That Damn Smile

By Daniel Richards

Published on Oct 10, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention.

Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The Author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

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This is my first story, so I hope you like it.

That Damn Smile 4

I woke up, feeling the warmth of the sun upon my face. I looked over and Alex wasn't there. Shit... he probably woke up, saw us together and left. I reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone to call him then I heard the shower running. I could hear the shower curtain being moved, and back again. I listened and heard him humming, humming that soon turned into singing. He was singing Crazy by Aerosmith and he sounded amazing. I laid my head back on my pillow and just listened to him sing.

A few minutes passed and I just waited for him to exit the shower because I really had to take a piss. He opened the door, and the sun hit him just right. My breath was taken away right there. His body was still glistening with water when he came out, a towel wrapped just low enough to leave something to the imagination.

"Well looks like someone is finally up. Hope you don't mind me using your shower. I was kinda hungover and needed to wake up."

"No worries dude. I though you said you didn't drink?"

"Well I say a lot of things, doesn't make them true haha. But really I try not to, but when a guy like you offers me a drink, I can't turn it down."

I grinned ear to ear hearing him say that.

"So you sing as well? You sounded really good!!"

"Thanks, it's just a hobby."

I made my way to the bathroom and my arm grazed his arm. The feeling was electric. I did my business as he was put his clothes on. I walked out and noticed he had picked up the beer cans and was washing some cups in the sink. I asked him what he was up to today and he said he needed to go back to his place to work on some homework and study for a test. I had that project that needed some work and that was going to take up most of my day. He suggested maybe later on tonight we can go grab some food, and of course I said yes.

He left and went to take a shower. As the water ran down my body, making me feel refreshed I thought about the night we just had and that small moment we had this morning. I mean, was it a moment? For him it was just me bumping into him, but for me I felt something. I don't know what it was, but it was something. I finished my shower, did some laundry, toasted a bagel and made some coffee.

I went over to my drafting table and looked at the plans before me. I had designed an ecofriendly dorm that had bamboo floors, the windows were made from recycled glass, the doors from scrap metal and each dorm room had a system that monitored energy use that adjusted itself when no one was in the room to conserve energy. I made several spread sheets, charts, graphs in addition I calculated all the cost and how it would benefit the school. I was quite proud of myself. I got to working on a scale model of it, nothing too fancy or over the top, just something to help really visualize my dream. This is what I wanted to do with my life, I was sure of it. Granted football was my dream, but this was really my passion.

I loved creating things, things people could live in, call a home, and something that was modern, stylish, yet eco-friendly. Who knows, maybe one day I could have my own design firm one day. I spent about 5 hours working on the scale model. I added the finishing touches and it looked perfect. I gathered everything into a portfolio and took some pictures of the model. I looked over at my BlackBerry and noticed the red light blinking, alerting me of either a call or text. I looked down and it was Alex, he told me to be ready in 10 minutes, that how I dressed didn't matter because we were going somewhere casual.

I changed into a thermal and sweat pants. I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when he knocked. I told him to come in and that I would be a ready in a second. I sprayed a bit of my favorite cologne on (Ralph Lauren's Big Pony Collection #2) and saw him sitting on the edge of my bed. He was wearing a black baseball hat, a faded green ARMY shirt that seemed tight in all the right places, black sweats and sandals. He told me that I looked presentable and said there was someone he wanted me to meet. We drove over to this local diner and I slowly followed him to a booth in the corner. My heart sunk when I saw who that "someone" was. It was this tall, gorgeous, thin girl with golden locks. She rushed up to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back, even tighter and gave her a peck on the cheek. I felt a blow to the stomach, like someone had just speared me with their football helmet.

Alex went on to introduce us.

"Daxton this is Katie, Katie this is Daxton."

"OH MY GOD HI!!!I've heard so much about you!!"

I extended my hand out, but she hugged me. I was smiling, but it was fake. I knew it. I fucking knew he had a girlfriend.

