That One Time with Asa Butterfield

By Azwan Azwan

Published on Feb 23, 2013


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and this not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

That One Time with Asa Butterfield Part II

Cuddling with Andy in bed has always been my favorite thing to do with him. Well that, and him inserting his six-inch rod inside me. I love when he puts his arms around my shoulder and pulls me closer. I'd rest my head on his chest and would smell that distinctive musky scent of his and green apples. If this were a typical night, we would've been making hot sweet-loving instead we're watching Jimmy Kimmel Live.

It's already close to midnight and there are no sign of Asa and Aramis yet. My patience is wearing thin and my horniness is at a all-time high even after that dirty bathroom sex we had with Asa earlier that day.

My hand goes under the covers to feel Andy's cock but he quickly slaps my hand away.

"We should wait for Asa and Aramis." Andy says almost assertively.

"Do you wanna wait?" I ask, trying my best to sound sexy. He then cup my face with his hands and grin. Knowing what's coming, I close my eyes and pucker up.

"Yes." I open my eyes, confused. Still grinning, he says, "Yes, I wanna wait."

"Can't we just start first?"

"No. I'm not going waste any of my sex drive until they arrive."

I'm beginning to sense that we're going to argue but before I could say anything, someone knocked the door.

"Room Service."

Andy opens the door and greeting us is a lanky young man with blond hair, moustache and spectacles. He pushes the cart with a plate covered-cloche on it inside the room. The room service personnel then takes the cloche off. On the plate, there's a can of whipped cream, a tube of lubricant, a couple of handcuffs and what I think is a ring for a penis.

"SURPRISE!" Someone shouts from behind startling both Andy and I. We both look back and see an excited Aramis Knight. I then feel a pat on my shoulder. I turn around and I see Asa Butterfield with the blond wig and moustache on his hand.

"Asa!" Andy and I scream in unison.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting. It was hard to get away from that wimpy kid guy." Asa says.

"His name is Zachary Gordon." Aramis corrects Asa, "He kept following us around all day. Thank God, we bumped into Mason Cook. Mason invited us to a sleepover but-"

"You guys are already invited to another sleepover." I interject as I wink at Aramis.

Aramis quickly undresses himself, like a virgin hobo who's been offered to have sex with a Vegas stripper. His little dick is already erect by the time he pulled his undies. His balls hasn't quite dropped yet but there's a few strains of hair on the base of his three boner.

"Lie on the bed." Asa instructs Aramis. He then proceeds to handcuff Aramis on either side of the bed frame. "Can someone pass me the cock ring?" As Andy pass the cock ring to Asa, I ask them what's the cock ring is for."It's to maintain his erection. The fucking might get a little rough and we don't want Aramis to lose his erection." Asa says.

"Plus, my dick gets really, really hard with this on!" Aramis exclaims.

Asa delicately fit the ring around Aramis' three-incher. A moan escapes Aramis lips as Asa jerks Aramis a little. He then grab a can of whipped cream and spray some on both Aramis' nipples and the length of his shaft.

"Who's hungry?" Asa asks with a grin on his face. "I'm taking his cock. You guys can have his nipples."

I lick and I suck. Hearing Aramis' soft moans as the three of us work our tongues on his nipples and cock makes me lick and suck even faster and stronger. The taste of his less-than-salty nipple combined with the sweetness of whipped cream is heavenly. I'm so horned up right now! It amazes me that he hasn't blow his load yet. I would've blow my load five minutes in! I grab the can of whipped cream and spray on his nipple again. I continue to suck, lick and slightly bite Aramis' nipples, giving his young body sinful pleasures.

His body starts to shiver.

His gritting his teeth.

"Everybody stop." Asa says. "Relax, Aramis. Relax."

Aramis nods his head as he heaves a huge sigh. Asa takes the tube of lube from the plate and grease up his long six-inch cock. He tells Aramis to lift his legs up. He then pulls his foreskin back as he positions himself directly at Aramis' hole. Without warning, he push all of six inches in one thrust.

I can see the grimace on Aramis' face.

"He's one rough fucker." Andy whispers to my ear.

"I know. I had first-hand experience." I say. I kiss Andy on the cheek and continue, "Let's get naked and ease some of Aramis' pain."

Andy goes to the side of Aramis' face and use cock to lightly slap Aramis' face a little. He then put his cock into Aramis' willing mouth.


I feel lost right now. This is my first foursome and I don't know what to do. Clearly, both of Aramis' holes are filled with cocks and I'm way to horny to wait for my turn. So, I signal Andy to line himself behind Aramis' head. He does that without letting his cock out of Aramis' mouth. I then stand on the bed, Aramis lying below me. I point my hard 5 inch cock at Andy's lips. He smiles at me as he takes in my cock. I place my hand behind his head and push it closer to me. I can feel my cock hit the back of his throat.

