Thai Conversion

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Mar 15, 2005


WARNING; This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If this sort of thing offends you what the Hell are you reading Nifty/Gay for. My characters do not wear condoms and that is because this is fiction and they can get away without doing so.

I should tell you that you should be above the age of consent in your particular geo-political area to read this sort of thing but you knew that anyway.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a small amount of cash to NIFTY. KEEP NIFTY FREE.

And now by popular request (well three anyway) more fun and games with Deckhand Micky.


Part 2


G. Cutter

I was in dire straights, apart from being hungover I had a sore dick and an even more sore bum. All this and I'd enjoyed myself. I hadn't been over the moon with Arthur the abo whacking his big black prong up my chute but I'd really and I mean really enjoyed the episode with the Thai kid. The memory was a bit hazy but I seem to remember nobbing him twice and he'd done me twice or maybe it was three times. All I know was that I crept back onboard with a fuzzy head and buckling knees.

I split from Arthur on the main deck promising to repay his loan the next day which fortunately was our pay day. I think there was a tacit agreement that the events of the night were not going to get broadcast. It was over and done with, he'd had his white boy and would doubtlessly be after further victims. The guy was a sex predator and I'd fallen for it like a ton of bricks. Never mind, no point in crying over spilt milk or lost virginities, life goes on. In fact, I'd been thinking on the stroll back about my two cabin mates, Harry and Bill, both sweet sixteen.

They were both trainees and this was their first trip, they were bunked in with me so that I could do the buddy bit, you know the score, get them to work on time, show them the ropes and all the rest of it. Harry was like myself, a blondy and probably around the same size. Billy was like a schoolkid, dark haired and rather sweet. Mind you I wouldn't have called him sweet a day or so ago but things had changed. I'd undergone a conversion, a Thai Conversion I suppose you could call it. I worked that in rather well I think.

I ambled into the messroom to check up the duty roster and found to my surprise and delight the Bosun had changed everything around as our stay was now extended to a full week to allow time for the repairs and a short sea trial. What chuffed me even more was that as I scanned the 'junior list', that was the deckhands and trainees, I found that myself and young Billy boy had the evening clear and Harry had the duty.

Shit, I suddenly realised. I had a night off, I could track down Hong Noon and play but I had no money, I was absolutely broke, skint, dosh disadvantaged as they say. I wandered down to the cabin like a dejected Snoopy dog. I'd already seen Harry on the upper deck so I was expecting the compartment to be empty. I opened the door and it was or so it seemed until I heard a slight slap slap from our built in shower. I could hear the hiss of the water but this curious slap slapping above the water noise.

I should have known but I do have moments of incredible stupidity and this was one of them. I flung the curtain back and there under the spray was Billy, complete with a full erection hammering away with his clenched fist. He was having the mother of all wanks and I'd captured him.

'Fuck off,' he went as red as a tomato and turned his back on me. 'Peeping Tom,' he squealed over his shoulder.

'Fuckin' sorry,' I laughed with my eyes glued to his firm high riding sallow buttocks. 'I didn't know you were having a hand job.'

'Sod off.' The poor mite sounded near to tears. I say mite because he really did look like a schoolkid, no way did he look sixteen.

'I wanna shower anyway,' I started to kick my shoes off and tug off my t-shirt.

'Gimme a couple of minutes then.'

'You stay where you are,' I tugged the curtain across and shed my clothing in double quick time. I had an hour and a half before going on duty and I was going to use it well. Less than a minute later I was in the shower with him my body up against his, it was a big enough shower but not really made for two.

'What are you doing,' he squealed and tried to blend into the metal bulkhead.

'Giving you a hand,' I murmured and grabbing him by the hips turned him towards me. Naturally enough we both looked down, I gazed at his beautiful dark skinned cock, around five inches of fully extended boy meat with it's glans shiny and gleaming in the shower's spray and with maybe a touch of precum. He oggled my bigger version which in spite of the night's exertions was filling out already. I grabbed his hard heat. Sod it, may as well go the whole hog.

'Jesus, Micky, we'll get in so much trouble.'

I grinned at him. Talk about fuckin' banzai, He hadn't told me to fuck off which any normal person would have done, all he was worried about was getting into trouble.

'Harry's on deck fucking around with the Bosun's Mate.'

'And you're down here fucking around with me,' he groaned as I slowly worked his loose skin up and down his iron hard shaft. He tentatively grasped me and as I kept silent he started to gently wank me to and fro.

'All boys together,' I moved in closer and placed one hand on a tense buttock.

'Yeah,' he breathed heavily and started to move his hand faster up and down on my meat. 'I wish I'd known on the way up,' he grinned at me as I stroked his smooth bottom. 'Fancy me do you?' He gave a little laugh and blew a kiss.

'Do that again and you might get more than a hand job.'

He blew me another kiss and laughed as I grabbed his soapy body fiercely, I allowed him to feed his hot cock between my legs, it was then I moulded and clasped his firm young butt savouring the tactile sensation of a young and seemingly willing body in my arms. I was going to have this kid before this trip was over come hell or high water.

'How'd your run ashore go last night,' he whispered as he slowly fucked between my tightly clamped legs.

'Scored,' I replied briefly.

'Not with that abo guy?' He laughed having now moved his hands onto my flanks as he continued his simulated fuck.

'No,' I lied. 'Found a beautiful little girl, well a boy actually.'

'You didn't?' He squealed and I was so chuffed. Not a sign of disbelief, not a sign of disgust, he just took it in his stride. I just looked at him and nodded.

'Whatcha do?'

'Everything,' I grinned like a Cheshire Cat that had nicked the cream. I could see by the look on his dark face, he was hooked. He was at that inbetweeny stage, he just wanted a fuck and he didn't really care who or what it was. 'I could give you an intro but we'll have to wait a couple of days 'til we get paid.'

'How much do we need?' He looked at me intently ..... very much Mr Eager Beaver.

'Bout five bucks each.'

'I got a twenty, we could split and you sort me out payday,' he smirked. 'Or you could earn it.'

'What twenty dollars?'

'Nah, ten,' he laughed.

'How do I earn it?' I didn't really have to ask, I could read him like a book.

'Well ..... you know.'

'No I don't,' I'd just made a decision. 'I'd rather borrow it and pay you back but we could get each other off.'

'Alright,' he said but he sounded a bit disappointed. I was about to change all that. Moving back a bit, I traced a line of kisses down his wet skin onto his nipples holding his hard staff and moving it slowly to and fro. I heard him sigh and relax. Down further I lapped and licked onto his gently rounded belly and swirled my tongue around his navel.

'I do you, you do me,' I glanced up into the shower.

'Go on then,' his voice was a croak but gave a little pelvic thrust, he knew exactly what I was going to do. I dropped to my knees under the downpour and soapily caressing his smooth ballsac gently slipping my lips over his waving member. The poor sod nearly passed out as I began to give him the treat of his young life. Grasping his firm buns I slowly ran my lips up and down his shaft letting my tongue toy with his knob and at one stage grasped it and tongued into his tiny pee slip. 'Gawd, Micky,' he buckled at the knees as he started to work in and out of my wet suction ..... 'I'm gonna blow.'

A minute later accompanied by moans and groans he pulsed about four solid jets of boy spunk deep down my throat and then lay against the bulkhead as I squeezed his penis like a toothpaste tube extracting every slimy drop of his boy nectar. He tasted so good ..... and I was as hard as an iron bar.

