That Boy at the Pool

By Oliver Day

Published on Aug 27, 2022


Author's Note: This is a story about two boyfriends in high school who meet a new friend while swimming laps at the gym. As time goes on, they get to know the boy better and things progress. Looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks at

Chapter 3 - Naked

Sean and I were excited that we were able to keep swimming with Tim, and we were also excited to start going to the gym later, since it was less crowded, and that was nice so that we didn't have to compete for swim lanes, but also meant we would be alone more, and we could tease Tim a bit more. Sean and I talked and both agreed that if he was interested, we would both be up for having some `fun' with him, but first we still needed to get him a bit more out of his shell.

We picked Tim up on the way to the gym. We were curious how he would handle the locker room since previously he had always been changed before Sean and I got there. We headed to the locker room to change, but once we got in, Tim headed straight for a stall to go change. He would need to get used to changing in front of guys if he wanted to be on the swim team, but we let him use the stall this time.

Once we were all changed, we went out to the pool and did our laps. Sean and I hadn't gone swimming this late before, and it was really nice. We were a lot more comfortable to joke around between us and Tim, use some more vulgar language,, and Sean and I felt comfortable enough to be a bit more affectionate and flirty by giving quick kisses and being a bit more touchy. Tim obviously didn't mind, since he definitely looked over any time we kissed.

Once we were done with our laps, we headed to the locker room to spend some time in the sauna. As usual, Tim raced to the sauna while Sean and I stripped out of our speedos and grabbed our towels. Tim was waiting for us when we got in there, and I decided it was time to finally have him try something new.

"Hey Tim... you know, they really don't want anyone to wear their swim trunks in here... that's why we always change out of our speedos..." I said.

///"Oh... I guess you're right..." he said.

He definitely felt awkward, but he left the sauna to go back to his locker. He returned just wearing a towel, and he was very uncomfortable at first, but as we sat and talked, he seemed to get more comfortable. We would have started teasing him a bit more, but he was taking a big step this time by losing his trunks. When we finished up, and Sean and I headed to take a shower, Tim still didn't join us, and instead just went back to his locker to get changed. Once we were driving to drop Tim off, I knew I needed to apologize just in case I had pushed him too hard.

"Hey Tim... I wanted to say sorry about what happened in the sauna... I really didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable..."

///"Oh, it's okay... it was a new experience for me, but you don't need to feel bad... I'm just new with this kind of stuff, I'm not upset at you for anything. I like being with you guys and want to get more comfortable with this stuff." he said.

"Okay, just wanted to check... since if you are wanting to be on the swim team... changing and showering with other guys is just part of it that you need to be able to handle."

///"Oh yeah, I guess I didn't think of that before... I'll do that with you guys next time... I promise."

"Sounds good," Sean said. "But only if you are okay with it... like Ant said, we don't want to push you too hard."

Tim smiled at us and I was happy that we hadn't pushed him too hard.

As he promised, the next time we went swimming with him, he didn't hide in the stall in order to change. He did turn his back so he didn't see us change, and if he was hard, we wouldn't see it, but he did have a cute little ass, and we noticed for the first time that he wore baggy, striped boxers.

Swimming went fine like normal, and once we were done and went to go take our speedos off and grab towels, Tim did the same, though he still turned away until he had his towel on. Once we were in the sauna, Sean and I knew that Tim was planning to shower with us later, and knew he needed to get used to nudity, and since we had noticed that no other guys were around, we both let our towels fall a bit, and eventually Sean let his fall completely over, leaving him completely exposed to Tim. I followed and exposed my dick as well.

Tim's dick grew hard pretty quickly after he saw us naked for the first time. At first, he tried to hide the boner, but quickly realized that there was not much he could do, and seemed to give up. Sean and I both were super nice to him and tried not to make him feel awkward, which he seemed to appreciate. We told him we could just talk while it went down, and then once it was down, we could go shower, but he wasn't sure that would happen very soon. We just told him that we would support him in whatever he was ready to do. He didn't need to shower this time if he wasn't ready. He was grateful for this, but the suggestion also seemed to make him more determined to not give up. He gathered all his courage, muttered `fuck it,' and he pushed his towel aside, revealing his mostly hard dick to us, surprising both of us.

Tim laughed awkwardly for a bit as we all sat there naked, with his boner not changing much, but he seemed fine. Sean even complimented his dick, since it looked like it was not dissimilar in size to either of ours, and he was two years younger than us. I worried that Sean might have crossed the line, but Tim seemed to enjoy the compliment. We continued to talk, trying to get his mind off of the situation, but his dick stayed hard. We offered to stay in the sauna as long as he needed, but he wanted to just go shower and start getting used to it.

Luckily, as we had expected, nobody else was in the locker room, so it was just the three of us in the shower. Tim seemed to get comfortable pretty quickly, though his boner stayed pointing out the whole time. Once we got dressed, and Tim was able to conceal what remained of his boner, he jumped into a hug with Sean and thanked us. He said that even though it was pretty embarrassing for him to have a boner in front of us, he really was glad it wasn't something that happened in front of the swim team at school or anything, and he was glad we were willing to work with him on this. He hugged me after, and as another surprise, he gave us both a kiss on the cheek, which we thought was cute and each gave him one back.

It only took a few more trips to the gym with Tim for him to get more comfortable with being naked in front of us. He would still get a bit hard the next few times, but after he got used to changing and showering with us, it eventually went away, which was good since a few weeks later, one of the nights we showed up at the gym, there was some sort of tournament going on, so there were a lot of guys in the locker room that day, but Tim was able to change and shower with a good number of them around, and not get a boner or feel uncomfortable. We were very proud of him... the next step would need to be getting him to stop wearing those swim trunks and wear something more aerodynamic!

Next: Chapter 4

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