That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on Apr 15, 2022


"That Was Unexpected 10"

Copyright 2022

Note: this prologue may contain spoilers!

This is a period piece (1970s) erotic love story featuring two main characters in their early twenties. Where contextual clarification may be needed, a set of [ ] provides relevant information. The characters are all based on real people but "the names have been changed to protect the innocent." There are real places intermingled with fictitious constructs necessary for the story. Grammarians may notice that I frequently shift the tense. As the story progresses, the writing style may become less "formal" i.e. "correct," and more reflective of the characters living in their era. I do accept responsibility for all typos!

Now about those "anachronisms." Every attempt has been made to keep the story pure and accurate for its time setting. A really difficult type of anachronism is trying to write about the perspective of a nineteen to mid-twenty year old gay male while accurately reflecting the knowledge, language and customs of the era. This information is something not found on the internet!

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From Part 09...

It was then that I wondered if, despite all his sexual encounters, Kevin had actually ever slept with anyone! The bed depressed slightly as he crawled under the covers. The room was ice cold as the air conditioner hummed away.

"Good night!" I whispered to him as I pressed my body into Mark.

His cock slipped between my butt cheeks and we all fell asleep.

I awoke with a start; it must have been around one in the morning. Mark's fat hard prick was gently sliding along my ass crack. That wasn't unusual. It's what I felt in front of me that made my eyes fly wide open.

Kevin's slender frame was pressed against me. My arms gripped his young body as my cock also slipped back and forth between his very tiny butt cheeks.

Out of the darkness, a tiny voice whispered, "Fuck me.... Fuck me please!!!!"

Part 10

My body froze; every nerve tingled with anticipation and my heart felt like it would explode at any minute. Kevin pressed his thin, fragile body into mine as Mark's massive cock slid back and forth along the crevice of my ass.

"Go ahead," Mark whispered to me, "Let's all go for a ride!"

I trembled as he pressed his fat prick into my willing hole.

"OHHHH!!" I moaned as it sank completely into my guts.

There I was, impaled in the rear while listening to the pleas of a cute boy in front of me!

"Please!!" Kevin pleaded, "I've wanted you since I saw you fucking Mark on the pool deck...!"

Hearing him begging for me was what... well...who could resist that? Taking careful aim in the dimly lit room, I lined up my "battering ram" and gave it a gentle push. Kevin's reaction was immediate.


"Big cock?" Mine? The true "big cock" in the room was stuffed in my ass...but who could say "no" to sinking their meat into such a fine, tender young boy? I pushed again. There was an immediate and forceful reaction from Kevin. His young body slammed itself into mine, causing me to bottom out in his fuck hole.

"YEAHHH!!!! NOW FUCK ME HARD!" the boy commanded.

Right away it was obvious: Kevin knew what he wanted! Even though my cock was lodged in his tiny ass, HE began fucking ME! This young boy controlled our motions together. An added dimension came from my ginger stud; every time he thrust his long hard pole into me, that caused me to penetrate the young boy impaled on my aching bone.

Kevin consistently pushed back. Against both of us! My body felt electrified by his movements. He was only the second boy I had ever fucked in my life. I guess every guy wonders how well they perform; I only had Mark to gauge my performance, and while he never complained, I always wondered if I was doing the best I could.

The answers came from Kevin's movements and from his vocalizations. He was loud. And guttural; In a high pitched squeaky voice that seemed like a contradiction in terms. I wondered if Mark was taking notes.....


Hearing praise like that would build any guy's ego, and mine was no exception. I began to violently shove my cock into his tiny young hole. After all, HE wanted it! I was determined to deliver!

Kevin's ass seemed intent on milking my bone dry. It enveloped my fuck stick with a searing warmth that sent spasms of ecstasy through my body. I didn't know if he had pre-lubed his hole beforehand, or if my cock was over-producing on its own, or if my penetration was all the easier because of Roberto's earlier double entry. It was probably a combination of all three; although I have to admit the last possibility really turned me on the most.

The bed squeaked in protest while the three of us filled the room with moans and groans. Mark's performance was over the top; his cock crawled up inside my body to locations I never knew existed. Every long rake of his steely hard shaft over the magic spot inside my butt sent me into spasms of wailing joy.

I think it was Kevin's constant barrage of vocalizations that turned all of us on the most; that and the fact that this wiry, small-framed boy suddenly seemed possessed with a sexual energy that easily matched both of ours. Every thrust by Mark and me was met by a counter response from our new friend. Being in the middle position gave me the best from both guys!

Drool flew from my lips with each of my increasingly loud moans. My eyes were glazed over and sweat poured off my forehead from the relentless pounding by Mark AND the one I was delivering to Kevin.

There was no way this could last, and it didn't! Mark let out a huge groan as I felt his cock swell up inside my guts. Warmth filled my hole as he began emptying his seed; that was all it took for me to do the same with Kevin. I don't think either of us were expecting the boy's response....


I could almost swear that his ass was vacuuming the spunk out of my tool!! I know that isn't possible or doesn't make any sense; but that's how it FELT! Successive "splats" on the floor could be heard as Kevin's throbbing prick fired lobs of watery cum into the darkness of the room.

It only took a few precious moments for all three of us. We remained coupled and motionless on the bed; our hearts beating like a chorus of jack-hammers. The scent of sex overpowered the room.

Kevin spoke first...

"Ho-ld me pl-ease!" his tiny voice squeaked.

I complied as Mark's strong arms gripped my torso.

"I knew...I knew!! Oh fuck yes!! I knew you two....both of you....are you always like this? Are you guys always so good? That...was the best...I mean...I never...No one ever...Oh shit!! did you learn to...I wish I could do it like this over and over...OH FUCK!! OH FUCK!!! OH FUCK!!!! Where have you guys been for all of my life...!!"

The words came pouring out of his mouth in a style that was typically his!

"I think you have it all backwards! You were controlling both of US!" I laughed.

"No! I promise...I wasn't! I felt your big cock tearing me up and it felt so good...I mean...!!!"

"Hell, even I could feel YOU pushing back at both of us!" Mark chuckled, "Where... How did you suddenly get all that strength? It was more than impressive...!"

"Me? Really? Me? You think I was good...?" Kevin chirped.

"You have to be kidding!" I laughed, "You were excellent!"

Kevin purred with contentment.

We remained coupled together. The constant throbbing of Mark's fat hose made my body tingle while Kevin's ass was determined to keep its iron-tight grip around my aching bone.

"I never...I knew...I just knew you'd be something like this," Kevin swooned, "No wonder Mark is nuts about you!"

We both laughed.

"I think there's a lot more between us then just sex...!" I started to explain.

"But he ALWAYS milks my cock dry," Mark giggled.

"Oh!" Kevin said softly.

"What?" I asked.

"I was hoping we could do some more...but I know most guys...they usually need some time to recharge!"

Mark and I broke out laughing.

"What?" Kevin asked.

"Do I feel like I need more time to....?" I started to ask.

"Uhhh!'re...hard as...!" the boy squeaked.

"And ready to go again." I laughed.

"Really? You can do that?" Kevin squeaked.

Mark and I both chuckled.

"Over and over!" I replied.

Kevin's eyes widened.

"I thought I was the only one...or one of...not very many...most guys seem to...I don't know...they aren't interested after they jizz the first time, or they have to wait a long time to do it again...I've only met a few who can...!"

There was a pause before Mark asked, "Are you ready for some more...?"

"EEEEK!" Kevin suddenly squeaked with glee, "YESSSS!!!"

Mark sat up in the bed.

"Come here!" he told Kevin.

The boy crawled over me and positioned himself between us.

"Here!" Mark said softly, "Get up on all fours....!"


I wish the dimness of the room hadn't hidden the expression on Mark's face...

"NO!" Mark replied, "Randy is. I have other plans for you!"

After Kevin moved into position, "He's all yours!" Mark chortled.

Sliding up behind him, I slipped my aching cock into his tiny butt. No lubrication was needed; Kevin was prepped from my previous penetration mind wandered...Roberto's dual "visitations!"

My thrusts began slowly but quickly intensified. Firmly gripping his tiny body, I pulled the slender boy into mine. Just like before, Kevin suddenly became alive. His body seemed to pulsate with sexual energy and oh yeah...his vocalizations filled the room.


There was something so erotic about hearing that tiny little voice commanding me and the sounds of his 9 «" cock repeatedly bouncing off a very taut stomach.

"SLAP MY ASS!!" he barked.

It wasn't a request!

"Go ahead!" Mark laughed.

I timidly complied.


There was no doubt about it; Kevin was controlling everything. His ass muscles were trying to squeeze my cock...attempting to milk the cum right out of my throbbing bone!

Mark slid around to face the very aggressive and highly aroused boy. He grabbed his long fat prick and waved it inches from Kevin's face.

"YOU WANT THIS?" he taunted the boy.

"Yes...PLEASE!!!" came a tiny reply.

"You think you can handle it?" Mark teased him again.


"YOU CAN WHAT?" Mark barked.

"I CAN SUCK YOUR COCK!" the boy begged.



I wondered where the "Sir" came from; Mark caught on right away and played it to the hilt.



" YES' WHAT?" Mark exclaimed.





Kevin grunted as I bottomed out in his ass while delivering a stinging slap to his tiny butt cheeks.

"I PROMISE SIR!!!" he squeaked.

I watched as Mark slid his dripping cock head across Kevin's face. The darkness obscured what I knew was left behind: a long slimy trace of dick juice...

"OPEN UP!" Mark commanded.

He leaned forward and slowly slid his massive organ into Kevin's willing throat.

I looked up and our eyes met...

"OH BABY!" he sighed.

We both leaned forward until our lips met. Mark's tongue forced its way into my mouth as I shoved my cock deep into Kevin's guts.

This wasn't going to take long...I felt my balls churning while Mark began fucking Kevin's face. The boy let out a continuing series of muffled squeaks.

Suddenly Mark broke off our long passionate kiss and arched backwards while thrusting his fat cock into Kevin's mouth. A long, deep moan escaped his lips as he began feeding the boy a huge load of his spunk. That did it for me.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed while slamming my cock into Kevin's ass.

