That Damn Smile

By Daniel Richards

Published on Oct 17, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The Author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

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That Damn Smile Part 6

There I was, early in the morning, lip locked with sexiest man I've seen and the world seemed to stand still for a moment. That perfect moment was suddenly ruined when my phone started ringing. I groaned as I went to answer and was quite happy when I saw who was calling. It was my best friend Ben, we've been friends since we were 10 and we're usually attached at the hip. We always planned to attend college together, so when we both go into the same school for football we were excited to say the least. We had lived together since we go here but things were different this year. He decided to go travel abroad for this semester, leaving me to live on my own for once. He found out about the fire from my mother. He said that he is going to come home as soon as possible. I kept telling him not to, and that he should stay in Italy and enjoy the women there but he stated over and over again that he needed to be there for his best buddy. I mentioned Alex who smiled at me when I said his name. Ben said he couldn't wait to meet him and the needs to approve of him first. When Ben found out I was gay, he loved me all the same. He's always looking out for me, has been since day one. We chatted for another 15 minutes and we said our "see you laters."

I looked back at Alex who was running his fingers up and down my back while I was on the phone. I leaned into his open arms and just sighed. We sunk down into the bed, and stared at each other, his hands upon my face, my hand against his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. He just smiled that damn smile and gently, softly kissed my lips. God, his lips felt amazing and I wanted to feel them all over my body, every single inch. He had some light scruff on his chin that brushed my chin and it felt amazing. The stubble was rough, coarse and it looked damn good on him. It really added to his sex appeal. Our kissing was once again interrupted by the doorbell. He got up and walked down the hall to the foyer.

"MOM!! YOU'RE HERE ?!?!"

"Darling I would never miss your special day."

I quickly got up and put a shirt on. I quickly made my way to his bath room, splashed water on my face, franticly looked for some mouthwash and did my best to look presentable. Alex came in to the bathroom, all smiles. He wanted me to come out to the kitchen to meet his mother. As I followed suit, his mother was there sipping on some water. Wow, his mother was stunning, drop dead gorgeous. She could easily be mistaken for his sister. She was tall, had flawless olive skin, bright green eyes and long black hair that was put into a neat ponytail with a single strand of hair hanging down alongside her cheek. She was wearing a fitted black dress with orange stilettos. When she saw me walk in, she flashed a perfect smile as she tucked her phone away into her purse. Before I even could say anything she walked right over to me and embraced me with a hug accompanied by a kiss on the cheek. She then took my hands into hers and said,

"Listen, sweetie you let me know if there is anything, anything you need ok. I am so sorry what has happened to you. "

"Wow, thank you Mrs..."

"Oh darling, please call me Sophia."

"Well thank you Sophia, you and your son are just too kind to me."

Alex came and stood next to his mother, putting his arm around her. He was clearly surprised that his mother came for his birthday. I remember he mentioned she ran some big company and I couldn't imagine how busy she must be. He looked just like his mother. Those same bright green eyes, jet black hair and they both had amazing smiles. His mother said she has never missed any of Alex's birthdays and wouldn't start with this one. She was going to take us out to the city and go see a show. I stated that I didn't want to impose on their day and they both insisted I join. I said it would be great going out with them, but that all my clothes were gone, I literally only the clothes on my back. Things were silent for a moment and Sophia stated we needed to change that. Alex just smiled at me, knowing what his mother was about to do. She grabbed her handbag, threw her sunglasses on, clutched my hand and started leading me out the door.

"We'll be back to pick you up before dinner darling."

I looked back, and Alex was there laughing and gave us a little wave and closed the door. Dazed and confused I had no choice but to follow Sophia. We walked up to a black Mercedes S class sedan with a driver standing by. He opened the back door and we both got in. She told the driver to head towards the city which was a good 30 minute drive, 40 minutes with traffic.

