Thank You for Loving Me

By Pris G

Published on Feb 27, 2001


Here I am again with another story. My first one ("French Kiss Me") was so well received (THANK YOU GUYS!!! And don't worry, I'm not giving that one up g) that I decided to write this one down. But do NOT expect a second FKM, because this one is TOTALLY different. Well, I've never seen any story with the approach of this one but I haven't read all the stories on Nifty either so there might be one... But you won't know the said approach until you start reading the story so I'll shut up about it before I say too much lol The first difference between this one and FKM is that, while FKM features the Backstreet Boys (cute! cute! cute! g), this one features the guys from *Nsync (cute! cute! cute too! lol).

OK, this story is kinda darker than FKM but it's just as romantic/cute/sweet because I like romantic/cute/sweet stuff lol And it'll probably be a lot shorter than FKM and a little more fast-paced too. Not that much, you dirty minds! ;)

And you don't have to tell me, I know the name is corny but it kinda fits and I love the song by Bon Jovi, so I was like "sure, why not?" I'm horrible with titles and this was the best one I could come up with, k? g

Well, I have to say here that if you haven't read my other story on Nifty please go there and read it too, k? The name is "French Kiss Me", click there and enjoy it (this is called "shameless self-promotion" lol)!

Time for our loved and adored disclaimer (don't we all love them?): This is fiction (F-I-C-T-I-O-N), I'm not any of the guys from *Nsync, I don't know any of the guys from *Nsync, I don't know anything about their sexuality so don't go around saying I affirmed any of them was straight/gay/bi/whatever. And I don't care if they are straight/gay/bi/whatever either, it's their lives and I have nothing to do with it besides being a (very) dedicated fan of their music (and looks too because they're gorgeous and I'm human g). If you shouldn't be reading this then you probably know it and it's not my saying that will stop you from doing so. I'm just saying that so that no angry mom decides to sue me lol If you're homophobe, get the hell out of here because I don't want your sorry ass anywhere near my story, you piece of s**t! Nuff said? Good!

Now, to the ones who decided to stay and read this new work of mine, feel hugged, kissed and loved. Hope you enjoy your stay and come back for more :)

Enough of this talking s**t and let's get on with the story, right? Hope you enjoy it! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel PS: Oh! I'm gonna try something different with the narration on this one so bear with me because it's a first, k? :)

Thank You For Loving Me - Part one by Fallen Angel


"Tell me you'll think about it! Please?" Jacob begged with the most pathetic face a human being can use as he threw me one of the bottles

"I don't know..." I replied skeptically as I spinned the bottles around me, preparing the drink in front of me

"C'mon, just promise me you'll think about it and give me the answer tomorrow. Please?"

"You know I hate blind dates, Jacob! And besides that, you know I don't date"

"And I think you're wrong in doing that"

"Well, it's my problem, right? Let me deal with it my way" I snapped and instantly regretted it, this wasn't way of treating your best friend since forever "Sorry, J, it's just... I'm fine as I am and, as much as you and my brother and my sister think the opposite, I don't need a boyfriend"

"Nobody can live alone for the rest of their lives, Kev"

"I'm willing to try it" I mumbled before handing the girl in front of me her drink "Here you go" I smiled at her and she smiled back before leaving

"C'mon, I need someone to entertain her gay brother!" he begged and I burst out laughing

"So, now I'm a gay brother entertainment? Geez, that certainly doesn't make me feel cheap!" I replied laughing "How can I help you?" I asked the guy in front of me

"I was about to ask for entertainment but I guess that's out of the question, huh?" the guy replied and I finally looked up to really pay attention to him "Would it change your mind if I told you I'm not this girl's gay brother?" he completed and I couldn't help but laugh

"Not really" I replied "So, what can I get you?" I repeated myself

"Pina collada. Virgin" he replied and I went to get his drink ready

"Kevvy, please, please, pretty please? You can just ditch the guy and go home if you truly truly hate him!" Jacob continued almost kneeling down in front of me

"Fine! But you owe me big time for this one"

"I promise you'll be the godfather of our first child" he grinned from ear to ear and I chuckled while shaking my head

"If you didn't exist I'd have to creat you" I said just as I finished the guy's drink "There you go" I smiled at him and the smile he gave me back almost blinded me with its brightness

"It was nice to meet you, Kevin, right?" he reached his hand out to shake mine and I did so




If I ever thought I had seen beauty before, I was mistaken. OK, so that sounded really corny but so what? I could just sit there and stare into those blue eyes for the rest of the night but I don't think he'd be comfortable with it so I went back to my table with Joey and Chris "Hey!" I greeted them

"So, flirted enough with the bartender?" Joey smirked and I had to keep myself from giving him the finger. Mainly because I HAD tried to flirt with the guy.

"I tried. Didn't work though" I sighed as I sat down

"Awww... our Joshy's charm needs some sharpening?" Chris teased me

"HAHA. Now THAT was funny" I replied sarcastically making them laugh. After that I didn't hear a word they said, my mind was trying to come up with a discreet yet effective way of approaching this Kevin guy again. I knew he was interested in men, that much was obvious from his conversation with that other guy, but would he be interested in me?

"JOSH!" I heard two voices yell right next to my ear

"Geez! I might still need my ear in the near future, you know?" I said while rubbing my right ear

"We've been trying to get your attention for ages" Chris complained

"What's it?" I asked, rolling my eyes at his exaggeration

"We're ready to go back to the hotel. What about you?" Joey asked

"Sure. Let's go" I sighed before standing up and heading to the exit door, me trying not to be too obvious while looking back at the bar. Why did I have to be so slow?

"You know what, Josh?" Joey said as he put his hand on my shoulder as soon as we were outside "You can always call the club and ask for his phone number. You're JC, you can pull anything out of anyone"

"Mainly if the person who gets the phone is a teenage horny giggly girl." Chris completed and I laughed

"Let's just go, you freak!" I replied and we went in the direction of the limo. And then back to the hotel. Another limo. Another hotel. Boring...


OK, sorry if it's so short and not all that exciting but I put this together in like 40 minutes. I know it could be better but I had to send it out as soon as I had it finished. I'm impacient, yes, so what? lol

There's nothing too exciting yet but I'm working on it. It all depends if you guys want to read more of this one or not. Mail me at and tell me if I should go on or stop it here before humiliating myself lol

See you guys next time! :) Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

Next: Chapter 2

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