"Now Daxton, you can't be stealing my Alex away from me to drink every night."

"I'll try to not let it happen again."

We sat down and ordered our food and talked a bit. I pretty much was tuned out the entire conversation cause all I could focus on was him. He had his arm around her the entire time and she was all over him, laughing, smiling. Fuck her. Damn it. No....I'm just pouting because he has a girlfriend. I have to get over it and just accept it. Well good for her, at least someone has their knight in shining armor. We spent 2 hours at the diner and all the while I was wanting nothing more than to go back home. I looked down at my phone and saw it was about 8:30. Alex must have noticed because he asked for the bill. We made our way to the parking lot and he opened his car from afar and told me he would meet me there. I got in and slammed the door, still pouting, wallowing. He got in and we headed back to my place.

"So what did you think of her man?"

"She seems like a really nice girl. Really nice. Funny too."

"Yeah she is, she's really important to me."

"I can tell."

"Is something wrong dude?"

"What? No....sorry, just been really stressed with my project."

"Ahh I see. Well I'm sure it turned out great. Hope you don't mind, but I looked it over when I woke up. It's really great, different too... in a good way of course."

"Really? Thanks man."

He didn't reply, we just kept on driving back toward my place. He cracked the windows and the cool air quickly filled the cabin. We pulled over halfway down to my place because of a fire truck. We continued our way back and then he spoke,

"So man...what's on your mind? It's more than stress. You can talk to me."

"'s just...being single. I mean I'm not asking for much, but just for someone to remember my coffee order, hold my hand, be there when I wake up, someone to..."

"White mocha."


"A white mocha. That's what you drink. Easy to remember."

I was staring into the window, but I noticed him in the reflection. He looked over and smiled at me, that damn smile. I looked back over at him and just smiled, maybe more than I should have. Then all of the sudden he slammed on his brakes and we went forward stopping right before a line of fire trucks and people.

Beyond the crowd, beyond the fire trucks was my apartment building, with my apartment engulfed in flames. So many things went through my head at once. I opened the door and tried to run but Alex held onto me. I kept yelling him to let me go, that I needed my things, but he just held me back. My truck was parked under my apartment in a car port, I thought maybe it was possible to save it. I had my keys on me, I could do it. I asked a firefighter who had passed me and he told it wasn't worth risking my life. He stated the fire was too powerful and the building was beyond salvage. Alex pulled me back to his car and I sat on his bumper. All I could do was sit and watch everything I had burn up in flames Soon my apartment collapsed on top of my truck, setting off the alarm that was quickly silenced by the roar of the flames. I could feel the heat on my face, sweat rolling down my forehead, Alex stood next to me, his hand on my shoulder.

An hour passed and the fire was finally out. I called my mother and she asked what was wrong considering what time it was back at home.

"Baby, what's wrong? Daxton......Daxton please answer me."

"Mom, everyth-everything is gone. There was a fire. It's all fucking gone. I don't have anything left."

I heard my mom sobbing in the background as she handed the phone to my dad.

"Son are you hurt? Are you ok? Fuck I'm so sorry buddy."

"Yeah dad, I'm alright. I was out with a friend. When we came back and the building was on fire."

"Is there a fire captain or chief around? If there is, give him the phone."

I handed my phone to the firefighter I talked to earlier, he happened to be the captain. He talked to my dad for a few minutes and handed it back to me.

"Listen Daxton, I'm going to keep in touch with the fire captain and he let me know everything I need for the insurance company. He said he would stay in touch with you as well. Fuck son, I'm so sorry. I really wish I could be there. I know these last few years haven't been easy. Bit listen, when your mother and I come out, we'll find you another place, and even get you a new car. Ok buddy?"

"Thanks dad. I just need you guys here."

He passed the phone back to my mother who was sobbing.

"Oh baby...I'm so sorry. I wish I could be there for you, to hug you. Do you have a place to stay?"

