That Boy at the Pool

By Oliver Day

Published on Sep 2, 2022


Author's Note: This is a story about two boyfriends in high school who meet a new friend while swimming laps at the gym. As time goes on, they get to know the boy better and things progress. Looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks at

Chapter 6 - One-on-one

A few weeks later, Sean and his parents were going out of town to visit some family, which meant that he wouldn't be there for our swim session with Tim. We told him, and he let us know that he was happy to still swim with just me that week. Once we knew that this was going to happen, Sean and I got together to create a plan. We wanted to take advantage of this situation, since it was clear to us by this point that Tim was gay, but he was definitely still scared of it and wouldn't open up to us about it. And we didn't just want to get inside of his pants, we were definitely open to having some fun with him if he wanted, but the main thing was that it felt like it blocked a lot of our conversations with him since he would cut short if any conversation could lead to a discussion of his sexuality or anything. So since it was just going to be me, we thought maybe a one-on-one could make him feel a bit more comfortable to be truthful about his sexuality, or even approach the subject at all. So we talked through some ideas and agreed on some boundaries before Sean left town. I also promised to keep him updated right after anything happened. There were going to be two swim sessions that Sean would miss, so I had two chances to open Tim up a bit more than we had before.

The first time, if I'm honest, wasn't much of a success. This may have something to do with Tim since we've noticed him swing back and forth between a bit more of a horny vibe, and not. Some days, he seems a bit more interested in talking about sex, and gets hard at the smallest of stimulus, and other days he seems a bit more controlled. I had wondered how much of this was him trying to suppress his sexuality, and how much of it might just be feeling different each day. But regardless, he was more controlled the first day, and didn't respond to a few of my teases or conversation topics. I did try to be a bit more touchy with him, just to see how he would respond, and he seemed to enjoy it. Things like putting a hand on his shoulder or bumping him when we were standing close. This did result in him sitting pretty close to me in the sauna. Since Sean wasn't there, he took Sean's normal spot close to me and ended up leaning in to me as we talked, which seemed good, but he seemed to avoid any of the sex talk I started.

The second day though, was much different. I could tell immediately that he was a bit horny that day, since his whole vibe was a bit flirtier as we drove to the gym and changed. I continued being a bit touchy, and noticed that when I bumped him while we were changing, it did cause his dick to twitch and grow a bit. I was surprised when he had a semi in his speedo, and still was ready to go out, but didn't object.

Swimming went roughly like normal, but once we got to the sauna, he seemed a lot more open to some more interesting conversations. I was trying to figure out a way to bring the conversation around to sex to see what I could get him to talk about, when he just went ahead and did it for me.

///"So... you and Sean have sex right? How often do you guys do that?" he asked.

"Oh... well it kind of depends... I guess I'd say probably 2 or 3 times per week, depending on what exactly we are doing together..." I responded.

///"Oh... what do you mean by `what you are doing together?''

"Well, as a couple, there are different things we can do together as part of sex... but the details are pretty explicit..." I teased to see if he would ask more about it.

///"I'm kind of curious about the details if you don't mind..." he said a bit sheepishly.

"Okay," I smiled back. "Well... pretty much anything we do starts with making out and getting naked. It's super hot and gets us in the mood and hard. After that, it depends on how long we have and how we're feeling. If we need to be quick, or aren't in the mood for something long, we usually will either just jerk each other off while we make out, or we will frot, which is when we pull our dicks together and rub or thrust together until we cum..."

///"Fuck... that sounds.... What else?" he asked curiously.

"Well if we have some more time together or want to make it last, the making out usually leads to us giving each other blowjobs. Both sucking a cock and getting yours sucked are both amazing experiences..."

I looked over at Tim and noticed that his dick was getting hard and poking up in his towel. He also leaned more into me as I talked and I put an arm around him, which he seemed to really enjoy.

///"Damn... so... when you guys do that... Do you do 69?"

"We have before, but not usually. I think we usually just prefer to take turns since it lets us focus on one of us at a time. And it's not like the one sucking would get soft, we both like sucking a lot and it keeps us hard and turned on to do the sucking almost as much as receiving it... anyways, if we decide that we want to finish there, we will suck until we each cum."

///"Wow... do you guys... eat it?"

"Haha, yeah, we will swallow it. It tasted weird at first, but it's not unpleasant, and after you get used to it, you really enjoy the taste... Anyways, if we still have the energy to keep going, that is when we will actually fuck. Sean is amazing and can go for a while, so usually he fucks me for a while before we cum..." I knew at this point I had captured his attention, since his dick went up even more and I could see him trying not to touch it.

///"Sean fucks you... meaning that...?"

"Yeah... Sean's dick goes up my ass. We've both done top and bottom before, but we prefer it that way. Sean actually doesn't mind getting fucked, but I really don't care for topping, so it works out."

///"Damn... so what's it like since he's been gone a week?"

"It's rough, I'll be honest. We've gotten used to our schedule, so this is the first time we've been apart for a week in more than a year. I've had to jerk off more than normal this week to make up for being away, but he will be back soon, so hopefully we can get together once he gets back."

