TG: Your Slip is Showing, Soldier

By Michael Suelmann

Published on Aug 7, 1996



From Thu Aug 8 09:22:21 1996 Path: nienor!sauveur!fub!!!!!!!!!suelmann Newsgroups:, Organization: University of Jyvaskyla, Finland Lines: 5431 Message-ID: 4ub1o6$ NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: nienor

TG, cd, feminization (chem), mf, ff, mm, partly blackmail §§§§§§§§ I didn't write this. I found this on a BBS.



Chapter 1

By: Victoria Elaine Riley

Authoress note: Although this story very closely parallels a part of my life, it is by no means completely true. More a wish on my part, than even a fantasy. Life is about choices, we all make what we consider to be the best choices, under the current circumstances, and with our magnificent gift of hindsight we berate ourselves for not being able to foretell the future. In fact, the future is what we make it, making a choice or not making a choice - it is our decision.

That's what I was feeling. A short 22 days ago I celebrated my 17th birthday, still a boy; today I was being inducted into the United States Army, the beginning of manhood. I needed to pass the entrance physical, and I was in - - a new chapter in my life. Having been raised in various Catholic orphanages, I really never had a "home" or a life to dream of, but now, I would have some control over my own destiny.

There are nineteen others here with me, five of them are female. We are joining one branch of the service or another. There seems to be no separation of the services for physicals, Marines, Navy, Air Force, and Army, one big line, in alphabetical order, of course . At the end of the line are the girls, I suppose being at the end of the line would afford them some modicum of privacy. I was the last male in line, and waiting for thirteen others to get started was nerve racking. I talked with Melissa, the girl behind me in line, to pass some time.

Waiting, so far for two hours, increased the strain on my kidneys. I asked a male nurse if I could give a urine sample now, because, "I can't wait much longer." He agreed, gave me a sample beaker and I crossed the hall to the men's room. Time is a relative thing. I wait, and wait, but making my contribution to the physical just doesn't seem to want to happen now. After a few minutes (that seemed like hours) the nurse knocked on the door to see if I am all right. "Yes", I reply "just nerves, won't be long now". More time drags by. Suddenly the door is opened, there stand the nurse and a man in a white smock. The nurse accused me of trying to tamper with my test, hands me a new sample beaker, and informs me that Dr. Adams will watch and make sure I don't cheat. My God, not even in the Army yet, and I've made a mess of things. I just can't do it now, not with someone watching me - I mean, who could. The Doctor seems sympathetic and asks if I want some help. "Help?" I asked, "What could you do to help me?" The Doctor comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my chest and lowers one hand to my penis and holds it gently. "There" he said, "maybe if I_ hold it, you will relax". "No! Get away from me. You faggot! I'm not like that at all." I retaliate. "Well," said the Doctor, "I... well,,, I was just ,,,, to see if you were homosexual,,,, you know. You passed this test, but don't tell anyone else about it, I don't want them to know in advance." Suddenly, my kidneys let loose of the precious liquid that started this mess, and after cleaning up, I walked out with the sample jar in my hand and the doctor behind me. The doctor tells the nurse that the sample was O.K., and tells me to report to his office for the rest of my physical.

I walked to the front of the line, to Dr. Adams' office, and took off my clothes in the waiting room. There are four other Doctors offices here, I can't believe it takes that long for a physical. Waiting, the word takes on a new meaning in my life. I feel as though time has stopped, and I am the focus of the universe. It's cold, typical of medical facilities. Suddenly, the office door opens and I am greeted by the male nurse from before. "HI," he says, "sorry about that mix-up in the men's room. But, we never know when someone might try to substitute a sample because of drug problems. Relax, we tested your sample, no problems. Now, would you answer some more questions?" "Sure," I reply "I understand completely". We go through the typical childhood diseases, previous medical history, current problems, etc.. Nothing unusual. He takes a blood sample, and again I wait. There are no magazines here to read, I make a mental note to suggest some form of entertainment for the next group through this place.

A voice brings me back to the present. It's Dr. Adams. "Come in my office and take a seat on the examination table." he says. Nervously, I walk into his office, very aware I am wearing only boxer shorts and socks. I sit where I was instructed and the Doctor begins. "So, Victor, you passed most of the tests thus far, how do you feel?" "Well, Dr. Adams," I begin "I'm a little nervous, I've never been through a major physical before. It's different. And you did scare me in the men's room." "Relax" he said, "this is tough enough without being scared too". He started routine tests; height 67 inches, weight 125 pounds, blue eyes, brown hair, no distinguishing scars, all fingers and toes intact. Reflexes normal, chest sounds good, no unusual heart rhythms. "Stand on the floor please" he said. Oh no, I thought, here it comes again, he is going to touch me there Pulling my shorts down, he asks about ruptures, and tells me to turn my head and cough. I cough, but when I feel his hand hold my balls, I can't help myself, my dick becomes hard as a rock. "Cough again, please" Dr. Adams said.

Dr. Adams smiled. His hand slides gently up and holds my small shaft. "Relax Victor." It seems like a command from the Doctor. "There is nothing to be ashamed of. It doesn't mean you are queer because you like to have another man touch you. We can keep this secret between us. O.K.?" "No need to enter it on your permanent record." I am reduced to tears, so much for becoming a man.

I think back to the one homosexual experience I had in my life. Being a wise ass 14 year old, I figure I can do anything I want. I was hitchhiking, a car screeches to a halt. I climb in the car, and off we go. I tell the man where I want to go, he says he will take me right to my door. Great, I think, my luck is finally changing. Slowly, his hand begins to trace a small pattern on my knee. He tells me I am cute, and he would like to suck my dick. Hell, the wise ass in me comes out again, I'm no fool, I ask him for $10.00 to do that. He agrees, and off we go to a lonely spot near some woods. He gets all hot and bothered, kissing me with his tongue, feeling my small penis, unzipping my pants. OH, No, I forgot I was wearing pink lace panties that day. Yes, I am a Transvestite - I didn't know it at the time, but that is what I am. He got more excited, asked me to play with him. I unzipped his pants and searched for his dick. He was TINY. I swear, he couldn't have been two inches when hard! His head went to my lap, and he started kissing my balls and dick. As soon as I touched his naked dick, he came all over my hand. He kissed me some more, licked my hand and told me that "It was good". On the way to my house, he didn't say anything else to me. I tried to get him to meet me somewhere again, promising more sexy undies and some better action, but he wasn't interested. What a prostitute I was, no repeat business. When I got out of the car, I said good-bye and watched as he drive off. That was it, my first and last. It wasn't until later that night that I found a ten dollar bill in my panties. Oh well, I could get a new bra and panty set now. Life goes on.

Dr. Adams is speaking to me, "Don't cry Vicky, it's O.K., I won't hurt you." He kisses me gently, tasting my tears. "Please Dr. Adams," I hear myself saying, "I'm not like that. I'm not a homosexual, I don't like men. I promise not to say anything about you if you will just leave me alone. Please." The tears come faster now. Again I hear Dr. Adams, "Vicky, Shhhh, don't cry, bend over so I can finish the rest of this physical" In a stupor, I do as instructed, bending at the waist, still sporting a raging hard on, waiting, with tears streaming down my face. I hear the Doctor pull on a rubber glove, and gird myself for this final humiliation. Suddenly the door opens and in walks the nurse,,,, I can't stand it, I blubber like a baby. When I feel the Doctors finger probing my anus, I involuntarily moan and let loose a large load of cum. Sobbing, I fall to the floor on my knees, in my own cum. The Doctor gently helps me on the examination table and leaves the room with the nurse.

After what seems like hours, Dr. Adams returns. He has the nurse with him. They are both smiling. Dr. Adams speaks first "Vicky, go put your clothes on and come back in here". Silently, I leave the room, debating whether I should leave the building and forget the Army. I decide to at least have a talk with the Doctor. Reaching for my clothes, I find that my underpants have been replaced by a pair of red silk panties. Further embarrassed, but knowing where they probably came from, I put them on, under my street clothes. Walking back into the Doctors office, I catch a glimpse of Dr. Adams and the nurse standing close together, their arms around each other. Making a noise so they know I am in the office, I see them kiss each other quickly and break away. I face the Doctor at his desk and sit as instructed. He starts calling me "Vicky" again, and I correct him "Dr. Adams, my name is Victor." "Yes, yes,,, of course,, excuse me for that mistake. You remind me of a friend of mine. Anyway,, VICTOR.... you have passed your physical, in general your are in pretty good shape, a little on the thin side, but the Army food will fill you out.

I made it, the embarrassing moments have been worth it. Now, I can concentrate on being a man. Dr. Adams tells me that there are some shots I have to receive, but he must give me a special one first. Hoping that this is to be my final dealing with Dr. Adams, I roll up my sleeve and prepare for the shot. "No, VICTOR,,, this one goes in the other end." I look, and am totally aghast at the size of the needle. I lower my pants, remembering the panties as I tugged them over my hips, and grit my teeth in anticipation of the pain. "Now Victor, this is really not a shot, it is an implant, that will slowly distribute medicine to your body during the next three or four months. After that time, you should be cured of having unwanted hard-ons." I flushed, and the Doctor penetrated my buttock with the needle. The doctor injects about half the cool contents, then looking at the nurse, he empties the needle with a shrug of his shoulders. Rubbing my ass with a cotton ball, he then pats me on the back and tells me to get dressed. Elated at the prospect of leaving this place, I hurriedly replaced my clothing and left. Exiting the office, I was directed to another larger office where everyone was standing around, shuffling their feet. I saw my new friend Melissa and went to talk with her. She asked what took me so long, I just replied "Doctors, they are so slow." Nodding her head, she changed the subject.

Life was good. A lieutenant came in, read all our names, to which we were to respond with a vigorous "HERE, SIR". When I heard him say "Riley, V. E." I replied with the loudest "HERE SIR" I could. It was coming to a close now, the lieutenant said that a major would be along shortly to swear us all in. I did it, I was finally free, well, not free, but at least I felt that I had some control of what was going on. The major showed up, had us raise our right hands and repeat the oath of allegiance,,,,,, then congratulated us on being in the military. HOORAY.

We were separated by the service we had enlisted in. Four guys, myself, and three girls were going to be in the Army. We were escorted by a sergeant to a downstairs waiting room, he gave us each a folder and told us very explicitly. "Listen up people. You are on your way to Basic Training. If you want to start out on the right foot with your drill instructors, look at your enlistment papers and memorize your serial number. I will tell you now, there is nothing worse than a recruit that doesn't know his or her serial number. You can forget your name for the next eight weeks. it won't be required. You have been given warning." Melissa and I looked at each other and almost burst out laughing. Scare tactics already - this should get interesting. We were driven to the downtown train station, given a hot supper (our first meal that day) and tickets for the train to the base. We would be traveling over 21 hours, and were relieved to find that we had been assigned sleeper compartments - two per compartment. But, they forgot one thing, there were five guys and three girls. Someone screwed up making the sleeping arrangements. Checking our tickets, it was discovered that I had been assigned to share a compartment with Tina, a nice girl, but, she was not interested in sharing her compartment with me. Melissa volunteered to trade places with her and the situation was straightened out. We boarded the train at about 9:30 that night, relieved that the day was over.

Melissa and I headed for our compartment. I helped her as much as I could with her bags. She had three bags, the rest of the group brought two each. Once settled inside, I pulled down the overhead beds, too tired to even talk. After I brushed my teeth and washed my face, Melissa went into the bathroom and started her "nightly preparations". I lay on the couch and drifted off to sleep. Shortly I felt my arm being shaken. "Victor,,,, Victor,," an unfamiliar voice was calling my name. Opening my eyes, my mind slowly realized, it was Melissa, "Victor'" she said, "you had better get up and get into bed". Groggily, I stood, took off my shirt, dropped my pants, and started climbing into the upper berth. "Oh Victor, what pretty panties you are wearing" said Melissa. OH NO, I had forgotten about them. "No wonder they wanted you and Tina to share a room. Ha Ha Ha..." Embarrassed, I crawled a little faster and quickly covered myself up. I slipped off the panties while under the covers and tossed them on the floor with my pants. I'd explain it to Melissa in the morning, I didn't have time to think of a quick lie tonight.

I awoke with a start. I felt myself being pinned against the rear wall of the bed. I heard screeching noises, metal on metal. Oh Shit, I thought, we are going to hit something. Melissa was awake too, and seemed worried. The train slowed, then stopped, with no major wreckage apparent. I told Melissa to wait and I would go see what was wrong. I groped for my clothes in the dark, but couldn't find anything and cursed. Melissa threw me a robe, and I put it on as I left the compartment. People were awake all through the car. Several people stared at me as I passed them, and I thought it was because of the way the robe flapped open when I walked. I clasped it tighter to my hips, and started out of the car. Apparently there wasn't any real problem, another train was going to be passing us soon on the same track, and we were sitting on a siding. Back to the car I went, making sure to hold the robe tight about my hips. When I got in our compartment, Melissa, Tina, and Debra were sitting in their nightgowns talking about what might have happened. They all laughed at me when I entered - and until I looked in the mirror, I didn't know why. I was wearing Melissa's robe, done completely in pink satin, with feathered sleeve cuffs. Embarrassed, I started to take the robe off, only to remember I was naked underneath. What a mess. I climbed into bed amid cat calls from the girls and tossed the robe down when I was settled. I told everyone what had happened, and they had a good laugh. We decided that since we were up and there was nothing to do tomorrow, we would meet in the bar car in a few minutes to talk. Debra and Tina said they would go get their robes and be back in a minute, Melissa said she couldn't go because she didn't have a robe, I stole it!! Everyone laughed, and Melissa teased me further by pulling the hair on my legs. Debra and Tina came back shortly with their enlistment papers, and we picked up ours, then bounced off to the bar. We were going to make an attempt at studying our S/N's. The bar car was almost full, but, the four guys who were with us made room at their table. One of them started to say "Lets sit, boy, girl,,,boy, girl,,,," but his words trailed off when he realized I was there. So, the girls sat on one side and the guys on the other, and of course, I sat with the girls.

We all pulled out our travel orders and looked for our S/N. I found mine first, it was WA 12-711-474. The guys all came up with theirs, they began with US or RA and the girls all had WA in front of theirs. We became curious about the two letters in front and what they meant, and after much conversation, found out that RA stood for Regular Army, US was an abbreviation used in front of draftee S/N's but no one could figure out what the WA was about. We laughed and decided it must have had something to do with our training assignments. We quizzed each other repeatedly, until we were too tired to stay awake, then trooped off to bed, S/N's firmly implanted.

