That Damn Kid

By A S

Published on Aug 17, 2017


"Did you notice all the looks you got?" I asked Evan while I pulled out of the movie theatre parking lot.

"Yeah." He giggled.

"But did you notice how every guy who looked adjusted their crotches? Sounds like you gave them all a good time!"

"You jealous?"

"Nah, I've got you all to myself now." I winked at him and put a hand on his leg.

"Speaking of, we should fuck when we get back to your place." He squirmed slightly under my grip.

"Oh really? You all ryled up?"

"Fuck yeah I am!"

"Same here, sweetheart! Anything special you wanna do?"

"Actually kinda..." he paused and I looked at him. He had blushed deeply.

"Come on man, I don't judge! You can tell me anything." I squeezed his leg reassuringly.

"I want you to tie me down and tease, get me close but don't let me cum."

"Oh you mean edging!" He looked at me questioningly. "What? I watch a lot of porn." He laughed. "But yeah, I can totally do that." I grinned evilly. We chit-chatted for a little while before Evan noticed I wasn't going to my house.

"Wait, where are we going?" He asked nervously.

"Don't worry, I just gotta pick up some supplies for tonight." Not long after, I pulled us into the parking lot for our towns "adult book store."

"Oh my god Jake I can't go in there! I'm only 14!" Evan said nervously.

"Don't worry, I know the owner, he's a cool guy." I got out and opened the door for Evan, grabbing his hand and pulling him out behind me. We went inside and I smiled as I saw Evans reaction. When he saw the racks of dildos, ropes, handcuffs, and lingerie, his mouth fell open and his eyes grew wide. There were a few guys inside and one girl, none gave any indication that they had a problem with Evan being there.

"Take your pick, sexy!"

"Anything?" He asked.

"Anything and as much as you want." I replied. Evan slowly walked up to a rack and began to browse, slowly getting more and more eager as the possibilities flooding his mind. Eventually, he picked out four pairs of handcuffs, a length of rope, a realistic 8 inch dildo, and two vibrating cock rings. Meanwhile, I picked out a surprise in a little black box. I payed for our toys and we went back out to my car, Evan walking with a skip in his step.

"Excited?" I asked.

"Extremely!" He giggled and I laughed at his cuteness. We drove home as Evan looked at his new toys. When we got home, Evan got out before I had a chance to get his door and raced to the door, laughing all the way. I got to the door first and started to open it, when Evan remembered he forgot a bag in the car. I walked inside and saw something...interesting.

My little brother was sitting on the couch, with Brady, one of my best friends and my team mate. Ian's hand was down the front of Brady's pants, and Brady's was down the back of Ian's. They were making out like the world was ending. I stifled a shocked laugh and cleared my throat loudly. Brady shot around to stair at me, eyes wide as saucers. All hands were out of pants, and Ian was looking at the floor and rubbing the back of his neck.

"So, how's it going Brady?" I asked noncholantly.

He paused, speachless. Then it all came out at once. "Holy shit dude I'm so fucking sorry! It's not what it looks like! I came over to see if you wanted to hang and then your brother was here and he...dude I'm so sorry!" It actually looked like he was on the brink of tears.

"Brady! Calm down man, I don't care! My brother can fool with whoever he wants. I'd actually prefer it to be someone I like, like you."

"Wait, what?" He exclaimed. "But, dude, I'm a dude! Aren't you, like, pissed?" That's when Evan came in and Brady's eyes got even bigger.

"Brady, this is my boyfriend, Evan. So no, I'm not pissed. We'll give you two some time alone." I grabbed Evans hand and we went upstairs, hauling our toys with us.

-Ian's story-

So uh, this is awkward. I mean, my brother just found out I'm gay after I caught him fucking a guy my age and then he catches me with his best friend? Jesus how did my life get so weird? Wait, fuck, did he say something?

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I asked if you knew!" Brady whisper-yelled.

"Knew what? Oooh yeah, that, I knew. I mean, I just learned yesterday. Kinda walked in on them."

"Really? That's awkward."

"Tell me about it."

"Dude, I'm sorry I'm gonna go, this is too weird, I'm not even into gu-" I cut him off by planting a kiss right on his lips.

"Don't go." I said as I pulled of his mouth, holding my hand. Oh my god did I really just sound THAT needy? He's gonna think I'm a clingy bi-

"Want to go up to your room?" He asked, looking at the ground. I staired at him, dumbfounded. Eventually I nodded and I lead him by the hand up to my room. When we got there, we kissed again and I pulled him onto my bed with him on top of me. His weight on my body was crushing in the most comforting way. We grinded our bodies together, slowly pulling each other's clothes off. Finally, we were down to our underwear. He was in plaid boxers and I was wearing a blue jockstrap.

"Didn't know you were the sporty type." He laughed.

