Thai Breakfast

By PeterUK

Published on Jul 6, 2006


After an endless night flight from London, twisting and turning and failing to blot out the snoring on one side and the puffing on the other, I finally made it into Bangkok. It was Sunday afternoon and sweltering hot and the sight of the hotel pick-up was the best thing I'd seen for hours.

The Thai driver was cute and friendly, but I was so knackered I wouldn't have noticed if he'd been the archangel Gabriel. All I wanted was a shower and sleep. Each time he tried to be friendly, I grunted & grimaced and made the guy feel like he had a double dose of unwashed body (which is just what I had). I didn't even give the poor guy a tip.

After a long, cool shower, I fell onto the bed and passed out. Traffic noise being a Bangkok birthright, as soon as I had recharged the batteries the hum got louder and louder and soon I was wide awake and determined to step out and see what was up. Just about everything, it seemed. Where before there had been empty pavements, now there was a huge bustle of market stalls selling every fake under the sun, exotic food tables, and whispers of untold thrills if only I would step into this bar or that.

That sounded interesting, but all the flyers showed girls in gym poses, minus their slips, and what I wanted to see were cute Thai guys doing the splits. I'd picked the hotel as it was near the boyz scene, but which of the many Soi they were in I'd forgotten, and I didn't have enough nerve to ask anyone.

But my luck was in. I glimpsed a sign saying Man Massage, and outside in the street were a group of guys who looked like they'd stepped out of a Thai Tourism poster. "Massage, Sir?" one of them asked sweetly. "Very good massage here." Ever a sucker for a smile, I stepped into a small room where an hour's bliss for 500 baht, plus tip, was on offer. Suddenly half a dozen topless guys appeared, flexing their muscles. I chose the original smiler, who thanked me with raised hands and a little bow, and off we went.

His name was Toy, and his English was about as good as my Thai, but he had a lean, brown body, deep dark eyes and that killer smile. He gestured for me to strip off while he dropped his jeans, and we stepped into the shower together. He took some gel and began to rub it into my hairy chest, making appreciative noises. When in Rome, I I took some gel and began to rub it onto his hairless chest. He smiled again, so I started to explore and soon had him covered in gel, including his purple cock that had grown nicely. I eased back his foreskin and gently massaged the head. He in turn was rubbing gel over my balls and stiff dick. I let my hands wander round to his back and gently massaged his brown cheeks. He gasped a little and pulled in closer. By now our cocks were hard against each other. He broke free - "time for massage". We rinsed off and dried ourselves. Both our cocks were half hard.

I climbed onto the table on my stomach and he began to rub cream into my legs. As he worked his way up, he gently pushed my legs apart and let his fingers linger over my hole. With each up stroke he slid a finger in a little further, and with each down stroke he raked the opening. I was now raging hard and had to lift my arse to make my cock comfortable. This was his cue. His next upstroke brought his whole arm under my arse, rubbing hard against my balls and cock. He did this a few times, causing me agonies of pleasure.

He pulled back and gently pushed me down onto the table. He climbed up and sat on my arse. I could feel his cock nestling in the crack, while he stroked up and down my back. Each time he lunged forward, he pressed his cock deeper into my crack. I opened my legs wider and soon he was rubbing hard against my hole. "You like?" he whispered into my ear. I lifted my arse to give him greater access in response. I felt the tip of his cock probe my opening.

"I massage inside?" he whispered again. I grunted in reply and pushed up again. He didn't need any more encouragement. Slowly he pushed inside as he stroked up and down my back. Within seconds he was fully inside and his strokes outside matched each thrust inside. I clamped down on him and began to milk him. Soon we were both grunting. His breathing got faster and he threw himself down onto my back, thrusting hard into my arse as I bucked against him. I felt him swell even thicker and unleash a stream of hot cum inside me. He gently nibbled my ear and lay on me for a couple of minutes, recovering his breath.

He slowly pulled out and climbed off the table. After discreetly wiping himself, he gently rolled me over and began to massage my front. My cock was still as hard as rock, but he ignored it while he worked on my legs. When he got to my chest he began to work in decreasing circles until soon he was brushing my balls and giving feather strokes to my cock. I began to moan and stroke his arse in appreciation. He hopped back onto the table next to me and taking a scoop of cream, began to work it into my cock and balls. The feeling was fantastic. As I found his hole and began to caress it, he increased the pace and pressure on my cock. Soon I was gasping and he looked at me smiling. "You come now?" he quizzed. "Oh yeah" I said, "especially if you keep that up." He played with the head of my cock, squeezing and rubbing the tip, alternating with full strokes. He began a slow piston action, squeezing and rubbing at the same time. I couldn't hold back any more and a gush of cum hit us both in the chest. He laughed and gently milked me of all I had left.

I gave him an appreciative kiss and then we showered again. I hadn't felt so relaxed in ages, and all the strain of the flight was now wrapped up in a dirty towel in the massage parlour. That night I slept like a baby.

The next couple of days were spent getting to know Bangkok - the river buses, the amazing temples, the palaces and fabulous shopping. To say nothing of the some of the best food on earth. But nicest of all were the people - always friendly (even when trying, like the taxi drivers, to rip you off) and so many cute men. Each night I was too exhausted from the heat and the sights to do more than flop into bed.