Kevin's muffled squeals continued as his body writhed and convulsed under my savage assault on his tiny butt.

Finally done, the three of us collapsed together on the bed. My turgid cock slipped out of Kevin's dilated hole. Mark leaned back while pulling the boy up next to him.

"You were damned good! In fact, GREAT!" he said while ruffling Kevin's hair and lavishing him with more praise.

"Really?" Kevin squeaked.

"Yes, REALLY!'"

"I felt you cumming in my ass," he said, nodding towards me, "It felt soooooooo good!"

I glanced at Mark in the dim light. I knew we were thinking the same thing; HOW I knew that was a mystery, but....

"Someone didn't get to cum," I said softly.

Kevin's cock was still hard as stone. Jutting out from his thin body, it swayed in the open air.

"That's okay I....!" the boy started to say.

His reply stopped in mid-sentence as I leaned over and deep throated his slimy bone.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" he squeaked, "RAN-DEEEEEEEEEE!"

Mark watched with approval and then very softly said to Kevin, "I bet you've never really kissed a boy!"

"I kissed Clark!" Kevin stammered.

"Not like THIS!" Mark replied.

Leaning in to Kevin's cute, boyish face, their lips met.

At first he resisted; not knowing what to do. Under relentless assault from Mark's tongue, Kevin parted his lips. Once inside the boy's mouth, it was "mission accomplished."

Kevin writhed under our "attack;" Mark's long passionate kiss was icing on the cake. His young body tensed up and he began making little mewling sounds. I swallowed what seemed like quarts of his hot slimy cum. Mark withdrew his tongue so that the boy could vocalize, and he did...


After draining Kevin's balls (for the moment!), we all fell back again on the bed.

"THAT is how you kiss a boy!" Mark chortled.

"For real!" I added.

Kevin was panting like a racehorse.

"I never... I NEVER!" he cried.

Mark and I smiled. We seemed to be making progress; trying to show Kevin there is much more to sex than just the physical act! It was finally time to go to sleep...

"Randy?" a small voice came from the bed.

"Yes," I answered.

"I...I...don't think I want to sleep on the edge of the bed after all...!"

"Where would you like to sleep?" I asked him.

There was a long pause...

"Between you and Mark!" came a timid reply, then he hurriedly added, "I'm sorry... You two are....!"

"It's fine, Kevin, really!" Mark chuckled.

"Come on, then!" I said to Kevin.

The boy climbed over me and settled between us.

"Okay?" I asked him.

"Yes!" came a soft reply.

"Have you ever slept with anyone before?" I queried.

There was another long pause.

"N...N...No!" he squeaked.

"Well then, this will be another first for you!" I assured him.

"Can I cuddle with one of you...?" came another timid query.

The innocence in his voice was so adorable.

"Sure!" I replied.

Another pause...

"Which one...?"

"Either of us!" I laughed.

I heard a sigh of relief.

"What do I do now?" he asked.

"Usually when you go to sleep, the first thing to do is close your eyes!" I hooted.

Mark snickered while Kevin let out a little giggle.

He snuggled up against me. His body felt so warm and soft.

"Ohhhhh! I like this!" he cooed.

"Don't forget me!" Mark laughed.

"Oh I won't, I promise!" Kevin whispered.

"What...if something happens in the night....?" Kevin started to ask.

"If something' does, it will be fun!" I assured him.

Kevin wrapped his arms around me and snuggled up tightly against my body. For being so petite, his embrace was formidable. I felt his cock wedged in my ass crack.

"OHHH!!!!" we both softly moaned.

The bed shifted; I knew Mark had rolled over and was now snuggling up to Kevin!

Nothing really happened overnight; well, I guess that requires a little clarification...Mark sleeps like a bear, so he seldom wakes up...unless it's me nibbling on his always-ready cock. I sleep in small spurts, like maybe two hours at a time. That's why I remembered this...

During the night, I awoke to feel Kevin nestled against me, much like he was when we initially went to sleep. Later he had reversed his position and was cuddled up to Mark. The third time was...well, I felt him nestled against my backside again. His cock was like a steel rod pressing along my ass crack and up the hollow of my back.

The room was quiet except for the hum of the air conditioner; I could hear small moans coming from Kevin. He wasn't humping my ass; he was just moaning. Soft, cute little sounds that fit him perfectly. Then I felt him shudder once, twice, until I lost count. That coincided with a familiar wetness on my back.

He had jizzed himself! Or rather, he jizzed and it sprayed all over my backside. I pretended to be asleep as he rose up, presumably discovering where his voluminous cum shot had landed.

"No! No! No!" his tiny voice cried in a very soft whisper, "Oh Randy! I'm so sorry!"

He carefully got out of bed and soon returned with a towel to try and clean up his mess.

"Please don't wake up!" he sobbed quietly.

I remained perfectly still as he tried to eradicate all of his watery cum. I knew that if I had "awakened" and "caught him," it probably would have been a complete embarrassment and that's the last thing I wanted to do.

It took him a few minutes to gingerly wipe my back dry and then he carefully settled into the same position as before. His cock was still steely-hard as it eased into the cleft of my ass. I thought the incident was not only cute but highly erotic! My cock was about to cut loose; it took all my willpower to contain what probably would have been a tsunami of spunk. The only reason I did restrain myself was because if I HAD shot my load, Kevin probably would have figured out that I knew all along what had happened.

Our new friend needed a real course in confidence building. I didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that!

I awoke to a familiar sensation; well, at first I thought it was but then...I could tell a difference... as I opened my eyes and saw a thatch of blonde hair bobbing up and down on my cock...

"It's about time you got up," Mark hooted.

He was sitting on the bed watching Kevin suck my cock...I mean DEEP THROATING all seven inches with its big fat mushroom head! My eyes started watering and all I could do was moan...

"And good morning to you!" Mark giggled, "You know...Kevin has some really good talents...!"

"AHHHHHHHH!" was all I could say as I felt my load start to rise toward its ultimate release.

"...While you were counting sheep, he vacuumed two loads out of me...!" Mark added.

"DAMN!!!" I cried as my body bucked and thrashed on the bed.

"He won't stop until...," Mark chortled, "...Until he has sucked out every last drop...!"

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried as my cock cut loose.

Kevin swallowed it all without missing a beat...

After not missing any of those "last drops," he let my aching bone slip from between his thick, kissable and quite pouty lips. His impishly cute face beamed at me. All I could do was melt inside...

"Hi!" he chirped.

I pulled him up to me; before he could say a word, I started to kiss him...

"Your cum....!" he protested.

"I KNOW!" I laughed as my tongue entered his warm mouth.

Yeah...I could easily taste myself and that only turned me on even more!

Breaking off from my kiss, I headed South towards his drooling rod.

"I already drank from that tap twice," Mark hooted.

Kevin blushed and then replied, "Three times...!"

"Huh?" Mark grunted.

"I gave you three loads....!" Kevin squeaked as I swallowed his long hard tool.

"OH!" Mark cackled, "You mean when you shot twice in a row...!"

THAT was how the morning started!

"He's better than an alarm clock!" Mark giggled

"I'm an ALARM COCK!" Kevin chirped.

We spent at least another hour pleasuring each other before showering and getting ready for the day.

While Kevin was in the bathroom, I told Mark about what had happened the previous night.

"He doesn't make sense in so many ways! I mean... He sure knows how to make a guy feel good, but he's shy about doing it outdoors...!" Mark said.

"...Unless it's in a park!" I pointed out.

"Yeah! And he's been with so many guys yet...he's so shy... that ridiculousness last night about keeping his body covered up and...!"

"...Locking the bathroom door when he showered!" I added.

"Wait! Did he lock it just now?" Mark wondered.

"Now that you mention it, I don't know...But he says he's never spontaneously jizzed yet last night...!"

"Well Hell! Lying next to you would make ANY boy jizz!" Mark giggled, then he added, "Maybe it was just a wet dream...accelerated by your sexy body....!"

"I don't think so. He sure came a lot!" I said.

"You were really sweet not to embarrass him about it!"

"I just thought...I mean...if you and I had something like that happen it would be funny as hell...but Kevin isn't quite ready for that yet...I think... I KNOW we're the first guys who have ever showed any real interest in him!" I said.

"That is such bullshit too! He's a beautiful guy in so many ways! Cute, sexy, and despite his past experiences,' innocent as Hell, unassuming and he has a great body!"

"I think you'll have to really sell him on that last point!" I said.

"Okay...That's a deal! You know...everything bad about him...wait, I don't mean it like that...I mean the bad's all due least I think his home life...!"

"If you can even call it that!" I barked, "I think he's been more resilient than most guys would ever have been given the crap he's had to face!" I replied.

Mark stared at me for a long time...It seemed like Tulsa was a million years in the past yet it had only five days since we left!

"That's one of the many things I love about you," I said softly.

We embraced, kissed and then I dropped down and sucked Mark's huge fuck stick...

I had just finished when the bathroom door opened and Kevin entered the room.

"Where's your towel?" I asked while laughing.

He stood stark naked in front of both of us.

"I don't need one any more!" he declared.

"So you're over your shyness?"

He blushed and nodded and adorably cute "Yes!"

"My turn!" Mark said as he got up and strutted towards the bathroom. Kevin let out a wolf whistle while ogling the view.

Mark looked over his shoulder and flashed back a cheeky grin.

"See anything you like?"

We all started laughing as Kevin's cock rose up and out from his thin body.

As the bathroom door closed, I started to motion for Kevin to sit down on the bed with me but his mind was already far ahead of my thoughts. His warm body leaned into mine.

"Teach me," he said softly.

I looked at him quizzically.


"OH! You mean spontaneously!"

He shook his head.

"Once you learn how, it's so easy!" I said.

He stared at me but said nothing. I told him how it first happened to me on one of my many road trips.

"The vibration of the car and the road made you cum?" he exclaimed.

"Yeah...well, and it helps to be horny all the time. It's easier when you are wearing jeans or something...I mean then your cock can rub against the denim and...!"