"A place to stay? Ummmm. I don't kn-"

Alex took my phone from me.

"Hi Mrs. Wright, this is Alex. I'm a friend of Daxton. He can come live with me until he figures things out. (I could hear my mother voicing her concerns) What? Oh no, it's not a problem at all. I insist. Trust me, it will be alright. I'll take care of him."

He handed the phone back to me and I talked with my mother. She told me she loved me, how sorry she was and to try and sleep tonight. I told her I loved her and my father and they can wait to tell my brothers. I said I would call them in the morning. I ended the phone call and just sat on the bumper of Alex's Mercedes. I looked at the smoldering wreckage that was my home. I saw that Blue was nothing more than twisted melted metal covered in debris. Alex placed his hand on my back, telling me it was time to leave. I got the fire captain's information and he said he would stay in touch. I climbed into the car and stared blankly out the window as we drove in silence.

We ended up in a really nice area, where the Dean's Estate was and some of the other professors lived. The homes were rather large, ranging from colonial to Tuscan styles. We pulled into the driveway of a smaller house. It was a nice one story Tuscan with a small fountain in the front. The landscaping was immaculate and trimmed. We parked in his garage and I noticed a street bike in the corner. Alex came around, opened my door and just looked at me. He had that look in his eyes, the look he gave me when he caught me in the library. He looked genuinely concerned for me, sad even. He put his arm around me, leaving the crutches and walked me into his house.

His house was really nice, really fucking nice. It was adorned in wood, granite, pictures of his friends, family, trophies and random knick-knacks. He sat me down on his couch and went into the kitchen. He brought me bottled water that I sipped on.

"Thank Alex, for letting me stay here. I'll try to find a place as quickly as possible."

"Nah man, you can stay here. Live here with me. I have an extra bedroom. It's yours."

"What? No man I couldn't do that."

"Yes you can man. I'm so sorry what happened to you. Stay here as long as you need. I'm here for you."

He scooted closer to me and wrapped his armed around me. I just lost it right there. I couldn't hold back my emotions any longer. I was sad, angry, lost, alone and the tears were streaming down my face.

"It's not fucking fair man. Why the fuck does shit always happen to me. I tear my ACL my first football game. Boom!! There goes my NFL dream. I can't hold down a fucking relationship. I lost everything I had, my stuff, my project, my pictures, things I will never get back. My truck is gone. Everything is fucking gone. I try so hard to do things on my own, to make things work for me. I'm not asking for much, just to be happy for once in my damn life. Why is it every time that I feel like I'm on top of the world that all of a sudden it comes crashing down around me?"

I buried my head into Alex's neck and just cried. He ran his hand over my back and my hair. He held me like that for so long until I calmed down a bit. I pulled up from his neck, and looked at him. He was just sitting there, staring back at me. His eyes were beautiful, green, warm, inviting and full of concern. I had tears falling down my face, he slowly took his hand and wiped one away. My heart was beating as his hand grabbed my neck, pulling me in. His lips slowly touched mine. They were warm, soft, yet firm. He slowly kissed me, running his hand up and down my back, pulling me closer into his firm body. I ran my hands through his hair as our kissing became more passionate. He slowly laid me down on his couch, hovering over me. I felt so safe with him.

"All I want to do is be here for you. Ever since I saw you, I just wanted to take care of you for some reason."

I couldn't form any words. I just looked up at him and smiled, and he flashed that damn smile back. Then it hit me.

"What about Katie?"

"What about her?"

"Aren't you seeing her?

"No man, she's my best friend. I wanted her to meet you, see what she thought of you."

"Wait what?"

"She's my best friend Daxton. I told her about you and she wanted to meet the guy I had fallen for."

I just looked into his eyes, not knowing how to respond. He ran his hand over the back of my head and I pulled him into me. Our lips connected once more and it was the best feeling in the world.

Next: Chapter 5

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