That Shameful Night

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Apr 15, 2005


This story has been written after I was requested to finish the Shameful Night with the investigation and arrest of the perpetrators. I hope you enjoy it. The tale is fiction but could happen in real life, there is no sex in this tale I hope that doesn't upset you my readers.

Please let me know if you enjoy this tale at or all emails gratefully received and answered except flames, which are extinguished on receipt.

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Shameful Night, the Epilogue...............................justjames17

Kelvin recuperated slowly but surely, the scars of the brutal vicious beating meted out to him in the park two months ago marred his previously handsome face and Greek God like body. His broken limbs had healed but the mental scars lingered he was prone to breaking out in tears for no valid reason, if I tried to hug or cuddle him he shrank away from me shivering uncontrolled. I was devastated I tried everything to prove my love for him and my care to help him recuperate, physically he was improving but mentally there was little or no change, Kelvin was terrified of being touched.

I wracked my brain and approached the doctors who told me it would take time and that Kelvin had received counselling for some time after he was admitted to the hospital and he hadn't improved much at all. They suggested maybe a psychiatrist might be needed to help the lad sort out his fears, I knew a gay psychiatrist and I rang him. He asked me to bring Kelvin to see him next day; he made time available in his very busy agenda. I drove Kelvin to the city and escorted him through the crowded footpaths to the office, he went through into the office and I stayed in the waiting room reading the paper.

An hour passed and the door opened Kelvin came out and sat down, my friend called me into his office he sat me down and told me that Kelvin was mentally a wreck his trust had been completely shattered and unfortunately he would need time and many visits to sort out his problems. I told him I would pay the costs and if he could help me help Kelvin I would be eternally grateful. Trevor, the psychiatrist, gave me a hug and said, "It is going to take time but eventually I'm sure we will triumph and he will return to the boy you knew before this terrible occurrence." He looked into my eyes and smiled saying, "I can see the hurt, worry and determination in you, we will succeed, have you done anything about bringing the perpetrators to justice?"

I shook my head saying, "I doubt much can be done, I'm pretty sure it was the Police. I saw a Divisional van enter the Park as I drove away. Unfortunately Kelvin has no memory of the actual attack or so he says."

Trevor rubbed his chin thoughtfully then looked up saying, "I have a friend in the force he is a Superintendent at headquarters, I believe he is the head of Internal Affairs. Would you like me to see what he suggests?" I nodded and replied, "Thanks Trevor I would love to see the animals who did this jailed." He nodded and told me he'd ring his friend latter in the day. Trevor then told me possibly hypnotism may release Kelvin's memory of that awful night, but not yet he would wait until the lad had more sessions and he knew more about him.

I walked out to the waiting room where Kelvin sat quietly hunched up in the corner, I thanked the receptionist and we left the building. I drove Kelvin to the beach where we sat quietly watching the waters lapping the shore; I had the radio in the car playing softly in the background. I turned to Kelvin and asked him how he had got on with Trevor, he shrugged his shoulders and said ok and that was that. We climbed from the car and walked in the warm autumn sunshine along the Esplanade, skaters whizzed past us and people walking dogs meandered along enjoying the fresh air. I noticed Kelvin walked on my left nearest to the bluestone seawall thus he had me between him and the people passing us, we turned about after walking a couple of kilometres he immediately moved between me and the wall again. It really was pitiful to see a once outgoing young man terrified of people and cringing away from them.

We reached the car and I unlocked the passenger door opening it for Kelvin who almost leapt into the car and pulled the door closed. I walked to the driver's door and climbed in, we drove back to my flat and went inside, I made a cup of tea and put some biscuits on the tray taking them into the lounge room and placing them on the coffee table. Kelvin took a sip and sat back into the comfortable cushions of the lounge, I sat opposite him in a recliner and studied him closely. His expression was blank as he sipped his tea, there was no life in his face or eyes it was as if he was an automaton or a zombie, I wondered how I could penetrate the wall he had built around his emotions. I hurt deeply and desolate at his seemingly uncaring attitude, it was as if I had ceased to exist on that shameful night.