Kevin shifted his position and continued staring at me. His cock was sticking almost straight up. I had to fight from drooling...

"There's some muscle down here," I motioned to my pelvis, "If you learn how to tighten it the right way that helps too!"

"Oh!" he gasped.

"It also helps to think about something that turns you on. In your mind. Imagine it...!"

"OH!...can it be a person?"

"That's perfect!" I replied, "Try to picture this person in your mind...!"

"I can do much better than that," he said in a raspy voice.

His eyes were focused on me; I knew exactly who was driving his thoughts!

"And just concentrate. Try...little thrusts with your pelvis," I said, trying to show him the proper way; or at least the way that worked for me.

It was then that I realized that I was starting to get that familiar feeling in my balls. Kevin's eyes remained focused on me.

"So have this guy pictured in your mind?"

"Y-es!" Kevin's voice cracked.

"And what you'd like to do with him...!"


"Make your thoughts as real as you can!" I suggested.

A trail of clear dick slime was running down the shaft of his long, hard cock.

"''ll...never...get. ..a...chance...because...he...has...such...a...cute...boyfriend...and...but...OHHHH!!!!"

"You might be surprised at what the future holds" I whispered.

His young body trembled. I watched his cock pulsate and expand in length and girth. My head was giddy hearing his admission...

"He...has...such...a...nice...body...and...a...remarkable...cock...and... he' make...him...feel...very...good!" Kevin sighed.

"Do I know this person?" I asked.

His eyes watered as he stared into my soul.


Suddenly his body stiffened up. Those eyes...they drove me crazy!

"OH!!! OHHHHH!!!! RAN-DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Kevin cried as waves of cum starting sailing out of his cock.

That did it for me...I was right behind him, spraying my thick jizz all over the bed (and my body)!

Our hearts were racing as we panted and gasped for breath.

"That's how you spontaneously cum!" I said softly.

"WOWWWW!" he cried while suddenly freezing in place.

I looked over my shoulder; Mark was standing there watching us!

"You should have joined...!" I started to say.

"I'm all fresh and clean! You have to take a shower and you...!" he grinned at Kevin, "What's the point in washing up if you're gonna get all soaked in cum ten minutes later?"

We all started laughing as I headed to the bathroom. While I showered, my mind was processing what Kevin had said. He really wanted me! I somehow thought that Mark was his "favorite," not that he would have turned either of us down... Then a second thought hit me. How long had Mark been standing there? Did he hear Kevin's "confession?"

Our new friend was growing on both of us. I wasn't sure where that would lead or how we would handle it. He seemed so sweet and innocent; what would happen on that day when we all arrived in Phoenix and had to say our goodbyes?

I didn't jack off in the shower. Or spontaneously cum. Or anything. Mark is so good at seeing right through my denials there...but why would I to anyway? Now there are two horny guys waiting to do whatever comes up. Oh boy. What a double entendre there!

After showering, I carefully and quietly opened the bathroom door. For all I knew, Mark might be pounding Kevin's tiny delectable ass...but no...I could hear them talking!

"It must be so neat having a Family that stands up for each other!" Kevin said.

"It is. We've always been very tightly knit," Mark replied.

"That's so funny about your parents having that bet; and it must have been great to have TWO Brothers there to teach you how to defend yourself!"

"I know. They all knew. All along. I was the only one with my head up my ass. My Brothers both kind of discreetly pushed me in that direction...of being able to fight when I have to...!"

"I wish I could! But look at me! Next to you I feel like a twelve year old!" Kevin whined.

"There's more to it than just being strong!"

"But look at all your muscles! How long did that take...?"

"A long time! But it all starts here!"

"In your head?"

"Yes! Standing tall and together with someone you love doesn't require muscles. It requires having a heart. And compassion. And loyalty. And trust!"

"There's none of that in MY family!" Kevin said softly.

"No chance of you and your Brother....?"


"What about your Grandparents?" Mark asked.

"They don't live here; besides, they're very old-fashioned anyway!"

I decided to make my appearance. The first thing I noticed was Kevin staring raptly at Mark. He had been absorbing every word like it was gold!

My ginger stud let out a wolf whistle and Kevin squeaked with glee.

"Look at the sexy guy!" Mark giggled.

"YEAH!" Kevin chirped.

Mark and Kevin were full clothed and facing each other; sitting cross-legged on the bed. My ginger stud was wearing his faded Levis and another cropped T-shirt that made me drool. Kevin was clad in a faded T-shirt and Levis which highlighted all the right options on his petite body.

I quickly slipped into my jeans and a T-shirt. True to form, Kevin's eyes watched me like a hawk. We headed over to the motel's restaurant for a late breakfast; it was just past ten o'clock.

After eating, we piled in Kevin's car to do some desert exploration, something Mark had been wanting to do since he saw his first cactus. We had no idea which direction to go. Geography helped us out a little bit there since everything South of the Rio Grande is in Mexico.

We also opted not to follow Interstate 10 because it limited our ability to stop anywhere and just explore. Northeast of El Paso quickly turned into New Mexico and there was a huge military reservation there; so we ended up going East.

"We're going the way we just came," Mark said.

"No, we're on Highways 62 and 180. We came in on Interstate 10. Besides, there's not much West of El Paso because of the Mexican border," I said.

We drove East for quite a while. Mark was intrigued by the desert vistas so we had to make several stops. He almost blew a fuse when he saw some ocotillo plants up close.

"He gets very excited," Kevin giggled.

I just rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

"Wait until we get into Southern Arizona," our friend added, "There are a ton of ocotillos there and also in Phoenix...!"

"REALLY? Mark exclaimed, "When do we get to see the saguaros?"

"You'll have to wait until we almost get to Tucson," Kevin replied.

"Damn!" Mark huffed.

"Look at it this way," I suggested, "You'll have something to look forward to!"

"Oh this great already! It's just like I knew it would be! Nothing like it anywhere in Oklahoma...!"

"Uhhh...Maybe because we're in the desert?" Kevin chirped.

"Smart ass!" Mark snorted.

"Smart and always ready...!" the boy giggled.

"You're starting to sound a lot like Randy. I might have to fuck both of you!"

"Promises, promises!" I chuckled.

"When are you gonna fuck me?" Kevin squeaked.

Mark looked at me, then turned to reply.

"I don't want to hurt you," he said softly, "Ever!"

"I can take it," the boy boasted.

"Are you sure?"


"What makes you think you can?"

"I can take ten inches!" Kevin boasted.

Mark smiled and shook his head.

"He's bigger than that!" I said.

"So? If I can take ten inches, then I can take yours!" Kevin replied.

"You think so?" Mark smiled, "You've seen my cock. You've sucked it. What's the first thing you notice about it?"

"It's HUGE!" Kevin hooted.


"And fat! Really thick! The thickest and longest cock I've ever seen and...!"

"...And what else?" Mark shot back.

"Uhhhh!!!" Kevin stumbled.

It's a lot thicker at the base than it is at the tip," I said, taking over the conversation, "And it's by no ways thin... anywhere.... When you first feel it enter your hole, it's...well, if you're used to getting fucked...!"

"Like ME!" Kevin chirped.

Mark and I smiled.

"Yeah... At first it probably wouldn't feel that different...until it's about half way in your butt and suddenly you feel like...your ass is being stretched wide open...and then you look at how much there still is to go...!" I said, trying to dissuade Kevin's obvious ambition.

"Oh....!" Kevin replied.

"And even if you can take all of it, that really doesn't mean anything. Wait until Mark starts pumping your hole...back and forth...he's very strong might really...not like it but by then it's too late!" I finished.

"But you can take it!" Kevin protested.

"Not at first. It took me a while and...!"

"But wasn't Mark your first...?"

"Yeah and...!" I started to reply.

"Well then I have an advantage because I've...," Kevin stopped and lowered his head.

His voice suddenly became very quiet as he finished, "...I've been fucked so many times!"

Mark and I saw his attitude change.

"It's okay," Mark said, fluffing Kevin's unruly mop of hair, "Your past doesn't mean anything to us!"

Kevin looked at him with moist eyes.

"I still feel like I'm a whore or something!"

I opted NOT to explain to Kevin that a "whore" gets paid for services performed...

"Come on," Mark said, trying to change the subject, "I saw a sign for some park ahead. We might as well check it out!"

"Yeah! Hueco Tanks State Park!" I said.

Mark put his arm around Kevin as they walked to the car.

"Then you won't....?" the boy said softly.

"We'll see about it.... Maybe!" Mark said, to which Kevin smiled.

"I won't disappoint you! I PROMISE!" he beamed.

I was sure of that. If Kevin could handle Mark's enormous fuck stick, and he performed with him the way he did with me, then my ginger boy was in for the ride of his life!

We reached the Park, found a place to park, and got out of the car. For several miles the highway had been following the Hueco Mountains and the vistas had been amazing. Mark was waxing on about how it was a classic example of the Chihuahuan Desert. He and Kevin seemed engrossed in their own little world...

"This is pretty neat but wait until you get to Arizona," Kevin said, "There are places where the desert is like a forest, full of mesquite, palo verde and acacia trees and tons of cacti...!"

"NEAT!" Mark chirped.

We stopped to read the information signs about the park. It was very new, having only opened a few years ago. At last the meaning of the word "tank" was explained. It obviously wasn't like those in the army, nor was it a big steel container for holding water, although that wasn't too far off.

The word "hueco" meant "hollows," as in depressions for holding water. The park was strewn with huge boulders; I mean massive ones bigger than a warehouse building! It was then that I was first introduced to the word, "pictograph," which is a rock painting made by ancient inhabitants of the area including the Kiowa, Hopi and Pueblo peoples. The pictographs dated back over 10,000 years!

The park was full of them; that was the reason it had been acquired by the State and turned into a protected area. There were trails everywhere; all leading into pretty lush vegetation. It was certainly more so than what we had seen on the drive along Interstate 10 into El Paso.

