That Damn Kid

By A S

Published on Jul 21, 2017


I woke up naked in my bed, dazed and groggy as usual. Slowly, I remembered my name, where I was, and how many limbs I have...and then the events of the last day came crashing back to me.

"Fuuuuuuuuck what'd I get myself into?!" I groaned. Well, at least it's Saturday, plenty of time to think things over. I ambled out of bed and put on the nearest pair of 'not too gross yet' basketball shorts. I stumbled downstairs, grabbed the TV remote and made myself a bowl of cereal and a beer, the true breakfast of champions. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I flicked through until I found some unspeakably offensive comedy and relaxed to enjoy my breakfast.

I was really getting into the TV when I heard a knock at the door. I sighed, stood up, and Frankenstein walked to the door. I looked through the eye whole thing and immediately regretted my sigh.

"Evan!" I hollered as I opened the door and hugged him.

"Uh, hey. Why so excited to see me?" He chuckled.

"Cause shut up maybe I kinda missed you!"

"It's been barely 12 hours."

"Still though, I'm allowed to miss you." I tasseled his hair. "Come on in, fix yourself some breakfast if you want, I was actually halfway through mine."

He followed behind me as I sat back down on the couch. "Cereal and beer for breakfast?" He asked.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Oh, nothing at all. Someday you should let me make you breakfast though." He smiled like he had some sorta secret.

"Eh, if you want, sounds Good!" He took a seat next to me, not too close but not too far, like he was scared to sit how close he wanted to, so I grabbed his ass and scooted him right beside me. "That better?" He nodded and giggled. "Good. So why ya over here so early? Not that I mind or anything like that."

"Well I was hanging out and home but things got awkward with Tony there," I stopped with a spoon full of cereal halfway to my mouth. "So I figured I'd come over that ok?"

"You can come over whenever you want man, don't even have to knock. Tony didn't start any shit did he?"

"No no, nothing like that. He just was really quiet, it was weird."

"Well you know what they say, if someone's gonna beat your ass if you say something mean, don't say anything at all."

"I'm not sure that's what they say. Anyway, how was the rest of your night?"

I flipped a mental coin and it came up heads. "I can tell you anything, right man? No judgement?"

"Of course!"

"Well, last night me and Ian actually fulled around. And I feel kinda bad about it because you and me are...whatever, and me and him are brothers. I don't know, I feel conflicted."

"You both wanted it though, right?" I nodded" so who cares? Incest is only frowned upon because of birth defects and pretty sure neither of you will get pregnant." We both laughed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But what about us? I mean, you don't feel cheated on do you? I'm still not sure where we stand."

"Dude you're starting to sound like a fag." He laughed and I punched him playfully on the arm. "But seriously, I don't care. I actually gave him permission sorta last night." He blushed deeply and I gawked at him.

"You what?" I asked, stunned.

"Yeah, hes always wanted to, you two seem close, and I, uh, thought it would be kinda hot. So...what did you two do?"

I could see the tent growing in his skinny jeans. "Fine, I'll indulge you, ya horny bastard. It started with him wanting to see my cock, so I showed him. He liked what he saw. But fair is fair so I asked to see his but he chickened out, so I started tickling his feet to get him to go limp like he normally does, but this time he got his cock and and started goin to town. So for whatever reason I started licking his feet. That sent him over the edge and he blew his load. But again, fair is fair so I had him suck me off and he wasn't nearly as good as you, but he wanted it and it payed off for him. He actually swallowed my whole load first try!"

"Damn, I couldn't do that the first few times, remember?"

"Oh, um, yeah but you were kinda tied up. Man I'm so sorry about all that."

"Don't be," he said sweetly, "I had a lot of fun doing it with you." He rubbed up against me, obviously hard as a rock.

"Right back at ya man. Still though, the thought of all those guys taking advantage of you..."


"Kinda turns me on in a bad way." I gave him an evil grin and pinned him down on the couch. He yelped then giggled, biting at his lip. I sucked and nibbled at his neck. We rubbed our crotches together and squirmed around on the couch.

"Jesus fucking Christ is this gonna be an everyday thing?" my brother asked.

I pulled my lips off of Evan to look up at the stairs where my cute little brother...I mean my brother, was standing in just some plaid pajama bottoms.

"Sorry bro! You know how it is when you first start dating someone."

"Dating?" Ian and Evan said at the same time. Ian sounded intrigued and Evan sounded shocked.

"I know what I mean...well, actually I don't know what I mean..." I rambled.

"I'll uh...leave you two alone then." Ian backed up the stairs and at the top I heard him start to laugh maniacally.

"Do you really wanna date me?" Evan asked, still pinned under me.

"I mean, yeah I guess. Well, you normally wanna date people you like hanging out with and wanna fuck, you fit both bills man." I said lamely.

"Wow, how romantic." He rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I'm serious!" I said, getting off him and helping him up, "I do like hanging out with you, and I did miss you even though it was for like 12 hours so yeah, screw it. Wanna be my...boyfriend?" I asked.

His beautiful green eyes lit up. Slowly, tears started to form and he hugged me tight, burying his face in my chest. "Yes," he said, "I'd love to."

"Ah come on kid, if you cry you're gonna make me cry!" I laughed softly and patted his head. With the sexual moment over and a romantic one replacing it, we cuddled on the couch and watched TV. I took out my phone and texted Ian, saying it's safe to come down. After a while he stomped down the stairs, eye balled us both, and sat sideways on the love seat facing towards us.