It felt like my head just hit the pillow. I awoke to Melissa shaking my arm. "I've got it Victor, I know what the WA in our S/N's stands for." "That's nice Melissa." I murmured through a barely opening mouth. Melissa wouldn't let up, "Really Victor, this is important - get up. The WA stands for Woman's Army - we are all going to be WAC's." "WHAT!" I just about screamed. "Shhhhh, don't wake the train." said Melissa. "Really Victor, look at your papers. That's why they assigned you and Tina to the same compartment." Oh, it couldn't be, but, there it was in black and white. I knew right away who had done it, the doctor at the induction center. He had his nurse check the box marked Female, and listed my name as Victoria Elaine Riley! I had joined the Woman's Army Corps. I was assigned to Nursing School after Basic Training. How could that happen?

Melissa told me not to worry, once we got to the base, they would reassign me, it would be obvious that I wasn't a female. I could take another physical. Would I ever get any sleep on this train? "Maybe it was the panties" said Melissa with a laugh. I just glared at her. "Sorry" she said, "didn't mean to upset 'Her Royal Highness'". "All right," I said, "I'll tell you what happened". Nervously, I scratched at my breasts, they tingled and felt like they were swelling. "Melissa, I wanted to join the Army to grow up and be a man, but, when I went for the physical ......." And so on - till I had told her everything. When I finished, she sat there, maybe not believing, maybe just shocked. I waited for her to speak. Finally, she laughed, and laughed. I couldn't help but follow her example and began laughing too. We laughed till we cried, then sat on the bed hugging each other, till we fell asleep.

I awoke to the dull rumbling of wheels clicking down the track. I was snuggling close to Melissa, her soft body encased in a yellow baby doll nightgown. The constant rubbing of my body against her nightgown had given me a huge erection, but I dared not move. Melissa rolled over, her hand landing in my lap. As she realized what she was holding, a smile came to her lips, and she gently worked her hand up and down my shaft. Soon, I exploded with an orgasm that shook my entire body. My first sexual experience with a person of the opposite sex. I snuggled closer to her, and breathed in the heavenly smell of her body and her hair. Life was really going to be grand.

After a short nap, I awoke to find Melissa already gone. I got up, went to the bathroom and began my daily ritual, the "Three S's" (Shit, Shave and Shower) I saw her baby dolls on the door handle, and couldn't resist. I slid the soft panties up my legs, and was poking my head through the top, when Melissa entered the room. I never did learn to close the bathroom door. Melissa looked and said I could wear them at night, but they wouldn't be acceptable for the day on the train. Embarrassed, I quickly let the fabric fall about my body, then reached down to take it off. The fabric rubbing against my breasts irritated my nipples, they were quite sensitive. As I drew the top off, Melissa said my nipples looked red and irritated. I knew they felt strange, but thought it was an allergic reaction to something. I showered hurriedly, and dried off as best I could, then began looking for something to wear. I yelled for Melissa to hand me some underwear, and she passed the red silk panties through the door. I put them on and asked for my jeans, Melissa said "No way Vicky, you come out here and get them. I want to see you in your pretty panties." Reluctantly, I agreed, and began a seductive dance into the compartment, wiggling my ass for all it was worth. She loved it. She couldn't get enough of it. She asked me to dance around for a little while, while she played with herself. One hand dove into her pants, and one dove into her bra,,,, she sat there playing with herself, as I danced and wiggled my ass into her face. Melissa moaned, groaned, and worked her hands in and out of her clothing. I strutted, bumped, and ground my ass into her face. She breathed in the aroma of my clean ass through the panties and dissolved into a shattering orgasm. At this rate, we would never leave the compartment, both be A.W.O.L. before even arriving at the base, and still be virgins.

Melissa suggested I wear the panties all day. Since we were supposed to be on the train all day, and even longer due to the delay of last night, I agreed. Melissa looked great in a short red t-shirt dress, I was amazed to notice the size of her breasts for the first time. We went to get the other girls for breakfast. Debra was finishing getting dressed in the bathroom, and Tina was finishing her nails. Tina let us in, and as we were talking, Debra came out wearing only her bra and panties. I blushed and stammered, but, Debra just said "Get used to it, you'll be seeing a lot more of us when you are a WAC. Ha Ha Ha." Oh, God, Melissa had told them. I blushed, but, felt better when Melissa took my arm from behind and pressed her firm tits into it. "Vicky isn't interested in your undies Debra," said Melissa " she has her own and mine to worry about." Debra quickly put on a skirt and blouse and we went to breakfast. It was about 11:00, late for breakfast, early for lunch. We sat at a table alone, and just talked about our lives. Melissa mentioned she lived about 20 miles north of where we enlisted, Debra lived in the same city, Tina was from the far west of the state, and I was from the far south. Fate had put us together in this little adventure, and we were becoming fast friends. Tina was teasing me about becoming a WAC. She obviously didn't know the whole story. Melissa must have been protecting my secret, just letting others know what they had to. After breakfast, the four of us went back to our room. Melissa took out a deck of cards and suggested a game of strip poker! Everyone agreed, especially me, but when I learned that I had to dress as a girl first so we would have the same amount of clothes to take off, I shied away. The girls kidded me and begged me to wear a dress, after all they said "it is going to be a long day and we will soon get bored." Of course I gave in, I wanted to wear Melissa's clothes since we meet.

Melissa suggested that I wear a little of each of their clothes, that way I could be like a life size Barbie doll. She took a pair of baby blue panties and a matching lace underwire bra out of her luggage, handed them to me, and said "Go with Tina and pick out one of her dresses. Come back when you are all dolled up." I left with Tina leading the way. There I was walking down the aisle of the train with a bra and panty set in my hands, I was mortified. Luckily, none of the guys came out of their rooms. I didn't think of it until then, but I asked Tina if she could bring the dress to my room so I wouldn't have to walk around in it, she laughed and said I would love walking around as a woman. We entered her room, and she started prodding my body to see about what size I wore. She was a size 14, and Debra a size 12. Because of my waist, I had to wear her red skirt, but one of Debra's blouses. I was stripped down, Tina helped me fasten the bra in back, she commented on how my breasts seemed to be budding, just like a teenage girl. I blushed, put the panties on, and reached for a half slip. "Whoa there girlie", said Tina "you don't have to hurry like that. Let's shave your legs so they look a little better". "No Tina," I said, "I don't mind hairy legs sticking out of my skirt." "So, you have done this before." said Tina. "No," I replied I've never been out in public dressed as a girl before." We argued, but I won, the hair on my legs stayed. I felt stupid afterwards, realizing that I was standing there arguing with her while I was wearing a bra and panties, but, it felt so natural at the time. I put on black panty hose to hide the hair, got the white half slip, and red skirt on. I put on a pair of low heeled red dress shoes that Debra brought. I was buttoning the white blouse up the back when Tina asked if I wanted to wear a little makeup, in case someone looked too close at me while we were walking back to my room. I thought that sounded logical, and let her have her way. Tina wet my hair and added a few curlers to help the style. She applied mascara and eyeshadow to enlarge and bring out my eyes, a rosy glow was applied to my cheeks with some blush, and a light pink lipstick completed my face. Looking in the mirror, I was impressed with the little differences that makeup could bring out. But, I was shocked that my blue bra was clearly visible through the white blouse. "No Tina," I said, I can't go out like this. Everyone will see my bra." "Don't be silly Vicky" she said, "everyone knows girls wear bras, would you rather not wear a blouse at all? Of course not, you look sweet, come on, lets go play strip poker with the other girls."

We walked out of Tina's room and began the long trek to mine. Only 6 rooms in-between, but, I was sweating before we arrived. The feeling of cool air coming up between my legs was strange. I felt like I wasn't even wearing a skirt. When we arrived at my room, Tina gasped and dragged me back down the hall to her room. While she was unlocking her door, she said "I almost forgot". I followed her in, wondering what she could have forgotten. Inside, she went into the bathroom, calling me in. I stood there as she unrolled the tissue and stuffed my bra cups full. I felt stupid. When she thought my breasts were big enough without being too big, she molded them with her hands into round mounds. Then back we went to my room. Outside the door, she gave me a quick once over, decided that my blouse could be tucked in more, and preceded to lift my skirt and pull the tail of my blouse down. She fluffed my hair, and touched up my lipstick. I felt like a baby, having her mother dress her. No one saw us, and Tina finally knocked on the door. As the door opened Tina said in a loud voice "Announcing Miss Victoria Elaine Riley", everyone clapped. We made so much racket that no one noticed the guys coming back from the dining car. As soon as the door closed, there was a knock. Melissa looked thru the peep hole and saw the guys, quickly, I dashed for the bathroom while they let the guys in. The guys had been looking for something to do today also, but to no avail. The girls said they were going to just sit around the room and do "girl things" and they didn't think anyone would be interested. But, there was always room for more girls if anyone wanted to dress like one. All the guys begged off and asked about Victor. Tina lied, well not really lied, but stretched the truth a little by saying she was the last one to see Victor, but no one had seen him for a while. Maybe he was out exploring. As the door closed, I came slowly out of the bathroom. Melissa, Debra and Tina clapped and whistled a little more. Melissa came right up to me, looked me in the eye, and said, "I want to get in your panties, bitch." I blushed again, wondering how much one person was capable of blushing, and if today I would hit that limit. After a short amount of time twirling around the room, and doing part of the sexy dance I did for Melissa in the morning, we settled down to play cards.

We hit it off well. Debra called the dining car for some beer, and we settled in for the afternoon. I lost the first hand, and took off my shoes. Everyone booed and said "Take off the blouse", but I couldn't do that. Melissa lost the next hand and did take off her top. Now I could see why she looked so good in the red t-shirt dress. She had exquisite boobs. Even Tina and Debra made drooling noises as she adjusted herself in her bra. Tina and Debra lost next, both removing their tops also. Here I was, the only girl with a blouse on. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, Melissa told me to get the beer, take some money out of her purse and pay the man. Not even thinking, I opened the door, the porter gasped as he saw three partially clothed women sitting on the floor, Melissa grabbed a blanket off the bed and made like she was mad. "Vicky!" she yelled, "wait till we get some clothes on". Too late. I dug around in her purse, found the wallet and paid the man. I didn't give him a tip, I figured he should pay us for what he saw. I put two six packs in the shower and got a beer for each of us. As I opened the first one the foam poured wildly over the edge, I put the can to my lips and sucked all I could. I saved the floor from a bath, but when I gave Melissa the beer, she made a face and said "UGH, some bitch has put lipstick all over my beer can". We all laughed when I finally figured out that it was my lipstick. Back to the game. I lost twice in a row, and to a chorus of boos, I took off my pantyhose and skirt. Melissa decided that this would take too long, so we agreed that the next looser would take everything off all at once. Nope, not me, Tina lost. She slowly stood and in the limited space of the compartment, did an amazing strip tease dance. She tossed her clothes everywhere, and when she was finally naked suggested we just continue until everyone was naked. Tina sat next to Debra and slowly rubbed her tits into Debra's back. Immediately Debra's nipples stood out of her bra. She reached back, taking one of Tina's hands and placed it in her bra. They both moaned as Melissa dealt the cards. Melissa cheated, I think. Anyway, she lost. She too did an elaborate strip dance - making sexual advances to me during the whole time. As she finished, she knelt behind me, unbuttoned my blouse and put her hands into the front of my bra. Laughing, she pulled out the tissue paper, and tossed it around the room. When she touched my bare nipples, it was like an electric shock. The nipples tightened, the aureole area turned pink with blush, and my entire body moaned with desire. I tried to turn and kiss her, but, she made me pay attention to the card game. Debra had already dealt the last hand, and was enjoying the love making Tina was giving her. Hardly opening her eyes, she said, "I quit, take my clothes bitch". Tina obliged. Teasing every part of her body, Tina pulled each last bit of clothing off using her teeth. Melissa spun me around, stood me up and began to kiss me passionately. She lowered my slip and panties, kissing my legs as she slowly lowered herself to her knees. Making me promise to shave my legs for the next time, Melissa teased and prodded my hard dick with her tongue. I gasped as she lightly bit every portion of my body. Then she stood up. Putting her hands on my shoulders, she forced me to my knees and begged me to lick her all over. Giving a quick glance to Debra and Tina, and noticing that they were laying in the bed with their heads in each others crotch, I figured, "When in Rome.......". I started licking gently at the edges of Melissa's beautiful pussy. She finished unbuttoning my blouse, and took it off. Then she wrapped her hands under my bra straps and used them to pull my face closer to her sex. I licked like I never licked before. I kissed, I nibbled, I massaged with my tongue, I did everything I could think of. Suddenly I felt Melissa tighten, she grabbed hold of my bra straps tightly and pulled me as hard she could into her womanhood. The bra straps broke as she reached a climax that brought tears to her eyes. She begged, pleaded, and demanded that I never leave her - always be her love slave. I couldn't believe what a wild woman she was. I slowly stood and ground our pelvises together, as she moaned in soft content. Melissa looked up at Tina and Debra who were resting after their love making, and winked at them. "Vicky dear," she said, "the girls and I would like to see you jerk off. Please sweetie. Come on, no one has ever done that for us before. I'll help you if you want". "O.K.," I agreed. Melissa got behind me, sunk to her knees, and started nibbling on my ass. My dick stuck out farther than I had ever seen it. I rubbed it slowly at first, then faster, and faster. I felt Melissa unhook what was left of my bra, and she wrapped it around my dick to give me more of a grip. That about did it. I came in an explosion of white goo. Sinking to my knees, I heard Tina and Debra applaud and cheer for "The Girl with the Dick".

After what must have been an hour of playing with each others bodies, Tina and Debra were at it again. I was amazed at the sound of two people having sex. I watched every move, sure that I could learn something from these two obvious sex machines. It was great. Melissa touched me and demanded attention from my tongue. It was strange to be laying down on top of her and eating her out, but when she put my dick in her mouth, I lost control. I stuck my tongue in her ass, in her cunt, in anything that was available. She sucked me like I had imagined it would be like. Beautiful. We both got off about the same time, of course, she was first, always ladies first. The next "wake up" after our sexual nap, Debra jumped out of bed saying "If we don't get out of here, we will be worn out before we get to basic training." We laughed and got up to help each other get dressed. They laughed when they saw my bra, straps torn, and one of the cups soaked. Melissa told me that I would have to wear it that way, after all, bras were to expensive to throw away every time we had sex. I protested, suggesting that she go without, since she ruined "ours" but lost. Tina produced a couple of safety pins and pined the straps together. It was an acceptable fix, but I didn't like the wet cup. Melissa made me keep my promise about shaving my legs, and underarms. We managed to get each other dressed, after a lot of touching and feeling. As we sat around just talking about what our lives would be like in the future, Tina decided that we should go to the dining car for supper. "NO WAY" I yelled. I'm not going out there dressed like a girl. "Oh come on sissy pants" said Melissa. I won't let the big bad boys get you. You look great, no one will ever know you are a guy. Take a look in the mirror. I did look, and decided that maybe she was right, besides, this was like a dream come true. I didn't want to fight any of it.

