That Shameful Night

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Apr 7, 2005


This story is fiction I hope it didn't happen. It contains sex between males if you don't appreciate such story you'd better leave now, if you are under age or it is illegal where you live then please leave.

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That Shameful Night..................................justjames17

Saturday night was hot and muggy, it had been a very in the mid to high 30's all week and the city was feeling the effects, people were crabby and snapping at others over silly things which normally they wouldn't even notice. The nights were the worst trying to sleep in the still heat, no wind stirring even a fan blowing flat out hardly made any difference, it just seemed to stir the hot air around the room. I was lying there naked my limbs continually shifting, searching for the slightest cool spot on the bed, but as soon as you found it the heat intensified under your limbs. Perspiration oozed from my pores as I tossed and turned sleeplessly, I tried for two hours to sleep but gave up sitting on the foot of the bed in front of the whirring fan.

The blowing air evaporated my sweat and I felt a little better, the clock on my dresser showed two am, I cursed the heat and began to think of heading out to see if it was cooler outside and maybe I'd find a sexual partner for what was left of the night, maybe we could enjoy sex and forget the oppressive heat. I threw on a pair of denim cut offs, which were tight and almost exposed the bottom of my brief clad tight buns, a tight t-shirt, which exposed my flat abdomen and navel, while a pair of sandals completed the outfit. I sauntered downstairs to my car and drove off into the city.

I pulled up in the short street that ran between the two main parks with the toilet on the left hand side of the road, I sat there watching the numerous cars prowling up and down eyeing off the guys walking along the footpaths and popping in and out of the bog and the park entrances. I had sat there for about twenty minutes when he appeared out of the darkness of the park on the right hand side, his golden hair visible before his slim body entered the light. I was entranced at the apparition, I was sure an angel had descended onto our sleazy beat. I sat there transfixed as I watched this beautiful lad walk towards where I was parked, he passed my car looking in through the windscreen then the passenger window and a slight smile graced his perfect visage. My heart stopped in my chest as my lungs froze, I sat there watching him slowly walk past.

He reached the rear of my car then turned back walking to my open passenger window and bending down to look closely at me, his blue eyes glistening in the light from the street. He smiled then said in a soft drawl, "You looking for a friend?"

I stuttered and garbled sounds issued from my mouth he smiled at my confused ineptitude and opened the door sliding into the passenger seat. I was speechless as he reached across to slide his hot hand up my sweaty thigh, he looked into my green eyes and said, "I wont bite you, well not unless you wish me to." He smiled broadly then went on, "I just want to know you and I hope we can be really close friends."

I was shaking like a jelly as his hot hand moved gently up and down my thigh, I knew my cock was raging hard with sexual desire as this gorgeous lad fondled my smooth leg. I finally found my voice and croaked out, "My name is Tom, I think you are bloody beautiful." I continued, "If you keep stroking my leg I'm going to erupt in my shorts."

He laughed gently then stopped stroking me as he looked closely into my eyes saying, "I'm Kelvin, I really flipped when I saw you sitting here." He smiled wider then said, "You are the best looking guy I've seen on this beat ever, and I just had to meet you."

I sat there dumbfounded, as this Adonis told me his thoughts about me, I couldn't believe my ears, here was this superb guy thinking I was sexy. He told me he loved my jet-black hair and my green eyes my very smooth legs and his eyes sparkled when he looked down at my tented shorts. Kelvin whispered he wanted to feel my penis sliding up his arse. I was almost panting with lust as he continued his eulogy about his view of me. My hand slid up his lightly haired thigh feeling the soft golden fuzz on my palm until I reached his satin running shorts. The side of his shorts was deeply slit almost up to the waistband and my hand eased up under the material to feel his bulging briefs as the side of my little finger came in contact with his genitals.