After a few minutes of watching TV, I asked, "Hey Evan, wanna go on a date?"

"Seriously?!" he beamed up at me.

"Yeah man, seeing as we're dating now I suppose we should" I laughed. "Where do you want to go?"

"Um, movies? There's a new spiderman movie out and the lead is super adorable."

"Yeah sure! I've been wanting to see that! The villain looks so bad ass! And yeah I suppose the lead is cute too. Hey Ian, wanna tag along?"

"And be your thirdwheel? I'll just sit back here and jerk off." He pulled out his phone and started texting.

"Gross, TMI man." Both Ian and Evan gave me a look. "Ok whatever have fun, don't go blind."

Evan and I got our shoes on, I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed out the door. I went around my car and opened the door for Evan, making him blush. We got in the car and headed towards the movie. The drive was about 45 minutes so I put on some chill driving music. Evan was unusually quiet, so I looked over and noticed he was hard as a rock in his skinny jeans and he was fidgeting around. I put a hand on his crotch.

"Need a hand?" I asked.

"I'd rather give you a mouth." I started to question what he meant, but then he was pulling down my basketball shorts and pulling my cock into his mouth. I moaned as I thickened in his mouth. Trying to pay attention to the road and the beautiful boy sucking my cock. On the freeway, a few semis honked and waved as they passed me and I gave them all thumbs up. He kept sucking and playing with my balls till I was right on the edge, then he pulled off and wiped his lips.

"What the fuck man? What's all that about?" I yelled.

"Can I try something?"

"What? Sure, fuck it, just anything as long as this load ends up in your mouth soon." With that he went back to slowly sucking but slicked one hand's fingers with saliva. I knew where this was headed, but it seemed the only way he was going to let me get off. So I put the car in cruise control and lifted my ass off the seat for him. He grinned with my dick lodged in his mouth and slipped one hand under my ass.

They never warn you that your asshole being played with feels like nothing you've ever felt before in your life. I never even knew I had nerve endings there, let alone how good they would feel when just one finger was rubbing around them. He gently pressed in and I felt the finger go in. That easily, I blew my load in his waiting mouth while moaning behind the wheel like a whore in heat. Evan swallowed every inch of my cum like the pro he was and pulled his finger out of my ass. I sat deep in my seat, legs shaking slightly.

"Damn dude, you've got the makings of a total bottom." He giggled.

"Shut up! I mean...that was incredible though."

"And that was just one finger, imagine two, or a tongue, or a cock."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now, baby steps." He laughed and gave my cock one final cleaning lick then pulled my shorts back up for me. "That was insane though, I can see how you get off just from your ass."

"That actually took a long time." He laughed shyly, "Not something everyone does." After a minute or two of silence and me basking in one of the best orgasms of my life, Evan spoke up. "So, I've been meaning to ask something but I don't wanna overstep."

"Ask anything man, you know more about me than anyone does at this point."

He seemed to like me saying that as the corner of his mouth flashed up into a small smile but quickly got solemn. "Well, I'm just wondering, where are your parents?"

"Oh, that. Yeah, kind of a sad story actually. They died in a car wreck when I was 6 and Ian was just a baby. For a while we were raised by our grandparents, but when I got my license they figured we were mature enough to be on our own if we wanted, so under the conditions that I look after Ian they got us our house and me a car."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Evan's hand went over my own. "That's so nice of your grandparents though."

"Eh, it's in the past, you know? But yeah, I think half of it was they're getting old and want some quiet time, you know? Which I don't mind at all, I totally get it." At this point we were off the freeway and quickly approaching the movie theatre

"Wait, the nice theatre?" Evan gasped.

"Yeah man, can't take a first date on a shitty date! Plus, you're worth it." I winked at him and he blushed and I laughed. I took a few minutes finding a spot, seeing as the place was packed. We parked, I got out quickly and opened the door for Evan. He blushed again and thanked me. We walked up to the big glass doors to the our towns brand new movie theatre and I opened the door for him again. We walked up to the ticket counter and I noticed the ticket girl was Angie, a friend from school.

She gave me a big smile. "Hey Jake! How's it goin hot stuff?"

"Pretty good sexy, how about You?" I asked.

"Oh living the life behind this damn ticket booth. Who's your cute little friend?" She asked, leaning on the counter to look at Evan, who was standing slightly behind me.

I grabbed him around the shoulder and pulled him into a side hug. "He's my boyfriend." While I relished her shocked face, I quickly added "Two for Spider-Man please." I handed her my card and, still stunned, she swiped it and handed us our tickets.

" 12." She mumbled and pointed. We grabbed our tickets, bought some snacks without incident, and then walked to our theatre. I noticed a few guys from school, some with their girlfriends, would notice me, start to wave, then notice Evan and blush and hurriedly walk away. We found some seats in the theater near the top and settled in. Evan having the time of his life with the reclining, thick seats. We both sat on the sides of our seats, leaning on each other and holding hands and watched the movie. It was a great movie, but I couldn't help but think about fucking Spider-Man every time I saw him. Once the movie was over, we got up, stretched, walked to the lobby and threw our trash away, Evan going crazy about how badass the movie was. We got in the car (again I opened the door for him and he blushed) and started to drive home.

Next: Chapter 4

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