Thank You for Loving Me

By Pris G

Published on Aug 6, 2001



Thanks to Nick for helping me with grammar and spelling once again and for everything else. Thanks to Andy for existing. Thanks to all my friends and to all the people who have been sending me feedback :)

Disclaimer: I'm not any of them, I don't know them, I don't know anyone related to them, I don't know what side their doors swing. If you shouldn't be reading this, then you shouldn't be reading this and you know it so it's not my responsibility if you're caught. If you're not comfortable with two men in a relationship, get the hell out of here.

Hope you enjoy this one too :) Luv! Fallen ^A^ngel <---


"Yes, you guys can bring him over anytime now" I said into the phone

"OK. We'll be there in about half an hour. People are supposed to arrive anytime now" Joshua replied

"We'll be waiting" I replied and we hung up

"I haven't seen you this nervous in a while" Keith said teasingly

"This is important for the club. I mean, *Nsync will have a private party here! If everything goes smoothly, it's great. If it goes badly, I'm screwed" I replied and both Keith and Jacob laughed at me

"Everything will go alright. If I know you, you've taken care of all the details yourself" Keith said and I nodded "Then everything will go alright" he smiled before kissing my forehead

"God! I hope so!" I sighed and tried to relax. Just then people started filling the club. I had hired some guys to serve everyone and they guided people to the table of their choice. At least that took the "host" role off of my back a little. I wasn't very good at that. Keera was the public relations in the family. Light music was playing, since the guys had told me that it was best that the real party started after they arrived with Lance. Which happened just a little while later. The music hushed as the four guys led a blindfolded blonde, that I assumed was Lance, in. Everyone stood up and gathered in the middle of the dance floor, waiting to yell the usual "happy birthday" when the blindfold was taken off him. They took it off and he took a step back when he saw so many people. Then all four guys hugged him before people went over to congratulate him too.

"That was cute" Keith said from behind me

"The group hug thing you mean?" Jacob asked "That was cute indeed. Even though it was totally gay" he completed with a shit-eating grin "No offense, of course, boss"

"Watch out or your ass is fired" I warned

"And where would you find a better and cuter barman, huh?" he asked

"I'm cuter than you and I'm a barman too" I grinned at him "I could convince Keith too"

"No way! I'm a dork! I'd drop everything. Sorry, bro" Keith replied and we laughed

"Kevin?" I heard from behind me and turned around "WHOA! There are two of you!" Joshua exclaimed when he saw me and Keith. Oops, guess I forgot to say that Keith and I are twins. My bad.

"Hello, Joshua!" I said as Jacob, Keith and I chuckled "This is my brother Keith and I don't think Jacob and you were formally introduced" I said pointing at Keith and Jacob respectively

"Nice to meet you" he smiled as he shook their hands. God! What a smile!

"So, is everything the way you guys wanted?" I asked "Please, say yes!" I added in my mind

"Everything is great! I don't know how you managed to pull such a big party together in such a short time though!" he smiled

"I have my ways" I winked at him and he chuckled. Just then his four bandmates came up behind him

"So, you're the famous Kevin?" Joey asked with a small smile

"I should be the one asking that to you, don't you think?" I smiled back "Yes, I'm Kevin Crowley. Nice to meet you" I said extending my hand to them





"Happy birthday, by the way" I replied as I shook Lance's hand

"Thank you. This is an amazing party"

"Glad to be of service" I bowed exaggeratedly and they laughed

"We'll see you around, k? Johnny's calling us over" Chris said as he discreetly pointed over to a man standing near a table motioning for them to go over there

"Sure. See you guys. I'll be here" I pointed to the bar "If you guys need anything, come by, k?"

"Thanks, Kevin" Joshua smiled at me before the five of them went to meet this Johnny guy

"Oh! It's been a while since I last saw you flirting" Keith said and I turned my head to look at him

"Flirting? Who was flirting?" I asked

"Oh! C'mon! You and this Joshua guy kept stealing glances at each other and he stared at you for so long that I thought he'd burn a hole in your face" Keith said and Jacob nodded

"Oh! Don't be stupid! You" I pointed to Jacob "go back to work. And, you" I pointed at Keith "go to hell!" I shot back and they both laughed

"I'll go walk around a little, k? You behave, mister!" Keith said to me and I glared at him before he walked away laughing

"Blow me!" I muttered "If you make one little smartass remark, I'll not only fire you but I'll kick your ass so hard you won't be able to sit for the rest of your life" I shot at Jacob

"I wasn't going to say anything!" he said with his hands up and that stupid ass grin on his face

"You better!"