///"Huh... wow... So, do you jerk off much normally when he's here?"

"Not really, we try to keep all that energy for each other, but it happens sometimes. For me normally probably once or twice a week..."

///"Interesting..." he said. I could sense that he was running out of questions, and since the subject had moved to jerking off, it was the perfect time to try to pivot to talking about him.

"Yeah... so I've been talking a while, what about you? I assume you're not having sex with anyone unless you've been hiding it from us... how often do you jerk off usually?"

I was worried that he would try to avoid the question, but to my surprise, after all I had just said, he seemed fine to talk about himself more than normal.

//"Ha... well it's a lot more than you... I usually do it at least once a day..." he said a bit sheepishly.

"Nothing to be ashamed about... you're single, so you've got to get it out of your system somehow. I was similar before I met Sean. So do you have a place where you always do it?"

///"It depends... if it's late at night, I just do it in my bed, or in the shower in the morning. But both of those are close to my parents or siblings, so I have to be really quiet if I do it then. If I can, I actually usually do it right after school, since there's a little bit of time there when I am home alone before my mom get's home with my siblings. That means I can be louder and actually use porn too, which makes that time a lot better. So if I have time to do that, I usually just jerk off in our office in front of the computer..."

As he described his jerking off routine, he pulled in a bit closer to me, and by doing so, his towel slipped and exposed his rock hard dick, but he didn't seem to pay it much mind as he continued to talk. After I noticed this, I allowed my towel to slip on purpose and exposed my hardening dick too.

"So if you can't use porn, what do you think about while jerking?"

///"Oh, different things. Sometimes, I just recall some of the hot stuff I have seen in different videos before and just think about the uh... people... in those videos. There's also a g-, a person from school that I've had a crush on for about a year, and so I think about them a lot too..." Tim said as he started to get both harder and redder at the same time.

We made eye contact when he talked about the people' from the porn video, and he had almost slipped and said guy,' so at this point, he knew the secret was out, but I could tell he couldn't bring himself to actually say it outloud yet. I decided to try one last thing before we needed to go shower and get home.

"Nice... so this... person from school... Do you think you have a chance with them?" I asked.

///"I don't know... we've been friends for a few years, but I don't think that they have any idea that I like them... and I'm not ready to tell them"

"Do you think that they like you in that way?"

///"I don't know... sometimes I feel like I get hints that they do, but I'm never sure..."

"Well... I hope things go well between you and him..." I said as I emphasized the word `him.'

Saying that caused Tim to look up at me and make eye contact along with a very odd expression. It seemed to convey a lot of stuff, but specifically a bit of relief that something had finally been spoken out loud. He didn't seem to be able to say anything, but I thought that I noticed him force out a very slight nod, and in response I gave him a smile and quick squeeze. We sat in silence for a bit with both of our dicks still rock hard and exposed. Finally, Tim broke the silence.

///"I'll be honest... this conversation has made me ridiculously horny..." he said.

"Ha... you think? We both have rock hard cocks right now... unfortunately, without Sean here, I don't think we should do anything together to fix them... so we should probably go shower and get home, since I think we both will be taking care of these later," I said as I grabbed and shook my dick toward him.

///"Yeah, I know... you're right... sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." he said as he sat up and stopped leaning on me.

"No need to be sorry Tim..." I said as I leaned over and put my hand on his shoulder and moved in toward his face. "I'm sure the three of us could have a lot of fun next time if that is what you want," I whispered in his ear. I then placed a quick kiss on his lips - something Sean and I had agreed on, and I got up and headed to the shower. Tim seemed a bit speechless, but also seemed interested in my offer.

After making sure nobody else was in the locker room, we headed over to the showers and cleaned off. We showered in silence next to each other and just admired each other's boners that were not going away anytime soon. Once we got back to our lockers, we both had an issue trying to get our briefs on with our unwavering hard ons. We managed to get them on, but were both tenting them strongly, which caused us both to laugh quite a bit.

"I'll be honest Tim... seeing you like that is equal parts hilarious and incredibly sexy. You are free to say no to this if it's uncomfortable for you, but could I send a picture of you like this to Sean? He would love it!"

Tim didn't seem to think long before he responded, "Sure... fuck it!"

We took a few minutes where Tim had a fun time modeling for me in his tented tighty whities, while I took a few pictures. I kissed him on the head to thank him for the pictures, and we tried our best to get dressed, and hide our boners so we could leave. We didn't do a great job, but it was enough to get to the car. We chatted a bit on the way home, and as he was getting out of the car, he thanked me for the night and pecked me with a quick kiss on the lips to give back what I had given him in the sauna. I smiled at him as he walked into his house, knowing for certain that I would be in his thoughts as he jerked off soon.

Before I drove home I pulled my phone out and typed up a quick recap to send to Sean along with the hot picture of Tim from the locker room. By the time I had gotten home, I had a reply from Sean which was simply a picture of his limp dick and a stomach covered in cum.

Next: Chapter 7

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