That Was Then This Is Now

By Joseph Hungary

Published on Mar 8, 2008


Disclaimer- The following is a fictional story. Any names or likenesses of any names or personalities are completely coincidental. The story consist of teens and young adults having all kinds of sex. If reading this crap is illegal in your area or if you are under aged (sucks for you), or if you take offense of this type of nature, then please go away. Otherwise, enjoy.

Note- The story is about a group of unlikely friends and their senior year. It also jumps back and forth from the past and the present. The dashed lines represent the separation between the years.

Chapter 1- Going Back

Then (5 years ago)

Blair Johnson was thinking about the party last night as he drove to school. The Last Night party is a party, mainly for the higher classmen, where they all get together and have one final night of celebration as the summer ends. It's one of those rare occasions, because the kids at his school normally didn't do stuff as a whole. Blair attended a small high school. Only a few hundred or so. They were pretty much divided into 3 groups:

1.) The Elite. The Populars. The Rich and Famous. These were the jocks and cheerleaders. The student body council. The ones who walked down the halls acting like they own everything. Although, most of their families actually did own parts of the town and the school. They were the ones who looked down upon everyone else. They had parties in hotels and the school parking lot was practically full of their cars and trucks. They were suck ups to the teachers and passed every class, although they were stupid as shit.

2.) The Outcasts. The Stoners. They hardly had any money, so they spent every day after school at Burger King. And when they did have money, they'd use it on, well, drugs of course. Their wardrobe consists of mostly dark clothing. They died their hair black and most of the time wore make up, but not always. They lived their lives differently every day and didn't give a shit about who thought what about them. They had their parties in the woods or in the cornfield. They didn't care about grades or any of that because school was for people who planned ahead., thought about college. But these guys liked to think about the now. And finally

3.) The Extras. The rest of the school who weren't ridiculously rich, nor were they poor. They weren't always completely sober, but they weren't showing up to school wasted every single day. The had some after school activities, but they weren't stressing out about them all the damn time. These were the Middle Children. Blair and his friends belonged in this group.

The Last Night Party was held on neutral ground. A few acres into the woods was a lake. That's where the Last Night Party was always held at every year. Blair couldn't help but keep thinking about it. It's his senior year, and he wouldn't have a party like that again.

He got out of his truck and locked it after he parked it in the student parking lot. As he got out, he saw his best friends Teddy and Taylor standing next to the flag pole. Arguing again as usual.

"Hey guys." Blair said as he approached them.

"Whoa, hey. You okay?" Taylor asked him after looking into his eyes.

"No. Major hangover." he said with a grim smile. "Noticeable?" he asked.

"No." she lied.

"Totally." Teddy said laughing a little. Taylor slapped his shoulder a little. "What I do now?" he asked her. She just shook her head. Blair couldn't help but stare at Taylor Griffan a little bit. Although they've been friends since, pretty much forever, he couldn't help but get excited when he saw her. He also noticed her new hair. She had always kept it dark, but this summer she died it a bleach blond, and left some dark under it. It really made her blue eyes pop out.

The bell finally rang and it snapped Blair out of his trans. It was time for homeroom, so Blair said bye and that he'd meet up with his friends later as they took off in other directions.

Bryan kept looking across at Rachael McFarley, trying not to make it so obvious that he was still into her. Except her dark-red hair kept covering the majority of her face, so he couldn't see anything. But on the plus side, she couldn't see him. So it kinda worked out. She, like everyone else, looked extremely tired. Bryan and her didn't leave the party until about 4, which was only a few hours ago.

Homeroom was only a half-hour today. They had to cram in all eight classes today, rather than the usual four: periods 1-4 one day, the next day would be periods 5-8. After Mr. Summers passed out their schedules, it was time to go.

"Hey, what classes you got?" Bryan asked Rachel as casual as possible. She looked down at the pink sheet of paper.

"Um, well my first two classes are free periods. You?" she asked back.

"Actually, I have a free period right now too. Wanna do something?"

"Sure." she nodded "I really need a coffee right now." she groaned.

"Alright, let's go down to Burger King." Bryan suggested. Burger King was basically the best place to go. It was about a 10 minute walk and two minute drive from the school. Plus they were really cheap.

They made there way down the stairs and outside to the student parking lot. They crossed the parking lot and to Bryan's old red Jeep Wrangler. A few minutes later, they were at BK. They parked the car and got out and headed inside. That's when they saw Austin Rayes and Stephanie Brown grabbing their order at the counter. It was weird seeing them again.

"Oh hey! You guys too?" Stephanie asked them. She too looked tired, but her voice was just as chirpy and upbeat as ever. Bryan and Rachel just nodded their heads and smiled as Stephanie and Austin passed them and headed out the doors.