As we made our way to the city my phone rang once again. It was my oldest brother Clayton, calling to check up on me. Of course he went into protective mode asking me if I was hurt, what I needed, etc. I reassured him that I was ok, and that I was going to be staying with a friend. He told me to make sure I tell our other brother, Preston, when I get the chance. Right now Preston is out in the middle of the ocean aboard the USS Carl Vinson. I told him that I would keep him updated and that hopefully I would see him soon. Because Preston is hard to reach, I sent him an e-mail about the fire and my current situation. I apologized to Sophia about the call and e-mailing but she smiled and told me "family comes first."

We drove into a part of the city full of boutiques, high end restaurants, luxury condos and manicured parks. We pulled into the front of a small building that had gilded glass doors. We got out of the car and the doorman welcomed us and we entered the nicest store I ever set foot in. The store looked to be 3 stories, with a grand chandelier that hung above covered by a glass dome. Sophia took my hand and guided me up the steps to the men's department. I stood by silently, as she picked up shirts, ties, and a couple suits. She asked me my shoes size, and I responded "10.5" and with that information the team of people helping us went to get shoes. I was pushed into the dressing room and Sophia told me to try these all on. As I closed the curtain I didn't know what to do exactly. I looked at the clothes hung before me and looked at a couple of the price tags. I thought to myself "Geez, I would never spend this much on clothes." However if I was going on a night out on the town, I'd be willing to spend some money on a good suit.

I tried on a few different things then settled on a black fitted suit, with a crisp white dress shirt and no tie. I tried on the first pair of shoes I was given. They felt like clouds on my feet, damn they were comfortable. I stepped from the curtain and Sophia's eyes went from her cell phone right up to me. She walked up and turned me into the mirror for inspection. She circled around me, brushed some lint of my shoulder, fixed my collar and said perfect. She told me to just look around the store a bit, try out the shoes and she would find me in a bit. I walked around the store, stopping to look at myself in the mirror. I liked what I saw, I'm conceited but damn I looked pretty sharp. I walked around the racks, eyed clothes I would never be able to afford, looked at watches, some more shoes and Sophia finally found me. I looked at her and she was stunning. She was dressed as if she was ready for the red carpet. Her hair had changed into a tight bun, adorned with a diamond hair piece. She was wearing a golden fitted gown that had a slit in the leg with black heels. Wow if I was straight, she would be the woman of my dreams. She linked her arm with my mine and stated we needed to pick up Alex. I told her I needed to pay for the suit but she just smiled and led me to the car. Before we got in, I stopped her and hugged her very tightly and said thank you. She patted my back, gave me a kiss on the cheek and got into the car.

The drive back to Alex's wasn't long. We pulled up to his house and there he was, looking as stunning as ever. His hair was slicked to the side, he was wearing a dark blue suit that hugged his muscular frame. He had on a white shirt like me, but was wearing a slim tie with a silver tie bar. I noticed he still had some scruff on his face, but it was trimmed and clean. I opened the door and stepped out to greet him,

"Wow, you really clean up nicely."

"You do too, Dax. I see you and my mother had a nice time out."

"She didn't have to do this for me, but she is amazing."

"That she is. So shall we?"

I got back into the roomy sedan and sat in between Alex and his mother. On our way to the restaurant I couldn't help but notice Alex's knee against mine. Now the back of the Mercedes was roomy enough for 3 people but he kept his leg against mine the entire time. I informed him that I talked to my brother, sent the other an e-mail, letting them know about the fire and that I am fine. Sophia mentioned to Alex his dad couldn't be there because he had important business in DC, but his dad did send his love. We finally pulled up to the restaurant and Sophia linked her arms with ours and we walked into. The restaurant reminded me much of the store we were in earlier. Chandeliers, gilded doors, and everyone was dressed in suits and gowns. We sat at a round table in the middle, ordered our food and got to talking. I told Sophia about myself, my family, where I was from. She told me about work, her husband and a bit about her child hood. Every now and then, Alex would rest his foot on mine, playing a little game of footsie. It was cute and he was always smiling. Our food arrived and it looked delicious. Alex and I both had steaks, and Sophia had lobster. We finished our meal and ordered dessert. At this time, Sophia pulled out two small boxes from her clutch. The first was from her, the box was blue and adorned with a white ribbon. Alex opened and smiled at the gift he had received. It was a pair of silver cufflinks in the shapes of airplanes. Next he opened a red box, from his father. It was a gold watch whit a white face. He adjusted the time and put it on. Our dessert arrived and we ate it rather quickly knowing the show we were going to see started in 20 minutes.

