyway, they cut off the city to the South. In fact, when we get there on Monday...!"

He paused for a minute... I knew he was thinking about his inevitable departure from us...

"...We won't even see Phoenix until it just pops into sight as the Interstate curves around the edge of the mountains," he finished.

Mark had wandered off into the pines. I followed and found him sitting on a large rock looking out to the West. Actually, before I FOUND him, I HEARD him...SINGING! Just to himself...but it was so cute and...having never heard this before, I was mesmerized by his voice...

"I can see for miles and miles I can see for miles and miles I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles Oh yeah..."

When he heard the pine needles crunching under my feet, the singing stopped...

"Why...?" I started to ask.

He just blushed.

"You have a beautiful voice!" I said softly, "But then...everything about you is beautiful!"

He blushed some more...

"That song...!" I started to say.

"I know," he cut me off, "It's about a girl cheating on her guy...but when I saw the view, the refrain just popped into my mind!"

I gave a sigh of relief. He gave me an odd look.

"I was worried! That you might have been...!" I stammered.

"Never! Never cheat on you! Ever! Since we've been together, the only other guy I've been with is here with us right now!" he said in a very soft voice.

My heart melted...

"Besides," he chuckled, "The guy singing the song was directing it to his girl..meaning she had cheated on HIM!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" I protested, "NOT ME! EVER!!!!"

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. I felt myself being drawn into his gaze.

"Make love to me," he said softly...

We had just finished when Kevin popped out of nowhere. Both of us still had our cocks sticking out in mid air; long strands of dick juice dripped to the ground...

"OH OH!" he hooted, "Someone's been sucking cock!"

I looked at Kevin and then chuckled, "Now it's your turn!"

The day had flown by so fast! It was time to go back to the city. Reluctantly we piled into the Dart and headed back down the extremely circuitous drive. The ride to the motel was very quiet, especially in comparison to the uphill trip earlier in the day. I wondered if Kevin and Mark were thinking the same thing as me...Tomorrow was it. The last day in Tucson and then off to Phoenix.

Suddenly I wished we had more time but then...what difference would it really make? Kevin had to go home some time. We had to find a place to live and get jobs. Maybe if Kevin hadn't captured our hearts so easily...No, that wouldn't work either. Not knowing someone as sweet as Kevin would have been a terrible loss for Mark and me! Shit! Why does it have to be so fucking complicated?

When we got back to our room, it was very late in the day. We all showered and decided to head out for dinner. While Kevin was taking his turn in the bathroom, Mark and I talked...

"Well?" I said softly.

"I had a GREAT day!" Mark chirped.

"I know that! I've never seen you so animated before stud has such a cute voice to match his sexy body too!" I giggled.

He blushed.

"It won't be easy Monday!" I said.

"I know. But...Kevin IS stronger than before! He's so much more confident in himself and...!"

"A lot of that is because of you!" I interrupted.

He blushed again.

"You're responsible too...!" he started to say.

"Yeah...Okay... A little maybe...but he REALLY is so taken with you!" I chuckled.

"He can be taken with' me, but I'm taken' by you!" he replied.

I snugged up next to him. His scent was overpowering...

"Let's make this night really special for him," I whispered.

He nodded in agreement just as the bathroom door opened. There came Kevin...twirling his cock like a propeller (again) while drying his hair. His eyes darted between us.

"Are you guys making out or something?" he hooted.

"No... we're just planning on what to do with you tonight," I snorted, "After the lights go out!"

Kevin squealed with excitement....

Once again our friend proved more than excellent in selecting a unique dining venue. A Mexican buffet, which was something I never imagined. True to form, Kevin stacked his plate with a tower of hand-made tacos.

"You're stacking the deck again," I laughed.

"I need to keep my energy levels up," he chirped.

It's like everything was going to be fine; that we were all going to keep together as...what? Three guys in love? I still hadn't figured out where Kevin would fit in our lives if he somehow managed to stay with us.

That wasn't really the issue now. As of Monday morning, he would be gone. Back to parents who tried to manage his life, his happiness and his future! As bad as my Father had been, he never tried to go down that road. Well...he tried to bribe me to drop Mark, but he never tried to change my sexual orientation. Oh no; he only whined because I wasn't going to give him grand- kids.....!

After dinner, which was perfect in every detail, we went back to our room. There was nothing much of interest on the TV but that didn't matter! Kevin quickly commanded our attention with something much more entertaining!

We let Kevin again choose the direction for the evening. Surprisingly, he opted to "top" both of us! That was a definite change from the shy boy we had first met. He delivered, more than once, complete with his aggressive and quite loud vocalizations. His squeaky, rapid fire yet domineering voice and thin, tall body combined to make for a very erotic presentation. I guess that must be difficult to visualize. Most people would think a pair of solid, well muscled studs going at it would be the picture of eroticism. Maybe so. But Kevin was an art form all by himself. His mastery at fucking both of us had increased a thousandfold in very short time.

