Thank You for Loving Me

By Pris G

Published on Apr 2, 2001


Hey ya'll...

My special thanks go to: Trenchie, Stu, Neto and Melissa, who were kind enough to send me feedback about my story :) and also to everyone who took time and gave me a chance by reading this even if you didn't e-mail me about it. Thank you very much :)

Well, I have to say here that if you haven't read my other story on Nifty please go there and read it too, k? The name is "French Kiss Me", click there and enjoy it (this is called "shameless self-promotion" lol)! And I haven't forgotten about that one... Pinky swear! It's just getting harder to write it... Writer's block sucks major ass!!! lol But I'll get over it... :)

Time for our loved and adored disclaimer (don't we all love them?): This is fiction (F-I-C-T-I-O-N), I'm not any of the guys from *Nsync, I don't know any of the guys from *Nsync, I don't know anything about their sexuality so don't go around saying I affirmed any of them was straight/gay/bi/whatever. And I don't care if they are straight/gay/bi/whatever either, it's their lives and I have nothing to do with it besides being a (very) dedicated fan of their music (and looks too because they're gorgeous and I'm human g). If you shouldn't be reading this then you probably know it and it's not my saying that will stop you from doing so. I'm just saying that so that no angry mom decides to sue me for corrupting their son/daughter lol If you're not comfortable with two guys in a relationship, tough shit! Nuff said? Good!

Now, to the ones who decided to stay and read this new work of mine, feel hugged, kissed and loved. Hope you enjoy your stay and come back for more :)

Enough of this talking s**t and let's get on with the story, right?

Hope you enjoy it! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen ^A^ngel

Thank You For Loving Me - Part two by Fallen ^A^ngel


"You have no idea how thankful I am" Jacob gushed as we made our way to our cars. We had decided to meet at my house but I insisted on taking my car with me. I was highly considering the "if you hate him you just ditch him" thing Jacob had mentioned.

"Yeah. Yeah. You'll have your whole meaningless existence to kiss my ass for this. Now let's just go before I change my mind" I replied as we reached my car

"I'm not THAT thankful!" Jacob replied and laughed before going to his car

"Just go up front and I'll follow you" I shouted before getting in my car and starting it. We still had to pick "the date" and "the date's brother" up. She better be some Cindy Crawford look-alike or else... About half an hour later Jacob pulled up in front of a fairly big (and I mean BIG) house, classic pillars and everything. I got out of my car and followed Jacob up to the gates. He had barely pressed the buzz when a dark-haired girl came walking out of the door. Eager much? And soon to follow, "the brother". Now, I had to admit the guy was pretty cute. OK, cute isn't exactly the word, gorgeous would be more like it. As soon as the gates were open, the girl kissed Jacob and stepped back, looking at me, with a warm smile

"You must be Kevin" she said in a soft low voice while shaking my hand. OK, brownie points for her.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you, Alexia" I smiled back at her

"This is my brother Sean" she pointed to the greek-god-look-alike standing beside her

"Nice to meet you" he smiled at me and shook my hand. Now, that smile wasn't one I liked. While Alexia's smile seemed to lighten up her whole face, Sean's didn't quite reach his eyes. And his eyes, even though they were beautiful, they were also mischievous. In a bad way.

"Likewise" I replied and let go of his hand before shaking Jacob's.

"OK, how are we going to do this?" Jacob asked, and I could almost hear him begging me to decide and bring greek-god with me. Oh, he would have some major ass-kissing to attend to later...

"Sean could come with me. I'm by myself in my car" I said, trying not to glare at Jacob when his grin expanded

"Good" Sean replied while giving me the once over. I had to refrain myself from rolling my eyes at him.

"Let's go then. Our reservations are for 8pm." Jacob said as he took Alexia's hand and led her to his car

"Nice car" Sean said as we reached my car

"Thanks" I smiled at him and we got in "Jacob told me that you don't live here?" I said, starting small talk, as I started following Jacob

"I manage one of father's companies in Montreal" he answered "What about you?"

"I own a club, where I pass my time being a bartender" I chuckled

"Not one for office jobs, huh?" he asked and I didn't fail to notice the disaproving tone in his voice

"Not really. The idea of spending the whole day sitting on my ass between four walls is not a pleasant one for me"

"Oh" was all he brightly could come up with. So much for being a "manager at one of father's companies in Montreal"...