Kelvin sighed and opened his legs a little allowing my hand to enclose his considerable bulge as my fingers folded around his fat hard cock, he moaned softly as I felt him and he pulsed strongly in my grasp as his head leant back over the headrest and his hands fondled his chest through his wife beater. I asked him if he'd like to come back to my flat and he said he'd love to but could I drive him back here later, I asked why back here and he told me he lived not far from the park. I nodded starting the car and we drove home, hurried inside throwing our clothes off on the way to the bedroom, we leapt onto the bed and I pushed Kelvin onto his back and started to lick his gorgeous body from his feet upwards.

His golden tanned body writhed around under my ministrations his sexy lips parted as he moaned, I bypassed his crotch and licked up his muscular abdomen to his pectorals, I tongued his pits left and right causing him to giggle and wriggle frantically as my tongue salivated over the soft light golden pit hair. The flavour of his perspiration was as nice as he was, salty but tasty; I left his pits to lick my way all over his chest dodging around his hard nipples as he frantically tried to position them where my mouth was. He was moaning in frustration as I lined up his left nipple, I pounced on it biting him gently as he cried out passionately pressing his breast into my mouth.

I felt a wet splattering on my cheek and looked down to see his erect penis spraying semen out into the air like a geyser, I couldn't believe my eyes Kelvin was climaxing without touching his cock. His smooth torso was coated with his sperm, the small pools glistening in the light as his penis spasms continued eventually the juice dribbled out filling his navel as the flood stopped. He lay there gasping and limp, my cock was twitching with excitement as I watched him recovering his equilibrium, I slid down to lap the warm semen from his sexy torso. Kelvin moaned and twisted under my tongue as his muscles reacted to my licking, I cleaned every tasty droplet of his sperm up then kissed his soft lips sharing the last vestiges with him.

We tongue dueled for a short time then Kelvin pulled away and said, "Tom I want to feel your cock in my arse." He kissed me wetly then said, "I want that fat tool embedded deep in my guts."

I nodded and slid down licking his body sensuously till I sucked his now semi flaccid cock, the last vestiges of his cum slid into my mouth as I sucked hard arousing his cock once again as it grew firm in my mouth. I slipped off his dick and I slapped loudly onto his curved lower abdomen nestling into his dark golden pubes, I tongued his fat nuts in their velvet sack lifting them up to allow my attack on his perineum. I bite his smooth raised perinea pouch making him groan loudly then licked the silken hairs around his twitching anus. My mouth salivating as my tongue tasted his pure sweat in the deep cleft of his arse; Kelvin groaned and pulled his legs up opening his valley of bliss to my attack, my tongue probing his tight hole which opened quickly to suck my appendage into his hot humid depths.

Kelvin was whimpering pleading with me to fuck him quickly, I nodded ensuring he was well lubed with my saliva and pressed my pole against his entrance. He pushed down and grunted as my glans opened him up and popped inside the crimson palace of his arse. He bucked hard sucking me deeper opening his tight chute until I was fully embedded in his unbelievably hot slippery tight rectum. I plunged frantically in and out while Kelvin bucked up onto my penis ensuring every millimeter was inserted in no time at all I was panting heavily the heat of the night and our bodies sapping my energy as I pounded his arse. My boiling balls tightened quickly as my body climbed to the peak, my fat tool swelled inside its tight silken fleshy sheath then I bellowed out unintelligibly and felt the dam burst in my groin and the flood rushed up my cock filling Kelvin's tunnel to bursting point.

I humped and pumped frantically until exhaustion took command and I collapsed onto Kelvin's quivering body, he grunted and his breathing was as ragged as my own as we lay there inert together. I slid my hand under his hips and found he had cum again flooding the bed with his discharge. We lay there panting, sweating and exhausted until I suggested we go for a cold shower to revive ourselves, Kelvin nodded tiredly and I slid my cock from his adorable arse then stood bending to assist him to stand on his rubbery legs. We hobbled to the shower and slid into the cool water as it jetted onto our sweaty bodies, we shivered at first but as our overheated bodies cooled we began to enjoy the cool water.