"I'm not, it shows off my ass." I winked at him and he spanked me playfully. I yelped and rubbed his bulge.

"I've, uh, never been with another guy." He blushed."

"That's ok, I'm new to it too." I flipped him over and laid him on his back. I crawled down until my head was at crotch level. I reached into his boxers fly and felt the warmth of his large cock. I pulled it out and gazed lovingly at it. It was shorter than my brothers (wow that sounds weird) but thicker, sorta paralleled their body's builds. I held myself back as I licked at his head, not wanting to seem too eager. He gasped slightly as I took his dick into my mouth, going down slowly until I felt my nose buried his boxers. They smelled manly, the smell of a long days effect on a freshly washed pair of boxers. I savored the smell and the taste of his crotch, then pulled up until just his head was in my mouth and I swirled my tongue around it. He was moaning intensely at this point, his hands were clutching at the bed sheets. I started bobbing my head up and down and after a few minutes he pulled my head off by my chin.

"I'm getting close, man. I, uh..." he blushed. "Want to help you out too." I thought for a second. Did I really want to let him know my kinks right off the back? Aw fuck it, I'm already here. I pulled his bare foot to be crotch and grinded my crotch against it, blushing slightly and grunting. "Oh! Um, ok, yeah, cool." He flexed his toes around my crotch. I bucked against his foot, whimpering slightly. I met his eyes and he was smiling. He wrapped his other leg around the back of my neck and pulled my head into his crotch, smashing my face right up against his thick hard cock. I fished for it with my tongue and pulled it into my mouth, bobbing hungrily on it. The room was full of the sounds of our moaning and the smells of our sweat. In no time, I felt his cock start to throb as he grunted louder than ever before and his hot cum started blasting into my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could but he came so much, way more than my brother did (wow, weird again), so some spilled out around his dick. As I licked up the cum from around his cock, I fucked his foot hard until I too came, soaking my boxers and getting some on his toes. Once his cock was clean, I pulled up his foot and licked every scrap of fun from it. I bounced onto the bed beside him.

"So...that was fun." He said. I laughed and nodded, cuddling up against his big muscled body. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. We stayed like that until we both drifted to sleep.

-Jake's story-

"Well that was kinda awkward!" I said.

"Really? I think it's sweet, they look cute together." Evan said.

"Eh, I guess. They're so different though." I set the bags on the floor and plopped onto my bed, pulling Evan with me.

"Opposites attract. Plus, I think size difference is kinda hot."

"Really? I couldn't tell." I said sarcastically, wrapping my toned, tall body around his small form and squeezing slightly. He giggled and squirmed, trying in vain to get out of my grasp. I let him go then got off the bed, pulling out the handcuffs. Evan giggled with excitement. I got on my knees on the bed in front of him and roughly stripped him, throwing the clothes to the floor. I quickly flipped him onto his stomach and handcuffed each wrist and ankle to a different bedpost. I slowly took my clothes off, rubbing his beautiful bubble butt while I did so. One I was naked, I flopped on top of him, hearing him grunt from my weight. I licked one ear and nibbled it, then whispered "Your body is mine tonight." To which he moaned and squirmed in his restraints. I licked and bit my way down his neck, down his back, and eventually I reached his ass. I placed a single kiss on the cheek then got on my knees and spanked him lightly. He moaned and whispered something.

"What's that?" I asked as I rubbed his ass.

"H-harder...please." he mumbled. I grinned devilishly and spanked harder. He yelped and I spanked again. Then I spanked over and over, each spank accompanied by a yelp and each pause with a moan. Once his usually white ass was nice and red, I rubbed it and spread it with my hands. I grazed his hole a few times, then dove in and started eating it like there was no tomorrow. He writhed in pleasure, making the handcuffs rattle and shake. I looked up and noticed his back was arched and his hands were clenching at the bed. After a few minutes, I pulled up and reached in the bag. I pulled out both cock rings and slipped them on each of us and turned them on. Then, I pulled out the dildo and spanked him with it a few times. Slowly, I pushed it into his hole. He moaned the whole time like a whore. The head popped in, then easily the rest followed. I slowly fucked him with it until finally he said.

"Please Jake, fuck me! I need your cock so bad!" So now, harder than I've ever been, I pulled the dildo out then tossed it on the ground and slammed my cock into his ass to the base in one motion. He screamed and moaned as I fucked my big cock into his tiny ass over and over. With all this teasing I was getting close, and as his asshole clenched against me I could tell he was too. I buried my cock as far as I could and shot my cum deep inside him. We both moaned as I layed on top of him. Exhausted, we layed there panting.

Finally he said, "Jake?"


"Can you uncuff me?"

"Oh fuck, yeah, sorry sweetheart." So I uncuffed him, tossed the stuff on the ground, and wrapped my body around his. And that's how we fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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