"God she's annoying." Rachel said as she rolled her eyes and her fake smile faded off her face. She was annoying, but Bryan had to admit, she's one of the nicer popular kids compared to the others. Her boyfriend, Austin, was hitting on everyone last night. Including the guys.

Bryan and Rachel ordered their breakfast and coffee and sat down to eat their food. They had to be quick though. All classes were shortened today, so they were all about 30 minutes. After they finished eating, they got back in the jeep and headed towards the school.

"Oh YES!" Rachel suddenly screamed as they were walking in the student parking lot back to the school. Bryan turned to face her and he noticed she was looking down at her schedule again.

"What? What is it?"

"Check it out. I have Summers again this hour." She said excitedly. James Summers was not only their homeroom teacher, but he also taught math. Rachel had him for Algebra 2. "God, he is so HOT!" she explained excitedly. Bryan laughed a little as he rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm surprised they weren't stoned" Austin joked as they sat in the Senior Quad. Stephanie hit him with her big-ass purse. "Ow, what?!" he laughed.

"Stop being mean. They're actually really nice." Stephanie said.

"Who, those freaks?" Brittney Rizzo chimed in. "Yeah, I'm sure they were. That over-dyed-fake-red-head looks like a witch. With her leather jacket and skirt and hundreds of necklaces and piercings. And I honestly don't get that Bryan kid. I mean, he has money like us. But he would rather live with his broke ass dad and hang out with those losers." she said before she sipped her coffee. Britney was like the Queen of their little group, meaning she was the Queen of the school. And she always spoke her mind.

Austin was tired as hell, and the double shot coffee he was drinking was not helping him at all.

"You okay?" Stephanie asked him.

"Yeah. I'm just really out of it today. Who the hell has the party of the year the day before school?" he groaned as he slammed his head down.

"So are you going to practice today after school?" Eric Dean asked. Eric was Austin's best friend and Brittney's boyfriend. Britney was Stephanie's best friend. The four of them were like the inner circle of the In Crowd. Two cheerleaders, the Quarter Back and the Wide Reciever. And since Austin was the WR, he had to show up to practice today. The first game of the season was this weekend. He groaned even more at this.

"Damn. I'm so glad this day is finally over. I just want to sleep." Blair said as he drove back home after school was over. "But after that, we should do something." he suggested.

"I can't, I'm still working for another few weeks." Teddy said. Teddy worked as a life guard all summer at the Community Pool. It wasn't bad actually. Just sit up there with your sunglasses and make sure nobody drowns. Pretty much.

"Well, I'm not doing anything right now, if you want to?" Taylor said smiling at Blair. "But I can't stay for too long. I gotta get to the library."

"You still volunteer there? Why?"

"It looks good on college apps."

A few minutes later, they arrived at the pool and dropped Teddy off. Then they turned back around and headed to Blair's place. They pulled up into the drive way and parked the car to get out and headed inside Blair's place. Taylor headed up the stairs to Blair's bedroom while Blair followed behind. When Blair walked through his door way, he saw Taylor pulling her jeans off and throwing it aside. He just stared and watched as she started to undress. The next to go was her shirt, her bra, then her panties. Before he knew it, Taylor was standing in front of him bare naked. She put her hands on her hips as she stared back at him.

"Well? Are you going to get naked or what?" She said as she placed herself on his bed. Blair just nodded as he started pulling his shirt off over his head and making his way to his bed. He then threw the shirt aside and leaned forward to start kissing Taylor. Their lips met and he slowly started pushing his tongue into her mouth. As they kissed, Taylor unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans down along with his boxers.

Taylor broke the kiss and adjusted herself and Blair's bed so that she was lying down now. She was hinting to Blair that she was ready to be eatin out. Blair got on his knees and position hiself so that his face was looking directly at Taylor's shaved, tight pussy. Blair stuck his tongue out and started flicking her clit with his tongue lightly. As time went on, he went deeper into her pussy and licked her up. He then inserted two fingers into her pussy and started pushing them in and out of her. His fingers were warm and moist as he fingered her faster and faster. He continued to lick her pussy as he fingered her. By now, Taylor was already screaming in pleasure. It was a good thing that his parents weren't home. A few minutes later, Taylor had to stop him after she came.

"God, I forgot how good you were." She said panting. "See, that's why we can't do this at my place, because my brother would probably get home and hear me screaming." she laughed a little. "Alright, your turn. I'm sure this wont take long." She crawled over to Blair and picked up his 7" erection which was throbbing in her hand. She slowly started pumping him as precum leaked out of the head. His head was a nice, dark red mushroom sized. She leaned forward to put her mouth on it and started sucking on it slowly. Blair closed his eyes and leaned his head back as Taylor bobbed her head up and down his cock. He placed his hands on her head as she started going faster and faster. Within minutes, he could feel himself getting ready to cum.