Oh no, looking down at my boobs, I can see that my bra cup was wet and showing through my blouse. I begged Melissa to let me change, but she said didn't have anything else to go with a red skirt. She told me to keep my arm up in front of it, it should dry in no time. Off to supper we went. Four good looking young ladies coming out of one sleeping compartment attract a lot of attention. The porter wanted to know if we all had tickets. So, back we went, Melissa and I showed our tickets, then Tina and Debra went to get theirs from their room. The porter stayed with us, and we talked small talk about people sneaking on and off trains, girls bringing boyfriends on without paying, and such. He was glad to hear we were all going in the Army, and after checking the other girls tickets, he wished us well. As he left, he looked right at me and said "Miss, you spilled something on your blouse, better take care of it before it stains". I turned red from head to foot. The others stood there laughing and pointed to my wet boob. I felt so embarrassed. I guessed that the teasing would go on. Off to the dining car, again. This time we made it all the way,. It was only 5:00 pm so there was hardly anyone there. A few older couples sat here and there, but, at least the guys from the induction center weren't to be seen. We ordered soup and salads, the girls said I needed to look after my figure now, and had some white wine after dinner. We sat and talk, and had fun. I can't remember another time in my life when I felt so relaxed, so at one with myself. I got up before desert, and went to the bathroom. Melissa said I should take her purse, in case I needed any sanitary items. The girls sat there and giggled, "Don't forget which rest room to use, VICKY!" they screeched. I blushed down to my hair roots again, but loved the attention from them. I walked very calmly to the ladies room, went in, did my business, made sure my feet were facing the right way while I was doing it, and even stopped to fix my lipstick. Coming out, I passed a man in the narrow corridor that had both rest rooms, I tried to get out of his way, but, he was so fat that he pressed me against the wall and got a couple good feels of my ass before I realized what was going on. The pervert. After a short talk at the table, we adjourned to our room again, and some rather playful lovemaking.

I awoke the next morning, wearing Melissa's yellow baby doll nightgown. She was in bed next to me. As I turned, she moaned and wrapped her arms around me. "Good Morning Cutie" she said. "Good Morning yourself" I said. "What the hell happened last night?" "Look in my bed" she said. I did, and what I saw didn't surprise me. Debra and Tina were asleep in each others arms. I guess you could say, "A good time was had by all". We were due to be at the basic training camp in a few hours, so I roused everyone out of bed. "Come on you lazy bones" I said, "time to get those cute little bushes out of bed and into the shower." We showered two at a time, got dressed, and went down to breakfast. I wore my panties again, but that is all the female clothing I wore that day. My boobs were more sensitive today, Melissa was making a nuisance of herself by constantly pinching and toying with them. Even at breakfast, she wrapped an arm around my shoulder and toyed with my breast. It was pleasurable, but embarrassing when others looked at us. Melissa called me Vicky now, no matter who was listening. Everyone thought it was cute, only three of us knew how serious she was about it. We went back to our rooms to prepare to leave the train. On the way Tina apologized and said she would have gladly shared her room with me if she had known about Vicky. I thanked her, and kissed both her and Debra on the cheek. Melissa and I went our way and began to pack. I had to talk with Melissa, we were going to be at Basic Training soon, and I didn't know what to do about my records. We finished packing first, then sat next to each other on one bed. We talked about what we wanted from life, about our loves, and about each other. We discussed family and friends, and even people who weren't friends. We talked about everything, but still came back to the question of "US". What could we do about us? We could get things straightened out and go on through the Army maintaining a very close friendship. She would be a WAC and I would be a Regular Army grunt. But, we were both drawn by the fun we had on our train trip. Maybe we should continue the lie and become girlfriends, Melissa and Vicky. Who knows. We fell asleep holding each other as the train brought us closer to being torn apart.


Your Slip is Showing, Soldier

Chapter 2

By: Victoria Elaine Riley

Getting off the train should have been uneventful. Actually it was, but what happened after that was crazy. I got off the train after Melissa, she reached up and helped me down the last step. Debra and Tina made fun of that, but they were just jealous. We walked over to a sign that announced the bus to basic training, and waited. Debra and Tina got us aside and said they thought for sure that I would get off the train as Vicky, not Victor. They seemed disappointed that they would be losing a friend. The bus came, and we loaded ourselves into it for the last part of the trip. We gave the driver our names and our orders, she looked at me rather strange, but I really didn't care, I would have this straightened out before anyone could say "mistake". The bus already had some people on it, and when we left, the driver announced that we would be going by the airport to pick up more recruits. Melissa and I sat together. We were going to miss each other greatly. But, eight weeks from now, we had a party planned. Both of us would graduate and try to get assigned to the same school, then the same post overseas, if possible.

We picked up about 10 more girls at the airport. No men in that group. I commented that women got better treatment than men, until Melissa pointed out that we both rode the same train, and although we were enlisted as women, there were men on the train with us. I agreed to change my mind, but not without some serious kissing from her first.

The end of the ride came too soon. I wished it could have lasted forever. Melissa and I had tears in our eyes, knowing this was it for a while. We promised to call if we got the chance, and to at least meet here in on the first Saturday we were off training, at 9:00 AM. As the driver called names off the list, she made sure a person got off the bus and handed that person her orders. She began calling the names of the airport group, then our group. As I heard her say "Baker, Melissa L.", my eyes began to pour tears. Melissa stood, kissed me lightly on the cheek and left without a word. Next the driver called "Caldwell, Tina C" and she got up from behind me and leaned over to give me a little kiss. Next the driver called "Lane, Debra A" and Debra gave me a quick peck on the way out. I was alone, and looking out the window to catch one more glimpse of Melissa when something hit me on the head. I looked up into the eyes of a 6 foot tall blonde woman. She was wearing a drill instructors hat, and had a scowl that would kill on her face. Looking at me she said "Are you Riley, Victoria E.?" I replied in the affirmative, to which she said, "Get your pussy ass out of the bus and in formation out there. We've been calling you, because we didn't have time to print an invitation. Now, get moving" "But Sergeant," I protested, "I'm not a female so I can't be a WAC. The sergeant looked again at my records and then at me. She admitted that m_a_y_b_e_ there was a mistake, but until it was straightened out, I was assigned to her. As the bus left, we were told to stand in two lines and to do it "on the double". As quickly as possible, we lined up. I stood in the front line next to Melissa. She was happy to have me with her, and just to prove it, she tweaked one of my nipples. I cried out, but luckily no one heard. The blonde D.I. came to the front of the company. "All right ladies", she said "I am Sergeant Rogers, I am your mother, and father and your entire family for the next 8 weeks. And you are mine! Standing to the right is Sergeant Wilson, she is my assistant. You will listen to her and give her the same respect that you give me. Is that understood, Pussies?" Individually, we all mumbled yes, or yes sir, or something to that effect. Sgt. Rogers went into a rage. "Ladies, get your shit together, I want to hear one loud and clear answer, and I want to hear you say it all together. Now, lets try it again! Is that understood, Pussies?" As if we were one booming voice, the response came "YES Sergeant!" Except of course, for me, I stood out like a sore thumb, I yelled "Yes Sir!". Sgt. Rogers ran over to me, stood in front of me and began berating me. "What did you call me?" "Sir" I replied. She leaned heavily into my face, "Don't you or any other of you pussies ever call me Sir. I work for a living, I ain't no damn officer. You got that, Pussy?" I yelled as loud as I could "Yes Sir" then realizing what I said, I screamed "I mean, Yes Sergeant!." Sgt. Rogers grinned, but I knew she had singled me out to use as an example. She backed up a step, and said to me "O.K. piss pants, drop and give me ten." I stood there not knowing what to do. She stepped up to me and yelled in my ear "Give me ten push-ups cunt, NOW!" I understood that. I slowly got to my hands and knees and began to do push-ups. When I got to ten, I stood and rejoined the line. Sgt. Rogers walked up to me and asked what I was doing standing. I told her I did my punishment and stood up. She said she didn't HEAR me count even one push-up, so I had better do them again. Back to my knees again, and more push-ups. I yelled for every one I finished. "ONE" I'll get even with her; "TWO" hell, its only 8 weeks; "THREE" this woman is a hard ass; "FOUR" actually fourteen; "FIVE" this is chicken shit; "SIX" only four more; "SEVEN" seven come eleven; "EIGHT" what the hell am I doing here; "NINE" only one to go; but before I could get to ten, Sgt. Rogers was standing over me with one foot on my fanny stopping me from doing the last push-up. "Hey you" she said looking down at me. "Do you really want to be a WAC? "No Sergeant" I replied. "Then what in hell are you doing here?" she said. "It's a mistake Sergeant, I should be in the regular Army". "Then why in hell are you wearing red silk panties under your pants?" Oh No. She saw my panties. I couldn't say anything. She let her foot off me and walked to my head. "Get on your feet, you panty stealing pervert." As I stood, I could see her eyes give me the once over. She look carefully at my chest, noticing the growing buds there and started on them. "Strip down to your t-shirt, sissy". I did, then she had me stand facing the rest of the company. "Ladies" she continued "this girl is out of uniform. I don't ever want to see you without a bra on. Now, Mr. Sissy, where is your bra?" "I don't have one Sergeant" I replied. Then Sgt. Rogers started laughing. "O.K., the rest of you, does anyone have a bra they can lend to this poor unfortunate?" Four hands went up immediately. Sgt. Rogers looked at a couple of them and said their bras would be too big for me, I needed a training bra. One of the others said loudly "I have an A cup bra Sergeant, I'd gladly lend it to the new girl, he can buy me one later to repay me." Sgt. Rogers agreed, saying "All right Sissy, get over there and beg that nice woman to help you into her bra. Move out!" I ran down the line, not knowing what to expect. A girl at the end was moving around, so I went to her. I stood in front of her and very quietly asked her for a bra. Sgt. Wilson, who was all of 5'5" tall maybe, came up behind me and asked what was going on. I told the Sergeant that I was borrowing some clothing because I was out of uniform. She slapped my face and said I should have addressed the question to the entire company. I held up my head and looking right at the girl with the bra and as loud as I could I said "Please lend me a bra so I can be in uniform. I'm sorry I forgot mine." That seemed to appease both sergeants. The girl helped me put the bra on. She whispered that her name was Candy and she liked men who dressed as women. She gently cupped my boobs and helped fit them in the bra, saying how nice they were growing. Pulling on my t-shirt, I ran back to my place in line. Sergeant Rogers was just coming back from giving some other recruit hell when I arrived. She stood in front of me reaching out, actually mauled my body to make sure the bra was on correctly. She took a little extra time around the nipples as she felt them stiffen to her touch. A smile crossed her lips. Turning to Melissa, Sgt. Rogers asked her if she knew me. Melissa replied that we came from the same city, but didn't know each other. Sgt. Rogers then appointed her and "the bra woman" as my personal keepers during basic training. Making sure to stress that they were responsible for my feminine appearance and actions for the next 8 weeks or until I left. Then stepping behind me she traced my bra straps lightly and laughed. "Looking good Mr. Sissy" she said. "Remember to wear a bra. ALWAYS! I don't want to ever see your bare tits flapping in the breeze, understand me?" What could I say but, "Yes Sergeant". I was glad to see her walk away and begin harassing someone else.

The harassment continued for hours. We were all tired, and confused, but we were so scared that we didn't dare move until we were told to. Everyone got their share. No one escaped. Melissa got it for having a "Sissy Friend". Candy got it for "lending her uniform to someone else",,, everyone HAD to get yelled at. Eventually they called us to attention, and marched us all off to our barracks. No one could keep in step, and we were verbally abused all the way to the barracks. I remember thinking, "What makes these people so mean?". I never considered it was part of the act and the job. Like professional wrestling, more glitz and glitter than substance. But, it was confusing, and as long as we were confused, we couldn't head off in any direction on our own. That was important.

Inside the barracks, there were beds. Two rows, double bunked, with lockers in between and small lockers at the end of each bed. Each bed had a mattress rolled up on the springs. Home. As ugly as it was, it was welcome after standing outside for so long. As we came inside, Sgt. Wilson asked each of us our Service Number. I was called on first, to be made an example of again I guessed, but, this time I was prepared. I mustered all the strength I could and shouted "Sergeant, my Serial Number is WA-12-711-474." Perfect, I did it, even Sgt. Rogers would have let me go on that one. Sgt. Wilson assigned me a bunk, and called on Candy next to bunk with me. After Candy, Melissa managed to get called, and she wound up in the bunk next to mine, on the bottom. Then came a stranger on the top, followed by Debra and Tina. Like old home week, our side of the barracks filled up quickly. The other side was a little more difficult. Each girl who didn't know her service number was told to "Give me ten" until they could remember it. Some girls did three sets of push-ups before they admitted not studying. I was glad for the extra time on the train we had to study. I wondered how the guys were making out with their introduction to the Army. Hopefully they were having an easier time.

Sgt. Wilson told us to get settled. Put our things in the lockers, and report to the mess hall for lunch. Great, I was famished. We were told to be lined up outside the mess hall (great name for a place to eat) at 12:20 on the dot. That left us with 20 minutes according to the big clock on the wall. I stored my bag in one of the big lockers. With no locks yet, nothing could be secured. Then I rushed to Melissa and hugged her. She returned my elation, and even kissed me saying "Hello you sexy little thing. Do you come here often?" I could do nothing but laugh. Candy finished putting her things away, and joined us. "You two seem plenty friendly already" she said. "I thought you were strangers." I explained the paperwork mix-up to Candy and some of what happened on the train, being sure to leave the sex scenes out. She seemed interested, but not too pushy. She and Melissa calmly discussed their lives, while they combed out my hair in a more feminine style, each offering the other suggestions. Then they applied very light amounts of makeup and lipstick, just so "I wouldn't look so obvious". At 12:17, I walked out of the barracks to look around. The mess hall was only 100 feet away, I could make it there in 3 minutes without a problem. I slowly ambled in that direction, noticing that others were leaving as we lined up outside. So we ate in shifts, figures, can't have 100 or more women in the same place eating - the noise would kill you. At precisely 12:20, Sgt. Wilson appeared out of nowhere and called us to attention. "Ladies" she said, "you will have exactly 25 minutes to get through that line, get your food, eat, make your comment on the world situation, and be back in the barracks. This goes for every day. 12:20 is lunch, and at 12:45 you WILL be back in the barracks for inspection. Understood Pussies?" In unison, as if we had practiced, we sang "YES SERGEANT". We were released to eat.

