Thank God I Found You

By Alex Washington

Published on Jul 18, 2001


hey y'all. I'm back, ben thinking about what to write for this chapter, and I just decided to start writing right now so...

again, don't know them, might in the future, but I doubt it...etc. etc.

OTAY! now onto more important matters:D

TGIFY ch. 4

The next morning was uneventful. Justin and Nick shared the same room, but not the same bed. Nick felt Justin would be more comfortable if he was on the floor because Nick was a very violent sleeper(he was known to wake those sleeping next to him up with a loud slap on their face).

Once Justin and Nick were both awake, Nick sat Justin down and told him about how he was going to publicize his split with BSB.

"Ok, so I was thinking, I want to COMPLETELY change how people think of me, I've always been viewed as the cute one, but always portrayed as dense. I HATE that misconception, cause you know how VERY, VERY SHALLOW I am", Nick spoke the last part in a sarcastic and effeminate way.

Justin laughed, "go on"

"K, so, i figured I should not only tell the public why i'm splitting with the group, but tell them EXACTLY why, which would involve me coming out to the world. I'll need some support here, can I count on you to help me, and maybe come out yourself?" Nick asked Justin, hoping to God that Justin would help and, at the same time, come out with him.

"Well, only if JC agrees to do it with me, he'll have to do it eventually, and I think it'll be a lot easier for him to do it now and get it over with", Justin showed his genuine concern and love for JC.

"No problem, then. Also, before I make the announcement, I have to go down and visit Mariah, I haven't seen her in awhile and I think she can help me work out some contract negotiations with Jive, and also help me get some new offers", Nick told Justin.

"Yeah, it's been awhile since anybody's seen Mariah, she's been so caught up in her movie and stuff. And you think she'll have time to help you?! HAH!!" Justin laughed at the thought.

Nick looked at Justin and said matter-of-factly "She's always had time for me before"

"Whatever, do what you like, but i'm right" Justin was still laughing.

"Okay, give me the phone" Nick ordered.

Mariah dropped her grocery bags on the counter of her New York condo's kitchen.

Her trials with Sony, and, more specifically, her ex-husband Tommy Mottola, had left her emotionally, and financially scarred. She had to sell her house and move into a condo in a fairly middle-class neighborhood, not that she minded, but it wasn't what she was used to.

She called out to her new boyfriend, Luis Miguel, who should have been home by now. "Luis?" answer...

"Luis, baby?"

Mariah heard a quiet grunt come from the couple's bedroom. Mariah knew Luis had some things to fix in the bedroom(a non-functional dresser being one of them), so she went up to see what she could do to help him. As she was about to ascend the semi-flight of stairs, Mariah heard her cell phone ring. She ran to her purse and picked it out. She answered "hello?"

"Mariah? It's Nick C of BSB"

"HEY!!! Long time, no...well you get the point" Mariah laughed.

"I was wondering if I could come visit you for a few days, got some stuff goin'' on I think we should talk about" Nick said seriously.

"Yeah, that sounds good", Mariah walked up towards the faint noise she had heard.

"You are at home right? Does Luis mind?" Nick asked.

Mariah was about to answer when she walked into her room and saw Luis ON the bed pumping his cock into a young man's ass.

Mariah stood there stunned, and told Nick "I think i'll get back to you on that", and hung up.

"OH MY GOD, Ricky, i'm cuuummmiiing..." Luis shouted from the bed, still unaware of Mariah's presence in the room.

Mariah ran over to the bed, "Oh no you're not, you're going, NOW!" and pulled Luis out his latin lover.

Mariah turned and looked at the other man, and shouted "and YOU, Casanova Martin, get the fuck off MY bed and out of MY home before I call the police and put YOUR ass in handcuffs for TRESPASSING!!!!"

"You know Mariah, if i'm who he wants, then let him be, obviously he finds me more interesting than you" Ricky retaliated.

"BOTH of you GET OUT!! If ya gonna have a fuckfest, do it when you're NOT on my GODDAMN PROPERTY!!" Mariah screamed and threw all of Ricky and Luis' clothing at them.

"Now Mariah, can we reason here?" Luis began pleading.

"Sure, Luis. We can reason" Mariah said sarcastically, "You fuck him, I throw AAAALL your shit out the window"

Mariah dragged Luis by the arm out of the bedroom and down the steps toward the door.

"Seriously, Mariah" Luis argued while Ricky stood at the top of the stairs, observing the fight while dressing himself.

"Seriously, y'all get out of MY apartment"

Neither man budged.

Mariah flung her arms in the air, exasperated. "Fine, it all goes out the window."

"MARIAH!" Luis shouted, "this is the 17th STORY, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!"

"and so...?"

"I can't get all my stuff in time before all the people on the street get at them" Luis pleaded with Mariah once again.

"that's the POINT, EINSTEIN!!!"

Luis and Ricky sighed and got their stuff together. Within 15 minutes, the couple were gone, and Mariah burst into tears.

'everything i've worked so hard for, it's all coming apart, and i can't stop it' Mariah thought to herself, 'my career, my love-life, when's all this drama gonna end?', as more tears came to Mariah's eyes involuntarily she thought 'oh my god, my life is a complete and total MESS'.

Mariah's cell phone rang again, she picked it up trying to hold in the tears she had just shed. "yeah?"

"Mariah? It's Nick again"

"Hey, Nick" Mariah said, drying her eyes.