Sunday morning I awoke again to a blonde head bobbing up and down on my cock. Same beautiful blue eyes, same cute innocent boyish face... And there was Mark; again grinning like before. I could tell by the look on his face that Kevin had already "dined" from his huge "tap."

After I returned the favor to our young friend, we scurried out for breakfast. Mark bought a Tucson and a Phoenix newspaper. Back in our room, we compared the classified sections.

"There's not much here," Mark said as he scanned the Tucson ads, "Lots of jobs in retailing and restaurants and stuff, but that's about it!"

"I told you it would be like that," Kevin affirmed his earlier claim, "There's nothing here. Any of the few good jobs are usually taken until the person dies or retires!"

We all laughed at his summation.

"Plus when you compare Tucson to Phoenix, it's like night and day...Phoenix is so much bigger and it's the capital too!"

I looked through the Phoenix paper and he was right. There were lots of jobs in the "technical," "clerical" and "trades" sections.

The choice was ours: Do we stop here and tough it out, or try a place that seems to offer much more? Plus there is an added factor: Mark has never even seen Phoenix. I had, and I thought it was pretty neat. The decision wasn't MINE to make, it was OURS!

Neither of us said anything. We didn't have to. Not yet. Instead, we spent the day enjoying the sites around Tucson. Kevin did the driving while we did most of the talking. Well, our friend always managed to offer some background chatter as well...which was something I had come to enjoy...

Slowly Mark and I decided, without ever actually saying so, that we were going to push on for the final 120 miles to Phoenix. If Tucson had been a little more robust with potential job offerings, we might have decided otherwise. In any event, we also agreed that if Phoenix didn't work out, we could always pack up and come back here.

"After all, everything we own is in both of our cars," I remarked.

"Yeah. Even if we get some furniture and stuff, we can always sell it or rent a truck," Mark added.

Come evening we had an old standby for dinner: pizza. It was the first time for that since Mark and I left Tulsa, which suddenly seemed like an event that had happened years ago! The festive party-like attitude in all three of us had suddenly been toned way down.

Kevin was still effervescent but not as much as before. I was kind of depressed because here we were, on the verge of completing our trip and the mood seemed like something at a funeral wake. More significantly was the reason: Because Kevin would be leaving us.

We drove around Tucson one more time. It was a completely different perspective at night. The dry desert air made the city almost glitter like a precious gemstone.

After returning to our room, we flopped down on the bed and watched some television. Well, actually we didn't; it was on as background noise while we talked. It was easy to see that Kevin was taking it very hard. Without him actually saying anything, I could tell that he didn't want to go home.

When it came time for us to hit the sack, we all shucked off our clothes, crawled into bed and snuggled together. There was no sex. None at all. I think this was the first time Mark and I had slept together and not done ANYTHING. Considering the fact that we had an "insatiable satyr" sandwiched between us, that really said a lot!

Sometime during the night I heard a tiny voice calling my name...

"Randy...? Randy...?"


"Are you asleep?"

I suppressed laughing at the comment; it was the same question I heard a lot in movies or TV shows...


"I'm...I'm...sorry!" Kevin sniffled.

I turned over to face him; the dimly lit room made his cute face barely visible.

"Sorry? For what?"

"I...I...didn't mean to try and steal Mark away from you!"

"Why ever would you...?" I started to reply.

"It's just that he's so cute and he's so rugged and he's so perfect and he's got such a ....!"

"Big cock?" I whispered.

"Yes!" Kevin giggled.

"I never thought you were trying anything like that!"

There was a long pause before he answered...

"It's just guys...are the only people who have ever been so nice to me. You both seem to really care about me!"

"We do!"

"I promise to pay you back for the extra money I cost you...!"

"SHHHH!" I gently hushed him, "Don't worry about it!"



"I think you're really special too! You AND Mark are so...perfect...!"

"Thank you! You're a pretty special guy too!"

"I am?" Kevin squeaked.




"I really lov...lov...!"

He stopped and I heard sniffling. I was completely torn up inside! He must have had the same thoughts as Mark and I had discussed! Can three boys love each other?

"I know... I know what you're thinking...and I do too...And so does Mark!" I assured him.



"Why does it have to be like this?"

If ever there were a million dollar loaded question, that had to be it! I was alone all my life. Mark was alone all of his life. So was Kevin. Mark and I came together by the biggest fluke (and lots of luck). We fell in love. Meanwhile, Kevin was going from guy to guy, looking for something...someone to love and ending up as nothing but a play toy for horny guys who didn't give a shit.

Somehow we all ended up together in an El Paso motel...and now it has to end. Except none of us wants it to! Maybe Kevin will be able to get together with Clark; Even if for only a would be so much better than having anonymous sex in parks!

"I don't know. I wish it could be different!" I told him.

There was another long pause.



"Can I cuddle with you?"

