That Damn Kid

By A S

Published on Nov 6, 2015


Social studies is so fucking boring. Who gives a shit about the civil war? But coach would kick me off the team if my grades fell, so I had to maintain c's, which I did with a bit of effort. Easy enough to do when you're a senior, though. However, as the star quarterback and captain of our varsity football team, coach didn't mind much when I got the occasional D.

The bell rang and I rushed out of the room. I had to piss bad so I hurried to the bathroom. The far stall, the handicapped one, was the one I was after. Some nerdy redhead kid was going into the stall but I grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back. I walked into the stall, closed the door, and looked at him.

He was a freshman, completely naked, with his back against the wall, and all tied up with ropes. Ropes were around his knees, holding them back to show his spread ass (that was filled with a buttplug). He was also lifted so his ass was at crotch level. He had black, straight hair that fell over his deep green eyes, eyes that showed a bit of excitement to me. Oh, he also had a bright red ballgag in his mouth. He was slim, kinda like a girl with small tits. I didn't find him cute though. I pulled the buttplug out of his ass with a 'plop' and he moaned around the gag. I fished my dick out of my pants an stroked it a bit. It was already hard. I slowly pushed my cock up his ass and he moaned again.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm no fag, but fucking this kids ass was phenomenal! Plus, every guy did it, we just never talked about it. But back to the business at hand: I had to piss, bad! So I let it go up his ass. He was tight as hell even with the buttplug being left up there so none of my piss seeped out. The position probably helped as piss ran down deep into his intestines. I finished pissing as I started fucking hard and fast with sloshing sounds from the piss, and probably other guys' cum. The kid moaned louder and louder. I felt myself about to cum so I shoved my cock in hard and let lose. After I came, I looked down and noticed the little cock slut was having so much fun he came too! Without me even touching him! Disgusting. My dick twitched a bit when I noticed that, but probably just me spurting out the last bit of cum. I pulled out of his ass and shoved the butt plug in hard enough to make him yelp through the gag, which I took off and told him to clean my dick, which he did like a good little cock whore. His tongue licked hungrily all around my cum and piss covered cock with precision.

Once he was done cleaning me, I patted his chest (careful not to touch his cum), said "good little whore" and put the gag back in his mouth and the plug back in his ass. I pulled up my pants and went to leave when I saw the look of...almost pleading in his eyes.

"Don't worry, fag, I'll be back afterschool." I laughed as I left the stall and brushed pass Brady, one of the linemen on the football team. "It's all yours, man, just don't break it." We shared a laugh, everyone knew Brady was packing a massive cock. I went to my next class, anatomy, which I actually liked a lot. I was all about our bodies and how they work so learning about tissues and shit was pretty awesome. I was paying attention the entire class until I got one of those random boners. Boys will be boys, right?

And that's why my mind started to wander. I thought about Chelsea. She was sort of a nerdy chick, but in a hot way, you know? Long blonde hair, glasses, smallish tits, just the way I liked 'em! I started to think of what she would look like naked, how her skin would feel on my hand and my tongue, if he would squirm when I touched his dick. Wait, what?! What the fuck, that's gay! That fucking urinal invaded my thoughts! I gotta admit, his ass does feel amazing, but I'm no queer! Oh, shit, Mrs. Krum wrote something on the board, I've gotta start taking notes.

Class ended soon after the...uh...incident. And that marked the end of the day. I got up from my desk and adjusted my boner then made my way for the bathroom.

"Jake! You ready for some weights?" My coaches booming voice shouted through the crowded halls. He was a massive man, built like a truck belonging to someone who was compensating for something. He laughed, knowing that no one liked weights day.

"Oh you know it!" I shouted back sarcastically. "Just absolutely overjoyed." Coach laughed again. I went to my locker and through my book bag in and pulled out my gear bag. I pushed through the crowded down the halls and two flights of stairs into the schools basement, which only served as a home for boilers, a spare locker room and the weight rooms. I went into the locker room and sat my gear bag down on one of those long ass stools locker rooms always seem to have. There were a lot of guys on the team there, as well as some scrawny underclassmen from the JV team. I started stripping off my school clothes (a blue man-tank, cargo shorts, my skater shoes, and a pair of black boxer-briefs) and took my time getting into my workout clothes. Sure, I was a bit of a show off, but it's not like it hurt anyone, right? Guys compare what everyone's got all the time in the locker rooms. They always have and always will, so it's no surprise that I don't mind people checking out what I've got: an 8 inch cock that hangs at about 5 and a half inches when soft, and decently thick too. Not to mention at 6'2" and 180 pounds of muscle, I was decently ripped. I noticed more than a few of the scrawny JV kids gawking at me. I took my sweet time putting on my white jockstrap, black basketball shorts and white man-tank with the schools emblem on it. Once I was dressed I shoved all my shit back into my gear bag, pulled out my phone and headphones, and threw the bag into the locker I always used, number 42. I put my headphones in and played some rap, heavy on the beats, and got to weight training. It was tedious but after an hour and a half, it was over and I was a tad sore. I pushed myself as hard as I could.