'Your turn, Billy.' I ordered and stood up holding my breath. Would he wouldn't he. He'd better, otherwise he was in for a rape.

I think he knew that for he gave a reluctant smile and dropped to his knees. Moments later I was fucking his face, it was a slow start but a little while after he was sucking away clasping and graping my wet bum, he'd gotten a taste for it. When I eventually came he coughed and spluttered but didn't spit it out, he swallowed it and then did as I had. He squeezed my well worn out penis dry and lapped up what was left over.

'I did it,' he smiled at me rather proudly.

'You did,' I grinned and grabbing his shoulders planted a hard kiss on his sweet lips. He struggled for just a moment and the returned it, we must have both tasted cum on our lips but we were passed caring.

'Come on, Micky, We gotta get dressed.'

'True,' I smiled at him. 'I wanna do you before the week's out.'

'I know,' he laughed. 'Nothing for nothing pal.'

'Fair enough,' I grinned as he scampered over to his bunk to collect his clothing.

'Top secret though.'

'Of course,' I reassured him. 'Apart from our young lady boyfriend tonight.'

'Jeez, I can't wait,' he laughed. 'Gonna fuck him so bad.'

'Maybe.' I got dressed quickly. I'm sure I told him Hong Noon went both ways, or maybe I hadn't, why worry, he'd find out soon enough.

We got dressed and went to muster for the remainder of the day's work, as soon as I could I made a beeline for the shore phone and rang the number Hong Noon had given me along with the address before we'd parted in the morning.

'Hong Noon?'

'Wait, I get him.' It sounded like the old boy who ran the bar. Moments later the familiar husky voice came on doing the ladylike bit.


'Hong Noon. We've got night leave again.'

'Ah, Mickeeeee,' she, he or it twittered. 'You visit me? You sleep with me?'

'Can I?'

'Of course. You my boyfriend ... for a week.'

'Fair enough,' I laughed. I just didn't want my little Oriental cupcake trolling off with someone else, like someone with a few dollars more if you know what I mean. 'I have a young friend .......'

'You bring him, we make three in a bed,' Hong Noon giggled.

I breathed out a sigh of relief, this was going well.

'Ah, I have problem.'

'Oh, shit.'

'No matter,' Hong Noon went silent for a moment.' I am looking after thirteen year old cousin for weekend, I shall get extra bed in room.'

'What's he gonna do ..... watch?'

'We maybe involve him,' Hong Noon giggled. 'Very nice boy ... needs to learn. You try Kim, I try your friend.'

'Fine. Around eight this evening.'

'I look forward to it Mickee-big-dickeee,' Hong Noon laughed and put the phone down. Great I laughed out loud as I sped back to join the gang. We were rehearsing lowering life boats and I'd been in deep trouble if I was missing for much longer. Billy looked at me curiously as I rejoined the gang but I just gave him a wink, what I had to say was for his ears only not for the others. When we stopped for a break and congregated in the shade I managed to buttonhole him and tell him that it was all fixed. Hong Noon was OK the only little problem was that there would be a thirteen year old boy joining the party.

'That'll fuck things then,' he looked disappointed.

'Not really,' I grinned.

'You mean......?'

'That's just what I mean,' I laughed.

'Jeez,' he sighed and then grinned. 'Live and learn.'

'As you say,' I laughed and clambered to my feet. We were stuck fucking about with these boats for the rest of the afternoon and for the icing on the cake we had the Bosun supervising with the Chief Officer and Captain apparently bringing local dignitaries around just to make matters worse. We must have acquited ourselves honourably or good enough, anyway, we were all done and dusted as they say by four in the afternoon. We had a brief tea and then another hour skirmishing and cleaning up the tourist decks and then we were free.

Down in our cabin Billy showered and I waited. No shower sharing with the third member of our little hutch watching points, that Harry had eyes like a hawk. If we were going to come to grief it would be with Harry, I needed to get him 'in house' as soon as possible.

'You going ashore youse two?'


'Staying ashore the night?'


'Must have trapped a sheila, two nights on the trot.'

'Something like that,' I winked at Billy who blew a kiss at the back of Harry's head. 'You've got the cabin to yourself tonight. You can entertain.

'Buncha dogs,' Harry sniffed. 'We haven't got a passenger under sixty.'

'What about the entertaining staff?'

'Officer's meat,' Harry grinned. He looked at me and then Billy. 'You should have left me young Billy here.'

'Fuck off,' Billy gave his little squeak and started to dry off like a little girl exposing as little as possible at any one time. A bit of a change from earlier in the day. By then I was in the shower and wondering at Harry's remark. Strange. I wondered if he just may have some sort of inclination or if he was running a test, Billy and I had to be so careful. If Harry turned out sympathetic we could have a good old time on the run back to Freo, if he was anti we'd have to be ultra cautious.

When I got from the shower I dried myself openly, no maidenly modesty here, we were all teenage boys after all. I didn't make a point of it but I did notice Billy trying not to look at my naked body but Harry was the other way around, he studied me quite openly.

'You fancy?' I chanced the remark waggling my hips making the meat swing.

'Fuck off you Pommie poof,' he laughed but also flushed. 'Wouldn't mind giving you one, one of these dark nights.'

'That'll be the day,' I sang. 'Harry and Micky, lovers for ever.'

'Twat,' he grinned and stripped his shirt off. 'I think I'm safe with you two woofters around.'

'An ugly fuck like you's safe with fifty woofters around,' I laughed.

'You know you fancy me,' he countered.

I was close up to his face in a second. Jeez, he looked scared for a moment and then his natural cockiness came through. 'And?' He lifted an eyebrow doing his laid back beach bum bit.

'Yeah,' I smiled at him and stood back. There you go, I'd said it, he could now contemplate if I was joking or being serious. At least it was something for him to think about.

He slowly dropped his trousers and boxers and stood naked for a moment looking at myself and Billy. Finally he smiled and stepped into the shower. 'Have a nice night guys ..... don't shag each other too hard.'

'Fuck off.' Myself and Billy spoke as one, a moment later we were up on the gangway signing out. As we were now officially on long stay at Phuket Billy had night clearance as long as he was in company with an adult. I was classed as that adult so he was cleared for night leave. Little did they know what I was steering my little chum into.

My agenda was a bit compicated. I wanted Hong Noon, I rather liked the sound of this cousin of his and I desperately wanted Billy boy. Whether he'd be willing to go all the way with an audience was another thing but I had to try. I had the address of the bar where we had to meet and Hong Noon said we would have a couple of drinks and then go back to his own place and 'relax' as he put it. Relaxing was far from my mind, action was what I was after and the dirtier the better.

We strolled down what was then the main drag in Phuket, past the small Post Ofice and Port Authority both since replaced by hotels, as we walked the buildings got smaller and scruffier.

'Bit of a dump, mate,' Billy peered at a market stall and pulled a face.

'Velly nice, you buy sailor boy,' an old crone hooted at Billy and he shied away like a horse.

'She's after your body,' I grinned.

'Thought that was you,' he replied and on we went. It wasn't a long hike, thank the Lord as it was like a furnace, the afternoon monsoon had been and gone, evaporated and the place was cooler but the evening humidity was creeping in. 'I'd die for a bloody drink of something cold.'