The entire company rushed in, Melissa in front of me, Candy behind me. They escorted me through the line, making selections for me, warning me playfully to watch my figure or they might get in trouble. Although I didn't want to cause us any problems, I didn't think I was supposed to starve either. I exited the serving line with little more than a salad, a very small dab of dressing, and a small blob of jello. At this rate I would be dead before the eight weeks were over. I did manage to get a couple of glasses of milk without any harassment, probably the girls were afraid I would get osteoporosis or something. Such as it was, lunch was satisfying. We finished in plenty of time, cleared our trays, and returned to the barracks. No one else eating there seemed to take any notice of me, they were either too busy with their own lives, or Melissa and Candy did a good job with my hair and makeup. Either way, I was beginning to get comfortable with my life, although my boobs did itch and were swelling more, and the damn bra seemed to be in the way.

At precisely 12:45 Sgt. Wilson strode into the barracks. "O.K. Ladies, off your butts" she yelled. "Get lined up at the end of your bunks now, and stand at attention." There was a flurry of activity as we all hurried to get in place. "My grandmother in a wheel chair can go faster than that" screamed Sgt. Wilson. All was quiet, we stood at attention. Sgt. Rogers came in then, and in her domineering way, took control with just her presence. "Ladies" she started, "you are now going to be marched to the test center. They will attempt to measure your intelligence level, or lack of it. Some of you must have an I.Q. lower than your bra size". Everyone snickered. "You will fall in outside, in two rows, and we will march over there together, is that clear?" "Yes Sergeant" could be heard echoing in the building. "All right, now fall out!" Feet shuffled, bodies rushed, and we left the building as if it were on fire. Once outside the sergeants gave us a little close order drill, and tried to show us the basics of marching. Getting disgusted, they gave up, and marched us to the testing center.

The testing center was an enormous open room with desks in rows. Upon arrival, we were told stand at the back of the room until our names were called, then to come forward, pick up our tests and take a seat. It looked as if there were other companies of girls to take the tests with us. We were given a 15 minute break while the testing crew got organized, and used that time to talk with some of the other girls. I stuck close to Melissa, but Candy, Debra and Tina went off to get acquainted with the others. We found that there were actually four other companies of trainees with us. Melissa introduced me as Vicky, and the nice redhead we were talking with introduced herself, Cindy and her blonde friend Janine. Looking around, I could see Candy talking to other girls and pointing in my direction. I wanted to crawl in a hole. I tried to keep someone between Candy's sight and mine until test time. I couldn't see Debra and Tina, but I could imagine what they were doing. Finally, one of the testing personnel called "Attention" and got us to settle down. We waited as names were called, girls milling about all the time. As I was waiting my turn, a couple of them walked from behind me and actually snapped my bra! Then gave me a knowing wink as they passed. Oh, I thought, this is going to be just terrible until they get me reassigned. Eventually, they called "Riley, Victoria E", and I shuffled out amidst a few giggles to get my test. I sat down, and per the instructions on the board, waited until we were told to begin our tests. I read the test cover, and besides having me listed as a female named Victoria, they also gave me the wrong test. The test I had said it was for "Medical Nurse", and I was supposed to be taking one for a "Wheel Vehicle Mechanic". Well, I wasn't going to complain now, besides, when they sent me back to the men's basic training camp, I could just take the correct test. Suddenly a voice brought me back to reality "... and you have as long as you need to take the test. If you need to use the facilities, you will be escorted one at a time to the rest rooms. Open your books and start your tests."

I broke the seal on my test, and began what I thought would be a futile effort, at best. I sat there probing deep into my brain, extracting every bit of information I had retained from biology, health and science classes. It wasn't easy. After what I thought was a short time, I realized I had to relieve myself. I couldn't believe it. I crossed my legs and tried to concentrate on the test. After completing five more answers, I knew I would have to be excused. I raised my hand, and Sgt. Wilson walked over to my desk. She just looked at me, waiting for me to explain myself. I whispered that I had to go to the bathroom. She closed my test booklet, and motioned for me to get up and leave. I put my pencil down, and walked out behind her. She told me where the bathrooms were, and said she would be there shortly. I went into the bathroom, made sure to go into a stall, made sure my feet were pointing in the right direction, and did my business. Just as I finished and was wiping the last drops from my penis, I heard someone enter. I heard her call my name "Vicky,... Vicky". "Be right out", I said. I pulled up my panties and pants and was tucking my t-shirt into my pants as I walked out, and bumped into Sgt. Rogers. "Oh, excuse me Sergeant" I stammered. "You dumb sissy" she roared. "Watch where you are going. Get your head out of your ass" "Excuse me Sergeant " I pleaded again. "Hey, sissy boy" she said, "Are you wearing a bra ? Or did you take it off already?" "Yes Sergeant, I replied, "I am still wearing a bra, per your instructions." To which she replied, "Show me, come on faggot, show me your little budding titties". I slowly pulled my t-shirt out of my pants and began lifting it over my head. Sgt. Rogers reached out and lightly traced the outline of my bra on my chest. "Nice little titties you have here, sissy. Now take the bra off and showing me what's underneath. I think maybe you are a real female". "Please Sergeant," I pleaded stifling my welling tears "Please don't do this to me. It's all a mix-up. I wanted to join the regular Army, I'm not a woman. Please don't do this to me". Slowly, I reached around my back to unhook the bra. As it came loose, I blushed to my hair roots. My small tits were free. Sgt. Rogers reached out and gave each nipple a playful twist. With a leer, she bent down and gently kissed each one. Murmuring softly I could hear her say "Mmmm, you can be my girlfriend any time sweetie. Your little boy titties are just too cute for words." Embarrassed, I could do nothing but let her continue her terrible game. Oh, how my boobs ached and itched. Her soft lips and darting tongue were like a soothing ointment. I wished she would never stop. Suddenly, she stopped kissing me and told me to get dressed and back to the testing room. Sobbing softly, I fastened my bra, taking care to get my boobs situated right, pulled on my t-shirt, and walked back to the testing room. As quickly as I could, I sat down and resumed my test.

As I sat, I saw a couple of others get up and turn in their papers. Damn, mine wasn't even half done yet. I tried to put my mind into overdrive. Thank goodness for "multiple guess" questions. Down the list I went, B... B... A... D (none of the above). Time passed, more girls left. I looked around, and there were only three of us there. I decided that it really didn't matter, and just filled in the remaining 25 answers with whatever letter I felt. As I stood to turn in my paper, I saw another girl get up, it was Melissa. She walked me out and asked how I did. "Melissa," I replied, "I don't think I can keep this up any longer. Sgt. Rogers made sexual advances toward me when I went to the bathroom. I think she wants to get me in bed." "Oh Vicky" she said, "I knew something happened while you were in the bathroom. I noticed your mascara was running when you came back. I'm so sorry. Maybe we should go to the Company Commander and try to get you out faster." I told her not to worry, I would avoid Sgt. Rogers, and anyway, I could be out of here tomorrow. When we walked outside, I was surprised to note that it was already dark.

We walked slowly back to the barracks, arms around each others waist, enjoying each others company. When we were back inside, we crashed on our bunks. I fell asleep on my side for a little while, and awoke feeling someone gently rubbing my back. It was Candy, she was whispering softly "Poor Vicky, Shhhh, relax, Poor baby". I moaned and turned completely on my stomach. It felt so good. Candy would rub my back, then trace my bra through my t-shirt, then rub my back again. Her soft soothing voice and her cool light touch combined to make my stay in "dreamland" a very pleasant experience. I was reveling in my pleasure, when suddenly someone yelled "ATTENTION". Candy jumped up, helping me to my feet, waking Melissa at the same time. Sgt. Wilson had come in the barracks, and wanted to tell us what was going to happen tomorrow. "Ladies" she began, "Tomorrow you will get your uniforms, and other important items. You will spend most of the day at this task, so you will need all the rest you can get. Here are some barracks rules you need to remember, lights out at 10:00 PM EVERY night, no exceptions. The only lights allowed on after that time will be in the latrine. You may think this is too early to sleep, but you will be grateful. That's it, I will be here at 6:00 AM to get you out of bed, I want you all out front in formation at exactly 7:00 AM. Lights out in one hour. Good night Ladies". Oh, I was tired, too tired to even think. I picked up my overnight bag and shuffled off to the latrine to wash my face and brush my teeth. I almost screamed as I went in, the other girls were milling around, in varying stages of undress, acting like I didn't even exist. Some wore bra and panty sets, some wore nightgowns, some had on just panties. What a dream come true! Except that I was too tired to care. I did my business and shuffled back out to climb in bed. Someone had brought clean sheets in and made my bed. I looked around, but everyone must have been in the latrine. I gratefully pulled back the covers, and noticed Melissa's yellow baby dolls. Too tired to think, I took my clothes off and pulled her nightie on. Then climbed into bed. It was great - a two inch mattress on a lousy metal cot - it felt fantastic to be quiet and still. As I turned on my side, the nightie brushed my nipples and I gasped out loud. Debra was coming back to her bed and heard me. She sat next to me on the bed and asked what was wrong. I told her my nipples were sore for some reason, and just having the material from the nightie brush against them caused some discomfort. She suggested I keep my bra on, that way, no material would be moving against my extremely sensitive nipples. Great, I had to wear a bra to bed, well, anything to get some sleep. She helped me lift my top, and fastened the bra around my back. Then kissed me on the neck, saying "Sleep tight little girl". And she was off to her own bed. I fell asleep immediately.

6:00 AM is very early. I felt like I had just crawled into bed, when the lights were turned on. Sgt. Wilson was walking by each bunk, banging the metal cots with violent swats of a night stick. At some of the bunks, she pulled the covers off the sleeping bodies, I was included in that group. "Out of bed" Sgt. Wilson yelled, "Time to get your pansy ass in the shower. Hey, cute nighty for a guy to be wearing. Did you bring that from home?" I just stumbled out without paying her any attention, letting her continue her tirade through the barracks. I looked over at Melissa, and was greeted by the dangling feet of my bunkmate, Candy. "Come on" she said, "we have to hurry if we are going to get three of us ready." We each grabbed a towel from our lockers, took off our night gowns, wrapped our towels around us at chest level, and grabbing our toiletry kit, went to the latrine. I was astonished at the amount of naked flesh for viewing. I'm afraid I stood there with my mouth open for a while, until Melissa pinched my ass taking my mind off what my eyes were seeing. No one was in the shower, so I quietly slipped off my towel and began to languish in the warm spray. Melissa and Candy stood outside warning everyone I was there, so I had no company. I came out just as they were going in. Melissa grabbed me and reminded me to shave my legs and underarms again, she didn't want to be doing push ups all day because I forgot to shave. Mumbling all the way, I stood out of the direct spray and shaved as close as possible. After rinsing off, I pulled my towel around my small breasts and went out to the sink to brush my teeth. Candy and Melissa followed, standing at a sink on each side of me. Candy applied some eye shadow to her lids, and passed it over to me. I just looked at. "Get with it", Candy said "You have to learn how to do your own make up now. We won't have enough time to do it for you every day. Watch close, I'll show you now, then you can practice later." Candy stood in front of me, so I could see in the mirror what she was doing and liberally applied mascara, eyeshadow, some light powder, and pink lipstick to my face. Some of the other girls walked in and made nasty faces at me, some pursed their lips and made little kissing sounds, but, most of them just ignored me. They seemed to realize that I didn't volunteer to be in this situation.

Back out to the barracks we went to get dressed. I opened my locker, and found that someone had removed my male clothes and substituted a white pair of girls pants and a white blouse. I went into a rage. "I can't wear these things, who took my clothes." Candy told me to relax, she took my things and sent them to be cleaned, and since she had to make sure I was maintaining my feminine appearance, she thought I should wear these things. Melissa said "Vicky, the more you look like a woman, the less people will make fun of you, besides, I like you to look pretty for me, and so does Candy. Now quit stalling and get dressed. We only have 15 minutes before roll call." Sullenly, I agreed and began to get dressed. I had to wear the red silk panties again, but Candy gave me a clean red bra to match. She helped me put on knee hi stockings, then pull on the white pants. As she zipped the pants at the side, I slipped into my own penny loafers. Melissa helped me into the blouse after she finished with her own clothes, then sat me down to do something with my hair. When she was done, she told me to just walk around until Candy and her finished getting ready. Where could I go? I went to the latrine to check how I looked and almost died. I rushed back to Candy and Melissa, "Girls," I pleaded, "I can't go out like this, everyone can see my bra and panties, can't I please trade with one of you. Please?! Candy, trade underwear with me, come on, no one can see through what you have on." "Oh, all right you big sissy," said Candy "We are all girls, it really wouldn't matter, but lets hurry and trade. I don't want you crying and ruining your make up." Hurriedly I took off my clothes, giving the red underwear to Candy. She changed and handed me the white lace bra and panty set she had worn. I quickly dressed again and sat to relax on the bed. At 6:58, a whistle blew and we flew out to formation.

Sgt. Rogers was waiting for us. Like a vulture on a branch. She knew some of us wouldn't make it, and she wanted to be the one to weed them out. As I got into line, I could see a grin form on Sgt. Rogers lips. Oh, how I was dreading the day already. Sgt. Wilson came out of the barracks and called us all to attention. We stood there through roll call, and some minor announcements. Starting with the front line of recruits, Sgt. Rogers began her inspection. Remembering yesterdays terror and how I trembled with fear, I was sure that there were 23 girls out there with milk shakes in their bras. I know my nipples were tingling. Oh, God, here she comes, I'm next. Stepping in front of me, Sgt. Rogers began her tirade. "Good Morning Mr. Sissy. Glad to see you still with us, and I just love the way you are dressed. Come on out front and show everyone how nice you look." I was made to stand in front of the formation, and make a couple of graceful circles, supposedly showing off my outfit. The Sergeant was starting again. "Notice ladies" she said, "that he is in full uniform, wearing a lacy little bra as we can all see. And either he is very happy to see us, or he is very cold, notice the size of his nipples!" What else could she do to embarrass me. "Back in line Mr. Sissy, we've seen enough for now. Do a little curtesy for the ladies and get out." I did my little curtesy, and rushed back to formation. Whew, that's over, and it wasn't half as bad as last night. Maybe I should try to look and act feminine so she won't have a reason to pick on me. She seemed to really enjoy my embarrassment last night, today by allowing her to have her way, I seemed to have made a small victory. The rest of the company got their share of abuse. Candy and Melissa were made squad leaders because of "their demonstrated qualities to get people to follow instructions." I knew that was aimed at me, but, figured the girls deserved it anyway and congratulated them heartily. It was about 7:30 by the time the little chewing out was complete. This was to become a daily routine for us. Next on the schedule was aerobics. We did jumping jacks, squat thrusts, running in place, and push ups as a warm up for the days events.