I was sitting there disconsolately wondering just how to carry on if Kelvin didn't recover when the phone trilled next to me on the side table; I reached over and picked up the handset answering it. I didn't recognise the man's voice then he introduced himself it was Trevor's friend Superintendent Howard, he introduced himself as Brian and asked when we could see him so that he could begin an investigation into Kelvin's bashing. I said whenever you are available we can meet at any time, there was a brief silence then he asked if he could pop around this evening, he told me he didn't want to discuss the affair at his office due to the many ears and eyes around the headquarters building. I asked if he would like to come for dinner and he happily accepted my invitation saying he would arrive at about 630 pm. I thanked him and hung up, I told Kelvin what was going on and he just stared at me stone faced then shrugged his shoulders.

I went to the kitchen and began preparing a nice steak dinner for when Brian arrived, Kelvin sauntered in to help with preparing the vegetables and he hardly spoke a word except to tell me that he didn't remember much of the incident. I told him it was ok and he may eventually remember everything with Trevor's help as the sessions went ahead. Everything was ready and we watched the 6 o'clock news, there was a report of the bashing a gay guy in the same park last night but this time the lad, only 17, had died from his horrific injuries. He had been viciously beaten then sodomized by at least two men and left lying there bleeding profusely with a jagged branch forced up his rectum. Police were supposedly dumbfounded that it had happened and were appealing for any witnesses to come forward. I doubted too many would come forward as the witnesses would most likely be gay guys doing the beat in the area, who wouldn't want to be identified on police files. They presented a photo of the boy, he was young very attractive and innocent looking, he possibly might not even have been gay but he'd paid the price for walking through the park after dark. The report went on to list quite a few mysterious bashings and deaths in the area and a couple along the banks of the river nearby, there seemed to be too many for just random attacks it looked as though it was organised. The inference from the police was that there were some highly aggressive gay sexual predators on the prowl; I thought they were trying to put up a smoke screen.

The door bell rang interrupting my thoughts and I jumped up to answer it, a distinguished looking guy about 50 years old was standing there, I reached out my hand and we shook hands as he introduced himself. We walked through into the lounge where Kelvin sat watching the TV; I was amazed to see tears running down his cheeks. This was the first emotion I'd seen except fear since he came out of hospital, I introduced Brian to him and then I sat next to him allowing Brian to sit in my recliner. I put an arm around Kelvin's shoulder and he pushed his face into my chest crying softly, my heart was bursting with mixed emotions of sadness and joy because he was at long last showing some emotion.

He sat there sobbing for some minutes then sniffling he sat up and apologised to our visitor for his behaviour, Brian told him it was ok and he could cry whenever he wished after his ordeal. He then went on to say that he and his staff were almost certain there was a small group of officers in the force who were carrying out the vicious attacks and now a boy had been murdered their efforts to apprehend the perpetrators would redouble. He then began to ask what we remembered of the night of Kelvin's attack.

I related how I'd driven Kelvin back to the park and dropped him off in the early hours of the morning, the street had been empty of cars except as I drove off I saw a police divisional van entering the park. Brian asked me exactly what time it was and I told him, he wrote the details down in a folder, he asked if I had seen the policemen in the van and I told him I'd only seen the one in the passenger seat he was about 25 or so with red hair, he was nice looking but I couldn't see the driver just his shadow through the window. Brian asked me would I recognise him again and I nodded saying that his face was indelibly imprinted on my mind, as my headlights had clearly illuminated him. Brian nodded and said that my description plus the time would narrow down the number of police to investigate, only those on duty in the vans would be checked and he would drop photographs around in a few days of the officers on patrol that night.

We enjoyed a very pleasant meal with some stimulating conversation, Kelvin refrained and had shrunk back into his shell again, Brian was a gay man he was living with a younger guy 23 years old and they had been together for two years, they both enjoyed similar interests and spent time horse riding, boating, fishing and swimming not to mention exercising at the gym three or four times a week. No wonder Brian looked so good at his age, living with a guy half his age kept him young in attitude and their sports kept his body trim and taut. He was an interesting man, well read and a great communicator the evening flew past even Kelvin began to thaw a little adding a few words now and then. Brian looked at the carriage clock on the mantelpiece and said, "Oh hell, look at the time its nearly midnight and I have a half hours drive to get home yet. It has been a wonderful evening and I'll set up a night for you two to join us for dinner one night if you'd like that."