But by day three the old sap was rising and in the afternoon I noticed the hotel's airport cab driver in the reception. He recognised me and smiled a hello. He asked me how I was enjoying Bangkok. His English was really good & his attitude still very friendly. I apologised for being so rude when he brought me from the airport, as I'd been so tired. "No problem" he said " I understand."

"I still feel bad" I replied. " Can I buy you a drink to make it up to you? And what's your name? I'm Joe, by the way"

"Sure, Joe, I like beer. I got to pick up one more guy from airport but I call you on return - maybe two hours. And my name is Sorn."

Whether or not he was gay, he was really nice and friendly. I gave him my room number and went upstairs to shower and nap. I must have fallen into a deep sleep as I was woken by a knocking on the door. I was only in my briefs but I opened up and it was Sorn, with a couple of beers.

"I'm so sorry, Sorn, I feel deep asleep. But do come in" I said. He smiled again and wandered over to the bed, putting the beers on the beside table. I felt a bit awkward just being in my underpants, but the room was very warm as I didn't have the a/c going. I just can't sleep with the noise.

"It hot here, Joe. Can I take shirt off?" he asked.

"Sure, Sorn, make yourself comfortable. I don't like using the a/c unless I have to. I find it dries out the air too much."

He slipped of his shirt, revealing a broad chest with just a tuft of dark hair on it. We sat apart on the bed, drinking our beers and chatting about Bangkok, and the heat and nothing much. When we finished I offered him another from the mini-bar.

"Sure, Joe. But jeans also very hot. You mind if I take off?"

"Go ahead, Sorn, no reason why you shouldn't be comfortable too. I'll just go and pee."

I went to the bathroom so that he wouldn't be embarrassed with me watching him, much as I wanted to. When I came back he was in sexy black briefs and thumbing through my gay guide to Bangkok. He put it down and took his beer. This time he sat next to me, so our thighs were touching.

"You like Thai boy, Joe?" he asked?

"Sure do, Sorn. I've never seen so many sexy guys in one place in my life."

"You like, Sorn, Joe?" he replied.

"Very much, Sorn. You're a very attractive man."

He grinned broadly, put down his beer and started to stroke my thigh. "I like Joe. I like very much." With this he began to stroke my chest and nipple, and the bulge in my pants began to grow. He noticed, and gently rubbed my package over the cloth. I opened my legs wider and he squeezed harder.

"It very hot here, Joe. You mind if I take off pants?" He didn't wait for a reply, but stood up and dropped his briefs. Out sprung a cut purple rod that was growing by the second. He took my arm and got me to stand up and pulled down my pants, then pushed me back onto the bed, falling on top of me. He began to kiss me passionately, probing my mouth with his tongue. I responded in kind and began to knead his cute round arse, letting my fingers brush his hole. This seemed to drive him wilder. He splayed his legs and I could feel he was now fully erect. I sucked on a finger and probed deeper, while he gasped with pleasure. I knew what he needed and what I wanted.

I rolled him over so that now I was on top and he was on his back, and started to lick my way down his body. I flicked the tip of his cock with my tongue and tasted the salty pre-cum that was now oozing freely from Sorn's cock. I took all of him in my mouth and sucked hard a couple of times. He was bucking under me, but that wasn't what I wanted. I let go of his cock and pulled his legs apart, exposing his puckered purple hole. This was my target, and I went for it. He let out a huge moan as my tongue licked and probed. I was glued to him, and pushed as hard as I could. Sorn now held his legs at the knees and stretched wide, opening his hole further in the process. My tongue slipped in and now tasted a heady oriental mix of Thai musk and orchid soap. My mind span and my cock ached.

I couldn't wait any longer and grabbed some lube from the beside table, coating my dick and squeezing a large dollop onto his hole, rubbing it in and probing his inners with my finger.

"Oh Joe" he cried" fuck me now, fuck me, fuck me pleeese."

I didn't need a second invite and eased my dick head passed his sphincter. He was groaning loudly and grasping my shoulders tightly. I pushed in steadily and his head was now rolling from side to side, grunting and groaning. Finally I was in to the hilt and kissed him hard on the lips. I began to thrust harder and quicker, and he clamped down on me each time I went up him. His legs were now wrapped round my back and he was pulling me onto him.

I could see us reflected in the wardrobe mirror - my white arse covered with fine hair thrusting into his cute brown arse, legs and arms intertwined. I could feel his cock rubbing against my stomach as he bucked up and within seconds I felt his hot cum spurt out while he grimaced in agony and ecstasy. The sight of his beautiful face, the smell of his cum, the clamp of his arse all combined to send me over the top and I spurted into him.

We were both bathed in sweat and cum and musk and the bed was a total mess. But that was one great fuck.

We kissed hard again and showered together. After drying each other, we had another beer. He readily accepted my invitation to sleep over and we kissed and cuddled for ages before finally dropping off.

Next morning he had gone, but he left a Thai breakfast tray and a note with his mobile number and the suggestion we have another beer round soon. I stayed another five days in Bangkok, managed to have at least three more rounds with Sorn, and to get to know his arse almost as well as his face. Whenever I think of Bangkok, I think of Sorn, and can't wait to go back for more of both.

After Bangkok I went on to Patong, on Phuket Island, where the guys are just as beautiful. But I'll save that adventure for the next episode.

Next: Chapter 2

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