By 8:00 we were at the mess hall for breakfast. Again I was flanked by Candy and Melissa, they made sure I got just enough to survive till lunch. We sat at a table with the girls we met at the testing center, Cindy and Janine. They seemed excited as they waved us to their table. After introducing Candy to everyone, I learned the reason. Cindy spoke first. "Vicky, some girls are spreading a rumor that you are really a guy. Can you imagine that?" Instantly Melissa broke in, "Yes, that's true, he is a guy. But he got railroaded into this for a little while. He will probably be out of here today though." Cindy and Janine looked heartbroken. "Oh," said Janine "That's too bad. We were hoping we could get to know more about you if it were true." "Sorry ladies" I said " I'm not going to be any ones Barbie Doll much longer. Hopefully I can give up this charade today and go join the guys in basic training." We finished our breakfast in silence, the girls all giving me quick glances throughout it all. Cindy and Janine finished first, and on the way out, each of them went behind me and gave me a little hug, saying that they were sorry I couldn't stay with them. I just shrugged and said good-bye to them. We finished eating and cleaned up the table, taking our trays to the kitchen. On the way outside, Candy snapped my bra strap and said "See Vicky, we are all going to miss our boy-girl friend. Even girls who have just met you will be sad." Back to the barracks, and another formation at 8:30.

Soon we were to be off to the quartermaster for our clothing and supplies. I tried to reason with Sgt. Rogers, but she said I would have to go along with everyone else as long as I was still assigned to her company. I asked her if I could talk with the company commander about it. She agreed and told everyone else to take a 15 minute break, she would be back. I saw Melissa and Candy watch me leave, they were concerned, not knowing where I was going. We went straight into the company headquarters. There was a clerk sitting outside the commanders office, and he told us to take a seat for a minute. He went in to the commanders office, for a minute, then returned saying "Captain Taylor will see you now". We went in to the captains office, stood at attention and saluted her. She returned our salute without even looking up. "What's wrong Sergeant" she said "I told you to handle any problems yourself. Can't you make a damn decision and handle this." Sgt. Rogers replied "Ma'am, this soldier wants to be reassigned out of the WAC's. I have already started things working through channels, but HE insisted on seeing you." Upon hearing the word "HE", Captain Taylor looked up at me. There was disbelief in her eyes, but she didn't doubt her sergeant.

She stood and came around her desk. "What's your name soldier?" "Riley, Victor E, Ma'am" I replied. "Are you a man under those feminine clothes" she asked. "Yes Ma'am". "Then how in hell did you get into my company?" I stood there, not saying anything. "Answer me soldier, how did you get here?" "Ma'am, there was a mistake at the induction center, and they marked my records 'female' instead of male and made a mistake in my name. You can check my records, I enlisted as a male, named Victor. I told the truth." I couldn't tell her what had really transpired, I didn't want a dishonorable discharge for being a homosexual. "And who" the captain said "is responsible for your clothing. I hope you didn't show up at the induction center wearing that lacy bra at your physical." "No Ma'am" I replied, blushing upon realizing my bra was clearly visible to her, "Sergeant Rogers had some of the girls lend me their clothes so I wouldn't stand out and disrupt training." Captain Taylor sat back down and thought for a moment. "All right Sergeant, you have started the necessary procedures to get this male creature out of my Army, is that correct?" "Yes Ma'am" replied Sgt. Rogers. "And you Riley, you want to get in the Regular Army and serve your country?" "Yes Ma'am" I said. "O.K. then, Sergeant, get this settled,,,, and Riley, don't make a big deal out of it - seems like a temporary situation to me. By the way, that is a very pretty bra you have on. "Yes it is Ma'am, I really like it." I said without thinking. When I realized what I said, I just looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to do anything. Sergeant Rogers winked at the Captain, and then she dismissed us. After we both saluted, we turned and left. Sergeant Rogers stopped me outside the building and thanked me for not saying she forced me to wear the girls clothes, "I won't forget that, your not such a bad girl for a guy." I smiled, and she told me to double time back to the formation. I thanked her for her efforts on my behalf in getting reassigned, and ran off as fast as I could. Things were looking a little better.

Shortly after I arrived, we were formed into two lines, and marched off to the S-4 Supply Center. I was in Melissa's squad, and she marched along side of me all the way, asking what had happened. I told her everything, including that I thought Sgt. Rogers would be a little nicer to me now. She smiled and told me to take it easy, wouldn't be long now. My emotional roller coaster was riding on a high point. S-4 was about a half hour march away, over close to where the men were taking training. Marching through their area, we were the object of many wolf whistles and cat calls. I felt myself responding to the positive reinforcement. I tried to swing my hips a little wider, making sure to thrust my breasts out are much as possible. None of this went unnoticed by Melissa, she called me a slut, and laughingly threatened to make me wear Candy's red bra and panty set for our next trip over here. I didn't care, I was enjoying myself for the first time since I joined the Army. Rounding a corner, we were directly in front of the supply depot. There was a line already formed, so we just joined at the back end of it. Everywhere we went, there was a line. Hurry up and go someplace, then wait. The Army motto.

Melissa and Candy joined me in line. I retold my story about Captain Taylor for Candy's benefit. The line slowly shuffled forward. It was almost 10:00 before we even got in the building. At the first station, we were told to take a duffel bag, and a regular store shopping cart. We were instructed to push the cart past each station, getting our gear, then at the very end, everything would be packed into our duffel bags and carried back to the barracks. UGH, sounded like a backbreaking way to end a day. I took two duffel bags, just to make life easier. The three of us chatted away, moving with the slow line. We were issued steel helmets, a bayonet, an M-16 rifle, two blank cartridge magazines, ammunition belts, canteens ponchos and sleeping bags at the first area. Damn, this was going to be a job to get back to the barracks. The next station started the womens clothing. I didn't know what size anything I took. Melissa and Candy said they would help me as much as possible. What a mess. I stood in front of a girl who asked what size bra I wore, I choked for a minute and replied 36B, which drew some laughs from the girl behind the counter. "Honey" she said, "you certainly don't have B cup titties in that bra you are wearing, how about a 36A?" "Oh", I replied, "that's right, I remember now." I overheard her telling Candy, who followed me in line "Imagine a girl who doesn't even know her bra size, she acts like this is her first week wearing a bra." Candy just laughed. Melissa asked at the next counter for size six panties for the three of us, so I didn't appear so dumb. Moving through the line, we picked up slips for our dress uniforms, two summer dress uniforms, two winter dress uniforms, five sets of fatigues, two fatigue dresses, two pair of boots, and a pair of pumps with modest 2" heels. The sizes were guesses on Melissa and Candy's part, but I was pretty sure they would be right. Other counters gave us stockings, socks, winter long underwear, toiletry items, and many more things. I couldn't believe that the others would get their belongings into one duffel bag. By the time I left, my shopping cart was absolutely jammed with clothing. Coming outside, we met with Sgt. Wilson, we were instructed to park our carts in a row and get ready for lunch. Being reminded of food made my stomach growl embarrassingly loud. We formed double columns again, and marched off to the mess hall. I dreaded marching a half hour each way, but was hungry enough to do anything. Well, the march turned out to be only about 10 minutes, to a mess hall where there were nice clean tables, regular silverware, and plates instead of metal trays. Sgt. Wilson warned us in advance. " Ladies, this mess hall is for permanently assigned personnel on this base, they have been kind enough to let us use it today to save us an hour of marching back and forth. Lets be neat and quick, not disturbing anyone. "O.K., chow down girls!" We passed through the line, choosing what we wanted on our plates, luxuriating on the difference between basic training and normal living. There was light at the end of the tunnel, this was no fluke, they planned our lunch here. It was good too. Probably the same food we ate, just the different atmosphere made it better. We were all thrilled. This was the first human experience we had since joining the Army. Before I finished, a messenger came and got me out early. I was to report to Sgt. Rogers outside on the double. I left my plates for Melissa to take care of and ran outside. Sgt. Rogers called me to my waiting shopping cart. "Vicky" she said, "please try to forget that incident in the bathroom yesterday. I'm sorry I took advantage of you. And, to make it up to you, I got you a few little things to make your short stay here more enjoyable. Just some nice bra and panty sets, like the one your wearing. Enjoy them, and be proud to be such a nice looking girl." I was speechless - what could I say. I wanted to thank her and curse her at the same time. All I could do was stammer a sheepishly quiet "Thank You", and keep my eyes on the ground. Sgt. Rogers then surprised me by hugging me and giving me a little kiss on the cheek. I felt so good I began to cry. Sgt. Rogers said "Because you are such a lovely girl, and I want to be your friend, you can call me Karen when we are alone. Please try to think of me as your mother, sweetie, I really do like you." With that, she left. I had a few minutes to be alone, and was just about to look in the box she had brought, when someone snuck up behind me and grabbed me around my chest and held my boobs in their hands. I gasped, but soon heard the soothing voice of Candy. "Mmmm, you have some nice titties there girlie. When are we going to get together and ravage each others bodies, cutie?" "Stop" I cried, "what if someone sees us. I don't want them to think we are lesbians." "Silly", Candy said, "You can't be a lesbian, your a boy. Did you forget that? I just wanted you to know that Melissa has some competition for your favors." More problems. Just what I needed. After talking for a moment, Melissa and some of the other girls showed up. We began packing our duffel bags, and getting ready to march back to the barracks. About 4:00, Sgt. Wilson showed up to march us back. We loaded our duffels on our backs and picked up our combat gear to begin the long return march. Some of us were smart enough to use our newly issued backpacks and wear as much gear as possible rather than packing it, the others had a much rougher time. I helped carry some of Tina and Debra's things, and even let another girl borrow my extra duffel to carry some of her things. We arrived back at 5:15, and immediately dumped our loads on the beds and raced to the mess hall. Supper could be a leisurely meal if we wanted. We had to clear the mess hall by 6:30, serving shut down at 6:00, so this looked like a good chance to talk with others about what was going on. We established our own little group, Melissa, Candy, Cindy, Janine and I, sitting together and gossiping about camp and life. Cindy and Janine seemed always to be interested in how I was adjusting to being a WAC. This was going to be one of the better things about basic training, I could tell. I was used to girls pointing at me and whispering to each other, as a matter of fact, I looked forward to it. No one could really tell that I wasn't what I looked like. A normal female WAC recruit.

Back in the barracks, Sgt. Wilson showed us the proper way to fold our clothing and where to put it in our lockers. She passed out xerox copies of wall and foot locker layouts that would be allowed. We checked our rifles in at the barracks armory, making sure to note the serial number. We had learned about serial numbers from the trip down here. We also checked our bayonets. Everything was almost settled at about 7:00 when Sgt. Wilson left us to get our lockers set up and our clothes put away. The next day was Friday, and we had a lot of orientation films and such to see. We turned on a small portable boom box that one of the girls brought, and had a "barracks party". Everyone helping each other to put their things away, in the spirit of comradeship. I felt like one of them by the time lights out came. After the lights were turned off, I took my blouse and pants off to begin getting ready for bed. I took my things to the latrine to take my shower and get ready for tomorrow. A long shower did the make me feel better, and when I came out after shaving my body closely again, Melissa was sitting on a sink waiting for me. She handed me a bra and panties asking me where I got the 3 new sets in my foot locker. I told her of my conversation with Sgt. Rogers, and how she gave them to me. Melissa laughed and said I had better watch out for her, she was after my ass. I moved closer to her, both of us dressed in our bra and panties, and hugged her close to me. We caressed each other and kissed lightly. I became hard immediately. Melissa laughed again, and asked why I was sneaking a dildo into the womens barracks. I told her I needed the money and was selling my services. She pulled me closer to her, rubbing my hard dick between her panty clad legs. Soon she moaned in orgasmic delight, and I shot a load of cum right through her leg opening. The perfect way to end a day. Tomorrow would be the last day of informal training and getting acquainted, and next Monday we would begin Basic Training. I felt myself wishing that I could complete my training with these girls, I felt like a member of the company. Getting used to living with 24 guys would not be as easy. Putting on our nightgowns, Melissa and I walked quietly into the barracks. As we got to our bunks, we hugged each other again, feeling each others satin covered breasts rub gently against ourselves. I wished I didn't have to wear a bra to protect my nipples, but maybe some day this awful itch would go away.

Ah.... the feeling of getting into bed at the end of a long day. After a minute, I heard a soft whisper from above my bunk, "I know what you two did, Na Na, Na Na Na." Candy could be such a shit at times. I fell asleep in minutes.


Your Slip is Showing, Soldier

Chapter 3

By: Victoria Elaine Riley

Another day. Awakened to the sound of Sgt. Wilson's band playing the musical bunks. I would never hate an alarm clock again. Stumbling from bed I slowly opened my eyes and stretched. I woke Melissa, and teased Candy a little about being "a bed ridden whore", earning a hit in the back of the head with her pillow. I grabbed my kit and headed off to the latrine before most of the girls got out of bed. I washed my face, and begin to apply my own cosmetics. I teased my short hair, and tried to comb it into a soft feminine style. I wanted to show Melissa that I can do something myself. Some girls come in to take showers and get ready for the day. They seem to have accepted me. Some playfully call me "Sissy", some still snap my bra straps (for good luck they say), and I think most of them enjoy teasing me and causing me to get a hard on. Shawna, Melissa's bunk mate, has been really testing me. She made it a habit to parade in front of me with nothing covering her boobs. I have even noticed her brushing them against my arms as she passed closer then she had to. She enjoys seeing my dick stick out of my panties. I wonder if I am safe living with some of these women. I finished my make-up and went back to get dressed. I got to my locker just as Melissa and Candy were going to the latrine, where most of the girls were already. I had worked out what was to be my normal schedule to avoid confrontations in the latrine area. I stripped out of my nightgown, bra and panties, and opened my footlocker to find some underwear. I decided to wear my issue panties and bra. I put on knee hi's before my boots, then my undies, and fatigues. I was ready to go. I looked in the mirror again, checking my make-up, yes, I was ready. The girls came out of the bathroom and acted like they had never seen me before. I asked what was wrong. Candy said "Gee Vicky, you look exactly like a girl." "I know" I said, "Isn't that the whole idea of this. I don't want to stand out as someone who doesn't belong." Melissa kissed me on the lips and said I looked just darling. They hurried and dressed, no one knew the penalty for missing formation, but no one wanted to be the first to find out what it was either. By 7:00 we managed to be in formation to answer to roll call.

Without much fuss, Sgt. Rogers lead us through aerobics, then to the mess hall. We sat with our usual friends, and they stared at me all through breakfast. I just couldn't take it. "Cindy and Janine," I said, "please don't stare at me, I feel like someone from another planet." "Sorry" said Janine, "We are just amazed that you really are a guy. You are, aren't you? If not, Cindy and I could certainly learn to become lesbians if you want us to. You are very pretty." I was at a loss for words, Melissa came to my rescue. "Yes he really is a boy, you sit next to him at lunch and reach into his panties just to make sure. How does that sound?" "Great" said both Janine and Cindy "We can hardly wait." "Melissa!" I whispered, "You can't let them do that. Please tell them they can't do that." "Oh, don't worry little girl, I'll make sure they wash their hands first" said Candy. Now I had to dread lunch.

