Thank You For Your Service

By Varstin

Published on Aug 30, 2001



We all have those moments I guess, where you are so incredibly horny that you would do anything. Well, I must say that after my experience last year, I get a little more careful. It began when I was on the net last spring. It was still cold outside and there was no other option, just to wait for the summer to arrive. I was bored. I had taken a vacation, because I wanted some time of from my work. I'm a police officer you see, and there are sometimes that things get to you a little faster than they suppose to. So I had a timeout and I liked it, but still, I'm not used to have so much free time. Anyway, because of my boredom I started to surf the net for entertainment. First I found out how many horny pictures there are of men, in any category you would like. They I discovered chat. I spent hours chatting with people talk over the world, and of course in my neighbourhood. Had some dates also. I enjoyed having a date over. Sometimes it was a guy who was into uniforms. I was willing enough to give someone else the pleasure of being fucked by a cop. In a way it felt very dominant, or at least that what my uniform is doing for the other party.

So I had some fun with all different kinds of guys, but all my dates where predictable and submissive to me. It was on a Wednesday that I stumbled on a strange ad on a gay kinky site. The ad was different than all the others and it made me curious. It was the ad of a guy, age 34, who wanted to contact people who wanted to submit themselves for a certain mount of time to him. The way he described himself turned me on. And giving control to a stranger was very tempting. I decided to email him. We exchanged a few mails and it didn't took me long to just try this guy out. He also got hold of my background, so he knew I was a cop. One day he emailed me and said that he had a great idea. He wanted to play a kidnapping game with me. And I was his prey. At first I didn't know what to think of it. I didn't actually met this guy and I didn't know what he would do to me, when I would go along with his game. But after a few days the idea of being helpless and totally dependent of someone else began to appeal to me. In a very horny mood I decided to just go for it.

The game had started; he mailed me a location, very near of my home, where I had to go. I was told to wear my duty uniform, so I did. The only thing I left home was my gun. Well, you have to be a little cautious, don't you think?

I walked over to the location he picked out for me. I live at he edge of a forest so it wasn't difficult for him too choose a location where there wouldn't be much people to witness the start of our game. When I arrived, I had to look for a paper cup. It was hidden behind a big tree with a mark on it. Finding the cup was easy; drinking the substance was more difficult. After drinking the substance there was no turning back. But I was too horny and drank the cup empty. Nothing happened at first, but after half a minute my head began to turn, my limbs began to weaken and my vision when blur. I saw a man approaching me. I tried to get a good look of him, but the drink had already reduced all my normal body functions to a minimum. He laid his arms around me and supported me to a van. I was still conscious, but too weak to do anything without help of my kidnapper. He pushed me into the van; he had laid a mattress in it so I could be comfortably transported. I was glad that he did because I was very limited in my own will to move.

During the trip I passes out.

When I woke up I was sitting in a chair, cuffed with my own handcuffs, and tied in a way that only my head was free to move. I was in a dark room with very little light from the outside. There was one lamp, which gave me the possibility to see the rooms' perspective. It seemed that we were in some kind of cellar, but the cellar was too big for a normal house. My lips tasted strangely, and felt a bit sticky. When I ran my tongue over my lips a dark manly voice spoke to me. He was standing behind me, so I could not see him.

"That's my sperm you taste around your lips. I couldn't help myself when you were in the van. I hope you don't mind?"

I wasn't sure to give him an answer. I was turned on by this situation. I had no clue what was going to happen next, but I loved the role of being submissive to an other guy. I decided not to speak at this moment.

The kidnapper spoke again: "You are quite a catch I must say. When I pulled you out of the van, I couldn't help to notice that you have a well-trained body. Police academy must have done you good."

I kept quiet again.

"Why don't you answer, are you too shy or too afraid to talk to me? Well, it don't matter much because you are mine anyway. I' going to have some fun with you. By the way, you are my first cop, you know? That makes this almost a special occasion. You know I like cops? Really, I do!"

I heard him come closer. He ran his hand thru my hair and pushed it a little forward. Then I saw for the first time that my police hat was lying on the ground, just in front of my feet, it was top down.

"You are probably asking yourself what I want from you, don't you? I'll brief you on this chief. You see your own hat lying in front of you? Well, I'm going to have some fun with you for the days to come. And if you're lucky, you have your moments too."

Now my kidnapper moved to the front of me. He was wearing a black mask to hide his identity, the kind that bank robber wear when robbing a bank. He seems to be in a good and healthy state. A bit muscular, a little taller then me, and wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt. He took my police hat up from the floor. He whipped the dirt from my hat and put it on his own head.

"How do I look, a bit like you perhaps? I think I'm going to keep that as a souvenir."

"You can't do that, that state property!"

"So you can speak, Mr. Officer. Very good, I was beginning to think that you had lost your tongue. It's a shame that the first words you speak have to be so negative. Let me tell you something."