Must've had some repressed feelings or some shit. So I grabbed a towel from the rack by the showers in the locker room, stripped all my clothes off, threw them in my bag and took a long, hot shower with the guys. The water felt amazing, but with no music my mind started to wander and I got boned up real fast.

"Damn Jake, being naked in front of a bunch of guys turn you on or something?" Zach said. Zach was a real piece of shit and a bit of an asshole, but he was also my best friend. Can't choose your friends, right?

"You're the one looking, faggot!" I said, and took some shampoo suds from my head and threw them at him.

"Now you're throwing foam at me? Jesus, if you want me just say so!" He laughed.

"I'd rather fuck a manatee than your fat ass!" I joked. Zach was a big guy, about 5'6" and 220 pounds, but he was insanely buff. Barely any fat on him. He was one of our linemen. We finished showering without many further words. I got dressed, faster than I got undressed, and left. I was in a hurry to get home and jerkoff. I walked out to the student parking lot.

Sitting on the curb was a kid, about 5'2 and 120 pounds wearing skinny jeans and a faded blue hoody. He had straight black hair that fell in a canopy covering his head and hiding his face in his knees. I had a hunch I knew who he was.

"Fag?" I asked, as I tapped his leg with my shoe. He looked up at me with those big green eyes that seemed tinged with tears. "Oh what the hells wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." He replied curtly in a high, soft voice, and buried his face back in his knees. "Why would you care, anyway?" His voice was muffled but seemed on the verge of sobs.

"Because I'm a nice fucking guy, alright? Now tell me what's wrong." This god damn kid, I swear.

"My brother was supposed to pick me up. That was about two hours ago."

I heaved a massive sigh and mentally decided something. "Alright. Where do you live?"

He looked at me with a bit of fear and recoiled a little bit. "Why do you want to know?"

"So I can sneak in to your house at night, steal all your shit, and then burn the fucker down! What do you think? If it's not completely out of my way, I was gonna offer you a ride."

After a long pause and a lot of staring, he tentatively asked "why?"

"Jesus mother fucking christ, kid! Are you going to accept my benevolent offer or are you going to keep looking at me like I'm going to rape you?" And then what I just said hit me. All the mid-class bathroom breaks, the leaving home with a full bladder just to use the bathroom at school, all of it hit me at once. "Sorry kid, I didn't mean...I mean I'm...I'm sorry." We sat in silence for a little bit, and then something else occurred to me. "But you like it. I mean, you seem like you like it. know...finish." I stared at the ground, awkward for the first time in my life. It's an awful feeling.

"Just because my body reacts to the stimulation doesn't mean I'm mentally fine with every guy in school using me as a cum dump."

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"You already said that. My name's Evan, by the way."

"Oh. I'm Jake."

"I know. People talk about you a lot."

"In the bathroom?"


Another thought occurred to me. "Hey, how is it that you are there from the beginning of school to the end? Don't you have classes?"

"No, I was homeschooled but I graduated when I was 14."

"Holy shit! Really? I thought that only happened in movies and shit. That's awesome!"

"Not really. Not when you're forced to be a urinal-slash-Fleshlight."

"Who forces you?"

He looked up at me with a great deal of sadness and shock, then back at the ground. "My brother. When I realized I was gay, I thought he was the one person I could turn to without being hated, but I was wrong. Now he does 'that' to me." He said, motioning towards the school.

"Oh. are...I mean-"

"A fag?" He interrupted. "Yeah, I am."

"Shit. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to be such a dick." But deep down I knew I did mean to be such a dick. I grabbed his hand and stood up. "Come on, let's get you home." He stood up slowly with my helping hand and followed me to my car (a 2013 black Toyota Corolla).

We got in and I started the car. "So where do you live?"

"Brannen Street."

"Seriously? Me too! Shit's convenient, right?" But he didn't reply. We drove in complete silence until he pointed out his house. "Really?" I asked. "That's where Tony lives. Oh wait, is Tony your brother?" Tony was the best damn wrestler we had at school. Evan nodded at my question and my heart sunk a little. I knew Tony was a little bigoted. He wasn't gonna be dating any black girls anytime soon, if you know what I mean. But what he did to his own brother was another thing entirely. I got out with Evan and walked to the front door with him. I think Evan could sense my mood because he was sort of hiding behind me. I rang the doorbell and waited.