'Voila,' I waved at the Bar. 'We're a bit early.'

'Is this the place your mate lives at?'

'Nah, he lives around the corner. He does a bit of work here,' I said, tongue in cheek a bit, if Hong Noon rolled up in his dress and wig I'd be bloody mortified. He may fool foreigners and stray sailors but I doubt he scammed the locals. Mind you he was pretty enough to have a local following. they might all be shagging him for all I knew. He might be the local poke princess for bored husbands.

We sat in a shady corner and I got a couple of Tigers, crap beer but cold all the same and we sat and waited, chatting shipboard stuff for most of the time.

I saw Hong Noon before Billy did and I was delighted to see that he was wearing those cheap and cheerful slacks they wear with a loose shirt, he looked even more attractive in the light of day I was glad to say. His companion, presumably the thirteen year old cousin was delicious, I felt a drool coming on. Hong Noon had curly black hair like a Malay but the cousin had straight black hair and more slanted eyes, a little more Chinese than Malay. Racial intermix I fancy but I wasn't really into all that shit.

'Here he is,' I nudged Billy. Before Billy had time to take it all in Hong Noon was all over the place, cooing and wittering like a slighly demented budgie. I did my intro for Billy and Hong Noon introduced Kim. Billy was looking at Hong Noon like he'd just got from a space ship and I was oggling Kim. Whatta bunch of pervs. I think Kim was probably the only straight one of the four of us but time would tell on that one. If he was family of Hong Noon's he must have known what the score was.

I think the party started when Hong Noon planted a soggy kiss right on my lips for which I was totally unprepared. Billy nearly passed out with shock although Kim just gave a big grin, the local drinkers took not a blind bit of notice.

'You're in there, matey,' Billy struggled for something to say.

'Watch it, I'll get him to kiss you as well.'

'Fuck off,' Billy's squeak was back.

'Later, Billy my sweet,' Hong Noon promised and gave him a sultry look.

Billy went bright red but must have decided to get with the party, he didn't even flinch when Hong Noon sat so close to him that he was almost in the boy's knickers.

'Kim, say something nice to Micky,' Hong Noon instructed as the slender schooly type sat alongside me.

'Ice cream,' the boy looked at me unsmiling. Great, that's all I needed, a bloody Chinese Thai comedian.

'Very droll,' I commented and grabbed a handful of bony knee.


Well he wasn't a great talker but we seemed to be moving in the right direction. I moved my hand up his leg, under the table of course and gently squeezed the flesh of his inner thigh, he gave me a pretty little grin which reassured me. I think it was at this stage Hong Noon started playing with Billy under the table as well.

'Jeez, mate. We should go to bed,' Billy groaned flashing me a grin.

'So soon,' Hong Noon squealed and even Kim laughed.

In fact, I bought our two sleeping partners (if that's the right phrase) a drink apiece and that was the end of the socialising. It was coming on nine o'clock and quite dark. I'd whispered to Hong Noon that we weren't millionaires and we'd rather be doing other things than sitting in a bar. He got the hint and suggested we went around to the hotel. I got the impression that it belonged to his father but on my last visit I was a bit too bewildered to find out or even care. The thought of an orgy with these three put me in pretty much the same mood. As long as we had a bed and privacy sod the details.

I heard Billy saying something to Hong Noon as they walked in front of Kim and myself, something about shagging him to death and Hong Noon laughing. I was trying to make conversation to Kim and it was like headbutting a brick wall so I thought I'd try to be a bit more adventurous as Billy and Hong Noon drew ahead.

'I really fancy fucking you and sucking you dry, Kim.'

'Do you?' He looked at me and smiled slightly. 'How old are you?'

'Seventeen, just.'

'Then we both get to have a fuck, my Mickeeeee,' he imitated Hong Noon's drawl.

'Fair enough,' I draped my arm around his narrow shoulder and we followed the others into the hotel lobby. The same old guy was there and he just nodded to the four of us and went back to his paper. Talk about kewl, this guy was so laid back he was almost in his coffin.

Hong Noon took us upto his room and I was pleasantly surprised to see that he'd moved another bed in and had hung a curtain up which although not a guarantee of total privacy was enough for the needs of the moment. Billy wasn't waiting for beer or any other time wasters, he immediately pushed the squealing Hong Noon onto the bed and was on him.

I guided Kim to the other bed and we sat down a little more sedately and I found out Kim was quite willing to kiss and cuddle for a while. He was a treat, totally different from the 'over the top' Hong Noon, this was like courting a girl, or rather going through the foreplay. I knew at the end of the road we were going to take each other so the foreplay was a bit of a waste but I enjoyed it and so did he.

'Hong Noon showed me last night,' he whispered. 'How to take pleasure and how to give.'

'Mmmmmm,' I wasn't into chat, I was too busy trying to get my tongue down his throat and bare his slender body. God, I was so hard and I wanted this child. To make me feel really guilty I also wanted his hardness, the golden rod that was just coming into view as I bared his midriff taking his tight briefs down and exposing his boyish penis.

'Mickeee,' he moaned softly as I took his oozing hardness into my mouth and gave him something to remember me by, I licked and lapped his solid shaft and then took his smooth scrotum in my mouth until he was wriggling and begging for mercy.

'Fuck me Kim,' I whispered. 'I want you.'

We rapidly removed the rest of our clothing and accompanied by groans and whimpers from beyond the curtain I allowed him between my legs. He knelt in the faint light with his boyish prong jutting and trickling a thin stream of precum, this kid was seriously hot and more than ready.

'We need the slippery stuff,' he breathed into my mouth.

'You're supplying your own,' I ran his foreskin over his swollen glans smearing precum and then guided it down to my sphincter. As he moved closer I held his slender hips and smiled up at him as I felt his slippery tip push against my entry, my pucker yielded as he pushed and I felt his hot hardness open me up and effortlessly move inside me. I'd been pretty well served the previous evening and this was like a sweet treat after the main meal.

I clamped on his slender cock as he began to move slowly sinking deeper and deeper into my body. I don't know where all this stuff came from about Orientals and Asians having little willies, this kid was probably around the same as Billy and he seemed to know quite naturally how to use it. He was nibbling my neck as I kissed him and slowly seating himself firmly into my butt. At last I felt his small black haired bush press against me, I had all I was getting now was time for the action, the fun was about to begin. I could hear grunts and gasps from the other bed, Billy and Hong Noon were well away. I wondered how Billy was going to react when he found out that Hong Noon wasn't quite the lady he made out. In fact he packed a mean fuck and Billy boi was in for a surprise.

Kim, for all his so called lack of expertise fucked like a good 'un' He'd withdrawn slightly and was running his swolled knob in and out of my ring, penetrating me time and time again. I don't know where he'd learnt that little trick but it worked for me.

'Get it in ..... right in.,' I growled and he giggled in return but then slid his whole length in and started to fuck for real. I could feel the sheen of his sweat on his lithe body as he rammed and thrust his way to a climax.

'I'm cuming,' Micky,' he mumbled and then collapsed on me just slowly working his narrow hips to and fro. I felt the gush and the spill of his warm juice as his cock now swollen to it's fullest stretch jerked and spurted in my body.