I smiled at his innocence!

"Of course!"

I rolled over again so he could snuggle up against me...and we fell asleep.

Morning came and I was surprised. My eyes flew open to the sight of a blonde mop of hair bobbing up and down on my cock! Mark was again sitting there with that big signature toothy grin on his face.

"Hey, sleepyhead!" he giggled.

I moaned as my cock unloaded into Kevin's throat.

"WOW!" I groaned.

"Want seconds?" he asked me.

"What does this tell you?" I replied while shaking my slimy cock in his face.

After showering and grabbing breakfast, we did a quick check on the room to make sure we had all our possessions. The plan was the same as before. Mark would lead, I would be the "caboose" and Kevin would stay between us.

This is it! The last leg of our trip! Mark was more subdued than before but he still chattered enough to take my mind off of Kevin. The scenery also helped to keep me distracted. We soon passed Picacho Peak, a striking summit rising over 3300' right along the Interstate. It was close to the location of an actual Civil War battle! In Arizona, of all places!

The desert provided an outstanding display of Sonoran vegetation, which made for non-stop comments from Mark..

"We'll have to come back down here and look this place over!" he exclaimed.

I liked hearing the upbeat tone of his voice.

"Yeah! And you need to get that truck...!" I laughed.

"Oh I plan to! There's too much here to see and all the neat stuff is off the pavement!" he chirped.

Once past the Peak, I told him to set his radio on 1230 KRIZ. He did and the CB came alive with his voice.

"It's Phoenix! It's Phoenix!" he yelped.

"Yeah! Not much longer!" I told him.

After passing the intersection with Interstate 8, I remembered that the town of Casa Grande was next, then across the Gila River Indian Reservation* and we'd be there!

[ * Remember it's 1974]

Mark was growing more animated with each mile. I couldn't help thinking what must be going through the mind of the boy in the white Dart... After crossing the Reservation, which had some very bleak looking desert land, all of a sudden the skyline for Phoenix popped into view. Mark let out a "YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" that made my radio crackle.

Kevin had told us where to exit when we arrived. We all met at a gas station and while refueling; he suggested following him to the motel.

"It's a small one off the beaten path," he explained.

"None of those two hundred room monstrosities!" I chortled.

"I hate those places! Screaming kids and when someone farts in the next room you can hear it!" he barked.

We all laughed at his correct summation.

Our final motel very similar to the ones we had in Tucson and El Paso. Smaller, with maybe thirty units. All one story. Not right up front to the Interstate or even a very busy street. If I were guessing, and this is not an expert field for me, I would say it might have been built in the early 1950s.

We checked in. Once again, the clerk tried to steer us to a larger room with twin beds but we declined. It was very easy to dodge that because the "upgrade" always cost a little bit more and we played the part of trying to pinch pennies!

The room was very nice. Cold as ice and spotlessly clean. Mark and I dragged in what gear we needed.

I sat down on the bed, which was very comfortable. My mind was spinning like a top...

"It's time," I thought.

The clock had run out... How to say goodbye to ....

"FUCK!" my mind screamed, "WHY???"

Kevin seemed to grasp what I was thinking; he spoke first...

"Now you have the name...the number for Lois Nettles?" he asked.

"Yes!" I replied, "So does Mark!"

She is the realtor who Kevin suggested we contact to find an apartment...

"It will be okay with us calling her...?" I started to ask.

"Of course! That's what she does for a living!"

We all laughed at my question.

"She used to come in to an office supply store where I worked...," he paused, "...worked very briefly before telling the Manager to go fuck himself...!"

Mark and I chuckled at his explanation.

"...She really liked the way I helped her pick out stationery and stuff," he explained.

"We can leave our address with her when we find a place," I suggested, "That and the clerk here said they will keep our new address on file for a couple of weeks."

"That's good because even if you were to have a phone installed TODAY, it usually takes a couple of weeks for the number to show up in Directory Assistance," Kevin replied.

There was a long pause..... I mean, one big enough to sail the Titanic through...

Well all stood up.

Kevin looked at Mark, then me.

"I guess I better go," he said softly.

Mark petted his fluffy hair.

"You're a HELL of a guy!" Mark told him.

"Thank you for...showing me some kindness and...!"

He fell into Mark and I could hear the sniffles.

"Hey! You're very special! You're smart! Funny! Personable! Fun as heck to be with!"

"I just wish I could be better. Like you and Randy!"

"Don't sell yourself short! You're stronger than you think!" Mark cooed in his ear.

Then Kevin turned to me.

"I...lov.....!!" he stopped as I hugged him.

"I know! I know!" I said softly, " I feel exactly the same way! Be true to yourself. Don't let anyone try and run your life! You are a very special guy, Kevin Nelson!"

More sniffles came. We pulled apart.

There was one last exchange of looks before Kevin simply said, "Goodbye;" then he turned and closed the door behind him.

Next: Chapter 12

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