Most of the cacti were of smaller species and there were also ocotillo plants. Mark and Kevin went meandering along some of the trails while I studied the huge boulder formations that stretched in all directions; as if deposited there by an ancient glacier. That assumption was proven incorrect as I came across another informational sign explaining how around 34 million years ago the area was part of a huge inland sea. Weathering over time carved the huge boulders into their spherical shapes. Well, I guess in 34 million years a lot can change!

"This was worth the trip!" Mark exclaimed.

"No shit! It's GREAT!" I replied, then pausing, "Hey! What happened to Kevin?"

Our friend had suddenly disappeared!

"He was just here a minute ago!" Mark replied.

We headed further down the path until it came to a fork.

"Now what?" I asked.

"PSSST!" a tiny voice called out. To our right, Kevin was peering out at us between some plants and a large boulder formation.

"Come on this way!" he beckoned with a cheeky smile.

We slipped in between the vegetation and squeezed around some large rocks until ending up in a small, depressed open area surrounded by granite walls.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Kevin chirped.

"Yeah! Very private!" I said.

"Private enough for this?" Kevin squeaked as he moved up to face me.

His hands began pawing at my crotch. My cock boned up at nearly the speed of light!

All day we had been distracted by the drive and stopping to look at anything of interest (which from Mark's perspective was almost everything). As a result, there had been no "that's all it takes" "events." I guess the bill was now due on our repressed horniness!

"OHHHH!" I sighed as Kevin dropped to his knees and had my jeans open in about two seconds.

"Look at the size of that!" he whistled before lapping at my oversized cock head.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I moaned some more.

Mark moved next to me and leaned in for a kiss. His tongue quickly dominated mine; I could only mewl and squeak in approval as the two hottest boys in the world began servicing me! Fortunately I had my back against a large rock formation or my knees would have given out as Kevin began slurping on my aching prick.

Mark broke off from our kiss to say, "Talk dirty to him; He likes it!"

So....He had been "taking notes!" Vocalizing was becoming one of his specialties. I was still pretty inexperienced in that "skill." My mind pondered about what to say; I mean...Kevin had been...well...he had sucked lots of cocks and by his own admission, was that "insatiable bottom." I didn't want to use language that would reinforce those past experiences. After all, Mark and I were trying to build up our friend's self-esteem.

I took a shot...

"SUCK MY FAT COCK," I urged him.

Who am I kidding? Mark has the fat cock! It didn't matter; just the words made Kevin grunt and moan.


I could easily see that both Kevin AND Mark were getting really turned on! Mark was pawing at an obscenely long shape in his Levis; a huge wet spot was growing at the tip of a throbbing, powerful monster!



I did; Kevin's body bucked and shuddered. My nuts started to boil.


Kevin instinctively knew what was about to "cum!" I arched backwards while pulling his head towards me as my cock began firing.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

My eyes watered; my mouth drooled; I forced my cock as deep into Kevin's throat as I could.

"DAMN! THIS KID IS GOOD!" I thought as waves of my cum blasted deep into his gullet.

Mark was mewling and completely in heat at the sight of my ecstasy. Kevin could only grunt and squeak little sounds as a flood of thick dick snot invaded his body.

"YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!!" I kept grunting, "DON'T STOP!! KEEP SUCKING MY COCK...!"


Kevin did just that; in record time a second load of my spunk went sailing down his throat. I slowly let my swollen prick slip out from between his lips. He looked up at me with the most beautiful, innocent blue eyes and gave me a huge smile.

I lifted him up with no effort at all; He seemed as light as a feather. My face moved towards his. Our lips were less than an inch apart. I opened my mouth.

He tried to speak but was stopped as my tongue forced its way inside his mouth.

Reaching down with one hand, I felt Kevin's cock. It's size and hardness were... overwhelming... and more than addictive! In fact, his manhood was impossible to resist. All that cock on such a skinny young boy... My knees weakened and in a second it was MY turn to service him!

He tried to protest. I would have none of it.

"I want you!" I panted.

My hands shook as I pawed at the buttons on his jeans. As they popped open, each one sounded like a canon shot firing in the quiet of our space. His long cock sprang into the open air.

"Look at that MONSTER!" Mark panted.

My heart was pounding as I leaned in and opened my mouth. His scent was intoxicating! A teen on the cusp of manhood; all primed and ready! The head of his cock slipped between my lips. It felt velvety smooth but hard as steel. He threw his head back and moaned as inch by inch it disappeared down my throat.


Kevin's body shuddered as I easily ingested the entirety of his tool. He looked down as I looked up. There were tears in his eyes!

"Please make me feel good!" he sobbed.

Who could turn down a plea like that from such an adorable boy? If his response was any indication, I easily succeeded in my task. The spasms of his body and the loud squeaky groans told me I was on target. The pinnacle was feeling that first blast of cum sailing down my throat. That was quickly followed by so many more that I lost count... I was too concentrated on making sure that not one drop of his sweet nectar went to waste!

Slowly the flow of his cum tapered off, yet his cock remained hard like the granite boulders around us. Slowly I began to let his organ slide out of my mouth.

"Please!" he sobbed, "Again?"

This was a dream "cum" true! I disengaged long enough to look up at him and smile.

"Only if you talk dirty to me!" I decreed.

The cheekiest grin crossed his sparkling cute face...

With ease I swallowed his long bone and vacuumed out another massive offering. The experience came with verbal commands from Kevin as my tongue and throat milked his rod for all it could give.

Again we pulled apart. Kevin slumped against the granite boulder as I stood up. The first thing I thought of was my ginger stud; he had watched both of us but no one had taken care of his urgent need.

"Now it's your turn," I told Kevin.

The boy stared at me as I glanced at Mark. Kevin's face broke out into a huge smile.


"Yes!" I replied, pushing him down on all fours. Mark towered over the petite boy as I watched the show begin...

Kevin whimpered in utter delight as he pawed at Mark's Levis. One by one the buttons easily released, allowing him to peel the jeans down like a banana...exposing the real life banana hiding inside the well-worn denim.

His eyes bulged at the huge tube of flesh jutting out from Mark's trim body. A long strand of dick snot dribbled out of a gaping, angry looking piss slit.

"It's so HUGE!" Kevin cried.

"Think you can han-dle it?" Mark croaked as his voice cracked.

"You ARE a lot bigger than ten inches!" the boy exclaimed.

"I told you so!" Mark said with a smile.

Kevin leaned forward and gingerly lapped at the clear liquid bubbling out of the tip. Mark let out a soft groan. Watching this made my cock ache so hard I thought it would break into a million tiny pieces.

I moved around Kevin and dropped down behind him. Mark knew what I had in mind!

"Well?" Mark asked again.

"I can. At least I think I can!" Kevin replied with a tinge of uncertainty.

"No TEETH!" Mark warned, then he smiled, "You don't have to swallow the whole thing to make me cum. I think you'll find it's very easy...!"

It was about now that Kevin realized I was directly behind him.

"What?" he said while looking over his shoulder.

I just grinned at him.

"You're gonna get it from both ends!"

His face lit up like Times Square on New Year's Eve!

"But I left the lotion my car...!"

"You'll have to take it without...!"

He gulped and shuddered.

"Don't worry," I assured him, "I've done this before with Mark. He's even done it to me...!"

"HE PUT THAT HUGE THING IN YOU DRY?" the boy gasped.

"Not actually dry," I told him, "Lots of spit and dick slime. Once I get going, there'll be plenty of lube...!"

Kevin looked at me, then at Mark's dripping, pulsating road, then back to my drooling cock.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to...!"

"I'll try it because you guys want me to...!" he interrupted me.

"NO!" Mark and I both replied, "Do it because YOU want to; not because you think it's expected...If you say No,' we'll just try something else!"

Kevin's eyes again darted back and forth between Mark's fat dripping bone and my "battering ram."

"What's it gonna be?" I asked him.

He said nothing; his body spoke for him by pressing back towards me.

I hocked up a wad of spit and slicked up my cock. Taking aim, I leaned forward and pushed into the tiny ass being offered to me.

Kevin shuddered as I penetrated his hole. Then, in an instant, he came to life...

"FUCK ME!" he commanded.

It wasn't a request; it was a demand!


I thought it was odd how he described himself in the third person.

Mark dragged his leaking fuck stick across Kevin's face, leaving a trail of slime on the boy's cheek.


The change in Kevin's demeanor was amazing. From quiet and meek to ultra-aggressive.... He was quickly controlling both of our actions.

"You wanted it...!" Mark started to say, but before he could finish, Kevin had ingested almost half of his raging cock.

"OH BABY!" Mark exclaimed as our eyes met, "FUCK THIS LITTLE STUD THE WAY HE WANTS IT!"

I didn't need any persuasion; but Kevin was still determined to control the show. His ass gripped my cock as I sank it in all the way.

"OHHH DAMN!" I cried as he pushed his petite butt backwards into me.

Mark and I continued staring at each other.

"This boy knows what he wants!" I panted.

"YEAHHHH!" Mark cried as Kevin began servicing his huge tool.

Rather than trying to deep throat all of Mark's rod, he began earnestly servicing the half or so lodged in his throat.

"HOLY FUCK!!!" Mark growled as he felt Kevin's tongue working over his enormous tool.

It was too much for both of us; I leaned forward and our mouths met in a long passionate kiss. Kevin tried to squeal but with almost six fat inches of Mark's cock in his mouth, all he could do was make short little grunts.

Mark's tongue was fucking my throat as I slammed my cock into Kevin's ass. It almost felt like his tiny butt was gripping my tool and trying to milk out a load of jizz.

I separated from my ginger stud as he stretched up and shoved his pelvis forward. Kevin tried, and succeeded, in sucking in few more of inches of Mark's prime meat.

Free from his embrace, I also arched my body backwards while my hands grasped his tiny hips. That's when I remembered....

"SLAP!!!" echoed over and over as I pummeled Kevin's tiny butt cheeks with one hand, then another.

The boy squealed and bucked, but being impaled at both ends limited his range of motion. I felt my balls churning; the time was near...

Mark beat me to it as he screamed, "CUMMING!!!!!"

My body shook as I unloaded into Kevin's ass while Mark gripped his head with both hands and launched torrent after torrent of his very thick white jizz down the boy's throat.