'Jeez,' I clamped my legs onto his damp back and held him in tightly as he voided his sweet semen into my more than willing body. God, to think of it. A day ago I'd have cringed in disgust even thinking about this sort of thing.

'You'll be my first,' he whispered into my ear and then bathed it with his tongue. I wriggled and tried not to get hysterical as he still slowly moved his hips up and down and tickled my inner ear with the tip of his tongue.

'What about you and Hong Noon last night?'

'Hong Noon said you were a nice boy and he wanted my first to be a nice sailor boy. I fucked him though.'

'Three times,' Hong Noon laughed from the other side of the curtain.

'Explains the style,' I grinned in the dark and clamped my cheeks expelling his softening cock. 'How do you want it?'

'Up my bottom,' he sniggered and slid under me laying on his belly parted his legs. I couldn't resist it, I spread his tiny bubble butt and ducked my head swiping my tongue fron top to bottom of his crack. 'Eeeew,' he shuddered and thrust his little bottom up into my face as I continued to spread his firm buns and lap and lick at his tiny pucker. I wasn't worried about oil, enough saliva and I was dripping like a leaky tap anyway. 'Go on .....' he whispered.

I knelt between his knees and ran my super hard cock into his crack smearing my spit and spreading a coating of precum over his puckered ring. A gentle push and it yielded a little but I didn't penetrate just yet. I withdrew and dribbled some more saliva onto his button and then tried again with another little trickle of precum. I heard him moan and felt his hands clutch the pillow as his virgin ring slowly opened up for me as my swollen glans opened his gateway for a lover for the very first time.

I held still as I felt my knob encased in his flesh and his heat, kissing the back of his neck I gained another half an inch or so into his tightness and asked how he was. He murmured that he felt bloated but that he felt fine and he wanted for me to go the whole way.

That was good enough for me,' I sttarted to move up and down opening him up deeper and deeper as my rigid organ filled his sweet bottom.

'Yessss,' he hissed as I started to move faster and I must have brushed his prostate. He gave a tentative push upwards and I started for real sinking my slippery penis deeper and deeper into his virgin tunnel. At last it was done and I could feel my length deep inside him and my pubics nestled up against his soft bottom.


'Fine,' he gave a little giggle and pushed up onto me just to prove his claim. That was good enough for me. I started slowly but at the end I was thwacking and slapping into his firm young body and he was pushing back onto my thrusts as if trying for every fraction of my hot cock.

'Aaaaah. I heard a low wail from the other side of the curtain.

'Steady, baby, steady.' The voice was Hong Noon's. 'Relax,' he added in a whisper. I felt Kim shake with the giggles beneath me as I recovered my stroke and built up for the climax. I wasn't worried about Billy, he could look after himself but it seemed Hong Noon had made base after all.

'Jeeez, Kim,' I moaned as I felt my penis swell and then the blessed heat travelling up my shaft and bursting into his bottom.

'Oooh,' Kim giggled and clamped his sweet bum on my spurting and jerking cock. Our first lovemaking was nearly complete, the next time was going to be even better. I slowly moved in and out on a coating of my own cum as I gradually became still.

'You OK?'

'Wonderful,' Kim chuckled in the dark and reached behind grabbing my hips as if trying to blend us together. I helped, I thrust my softening cock in deep and hard and furiously kissed the back of his salty tasting neck. 'Do you want another go?' Kim sniggered.

'Not just yet, baby,' I slipped free even as he protested and rolled him over cuddling him like a lover should. Our lips met and tongues entwined as we lay in the dark listening to the muted street noses and the lovemaking from the other bed.

'Someone's having a hard time,' Kim giggled into my ear above the noise of the bedsprings.

'It isn't me,' Hong Noon gasped.

'Tell everyone, why dontcha,' Billy groaned and then fell silent.

'No secrets here my lovebird,' Hong Noon warbled and I heard the slap of sweaty flesh on flesh as their fuck continued. Kim giggled as we drew the thin counterpane over ourselves and cuddled still lazily exploring one another's bodies. We must have snoozed for a while because I was awoken by Kim returning to the bed, he must have paid a visit to the toilet.

'You alright?' I whispered, there was silence from the other side of the room other than the sound of deep breathing, they must have worn each other out.

'Me OK,' Kim snuggled back in and his hand crept up my leg. Clasping his slightly chilled body I ran my hand up his smooth back and cupped one soft butt cheeek and gently squeezed.

'Yes please,' he breathed so softly in my ear. Unbeliveable, I was as hard as a rock again and he wanted it. I placed him onto his back and lay atop him with my hardness between his smooth thighs squashing his own boy prick which was also as hard as a nail. 'Do me, Micky,' he pushed himself up slightly moving his stiffness between our bellies and mine between his legs.

A bit of a struggle and I was up knelt between his legs, I placed his thin legs on my shoulders pushing his knees back to his chest all the time covered with the bedspread keeping the night chill at bay. In the dark and by feel along I located my swollen glans at his pucker and gently pushed.

He groaned as I pierced his tender flesh and parted his ring entering his bodily warmth and tightness yet again. No fucking this time, just a slow pressure moving deeper and filling him with my hot young maleness. He kissed me furiously and finally sighed with satisfaction as I began to move within him.

'Yeah, yeah,' he wanked himself between out bellies until I placed my hand on his to stop him.

'I want a return match after.'

'Return match,' he sounded puzzled for a moment. 'Oh, yes. I see,' he giggled and hung onto my pumping hips. 'Harder, Micky, harder,' he groaned

'Shurrup for fuck's sake,' Billy's voice sounded from the other bed.

'You shut up, you Billy boy,' I heard Hong Noon speak and then sounds of a tussle and a long drawn out sigh and a groan. They were back in action as well.

'God, this Kim, schooly Kim, was so hot. He was tight and willing, he clung to me like a limpet as I rammed and thrust into his tight little arse, I hammered his sweet boy fanny like I was trying to split him ..... and he loved it. I slid from his tight little arse and against his protests flipped him over and then hauled him up onto his hands and knees on the bed.

'Why you stop, Micky?'

''Wanna try a bit of doggy,' I kissed each sweaty bun and then slipped my ragingly hard cock up his crack, located his pucker and thrust into his heat deep and hard. God it was marvellous. I held his shoulders and kneeling at his rear continued to smash and slap onto his tight little bottom.

'Ah, ah, ah.' At each little gasp he pushed himself back hard onto my slippery cock as it tore and smashed into his well battered fanny. At last the tingling and the irritation grew to much. I felt a searing heat churn in my balls and then I seemed to shoot an almost continuous jet of thick creamy spunk into his delightful body. As he straightened out I clasped him fiercely making him gasp for breath and rammed in so deep and hard I must have hurt him but he just moaned and wriggled on my meat as it spewed what seemed to be gallons of my slippery juices up his arse.

We knelt swaying in the dark, him craning his head around and me kissing the side of his mouth. I could feel my overflowing cum sticky and slippery between us as it trickled down his thin legs and soaked into my pubics and nuts.

'So good, Micky,' he whispered as we slowly subsided onto the bed. I slid free bringing even more of my semen out of him to smear on the inside of his cheeks. We turned inwards and kissed long and hard, he was as hard as a steel pipe and I could feel his own precum on our bellies.

'I must go to bathroom,' he spoke right into my ear. 'You come and wash me in a few minutes.'

'Only if you wash me as well.'