When we were clean again we dried off a little then Kelvin said he had better get home as it was now 5.30am I nodded and asked for his phone number and we exchanged them as we dressed. I drove him back to the park, everyone had gone home and we quickly kissed and he climbed out of the car to hurry off into the darkness as I turned the car around. I drove up the main road at the bottom of the park when I noticed a police car drive into the deserted park and I hoped Kelvin was not pulled up by them and given the third degree as I drove home thinking of my new gorgeous lover.

I arrived home as dawn began to break in the Eastern sky and stripped off my clothes falling onto the bed redolent with the scent of Kelvin and I could see the faint stain where his juicy cum had dried on the rumpled sheet. I fell asleep quickly and dreamt of my Kelvin until I awoke at 10 am with the hot sun streaming in the window I sat up wearily and touched the cum stain to ensure I wasn't dreaming, I bent down to inhale the odour of his semen. I staggered into the shower and took another cold one to wake myself up deciding I would ring Kelvin when I finished breakfast.

I dried off and had a quick breakfast then rang Kelvin's number, no answer, I held on till the ringing cut off and wondered where he could be after his late night of sex. I tried several times through the morning as I listened to the radio. The midday news began with a news item about a young guy found in the park badly bashed and left for dead after his body was thrown into bushes. Two young boys discovered him playing in the park, I listened to the description and it sounded like Kelvin. I sat there in shock but eventually I decided to go to the hospital and see if I could identify the guy, I dressed and drove to the hospital where I asked at the enquiry desk they sent me up to the third floor where I was to see a doctor in the ward.

I hurried to the ward and saw the doctor at the nurses station, he led me to a room where there were three empty beds but one occupied, we walked around the bed and to my horror I saw it was Kelvin. His head swathed in bandages, both eyes blackened and swollen one arm in a heavy cast, the bed had a large hump where his groin and legs were and the doctor said that he had two broken legs and he had been assaulted heavily in the groin and his rectum was torn open after violent abuse had occurred with foreign objects. The surgeon had had to stitch the torn lining of Kelvin's colon and his split sphincter; it would be some time before he would be fully healed. My eyes filled with tears and I broke down completely sobbing with my face on the bed. Kelvin had been not only badly bashed but also sadistically sexually assaulted by persons unknown.

When he had been admitted his clenched hand had been opened to find a piece of light blue cloth with a pale blue button attached, the doctor took me to where his clothing and possessions were held, I found his keys on the lanyard he had worn around his neck and saw the torn piece of material, it reminded me of the blue shirts our police wore and I remembered the patrol car entering the park as I drove home. I shuddered at the thought that maybe police had carried out this bashing and rape but said nothing, I told the doctor Kelvin's name and said I'd go to his flat to bring him in some clean clothes, he said that was fine and he'd see me later in the afternoon.

I drove to Kelvin's flat and went inside, it was neat but sparsely furnished, his bedroom had a double bed, which was unmade, I dropped onto it inhaling the scent of my new lover as I buried my face in the pillows. My tears flowed as I sobbed at the mess Kelvin was in and hoped he would recover soon and not suffer any long-term problems. I sorted out some clean clothes and packed a bag for him including his toothbrush and toothpaste. I drove back to the hospital and put his gear away in the bedside cupboard then sat there holding his hand quietly sobbing again.

Days passed and I called in one day to find him conscious for the first time, he was groggy but recognized me when I sat down and held his hand, he smiled weakly and whispered that he was glad to see me. I was overcome with pleasure to see him awake and able to remember me, I bent across and kissed him softly on his bruised lips. He smiled slightly and said that he had dreamed I would be in to see him, I told him I'd been in every day to see him and that I loved him intensely. He smiled as well as he could in his condition I patted his hand saying that he should rest and not try to smile until he healed a bit more.

I asked him if he remembered what had happened after I dropped him off at the park, he shook his head and said that it was a blank he only remembered walking into the park then some bright lights as a car approached him but it was blank from then on. This confirmed my fear that it was the police who had attacked him and brutalized him but we couldn't do anything about it.

Weeks passed and eventually Kelvin healed up and I drove him home to my place to recuperate a little more before he returned to his flat, if he wanted to that is.

The End.

Next: Chapter 2

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