As we disengaged, Kevin looked up at us with tears in his eyes. A river of cum was pouring out of his dilated hole...

"Did I do okay?" he said quietly.

The ultra-aggressive Kevin was gone; instantly replaced by the meek, timid version...the rapidity of his mood change was amazing!

"Of course you did!" Mark said as he ruffled the boy's hair.

I glanced down at Kevin; Mark instantly saw the same thing...

The boy's cock was jutting out from his delicate body. It bobbed and weaved while slinging dick snot in the open air.

"We can't have that!" Mark said softly as he dropped down and quickly brought the tender boy to a shattering orgasm...

It was getting late as we stuffed our swollen pricks into undersized, tight jeans and headed back to the car. As we left Hueco Tanks State Park, our conversation was all about what we had seen while visiting; no mention was made of what we had done!

Mark did say one thing that stuck in my mind; I knew he was already trying to make some kind of a future plan...

"If I wanna see the desert and really get out and explore things, my car has to go!"

"You'd get rid of the Challenger?" I exclaimed.

"Sure. Why not? It's okay for some place like Oklahoma, but look at this place! All the little roads and stuff...You need a truck to go down those and...!"

"OH! OH! There are a lot of trucks in Phoenix! Everyone has one!" Kevin interrupted.

"What kind of trucks?" I asked.

"Oh just Fords and Chevies and stuff...!"

"With four wheel drive?" Mark inquired.

"Oh heck yeah! If you really want to go somewhere and not get stuck...!"

"Then that's what I'm gonna get!" Mark declared.

"After we get an apartment and jobs!" I added.

He just looked at me and rolled his big sparkling green eyes.

The drive back to El Paso would take about forty minutes or so. Once on the blacktop, vibration from the road surface brought back a familiar memory (and feeling). I glanced over at Mark; our eyes met and I followed his gaze down to...a big smile crossed my face...He is ALWAYS so horny! A HUGE shape was obvious in his faded jeans. I reached over to touch it; he grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"I have an idea!" he whispered.

He began wiggling in the seat; slowly sliding down his Levis. I KNEW where this was heading...

There was a soft "slap" as his big fat cock leaped into freedom and hit his stomach. Damn! Every time I see Mark's prick, it takes my breath away. Pulsating. Throbbing. Drooling. My eyes watered at the sight...

"Game?" he whispered.

I nodded.

Our movements quickly caught Kevin's attention!

"What's going on back there?" he chirped.

"Keep your eyes on the road, young man!" Mark barked.

I snickered.

"Yeah I know but what...?"

"Randy and I are going to fuck," Mark laughed.

"In the... In my... car?" Kevin squeaked.

"Yeah...So just be sure you don't speed; you'd look pretty funny trying to explain to a highway patrolman what two guys are doing in the back of your car!" Mark hooted.

"And keep your eyes on the road!" I giggled.

"There might be a tube of lotion under the seat," the boy squeaked.

"I don't think we'll need it but...," Mark started to say.

"Here it is!" I said.

"Good! That will make things a lot slicker!"

Mark started lathering up his fat cock as I quickly wiggled out of my Levis. He looked into my eyes and...I fell under his spell. There was nothing more that I wanted!

Turning around to face him, Mark slouched down enough to let me straddle his hips.

Facing him, I lifted my body upwards and lowered myself down on his fat prick. As he slid inside me, I cooed in ecstasy. Our lips met as our bodies pressed together. Slowly he began to fuck my hungry boy hole.

Kevin kept trying to sneak looks at us. Mark had to constantly remind him to watch the road...

I rode Mark all the way to the edge of El Paso...I don't know how many loads he emptied into me but it was like...being in heaven! My stomach was sticky from the multiple cum shots he fucked out of my aching balls.

Then there was poor Kevin... I had to suppress laughing...relegated to driving what was now a "rolling fuck wagon;" all he could do was try and sneak peeks while twisting and squirming in his seat. I took that to mean our horny friend had probably shot a few spontaneous loads in time with us.

Mark's skilled tapping of my eager asshole was complimented by dips in the road and the roughness of the pavement. Eventually, though, El Paso loomed on the horizon and I had to uncouple from his fat cock. Stuffing ourselves back inside jeans that were a bit on the small side was no easy job, especially when we were still sporting boners. Then there was the cum that had been injected into my ass...

We pulled into the motel parking lot. Mark and I hopped out and headed towards our room. Kevin seemed reluctant about joining us.

"What...Are you gonna sleep in your car?" I taunted him.

He shot me a very weak grin...

Once we were all inside, it took just one look at him and we broke out in riotous laughter. The entire right leg of his jeans was stained from above the knee down to about mid-calf.

"Looks like someone lost control!" I hooted as he turned beet red.

Well I had to sit there while both of you were fucking like rabbits!" he yelped.

"My jackrabbit!'" Mark giggled, which required an explanation.

The first order of business was to shower, and then we planned to head out for dinner. Kevin went first. This time he didn't lock the bathroom door, and he stripped out of his clothes right in from of us. Mark rewarded his display of confidence with wolf whistles and catcalls.

"Look at the sexy boy!" he whooped, "With a nice fat cock and a cute little ass...!"

"TIGHT ass!" I added, which made Kevin turn scarlet...but he smiled... and gave that tiny little butt a shake as he sauntered to the bathroom.

While he was showering, Mark and I had a chance to talk...

"He's coming out of his shell!" I said.

"He sure is! He's one high powered sexy boy!"

"Someone on our level!" I chuckled.

"Maybe even above us!" Mark added.

I thought about his observation; Kevin was indeed a sexual live wire. That didn't bother me. There was something else on my mind...

"What happens when we get to Phoenix?" I asked him.

It wasn't the first time that subject had come up.

"Well... I guess he'll go home and...!" Mark stammered, then he stopped.

I could sense a sadness in his voice.

"He's grown on you, hasn't he?"

Mark nodded.

"I know. Me too!"

We really didn't have to say anything else. Kevin was the first boy we had allowed into our intimate life. There was no competition. No jealousy. We enjoyed him and I think he craved our attention and affection. Maybe because he had never received any before. That would all be ending when we arrived in Phoenix. Mark and I would have each other; but Kevin would be cut loose like a piece of driftwood. It was actually worse than that since he would be returning to his home - if it could be called that.

"But...," Mark added, "He'll be okay! He's stronger than he thinks...!"

"Do you really think he will... I mean...!"

Mark thought for a moment.

"I have to think that way! There's no other choice!"

"I wonder," I reflected, "I just think... after being with us and then having to go to that hell he calls home,' won't he just end up returning to his... old' ways?'"

"You mean parks and lots of easy sex?" he asked.

"Yeah. And being a bottom' because some selfish asshole, or assholes, have convinced him that's all he's good for!" I barked.

"You really do like him too, don't you?"

Yeah... I guess so. More than I thought. I mean...both of us...all three of us...even like the same things!"

Which was very true. Kevin and Mark both liked science fiction and westerns. Just like me. We all liked the same music; mainly top 40...although Mark likes a lot of the progressive rock. If Kevin had been a fan of country and western...Well, that would have been a hard sell for me!

[Progressive rock is a broad genre of rock music that developed in the United Kingdom and United States throughout the mid-to late 1960s, peaking in the early 1970s.]

Kevin was more sensitive and reserved. Mark was all action; at least when he needed to be. But he had his delicate side too. Something I was privileged to have seen...

"There is one thing we could do," Mark said, "Something he really wants!"

"You mean you!'" I laughed.

He blushed.

"Yeah. I guess he is all obsessed with me!"

"It's not obsessed,' it's your natural magnetism!" I said softly.

"My what?"

"Don't tell me you aren't aware of it!"

"Aware of what?"

"How you draw...attract people of both's something I see more and more...your personality, your body, everything about you! I bet you could turn any so-called straight' boy gay in a minute!"

"Uhhhh!" he blushed, "I don't think that's how it works...!"

"I bet you could have even charmed that prick Timothy right out of his skin tight jeans!" I hooted.

" Timothy?' That obnoxious asshole from ATCO?" Mark chortled, "In case you don't remember, he was always bragging about all his conquests,' and I'm pretty sure they weren't guys! Anyway, he's 1500 miles away now!"

"You must have forgotten what you said!" I reminded him.


"That most guys talk is just!"

"I tell you what! The next really cute straight boy we meet, I'll test your idea out and...!"

"Oh no! I don't need any more competition!" I yelped.

" Competition?' You don't mean Kevin?"

I must have been blushing beet red. Mark caught it right away.

"He's adorable and very sexy...!"

"OVER-sexy!" I chortled.

"Yeah, he is kind of high speed... but he's not you!" Mark said as he ruffled my hair, "Anyway, we kind of went astray...!"

"About Kevin?"

Yeah. I think we should give him what he wants. Or never has had!"

"Well... I've already...!" I started to reply.

"I know that!" Mark laughed, "But let him top' us and see how he...!"

"Both of us?" I laughed.

"Sure. Why not!" he replied.

"He really wants you to fuck him!"

"I know. And I'd like to but...I don't ever want to hurt him! He's so small! Can you imagine my cock inside of his little body?"

"The first time I saw your big fat hose, I couldn't imagine it inside of MY body!" I hooted.

Mark smiled.

"We've already done almost everything else with him...I just want him to see, to maybe discover, if he has really been missing something!"

I thought for a moment...

"Okay! I mean, you're right! Anyway, I've fucked him so he should be able to fuck me. That's only fair... Just that...if you fuck him...don't hurt...!"

"NEVER! I would stop in a second if I thought he were in pain!"

"Yeah but... COULD you REALLY stop once you got started?"

"I...Uhh...Well...Yeah...I'd have to...But I just want to build his confi.....!"

As Mark was speaking, the bathroom door swung open and Kevin came strutting out. Not timidly creeping or tiptoeing, but strutting and stark naked while towel drying his hair.

"I'm done! Who's next? Or are you guys just gonna sit there and stare at my BIG COCK!" he giggled.

To emphasize the latter, he grabbed his hefty, soft prick, which was just slightly smaller than mine when I'm fully boned, and twirled it like a propeller!

