That Damn Smile

By Daniel Richards

Published on Oct 8, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention.

Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The Author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome at:

This is my first story, so I hope you like it.

That Damn Smile – 3

I woke 30 minutes earlier than I usually would because Alex was going to be picking me up for school. My ankle was throbbing with pain, but I was going to tough it for the day. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and made my way open to my closet. The good thing about this studio apartment was it had 2 really large closets. I stood in front of my closet thinking what to wear. Usually I will just throw on whatever looks clean, but today I wanted to look nicer than usual.

After debating for 15 minutes I went with a dark grey crew neck sweater, some khaki pants, a brown leather bomber jacket and because my other foot was wrapped up, a white low top converse. I was slipping on my jacket when I hear footsteps walking up the stairs leading to my door. I went to open the door before he could even knock. There he was, flashing that damn smile with two mugs in his hand. He looked like he was on the cover of GQ. He was wearing white jeans (that he happened to pull off very nicely), a red v neck, and a grey pea coat with dark navy blue boots.

"Hey, I wasn't sure if you drank coffee or tea, so I got you both. This one is a white mocha, and this is a green tea."

"Wow, thanks man. Ummmm I'll take the mocha. Thanks."

He walked in and I sat down in my chair sipping my coffee. We chatted a bit then, without even asking, he grabbed my backpack, coffee and crutches and went to put them in his car. While he was gone I hobbled over to my dresser and sprayed a bit of cologne on my neck and chest and sat back down. He came back in, put my arm around him and walked me down my stairs to his car. As he made his way to his seat, I thought to myself, damn this is nice ass-car. I mean yeah I got a cool truck, but I never been in a car that cost more than the house I grew in. He hopped in, started the car and we headed towards campus. I sipped on my coffee and looked out the window. We passed the bus I would have been on if Alex didn't offer to be my ride. I looked over at him and his eyes were on the road ahead. I just smiled to myself.

We got to school and he helped me to my first class. He even carried my back pack and coffee for me. Now I didn't expect him to do that for me, nor did I expect him to be there waiting after my class ended to help to my next class, and the next and the next. Every class I was in I was beyond distracted. Of course all my thoughts were of him, with a few about how was I going to work out and what to do for dinner. It was now 4:30, and we were both done with classes. He asked me what I was doing for dinner and I responded,

"No clue really, maybe some mac and cheese haha."

"Oh come on, a man has got to eat right?"

"That may be so, but I can't have a steak every night with my kind of budget."

"Well my good sir, tonight you can!!"

I didn't know what he meant by that until we pulled up to the nicest place in our college town. I protested this of course, saying I couldn't even afford the water here, but he insisted. What choice did I have really? We walked in, and got a booth. I didn't care how nice this place was, I laid my body across the booth so my foot could get some rest. The pain was terrible, but I didn't want to complain about it. We ordered our food, and got to talking.

"So know I'm a clumsy aspiring architect who was a former football player for our football obsessed school. Tell me about yourself. Are you from the area?"

He took a sip of his beer before answering, and laid his back against the booth, slumping down a bit.

"Nope. I grew up in Charleston. I spent my entire life in Fort Marshall, home to the 23rd Airborne Division."

"So I'm guessing your dad is/was in the Army?"

"Haha, my dad is the Army. He went in when he was 18 like his father before him. He bleeds red, white and blue. He's a Lieutenant General and happens to be the Division Commander."

"Wow, that's awesome. My brother is in the Air Force, if that means anything."

"Of course it does, anyone who serves our nation is good in my book."

"Did you serve as well?"

"Why yes I did, I went to Wentworth Military Academy, like most men in my family did, went into the Army, did my 4 years and now I'm here in school trying to become a doctor. Now sure, my father wasn't too happy I ended my military career so shortly, but he supports what I want to do now. He always has my back. I guess I would rather save lives rather than end them."

"Oh I see..."

"Yeah so here I am, 2 years into civilian life, just trying to make it in the world without my father's or mother's influence. Yeah I know my parents are just trying to help me, that I understand, but I'm a big boy now, I can do things on my own."

"So how old are you and what does your mom do, if I may ask?"

"I'm 23, turning 24 in three days actually. As for my mother, she inherited her father's steel company. She happens to have all sorts of contracts with our government and military providing steel for our building, ships, vehicles and weapons."

"Oh wow, I wasn't expecting that. So where's your bodyguard then haha?"

"He has the night off haha. But in all seriousness, don't let the car and clothes fool you. I'm not some spoiled military brat, a least not anymore. I grew up and I'm more humble about it now."