'Yessss.' he grinned and I saw his teeth flash in the dark. 'Gladly, my Micky.'

He stumbled from the bed and into the small toilet and shower room which I remembered from yesterday. I could hear poultry moving around down in the street and chickens clucking but it was still dark. God and stamina willing we may even finish up going for a hat-trick ..... each. I gave him his few minutes of privacy and also got from the bed following him into the bathroom. He was under the shower which was hissing tepid water, not too hot but not uncomfortably cold. As naked as he was I joined him under the water and we shared a long and beautiful kiss. My mind was a complete mess. I'd been raped, seemingly adopted a new sex life and then finished up madly in love with a Thai thirteen year old schoolboy. I must be fuckin' mad. If any of this got out my career would be toast and I'd be on my way to an Oz lockup, even worse a Thai one. I'd heard that the Thai police were clamping down on foreigners humping their small boys, it was OK for them but not for Eurotrash, not for Yanks, nor Aussies and Kiwis for that matter.

I didn't give a fuck, I was besotted with this wonderful boy and as I soaped him fingering every inch of his golden skin I felt myself getting hard once more. Mind you, I had to pay my dues. His five inch spike was waving about and his scrotum was tight, he needed attention like right now.

'How's about a doggy in a shower?' I breathed into his mouth and slipping free from his embrace knelt on the wet tiles.

He looked vague for a moment and then grinned at me and sexily slid around me and as I dropped to my knees he knelt right behind. I felt his smooth legs inside mine and then his youthful hardness slip up between my buns.

'Aaaaah, Micky,' he sighed as he took me in one slow thrust seating himself in my body in one fluid motion. No problems there, I still had his cargo of slippery cum from the last time. I grinned at the floor as he began to bugger me, talk about batting on a sticky wicket. The mess didn't seem to worry him at all after all we were in a shower stall. I suspected that he was on top line and I was right, a furious bout of soapy fucking and I felt his boy cock swell and then the now familiar spurts of his hot cum in my belly. He more or less flopped out covering my back from the water and slowly moved in and out as he wilted and finally slipped free.

'I think I need that toilet now,' I smiled weakly at him, my gut felt fluid and that was putting it mildly.

'You alright?' He enquired with some concern.

'Just a bit squishy,' I reassured him. 'You cum too much for a boy.'

'Do I?' He beamed proudly. I laughed and pulled the curtain on him, I didn't need an audience whilst I aborted his babies.

After that small chore taken care of I joined him in the shower again but the water was geting cold and we dried off and returned to our sweaty and cum stained bed. This time we both fell asleep on our sides, me spooned up against his soft bottom and pretty much at peace with the world.

I was awoken by Hong Noon who was fully dressed and by Billy who only had a damp towel around his waist. It semed Hong Noon had a morning job and had to go as it had gone eight. Billy and myself weren't due back until eleven .

'Do you want us to go?' I asked our host.

'No,' Hong Noon grinned. 'You both stay, keep Kim company. He can come down to me at the market when you go,' Suddenly he got to his feet to answer a knock at the door. Amazingly it was the old boy from the reception with a tray bearing four mugs of coffee. He exchanged a gabble of a conversation with Hong Noon and was gone. Not a bad service for a place that I was beginning to suspect was a brothel, I don't know if Hong Noon was a one off or if it was a bi-sexual brothel, I was beginning to believe anything was possible.

Kim was awake by now and cuddled close upto me as the others sat on the edge of the bed.

'Well I must leave you to it,' Hong Noon finally rose and smiled trying to put a cheerful face on leaving his young cousin in charge as it were. 'I'm quite sure Kim will look after you,' he added a bit waspishly.

Kim said something sharply in Thai and Hong Noon scowled. He wasn't a very happy bunny but I couldn't care less, I had Kim's warm body pressed up against mine and I'd already felt his softness begin to turn harder. I was in the mood for more, Billy could go and get some breakfast or watch, I was past caring, I could feel my own sex stirring with the encouragement of Kim's smooth boy's body pressed against me.

'Will I see either of you again?' Hong Noon stood with the door ajar looking suitably sad.

'What about Friday, I think we sail on Sunday morning.'

'You come, you phone me,' Hong Noon beamed. 'Kim and myself, you and my Billy.'

I looked at Billy who gave a slight nod. 'Sounds good, Hong Noon, we'll phone you before.'

'OK, I must rush ..... don't be too naughty, Billy.' Hong Noon was gone.

'My Billy,' I mocked and looked at Billy and grinned. 'Love job is it? Don't be too naughty indeed.'

'Sorta,' he smirked looking quite pleased with himself. I rather fancied he'd lost his virginity on both fronts but I wasn't going to pry ... not just yet.

'We have around two hours,' I looked at Kim and gave him a wolfish grin.

'Nice,' he smiled back and snuggled up tightly his hand snaking down and grasping my now rapidly hardening penis.

'I'll get dressed and go and rustle up some grub,' Billy got to his feet, his damp towel did absolutely nothing to hide what seemed to be a lazy lob, even a half hardon. 'I'll see you in the bar when you're finished.'

'Seems a waste of a young Aussie,' I smiled at Kim. 'What say you, Kim?'

'Two sailor boys ..... ummmm,' his face split in a grin and he stared fixedly at Billy's groin.

'Looks like you have an invitation, Billy boi.'

'I dunno ......' His protestation was cut off when I reached out and grabbed the edge of his towel tugging it off. His semi hard penis jerked and began to rise.

'Get in the middle, Billy.' Myself and Kim moved apart. Billy had his choice and he took it. With a sheepish grin he clambered into the centre of the bed and got between myself and Kim, a split second later we were a tangled mass of arms and legs, fondling, groping and kissing. The final session was underway.

'You fancy Billy, Kim,' I spoke over Billy's shoulder nuzzling at his neck as he submitted to Kim's kisses.

'He has a nice cock,' Kim said bluntly and did a Hong Noon. 'Just my size,' he simpered.

'Right,' I could see the glimmerings of a masterplan. 'Go on your back, Kim. Just like I showed you.'

Kim was willing enough and he grinned at me, I think he was probably a bit smarter than Billy, Kim could see just where I was cuming from or is that where I was aiming for and that was Billy's sweet cherry. I was pretty certain that Hong Noon had been there over the course of the night but, what the Hell.

Kim got onto his back and raised his knees to his chest exposing his tiny and slightly puffy pucker, Billy just lay there as if mesmerised as I annointed Kim with the lotion gently sliding my finger in and out lubricating his inner as well as his outer. As Kim moaned his pleasure I noticed that Billy was moving into position, his erection was oozing precum and he was ready for it. I manhandled them both together and held Billy's slippery dick close to Kim's oiled boy fanny.

'You know what happens now, Billy,' I lightly slapped his bottom as he moved into position.

'I know you want my arse,' he grinned and holding his meat with one hand and Kim's hip with the other gently took Kim.

As Billy concentrated on getting it on with Kim I oiled myself up and got behind Billy. One second of shuffle and I gave a push taking his cherry as he serviced Kim. He gave a strangled groan, he knew it was going to happen but I was larger than Hong Noon and this was his first time in a meat sandwich.

'Fuckin' 'ell, Micky,' he grunted as I started to fuck him for my very first time. The next time we'd be alone and it would be better, more tender and more loving but this time was for the record you might say. As he got into a rythm with Kim I did the same with him and soon we were a synchronised fuck team, they should make it an Olympic event, I'd volunteer and by the look on Kim's face so would he.