"What was the word you were trying to say? Confidence?'" I snickered.

Mark sat there transfixed by the picture of a beautiful, proud boy full of himself...

"Uhhh!" he stammered.

"You see something you like?" Kevin squeaked.

His transformation from the day before was more than astounding!

"I'll go first. You two guys can...!" I said, giving them both a cheeky smile.

After showering, I had no idea what to expect upon reentering the room. For all I knew, Mark might be drilling Kevin's insatiable hole...or...possibly just the opposite! But no...there they were, lying on the bed together with the TV playing in the background. Apparently Kevin had also vanquished his reluctance to snuggle during the daylight hours.

Mark was engrossed in telling Kevin about the rigors of farm life. The boy was rapt with attention, listening to every word my ginger stud said...

The funniest thing about the two of them was that Mark still had his clothes on while Kevin was sporting nothing but his birthday suit; and not even a boner! I did have to lick my lips at the sight of his creamy white, smooth young body. His cock was nestled in an unruly thatch of pubes; otherwise, save for some armpit hairs and his thick blonde mop, he was hairless. That wasn't too odd because both Mark and I were almost identical except for a light dusting of hair on our calves and arms.

"Ummm...I hate to break up the story hour but...!"

"Oh yeah!" Mark exclaimed as he jumped up and began shedding his clothes.

His long floppy cock and signature crop of ginger pubes was mouth-watering all by itself. Kevin's eyes tracked Mark like a hawk as he glided into the bathroom (which gave both of us a perfect "rear end view").

"He's gorgeous!" Kevin croaked, "You are the luckiest guy in the world!"

"I know that all too well; I still don't know how I managed it!" I said as I started to get dressed.

"I better change my jeans!" Kevin giggled, "These are still damp!"

"Yeah...after dinner maybe we can do a quick load of laundry. Not that there's much but at least everything will be clean," I said.

"Clean...for a little while!" Kevin cackled.

While we dressed, he brought up something I had been avoiding...

"When I get back home and all the shit settles down, I think I'll call Clark."

"Oh.........Good idea," I said slowly.

"I figure my time at home will be limited. Either Mom and Dad will kick me out, or I won't be able to stand it any more. Especially with my asshole Brother!"

"Yeah... I guess that makes sense...but you don't have any job...!"

"I can always find something plus I have that money saved up. It would be better than living in...!"

He seemed to be searching for the correct word or words to describe his home.

"How about Hell?'" I laughed.

He broke out in laughter as well.

"You guys have been so great to me!" he said.

"You're a lot of fun to be around," I said, "And we really do LIKE you!"

Then came the longest pause...more than a immense silence in the room before he started to say something...which never happened because Mark made his entrance from the bathroom.

Copying Kevin's style, he was also drying his hair with one hand while wagging his cock with the other. And it is SUCH a HUGE cock! Even when it's soft! Next to mine, it made me feel like a little boy!

After dressing, we headed out for dinner. This time it was an all you can eat buffet, mainly because of Kevin.

"I'm hungry!" he kept saying.

It was a different restaurant than before; and from the appearance of the parking lot, was quite busy. Kevin took off like a rocket to the serving area. Mark and I watched his bubbling enthusiasm and energy level.

"What will he be like after he refuels?'" Mark laughed.

"I have a feeling we'll be finding out!" I replied.

Kevin carefully and quite artistically stacked food on his plate.

"You can have seconds or even thirds!" I chuckled as he balanced several pieces of chicken on top of some baked fish.

"I know! I know! I just want to make sure and get what I want before they run out! OH! OH! Look! Crab salad and LOOK at those rolls!"

I just shook my head and smiled...

We talked about our pending morning departure for Tucson...well, Mark and I talked. Kevin just grunted while rapidly consuming every scrap of food on his plate.

"How can you eat so much and not gain any weight?" I asked.

" So much?' This is only my first helping!" he chirped, "And I don't understand the weight thing. My body looks like a toothpick. Maybe all the food goes to my cock!"

Mark choked and turned beet red when he heard Kevin's observation.

"I...!" was all I could manage to stammer.

"Maybe that's why Mark's cock is so big! He eats a lot and...!"

Mark and I were both trying not to break out in laughter.

"Gotta go get some more," Kevin chirped as he rose from the table and glided back to the serving area.

"He's one little fireball!" I said to Mark.

"Now that he's here...and not saddled with the prospect of a life he didn't want to live!"

"Yeah! That was so...!" I searched for the correct word or words.

"Barbaric and cruel!" Mark said, almost spitting out the words.

"Yeah... Kevin is so...!"

"He's...physically very fragile. But he's kind and gentile. And full of curiosity," Mark observed.

He was right. Kevin is indeed different from all the other guys I had ever met. Not pretentious and full of braggadocio like so many his age. Sensitive and caring. Carefree and spontaneous. Very intelligent and with a quick wit. He is not effeminate in any manner, which is something that would have turned me off really quickly. No, our new friend is extremely unique. And just different enough that I could see how he could easily be picked on by "the pack," meaning those among his peers who are very close in origin to their primate ancestors...

Kevin quickly returned all smiles and with another full plate of food.

"Did you see the strawberry shortcake?" he bubbled, "I gotta get some of that after I'm through here!"

"Well..from the looks of it, that may be a while! Damn, Kevin! Did you leave some food for anyone else?" Mark chortled.

There was no reply; he was too busy gobbling on an ear of corn.

"It's like a big cock with kernels!" he said between bites.

Mark almost choked again...

Sooner than it seemed possible, Kevin was ready for thirds.

"Maybe I'll get some more too," I said.

"You better! You're being out-eaten by a nineteen year old!" Mark giggled.

"A cute and sexy nineteen year old," Kevin chirped as he ran his tongue around his pouty, inviting lips.

"Okay then; let's all go!" Mark replied.

Kevin was at it again, artistically stacking his plate full of food while I ogled his petite, slender body and still trying to figure out where all that food went...

"Young man, the restaurant rules expressly prohibit hoarding food!" an unknown voice barked.

I turned to see an older woman with a stern frown emblazoned on her wrinkled face. Instantly I was reminded of Mrs. Evans, a teacher from way back in the fourth grade.

"Who's hoarding? I'm eating it all!" Kevin chirped, "OH! LOOK! New meat loaf and potatoes! YUM!"

I couldn't help smiling...

"Yeah... what's the problem?" Mark asked.

"I've seen this boy up at the serving line four times and...!"

"Three!" Kevin chirped, "Can't you count?"

"Young man, you're very rude! Are your parents here?" the woman asked.

"I don't have any parents," Kevin interrupted, "Do you want to adopt me? I'm not much of a bother and I'm housebroken too!!"

Mark and I just stood there in shock as the feisty side of our friend emerged...

"Why certainly not, young man, I have two grown sons of my own...!"

"How old are they?" Kevin chirped.

"One is thirty-two and the other is thirty....!" she paused and then stopped her answer.

"Oh....! That's pretty old! But maybe...Do they like boys?" Kevin interrupted.

"He's nineteen...!" I said, trying to defuse whatever was going on.

"Well he certainly doesn't ACT his age," the woman complained.

"Why should I want to grow up?" Kevin shot back, "There's no fun in that! OH LOOK! Fresh shrimp!"

Mark snickered while I just gave the woman a wilting look.

"Do you work here, Ma'am?" I asked.

"No. But there are plenty of hungry people to feed and...!"

"So what? We paid our way in. The sign says All you can eat.' Kevin likes to eat. He has a very high energy level and...!"

"YEAH!" Kevin interrupted my response, "See... I'm gonna have sex with these guys tonight...all night long...and I need a lot of energy... cause there's two of them and...OH LOOK! Chicken drumsticks...! If there's one thing I know, it's how to suck all the meat off a drumstick; right down to the bone! MMMMMMM!!!"

"WELL!" the lady huffed as she stormed off, "I'll talk to the manager about this!"

[The 1970s version of a "Karen!"]

Back at our table we were all laughing to the point of tears over Kevin's antics.

"Sucking the meat off of a drumstick?" I said while trying to control myself.

"Well...She was meddling and...!" Kevin started to explain.

"Yeah...I wonder what her problem is?" I mused.

"She's so old...Maybe she never gets any more COCK!" Kevin chirped.

Once again we all broke out in laughter.

"Maybe you could pose for her," I said to Kevin.

"EEEEEKKK!" the boy squealed as he downed a mouthful of shrimp.

Well...Whatever her problem is, I think we're about to find out," Mark said.

We all turned to see a restaurant employee headed our way...

"Good evening, gentlemen!" she said.

We all nodded and smiled.

"I hope you are finding everything satisfactory!"

"Yes! Everything is perfect!" I replied.

"The food is really tasty!" Kevin squeaked.

"The reason for my visit is to apologize for the behavior of one of our guests...She's a regular patron here but...she can be rather intrusive at times...!"

Mark snickered at her comment.

"Actually, she's getting on in years matter...I'm just here to make sure your dining experience hasn't been spoiled...!"

We all nodded "No."

"...And to offer you some recompense for the disturbance...," she explained while pulling some papers out of her apron, "Please accept these coupons for a free meal the next time you dine with us...!"

"Gee, thanks!" I said, "But unfortunately we're just visiting here on our way to Arizona...!"

"Oh really! What part of Arizona?" she asked.

"Probably Phoenix. We're going to Tucson tomorrow and then on from there," I explained.

"Oh...Phoenix is such a nice place...but it does get hot in the summer! Well then, in that case...I will notify the cashier to make an adjustment to your bill. And thank you for dining with us!"

As she walked away from our table we all started chattering.

"She couldn't keep her eyes off of you," Kevin needled Mark, "And did you see the size of her...her...!"

"Breasts?" Mark giggled as Kevin turned beet red, "Yeah, I saw them alright!"

"Don't tell me you're thinking of trying out a girl...!" I heckled my ginger stud.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" he exclaimed, "She doesn't have a pole! And too many holes!"

Kevin almost sprayed a mouthful of mashed potatoes over all three of us...

