Thai Conversion

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jan 25, 2005


WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE




G. Cutter

I was seventeen when I had my first gay sex experience and as the story will tell it was neither voluntary or intended. I was an Oz kid born of English immigrant parents, I don't know if that explained my love of the sea or ships (nearly typed chips there) but I was hooked. When I was a kid in Fremantle I used to sit down at the harbour watching the hustle and bustle on the dockside and chatting up the local sailors and generally making myself a nuisance. I suppose it was a bit of a surprise that I didn't achieve my conversion sooner rather than later, it was a pretty rough scene and the place wasn't short of 'rent boys' or 'hookers' depending which variation of English language you prefer.

I've got to blow my own trumpet and say when I finally signed up on leaving school at sixteen I was quite muscular and pretty good looking, at least I thought so. I was around five feet eleven, untidy mop of blonde hair and had the right muscles in the right places. I used to get on well with the girls and although a virgin expected to lose my cherry before I was seventeen. For the time being Mrs Palm and her five lovely daughters would have to suffice. My dad got me signed onto a small cruise line which had two ships which left Fremantle in rotation and did a circuit of the Indonesian Islands. To cut a long story down to size we sailed up the Western side of the islands, went due east at the northern end and visited Phuket which was a Thai island and then steered south on our way home calling at various places for the tourists to appreciate and to buy their goodies. Each round trip took six weeks and what a job for a kid. Apart from our regular deck duties we were expected to assist what they called 'the social staff' for a spell manning the pool and entertaining passengers. All the regular guys who had been with the line for a while reckoned they were knee deep in sex for most of the trip. I wasn't that lucky, I got chatted by a couple of old biddies with purple rinses, a very nice old man who wasn't quite what he appeared and naturally enough a couple of the crew.

I fought them all off and kept my virginity intact. Being a cruise ship we didn't mess or bunk as in the old days, you know, the hammocks routine and 'slung atween the roundshot in Nombre Dios Bay', we were shacked up either two or three to a cabin although we had a communal rest room and cafeteria.

I think it was my third trip, I'd just gone seventeen and had passed all the necessary exams to make me a qualified Deckhand with sufficient grades to either gain promotion via the normal chain of command, which meant waiting for someone to drop dead, to take evening classes or go to college at home for a Deck Officer grade. It would be very easy to say, I was at the stage where the world was my oyster, it was suck it and see.

The thing that changed my life for better or worse happened as we reached the end of our first leg of the cruise, Phuket. Of course, the Master and the other officers called it Phookay and we sailors called it Fuckit. At that time it was a pretty one horse town but it was a developer's dream, it was a magnet for backpackers and really beginning to feel the advantages of tourism ..... you wouldn't know it now from then.

What delighted the crew if not the passengers was that we developed a glitch in our starboard main engine and the line decided to send engineers up from Kuala Lumpur by air to sort the problem out rather than put to sea with a dodgy main engine. So we finished up with a week to waste and the same week to keep our passengers happy. They were getting an extra free week so they weren't moaning too much.

I'd obviously been ashore in Phuket before and enjoyed myself, I hadn't snookered a girly yet but nevertheless I'd had a good time. The difference was that this time I was seventeen and qualified. I had overnight leave. Unlike our colleagues or rather opposite numbers in the R.A.N. (the Royal Oz Navy) we didn't have to be back onboard at unearthly hours, we had leave until midday which at least gave you time to get your brains unscrambled before returning for duty.

I was sitting in our messroom one evening probably the second or third night of the stay.

'Not going ashore this trip, Micky?' This came from a fellow deckhand, an abo (sorry, native Australian), a very unusual type to be at sea but a pretty nice guy. I think he was around twenty five and built like a brick shithouse, I mean, he was bloody big. He went by the name of Arthur Something-or-the-other.

'I'm a bit skint mate, short of the readies.'

'Come ashore with me tomorrow, I can sub you twenty bucks and show you some cheapo drinking places.'

'I don't drink a lot but I could use one of those Thai dollies.'

Betta make it thirty bucks if your'e gonna chase slits.'

'OK,' I looked at him and grinned. 'Thirty but I'll stick with you, settle for a cheapo drinkup and see what comes along.'

'Indeed,' he gave me a slight smile. 'Eleven thirty tomorrow then,' he stood up and gave me a friendly nod before leaving to tend to some duty or the other. He smiled a bit like an hungry dingo, I should have been warned but I was randy and I needed to stretch my legs. I needed to let my fuckin' hair down and get off this bumboat, I was sick of the sight of fuckin' tourists and their constant demands. Mind you if one of the eighteen year old hotties had required my body I would have been happier but the younger tourists had richer fish to fry if that's the right metaphor.

