That Boy at the Pool

By Oliver Day

Published on Aug 18, 2022


Author's Note: This is a story about two boyfriends in high school who meet a new friend while swimming laps at the gym. As time goes on, they get to know the boy better and things progress. Looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks at

Chapter 1 - That Boy

Hi, my name is Ant, or Anthony. I'm in 11th grade, and have a wonderful boyfriend named Sean. We are both on the swim team, and in fact, that's how we met. He was already out at school when we met, and I was almost there myself, but after we got to know each other, it wasn't long before we got together, and that was my push to come out so that we didn't have to hide our relationship. Luckily most everyone I knew was really supportive when I came out. There was one guy on the swim team with us who said some shit to both of us after I came out and we started dating publicly. Even though that incident sucked, we were very thankful to be supported by our coach, and when the guy wasn't going to back down, he lost his place on the team.

At the time that this story started, the swim season for the year had just wrapped up. A good chunk of the other guys on the team would participate on other sports teams during the other times of the year, but neither Sean or I had much interest in that, so this year we actually both got memberships at a local gym which had a nice lap pool, so we could continue to swim the rest of the year. It kept us in shape, and was a fun activity for us to do together. The gym also had a nice bar that served food, and Sean and I would often eat there after our swim, which was always a good time.

Shortly after we started to go to the gym, we both noticed a guy who looked a few years younger than us. Whenever we saw him, he was at the gym with his family, but we both noticed him staring at us while we were eating. Initially we were worried that he was uncomfortable with us, since we didn't hide the fact that we were dating. But after we saw him a few times, we realized that we didn't need to be concerned, in fact, we felt like he might be checking us out. We started to see him while we were doing laps, and he was at the family pool with his family, and it became a lot more obvious that his staring was checking us out, since we were wearing our speedos when we were doing laps. I thought it was kind of cute. I asked Sean if he recognized the kid, but he didn't either, so we figured he must go to a different school.

Once we realized what was going on, Sean and I decided to have some fun with him, and started to act a bit more flirty together when we knew he was looking, including being slightly more touchy with each other, and also giving quick kisses. This definitely seemed to affect him, since we noticed him start to stare even more, and he even seemed to adjust his swim trunks or hide under the water when we teased him. All of this happened with no direct communication between us and him, at least until he decided to come find us in the hot tub one day.

Sean and I typically would either go spend some time in the hot tub or the sauna in the locker room after our swim. It was a nice way to wind down after the workout before we went to go eat, and we also really liked the hot tub because it was nice and secluded in a back room by the locker rooms. This meant that if we were there alone, we could cuddle together, and hear if anyone was coming.

One day after our swim, we were doing just that. We both had a long day at school, so we wanted to spend a good amount of time just relaxing in the hot tub. But after we had only been sitting there for a few minutes, we heard someone coming toward the tub, so we moved a bit apart. We were surprised when the kid who had been staring at us walked in and joined us in the hot tub.

It was silent for a bit, but after we realized he wasn't going to say anything, we decided to introduce ourselves. We introduced ourselves and he responded by telling us that his name was Tim. He also told us that he was in 9th grade, and that explained why we didn't recognize him. He was still in Jr. High, and would be starting High School next year. We chatted a bit more about some random stuff and got to know each other, but he seemed to get a bit awkward after a while. We weren't sure what was going on, but eventually he awkwardly asked us if we were dating, which we told him we were. This seemed to calm him - I think he was nervous to ask us that question. He did freeze up a bit when we gave each other a quick peck on the lips, but he seemed comfortable with us.

I asked him if he had a girlfriend, to which he quickly responded `No.' I then asked if he had a boyfriend, and he had the same answer, but definitely responded to the question with a blush. Between him seeming to check us out the last few weeks, and his response to my boyfriend question, I figured he must be gay, but neither of us said anything. Maybe he was in the closet, or maybe he still hadn't figured everything out for himself yet, so I didn't want to push the questions on him anymore. I was going to drop the subject, but he asked a few more questions about our relationship like how long we had been dating and how we met. We let him know about how we met as part of the swim team, and started dating pretty soon after, and since he was the one asking questions, I didn't feel bad about moving in closer and cuddling with Sean as we talked. I was surprised when Sean pulled me into a kiss and started to kiss a bit more passionately, but I peeked at Tim, and he seemed to enjoy watching us kiss.

We stopped when we heard more footsteps coming down the hall, and a woman who we recognized as Tim's mom walked in. She told him it was time to go, so he needed to get out and get changed. He told her he would get out after he said goodbye, and his mom walked out of the room. He said goodbye to us and that he hoped to see us around again soon. When he stood up, it was obvious that his dick was very hard, since it was very visible under his wet swim trunks. When he noticed his whole face went red and he tried to cover it with his hands, but we had already seen it. I felt bad, so I tried to calm him and tell him it was okay, he didn't need to worry. He seemed to calm down a bit, but was extremely awkward as he tried to readjust his trunks as he walked out of the room.

We both felt really bad. Both of us had had our fair share of awkward boners because of hot guys before, so we hoped that our nice reactions would make him feel a bit less awkward about the whole thing. We also hoped that the incident would not scare him away from talking to us again, since we enjoyed talking to him, and if he was gay it would be nice to know someone else, since there was nobody else who was openly gay at our school. But we didn't need to worry, it wasn't long before we saw him again.

Next: Chapter 2

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