He stepped forward and rested his hands on the arms of the chair I was seated on. His face was very close to mine. I looked into his dark brown eyes. He was really kinda sexy.

"You are in no position to tell me what I can or cannot do. If I want to piss in your hat, then that's what I will do. Do you understand officer?"

This time I kept quiet again, I wasn't going to make this easy on him.

"You think I'm joking, don't you? Well, watch this."

He unzipped his jeans and a semi hard cock became visible. His uncut cock was a beauty to see. He held my hat under his cock and actually began to piss in it. Not a few drops, a steamy stream of piss came out of his cock and went right in my hat. When he finished he lifted the hat to his face and smelled his own urine.

"I love the smell of fresh urine.... Don't you?"

He moved the hat filled with piss to my face.

"Smell my piss!"

I obeyed him, and in a strange way, I wanted to obey him. I smelled at the hat, it had a strong odour, but in a way I liked it. He really got me horny at this time.

"Good cop, you see that it isn't so hard to take orders from an other guy. Let it be a lesson to you."

He took the hat above my head and poured his piss over my head. It was still warm. Then he returned my hat to me and placed it on my head. The piss was dripping down my face.

Then he walked towards a door and locked me up. I sat alone there almost for an hour when he came back. He was still wearing his mask.

Without speaking he walked towards me and kneeled down in front of me. He began to unzip my pants and it didn't took him long to take my cock out of my pants. It wasn't hard at all, because it all went so fast, but slowly the blood was pumping it up, I could feel it. Then he took my cock in his mouth and began to blow me. This guy had some experience in doing so, because it felt really good. He moved his tongue in a certain way that I really like. He was sucking me in such a way that he could make me cum if he wanted to. In the meanwhile he had opened his own pants and was stroking his own cock, while sucking mine. I wanted to warn him that I was close to cumin, but when I wanted to say something he let get of my cock and looked me in the eyes.

"Don't say anything.... keep your mouth shut, understand."

He said it in a very calm way, what made it also a bit frightening. I was close to cumming but I couldn't say anything. Just a second before shooting he let go of my cock so my sperm was able to shoot freely in the air, landing on his covered face and chest. The he got up and forced his cock into my mouth. His cock was still a bit flexible when I had it in my mouth, which made it very nice to give him a good blowjob. I began to suck his cock as if my life depended on it. He moaned. He pressed his cock further and further in my mouth. It tasted really good. After a while he took it out and began to finish the job right in front of me. He had lifted his shirt up a bit, and therefore I could see his very developed stomach. While observing his movements he shot his load right in my face. His cum was dripping down my chin. Then we finally began a conversation.

"Officer, you are quiet a piece! I was thinking of releasing you the same day, but I think I'll have you a little longer then that. "

"Well, you make it worth while, your cock is a treat to suck."

"Yeah, if you only knew what is coming to you. Swallow this pill."

He pushed a green pill into my mouth. I had no other choice then to swallow it. Then he left again.

The next thing I know is that I woke up lying on a bed. My hands were tied with a leather belt, and on the belt is a rope was attached. The rope was tied firmly to the head of the bed. My legs were free to move; at least this was a better position to be in then the previous one. I also notice that my clothes were gone. I laid on the bed completely naked. I was moved to another room in the house, probably the bedroom of my kidnapper. I tried to look for clues where I could be but I hadn't enough time to do so. De bedroom door opened and 5 guys dressed in police officer clothes entered the room. I could immediately tell that one of the guys was wearing my suit. The other suits were copies, probably sold on a market for people who like role-playing sex games. My kidnapper was not with the party. The so-called cops were not wearing any masks. One of them walked up to the bed

"Well, you bastard. We finally got your ass tight down, don't we? Now be a good boy and tell us where the stuff is."

This officer was a big one. He had very broad shoulders and seemed to be very strong. Weightlifting had to be his kind of sport. But what was this guy talking about? I couldn't make head or tails of it. What kind of stuff was he referring to? I could only think of drugs.

"What are you talking about? I don't know anything about drugs."

I began to worry a bit. My kidnapper was the one who I trusted. These guys, although not wearing masks, were something else.

"Hear that guys, he says that he doesn't know anything. Listen you punk, if you don't tell us, we have to interrogate you."

"Really, I know nothing, I even...."

He didn't let me finish my sentence. He laid one of his strong hands on my mouth, while using the other to get his cock out of his pants. And believe me when I say that his cock fitted perfectly with his body. It was huge!

"See this monkey punk? Just because you want to give me a hard time, you're going to get it yourself."