The rest of the ride was spent pretty much in silence. It was as clear as water that greek-god and I didn't share many interests. And that was assured during dinner. Everything he liked, I hated. And the opposite was true too. Not to mention that he was a total snob and took every opportunity to diminish me because of my non-office job. On the other hand, Alexia was a sweetie, which pleased me, after all she would be dating my best friend. Thanks to her, time seemed to fly and soon we were heading out of the restaurant. I wasn't one bit surprised to find out that both Alexia and Sean were going to my club with us and I was praying that once there, greek-god would get the hint and go hunt somewhere else. Maybe he would find some air-headed dumbass who would fall for his "father's company in Montreal, father's company in New York, father's company in London" shit.


"You're going out again? As in two nights in a roll?" Lance asked in mock surprise.

"Oh, my! Hell freeze over!" Justin completed and I rolled my eyes at them. I didn't know they saw me as such a hermit...

"It's not THAT surprising." I replied while glancing for like the nth time at my reflection in the mirror

"Not surprising at all. And I'd be willing to bet you're going to 'Skin' again" Joey grinned at me

"Yes, I'm going there again. And before you ask, yes, I have every intention to try and talk to Kevin tonight" I replied "Geez, does the word privacy exist in your dictionary?" I asked looking at the four grins directed at me

"Depends on the occasion" Justin giggled

"You guys sure you don't want to come?" I asked again and they all shook their heads no "OK, then. See ya!" I said before getting out of the door. I was partially thankful that I was going alone, you know, less embarrassing if I fail. Quite a pathetic thought but oh well...

I went down to the lobby and the bellhop gave me the key to the rent car I had asked for. About half an hour later, I was given permission to get in the club, getting quite a few glares from the people in line outside. Tough shit! As soon as I was inside I went for the bar and there he was. Even though I had seen him before, I found myself mesmerized by how truly amazingly beautiful the guy was. He had this..... aura around him, it was like he glowed or something. Great time to decide and be poetic, huh? I went up to the bar, deciding that I needed to make my presence known soon if I wanted anything to happen...

"Oh! C'mon, the guy was ludicrous!" I heard him saying as he prepared one of his colourful drinks "Snob little prick!"

"Hey, keep it down. What if he comes back here?" his friend answered while looking around "Or what if Lexie comes up?"

"What? They'd send one of father's armies to give me a lesson?" Kevin laughed and I took a deep breath. He was even more beautiful smiling.

"He's not that bad..." the other guy said as he handed a drink to someone standing near the counter

"Yeah right. You just say that because you're going out with his sister" Kevin laughed

"And what about her? What did you think?"

"She's a sweetie... I liked her very very much" Kevin replied smiling at his friend before handing a drink to someone beside me

"Back off. She's taken!" the other guy laughed

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna play for your team now" Kevin laughed before looking at me "Hey! You came back!" he said and it took me a minute to realize he was talking to me

"I liked it here a lot so I decided to come back since I'll be going away in two days. Had to make the best out of what little time I have here, right?" I smiled

"Thank you" he smiled and my face problably showed confusion (well, I was confused. Why would he thank me?) because he chuckled "I own this place and you just complimented it so thank you" he completed and I felt stupid. Not that it was my fault that I didn't know that he was the owner but I still felt stupid "So, how can I help you out, JC?"

"Give me a soda, please?" I asked, not failing to notice he called me JC. I had introduced myself as Joshua. It would be nice to get to know someone who didn't know me every once in a while you know...

"Sure" he smiled, causing the butterflies in my stomach to start flying frantically, before turning his back to me to reach for the fridge "Here you go" he said handing me the can and I handed him the money "Anything else? For your friends maybe?"

"Nope. I'm alone tonight. They stayed back at the hotel" I replied before opening my can

"Are you guys here in town for business or fun?" he asked me before taking someone else's order

"Some tv stuff to do, we're starting to work on our new album so we're collecting material and stuff like that" I answered, watching as he threw bottles back and forth "I was wondering, do you like rent this place for private parties and stuff like that?"

"I have done it a few times but I don't do it often. It depends on the deal. Why? Are you thinking about having a party here?" he smiled at me as he handed the girl beside me her drink

"It's an idea. We were thinking about giving Lance a birthday party or something and we'll be in New York that day"

"What day is it?"

"May, 4th"

"You can check with your friends and then you can call me on one of these numbers" he said handing me a card "There are the club phone, my home number and cell phone. You call me and we can decide what to do if you're still willing to do it here" he said and I had to keep myself from bursting with joy. I had his phone number! I screamed in my mind, mentally patting myself on the back for it.

"Sure. I'll talk it over with the guys and give you an answer" I smiled putting the card in my pocket "I'll go have a look around, k? See" I waved and he waved back before I turned around and went to the dance floor. Step one: check.


Sorry that it's still so boring g It'll get better later... Pinky swear! :) Mail me at and tell me if I should go on or stop it here before humiliating myself lol See you guys next time! :) Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen ^A^ngel

Next: Chapter 3

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