'You're heavy,' Kim giggled as Billy thrust into him and I thrust into Billy. Kim was whingeing but he was laughing, didn't quite add up. The moment Billy came he sent me over the edge he tight little arse clamping onto my dick as he spilt his seed earned him an instant refill. I gasped with pleasure as I gave Billy his first load of cum, one thing was for sure, I didn't intend for it to be the last.'

'I haven't cum yet,' Kim whined as we slid free and fell either side of him exhausted. I wasn't too sure about my next move with Billy there but he was hardly in a position to tell tales.

'Come on then,' I lay on my back and assumed the position. Billy looked on with surprise as I allowed Kim to pig out literally. He didn't bother oiling me up, we both knew the routine by now, he just slipped in and fucked me silly. Billy was gobsmacked but at least I'd demonstrated that if we did get it on in the future I wasn't just a predator, I returned favours.

'I was amazed that you let that kid actually fuck you,' Billy nattered on as we wandered back to the ship.


'Nothing, nothing,' Billy laughed. 'At least I know you go two ways.'

'Both ways actually, lover boi.'

'You wanna get it on.'

'Tonight if we get the chance.' I grinned at him. 'Just the two of us, nice and slow.'

'We'll see,' Billy looked at me. He was wasting his time playing hard to get, I knew he wanted me again and so did he, we were just going through the motions.

Back onboard we were soon back to work, we had the duty for the night and would be working most of the evening doing fire drills and helping out with the gangway watch. Our friend Harry was on top form, he was due shore leave and he had a little surprise for me.

'Oi, Micky. I won't be back tonight to you and your little chum have the cabin to yourselves,' he leered at Billy and myself.

'That's nice, we don't have to listen to you snoring.'

'Your black mate has offered to lend me a few bucks and show me around,' he ignored my remark about the snoring.

'Really,' I looked at him just a tad surprised. He'd never made his contemp of the native Aussies very secret he was a racist born and bred. God knows how he was going to relate to the Thais and going ashore with an abo to cap it off.

'I thought you didn't like the black community,' I tried to put some scorn into my voice but my brain was working overtime. Was he being lined up by Arthur as another victim. He wasn't good looking but he had a fine body with a nice uncircumcised dick. He'd like to be a bully but I had the measure of him and he knew it.

'He's lending me some money,' he came clean. 'I nobbed all mine gambling.'

'More fool you,' I grinned. 'One thing is watch who he introduces you to, the genders get a bit mixed up around here.'

'Suit you then,' he crowed. 'Tell ya pal, I'm a pureblood Oz kiddy, I can tell the difference. I ain't a half Pommie woofta.'

'Suit yourself,' I looked at him and then at Billy who smiled. If God was good this arrogant prick was going to get stuffed silly by one of his despised abos and then probably get the same from Hong Noon. I hoped that Hong Noon didn't shack him up with young Kim this bastard would probabably beat him up in a fit of remorse, I was determined to get on the blower to Hong Noon as soon as possible and warn him about this guys mood swings. If Arthur took his cherry anything could happen.

'Have fun, girls,' he wittered and sprayed enough deoderant on his half naked body to shroud a battleship and a destroyer escort.

'Jeez, you smell like a brothel,' I laughed as Billy choked on the smell. 'Catch you tomorrow. Come on Billy boi, we've work to do.'

Over the course of the afternoon I managed to phone Hong Noon who told me that Arthur had already phoned him so the whole thing was under control. I told him to keep Kim away from the pair of them and he agreed with me that Arthuir certainly wasn't going to broach the cousin, I also managed to buttonhole Arthur and say hello, this was the first time we'd spoken since the night, you know, the night of the famous conversion.

'You got a problem with this, Micky?'

'Nah, I laughed. 'Have fun, he might like it.'

'You did,' he chipped in straight faced.

'Yeah,' I had to agree, I didn't want to hurt his feelings and tell him that I enjoyed it a sight more with Hong Noon, Kim and Billy. I didn't want to tell him too much at all, I didn't want him moving in on my Billy boi.

The day wore on and the Bosun ran us ragged. In his opinion the leave given was far too lenient and he was fretting that he wasn't getting everything done. We did find out for sure that we were heading out Sunday lunchtime for sea trials and if they were OK we'd drop the engineers off and head South pronto. The passengers had done enough of Phuket and were getting a bit restless, a bit of sea time would do them the world of good. Probably do the crew some good as well. the state of some of them.

We finally tumbled into our cabin around the six o'clock mark and quite comfortably shared a shower and went upto the messroom for the evening meal. We had a fire drill for eight o'clcock and that was our lot for the evening.

Fire drill completed we stayed in the messroom watching an out of date video on the big screen with about ten others but after a few cans we slunk away around ten thirty, it was time for bed and other things.

'I'm gonna have a shower,' Billy announced as soon as we got in the cabin. I locked the door, natch.

'I'll wash your back,' I pulled off my sweaty t-shirt.'

'Wash my front,' Billy laughed starting to undress. 'Slowly and sensually,' he wriggled his hips. Christ, that kid was coming out big time, I hope he kept it for home consumption and didn't spread it about too much.

'Whatever,' I dropped my long whites and stood for a moment in my slightly sweaty y-fronts giving him a sight of my slowly hardening meat.

'Nice,' he grinned quickly dropping his trousers. Still wearing his white briefs he stepped into the shower but not before I saw that Billy Junior was coming to life.

I checked the porthole curtain was drawn, I didn't expect any peeping Toms to be climbing down the side of the ship but you never knew. I idly wondered how many other young crew memebers were at it but swiftly dismissed the thought, Billy was in the shower and he needed company.

What a vision, he was in the running water complete with his soaking briefs leaving nothing to the imagination, his five inch penis was at full stretch nudging the elastic waistband tenting the material. 'You happy to see me or is that a trucheon,' I gave him the old Mae West line.

'I'm happy to see you, Micky.' That told me, no messing with this kid.

I moved in and ran my hands down his wet back, inside his briefs and clasped his wet buttocks. He moved in with a groan pressing our penises to gether and made a little rotary movement. Bye the bye, his hands also clamped onto my bottom so he was drawing his line on the sand already.

'I wanna make love to you tonight, Billy,' I whispered and kissed his shell-like ear. 'Slow and nice.'

'I told you I wasn't a girl, Micky.'

'We'll share the role,' I assured him and slowly slid his whites down to his knees grasping his firm flesh in my hand. His dick was turgid and hot, I could feel it get even harder as I slowly moved it to and fro.

'Gonna fuck you so bad,' he threatened.

'That's what you said to Hong Noon,' I laughed.

'That's what you said to that schoolkid,' he jeered but he was laughing, there was no malice there.

'I just love schoolies,' I grabbed his shoulders and kissed his wiiling mouth long and hard. I felt his lips part and my tonue slid in alongside his exploring his wet mouth. 'I wanna kiss you all over,' I ground our bellies together, our young cocks were so hard it was a miracle they both didn't squirt on the spot.

'Let's go to bed,' his eyes dropped. 'I wanna get it on.'

'I wanna get it on you,' I slipped from the shower pulling him out by his hardness.