"Well I guess we should thank you!" I said to Kevin while repeating his earlier words, " Do you want to adopt me and I'm housebroken too!!'"

Mark started laughing again as Kevin suddenly turned very quiet.

"I wish someone would adopt me," he said softly.

Mark and I stared at each other; I was kicking myself for what I had said!

All the way back to our room, I kept pondering his sudden attitude change.

"Last night in El Paso!" I said as Mark flopped out on the bed.

Kevin was fiddling with the television. Mark's eyes met mine; he gave me a slight nod...

"There's nothing decent to watch!" Kevin whined as he flipped through the channels.

Moving up behind him I said, "That's okay!"

He turned to face me. Leaning close, I gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"It's time to try something new," I whispered to him.

His adorable face reflected complete confusion.

"Huh?" he grunted.

"Time for you to try something you've never done before in your life!"

His eyes widened as my meaning became clear.

Quickly flipping off the televison he chirped, "Guess we don't need this!"

I guided him to the bed where Mark was still sprawled out. His clothed body was the ultimate, erotic picture of perfection...

Turning to Kevin, I whispered in his ear, "Undress me!"

His body trembled as I gently took his hands and placed them on my waist.

"First start with my shirt!" I said softly.

Kevin's eyes looked uncertain. I knew he needed some assistance. My mind kept asking "how could you have been with so many guys and yet be afraid to take the first step?" Clasping his slender long fingers, we both lifted up my T-shirt and slipped it over my head.

Holding my shirt in his hand, the look on his face displayed more confusion.

"Just drop it," I said softly.

Then I lifted up his shirt and did the same.

"Now the jeans!" I cooed in his ear.

He seemed to warm up just a bit; tugging at the buttons and popping them open one at a time. When Mark and I did this, it was always a quick yank which popped all the buttons in one motion...

"Good!" I said as I raised one leg then another, letting my jeans fall to the floor.

Standing naked in front of Kevin, I did the same to him. We kicked off our shoes and socks as I pulled him onto the bed. Mark scooted off one corner and landed in a chair. I pressed my body into Kevin; he gasped and trembled some more.

It occurred to me that he probably knew nothing about all the things two guys could do with one another.

"He has no idea that the entire body is one big erogenous toy! No one has ever taken the time to show him!" I thought.

"Here!" I said as I began nibbling on his left ear lobe.

Kevin gasped and made small mewling sounds as I worked my way down to his nipples, then his chest, and then to a very flat stomach. My "journey" finally ended with tasting the head of his cock; which was bouncing and swaying and felt as hard as titanium steel.

"OHHHH!!!" he cried.

I had to be careful lest this whole experience go the "wrong" way, with me fucking him again. That was something more than appealing, but this time, right now, Kevin was going to "top" another guy for the first time in his young life.

"How do you want to do me?" I asked him.

"Huh? You mean...?"

"Yes, Baby, This is going to be your first time to...!"

"But...But...what if I'm not good enough...?"

"Then try it again. I know you can do that...!"

"But...But...I still might mess up...!"

"Then you can always try it on me!" Mark giggled.

Kevin's eyes darted to him and then back to me.

"Are you sure...I don't want to mess things up with you guys...!"

"Don't worry about it, Kev!" I said softly.

It was the first time I called him that; upon hearing it, he seemed to loosen up.

" Kev!'" He said softly, repeating the name over again, "That sounds!"

"You ARE sexy, Kev! One hell of a sexy guy!" I whispered in his ear, " do you want to try it...!"

He seemed so uncertain. I knew his past history had to be replete with doing it every possible way...

"Here!" I said softly while rolling over and positioning myself on all fours.

It made sense to me because that was exactly how I had taken his tight, alluring hole.

"Like a doggy," he said softly.

"What?" I asked.

He moved up behind me.

"I...Can...I...can fuck you like doggies do...?"

I had to suppress laughing, but hearing his tiny voice describing the position turned me on so much...

Mark tossed a tube of lotion on the bed.

"Go ahead, Kev...You know what to do; you've done it many times before...only now you're in charge! You're the top' tonight!" I whispered.

He fumbled with the tube, squeezed out some liquid, then tossed the container aside.

"Just slip right up behind me and...!"

"OKAY!" he squeaked.

I felt his slippery rod slide around in my ass crack before he found "home." Then he entered me... Stars flashed in my eyes as Kevin shoved all 9 «" of his nineteen year old cock into my hole. No finessing. No inch at a time. All at once until his soft warm body bottomed out against my butt.

"UMMMPFFF!!!!" I grunted.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he cried as his cock began pumping my ass.

"Kev likes it!" Mark hooted.

When Kevin heard the shortened version of his name again, he positively became electrified.

"YEAHHH!!! KEV IS FUCKING RANDY'S HOLE!" he squeaked, again in the third person.

His strokes were short but very powerful, hard and fast.

"Use all of your cock!" Mark said.

"W-hat?" Kevin gasped.

"You have a nice LONG cock; drive it all the way in, then out and then back in!!"


Immediately I felt the change; his throbbing rod slid back and forth over the spot in my ass that drove me wild. My body began to shudder with his increasingly aggressive actions. Then came the I had done to him! Light at first, then harder on the sides of my butt.


All I could do was moan...and not for long because suddenly my head was being yanked upwards to face Mark's fat hose staring in my face! It was exactly how Kevin and I had fucked the day before except we had reversed positions!

"Open wide!" Mark commanded.

I did. His cock slid down my throat. Kevin caught on right away and leaned forward to kiss Mark. They tongue fucked each other while I was being taken from both ends!

Needless to say, none of us lasted very long. Kevin and Mark broke apart and arched their bodies upwards.

"Ready?" Mark croaked.

"YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Kevin squeaked, "I'M GON-NA PUMP RAN-DEEE FULL OF CUM!"

He did. They both did. Kevin howled like a wolf while Mark let out a low animalistic groan. His slimy dick juice slid down into my gullet while my ass was flooded with a huge load of hot boy spunk.

"RAN-DEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kevin screamed, "OH FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! I NEVER KNEW......!!!"

It didn't end there! Mark did let his cock slip out of my mouth, but my ass remained impaled on Kevin's rod.

"What do I do?" the boy squeaked.

"Go for a double cum! I know you can do it!" Mark exclaimed.

That's exactly what Kevin did...Very rapidly and with more animation than the first time! His vocalizations were louder and unending, echoing in the room. It must have been sensory overload for Mark because he quickly dragged his fat prick across my face, leaving behind another trail of cock slime. My lips parted and I swallowed his tool again...

After our second "round" had ended, the three of us were sprawled out on the bed while trying to catch our breath.

"Well?" I asked Kevin.

His blue eyes darted from me to Mark and then back again.

"Did I do okay?" he squeaked.

"You were great!" I said while ruffling his hair, "But did you like it?"

"I'm not sure! Could we try it again?" he asked with a sheepish grin...

Mark and I just smiled.

I have to say that what followed had to be the...well...there I was, with my legs resting on his thin shoulders as Kevin drilled my ass. At first I wasn't sure he could manage the logistics of fucking in this position, but I was completely wrong!

Maybe it was the most popular way he had been fucked before. I don't know; but suddenly this very petite boy seemed to have a mountain of resilience and strength as he gripped my legs while pounding my hole.

After we finished, Mark tossed me a towel.

"You made a fucking mess!" he barked.

"YEAH!! WE made a mess fucking!" Kevin broke out laughing, "You guys are FANTASTIC!"

"Well...Did you like it? It sure seems like you did!" I chuckled.

"Maybe we could...," Kevin looked at both of us and grinned.

Mark and I exchanged glances. I was thinking of the word "insatiable" as Mark softly uttered say-tier," which made me break out in uncontrolled laughter.

"I have to wash off some of this...!" I started to say.

"...Your CUM! I FUCKED IT RIGHT OUT OF YOUR BALLS!!" Kevin hooted.

After wiping the jizz off of my chest, I reentered the room and found Kevin and Mark facing each other and sitting cross-legged on the bed. Nothing unusual there...what made me laugh was what I heard from Kevin...

"...he taught me to do it like this," the boy said...while leaning forward and easily swallowing most of his cock.

"Damn!" Mark moaned, "That's so hot!"

Kevin released his cock and sat upright while flashing me a big cheeky grin.

"Well... All cleaned up?" Mark snickered, "I don't know why because...!"

"You'll just end up getting cum soaked again!" Kevin giggled.

I rolled my eyes at both of them.

"It shouldn't surprise me that you suck your own cock," I said to Kevin.

"Sure!" he chirped, "Doesn't every boy?"

I blushed because that was something I had never done. Make that "tried" because I don't think my...well...Maybe a couple of extra inches would have helped...

"I've never done it!" I confessed.

"REALLY?" Kevin cackled.

"You damn well better not or I'll be out of a job!" Mark groused; then we all laughed.

Then he turned to Kevin, "This is how I like to do it!"

Twisting one leg at a time behind his arm and over each shoulder, Mark assumed the "pretzel" position...which made my cock start leaking like a faucet. Kevin's eyes bugged out of his head as my ginger boy's ass was thoroughly exposed while his big cock flopped down in front of his face.

"!" the boy stammered.

"It's pretty neat! I can swallow my own jizz while Randy fucks me!" Mark explained.

His voice suddenly had an urgent sound to it...his glance turned to me...then back to Kevin...

"See anything that turns you on?"

Mark moved so that his exposed hole was facing our friend. The boy's eyes stared at the sight that seemed to be beckoning to him...

"I...I...!" Kevin stammered as his eyes did their darting thing between Mark and me...

"Go ahead," I said softly, "We want you to try...!"

"But Mark is yours!" Kevin squeaked.

"And Randy is mine," Mark interjected, "And you're our friend. So we're more than happy to let you do anything you want to either of us!"

"But...But...what if I'm not that good or mess up or...!"

"Well," I interrupted him, "IF that's the case, then you'll just have to keep trying until you're satisfied...!"

Kevin took a moment to digest what I said, then he smiled, "REALLY? I mean, what if it takes a bunch of times?"

Mark and I just smiled...