He placed himself on the bed, his cock straight forward pointing in my direction. He let go of my face and used his both hands to spread my legs. Without any excuse he pushed his rod into my crack. It was a most painful experience at the beginning. My ass had never had to spread this far. He began to work me like a machine. His cock fucked me fast and hard. I was so busy with taking his cock that I hadn't noticed that one of the other cops also had unzipped his pants. I noticed him when he got on the bed too. He had a normal size cock, but still nothing to take for granted. He moved his ass over my face so his crack hovered right above my mouth. He moved one hand under my head and pushed it up.

"Rim that ass boy, let me feel that tongue of yours." He said.

But it all became natural, when I have a juicy ass this close to my face; it has become second nature to start rimming it. In the meantime I was getting used to the big guys cock. It began to feel very good. My cock hardened in no time and that was where cop nr3 came into action. I don't know anymore if they all were on the bed eventually or that some of them watched from a distance. All I know is that they were all over me, licking, sucking, and fucking me in every possible way. And there was nothing I could do about it. Not that I wanted to do anything about it. After a serious amount of time the position of the guys was changed. There was an other guy fucking me, but that was peanuts when compared with the fuck of the big cop gave me. The big guys was now jerking his huge cock right in front of my face.

"I'll shoot my load all over you if you don't tell me where you have hidden the stuff." He said

"NEVER!" I heard myself say.

I still hadn't got a clue what they were talking about, but I just wanted his load in my face. I didn't care for what reason they had, or what they were looking for. I just wanted to enjoy these guys forever

So that was when I got 'punished' for not obeying. Big cop pushed his end of his cock into my mouth (really, the whole thing was just impossible) and shot his load right into my mouth. I felt his sperm shoot right into my throat. At the same time I felt that the other cops were dropping their load on my body. What a way to have sex!

That was the moment when I heard a familiar voice from the other side of the room. It was my kidnapper, but I couldn't see him because the big cop was blocking my entire view.

"Blindfold him."

One of the guys took a piece of fabric so I couldn't see a thing anymore. Everyone moved away from the bed. I head the big cop speak to my kidnapper

"Sorry Sir, we were not able to get anything loose from him."

"That's ok. I'll have a go myself. Turn him around!"

With no effort at all I was tuned around, laying face down on the pillow.

I heard a belt unbuckle, I heard the other guys saying something I couldn't understand

I felt a guy climbing the bed from behind. My hands were still tied to the bed, and a body hovered over my own. Then the guy moved downwards and it felt almost like a perfect match. There even seemed to be some chemistry between the two of us. I just knew that it was my kidnapper who layed on top of me.

It was incredible. He shoved his cock right into my hole, which was opened widely because of the previous encounters with the group of cops. Slowly he began to fuck me. His body moved like a serpent over mine. His tongue ran thru my neck, his hands were looking for my nipples. And when he found them he began to squeeze them. It almost seemed as if this guy had a body that was made for sex. He brought me in ecstasy. The sex before with the five cops was very good, but this was truly heaven. He used all of his body parts to bring me in ecstasy. While his cock still fucking my ass very slowly, he used whatever he could use to stimulate me. There was a moment where it almost seemed that the others where participating also, but that wasn't so.

I began to rub my cock over the mattress, I looked like a horny dog, but it was the only was to stimulate my cock.

"It's beginning, turn him over." I hear my kidnapper say

He moved away for a moment, I was turned around and within seconds he was on top of me again. He sat down on the bed with his knees beside my body, his hands on my chest. I felt my cock touching his crack. He continued his magic, worked my body all over, but he didn't touched my cock once. But the feeling of my cock being so close to his hole was a great feeling. And because of his way of getting my body worked up I was very close to cumming. Then he moved his head towards me and pushed his tongue into my mouth. That did it for me. Without touching my cock I came. I couldn't see where my load was dropping, but I was shooting my load like I've never had shot it before. I heard the other move toward the bed, but my kidnapper stopped. He looked me in the eyes and kissed me again.

"Thank you for your service officer."

And with those words, the other guys came closer and began to lick every drop of sperm I had shot. They swallowed it like it was candy. They even licked the crack clean from my kidnapper, but he didn't mind. Have you ever felt 5 tongues running over your body? I can tell you that it was an experience of a lifetime.

He got up from the bed and walked away, out of the room. I dozed of while the other guys were still licking my body.

When I woke up again, I was laying under the tree with the mark on it. The place where it all started. I was wearing my own uniform again; everything was there, even my police hat. I took my police hat from the ground. It still smelled a little funny. But the odour was something I would never forget. I went home and had a good night rest. Of course I tried to contact my kidnapper several times. I still got his email address. I've even tried to contact him, pretending to be someone else, but every time he does he knows that it is me. Because he always gives me a reply ending with Thanks for giving us the stuff, Copper. Somehow this is supposed to be a once in your lifetime experience. Maybe you want to try it yourself someday?

If you have any questions or comments about this story, you can mail me at

Glad to be of service!

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