"Alright, I'm gonna cum." he gasped. The second before the first shot of cum squirted out of his cock, Taylor pulled out and started pumping his cock in her hands and aimed it towards his chest. That first shot hit Blair right in the face, while the rest of his load landed on his chest. He could feel the hot, salty mess on his abbs. He opened his eyes to see Taylor getting off the bed. She simply shrugged.

"Sorry. You know I don't do cum." she said as she started grabbing her clothes.

"Yeah, but why do you gotta be a tease like that. I mean, pulling off at the very last second?" Blair joked as he continued to lay on his bed. Taylor just rolled her eyes as she finished putting her clothes on.

"Bye Blair." She said laughing as she left his room. Blair heard her go down the stairs and out the front door while he just layed in bed. He couldn't stop thinking about this girl, and every so often, they would have oral, but it was only 'casual' sex as far as Taylor was conserned.

Blair layed in bed, then decided he needed to get the cum off of him. So he took his finger and whiped it on his face, cleaning all the cum off of it. He looked down at his finger at the white mess and looked at it curiously. Without even thinking, he stuck his fingers in his mouth and sucked on his own cum. As soon as he did, he almost wished he didn't and started coughing. It tasted like over salted clam juice.

"Hmm, good thing I'm not gay."

Now that school started up again, the pools closed at eight, rather than the usual midnight. It was only open for another couple of weeks, then they drain it.

Teddy headded to the shower section after the pool was closed and took off his trunks. He stood under the shower head to allow the warm water to hit his body. It calmed and soothed him. His eyes were closed for a while as he started lathering up his body. That's when he heard the echoe of a door closing. He opened his eyes to look around to see Trevor Anderson. The cute life guard. He was older than Teddy. He graduated a few months, but is still stuck in this hell of a town for a few months before he goes off to Basic Training for the Air Force.

"Hey Teddy." he nodded to him as he made his way over to the shower head next to Teddy.

"Hey Trev." Teddy said. He watched as Trevor started taking off his trunks slowly before pulling them off and to the side. Trevor reached over for the soap and started lathering up. He always buzzed his head, so he didn't have much hair. He would be done with his shower soon. Teddy on the other hand, couldn't stop staring at Trevor. His eyes averted to Trevor's dangling cock. It was a good 6" from what Teddy could tell. He must've been obvious about staring.

"Hey, wanna touch it?" Trevor asked, laughing a little. Teddy, too, tried laughing it off.

"Whatever man." he said looking away and finishing up his shower. But now Teddy could see through the corner of his eye that Trevor kept looking at him. He just tried ignoring him. That's when Trevor turned off his shower and started stepping into Teddy's.

"Come on. I see you looking at me every day." he said smiling. Teddy looked up at him into his baby blue eyes which stood out against his blond hair. He had a crooked grin on his face as his hands went down to start playing with his own dick. Teddy once again just laughed it off.

"Yeah right man. Come on." he said. Teddy has realized that he was gay for years. Since maybe 6th grade. But he has never told anyone. Not even his sister. He just wants to wait a while. And blowing Trevor Anderson probably isn't the best way to keep his homosexuality a secret.

"It's okay." Trevor encouraged. "I'm gay too. And I won't tell anyone. I promise." Teddy shook his head.

"I. I can't."

"Why? You don't believe me?" he asked. With every word, he stepped closer and closer to him.

"No. It's just. There's someone else." he lied.

"Oh." Trevor said backing down a little. "Well, alright. No big deal. I'll just. I'll just see you tomorrow, 'kay?" he said turning around with a towel around his waist and his clothes in his hand and walking out. Now Teddy felt incredibly stupid and guilty. He did like Trevor, but he couldn't risk it getting out. But he felt really bad for lying. Teddy knew that there wasn't someone else. He's majorly in love with Blair, but he was straight. And Teddy was his best friend. Teddy just has to try and move on.

Except it hurt too much.


"Hey, Blair!" He heard his name being called. He turned around and noticed it came from the cute blond at the end of the bar. He dropped what he was doing and made his way down to the other end of the bar and flashed a smile. "Can you give me a 3-Way?" she asked very innocent like. Blair just smiled as he reached behind the counter and started pulling out the pineapple juice and OJ. He reached over to grab the vodka and Malibu rum and started mixing her drink.

"Here, Jesse." He said as he gave her drink to her.

"Thanks Blair." She said as she started drinking. Blair liked his job. It was easy. He was good at it. Plus he got to flirt with the girls all night. Everyone liked him here. He'd been working here for so long and he was doing so good at it that he got to know the regulars who came in. He was glad he took the job as bartender when they opened this night club up.

A few hours later, his shift was over. He stayed after the club closed up for the day and helped clean up. When they were done, he waved bye to the other employees and left. The sun was just rising as he got in his car and headed back to his apartment. He made good money tonight. He knew that one day his flirting would payoff. As he drove back to his place he passed the San Diego Harbor, like he did every morning. He was glad he moved down here. It was just the perfect life style for him.