"Are you alright? You seem a little down right now, what happened?" Nick started to worry.

"Nick, baby, don't worry, it's okay, it's just a little mess Luis and I had" Mariah reassured him.

"Can you tell me now?"

Mariah wiped off a few more tears, then smiled as she answered Nick, "I think that's something we can talk about when you come over here, I haven't seen you in AGES!"

"I know, we've been busy, and I think I'M gonna be busy for awhile, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about" Nick told her.

"I see, well, when's the earliest you can be here?"

Nick looked at his watch, "Well, i'm taking the car, so it'll be about four or five hours, k?"

"Sounds good to me" Mariah smiled. Talking to Nick always made her feel better, it didn't matter how she felt at the moment. Nick was one of the few people who could do that to her.

"Good, and by the way, can Justin come with me?", suddenly remembering how long it had been since Justin had seen Mariah.


"K, we'll be there by...8:30?"

"sounds good"

"k, bye"

"see ya."

"We gotta get Nick back, guys" Brian said to the group. They had been talking for hours, but Brian how so far not convinced anyone of his cause.

Howie looked at Brian with disgust, "I honestly don't care, he's done too much damage to the group as it is, we'd be better off without him"

Kevin seemed to be the only reasonable one in the group to Brian, "look, if we don't at LEAST talk to him, he's gonna do something bad that's gonna affect US in the long run".

AJ turned to look at Kevin, "I don't give a shit! The guy's a fag, I hate fags, and there's no way in HELL I'm gonna be caught dead anywhere near one. Whatever he does, he does to himself, we'll have NO part in it."

Brian rolled his eyes at AJ, "Yes, AJ. Yes, AJ. WE KNOW, AJ. WE KNOW how much you hate Nick, and frankly, we don't CARE. Ever heard of the legend of Sam & Dave?"

"Nope, don't think I want to, sounds like a fag story" AJ blurted out.

"SAM & DAVE you dumbass, only one of your favourite soul groups of ALL time" Kevin cut in.

"whatever, yeah", AJ sounded uninterested.

Brian continued, "ANYWAY, as I was saying, the legend of Sam & Dave is basically that, Sam & Dave were best friends on AND offstage for years, INSEPARABLE. One night one of them, i forget which, we'll say Sam, tried to kill his wife. After that night, Dave lost all respect for Sam and they never spoke again in private, but they STILL PERFORMED together for years afterwards."

"...and your point is?" AJ asked, unimpressed.

"ugh, if you can't get a story THAT obvious, there's no point then" Brian quit, "Just think about what I said for a while, you make a decision."

Brian and everyone else left the room except AJ. AJ sat there by the bed and thought to himself, 'I know I must sound like a total ASSHOLE right now, but there's no other way. He's a wonderful person, but he's not gonna do anything but ruin the group's name. I know Nick, and now that he's come out to us, he'll want to come out to everyone else and I can't let that happen. the only way to straighten things out is to get rid of Nick. I couldn't take it if the group was blacklisted for this, I just couldn't take it. I've based my whole life on this group, I don't think I could live without being a part of the group, it's all I know. I can't let Nick take that away from me.'

AJ eventually decided, after many hours of deep thought, that he needed a lot more sleep than he had been getting lately, and jumped into bed. He fell asleep instantly.

"Okay, Jus', we're going now" Nick said with excitement.

"whaa?", Justin was confused.

"Were going to go see her now", Justin still didn't connect. "Mariah, Mariah Carey? We're going to visit her now? y'know, drive in car to New York? Visit? V-I-S-I-T?" Nick began rambling.

"Ok, Ok, Ok, OK, OK, ALRIGHT, Nick, I get it" Justin was becoming exasperated.

"Good, you get it" Nick giggled, "Now let's go get my stuff and your stuff out of here."

After running up down the stairs, bumping into each other occasionally, in an attempt to get their stuff out to the car quickly, the pair were on the Interstate, singing to the Jennifer Lopez song on the radio.

"So how long till NYC?" Justin asked, even when Nick was talking to Mariah right in front of Justin, Justin had not heard a word of what Nick had said.

"another 3 hours".

"k, hey Nick, can I use the phone, I gotta call the doctor about the test results".

"OH SHIT! Yeah, I forgot, sorry Jus', here", Nick tossed him the phone.

Justin nervously dialed the number of his doctor. The after a few minutes of discussion with the receptionists and nurses, Justin finally got through to his doctor.

"What's happening Justin?" the doctor asked.

"My tests, are they in yet?"

"Yeah, I have them here, you wanna hear it over the phone?"

Justin told the doctor he wanted to hear the results at that moment. The doctor complied, he opened the envelope and sighed.

"Okay, Justin, here it is, you ready for this?"

"Yeah, ready as i'm gonna be" Justin said nervously, he held the phone close between himself and Nick so that they could both hear. Justin held onto Nick's free hand tightly, as the doctor told him...

Justin and Nick's eyes opened wide when the doctor told him the results, Nick held Justin's hand tighter as his eyes opened wide. There was no visual expression either man's face except shock.

I'm evil aren't I? LMAO!!!! muwwahahaha! And i'm gonna make you wait a few days to tell you either way. I've gotta sort out the plot for next time, so it could take me a few days.

Hope to hear from y'all. My E-mail's at the top of the page.

Next: Chapter 5

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