Thank You for Loving Me

By Pris G

Published on Mar 10, 2002



I actually found out that I had a back up copy of this chapter today!!! Long story short: a virus made me lose everything I had on my puter about two months ago and I thought this chapter had been lost like the others but surprise surprise here it is!!!

Thanks to my best friends for existing. Thanks to all my other friends and to all the people who have been sending me feedback :) And I'm really sorry it took me this long. FKM will take a while longer though... I'm sowwy!

Disclaimer: I'm not any of them, I don't know them, I don't know anyone related to them, I don't know what side their doors swing. If you shouldn't be reading this, then you shouldn't be reading this and you know it so it's not my responsibility if you're caught. If you're not comfortable with two men in a relationship, get the hell out of here.

I'm glad you came back :)

Luv! Priscy G


"JC... JC! JC, man, you look like you've seen a ghost! Sit down." Lance, always the mommy one, said as he led me to the couch to sit beside Justin. I had just gone up to our suite after sitting in my car for about 20 minutes trying to remember how to move. I bet I was surely a lovely sight.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Justin asked eagerly.

"Oh! God!" was all I managed to let out as I tried to remember how to breath. Suddenly it seemed like a hard task to accomplish.

"You're scaring us, man. What's wrong?" Lance said as he sat on the coffee table in front of the couch where I was sitting.

"Everything?" I managed to whisper.

"OK, let's try this again. You went to that Kevin guy's house, right?" Justin asked in a sort of mom-to-six-year-old-son kinda way. I was too freaked out to hit him for that.


"To talk to him about him running away from you after you kissed him, right?"


"And what was his reply?"

"That the problem wasn't with me, it was with him." I replied weakly. Not able to really react. I just went with the flow.

"Oh! That explains it all!" Justin rolled his eyes and I shook my head a bit at him.

"He told me the reason." I replied "And I was too coward to face it." I groaned as I buried my face in my hands.

"What? He's got a boyfriend? He's actually a girl? He's in love with a Backstreet Boy? What?" Justin rattled off and despite the situation I chuckled. "There. Now that you've relaxed to the point where your muscles don't seem like they'll pop, you can explain."

"He..." Jesus, I couldn't even bring myself to say it! "He told me he's HIV-positive." I whispered and heard two loud gasps.

"What the..."

"And what did you do?" Lance asked softly and I cracked up. If I didn't laugh, I'd throw myself out of the window. Ha! How nice would that be? JC Chasez jumps off the 23rd floor of a hotel because he's a jerk. Nice headlines, huh?

"I ran. Like a fucking coward." I managed to say between fits of laughter "And he certainly hates me now! How cool is that?" I asked as I threw my hands up in frustration and stopped laughing.

"JC, you are a moron." Justin said and my head snapped in his direction.

"You think I don't know that?" I growled at him.

"Why did you run?" he asked evenly.

"I've said it. 'Cause I was too scared and freaked out to be there."

"The whole thing crashed against your perfect-world bubble, huh?"

"Since when are you the mature one?" I asked him and he puffed his chest.

"Since the 'teen' isn't in the end of my age anymore." He replied and I laughed before the three of us got quiet.

"I screwed up royally this time." I sighed "He's a nice guy. He doesn't deserve that."

"Feeling sorry for him is hardly the way to go here, 'C." Lance replied and I sighed heavier.

"He looked at me with so much hatred and pain in his eyes." I said softly.

"Just think of all the things he's probably been put through and you'll understand his point." Lance replied.

"I did that the whole way here. And even though I thankfully have no idea of what he's been through, I'd like to know, you know? I'd like to know him. I like hanging around him. But this complicates the situation so much."

"Why? Nothing says you can't hang with anyone who is HIV-positive, 'C. They're just people."

"Because I want him might be a good answer?" I sighed "He won't even forgive me now, Justin. Hell, I wouldn't forgive myself."

"Why don't you sleep on this, huh? We got a sort of busy day tomorrow, you rest, think about it and come up with a solution, if there is one, tomorrow, ok?" Mommy Lance all business like always.

"OK. Thanks for listening to me rattle, guys."

"You're welcome. But you're still a moron."

"Yeah yeah, Mr. Maturity."

"And don't you forget it!" he replied and I laughed.

"Night, guys."

"Night, JC." they replied before I went to my bedroom. There wasn't much to think about really. I was a moron, I had done one of the most stupid things ever, I was gonna make it right somehow. Not sure how yet but I at least had a plan, right?


************ That's it! Pretty lame and short, I know. Sorry 'bout that. E-mail me! :)

Next: Chapter 9

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