I jumped at his invitation and said, "That would be great Brian we have really enjoyed your company this evening I'd love to meet your lover I'm sure he is a terrific guy."

He stood up put his folder in his brief case and shook our hands telling Kelvin he would get the mongrels who had hurt him. We saw him to the door and he left. We turned off the lights and went to our separate beds, I was craving for Kelvin to join me in the master bedroom but he wasn't interested as yet. I undressed had a shower and fell into bed tired but somewhat relaxed by Brian's news, I lay there in the dark and heard Kelvin sobbing in the darkness. I got up and walked to his room and asked if he was ok he croaked that he was all right and I stood there bursting to jump into his bed and console him. I waited for a few minutes hoping he would ask me but no response as I was shivering a little I hopped back into my bed and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

I awoke next morning and got up walking to check on Kelvin, I peered around his door to find him lying naked, the sheet had slipped exposing him to the crotch, I could see the unsightly scars livid on his smooth pale skin. My heart was torn at the damage the monsters had done to him, his previously unblemished bronzed body now scarred and pale from him being hidden away indoors. My mind pictured him lying in my bed that first night and I sighed deeply, I loved him more than life itself but I couldn't get him to respond to me anymore. I hoped against hope that Trevor could penetrate the wall and bring my lovely guy back into the world once more and back into my arms.

Days passed and I heard nothing from Brian, Kelvin visited Trevor twice and there seemed no real change in his demeanour, he was quiet, withdrawn and cut a very sad lonely figure. I wanted to sit down and howl my eyes out but knew I had to be strong for my boy, to be his rock his pillar and support so I could look after him. A week passed and Brian rang saying that he had the photos of the police on patrol that night and asked if we would come to dinner with him and Doug, his partner, I asked Kelvin who nodded and told Brian we were happy to join them. Brian gave me the address, a nice area near the beach in an expensive suburb, and said to arrive about seven o'clock, I thanked him and said we'd see them then and hung up. I excitedly related the details to Kelvin who just listened quietly then wandered off to watch TV.

Time to leave approached and we showered and dressed in cargo shorts and polo shirts, Brian had told us to dress casually and bring our swim trunks if we wished as we were eating outside near the pool. I had my Speedos on under my shorts but Kelvin wasn't going to bare his scarred body in public so he didn't bring his trunks. We drove across town and pulled up in front of a great restored and extended Californian bungalow, we walked up the gravel pathway and rang the bell. The door opened and Brian stood there in his Speedos grinning and ushered us inside, his lover Doug was in the kitchen gathering condiments to carry them outside to the barbeque. He grinned at us and said, "I'll shake hands when I've dumped this gear outside come through both of you."

We walked out the back door into a mini tropical jungle of ferns and palm trees, surrounding a beautiful in ground pool the pool lights and a number of bamboo flares illuminating the green foliage, it was stunning to see in suburban Melbourne. Doug came to us threw his arms around me hugging me tightly whispering in my ear that Brian had told him of my problems with Kelvin and he was sure Kelvin would soon be back to normal. He went on to whisper that he admired my fortitude and patience and that my deep love and care would win through eventually. I felt my eyes moisten as tears began to flow and I thanked fate I was facing the jungle where Kelvin couldn't see me crying. Doug was rubbing my back and whispering sweet words in my ear as he hugged me tightly, I could feel the heat of his cock pressed against mine but I was too sad to respond.

Brian asked if I'd like a swim while the steaks were cooking, I thanked him and began removing my clothing as Doug dropped his shorts saying, "Stop your grinnen and drop your linen." I looked at this black haired Adonis, he was awesome, his toned body showing the hours spent in the gym, a black happy trail snaking down his flat taut abdomen drawing your eyes to the massive pouch of his tight Speedos. I thought how lucky Brian was to have found such a stud; he was so lucky at his age to have a young god as his lover and they obviously loved one another deeply.

We swam and messed around for about twenty minutes then Brian called out, "Come and get it." Doug and I swam to the side and I watched his muscles writhe as he pulled himself dripping from the pool. His hard bubble bum stretching the flimsy Lycra showing the deep cleft between his rounded melon like arse cheeks. He walked to Brian and they kissed passionately, I hauled myself from the water and walked to where Kelvin sat holding a towel for me, I thanked him and squeezed his hand as I took the towel from him. He looked up and a slight smile lightened his lips then it faded away once again. It was another very brief signal that switched off almost immediately; I almost thought I'd imagined it.