Our food arrived and we took our time telling stories about our lives. I found out he has two older brothers like me. His were both officers in the Army whereas my oldest brother is a Fire Captain and my other brother is in the Air Force. I told him that my dream was to play for the NFL someday, but a torn ACL changed my dream and I found my true passion. He asked me about my parents as we waited for dessert.

"Well my dad was a Fire Chief, he retired last year after devoting 30 years of his life to fighting fires. As for my mother, she is this sweet pretty thing who owns her own salon back home. My parents were high school sweethearts and they still act as their newlyweds. How did your parents meet?"

He took a long sip of his beer, finished it actually before he spoke.

"Well my mother and I were on vacation in Italy when I was about 3 when my dad walked into our lives."

I raised my eyebrow, confused by what he just told me.

"Yeah, that story always raises a few eyebrows. You see, my bio dad was nothing more than a sperm donor who split when he found out my mom was pregnant. It was just the two of us before my dad finally came along. He was stationed nearby, and he fell in love not just with my mom, but with me as well. His first wife died in a car accident and he was juggling his Army career and his two sons. They got married a year after and we have been a family since then. We all made each other stronger, complete, and made another better than we were before."

"Wow, that actually a really nice story. I mean I'm sorry your da-biological father split, but it looks like things really turned out nice for you in the end."

He just smiled at me and went to devouring his ice cream. When it was time to pay the bill I went to grab for my wallet, however turns out he already gave our waiter his credit card when we got our dinner. Damn him. I of course spoke out and offered to get the tip and he told me not to bother. I asked what he was doing tonight and he said nothing. So I invited over for a few beers and a game of Modern Warfare. He just smiled that damn smile and we made our way to my place.

We got to my place and I asked him if he wanted to crash here since we would be drinking and he agreed it would be the best idea. I tossed him pair of shorts to change into. Now one of us could have gone into the bathroom to change, but we both undressed in front of each other. I watched as he undressed and damn was I captured. He lifted his shirt over his head and I was almost drooling at the site of his abs and pecs. He could be on an A&F bag if he wanted to. He soon dropped his pants and I got a glimpse of him in his boxer briefs. He filled them out very nicely, in the back and front I might add. I shook myself out of my hypnotized state and changed my clothes. I grabbed us a 12 pack from the fridge and we started playing video games. He sat at the foot of my bed while I sat on it as we played our game. We soon finished our beer but needed more fuel for the game. So we decided to take the few energy drinks I had and mix it with a shit ton of vodka. We quickly got into a very drunk state.



We were very into our game and the alcohol had clearly gotten the best of us. Alex made his way off the floor and climbed onto the bed, however clearly his vision and motor skills were impaired as he fell right off the side. I laughed my ass off and he threw an empty beer can at me in response. He slowly climbed back and laid down on his stomach next to me, his right arm hanging off the bed with the controller in hand. I heard it fall and noticed he was out cold. Poor guy had way too much to drink. I went onto to play solo for a bit. I noticed he had turned over in his drunken sleep and his left leg right up against mine. He was warm to the touch, gentle but strong. I put the game on pause and looked at him. As he breathed his sculpted chest moved up and down, man I wanted to touch him, explore every inch of his god like body. My eyes made their way down to his crotch and I saw he was rock hard. Fuck I thought his dick looked huge soft, but seeing it hard quickly changed my mind. He had to be about 8 inches, and really thick too. So many things crossed my mind but I quickly shut them out. He has been so nice to me and I didn't want to ruin anything or take advantage of him. I turned off the game and tv and pulled up one of the sheets. I fell asleep rather quickly due to how much beer/vodka I had ingested.

I woke up in the middle of the night and felt something strange. I rubbed my eyes and realized I was on my side facing the window. Alex was right behind me, literally right behind me. His arm was over my chest, his head resting on my shoulder and our legs were interlocked. I could feel his sculpted body pressed against my back. He was so warm and seemed at peace. I could feel his dick against my back, but it was soft, whereas I was sprouting some serious wood. I thought shit, what do I do?!?! Do I move and wake him up or just lay here? After my thoughts wrestled each other I decided to just move over. I went to scoot over and separate us but Alex tightened his grip and pulled me closer to him. I didn't know how to react. I always hated sleeping alone, but having him here right next to me felt so right. I felt safe, like my problems were gone at the moment, that everything was solved with me in his arms. There was no pain in my ankle, my body and mind were at rest, possibly because of him. Shit I was getting my hopes up. He obviously had too much to drink and this was all the alcohols doing. However maybe there's a chance...a slight chance this could be something. I still had no real indication of his sexuality, so maybe there is hope. I dunno. Fuck. I just need to keep these thoughts to myself and enjoy this moment. I just looked at the wall, listening to him breath, feeling his skin against mine and fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 4

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