After breakfast, we went back to clean the barracks, and were in formation at 8:30, ready to start the day. Sgt. Rogers started on her morning inspection tour. She made a few comments, asked me if I was wear the appropriate underwear for the day, and let us off. I thought maybe she was mellowing. WRONG! We march off to the camp auditorium. We were shown indoctrination films most of the day. The first one was on "Unit Preparedness". Boring stuff on how and why we had to be ready to support the "men" on the front lines since we couldn't serve in combat. We survived that one, then were `treated' to a welcome orientation speech by our battalion commander. And finally we saw a film on prisoners of war. The last one had us upset, some of the things that happened during war were not pretty. We were marched off to the mess hall for lunch.

Cindy and Janine were anxiously waving for us to join them. Damn, I had forgotten about them. I sat down, but Melissa made me move and sit between Cindy and Janine. Melissa, Candy and Shawna sat on the other side of us. I was very nervous. Melissa started it, "O.K. Vicky, unzip your pants". I did that and tried to concentrate on my food. "Go to it girls," said Melissa, "Play find the weenie!" Even I laughed at that one. Janine grabbed me first. "It's real" she whispered. "She really is a boy". Cindy was right behind her saying, "And does this girl have balls! You three are so lucky to have him in your company. Maybe we should suggest that each company be issued a "Male Mascot" to make life easier." I could well imagine what they would do if they had their own private pet. Janine continued "I can't wait to get home and get a dress on my boyfriend, that shit is going to learn the problems we women have. Oh my Cindy, maybe we should stop, she is getting hard. But, Mmmmm, does it feel good in my hand." Melissa said, "Why don't you girls jerk him off, I'd love to watch the expression on his face. How about it sweetie, have you ever been jerked off my two girls in public?" I couldn't reply, I pleaded with my eyes, but I was sure no one cared. The girls began stroking my cock. Cindy opened my shirt and caressed my bra encased boobs. Oh, how they hurt. The expressions on my face, from the excitement of having my cock played with, to the pain of having my boobs teased, were pleasing to everyone on the other side of the table. I was glad I was facing a wall, and no one else could see what was going on. My lunch had been forgotten, Janine and Cindy were acting like they were choosing side for a baseball team, each of them trying to get the end of the bat in their hand. I lost track of whose hand was on top, they were giving me such pleasure. The inevitable happened, I exploded in orgasmic delight. Janine remarked "The damn thing even works." I was completely embarrassed. Cindy pulled her hand out first. She had a puddle of cum in her palm. "Yuckie" she said, "Who owns this stuff? Here Vicky, some salad dressing for you. It has lots of protein I hear." With that, she used a spoon to clean her hand off, and dropped the contents on my salad. Laughter echoed around the table. As Janine pulled my panties back in place and zipped my fly, the rest of the girls tried to goad me into eating my salad. "No way" I replied, "Come on Vicky" said Candy "It will be good for you. I've heard it makes your boobs grow". The girls all laughed again. Melissa gave me one of her looks, "Well Vicky, looks like I've got to use my feminine charms to get you to eat some lunch, you know I can get you to do anything." "Please Melissa, don't make me do this" I begged. "Vicky, eat your salad!" was all Melissa said. I was trapped, I couldn't defy my most trusted friend, I knew she would never hurt me, so I reluctantly began cutting and eating my salad. "Hey Vicky" said Candy, "I don't think you'll need any salt on that, probably enough salt in the dressing! Ha Ha Ha." I finished my salad with no major problems, it didn't taste too bad. The girls just stared and watched every bite I took. I wasn't going to let them get the better of me. I thanked Janine and Cindy for their help in getting the dressing for my salad, and also thanked Melissa for making me try new and exciting foods. They were almost speechless. I stood up "Come on girls, time to get back in formation for the afternoon activities." They just sat there as I cleaned up my place and with an exaggerated swing in my hips, I swished out of the mess hall.

Candy met me in the latrine, as I was repairing my lipstick and eye shadow. "Vicky, that was very brave of you to do. Have you had any sexual experience with men before?" I told her that was kinda personal, but told her the story of my one try. She was fascinated, and wanted to ask me more questions, but it was time to get outside for the afternoon activities.

Sgt. Wilson was the only one around this afternoon. She got us settled down, and marched us back to the auditorium. Cindy, Candy, Shawna and I sat together. The afternoon started with the obligatory sexual disease film. Some of the scenes were enough to make me consider giving up sex, with anyone. After an hour of that, we were treated to a movie entitled "Babies and Military Mothers". From listening to that for an hour, I was sure the Army frowned on pregnant enlisted personnel. A plug at the end of the film urged all sexually active women to sign up after the movie for birth control counseling. Cindy prodded me gently and whispered that she was going to sign up. We were allowed a 30 minute break, and most of us headed for the bathrooms. Since there were no men in our company, we used both the mens and ladies bathrooms. I was in line to use the ladies room, when Shawna dragged me over to the mens room line. She stood behind me and told me that she wanted me to see what I had missed all week. When it was our turn, we walked in, and I felt as if I hadn't seen a urinal in years. It was weird. Shawna told me to go ahead and use the urinal, "Go ahead and stand up like a man, if you are one". I couldn't back away from that challenge. I stood proudly at a urinal and opened my pants. "Wait" said Shawna, "let me help you". She came up behind me, reached around into my pants, and pulled my dick out of my panties. Damn, I couldn't take a leak with someone holding my dick. I told Shawna that I didn't think I would be able to go with her holding me, and she got upset. "O.K.," she said, "go pee pee without me, you big sissy". I knew she was teasing me. Other girls came in and didn't even pay any attention to me. They all knew I was a guy, and didn't bother me except to again snap my bra straps. Their special way of teasing me. Shawna went into a stall, and I finished my duty at the urinal. We left together, and saw Melissa and Candy at a table talking with a nurse. We joined them, and Melissa introduced us to Carole. Carole was taking names of girls interested in further birth control counseling. She asked Shawna if she would like to sign up for a class she was teaching. Melissa said "Go ahead Shawna, I signed Vicky up and she will want some company." "YOU DID WHAT!?" I yelled excitedly. Melissa loudly told the others " You remember Vicky, when we were talking about screwing every man who walked and you said you wanted to do that but not get pregnant!" "But Melissa,, I can't,,,, I don't need to,,,, I mean ,,,,, you should have talked to me first." I stammered. Melissa just kept talking. "Carole told me that even the most experienced girls learn something in her classes, you'll love it." Carole spoke then "Vicky, you are certainly welcome to join us. It's only on Sunday nights, and I can get you released from any details that you may be assigned to". I finally agreed. I might as well sign up, I probably wouldn't even get to the first class. A whistle blew, and Carole told us to go back to the auditorium for the last couple of films.

The third film was more info on sexual diseases. Another sickening depiction of lumpy, bumpy, scabbed, sexual organs. It could make a person become asexual. The final film was 30 minutes of what to expect of the next eight weeks in basic training. Nothing was said in the film we didn't hear in orientation. So, we were freed. Friday night, and we could play. We marched back to the mess hall and listened to Sgt. Rogers give us instructions for the weekend. Saturday morning there was to be an inspection. So much for having tonight off. We would be up for hours getting the place cleaned. Dismissed for supper, we moaned and groaned all the way to the mess hall door. We loaded our trays, mine with the usual salad and jello, and sat with our friends. Shawna told them about my "refusal" to let her help me in the bathroom. Everyone except me talked a little about old boyfriends. We talked about the birth control classes, and found that Cindy and Janine were going too. Great, now I had three girls to baby sit me during class. I was definitely going to ask Sgt. Rogers how my transfer was going.

After chewing the fat for a while, we return to the barracks. Candy and Melissa had to attend a meeting with Sgt. Wilson, to take notes on what to clean for inspection. Shawna and I got our locker layouts and begin fixing up for the inspection. When I got finished, I walked over to the day room to check out the activities there. As I entered, I saw Sgt. Rogers sitting at her desk. I knocked on her door and walked into her office. "Sgt. Rogers?" She looked up, "Oh. Hi Vicky. Can I help you?" she says. "Yes Sergeant. I was wondering if you heard anything about my transfer." She replied "Now Vicky, I told you to call me Karen when we are alone. Now, you just come around to this side of the desk, sit on my lap and start over". Slowly I moved towards her, and did as she said. "Isn't that better sweetie?" she asks. "Now what can I do for you?" I started slowly, "Well, uh Karen," she smiled and slipped an arm around my waist, "I was wondering if you heard anything about my transfer? Will I be leaving soon?" Sgt. Rogers hugged me closer and let her free hand rest on my breast. "I'm sorry Vicky, so far I haven't made very much progress. I have gotten an appointment for you to be examined at the base hospital, but that is not for two weeks. I imagine that you should be gone shortly after that. They were willing to give you a medical discharge, but that would be for homosexual reasons, I was sure you didn't want that to follow you the rest of your life. I snuck into personnel and removed those papers from your file. So, I think it would be best for you to just assimilate yourself into our basic training course, for a while longer. The battalion nurse, Carole, said she has you for a Sunday night birth control class, I told her you might want to talk with her a little after the class. Maybe she can help you adjust a little more." Small tears appeared in my eyes, Karen kissed them away. "Come on Vicky, be a brave girl and hang in there. It will be over soon. Now, get your pretty little ass back to the barracks to get ready for inspection." Sobbing quietly, I stood up, I kissed her on the cheek and whispered Thank you Karen, I do appreciate your help". As I left her office, Karen said "Keep doing whatever you have been doing to develop your breasts, it is working great. They are almost a handful." Turning red, I walk as away as quick as I can. She is right, my breasts have stopped hurting, but the swelling continues. I resign myself to ask Carole about it Sunday night. Maybe I should just stop wearing a bra for a while to see if that helps.

Back at the barracks, I noticed all the lights were on. Shadowy figures move quickly inside the closed drapes. I ran up the three stairs to the front door. When I entered, Candy immediately cornered me and asked if my lockers were ready for inspection. I told her they were, and expected to get a break. Not tonight. There were girls all over the place, cleaning this, fixing that, everyone seemed to have some major task. Candy told me to help clean the rifles in the armory. I went over and knocked on the locked door. Shawna open the door and invited me in. She had already cleaned 6 of the 24 M-16 rifles and her hands were a mess. She was wearing only a white t-shirt and fatigue pants with sneakers. I told her I was supposed to help, and she showed me how to break down the rifles and how to clean them. We talked about guys, we talked about clothes, and we talked about surviving the next eight weeks. We cleaned rifle after rifle, Shawna took them apart and I cleaned them, then she put them together again. It took us till 10:30 to finish. We locked all the racks, got Candy to verify the count, and walked out to the barracks. Everyone else was just completing their jobs, moans and groans could be heard from every corner. The barracks area looked amazingly clean though. There was no doubt about it, our hard work made a big difference. Inspection should be a snap. Sgt. Wilson came in and called lights out at 11:00, only about 20 minutes to get clean. Damn, the latrine was off limits, the girls who cleaned it wouldn't let anyone use anything except the toilets. We had to troop to the barracks next door and use their latrine. We decided to go in groups of five, Candy and Melissa went first to get an O.K. from the girls who lived there. They were already in their 6th week of training, and didn't have to stand Saturday inspections. Obtaining approval, we were told to take flashlights when we left, because lights would be out when we returned. Since we all wanted to go first, Melissa had us draw names from a helmet to determine when we would go. Melissa and Candy volunteered to go last, to make sure everyone was O.K.. Of course, I ended up in the last group, so no one would complain about having to shower with a man. Everyone wore their p.j.'s both ways, since it was all WAC barracks, there was no reason to worry about men. It didn't take the girls very long to shower, within an hour it was our turn. We entered the latrine, and were greeted with hoots and cat calls. "There he is girls" said one of the girls "the first guy to be a WAC. Look at the nice baby dolls he wears." I blushed and tried to hide behind Melissa. Melissa stuck up for me, "Come on, he didn't ask for this assignment, it is just a typical Army SNAFU. Give the guy a break, he is trying to make the best of a terrible situation." That was greeted with grunts and groans, but slowly they filed out to leave us alone. Melissa went out into the barracks with them, while I quickly jumped into the shower. I finished as fast as I could, and was dressed when Melissa came back. I stood at a sink, putting rollers in my hair as Melissa went into the shower. I didn't hear anyone as they came up behind me, and gagged me. I was lead into the barracks, and my hands tied to one of the bunks. One of the bigger girls grabbed my hair in the rollers and pulled me down to my knees. I couldn't scream, my head felt like someone stuck 100's of needles into it. She pulled my hair again, forcing me to look up into her eyes. "All right Faggot," she said, "you are going to be put to work. There are 16 girls here who haven't see a hard dick in 6 weeks. We want to see one now." I was too scared to even think about getting hard. Luckily, Melissa, Candy and the other girls walked in just then. "What the fuck are you doing to her?" said Melissa. "Let her go, or I'll bring Sgt. Wilson over here." My eyes pleaded with my capturers. "Aw, come on," said the girl who had pulled my hair, "We haven't seen a hard dick in weeks, we won't hurt your little play toy." Melissa said she would get me hard, then make me come if they promised to let me go. This resulted in cheers from the barracks. "HARD ON, HARD ON, HARD ON" they chanted. Melissa whispered in my ear, "Vicky, you had better do a good job if you want to get any sleep tonight. They want to see you suffer. This is going to hurt, but, I have to do it." She reached down and grabbed a hand full of hair and rollers, quickly bringing me to my feet. Hurt was an understatement. My eyes watered, I thought she was overdoing the pain a little. She held my head up, removed my gag, and kissed me hard. Barley giving me time to breath, I felt her tongue probe deep into my mouth. I felt her nightgown encased tits rub against mine. Of course it wasn't long before I forgot about her hand in my hair, and concentrated on the pleasant feelings in my crotch. Soon my dick was straining at the panties of my baby dolls. The girls around the barracks just stared at me, some of them must not have believed I was a male. Melissa reached down and caressed my tits. I moaned with abandon. My body ached to be satisfied. I felt hands on my dick, I knew Melissa's hands were on my breasts, I could only guess at who was playing with my dick. I felt cold hands, warm hands, long nails, short nails, a myriad of sensations in my crotch. I finally guessed that all the girls were taking turns at feeling my crotch, Looking past Melissa, I could see that it was true. There was a short line formed and girls were taking turns with me. I could hardly hold back. Then I felt someone suck my balls into her mouth. Heaven, my dick strained, for release. I felt nibbles at my dick, and the sucking at my balls didn't let up. I knew that at least two girls were enjoying themselves with me. The pleasure I was receiving was driving me quickly to orgasm. I moaned and told Melissa that I couldn't hold back much longer, she pulled harder on my hair, and bit my lip. The pain was almost as intense as the pleasure. I felt my balls tighten, and my dick began to jerk, spewing forth its white gold into some lucky girls mouth. She coughed at first, but managed to keep me in her mouth. Melissa twisted my tits, pulled my hair, and bit my lip harder. I was totally out of control, pain and pleasure mixed to form a fantastic feeling of euphoria. I slumped against Melissa, the weight of my body pulling on my tied wrists. Candy untied me and told me to pull up my panties. I didn't bother to clean myself up, I wanted to get out as fast as I could. We left to rounds of cheers and clapping from our neighbors, back to our barracks to get some needed rest. I know I slept extremely well, tension released from my body.