The meal was delicious, cooked to perfection, the rump steaks melted in our mouths and the vegetables were nicely cooked but still crisp, accompanied by a good red, the desert was my favourite a strawberry and kiwi fruit pavlova with a good quality white wine. The meal was accompanied by lively conversation mainly from our hosts, as we sat back relaxing sipping on our wines. Doug invited Kelvin and I out on their cabin cruiser on Sunday I was delighted as I hadn't been on a boat for years, even Kelvin showed a little interest in the idea so we arranged to meet at the Marina on Sunday at 9 am. Brian stood up and asked me to come inside to look at some photos of the on duty police in the area on that terrible night so we left Doug trying to chat to Kelvin. Brian took me into the den and there spread out on the huge mahogany desk were about forty photographs, he pulled out the chair for me and settled me at the desk then walked around and sat opposite me his fingers tented in front of his face with his elbows on the gold embossed leather inlaid desk top.

I looked at the photos one at a time, carefully studying the faces but after time I was half way through the pile when I saw red hair, I looked closer and there was the face of the passenger in the van. He looked about 23, nice face and I pointed at him saying, "That is the man I saw in the passenger seat." Brian looked at the photo and nodded asking, "Are you sure that is the officer you saw?" I nodded and told him it definitely was the man; his face was etched in my brain. Brian thanked me and asked me to sign a statement regarding what I'd seen, I did so without a problem. He thanked me again and put the photos and statement away in his brief case, locking it and putting it under the desk. We went back out to the pool to find Doug telling Kelvin about one of their fishing trips where he had fallen overboard while they were out at sea. Kelvin even smiled a little that was the effect Doug had on people he was a very outgoing and funny guy.

We spent another few hours around the pool chatting, Brian and Doug sat together on a sun lounge cuddling each other while Kelvin and I sat apart, it hurt me terribly to think he was so distant to me I wanted to hold him and show him how deeply I loved him. I watched him as he watched our hosts cuddling and kissing, he turned his face to me and smiled briefly as tears filled his eyes. I knew he was hurting inside but was afraid to express his emotions, that damned wall he had constructed was slowly destroying him. If I could have found the people responsible I would have killed them without a qualm, I'm not an aggressive person but the animals who hurt my boy deserved to die a slow and painful death.

Time came for us to leave and both Brian and Doug hugged me telling me quietly to keep my chin up and they were sure Kelvin would come around eventually as long as I stood by him. They shook Kelvin's hand and wished him well and said remember were going fishing on Sunday, he nodded and we walked to the car, paused and waved to our hosts who stood there backlit by the light from the doorway behind them as they stood arm in arm waving. We climbed into my car and drove off into the night.

Sunday dawned calm and warm, the blue sky was clear and not a cloud in sight, I awoke Kelvin and we had breakfast then showered I reminded him to pack his Speedos in case he wanted to swim while we were out in the boat. I packed our gear and we set off towards the Marina, the traffic was light and we made good time arriving early at the car park. The area was full of cars with boat trailers attached, all the early morning fisherman were out on the bay already, we found an empty park overlooking the bay and walked across to where we were to meet our friends. I saw Doug waiting inside the chain link fence and as we approached he unlocked the security gate and bowed us through saying, "Greetings sirs your cruiser awaits your pleasure." I laughed at his antics as we entered the boat storage area, even Kelvin grinned momentarily.

We walked along the concrete area till we reached the third floating dock here Doug ushered us down the sloping walkway to the wooden dock, he led us to the second last berth and there was a Bertram cabin cruiser about 12 meters long, Brian stood there grinning from ear to ear and said, "Welcome aboard my friends I hope your up for a great day on the water with us." I smiled as we clambered aboard and said, "What a great boat you guys have it is like a palace."

Brian smiled at me and said, "You can thank my dear parents for this, they left me very comfortably off when they passed away, the boat is named after them, she is called the Bev Lee, Beverly was my mother and my father's name was Lee." We climbed to the upper deck and Doug caste off the mooring ropes as Brian cranked over the twin Caterpillar diesel engines, they rumbled to life puffing a black cloud of exhaust fumes from the twin exhausts and we moved slowly out into the busy fairway, many of the early fishermen were returning.