Glorious day, the next day. In that part of the world it monsooned around two in the afternoon and that was it then the time moved around later in the year, weird eh. I'd seen Arthur again at breakfast and we'd arranged to meet up at the ship's brow, he'd already slipped me three ten dollar notes which we could change up ashore.

Get me, I didn't really want to go drinking with Arthur but I reckoned with his experience we'd pull a chick in double quick time. Well it didn't happen that way at all, he took me to a money changers and we sorted out the cash and then he took me around a couple of temples and other touristy joints and I was getting bored.

'I wouldn't mind a drink, Arthur.'

'Let's go, I know some dives down by the docks but you'd better keep close kiddo. They like white meat around here.'

'I'm not a meal,' I gave him my tough boy snarl but he just laughed.

Jeez, we downed some beer. He was right in one thing, he knew all the dives but they were cheap, the other thing that didn't fail to amaze was that every bar we went in had women hanging about ... ugly women. He must specialise in dogs. Jeez, he knew some ugly bitches and they all knew him, I tried to keep a low profile like under the table. I could use sex but not someone who was older than my granny and twice as ugly.

I clicked just before midnight by which time I was absolutely legless or pissed as a parrot as the Pommies say.

There was an absolute dish propping up the bar. You must know the style, pageboy cut luxurious black hair, as smooth as a smoothy thing, ankle length silk dragon emblazoned kimono with a slit upto the cunt ..... you know, a fuckin' a wet dream on legs.

Hey, hey, darling,' I wobbled over and propped up the bar alongside her keeping an eye out for a boyfriend.

'Hello, sailor.' Now that was original. 'You buy me drink?'

'Why not?' I bought her a drink which came from a special bottle and looked like coloured water, I should have realised that's exactly what it was. She was 'the house slit' with a difference.

I could see Arthur sitting talking to a guy and giving me a proud smile now and then, I was feeling on top of the workd, I'd actually pulled a decent looking girl, she had tits to die for and I came pretty close.

She shuffled me to a table in an alcove but Arthur moved his chair so he could keep an eye on me, I was getting a bit pissed off by now with his spying but had realised at last that I only had abour five dollarsworth of Thai dosh left, I might have to try and bum off him again. As it turned out I didn't have to, things got a bit exciting.

'You buy me drink?' Christ this girl was thirsty.

I shuffled my chair closer and put my hand onto her stockinged leg. Jeez, I was so hard it bloody well hurt.I slipped my hand higher up her thigh under her slit silk dragon skirt. I could feel the edge of her panties.

'You feel it, sailor,' she whispered and moved in closer giving me access. I was sweating like a little pig (do pigs sweat by the way?).

I felt it alright. Bulky, squashy most certainly not very ladylike. I went up like a rocket, to say I went ballistic would be an lie, I fuckin' well exploded ..... I'd just grabbed a handful of soft cock and a pair of bollocks. I was abso-bloody-lutely mortified.

'You bastard, sailor,' she/he screeched at me as the table and drinks went over. 'You spoil my dress.' It tried to wipe itself dry but it had a big dark stain down the front of this kimono type dress and it was furious. I was chopped, sliced and diced or as my English dad would say 'brown bread' if I hung around.

'Let's get out of here,' Arthur grabbed me by the elbow and he was laughing like a lunatic.

'You knew,' I shouted accusingly.

'Of course I knew,' he dragged me through the batwings out into the muggy night air. 'That was the owner's son, you prick.'

'Jesus fuckin' wept,' I broke into a tottering run as we galloped off down a dark alley. Ten minutes later after running around in circles we wandered into another bar and got down to some serious drinking, it had gone midnight and I was just about falling out of my pram (another one of my dad's gems).

'You nasty bastard,' I looked accusingly at Arthur. 'You set me up.'

'I didn't do that,' he denied the charge. 'A drunken kid carries no steaming lights,' he laughed. That's an obscure naval phrase by the way and don't ask me what it means. 'You should have known it was a boy .... a very nice boy as it happens.'

'How can a boy be nice,' I sneered. 'Unless you're a homo.'

'You calling me names, Micky?'

'Nah, nah,' I held my hand up. I didn't want to upset Arthur, I could get dumped in the middle of Nowhere Land and I was running out of money again, every drink seemed to get dearer. 'So much for fanny night,' I groaned.

