That Boy at the Pool

By Oliver Day

Published on Aug 26, 2022


Author's Note: This is a story about two boyfriends in high school who meet a new friend while swimming laps at the gym. As time goes on, they get to know the boy better and things progress. Looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks at

Chapter 2 - The Sauna

Unsurprisingly, Tim seemed to avoid us the next time we saw him at the gym. We caught him peeking at us again while we were doing laps, but when we went to the hot tub, he didn't come to find us like last time. Sean and I talked and hoped that he would be able to get over the incident last time, and we were right! The next week, when we saw him again, he did come to find us in the hot tub, and he did this the next few times that we all saw each other at the gym.

We talked with him each time he showed up and just got to know each other better. He seemed to have moved past his boner incident from the first time, and we were able to just casually talk. We learned a lot about him, his interests, his friends, and other stuff, and we told him a lot about each of us. He did seem very interested in swimming, and expressed that he hoped he could join the swim team when he started high school, but hadn't had any training on how to swim laps. That led us into a lot of conversations about swimming, which we all enjoyed a lot. Sean and I were careful not to press him on his sexuality or allude to his boner incident since it seemed pretty obvious that he wasn't straight, but hadn't fully processed that yet, so we didn't want to push him.

That being said, even though he was shy about any conversations about his sexuality, he wasn't afraid to bring up some interesting topics when we talked. He asked us both about how we had come out and how we had learned that we were gay. Our coming out stories were relatively simple, but we were pretty honest about our gay realizations. Sean told the story of a friend he had in Jr. High who he had experimented with to figure out his sexuality, and I told the story about how my older brother had introduced me to porn, and how it quickly became obvious that I didn't enjoy the girls in any of the porn videos and very quickly started watching gay porn. Tim listened and was grateful for us sharing those stories, but he didn't allow the conversation to move toward his sexuality. He also commented on our speedos and seemed curious about them since he had only worn swim trunks to the pool. We told him that we both enjoyed the security that came with the tight fit, and even though it was a bit revealing, it didn't take long for us to get used to wearing them in front of people. We did mention that he would probably need to wear one if he wanted to be on the swim team - something he hadn't considered before, and seemed to make him nervous, so we dropped it after that.

After chatting with him a few times, Sean suggested we do something to tease him a bit more, since he was obviously teasing us a bit with the questions he was asking when we chatted with him. So the next time we were at the gym, instead of going to the hot tub after our swim, we headed to the locker room, threw our speedos in our locker, and sat down in the sauna wearing just our towels. I was worried that Tim might not find us, and think that we ditched him, but Sean wasn't worried. Sean was right, since it only took a few more minutes than normal for Tim to peek into the sauna and find us.

He opened the door and entered, still wearing his swim trunks, and joined us in the steam. I apologized for not being in the hot tub like normal, and told him that we had just wanted to go for the sauna this time. He said he didn't mind and was happy to join us there instead. We chatted a bit, but also sat in silence for a bit just enjoying the heat. At one point, I made sure to adjust the way my towel was laying on me, which made it obvious that I wasn't wearing my speedo underneath. Sean noticed and did the same, and when Tim noticed, it definitely made him move around and start adjusting his trunks. When we got up to leave and go shower, he didn't join us and instead headed back to his locker to change and leave. We did notice his pretty obvious boner poking out of his trunks again when we stood up. It wasn't as bad as the first time, and he didn't panic as much, but it was definitely there.

The next time we met him in the sauna, Sean offered that since his family was here a lot, and he wanted to learn how to swim, that he and I would be happy to teach him if he was interested. He seemed super excited by the idea, and so we agreed for him to come swim with us the next time we were all at the gym. So that's what we did. The next time we all were there together, we had him come to the lap pool with us and started to teach him the basics. He was obviously new at this, but for someone who had never swam laps before, he seemed to catch on pretty quickly. He was still pretty awkward before and after we would swim with him, like he was always already in his trunks when we showed up, he would still go in the sauna wearing his trunks, and after we were done, he would leave just as we headed to the shower, but it was fine.

Unfortunately, due to some changes with Sean's family, and a new job I got, the regular times that we usually went to the gym were not going to work for both of us anymore. The only time we found that worked for both of our schedules was a few days pretty late in the evening. Sean and I were happy to do the new schedule, but we knew Tim wouldn't be there with his family at those times.

When we told Tim, he was pretty disappointed, as expected. He had enjoyed getting to learn swimming from us, and we had enjoyed teaching him. He had learned a lot in the few weeks we had been teaching him, but he still had a ways to go if he were going to make the team next year. He told us that he would keep practicing what we had taught him, but wished that he could drive so he could come meet us when we were here. That gave us an idea. We offered that if his family was okay with it, we could always pick him up before we came, and drop him off after. He was so happy with the offer, and left the sauna to get changed and talk to his mom. Sean and I showered and got dressed, and when we came out of the locker room, Tim and his mom were waiting for us.

She was really nice and grateful that we had been teaching him. She told us that it was hard for him to find people to be with at the gym, since the age gap between him and his younger siblings was so big, so when she saw that we had started helping him learn to swim laps, that meant a lot to her. She also told us that he would rave about us every time they drove home from the gym, which caused Tim to get pretty red in the face. At the end, she thanked us for offering to pick him up since our schedules were going to change, and made sure that he wasn't forcing himself on us. We assured her that we had suggested it, and so they accepted. We traded phone numbers with Tim so we could coordinate picking him up, and he told us he was looking forward to continuing to swim with us.

Next: Chapter 3

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