We idled through the marina looking down on the smaller craft and as we passed between the entrance buoy and the tall white lighthouse on the point Brian thrust the throttles forward, the heavy boat dug her stern deep raising her bow as she picked up speed. The hull lifted from the water as she reached planning speed and we went knifing down the bay at a cool 25 knots. The wind of our passage ruffled our hair as the boat cruised smoothly along, Doug appeared with some munchies and cans of soft drink, they didn't drink alcohol on the water it was too dangerous. Brian called up the Coast Guard station at the Marina telling them the boat name, number of passengers aboard, our destination and time of return. He turned the bows towards the west where I could see the distant hills of Port Arlington, and we steered towards them.

We called at Port Arlington, St Leonards; we then anchored off the rusting hull of a World War 1 submarine sunk off the shore near Queenscliff. We anchored here and as the tide was slack we went for a swim around the old relic, it was in amazingly good condition considering how long it had lain there in the sea. We could see the fish cruising around the hull and in and out of the gaping holes, it was fascinating, the only downer was Kelvin stayed on board watching us. He was still self-conscious about his scarred body, I wondered if he ever would accept the disfigurements.

We clambered aboard the boat and Doug asked if we were ready to have lunch and I must say the sea air and the swim had given me a real appetite, we sat at the table on the main deck and our hosts spread a picnic before us, sandwiches, cakes and fresh fruit. We set too and devoured the tasty fare, laughing and discussing the fish we'd seen around the derelict old sub. Brian suggested we visit Queenscliff and have a wander through the picturesque old town, we all agreed and Doug went forward to ensure the anchor was stowed properly as Brian pushed the button controlling the power winch. The sound of the chain rattling around the capstan and feeding into the anchor well under the deck joined in chorus with the whine of the winch motor. Doug returned as the engines fired up and we joined Brian on the flying bridge, settling onto the comfortable lounge against the bulkhead.

We soon arrived at the entrance to Queenscliff harbour and motored slowly in the entrance as the large catamaran ferry powered from its dock nearby. We moored in the small harbour switching off the engines and walking up into the town, we spent a couple of hours wandering about then stopped to have afternoon tea at a coffee shop then returned to the Bev Lee and headed across the bay towards Sorrento. We stopped near an old derelict lighthouse structure called the Chinaman's hat where a colony of seals lived, we drifted around it watching the large creatures some swimming in the water while others lay sunning themselves on the sloping wooden deck. The stench of the beasts was hard on the nose so we motored off again passing Mud Island we then cruised around the old fort before heading back up the bay.

Brian suggested we anchor off black Rock to try our luck on the snapper he reckoned they were biting well just on dusk, we arrived there just before the sun set and he lined up his marks then checked the depth sounder to find the pinnacle he wanted to fish over. We dropped anchor and drifted back perfectly positioned on top of the reef, over went the lines and as the sun descended one reel screamed followed by a second, Brian grabbed the first and Doug told me to take the second. I felt the weight of the fish as it swam speedily away, the thumping of its powerful tail sending vibrations up the line, I struck hard and sank in the hook and the fish turned on high gear screaming away. A third reel ratcheted madly Doug told Kelvin to take it and now we had three good fish running hard and fast.

Brian fought his fish alongside as Doug gaffed it and lifted it aboard, a beautiful 5 kilo snapper gleamed in the failing light its bright blue iridescent spots lit up against the reddish pink background. Doug despatched the fish and lowered into a fish box under the deck where a slurry of ice and salt water chilled it, Kelvin had his fish alongside and Doug did the honours again, a smaller fish around 3 kilo was soon floating with the larger one. I was still battling the fish on my line I had it close to the boat twice but as soon as it sensed the hull it powered off into the dark, the third time I fought it alongside it was lying exhausted on the surface its tail hardly moving as it gasped heavily. Doug gaffed it and lifted it aboard my eyes bugged out at its size, nearly a meter long, much darker in colour than the other two, with a huge bulbous nose and a massive lump on its head, it sprayed the deck with its white semen as it flapped in Doug's grip, it weighed in at a hair short of 10 kilos. My legs trembled with excitement and I said, "Let him go he'll be too tough and dry I think that old fish needs to fertilise a few million more eggs before he dies."