'Never mind,' he patted my hand like a good friend would. The bloody serpent.

'I'm shattered,' I finished off the glass of Thai lager of all things, it wasn't all that strong according to the label on the bottle but we'd been drinking for around seven hours and he wasn't even staggering. Mind you, he was getting a bit fuzzy around the edges but that was probably my eyes.

'One for the road and then we'd better find a kip.'

'Kip?' I said stupidly.

'You can't go back onboard like that. On an oiler maybe but not on a cruiser.' He was right, maybe you'd be OK on a working boat but not on our cruiser which is what we called cruise liners.

'Yeah,' I mumbled and blacked out.

I woke up as he shook me gently and grabbed yet another glass of the amber poison, as an Ozman I was really letting the side down but we had downed some all the same. In the end I only finished half of it and staggered out into the night air following my mentor and guardian, I was now down to around a couple of dollarsworth of the Thai dosh but I was now past caring.

I seem to remember going into somewhere and when I pulled myself together I realised it was a rather down and out hotel. There was an old guy behind a desk and a younger one not much more than a boy standing in a corner giving me a dirty look. Fuck know's why, I know I was pissed but I'm not one of those that honks up on the carpet, mind you, there's a first time for everything.

'Hi, Arthur,' the old guy greeted my black pal. 'We have only one room left.'

'I'll take it.'

'What about a drink?' I scowled, to say I was upset would be a lie. I hadn't clicked with any fanny, I'd spent God knows how much money and all I had to show for it was the prospect of a bloody good hangover.

'Yeah, we'll have some in the room,' Arthur soothed me. He led off following the boy who mounted the narrow staircase to where presumably the rooms were, I couldn't care less, I couldn't quite make my mind up if I really wanted another drink or just to pass out.

'Is your friend alright?' The kid asked over his shoulder.

'He'll be alright Hong Noon,' I heard Arthur reply, he must know the family. I looked up to see the young Thai grinning at me. I gave him a little grin back, he was vaguely familiar but to be a complete racist, in the gloom all gooks look the same.

We got into the small room, I noticed that there was only one bed but I was past caring, I wouldn't be taking anything off other than my shoes. I saw Arthur and the boy by the door, it looked like Arthur was giving him a kiss but I was probably imagining things, I flopped into the chair and gazed into space. 'Jesus, the only bit of fanny I can pick up turns out to be a tranny.'

'Could have been worse,' Arthur laughed. 'You could have got into bed with him.'

'Not me, I'm not into that sorta stuff ..... little Thai homo.'

'Never mind,' he smiled. 'The night is young and Hong Noon has gone for some bottles.'

'Jeez,' I hiccuped. 'How come you know his name?'

'I come here every trip, I know the family. They have a bar down the road,' he laughed. I didn't know what was funny about having a bar but I grinned. Hopefully he was paying for the room and the beer. I was getting my second wind and just getting a bad feeling that I shouldn't be in a room alone with a bloody big abo. I certainly wasn't going to get into the same bed as him, I'd zonk in the armchair, I didn't want to finish up on the end of a wet dream if you follow me.

'Hey, that's my boy,' Arthur sprang to his feet as the Thai came into the room with a tray with four small bottle of chilled beer, thank Christ it was only four, any more and I'd be passing out. The boy put the tray on a small table and turned to go and that's when it happened.

I couldn't believe it, Arthur moved so fast, he flathanded the door with one hand and grabbed the boy around the waist and pulled him in tightly. Jeez, he span the Thai around and stuck a bloody great kiss on him, the boy struggled but Arthur grabbed the boy's tight buns and must have stuck his tongue in the boy's mouth. I heard the beginning of a shout and then the boy started waving his arms and struggling even more fiercely. He had no chance, as I've said Arthur was bloody big and strong with it, the boy was like a child in his arms.

'Leave him alone, Arthur. He's a bloody boy for God's sake.'

'I know,' Arthur chuckled and snogged at the Thai boy's smooth neck, I think the kid must have fainted or given up as he went limp and Arthur took him to the bed.

'He's a fuckin' boy Arthur.' I wasn't going to interfere, I'd do a bit of the old verbal but I wan't going to get between the huge abo and his prey.

'You drink your beer, Micky and keep out of this.' Arthur's hands were all over the kid. He undid the top of the boy's jeans and I could see what was coming next. He was going to rape the boy and I was going to have to watch it all or leave. Shit. I daren't leave and I had comandeered the beer after all.

'Arthur ......'

