That Damn Smile

By Daniel Richards

Published on Oct 5, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention.

Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The Author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome at:

This is my first story, so I hope you like it.

I have included pictures of what the two main characters look like this story does not speculate, imply, or suggest the sexuality of the men pictured in the images below. I do not own these images.

Daxton Wright :

Alexandre (Alex) Trakas:

That Damn Smile – 2

I finished closing up the library and heading out to the parking lot to my truck. I got Blue when I was 16, it was a 2006 Ford F-150, dark blue and I loved it. I hoped in my truck and rolled down my windows as I always do. My place is about 15 minutes away from campus, I contemplated getting some fast food, but thought nah I'll just make myself something at home.

I parked in my spot and made my way up my stairs. Once I opened the door, I took my shoes off and started stripping down. I threw my shirt and kicked my pants into the hamper and made my way into my bathroom. I started the shower and then stood in front of my mirror. I gazed at my body in the reflection. I'm not vain, but my damn did I look good. I had a light dusting of hair on my chest that I'm going to let grow out since it's getting colder now. My pecs were firm and my abs were also covered in a light dusting of hair that led down into a trimmed happy trail than continued down around my dick. I kept things down there trimmed, with my sack shaved. I ran my fingers down my chest and gave my dick a little tug. I hopped into the shower and let the water run down my body. I just stood there for a few minutes under the water. I grabbed some shower gel and started to lather my body. My hand once again made it way down to my dick and I lathered it up. I soon found myself hard and thinking about that Greek God. My dick started to twitch and harden and my hand was working my shaft. I ran my thumb over the head that was slick with soap. I started panting and stroking faster as I recalled his body. I thought about his perfect broad shoulders, olive skin, his chiseled abs, his dick and his green eyes. My mind wandered to his lips, they looked so damn good, and I wandered how they would feel against mine. I started to stroke faster and I was panting and soon I shot 5 ropes of cum against the tile. I was spent.

I dried myself off, brushed my teeth, washed my face and threw on some basketball shorts. I turned the tv on to Comedy Central and was just catching the start of Tosh.0. I went to my kitchen (a mini fridge, toaster, microwave and sink) and pondered what to make. I got out some peanut butter and jelly and lightly toasted the bread. I sat down on my chair and ate my sandwich. After finishing my "dinner" I went over to my drafting table and started working. I'm studying architecture and right now working on a project that involved designing eco-friendly dorms. I spent a good 2 hours on it then decided to hit the sack.

The next morning it was cold out, and since I had no classes that day I decided to go on a run. I put on my old football hoodie and track pants, laced up my shoes, grabbed my Blackberry and headed out the door. I made my way about 3 miles down away from my apartment to a wooded area that had some nice trails. The leaves were starting to turn shades of red, orange, yellow and brown. I couldn't wait to hear that oh so familiar crunch under my feet. I knew I shouldn't have been running as hard as I was, considering my torn ACL but I always pushed myself when I was working on my body. It was an accident waiting to happen. I was so concentrated that I didn't notice a large tree root that pushed itself out from under the dirt. I tripped over it and felt a sharp pain in my ankle. I tumbled over myself and ended up hitting my head against the tree. I was knocked out cold.


I felt a finger on my neck as if someone was checking for a pulse. I started to open my eyes and saw a dark, fuzzy figure.

"Dude, can see you anything? Can you hear me?"

" Yeah....I can kinda see you, things are fuzzy."

"Ok, well you might have a slight concussion. I need to get you to a hospital. There some bleeding on the back of your head and you need to get checked out."

I was able to see things more clearly and when I saw who has helping me, my heart skipped. It was him, it was that Greek god with that damn smile.

"Listen, I'm going to help you up, my car isn't far from here and the hospital isn't that far from here. Are you going to be able to walk?"

"Yeah, I think so."

He helped me up and he helped me to his car that a few hundred feet away. He pulled out his keys to unlock his car and I heard a beep and saw the lights flash on a Mercedes G Wagon. He helped me around the back, opened the hatch and had me sit. He opened this duffle bag that was full of medical supplies. He took out some gauze and put on the back of my head after sterilizing it.

"I'm a med student. I'm always prepared in case of emergencies."

"Well then lucky for me then that you're always prepared, huh? How long was I out?

"Not too long I think, I was running and saw you on the ground. I don't think your injuries are too serious, possibly a sprained ankle and hopefully it's not a concussion, but we need to find out more."

"Well thank I'm sorry I didn't catch your name. I'm Daxton, Daxton Wright."

"Alexandre Trakas, but I just go by Alex."

He flashed that smile again. He put my arm around his shoulder and helped me in the back seat of his Mercedes. He got me buckled in, put a blanket on me and got into the driver's side. The radio blasted out music that he quickly turned down.

"Sorry." He chuckled

"No worries man. So did you get your paper finished?"

"Why yes I did. I was up until about 3 doing it. Got it submitted, now just enjoying my day off."

"Oh cool. I was up until then too. I was working on a project. I'm studying architecture."

"That's awesome man, sounds really cool, difficult too I'm assuming."

"Well it's not brain surgery, but I got it handled haha"

" Ahhhh I see what you did there."

We got to the hospital and I got checked out. 3 hours later I was cleared to leave. It was a sprained ankle and the bleeding was from cut, no serious damage done. He offered me a ride home and I gladly accepted his generosity. We got to my place and he helped me up the stairs and into my apartment. He sat me down in my chair and I offered him a beer that was in the fridge. He declined saying he didn't drink. We got to talking a bit and he asked about my classes and how I would get there, I told him I would take a bus, and he then offered to drive me. Turns out we have classes on the same days. Wow. He saved me twice and is now offering to be my driver.

We talked for a few minutes and he had to leave to meet someone for dinner. He was probably meeting his girlfriend or something. He gave me his number and told me he would be here around 8. I thanked him for all of his help and he went on his way. Man what a day this has been. He's like my own knight in shining armor. Funny thing too is that this Greek God is actually Greek. He's probably some sort of demi-god sent to Earth to save/tease me.

I sat down in my chair, sipped on my beer and just replayed the day in my head. Yeah spraining my ankle sucked, but I was able to catch his name, and his number. I wonder why he goes by Alex though, sure it's easier to say but Alexandre is so much I need to get these thoughts out of my head though. He's just a really friendly guy that saved my life twice and happened to be very attractive. I'm sure he's seeing some bombshell or model. Hell with his looks he can date any girl he wanted with his looks and that damn smile. But a guy can dream right?

Next: Chapter 3

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