Before he went back to his apartment, he stopped by at McDonald's to grab a breakfast. He hadn't eaten since eight the night before. He went through drive-thru to pick up the food and ate it on the drive back.

The drive was only about twenty minutes. His apartment was up on the second floor. When he got in, he noticed his roommate, Adam Adler, was already awake and cooking breakfast. Adam normally woke up this early every morning. He was one of those weird people who liked to get in a good work-out early in the morning. One of those people Blair never understood. He couldn't figure out why they didn't just hit the gym in the afternoon like Blair.

"Yo, dude? Didn't get me anything?" Adam joked as he was placing scrambled eggs and ham onto his bagel.

"Oh, damn. Sorry dude, forgot about you." he said sarcastically as he sat at the counter and finished eating his food, and Adam slapped him playfully with the dishtowel. When Blair was done eating, he needed to get to sleep. "Alright, I'm hitting the bed." He said as he closed the door to his room. He took off his shirt and through it in the hamper. He then unbuckled his belt and pulled the jeans off, also throwing them in the hamper. He basically just collapsed onto his bed in just his underwear. He would take a shower later, before he went to work. He was just too tired right now. He was sleeping within minutes.

It felt as if his head just hit the pillow, when he was suddenly awoken. His eyes shut open and looked down to see someone underneath his sheets. His boxer-briefs were off. He could feel the warmth and moisture of someone's mouth performing on his cock. He reached out to grab a hold of the sheet to pull it aside. That's when he saw the dark brown hair that belonged to Adam. He was the one giving Blair the wonderful blowjob. As soon as Blair pulled the sheets off, Adam looked up at him with those piercing blue eyes. He then gave Blair a seductive grin really quickly before his juicy lips once again covered Blair's cock. Blair just leaned his head back down and closed his eyes as his roommate continued to suck on his dick.

"God, I'm cumming." He said heavily. Adam either didn't seem to notice, or didn't care. Then Blair started shooting load after load of thick, hot cum down Adam's throat. Adam took it like a man and swallowed every drop. When he was finished licking Blair's cock clean, he smiled up at him and got up. "What was that for?" Blair asked, opening his eyes to look into Adam's. He simply shrugged. "I don't know. I just miss you." He said smiling. Then he leaned in to kiss Blair passionately. Blair could taste his own cum in Adam's mouth. He absolutely loved the taste and wanted Adam's juice in his mouth now. He broke the kiss and got in between Adam's legs to take his dick in his mouth. Blair didn't waste any time by playing games with Adam like he usually did. He worked on his cock vigorously, bobbing his head up and down so fast. He was sucking on that thing as if it were a sugar cane. His work paid off, because it didn't take long for Adam to start cumming into Blair's mouth. Blair got excited and started gulping down Adam's man juice. He loved the salt/sweet taste it left in his mouth. When Adam had finished cumming, Blair traveled back up to him to plant a huge kiss on his lips. After a few minutes of intimate kissing, Adam finally broke the kiss.

"Alright, I need to start my work out. And you need your sleep." He said smiling as he got up and started getting his work-out clothes on. "I'll see you later." He called out to Blair, who just nodded his head. He was sleeping again within minutes. His alarm went off at one in the afternoon. He hit the buzzer and got up and started getting ready. But as he started getting dressed, his phone rang. He looked down, but didn't recognize the number, so he just ignored it. But they called again a few minutes later. After screening that call, the person decided to leave a message.

"Blair, it's me. Why the hell aren't you answering you're phone? Where are you?" the voice sounded very familiar, but it also sounded panicky. "Call me back immediately. It's important. He. He's dead." That was the only thing the voice mail said. It didn't say who it was or who died. But right now, Blair was panicking. He quickly called the number back to find out what the hell was going on.

After Austin Rayes got his phone call, he dropped everything he was doing and grabbed some stuff to throw into a bag. He needed to get back as soon as possible. He needed to go to his hometown in Pennsylvania. It wasn't too far away, he was currently in NYC. He got in his Escalade and drove as fast as he could to JFK Airport.

"Dial: Work" Austin said after pressing the button on his steering wheel which allowed him to make calls via his car.

"RJ's Steak House and Fine Wine." Someone said as they answered the phone.

"Hey, Mike. Listen, I can't come into work today." He said with a lump in his throat. Mike must've noticed something was wrong.

"Yeah, sure. But, what's up?" he asked with concern. Austin tried fighting the tears, but they just started streaming down his face uncontrollably.

"A very close friend of mine just died. I need to go back to PA. I probably won't be back in the City for a while." He said stuttering. By now, he was crying uncontrollably.

Next: Chapter 2

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