Thai Breakfast

By PeterUK

Published on Aug 11, 2006


A couple of days later, I had booked a tour around the islands off Phuket. After setting off at the crack of dawn to pick up another twenty or so folk, we arrived at a quaint old boat to a cheery greeting from a dozen or more crew. We were to spend the whole day on the boat, cruising round the islands, having a buffet lunch, being paddled in canoes around caves, and ending with a stop at a beach.

The atmosphere was terrific. The crew were all charming and attentive and plied us with fruit and water and tea and coffee. The buffet was fantastic, as I'd come to expect from Thai food. On the first canoe trip, my paddleman had been friendly and chatty, speaking really good English. He joked that we might see a mermaid, but I said I was hoping to see a merman. When he said I was one the nicest passengers he had ever met, I replied that no doubt he said that to all his passengers, especially if it looked like they might give him a good tip.

He didn't say anything, but he smacked the water with his paddle and drenched me.

"That's not a very nice thing to do," I protested.

"That not nice thing to say," he replied, looking very hurt.

I reached back and stroked his leg.

"I'm sorry, " I replied "I didn't mean to offend you."

He still looked sulky, so I put my hand in the water and splashed him. That perked him up. He hit the water again with the paddle and soaked me again, so I started to splash more and more water on him, while he splashed back. Within minutes we were both drenched and laughing, and we'd made up, I guess.

Back at the boat, we both went downstairs to dry off and change. In the small space, it was impossible not to notice each other, and we both took a long look at our bodies. He seemed fascinated by my hairy chest, and I just had to admire his silky smooth, almost hairless body. Just them the boat lurched and we were flung together, grabbing each other to stop us falling. He took the opportunity to run his hand over my chest, and I ran mine up his thigh and round his smooth bum.

For the next couple of hours he was kindness itself, bringing me things every few minutes and stopping to chat. But the boat was crowded and there was no way we were going to be able to get together.

On the last part, the boat anchored for a beach visit and swim. My paddleman took the opportunity to swim off the side of the boat, and so did I. Although the water was warm, it was very cloudy so I put on my goggles. I saw the paddleman climb out of the water and dive off the side of the boat. As he hit the water, the impact lifted his swim trunks straight off him, so he was naked in the water. The trunks began to float off, but I swam after them and managed to grab them. When I got to him, after admiring his body yet again through the goggles, I passed him his trunks and held him while he put them on in the water.

Although there were lots of other boats around, no one could see us in the murky water so he began to rub his hand over my body, and I did the same to him. I held him from behind and ran my hand over the front of his trunks; he was now rock hard. I pushed down his trunks to liberate his cock and started slowly wanking him. My cock that was now as rigid as his. I felt his cock slip and slide in my hand. I kissed his neck and ears and ran my nose through his dark wet hair. He had pushed my trunks down and my cock was firmly nestled in his crack. He squeezed hard on it with his arse cheeks as I rubbed up and down his throbbing dick. As he neared orgasm, he pushed harder and harder back against me, and I felt the tip of my cock enter his arse. Suddenly I could feel him erupt in the water. As he gasped, I thrust forward right into him, while I milked him for all he had.

Once he was spent, I reluctantly pulled out of him. Just then some of his colleagues began to swim our way, so we pulled up our trunks and began to horseplay in the water. We lazily made our way back to the boat and I managed to climb on board without revealing too much of my still throbbing cock.

The return leg passed in a lazy, relaxed haze. When we got to the pier, we said goodbye to the crew. My paddleman pulled me to him and said

"You totally nicest passenger I meet."

I kissed him on the cheek in reply and gave him the goggles as a souvenir.

"You're the nicest merman I'll ever meet!".

He gave me one of those fabulous Thai smiles, and yet another great holiday souvenir.

When I got back to the hotel that evening, Nok the cute receptionist was on duty. It was one of those balmy nights and I felt relaxed and at ease, but still horny as the paddleman had teased me all day. I sat down opposite Nok at the open air reception and offered him a drink. He ordered us a couple of cocktails from the bar and I told him about my day, leaving out none of the details.

"He lucky man", he said.

"You mean I was a lucky man, Nok. He was sooo cute, just like you."

Noke blushed a little and smiled at me. Could I take this further? Maybe another cocktail would help. I ordered a couple more, and now Nok began to open up. As I thought, he was gay, the only one on the staff. His boyfriend had left him a month ago and he was feeling down.

"But Nok" I said, "you're so cute you must get dozens of offers from the guys who stay here."

"Not so many, Joe. All want go go boys, but I want to like man."

By now he was just a little tipsy, so I decided to try to break down his defences.

"I like you very much Nok. Why not come to my room if you want a little company when you finish tonight?"

He didn't reply, but just smiled at me. Oh well, I'd tried and if you don't ask.