Watching Kevin mount Mark and begin hammering his asshole turned me on so much I almost shot my load in the first fifteen seconds. This time his strokes were much longer. Still hard and fast, but utilizing the complete length of his very impressive 9 «" cock.

Mark cooed was in ecstasy while Kevin pounded his butt. The sounds of his moans and Kevin's non-stop electrified vocalizations filled our room.


Kevin's little squeaks and moans came in faster spurts, as did his savagely fierce thrusts deep into Mark's ass. Sweat dripped off his forehead and I could easily see that Mark was moving right along with him, ready to explode at any moment.

"AHHHH!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Kevin squealed.

I knew what was happening...Mark gulped over and over as Kevin's slender body tightened up as he uncontrollably bucked and thrashed.

Slowly they both wound down. The only sounds in the room were the air conditioner and their rapid-fire breathing. Kevin remained coupled to Mark, while my ginger boy let his cock slip from between his thick, kissable lips.

"Well?" he asked the boy.

Kevin looked at him, then at me, and then back to Mark...

"I'm not sure...Maybe I should try know...I just want to...!"

Mark and I started laughing...and Kevin got his wish...More, in fact, than he bargained for as I slid behind him and we did a chain fuck....

"Again?" was a word heard several times before we finally fell asleep together.

The last words I heard before falling asleep were, "This is GREAT! I get to cuddle with BOTH of you!!"

The next morning we showered, made love, ate breakfast and prepared to head for Tucson. I wondered about that "making love" part. Certainly that was how Mark and I saw it. What about Kevin? Can you make love with one boy and at the same time have sex with another? Did Kevin love me? Or Mark? Or were we just good friends? And then there is the really big question: Am I in love with Kevin? Okay, more "big questions:" Can one boy love two boys at the same time? The more I thought about it, the more confusing it all became. Then there is Mark... How does HE feel? Not about me; but about Kevin. I know Kevin is absolutely infatuated with him. Except "infatuated" really isn't the right word because it suggests something temporary.

It's like a circle. Kevin adores Mark. "Infatuated?" How about "idolizes?" Mark is everything Kevin wishes he could be. I mean, they're both almost the same height but Mark exudes confidence, strength, and if he carried himself differently, some might say with a certain cockiness. Except he isn't cocky. Well, he has a HUGE "cocky," but that's a different issue. It's his low-keyed, smooth and easy going personality that makes him so...adorable.

Yet everyone says Mark adores ME! Mom saw it; so did Mark's brothers. And Kevin too! Just what exactly he adores about me I never have figured out. I love him and he loves me. That's not changing at all.

So back to Kevin. We haven't known him very long, but his bubbly personality makes him easy to figure out. Maybe Mark and I are just infatuated with HIM! No...I don't think that's right. I listened to Mark coaching Kevin when we had sex; it was something so cute! Giving our new friend little cues and advice about how to do something he had never experienced. FUCK! The more I think about this, the more confused I get!

Maybe Kevin is like a small wounded animal; like a little bird that's suffered some kind of injury or trauma. Damn! Living in his Family would surely qualify for that! Along we come, especially Mark, and nurse him back to health. Ready to set the little bird free. In just a few days...After Tucson comes a two hour drive to Phoenix and then he has to be released to fly away and face...My body shivers at the thought of him going back home.

FUCK! I need to clear my brain...

While Kevin showered, I asked Mark, "What happens when we need know, that's all it takes!'"

He looked at me with a big toothy grin.

"Do you think Kevin would object to that...?"

I just laughed and shook my head.

The plan was for Mark to lead our convoy. Kevin would be in the middle and I would be the last car. Since he had no CB radio, it would be the best way to keep track of him. If he wanted or needed to stop, then he could drop back to my vehicle and signal by flashing his headlights.

Just like that, we were off... Heading Northward on Interstate 10 towards Las Cruces, New Mexico, before the road turned West towards Arizona. Outside of El Paso, there was a sign for Tucson, 310 miles...

"That's a long drive!" Mark moaned over the CB.

"Yeah but at least it will be interesting. Not ugly like most of Texas. And we have Kevin now too!"

"Yeah! A real say-tier!'" he giggled.

"Without horns, hooves or the body of a goat!" I giggled while that word "insatiable" popped into my mind again.

The drive to Las Cruces was only forty-five miles, which was an easy trip. There we filled the cars up with gas and the plan was to drive all the way to Wilcox, Arizona before refueling again.

Las Cruces was very interesting. Very pretty but small.

"Lots of people retire here and it has a big University too," Kevin explained, then he added, "REMEMBER that New Mexico and Arizona have fucking highway patrol all over the place! They give out tickets like they are candy!"

We agreed to keep the speed at fifty-five; certainly no higher than sixty miles per hour unless we came across a convoy of trucks and then it's like the "safety in numbers" thing.

Southern New Mexico was pretty desolate. Not like Texas; the scenery was passable but why would anyone live there? Las Cruces to Deming took a little over an hour. There were miles of creosote, sagebrush, some ocotillos and other small cacti. All of which kept Mark chattering like a jaybird.

After Deming came Lordsburg; another sixty mile or so distant. Why are all these little inconsequential towns spaced out every sixty miles? There was nothing of interest to see there as we passed the town's three exits on the Interstate.

It wasn't too long after Lordsburg disappeared in our rearview mirrors when Mark started babbling incessantly.

"It's right up ahead!" he exclaimed over and over.

"What?" I kept trying to ask, but kept getting "stepped on" when he and I both transmitted at the same time.

The "over" protocol seemed to have disappeared as Mark kept talking and talking...and talking! Then it hit! A loud "YIPEEEEEEEEEEEE!" I knew what set him off...

"ARIZONA!" he screeched, over-modulating his radio transmission, "We're THERE!"

I laughed to myself. We still had 130 miles to go before arriving in Tucson...

" That's all it takes!'" he chirped.

There were some words I hadn't heard since our long voyage from Abilene to El Paso.


"There's a rest area at the state line!"

"Is that a good place to....!" I stopped transmitting.

"We'll just have to be careful and fast!" he chirped.

I knew that "fast" was a given...

"Okay! Drop back and I'll close in on Kevin so he'll figure out we're stopping!" I suggested.

Soon we had all pulled off at the rest area.

"WE'RE HERE!" Mark exclaimed to both of us.

I rolled my eyes at Kevin.

"I keep telling him we still have 130 miles to go before we get to Tucson!"

"Yeah but it will really start getting more interesting now!" Kevin said.

"When will we see some saguaro cactus?" Mark asked.

"They'll start showing up very soon...I mean one here and one there...but we have to go all the way past Benson before then...PRESTO! All of a sudden, like crossing some invisible line, there will be TONS of them!"

Mark looked around; the rest stop was empty. There was a restroom, vending machines and water.

"I have to pee!" Mark said.

"Me too!" I added.

"Yeah!" Kevin squeaked.

We all headed into the facility. There were only two urinals and two stalls so I ended up in a stall. That's when I saw it...A large hole bored through the partition! My mind flashed back to that cold winter night in Tulsa...

I sat down and peered through the hole. Kevin was fishing out his floppy bone. I listened to the sound of his piss hitting the porcelain surface. My cock sprang up to full mast.

"DAMN! He pisses like Mark!" I thought as it seemed to go on and on and on...

Not knowing what to do, I stuck my finger through the hole. That did the trick!

I heard him giggle and call to Mark, "Hey look!"

"Go for it!" my ginger boy hooted.

Kevin's floppy soft bone pressed through the hole. I opened my mouth and felt his cock start to very quickly inflate. Cute little groans came from the other side of the plywood divider. I immediately put my best cock sucking skills to work. Kevin's hands gripped the top of the partition as he thrust his body against the barrier.

"OH! OH!! OH!!!" he squeaked.

It took him about three minutes to feed me a huge hot load of his tasty boy cream...

"Your turn," he said to Mark.

A familiar cock barely fit though the hole. I went to work...It was a labor of love! While I was vacuuming Mark's rod, the partition door opened. Kevin slid in with me and began servicing my aching rod!

"OH BABY!" Mark cried.

All I could do was grunt and make muffled sounds as his cock quickly coated my throat with his thick jizz. I gripped Kevin's head and fired off multiple rounds of hot dick juice into the boy's eager and quite willing mouth.

"DAMN!" I moaned over and over...

We all (tried) to stuff our swollen tools back into our jeans and then left the restroom.

"THAT WAS FUN!" Kevin squeaked.

It was then that I told him about our "that's all it takes" breaks and how they started way back at Abilene. He laughed his ass off hearing how we took so many stops along the way that it made our trip double in time!

Wilcox, Arizona came next. The scenery was really changing; there were more mountains and more desert vegetation. Mark was in high gear as we approached Benson, Arizona. Vail was just a few miles down the Interstate; the desert was starting to look like it had in all those many books I found scattered all over our apartment back in Tulsa.

"Vail is just ahead," Mark chirped over the radio.

I wasn't really prepared for what came next...


He was right. I remembered it from my vacation trip to Los Angeles. It's funny how people think of a place like Arizona, and cactus, and assume they're everywhere. It's very deceiving. Arizona is a big state. It and new Mexico are like fifth and sixth in size; I can never keep them straight...anyway, that means forty five other states are smaller... Gee..And I'm not even a math whiz! The saguaro cactus only grow in the Sonoran Desert, and that's exactly where we are!

It took a lot of persuasion to convince Mark not to stop for the Eastern exit of the Saguaro National Monument.

[The Monument officially became a National Park in 1994.]

"Remember, Kevin said the Monument has two sections; the other is right next to Tucson!" I kept telling him.

I guess he heard me; All I got from him was many exclamations of "Look at THAT!" Over and over... I wish Kevin could have heard Mark's enthusiasm...

Then...there it was: Tucson. All of a sudden the city just seemed to pop out of thin air! We had made it; a significant part of our trip was over. Oklahoma was long gone. So were Texas and New Mexico. I knew we were close to finding a new home!

I tried not to think about...just 120 miles down the road, Kevin would have to leave us forever...

Next: Chapter 11

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