"I'm...I'm cum...cumming." Asa says in short breaths.

I look behind me. Asa is shaking uncontrollably as he reaches the end of his climax.

"Who's next?" He says as he pulls out his slimy dick out of Aramis.

Andy stops sucking my cock pulls out his dick out of Aramis mouth. With only Aramis' saliva coating his fat cock, he push his dick into Aramis' cum-soaked hole. Aramis can't help but yelp at the rough intrusion.

I kneel down to Aramis' face and say, "Suck my cock. It'll distract some of the pain."

"Hmm...Hmm..." Is all Aramis could say as he continue to suck my cock while getting thoroughly fucked by Andy.

Aramis' moaning is getting louder.

His eyes widen.

His body then spasm uncontrollably.

I feel a shot or two of fluid on my back. I reach over to feel what it was and realize that the horny little devil has shot his load.

"Fuck...Fuck...Fuck!" Andy slams the whole length of his cock into Aramis.

I quickly pull my cock out so that he doesn't bite down my cock in pain.

"We're far from over." Asa says. He points at me and continue, "Your turn."

I look at Aramis' gaping hole. It's a little sore from the fucking and some of Asa's and Andy's cum are flowing out.

"Don't worry Aramis, I'll be gentle." I assure him.

He's been stretched out good by Asa and Andy that my cock slides inside him easily. I thrust my hips in and out of his hole in a rhythmic fashion, feeling Asa's and Andy's gooey juices and the warmth of his hole.

Asa goes down to Aramis' wet belly and starts to lick the cum off it.

"Hmm...Do you want some of these, Andy? Aramis produces some of the best boy juices around." Asa says.

"Nah. I'd only eat my boyfriend's cum." Andy replies as he winks at me.

I continue fucking Aramis.

"Ah!" Aramis moans. "Don't stop doing that. Harder. Harder."

I see Aramis gain his erection back.

"Don't. Stop. Don't. Stop."

I increase my speed. I feel my own orgasm starting to build up.

Aramis' body starts to shiver.

"Ahhh!" Aramis shout out. His second batch of cum squirts out of cock and onto Asa's face.

"Yummy. Fresh from the urethra." Asa says as he licks his upper lip.

Aramis's sphincter contracts around my dick. I can't hold it anymore. I warn Aramis on my incoming climax. I then pull my dick far enough not to slip out of his hole and ram my whole shaft back in. I apologize to Aramis as I spray my own brand of cum into his warm and sticky hole.

"I can't feel my hands. Can somebody un-cuff already?" Aramis says.

Asa goes on to un-cuff Aramis and Aramis hurriedly goes to the bathroom, with one hand on his ass. He's probably going to empty his cum-filled bowels.

"Holy shit. We need a change of sheets. I am not going to sleep on cum-tainted sheets." Andy says.

"Call room service then. Maybe Mason would knock on the door with the new bed sheets... And his virgin ass." Asa says with a straight face.

"You're joking, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. I fucked his ass already." Asa says with a wink.

"Thanks for an unforgettable night." I say to Asa as they're heading out of the room.

"You're welcome. It was enjoyable, to say the least. How long are you guys going to be in LA?" "A week."

"Well then. Maybe next time we invite Zach and Mason and have an orgy." Asa says with a grin.

"Don't you tease, Asa. It's bad for my relationship with Andy."

Asa give me a puzzled look.

"He actually withhold sex with me until the both of you arrived. Thank God, you guys made good of your promise. I swear, we would've a big argument if you guys arrived a minute later." I explain to him.

He then tells me that our sex life is probably getting stale and that I have to spice it up. I ask him how.

"An orgy comes to mind." He again winks at me.

Aramis finally got dressed and walks out of the room. He then tells Asa that they've to go now or else they'd get caught by his parents for sneaking out.

"Here's the address. If you want to come for the orgy." Asa hands me a piece of paper. "We hope to see you there."

We then say our goodbyes.

As Andy leaves the bathroom, I give him a quick kiss and proceed to the bathroom.

I look at the paper. Then I look at myself in the mirror. I see someone who can satisfy his partner without the need of multiple partners.

I look at the paper again.

And flush it down the toilet.

Author's note: Thanks for reading . I hope you guys enjoy! This chapter may or may not be the last. I don't make promises I can't keep. It was hard to write this due to real-life events that may have influenced the writing of the story. Hence, the long hiatus between chapters. I hope it's worth the wait.

If you have any comments or feedbacks, you can email me at: Flames will be ignored.

If you want to see me getting it on with the talented Greyson Chance in a four-part series, you can find it here: nifty/gay/celebrity/a-chance-with-greyson/

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