'In me, you mean,' he giggled like a little girl as we started to dry off. More kissing and damp body contact and we were on my lower bunk arms entwined and sharing long and passionate kisses. No quick fuck here, I wanted to make love to Billy. I wanted him to beg for it and then enjoy it to the full.

We turned the lights off just leaving the bunk light on, this was after checking that the cabin dor was locked. People didn't normally visit unannounced but I wasn't taking any chances. I even messed up the bunk opposite to give the impression two were in use and then I was laying alongside my Billy.

'About time,' he grumbled as I clasped him and it began. I think I must have lapped and kissed every square inch of his boysish body from his toes upto his nose. Needless to say most of my time was spent on his sweet nips and his even sweeter lips but at the end of it it was around midnight and we were both slippery and smelt slightly of sex from the precum smears adorning us like snails trails.

'Hong Noon was a bit of an experience last night,' he said at one stage.

'I thought he might be,' I grinned. 'He turned the tables on you didn't he?'

'More than once,' Billy grinned wryly. 'I managed to live through it though.'

'Will you live through this?' I clambered between his legs and and hoisted his knees to his chest laying on them and kissing him softly on his lips. My engorged glans just glanced across his tautly spread pucker.

'He didn't do it this way,' Billy gazed at me shiny eyed and I felt him grasp my erection and press my oozing glans at his ring. 'Go on, Micky. You know you've been after me for a while now.'

'Both ways,' I reminded him as I grasped my hardness, steadied it and gently pushed.

'Aaaaah,' he was tight and we weren't using any lubrication other than precum and sweat but I eased myself inside him stretching his rubbery ring and finally forcing myself into his moist heat. He was tight and sweet, not as tight as Kim but he was here and Kim wasn't. Plus there was the added thrill of doing it onboard in our own cabin, if anyone in authority found out there would be all sorts of hell to pay but they weren't going to find out, were they.

'Jeez,' you're so tight, Billy,' I moved in further stretching and easing his passage with gentle and slow thrusts.

'You're too big,' he grinned at me and grasped my hips. 'At least you look a bit butcher than Hong Noon.'

'Thanks for nothing,' I chuckled as I moved more freely. I was making love now, the movement was smoother and I was getting in deeper. His hot tightness encompassing my hardness was such a turnon, suddenly it turned from a penetration to full scale love making. I was moving in and out and my pubics were crushing up under his scrotum as I moved in and out of his delicious butt quite freely.

'Aaah, this is so nice,' he whispered and held my face steady for a kiss. 'I never thought I'd say that to a bloke,' he grinned sheepishly.

'Our secret,' I reassured him as I ploughed his tight Tunnel of Love. I could feel my nuts were tight up, he was going to receive my offering ever so soon. 'I'm getting there.'

'Harder, faster,' he growled and pressed his legs down onto my back just as Kim had. 'Fuck me hard, Micky,' he snarled at me grabbing my neck and giving me a gum numbing kiss.

I went into overdrive, thrusting and ramming into his sweet fanny until the sweat flew and he was whimpering as I speared into his tender flesh time and time again. At last, with my cock on fire, I climaxed a huge creamy load up his tight little tunnel. I felt it spray and splat and the instant relief as it filled him lubricating and oozing from his battered ring.

'Jeeeezus,' he moaned as I slid free with a gush of spunk and he clamped his legs on my softening cock. 'Just rub up and down on me,' he instructed as we lay belly to belly. I did as he asked and moments later felt his hard cock spurt and spew his own load of hot liquid between our bellies.

'Fuck me,' I gasped. 'An autocum.'

'Yeah,' he grinned tiredly. 'The fuck comes later.'

'Promises, promises,' I laughed and clasped his sweaty frame. This was about as good as it gets.

We drifted off safe in the knowledge that Harry wouldn't be returning onboard, at least we hoped so. We were taking a hell of a risk, what would happen if he decided to come back after all. The locked door would slow him down but his suspicions would be aroused and the smell of spilt cum would only confirm them. But we were knackered and I for one was past caring.

The ship wound down and silence eventually fell, no more noisy passengers just the soft pad of crew members going about their night duties and eventually they ceased.

'You asleep?' Billy nudged me.

'No,' I grunted and pushed my bum up against him as he turned.

'Good girl,' he sniggered.

'Didn't do too bad yourself, slut.'

'Shurrup,' I felt him push up close and his hot hardness slip between my cheeks. 'I think I've got the hots for you, Micky,' he whispered breathing hotly on my neck.

'Prove it,' I willed myself to relax. I just hoped he had the sense to use some spit to ease the way. Yeah. He was a good boy,' I felt him fumbling around and then his slippery glans slid between my cheeks again and I felt a prod at the back door. 'Put some more spit on it,' I croaked.

He did, another push and then I felt myself open up as his swollen glans coated with saliva and providing it's own lubricant, spread my sphincter and then slid inside my more than willing body.

'Orrite, Micky,' he whispered with his penis just lodged inside me.

'Yeah, I'm alright,' I grinned in the dark and pushed back. He got the hint and started to move gaining a bit of depth at each push.

'Jeeesus, this is brill,' he started to munch and nuzzle at my sweaty neck. 'You're so tight.'

'Betcha say that to all the boys,' I pushed back even harder as I felt his hardness filling me with his vibrant youthful cock. He was moving quite easily now and to my surprise was taking it easy. I was expecting him to go a bit mad, you know do the old dominant bit but he didn't. In fact, he fucked me gently and didn't even speed up until the very end when he rolled me onto my belly and got between my spread legs.

'Go on, Billy,' I egged him on and pushed my bottom onto his thrusts as he reached his climax.

Considering he'd spunked all over our bellies an hour previously he came well, I could feel his fluid hot and sticky up my back passage as he slowly came to a stop. The heat of his body, his softening cock in my belly, even the movement of his belly and chest as his breathing slowed was such a turn on.

'We gotta do this again,' he whispered as he slid free with a spill of cum.

'We've got to change the bedding first thing in the morning,' I remarked a little more realistically.

'Sod the bedding,' he rolled me over and started to kiss hotly and wetly.

'Butch boi,' I mocked and held him at arms length. 'Listen up Billy.'

'Yeah,' I saw his eyes gleam in the dim light.

'One of two things. We have to be so security concious with Harry, watch him every minute he's in the cabin ..... watch him watching us, because that's what he does ..... or.....'

'Or what?'

'Or we've got to bring him in,' I let him nestle in the crook of my arm with his tousled hair on my shoulder. 'He fancies you, I'm sure of that and that's what I'm going to concentrate on.'

'You're not offering my body.' Billy's laugh sounded a little strained. 'I ain't having that.'

'No, no.' I kissed his damp cheek. 'I'll chat Arthur up tomorrow and ring Hong Noon to find out what happened, after that we can do some plotting and planning.'

And that's the way it went.

We had hot and furious sex again before the day started and were both working on the upper deck when Harry eventually returned on board. He wasn't his normal cocky self, in fact, he was very subdued. He gave us both a quick nod and scurried off to the cabin. I saw Arthur come back on board a few minutes later and realised they must have parted company as they came through the dock area ..... something suspicious there. Just like Sherlock Holmes I was in full investigative mode as I phoned Hong Noon in the morning break. To be honest, I was more worried about Kim than Hong Noon but I tried not to put that across.