Arthur didn't take any heed at all, he had the front of the boy's jeans open and his green shirt open displaying a white vest and orange briefs, he was undressing the kid before my very eyes. I don't know if the kid was getting hard because he wanted to or the big abo was turning him on but he was certainly showing a stiffy in his tented briefs.

'Lovely.' Arthur was almost drooling. I just sat there mesmerised as his shirt was tossed on the floor and and Arthur began to kiss the kid's smooth shoulders, neck and his lips. The Thai seemed to be almost comatose, he flopped around like a dead fish but Arthur kept going, he had his hands inside the boy's briefs and was copping a good grope at the kid's tight little arse. To my eternal shame I was beginning to feel myself hardening up watching the homo action, I wanted Arthur to stop and at the same time I didn't. I drained the first bottle of beer and snapped open the second. They say that you can actually drink yourself sober and I think that's what I was doing, I was also imagining myself in Arthur's place and that to my disgust was making me harder, I straightened out my squashed penis inside my trousers and let it go, it lay hot and heavy pointing out to my hipbone.

The kid's jeans finished up on the floor alongside his shirt and Arthur continued his kissing and lapping.

'Arthur, it's a boy.' I protested for the last time.

'I know,' Arthur looked over at me. 'And a delicious one at that. More munchy bits than a girl ... and a better fuck,' He pulled the front of the boy's briefs out and down allowing the kid's golden brown cock to spring free. Fuck me, in spite of all this the Thai kid was as hard as a rock. Arthur took a last look at me and grinned before ducking his head and taking the swollen purple head of the boy's erection ito his mouth.

I'd heard of blow jobs but I never realised the first one that I would see would be a man on a boy. Arthur disposed of the kid's orange briefs and moulded the boy's beautifully rounded globes of firm flesh in his large hands as he sucked and slobbered over the boy's reasonably large erection, the boy moaned softly and submitted. I don't suppose he could do anything else, Arthur outweighed him and was most certainly in charge. I was happy enough although a little shocked, I had the beer and if Arthur was shagging this kid he certainly wasn't pestering me.

'Absolutely gorgeous,' Arthur left the boy's saliva coated cock and moved under him and actually started to lick and suck at the kid's arsehole. Jeez, I was nearly sick ..... how the hell could he possibly do that?


'Your turn now kid,' Arthur spoke to the boy and turned himself on the bed and unzipped his jeans and produced his penis. God Almighty, it was huge. A black spike of flesh that must have topped eight inches and to cap it all off he was dribbling precum. I think the kid took it just to have the whole thing over with but Arthur began to fuck the kid's mouth and the he took it all. Arthur had his head between the boy's slender brown legs sucking the kid's ring and the boy sucked as Arthur fucked his face. I finished the second bottle of beer and played with myself in the corner, I didn't dare get it out, I just wanked through my own jeans and watched the show.

'Hey Micky, come and feel this boy cunt,' Arthur shouted across the room. The boy was crouched like a dog and Arthur was below and to one side of him still fucking his face and transferring spit to his fingers and then into the boy's exposed arsehole. The kid seemed to have accepted his fate and kept his head down on Arthur's thick black cock.

To this day I don't know what made me do it, probably the fear of Arthur starting on me. I stood up and went over and stroked the boys butt. God it was so warm and so smooth, my own prick gave a pulse of precum inside my tight jeans.

'Feel the cunt,' Arthur hissed grinning wildly at me. 'Straight boy,' he looked down at my very visible bulge.

I let my finger prod at the boy's sphincter and quickly withdrew. I'd felt it yield, I'd nearly stuck my finger into the kid's butthole. I swiftly moved back to my chair and turned away, I could see them from the corner of my eye but I concentrated on the beer. I was hot and sweaty as the room was like a furnace and I was also at full stretch now, I was as hard as a rock.

'Here we go,' Arthur sighed and slipped free from the boy, I turned my head I had to watch.

He placed the boy on the bed on his knees with his head resting on the pillow and his rounded butt sticking up in the air. Arthur got behind him and holding his massive erection firmly in positioned and thrust home. The boy gave a shuddering wail into the pillow as Arthur glided through his spincter on a coating of saliva and precum. 'Watch and learn,' Arthur grinned over his shoulder and I did.

He fucked the arse off of that boy and the boy just moaned and took that massive cock to the hilt, Arthur for his part held the boy's hips and fucked him smoothly and powerfully sinking his eight inches in as far as it could go and then pulling about half of it's slippery length out before slapping it back in again. The kid had stopped moaning now and only groaned when Arthur rocked back onto his haunches taking the kid with him.