Doug grinned and gently sent the fish back into the black water; it lay there for a few seconds then kicked its tail and dived out of sight. I felt good about letting him go free and I turned around as Kelvin smiled at me and said, "That was cool Tom letting him go." I beamed at him then he retired back behind his wall and the smile faded away.

We waited another hour but apart from a few small undersized pinkie snapper things were quiet, we pulled the pick and motored back to the marina. We moored at the berth and we washed the boat down with the hose supplied at the berths, we pumped out the fish box and placed the catch in a large car fridge with crushed ice to keep them chilled. While Brian locked up the boat Doug escorted us to the gate so we could bring the car over, we drove across and Brian's car was waiting outside the fence he gave us the smaller fish in a plastic bag. We thanked our friends for a great day and they said they'd be in touch soon then we drove home, I was really tired from the day and we put the fish straight in the fridge to keep it fresh. We had a shower and went to our separate beds.

I died as soon as my head hit the pillow and I awoke at some stage, it was dark but I felt someone in my bed not snuggled up but stretched out in my bed. I smiled to myself happily knowing a small chink had appeared in Kelvin's protective wall. I awoke in the morning to find him still asleep beside me, I lay there admiring him wishing I dared touch him but realising if I did I could undo what the trip yesterday had accomplished. I slid gently from the bed and padded nude into the bathroom to empty my straining bladder, I had to allow my rock hard cock to soften then I released the pent up flood of urine into the bowl. I showered and dried off then padded back to my room where I pulled on a pair of briefs and some shorts and walked to the kitchen to get breakfast on the go. Kelvin had an appointment with Trevor this morning and I wanted to tell him of the advance Kelvin had made.

I awoke my lover he sat up sleepily rubbing his eyes, I said that breakfast was ready and he could have a shower later, he got up and we walked to the kitchen, ate breakfast then he headed for a shower. I cleaned up the kitchen and waited for him to appear. He came in dressed his hair still damp but combed in his usual centre part with the bangs almost brushing his eyebrows, God he was gorgeous, I wanted to hug and kiss him passionately. I looked at my watch and said, "Come on Kelvin time to go visit Trevor." He headed to the door and I followed him.

We arrived at the office and Trevor sent Kelvin into his office while he talked to me, I told him about the boat trip, the brief hug and his sleeping in my bed, Trevor was ecstatic and told me that was a huge advance. I told him about Brian's investigation and recognising the policeman he nodded and said that things were moving fast it might soon be over. He left me and went in to see Kelvin; I sat there reading the paper as usual. The hour passed and the door opened, Trevor escorted Kelvin out and I noticed he had his hand resting on my lover's shoulder. Kelvin seemed at ease with the contact and this was another hopeful sign. We left Trevor's suite and made our way down to the lobby where there was a café, we went in and ordered some ham sandwiches with a pot of tea for lunch.

As we ate my mobile phone rang and it was Brian telling me of the latest developments in his enquiries, he had found the officer I'd identified and through the police station logbook he now knew the driver of the van. He went on to say that these two were on duty together the night the 17-year-old boy was killed, things were looking bad for the two men; he was still investigating the other dates where guys were attacked and would let me know the results. I told Kelvin the news and I saw a gleam in his eyes momentarily, he mumbled, "Do you think they will catch them?" I nodded saying it looks like they will.

We went window shopping in the city before walking back to the car park and driving home, Kelvin talked about the investigation nearly all the way home, he said more that drive than he had in probably two weeks. He actually seemed excited that the bashers might be getting caught.

We watched the news after dinner and heard that two police officers had been stood down under investigation, I turned to Kelvin and said, "It looks as though things have leapt ahead today, I'll ring Brian and find out what is happening." I rang Brian and he was very happy to tell me that the two officers were under arrest tonight, their DNA had been found in the semen taken from the dead boy's ravaged arse. It was being checked against the semen from Kelvin's rectum as well, the guys were finished and were facing life sentences. I thanked him and said, "I hope that this will solve all of the deaths of gay men recently." He said it looked as though they had been carrying out a vendetta against the gay men of the town.

I told Kelvin and he hugged me again then said that things were much brighter now. I hoped that he could return to being the loving guy I knew and loved so deeply.

The End.

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