"He was flirting with you!" Justin grinned at me as we made our way to the table the five of us were sitting

"He's funny. A smartass. I like him" Lance smiled at me

"Snowflake chance in hell, remember?" I pointed out and both Justin and Chris laughed while Joey and Lance looked at us like we were crazy

"JC has this theory that he has no chance with blonde bombshell back there" Chris said, pointing in the direction of the bar, and I rolled my eyes at him while Lance and Joey laughed

"Blonde bombshell? Puh-lease!" I replied as we sat down

"I think you should at least ask him to dance or something" Justin smiled at me

"Dance? With a guy? Yeah, that's something I can easily do without appearing on the headlines of every tabloid in the world!" I replied

"JC, we're in a private party, everyone here is either friends with us or is part of our crew. They know you. Besides that, with so many people on the dance floor, no one will even see you" Lance pointed out

"I can't believe I'm actually considering this" I replied

"Josh, if you don't go there, nothing will happen and you'll be feeling sorry for yourself, thinking 'what if' and I won't put up with that shit" Joey said "Do it and get it over with"

"What if he says no?"

"What if he says yes?" Chris asked back at me. Good point.

"Let me get used to the idea first, ok?" I replied and they laughed. They already knew I'd do it. They knew me well enough to know that I had already made up my mind about it.

We hung out for a while. And the guys kept teasing me about how my eyes seemed to be glued to the bar. Well, was it my fault that Kevin looked amazing in that white tank top? That his smile could blind someone? That his eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue there is? And that he looked so damn hot in black leather pants? And that his body was the best I had ever seen? I don't think so.

"Go there already, dammit!" Lance stood up and pulled me up to my feet "My birthday, and I say you're going there now!" he smiled and patted my shoulder before I made my way to the bar. God help me!

"Hey there!" I greeted him and he turned on that super-white smile of his at me

"Hey! Can I help you?" he asked. OK, that's my cue.

"You said that if we wanted anything, we could come to you, right?" I asked


"I want you to dance with me" I said and I never thought my heart had the ability of beating that fast. He looked sort of hesitant and his smile dropped a little "Oh! Great! I'm gonna kill Lance! He better enjoy being 21 while he can!" I thought

"I don't think I can leave the bar" he said with an apologetic look on his face

"Go on, boss! Leave the bar to me!" Jacob said as he gave a little push on Kevin's back

"OK, thanks, J." he said to Jacob then turned to me "Just one song though. I'm a horrible dancer" he smiled at me

"I'm willing to see it for myself" I replied as I took his hand and led him to the dance floor as some mid-tempo song started. Who cares about the song anyway? I put my hands on his hips and our bodies came together almost on their own "You're not that bad" I smiled at him after a while and he laughed back at me. God! He looked even more beautiful up close!

"You're just playing nice so you won't hurt my pride" he said and I chuckled

"I'm not. I swear" I replied

"Your friends are all staring" he said laughing

"They're stupid. Let them" I replied and he laughed "Is Keith your only sibling?"

"Nope. I have a sister, Keera"

"Twin two?"

"No. She's five years older than me and Keith"

"She was the one who got the phone when I called you two days ago, right?"

"Yeah. That's her" he replied "I wish she could have been here but her fiancé asked her out and said it was really important. She's a big fan of you guys"

"I'm sure we'll be able to meet her some other time" I replied "Some concert tickets and backstage passes may help, huh?" I asked and he smiled really big

"You'd really do that?"

"Sure. You helped me big time with this party. It would never have been this great if I had done it myself. It's the least I can do"

"She'll flip" he replied and we laughed. Then we fell silent. I gazed at him and nearly lost myself in his eyes. I had to take it easy though. The hesitant look he had when I asked him to dance with me told me that.

"Do you have plans for tomorrow afternoon?" I asked when the song ended and we separated

"Not that I can remember"

"Would you be up to hanging out with me? I have a free afternoon. All the guys have somewhere to be and I really don't want to be alone in the hotel"

"Sure. Come to the bar and you can write down the address to your hotel. That way I can pick you up and we can do something" he smiled and went to the bar. I followed him and took the paper and pen he handed me. I wrote down the name and address of the hotel and handed it back to him. He wrote down his address and gave it to me

"I'll go back to the table now... see ya!" I smiled at him and he smiled back

"See ya" he waved and went over to where Jacob was standing and smiling. Maybe my chance was a little better than a snowflake chance in hell after all...


"Are you still with us, bro?" Keith asked me while I stared at nothing in front of me

"Concentrating" I replied, not looking at him

"On?" he asked

"Not freaking out" Jacob replied and I could hear the smile on his voice

"Over?" Keith asked again

"He's got a date with Mr. Chasez tomorrow afternoon" Jacob chuckled

"Ooh, really?" Keith asked

"Don't ask. Don't talk about it. It's not a date. It's not a date."

"And who are you trying to convince with that mantra?" Keith asked and I knew he wasn't grinning anymore

"Me. You. Everyone. I don't know." I took a deep breath "Keith?"


"Please, tell me it's not a date! God! I beg you, please, tell me that!" I looked at him

"You know I'm horrible at lying, Kev" he smiled "What's so wrong with it?"

"Oh! Nothing!" I replied sarcastically "Nothing at all!"


************ That's it! E-mail me! :)

Next: Chapter 5

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