'He is such a tight fuck,' Arthur gloated and started to wank the kid who incidently was no small fry in the dick department himself for one with such a slight build. I turned to face the corner and rapidly unzipped, I was going to cum in my jeans at any moment. I glanced over my shoulder to see that the kid had slipped clear of Arthur and they were both cuming their combined cums splattering all over the boy and the bed.

'Shit,' I muttered to myself and turning away shot to my feet, unzipped began to wank, I was on the verge of popping right there and then. Arthur was on me in an instant, I felt strong arms encircle me and a hand slide down the back of my loose jeans and grab my bum and another clamp around my cock and start wanking.

'Little straight boy indeed,' Arthur mocked me as with tight strokes he wanked me to a climax and my spunk shot into the air to splatter on the floor and run down my shaft. I felt Arthur's big hand inside my briefs clasping my bare bottom and then saw the Thai boy standing covered in cum grinning at us both.

'Round Two,' Arthur declared and dragged me to the bed, I couldn't belive it was happening, surely he'd had enough. Apparently not, he undressed me as I made futile efforts to fight him off. He had me flat on my back in no time and my knees were pushed back onto my chest.

I couldn't believe it was happening to me, I felt Arthur's big cock push at my arse, a tearing pain and the huge mass began to slowly move inside me being aided by his own sweat and cum, it hurt but as he moved it got easier, I smelt the Thai boy's cum and sweat and then his bulbous glans ran across my lips, I opened my mouth as he gently stroked my face and tasted his cum as his spongey knob slipped between my lips.

It seemed to go on for hours which was fair enough seeing how they'd recently cum. I sucked the Thai and Arthur fucked me with his huge cock and nearly brought me to the verge again with his spunk slippery hand. At last it was all over, I felt the Thai kid jet into my mouth and Arthur's huge prong splurt and splatter into my belly, at the same time I did another weak cum up onto my smooth belly.

As we collapsed into a sweaty mass of bodies on the bed Arthur smiled lazily at me. 'No more Mr Straight Guy.'

'Well I got a fuck,' I grinned back. Fuck it, I'd done the dirty and in the end enjoyed it, I wouldn't have thought Arthur would be telling tales out of school. The crew would string up an abo for fucking a white boy, he'd keep quiet.

'You good boy,' Hong Noon smiled at me and kissed me. I tasted the mingling of cum and grabbed his head exploring his mouth with my tongue.

'Hong Noon's a good decoy,' Arthur laughed. 'It works every time.'

Shit. I should have known. He'd known the owner, he'd known Hong Noon's name, he wasn't just a casual guest, he'd stayed there before probably many times. Hong Noon could have fought, he could have cried out but he did neither he'd put on an exhibition for me and it had worked. What I should have done was walk out in disgust but that's exactly what I hadn't done. Fuck it, it was all over now.

'Your name is Micky?' The Thai grinned at me like a long lost friend.

'Yeah.' I grinned back, he was rather nice.

'You like shower?'

I looked at Arthur, God know's why, I didn't need his permission to take a shower.

'Go on,' he grinned. 'I'm for sleep, I'm pretty tuckered out.'

I picked up my clothing and went down the corridor with the young Thai. The place was deserted and silent, I hadn't got a clue what the time was, I didn't care all I wanted to do was clean up a bit and sleep.

'You put your gear in here,' Hong Noon opened a door and I saw a bed and nightstand, it was more or less the same as the room I had left. He took me in and there was another doorway which led into a small shower stall. 'We can share,' the Thai grinned. 'Want to?'

'Yeah,' I croaked, He just smiled at me and turned the shower on adjusting it to a tepid flow. He stepped in and I got in with him. I was lost, the first time I'd been virtually forced and now I could turn my back on the affair for ever but I didn't. We soaped and rinsed and we were both erect yet again at the end of it.

'I want you to fuck me, Micky,' Hong Noon whispered as we writhed together under the tepid spray. 'And I want to fuck you,' he clasped my wet bottom. 'OK?'

'Yes, please,' I mumbled red faced. A rather evil thought had crossed my mind, I shared a cabin with two sixteen year old appentices, Harry and Billy, they were both pretty good looking kids. We still had three or four days of our stay left, I wondered if Hong Noon was willing to help me out.