Sgt. Wilson's Rag Time Band seemed to be earlier than usual. I rolled over and remember that I hadn't taken the rollers out of my hair yet. Oh, it was going to be a tough day. I lay in bed for a while, trying to collect my thoughts and get up the will to begin the day. I wanted to sleep for a few more hours. Shawna stripped the covers off me and tickled my feet. "Come on lazy bones, time to get dressed for the day." I moved slowly, setting my feet on the bare floor. I was still tired. Everyone around me was busy doing something, I just watched for a while. Eventually I gathered enough will to stand up and consider getting dressed. I decided to start with getting my face ready. I plugged in my electric shaver and rubbed it over my barely existent beard. I used the mirror in my locker since the latrine was off limits. I took out the rollers, combed my hair, not able to get the soft curl out. I applied some basic cosmetics, and red lipstick. Taking off my baby dolls and bra, I picked a clean pink bra and panty set from my footlocker. Getting into my underwear, I felt happy to be alive. Since we had inspection today, I got into my dress uniform. My bra seemed to be a little fuller, my hips seemed more round, my hair was softly curled, and I loved looking at my stocking clad legs. I didn't want to admit it, but, I enjoyed being a girl.

I finished dressing and Candy checked me out. She let her hands linger over my fanny, and commented on how well my breasts filled my bra. Harmlessly, she patted my fanny and kissed my check saying "Vicky, you look so good I could gobble you up, just like I did last night. Your little balls fit perfectly in my mouth honey." Now I knew who was responsible for part of that terrific blow job. I know I blushed, but I was getting used to this treatment. Candy continued, "After inspection, we have the rest of the weekend to relax. I want to relax with you in my arms. That little taste of your charms got me interested." Melissa joined us, "I'm sorry I hurt you Vicky, I wanted to get out of there and get some rest. I thought they would be content to see you suffer a little." I told her not to worry, I really enjoyed it. Candy and Melissa both raised their eyebrows at that comment.

The inspection began at 10:00 A.M.. Sgt. Rogers was in a good mood it seemed. She checked each girl's locker, hardly making any comment. She inspected each of our uniforms, pausing to give extra attention to mine. I felt like I was naked as she walked around me and murmured her approval. She called us all to attention, and in walked Captain Turner. Captain Turner took a turn at the inspection, she was more thorough. She stopped to inspect our lockers, and talk with each of us. She made small talk about home towns, and such, until it was my turn. "Yes, Riley, I remember you. You fill out your uniform pretty well. Have you been doing special exercises? Well, anyway, you do look good, just like one of the girls. Nice uniform, it fits well around your shapely body." She walked behind me, and said, "Almost perfect, but, your slip is showing, Soldier." Embarrassed, I quickly turned and invoked her wrath. "Who told you to turn around and look? You are supposed to be at attention, lady, get those eyes to the front. Sgt. Rogers, I want you to assign this WAC four hours of guard duty tomorrow for not being at attention when she was supposed to be. The rest of you will remember this as an example, do what you are told." With that she moved on to the next girl. At the end, she congratulated us on passing our first inspection, and said she hoped we continued this good start through the eight weeks. Captain Taylor, Sgt. Rogers, and Sgt. Wilson left together.

We collectively breathed a sigh of relief and began to talk. Most of the girls said they were sorry I was singled out, but, they would help me if they could. Candy apologized for not noticing my slip was showing when she checked me over earlier. We changed and settled down to wait for lunch. Weekend meals were more leisurely. We dressed in our fatigues and walked to the mess hall. We sat with Cindy and Janine as usual, talking about the night before and the shower scene, and my getting singled out during inspection by Captain Taylor. Janine wanted to hear about my suffering from the night before again. The little sadist was really fascinated by it all. I could see her grin each time Melissa mentioned pulling my hair. That was one person I would have to avoid. I managed to change the subject to the upcoming day off, and asked everyone what they planned. Janine and Cindy were just going to vegetate and take it easy. They had heard that the coming week would require all the strength you could muster. Shawna was going to write letters to her friends back home and her family, Melissa and Candy said they were going to teach me more about being a girl. I reminded them that I had to pull guard duty because I failed the inspection, but they insisted that wouldn't get in our way. We took off from lunch with nothing to do for the rest of the day. Candy suggested we go see what was playing at the base theater. We walked over and decided to take in the show at 6:00 P.M., and returned to the barracks to lay around writing to our parents and friends. Having four hours to ourselves seemed a luxury. But, all we wanted was to relax.

Some of the girls spent the afternoon dressed only in their bra and panties, some wore long nightgowns, some wore t-shirts over their underwear, it was very informal. All those feminine bodies laying around, and all I could do was stare at their lingerie. Each girl had some unique thing about her that made me interested. Melissa had a beautiful body, Candy had a domineering way that I felt at ease with, Shawna could move like a sex goddess, each of them was special in some way. I wanted to belong to them all. I wanted to be one of their cherished possessions. I watched everyone move about, noting how they moved, and how they held their bodies. It was fascinating. I had a lot to learn about being a woman.

At about 4:00 we started to get ready for the movie. That seemed to be too much time, but I was to learn that two hours is barely enough time when dressing to go out. We began by using Nair on our bodies and showering. Candy helped me wash, but I'm sure she only wanted to feel me up. So what, I enjoyed it. Her touch was magic and electric. My nipples tightened and stiffened as she gently washed my tits and kneaded their soft flesh. My crotch began to emanate a warm glow, without even being touched. Heavenly feelings overtook my body. All too soon Candy said I was clean and we had better get moving if we wanted to see the movie. I told her I would rather stay in the shower with her, but, she laughed and twisted my nipple. "Move it sissy" she said "we don't have time for that stuff now." I wanted to argue with her, but I knew she was right. Once we were out of the shower, I got a good look at my body. In the week since I left home, my breasts had begun to swell, I looked like a young girl budding into womanhood. My hips were beginning to flair, I could see why Sgt. Rogers had to get a close look at me. Hurriedly, I put on a baby blue bra and panty set, not realizing how much more they emphasized my femaleness. After a little more "grab ass", we returned to the barracks area. Melissa and Shawna were getting our clothes ready. I was given a garter belt, stockings black slip on pumps with three inch heels, and a short baby blue full slip to wear until the rest of my outfit arrived. I looked quizzically at Melissa, but she told me to relax and put on my make up. I sat on my bed with Candy and we helped each other. She shaped my nails and painted them a light frosty pink. I did her nails a bright berry red. Facial cosmetics kept us busy for 10 minutes, until Melissa and Shawna returned with my outfit. I was handed a short blue suede mini skirt, which when put on left about three inches of leg exposed above the knee. Then I was handed my blouse. I had never dreamed of a more beautiful piece of clothing. It was white satin, with a delicate rose design in the cloth. The sleeves were full, and had three pearl buttons at each wrist. It closed in the back leaving a small keyhole below its one pearl button. I didn't want to wear it, I wanted to look at it and admire it all night. Finally, Shawna took the blouse from my hands and helped me into it. I looked at myself, and almost cried with joy, I was gorgeous. I was certain that there would earn many wolf whistles this night. Shawna sprayed me liberally with Emeraude perfume, and I sat down to watch the others get ready. I crossed my legs, and uncrossed my legs, I shifted them to the side, I was actually fascinated that they were MY beautiful legs. Why couldn't we stay here and admire ourselves I wondered. The other girls were ready. Shawna and Candy wore tight jeans, and stretch halter tops, Melissa was wearing a short red suede skirt and a black satin blouse, both similar to mine. Damn, we all looked good.

We all grabbed our purses and wiggled our fannies out the door and into the cool evening breeze. We were greeted at the door by several flashes, as the other girls took pictures of the "whore patrol". Candy walked with me, and Melissa paired with Shawna, almost a boy - girl, boy - girl, arrangement because of our outfits. We got to the movie without any trouble, went in and found four seats together. Before the main attraction started, Candy had her hand on my leg, and was toying with my garter straps. I looked over at Melissa and she was receiving the same treatment from Shawna. This was going to be a great movie! Candy put her arm around my shoulders and played with my bra strap. Some time later, she gently lowered her hand and cupped my tiny breast. I let a little moan escape my lips, and closed my eyes in pleasure. I reached over, slipping my hand into the arm hole of Candy's top, and massaged her breast. As I tweaked her nipple, she did the same to mine. I guess kind of a "Tit for Tat". Two hours of having someone pay homage to your body was more than anyone could stand. But, through all the small nibbling kisses, quick pinching feels, and slow massaging, I managed to have two great orgasms, and Candy had one. Candy caught my loads in a hankie she pulled from my purse, and stuck it back in when she was done. The smell of male sex mixed in with the feminine smells of my purse. My senses seemed to be more keen now, my body more aware of any touch. My body was beginning a change that my mind would have trouble accepting. Just before the movie ended, we left to use the bathrooms before the crowds. All our lipstick was smeared, and my blouse looked as if I had never tucked it in. Candy laughed as I tried to straighten myself out. I used the toilet, being sure to raise my skirt before sitting down to pee. I had to leave the door open so the girls could watch me. When I finished, Candy made me use my soiled hankie to wipe the last dribbles from my dick. My purse was going to smell like a bathroom if I didn't clean it soon. We left the theater and in the dark on the way back, we held each other around the waist. Shawna and Melissa stopped several times to kiss and fondle each other, and that was an excuse for Candy to do the same with me. I was being worn out by the sexual foreplay that Candy was hell bent on administering. Arriving at the barracks, we helped each other out of our clothes and joined together as couples in the bottom bunks. We were far from the only ones doing this, the moans and sighs of pleasure could be faintly heard every few minutes. Just what we all needed, sexual release to ease the problem of adjusting.

Morning, I awoke to feel Sgt. Wilson shaking me. "Get up sissy", she said, "time for your punishment at guard duty." I slowly got up and looked around. It was still dark outside. I asked what time it was, and Sgt. Wilson said "Zero Five Hundred Hours." What an inhuman hour for someone who, only the night before, had his gonads relieved of sexual desires four times. I put on my bra and panties from the previous night, and pulled on a pair of fatigues, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair and put on just a touch of makeup. Sgt. Wilson got my rifle out of the armory, and grabbed my helmet and full field pack. We went outside just as the sun began to break the edge of the horizon. I felt like I was still asleep on my feet. We walked over to the motor pool, and Sgt. Wilson described my post for me. I had to walk around the full perimeter of the motor pool, checking the office on each round trip. I had to check vehicles out on a pre-typed list, making sure the bumper numbers matched the vehicle on the list. I was told that someone would pick me up in four hours, but to watch for trouble, as Captain Taylor would certainly be by to make sure I was serving my punishment.

I began to walk my post. I went around the fence counter clockwise, stopping every trip to make sure the office was secure. A few trucks were driven out, and I hurriedly checked their numbers to be sure they were on the list. The drivers tried to flirt with me, but I ignored their passes and kept to my job. The first hour passed, the second hour passed, the third hour passed. Soon someone would be here to relieve me and open the office. I kept walking - round and round. Finally I faced my dreaded visit from Captain Taylor. I should have know she wouldn't get up any earlier then necessary on Sunday. She walked up to the gate and very casually said Hi to me. I said "Good Morning Captain", saluted her and continued to walk my post. She asked to see the truck check out sheet, asked a couple of minor questions, and strolled off. I saluted her again, and smiled, I made it, no problems from her. What a relief.

My four hours were over. Sgt. Wilson showed up at exactly nine o'clock to take me back to the barracks. As we walked, she told me that I had to pull another four hours of guard duty at noon time. I was to wear my dress uniform this time, as I would be on duty at the WAC BOQ building. I protested, but Sgt. Wilson was adamant. She said Captain Taylor had demanded that I be there, no questions. So, I would be there. As I entered the barracks, Melissa, Candy and Shawna asked me to join them for breakfast. I walked with them to the mess hall, and tried to take my mind off my ruined day. Sitting down with Cindy and Janine, I moaned about my problem with guard duty, and the girls expressed their disappointment that I wouldn't be able to spend the afternoon with them. I mumbled all through breakfast, and left alone to get some sleep. I talked with a few of the girls at the barracks before undressing and getting into bed. I left a note for Melissa to wake me at 11 so I could get ready. Only about 90 minutes to sleep, but I felt as though I needed that rest.

I awoke to Melissa's warm voice "Vicky honey, time to get up. It's 11:15" Ugh, I rolled over and saw Melissa looking down at me. She told me to get moving, she had gotten my clothes out to save me a little time. I struggled to sit on the edge of the bed, and looked around. Everyone was dressed comfortably in civilian clothes, some writing letters, some talking, a few doing their nails, all of the relaxing. I had to walk a guard post, I was getting angry. I shed my nightgown, and began getting into my uniform. I grumbled all the time, acting like a complete bitch, tired from my lack of sleep. When I was completely dressed, Melissa fixed my make up. I put on my hat, picked up my purse and rifle, then went outside to wait. I talked with some of the girls from my barracks. They seemed interested in how I was coping with pretending to be a female. I told them how I was adjusting, that it didn't seem so bad anymore, and that Sgt. Rogers said I should be back in male clothes in a couple of weeks at the worst.

Sgt. Rogers drove up in a jeep, and after holding my arm to help me in the passengers seat, I smooth my skirt under me and we speed off. The WAC Officer quarters were almost at the opposite end of the base. Neither of us spoke a word all the way. Their barracks were more like small duplex bungalows. A scattering of about 25 homes were in a fenced area, that also included a three or four acre green belt area. I was let out of the jeep in front of bungalow #18, and immediately walked to the door. The sign on the doorbell confirmed what I thought, it was Captain Taylor's home. I pushed the bell, and immediately heard the tap tap of high heels coming to the door. Captain Taylor answered the door, smiling at me. "Come in Vicky", she said, "I'm very sorry about having you pull a second tour of guard duty. But, this will be a little easier than the motor pool. We have been bothered lately by a couple of Peeping Toms, and since I'm having a lingerie party this afternoon I thought I would put someone on duty to guard us. Think you can handle that sweetie"? "Yes Captain Taylor" I replied, "What should I do with the guys if I catch them"? The captain laughed, "They aren't guys sweetie, they are girls,,,maybe I should have said they were `Peeping Tinas'. If you do catch them, or even one of them, I want you to bring her in here for us to deal with. That little bitch is going to wish she was court marshalled by the time we get done with her". I could believe that. Captain Taylor told me that I would be on a kind of informal guard post. I was to leave my rifle hidden out back, and just walk around, keeping my eyes open. Then she yelled "Attention, prepare for guard duty inspection." I stood as straight and tall as I could. Captain Taylor stood in front of me, looking at every little detail. "Nice job on the make up soldier, just enough to look feminine." She ran her hand across my cheek, "You need to shave closer next time pussy," she opened my jacket. "Pretty bra again, how many of those bras do you own boy?" She gently touched my left breast, and instantly my nipple hardened. "My God, Sgt. Rogers was right, you are almost a female." She continued the inspection. Her hands caressed my fanny and stayed there a little longer than I liked. Finally, she had finished. "O.K. pussy, you can go outside now. Keep your mascaraed eyes open, and don't let anyone through that doesn't have an invitation like this one." She showed me the invitation. I took a hard look, I wanted to get on the good side of Captain Taylor and this would be the perfect chance for me.