'Did you meet our Harry,' I asked when my Thai lady finally got to the throne.

'Yea,' he giggled. 'Arthur's plan worked, it normally does.'

'So you're pretty well shagged?'

'You're 'Arry is a bit femme, Micky.'

'What's that mean?'

'He is not as butch as he makes out,' Hong Noon giggled. 'He did me once but I did him twice and then Arthur came in and gave him a morning fuck ..... he loved it.'

'Shit.' This was the last thing I was expecting but it was good news all the same. It depended how big a comfort blanket Harry was going to pull around himself. Hopefully he didn't know about myself and Billy. 'You didn't tell him about Billy and myself.'

'No, no. Your secret is safe as long as Billy and yourself visit Kim and myself before you leave.'

'Tonight sweatpea, around nine.'

'We'll be looking for you,' Hong Noon trilled and that was it.

Of course Billy and myself did spend another night with the two Thais, it was a bit more livlier that the first time, more in the way of wife swopping if you know what I mean but at the end of it we had to bid farewell. I suppose being a sailor you have to get used to it but it's sad all the same. I'd be quite happy jumping ship and shacking up with Kim but he was a bloody schoolboy and whilst the plan was attractive not very realsistic. There were enough expats floating around that I could have got lost in the crowd but then the mind drifts to work, housing and all the little things that make for a stable lifestyle.

Harry went ashore on the Saturday night but he had to be back for eight, the ship sailed at nine o'clcock and we didn't expect to be back for between three and four months. It was all over.

Harry didn't mention his run ashore and neither Billy nor myself could spill the beans, we knew that he's fallen from grace as some people would say but we didn't really know what to do about it. One thing we did notice was that he was les sarcastic and wasn't so pushy with Billy. I think he suspected that Billy and I were at it but was keeping well clear. No doubt he'd be back on form once we got to sea again and we kissed Phuket goodbye ... until the next time.

Things returned to normal on the trip down from Phuket to Singapore, Harry came out of his sulks or whatever and we slipped back into routine. With the way the watches worked it was rare for all three of us to be in the cabin together, one of us would always be on watch be it deck watch or social watch, where you had to help out what we called the drongos. Standing on a bridge wing for six hours staring at nothing was infinitely preferable to wandering around picking up litter and being accosted by the blue rinse brigade.

Hardly any crew went ashore over the three days we spent at Singapore, it was just too damn expensive. Our next stop was Surabaya at the arse end of Indonesia, pretty cool and not half as expensive as Singapore. It was on this leg that it happened. Harry came out. Well he didn't actually come out but I'll tell you all about it anyway.

Billy was on deckwatch and he'd be missing until midnight, as juniors or trainees we didn't work between midnight and six in the morning, so at least we always got a night's sleep. It was so bloody hot as the ship reduced speed at night and cranked it up during the day. Hary and I had the porthole wide open and even had the cabin door ajar to try and capture some breeze. The crew's cabins were well out of the way so there was little chance of a stray passenger wandering in.

'Jeez, I'm so hot and sweaty,' Harry moaned and wiped sweat off his belly, we were playing cards and both of us had run out of interest to be quite honest. We were both down to shorts and flipflops and I was hungering and you know what for. My capers with Billy had been severely curtailed and one of the reasons was sitting in front of moaning like a bloody old woman.

'Have a fuckin' shower,' I snapped trying not to oggle his smooth sweat beaded chest.

'Gonna wash my front,' he sneered.

'I'll wash you're back,' I smiled in return. Hong Noon's words came back to me. 'You're 'Arry is a bit of a femme,' is what he'd said and I wondered was it worth a go. 'Nice sudsy backwash.'

'And the rest,' he looked at me and his eyes dropped.

'Whatever you want, Harry,' I kept my voice low. 'I ain't pushy.'

'Can I ask you a question?' He looked up at me with a slight flush on his plain rather than ugly face.

'Ask away,' I smiled encouragingly feeling things were going to happen and that tonight could be the night.

'You and Billy at it?' I think he regretted what he's said immediately but I didn't dodge the question.

'We might be but I couldn't say anything other than 'no comment' without Billy's permission.'

'Oh.' That one took the wind out of his sails as the old sailors say, let's face it, it was as good as saying yes to the charge but I imagined he was too dim to pick up on it.

I stood up and closed the door latching it. It was call my bluff time. 'Have you're shower, if you want your back washed just gimme a whistle.'

'You're joking,' he stood up as if ready to defend himself. Surely to fuck he didn't think I was gonna jump on him and ravish him.

'I'm not joking, Harry. It's your shout.' I flopped onto my bunk and fanned myself with an old magazine. 'A nice tepid shower,' I whispered and stared at him.

He stared back and then to my absolute relief turned his back on me and walked to his own bunk. Wordlessly, he peeled his shorts down and then his boxers, he kept his back to me all the time so I couldn't see if he was aroused or not but I got an excellent viewing of his fine chunky bottom. A bit heavier than Billy's slim and trim edition but nice all the same. I could feel myself stiffening as he stepped into the shower and I heard the water go on. Would he, wouldn't he?

'Micky,' his voice broke. 'Come on in.' Jeez, I leapt from that bed like a bloody 'roo. Shorts down in a flash and I was in.

Harry just looked at me and his eyes dropped. Soundlessly he turned his back on me and I started to soap him up with our big sponge admiring his broad shoulders and compact bottom.

'You and Billy at it?' He asked for the second time

'Why?' I let my erection slip between his legs and nestle at the bottom of his crack, he moved back just a little and my belly touched the base of his spine.

'I like you in spite of the way I go on,' he pushed back harder this time and I reached around and grasped him, he was as hard as a flagpole. 'I like Billy as well,' he reached behing himself and grasped my hips.

'You wanna join the club you have to pay the fees.'

'Do it then,' he chuckled and removing his hands flathanded the bulkhead. I didn't mess around, I soaped between his crack, gave him a soapy finger as he wriggled and giggled and then with a gentle push took him in one slow thrust. 'Aaaah,' he gave a quavering sigh and pushed out as I pushed in.

'You alright, Harry?' I slowly started to move in and out savouring his heat and his tightness as he clamped his muscular bottom on my intrusion.

'Yeah,' he pushed back even harder as if challenging me to fuck him silly, I did. At one stage he threatened to kill me if I told anyone about it but he lost the plot as he started to whimper and beg me to fuck him silly. Hong Noon was right. I actually wanked him off as I fucked him and he splatted his load onto the tiles.

At the end of it we washed off and then dried off. 'You alright, Harry?' I gave his flaccid cock a tweak.

'Yeah,' he looked surly and then smiled. 'Is Billy a top or bottom.'

'Billy boi goes both ways, a bit like me,' I grinned. 'How'd you like to be the meat in our sandwich tonight.'

'How do you mean?' He looked puzzled.

'You do Billy and I'll do you ..... then we can change around.'

'Whatta a pair of pervs,' he looked at me with a big shit eating grin, the happiest I'd seen him for days. 'Do you like kissing,' he flopped onto his bunk.

'Yeah,' I laughed and leapt on him, Billy wasn't due back for another couple of hours. It was time to run a stamina test on our Harry and from his grin he was just begging to be tested.


Bit of an abrupt ending but this one hung around for to long and I have to get back to 'Brighton Encounters' and 'Fritzy'.

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