We got to the theatre right before the curtain opened. We were seeing a ballet, something I would have dreaded under normal circumstances, but this was different. I honestly didn't even pay attention because once again Alex's leg was right against mine. During the performance I rested my hand on his armrest. He put his arm against mine, and I went to draw it away, but he grabbed my hand and held it in his. His thumb circled my hand as we watched the ballet before us. His eyes were focused on the ballet while mine kept going from the stage to his face. I felt like this was the sort of life I wanted, a life with him in it. I appreciated the generosity of Alex and his mother, but to me the glitz and glamour isn't a priority in my life. Granted we are from somewhat different worlds but whenever I'm with Alex, whatever doesn't make sense about me, makes sense when I'm with him.

The show ended, and as we got up I expected Alex to let go of my hand but he didn't. A sense of panic emerged because I never heard him mention if he was out to his family or not. I looked up at him with worry in my eyes and he just smiled that damn smile. Sophia looked over and smiled and commented how great the ballet was. We walked hand in hand with Sophia walking ahead of to the car. He held my hand all the way back to his place. We exited the car and were saying our goodbyes to Sophia who had to be on a plane and heading back to Fort Marshall. She gave me a hug and whispered in my ear,

"I really like you Daxton. You're sweet. I hope you stick around."

"Thank you Sophia. I had an amazing time with you and can't wait to see you again. Have a safe flight home."

I walked up to the door way as Alex said good bye to his mother. He opened and closed the door for her. As she drove off she blew a kiss my way and I watched as the taillights disappeared into the night. Alex unlocked his door and as we walked in he pushed me up against the wall, kissing me. My hands cupped his face as he continued his assault on my mouth. He was kissing me deep, hard, his tongue pushing through my lips meeting mine. His scruff lightly scratched my chin and it sent me over the edge. I placed my hands on his firm ass and pulled him into my body, grinding my dick into his. He let out a moan as I bit down on his neck, my hand gliding over his chest. We stood in the entry way making out and made our way over to his couch. I pushed him up against a wall and started to undo his tie, tossing it to the ground. I kissed his neck as I started to unbutton his shirt, exposing his chiseled chest and sculpted abs. He looked like he was photo shopped. I hooked my fingers into his pants, and could feel his happy trail against my skin. The feeling was electric and I soon made my way down, kissing every inch of him on my way down.

I found myself on my knees lightly kissing his abs. I looked up at his eyes, searching for approval and he nodded. I licked at his abs as I started to undo his pants. I was greeted by a very large bulge contained by boxer briefs. I gently licked the outline of his dick, sending shivers through Alex's body. I slowly pulled his boxers down, freeing his dick. It snapped back and hit his abs, it stood at attention. I noticed the head was covered in pre cum. I kissed his stomach as I took his thick member in my hand and licked at the pre cum. He moaned and cursed out as my lips enveloped the head of his dick. I stroked his shaft as I sucked on the tip of his dick, my tongue making circles around it. I looked up and was greeted by that damn smile. I continued working his dick with my mouth, licking up the sides of his shaft and my free hand massaged his balls. He then placed his hands on my head and started to lightly buck his hips. With each thrust, another inch of him went further into my mouth. I felt the cock hit the back of my throat and I gagged on it. I relaxed my throat, placed my hands on his bare ass and pushed him further down my throat. With this, he started to buck his hips faster and faster, each time making me slightly gag on his dick. I felt his balls start to tense and knew what was about to happen. Alex started to pull out, but I pulled him back in and he came into my mouth, down my throat. I felt him shoot 6 loads down my throat. I savored the warm, sweet but salty taste. He was panting, with sweat collecting on his forehead and chest. I made my way back to his lips and slowly kissed him. I'm sure he could taste himself on my lips and that was just so damn sexy. I nibbled on his bottom lip before pulling away. He looked at me, smiling that damn smile.

"Happy Birthday Alex."

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