The door swung open and Tony's stocky body filled the doorway. "Hey ma-" he started, but when he saw Evan his tone got a bit heated "oh what the fuck is she doing here?"

"He's your brother. And you forgot about him." I said with a voice full o contempt.

"That thing said told you we are related? Big mistake, bitch!" Tony reached past me and grabbed Evan before I could react. He threw the much smaller boy at a nearby wall, where he hit with a thud and slid down to collapse on the ground. Tony turned towards me and said, "Forget what it said, we aren't rela-" but he couldn't finish, seeing as I punched him in the face as hard as I could. Looking back on it, maybe it was because Tony sounded just like me, because even though he was on the ground and barely able to fight back, I kept punching him over and over until Evans screams broke through my bloodlust.

He was on my back, trying to pull me away, yelling at me to stop. Finally I let him pull me away. I looked down at Tony's bloody face, then I stormed out.

My mind was blank as I got in my car then turned the key in the ignition. The passenger door opened and Evan slid in.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, still furious.

"You did what I've wanted to do for over a year. Thank you. But I'd also not like to be there when he wakes up, so I need another favor. Can I hang out at your place until my parents get home?"

I sighed. "Well when's that?"


Three hours. Not that bad. "Fine." I drove the few house distance to my own home and parked in the driveway. I got out and he followed me. I walked through the front door and went left to the living room and plopped down on the couch, running my hands through my hair. "Jesus Christ what a fucking day."

Evan sat down beside me. We sat in silence for a few minutes before he broke the silence. "Every guy who 'visits' me in the bathroom only does so about once or twice a week. Why do you do it at least twice a day?"

I was stunned. "Wha...what do you mean?" He just looked at me "Stop that! So what, you've got a tight ass and you won't get pregnant, I'm just a guy, we all do it."

"Not at frequently as you." He stared at me with those stupid ass God damn big beautiful green eyes. His childish, faggy, sexy black hair dangled like a veil over his face. I placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back until he was lying down, then I lied down on top of him and our lips melt. I've kissed plenty of girls, but this was so different. His lips were more firm, yet still soft and his tongue was more dominant than any girl I've kissed. Our tongues danced in each other's mouths as I slid my hand up his shirt to feel his flat, smooth chest. I rubbed his nipple and he gasped softly into my mouth. It was then that I noticed I was grinding my crotch into his. This was so fucking weird. I lifted myself off him slightly, just enough to take off my pants and throw them to the ground as he did the same. We grinded again and for the first time I felt another dick and it was touching my own. His pubes were sparse and soft, whereas I shaved everything off of me. His dick was smaller than mine, about 5" long and it was hard as a rock. But it still felt soft as I rubbed it with my own. We removed our shirts then resumed making out. I pulled him up, sitting on my lap facing me. I felt for his asshole and found the butt plug still in it.

"God damn that's hot!" I said breathily.

"Shut up and fuck me." He whined as he bit my neck. I took out the plug and lifted him onto my cock. He eased down slowly and winced a bit. The plug was small and the...'natural lube' had been cleaned out at some point. I bottomed out inside him and he gazed into my eyes.

"Fuck me, faggot." He smirked. I laughed and bounced him up and down on my cock. He moaned so lowed I thought the neighbors would hear, but then I realized I was moaning just as loud. He was short enough to suckle on my pecs as I rammed in and out of him. I reached between us and grabbed his dick. For the first time, I noticed he was uncut whereas I was cut. I played with the foreskin, sliding it back and forth slowly, pulling and tugging on it. I was just experimenting with it, not knowing what to do with an uncut cock, but he seemed to love it as he cried out in ecstasy. I pulled him off and flipped him over onto all four on the ground. I got on my knees right behind him and rammed all 8 inches in without warning.

"FUCK!" He screamed.

"Shit! Sorry, did I hurt you?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

But he just looked back with a slutty smirk. "Do it again." He moaned.

"Holy fuck kid, you are insane!" I said, but I did do it again, and again. Over and over again I pulled out and made deep strokes into his hungry hole. I felt my balls tighten up as I shot the biggest, best load of my life. No girl ever squeezed a load out of me that big. I pulled out of him and he collapsed onto the ground. I pulled him up and kissed him deeply.

"That was fucking amazing!" I laughed.

"Right? You really know how to fuck a boy." He winked and I blushed. Suddenly his eyes grew wide and he pointed behind me. I turned and saw my brother, Ian, and 8th grader, standing there staring at his brother and the boy he just fucked. Without a word he put his backpack down by the door and went upstairs to his room.

Next: Chapter 2

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