We finished our drinks and I went off to my room to take a shower. I lay naked on the bed after, watching TV but thinking of the paddleman and Nok and stroking myself to a nice, firm erection. I was just getting ready for a long, slow, sensuous wank when there was a quiet knock on the door. I wrapped a towel round myself and opened the door: there was Nok, with a couple more cocktails.

I showed him in and he asked if he could have a shower, and I said of course. After 10 minutes or so, he emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel, whose whiteness contrasted nicely with his thin brown body.

We sat side by side on the bed sipping the cocktails, watching the TV. When we'd finished, Nok looked at me invitingly (or so I thought) and so I pulled him over towards me, falling back on the bed with him on top. I kissed him full on the lips. I probed his mouth with my tongue and explore his inside, sucked hard on his tongue, running my hands down his back and tugging at his towel, which soon fell away. He pulled at mine and now we were both naked. I could feel his smooth Thai cock getting harder and harder. I ran my hands up and down his back, pulling his cheeks apart and running my finger lightly over his crack.

He seemed to like this, as he opened up further and began to push back on my finger each time it grazed his hole. I sucked on my finger for some lubrication and pushed slowly into his hole. He gasped with pleasure. I slid down the bed under him until I could get his cock into my mouth, all the time probing his arse with my finger. He pulled himself up so he could fuck my face while riding my finger.

I pulled out of him and swung myself out from under him, working my way round behind him. He leaned forward, leaving his arse in the air, and I began to explore it with my tongue. This seemed to drive him wild.

"Ah, Joe, ah, ah, ah. You fuck me now?"

I wasn't ready yet to stop slurping at this Thai meal - his hole was sweet and moist and tasted of soy sauce and honey. He pushed back onto my tongue while I put my hand round his chest and found his hard nipples. As I tweaked and squeezed them, I jabbed at his arse and he opened up even more. Soon I had the whole of my tongue up him, and would have gone further if only I could.

But now he needed something more, so I grabbed some lube from the bedside and mixed it with my spit in his moist, warm arse. I put some on my aching cock and leaned forward into him. He was so open that I slid all the way in at one go. Nok just moaned with pleasure. As I ploughed in and out of him, I could feel gobs of cum being forced out of his cock by each thrust.

He began to thrust back and soon we were working in rhythm. He smelt fantastic - soap, sweat, musk, lube. Just the thought of him brings back that heady mix. I couldn't hold back much longer, so began to power fuck him as he grunted, and I felt my hot cum racing through my balls and up my cock, discharging into him like a cannon.

He collapsed onto the bed, with me on top and still inside him, until I began to shrivel up and slipped out of him. I lay on my back and he on his side. He stroked my hairy chest, now slicked with sweat.

"Hm, Joe, you real good fucker"

"Thanks, Nok. You've got a great arse - you really know how to use it" I laughed.

His cock was still swollen - thick with a deep purple head, covered with pre-cum, and ready for action.

Nok's hand began to slide down my side and inner thigh and came up each time near my arse. I opened my legs to give him greater access. Next upstroke he found his target and smiled at me as he probed my hole. I squeezed my cheeks to keep his finger inside. He reached over for the lube and gently greased me up. I stayed on my back while he moved down the bed, between my legs. He lifted my legs, grabbed a pillow and put it under my bum. Now I was fully exposed to him, and ripe for fucking.

I stroked his arm and wrapped my legs around his silky arse, while he moved forward to enter me. It was a couple of days since I'd last been fucked, but I was so relaxed after fucking Nok that I didn't feel any pain as he sunk into me.

Nok was quite tall and thin for a Thai, so we could easily kiss once he'd hit base. I pulled him down and sank my tongue into his mouth as he began to plough my hole. I gripped tight on his cock with each up stroke and let him loose on the down. I could feel every vein in his swollen cock, and especially liked it when his dickhead brushed passed my arse lips. Every nerve end tingled.

He pulled himself into a sitting position and began to piston fuck me. By now my cock was half-hard again, so he squeezed some more lube out and rubbed it over my sensitive cockhead. He began to wank me in time to his thrusts, squeezing tighter with each thrust, and stroking down each time he pulled out. My balls were pulled up so tight with the sensation that they slipped up into my body. Nok began to stroke me harder and faster, picking up the pace with his fucking. I could feel my cum starting its journey again, only this time from inside my body. Meanwhile, Nok was jabbing at my prostate and for the first time I experienced an anal orgasm. Wave after wave of hot sensation passed through me.

Nok was smiling broadly and I could feel his balls banging against my arse. A couple more grunts from him, and I could feel his hot cum coating the insides of my arse. He picked up pace on my cock and pistoned it, gripping the head each time and squeezing hard. My cock couldn't take any more of this exquisite torture and erupted in protest.

Reluctantly, Nok pulled out of me. We were both covered in sweat and cum and musk and lube. I pulled him down onto me for one last, lingering kiss, before we hit the shower.

Nok stayed with me that night, our legs and arms entwined.

The next day I left Thailand for home. But I will never forget those wonderful Thai men, whose memory comes back every time I have a Thai meal in London.

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