We dried off or rather damped off and we were on his bed, Arthur was forgotten. Hong Noon was available and I knew exactly what he wanted. At that stage I could have got my clothing on and risked a walk back to the ship but I'd lost it, I wanted revenge or that's what I told myself. Now I realised that I was turned, I was turning or I was going to do something that I'd wanted in the dark recesses of my mind for ever.

'Kiss me,' Hong Noon lay on his back and I knelt between his legs and did just that. I enjoyed it, his smooth, sweet lips and the taste of his flickering tongue as it met mine.

'Jeez,' I leapt as I felt an icy cold hand on my hot hardness and then I sighed as I felt his hand work some sweet smelling lotion into my erection. 'My God.........' I moaned as I felt his smooth legs moving against my chest and then onto my shoulders as he slid under me exposing his boy fanny for me to take my pleasure.

An act that I thought disgusting earlier was now turning me on, I could feel the smear of precum at the tip of my cock as I slid it up againt his tiny rosebud and then pushed. He gave a long drawn out sigh as I did when I slipped inside his tight heat.

'Yesssss, Mickeeeee,' he kissed me furiously as I shoved myself into the hilt and then started to fuck. I didn't go mad as Arthur had, I fucked him slowly and passionately enjoying every moment and every stroke as I slipped in and out of his hot little body. After what had gone before and the drink I thought I was going to have trouble cuming. No trouble as I fucked I could feel my balls tight against the base of my erection and the heat rising. I was going to cum inside another male, a boy, a youth, I wasn't quite sure what he was other than a bloody good fuck

'Aaaaah, my Gawd,' I screwed into him hard and then continued to push as I felt my hardness seem to swell and then pulse as it spurted long streamers of my hot juices deep into his body. It was wonderful, he writhed and wriggled on my fleshy spike as I filled him with my love and my slippery spunk.

'Good one, Micky,' he grinned up at me in the gloom and ran his hands down my sweaty back and clasped my buns holding me into his body. 'Nice butt,' he kissed me on the nose.

'A bit sore,' I smiled at him, I knew what he wanted, I could feel his hot cock trapped between our bellies as I lay on him.

'I make it better,' he whispered.

'Go on then.' Sod it. I knew Arthur wasn't going to tell and I wouldn't imagine Hong Noon was the kiss and tell type. I slid free from his tight hole with regret but I really wanted him, sick or what? I wanted this litle Thai to fuck me and I was even looking forward to it.

We exchanged positions and I did exactly what he had when we'd kissed, I could see his sweat sheened torso in the dim light and the darker mass of his erection poking from his belly. I don't know where I'd got the idea that all Asians had tiny willies, this one hadn't. I saw him oil himself as as his body leant towards me I raised my legs. His shoulders went under my raised legs and then I felt his slippery glans nudge against my tautly spread pucker. One slow push and he followed Arthur's trail. I said Hong Noon was around the same size as I was which meant slightly above average rather than massive like Arthur and the other difference was that Arthur wanted to take a virgin white boy, Hong Noon wanted to make love and we did that.

It was one long continuous session of kissing and snuggling as he slowly moved in and out easing me and pleasuring me as he took his own delight in my body. I clamped hard on his slippery thrusts giving him tight sex until I felt him start to go faster.

'Aaaah,' Micky he whined as I felt him cum inside me. The warm splashes and the easing of his golden brown cock told me that he was done. I'd enjoyed it, the pulsing or the pumping of his cock inside me was beautiful. I moved myself on his slippery meat as I felt it wilt and finally slip free. Fucked twice in one night whatta run ashore for a straight boy.

I think it was in the early hours, at least dawn was on us and the local poultry was sounding off something awful. Hong Noon had taken me from behind and then turned his back on me. I rolled over and returned the compliment and then lay sated on his smooth back idly looking around his room.

A shiny black mass on the dresser, what was it? ......... a wig?

I hugged his slim frame tightly, I could even feel myself hardening up again. My eye caught a flash of coloured satin in the corner ..... Jeez, it looked like a bloody dress. 'Tell me something, Hong Noon.'

'Yes, Micky,'

'Do you ever dress up?' I didn't quite know how to put it.

'Hello sailor. You buy me drink,' he asked in a husky voice.

'You bastard,' I laughed and rolled him onto his belly parting his legs. 'Fancy a bit of doggy.'

'Woof woof,' he giggled and wriggled his pert bottom.


I can send the original comic in a Zip File for anyone who would like to see it, just EMail me. Of course Deckhand Micky does share a cabin with two sixteen year old apprentices so anything can happen on the way South back to Fremantle


Next: Chapter 2

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