The preliminaries out of the way, I was ushered outside the door and to the front yard. A woman was already approaching the house. I stopped her at the door, and in my best military manner asked to see her invitation. She opened her purse, and brought out a perfect match for the light pink invitation I was shown. I held the door open for her as she brushed by me, copping a feel of my breast. The guests all arrived within the next half hour. I helped some of them with pot luck dishes they brought, and helped the sales lady with her suitcases. All fifteen of them touched me, or made some comment about my appearance. I began to think that maybe I wasn't one of the best kept secrets on this earth. If all these women knew, who could begin to imagine how many others they told. I would have to talk to Melissa about going AWOL - after all, how could they arrest me for not being in the Womans Army Corp if I wasn't a woman.

I began to walk around the area. As I left, I could hear everyone inside laughing, talking and having a good time. I could imagine them all in their skimpy bra and panty sets, trying on different outfits, and trading stories about their love conquests. My mind wandered for a while, I walked, and walked, with no objective except to pass the time. I didn't see anyone try to look in the windows, and by the time Captain Taylor called to me, I was tired of walking in my heels. My toes were pinched in the narrow front of the shoe, and my calves ached from not walking on the flat of my feet. I went into her house, and was introduced to the rest of the women as Private Vicky Riley, a new recruit who volunteered to guard us against any Peeping Toms. I blushed as she brought me forward and told me to do a little curtesy for the ladies. Then, it hit the fan. She told them all, with me standing there, that there had been a mix up in my enlistment records and I was really a guy. The room was alive with whispers and giggles. If they didn't know before, they all knew now. I almost broke down and cried. A few of them started a cheer, "Prove it, Prove it, Prove it". I looked at Captain Taylor, pleading with my eyes, I couldn't hold back, "Please Captain, don't make me undress in front of these women." Captain Taylor said, "Ladies, I'll tell you what. Any of you who can't believe that Vicky is really a guy, how about putting some money on it." Almost everyone agreed to that, and they were placing bets with the captain. It was decided that I would take off all my clothes in a different room, and by drawing straws, one of them would join me and verify what was in my panties. The lingerie demonstrator, Madeline, won. She took me to the bedroom and closed the door. Everyone outside began taunting me, "Take it off, Take it off, Take it all off."

Madeline helped me take my jacket off. She gently traced the lace outline of my bra as it showed through my blouse. "Mmmm, sexy little bra for a boy to be wearing. Are you really hiding a dick under that skirt?" I was too embarrassed to answer. She unbuttoned my blouse and just stared. My breasts were already filling the "A" cup bra. She stuck her head out the door and said "She ain't no he, she has perfectly shaped "A" cup titties." "Wait" said Captain Taylor, "get her to take off her panties. She is hiding something". Madeline came back to me, and unbuttoned my skirt, unzipped it and let it slide to my feet, I stepped out of it, and hung it over the back of a chair. I wiggled my fanny out of my slip, and stood there in my bra and panties. Madeline reached for me and hugged me in her arms, her mouth closed over mine as she kissed me. Her tongue probed deep into my mouth. I couldn't help myself, I felt a stirring in my groin. My dick slowly stood up and demanded attention. Madeline crushed her lower body against mine and let a little gasp escape. She broke our embrace and stuck her head out the door again saying "She either has a heated dildo in her panties or a nice warm cock. I'll give you another report in a minute". She immediately got me in a clinch. Her tongue was back in my mouth, her hands caressing my breasts. Slowly her left hand slipped into my panties and gently stroked my cock. I was consumed with passionate delight, and horny as I could be. I didn't want to end this session, but Madeline backed away. She told me to get into my uniform and meet everyone in the living room. My dick stood at attention as I pulled on my slip and blouse. I pulled up my skirt and lifted it to tug my blouse tail down inside. As I left the bedroom, I finished getting into my jacket.

I felt different as I walked into the living room. The women looked at me in a much different way. I kept my eyes down on the floor as Madeline confirmed to everyone there I was indeed a male in drag. She said I had the "cutest little dick" she had seen since her son was 8 years old. I just hung my head in shame. No one else was happy with not confirming for themselves what my true sex was. But, Captain Taylor thought I had enough for one day, and told the girls they could play with me at some later date. They would have a lingerie show, and I would be a model and maid for the party. Now I was being sold into slavery. How much more trouble could I get into. I had to get out of this mess.

Captain Taylor finally dismissed me, and told me that I would have to walk back to the barracks. I tried to plead with her, but no luck. She instructed the other women who had driven to let me walk and get used to wearing heels and walking in a skirt. Girls my age have had much more practice and I needed to get better. She opened the door and told me to get walking, or I would be late for birth control classes. I had forgotten about the class I had later that evening. I would have to hurry to get back in time. The walk allowed me time to think about my life. I wondered if I could take two more weeks of this treatment and if it would really end then. My mind wandered back to the doctor who had started all this, I vowed to myself that I would get even with him at my first chance. Both he and his nurse would experience the shame I had felt in the past week. I wanted someone to suffer as much as I had. At the moment, I didn't have any recollection of the good moments I had spent with Melissa and her friends. I was feeling sorry for myself. I continued walking, ignoring the cat calls and wolf whistles as I passed through the men's barracks area.

I got back in time to change into a sheer pink blouse, a pretty powder blue skirt, and fix my make up a little. Shawna was dressed in a sleeveless white summer halter dress and her white lace underwire bra could clearly be seen. The hospital bus pulled up in front of the company headquarters and blew the horn. Shawna and I ran out not wanting to miss class. We met Cindy and Janine on the way and all sat together in the back of the bus. I told them the story of my guard duty at Captain Taylor's house, leaving out the part about having to go back and serve as a maid and model. We arrived at the hospital, and went in to a small classroom where chairs were set up for the twenty of us. The four musketeers sat together in a small group, Cindy in back of me and Janine in back of Shawna. I crossed my legs and took a pen and some paper from my purse. Carole walked in the room and gave us all a cheery greeting. She introduced herself to us, "My name is Lieutenant Carole Reed. I am an OB Gyn specialist, and I will be conducting this one hour class on birth control and pregnancy."

Cindy picked that moment to reach forward and snap my bra strap, and Janine did the same to Shawna. The girls sitting closest to us heard the snaps and giggled. It was going to be hard to pay attention in this class. Carole pulled down a couple of charts that showed the male and female reproductive organs. Ooooh's and Aaaaah's filled the room, followed by all out laughter. How were we going to learn anything? We survived the class, I learned a little, I doubt that anyone else did because they seemed plenty knowledgeable. As we got up to file out, Carole asked me to stay behind and told Shawna she would get me back to the barracks.

Carole walked me down the hall to a small room. She asked me to take my skirt and blouse off and sit on the examination table. Cringing, I told Carole that I didn't think I should. She looked at me quizzically. "Lt. Reed" I said, "I'm can't be a WAC recruit. I'm physically a man." Carole just starred at me. "It's true" I continued, "This is all a big mistake. I want to get out of here and join the regular Army." I told her the complete story, including every detail of the entrance exam. When I got done, she asked me to let her examine me anyhow. Slowly I took off my skirt, and blouse. Carole took some forms out of a drawer and put them on a clipboard. She weighed me, measured my height, measured my bust, (I definitely had one) my waist and my hips. She drew a tube of blood, and had me give a urine sample. I felt like an experiment in a lab. She asked me about the shot the doctor gave me during the physical, and I just told her it was one of many I received. She told me that a doctor wouldn't usually give me a shot, that was usually a nurses job. She asked me to take off my slip and bra so she could continue. I felt the blood rise in my ears - blushing furiously as I undressed in front of this stranger. She stared at the obvious bulges of my breasts inside my bra, then helped slide the bra off my arms. I wanted to get this over. Carole held my tiny breast, she felt around the fleshy area, and pinched the nipple. Of course my nipples hardened instantly. The pleasure was intense. I couldn't hide it as my cock began to harden. Carole continue her manual examination of my breasts, and my cock continued to grow. She asked me when they started growing, and whether they hurt or not. She seemed to be mesmerized. Then she had me stand while she examined my male sex parts. I had to look away as she put her hand into my panties, feeling my testicles, and caressing the length of my now hard cock. My body was betraying me, as if I no longer controlled it. Carole prepared a needle, and gave me an shot in the hip. I didn't even think to ask her what it was for. She pulled my panties back over my fully erect cock, and told me to get dressed. I dressed quickly, glad to be able to cover my nakedness. Carole asked me more questions, about sexual preferences and such. I admitted that I had occasionally dressed as a woman before, but, that I had no desire to BE a woman. I told her of my only homosexual experience, thinking that I ought to have cards printed with all this on it and just pass them out. Carole put all the forms she filled out in her purse, and escorted me to the door. On the drive back, she told me that she was going to review my case with Captain Taylor in the morning. She told me to report to the Captains office in the morning, instead of going to training.

I got out of her car at the barracks, and looked at the delicate watch on my wrist Eight o'clock, finally, a couple of hours to relax. I went in, saying Hi to Melissa, Shawna and Candy, picked out a nightgown from my locker, and went to the latrine to get ready for bed. I quickly took off my make up, showered and got into my nightie. Back in the barracks, I sat on my bed, and rubbed the sore spot on my hip where Carole had given me a shot. The girls and I talked for a while, and I drifted off to sleep before it was nine o'clock.


Your Slip is Showing, Soldier

Chapter 4

By: Victoria Elaine Riley

I slept well that night. In and out of dreams that all cast me as the female lead. I had a difficult time waking, the dream I was having seemed to be reality. I was home, wearing a frilly white apron over a red silk dress. I was in the kitchen cleaning up and doing dishes. A boy about 10 years old came running in yelling, "Mom, Cathy won't let me wear one of her dresses. Make her let me, Mom. I won't get it dirty. She says only girls can wear dresses. Make her give me a dress." I turn from the sink, and hugged the small boy. "Now Kevin, you know that you shouldn't wear dresses. Quit bothering your sister. Maybe if you are good I will take you to get your very own dress this weekend." The little boy said, "No mommy, I want to be pretty now. Make Cathy lend me a dress." He was hitting a pan with a wooden spoon, the noise beginning to anger me.

I awoke to Sgt. Wilson banging on my bunk. "Time to get out of the sack, sissy boy. Get your ass ready, I have orders for you to report to the Captains office after chow." Hope filled my mind. Maybe Carole had talked with Captain Taylor already and I was getting out. I noticed my breasts were itching and hurt again, damn they were getting bigger too. That would end when I left here and stopped wearing a bra I hoped. I completed my morning ritual, and as quickly as possible put on a red bra and panty set that was a gift from Karen, panty hose, a short white half slip and my dress uniform. Sgt. Wilson told me to go to the mess hall, eat, and report to the Captains office at exactly 8:00 AM.

Breakfast was boring. I missed my girlfriends, and all the talking we normally did. It only took me ten minutes to finish, and I walked outside. Melissa and Candy met me at the door. Both of them said Hi, and asked what was going on. I told them what I knew, and how I hoped that I would be reassigned in a few hours. Neither of them smiled, but they both wished me good luck. I felt I was loosing the best friends I ever had. But, I had to get this mess straightened out.

The Captains office was empty. The company clerk was in and he told me to take a seat and wait. I sat and picked through the magazines on the table. Again, I had to hurry up and wait. I would develop ulcers if I wasted more time in this Army. How did they ever get anything done on schedule? It was about 15 minutes before Captain Taylor and Lt. Reed came in. They gestured for me to follow and like an obedient puppy, I trailed them into the office. Captain Taylor pulled chairs up to her desk for both Lt. Reed and me.

"Vicky" said Captain Taylor, "I asked Carole to give you an exam, because I am concerned about your health. She found no major problems, although you are experiencing some swelling in your breasts. Your urine and blood samples both showed an abnormally high amount of female hormones present, and we think we know the cause. From what you have told us, and from the tests, Carole has pieced together a probable cause for your problems. She thinks that during your induction physical, you were given a shot of female hormones by the doctor." "Yes Vicky" said Lt. Reed, "He obviously thought you would be completely upset by this, be discharged for joining the Army under false pretenses and be branded a liar. Then no one would believe your story about sexual abuse during the entrance physical. So, you see, this is quite a predicament. You can be discharged, but the doctor and nurse will probably swear that you misrepresented yourself, maybe even that you bribed them to forge your enlistment and overlook your true sex. That will cause a lot of unnecessary problems, and may even get you a jail sentence. We could allow you to finish your basic training here, then get your orders changed assigning you to the regular army when you leave for advanced training. But, that would create some additional problems for us, especially if you become too well known. All in all, we have a true conundrum here. I don't know what to do". After a moment of silence, Captain Taylor spoke "Well Vicky, what do you think we should do?" How would you like us to handle this predicament?" I couldn't speak, too many things were going through my mind. My life was dissolving right in this room. What could I do? How could I ever straighten this mess out? I sat there and began crying. Why did this all happen to me?

Captain Taylor told me to take the rest of the week and think about it. I was to think about what I wanted to do regarding the Army, and how that would effect the rest of my life. I would be expected to participate in basic training, but also to decide my future. My future was pretty much in my own hands, within the bounds of Captain Taylor's authority.

I stood and saluted the Captain, turned on my two inch pump heels and left the office. Tears were forming in my eyes. The company clerk, Sandy, noticed me and asked me what was wrong. I couldn't tell him, I stuttered "Nothing" and began to walk out. "Wait Vicky", he called to me. "You can't go through life keeping your problems to yourself." He slid his arm around my shoulders and continued. "Talking sometimes helps you realize that a problem isn't as big as it seems. If you want to talk to someone about your problems, I am available, and I'm a great listener. Keep that in the back of your mind - I'm always available." I quickly mumbled a thank you, and left. What could I do? I decided right there to completely immerse myself in basic training for the week, and not worry about it until Sunday night, before my decision was due to Captain Taylor. I felt a little better, knowing I had a little time to think about what was going on. Everything was moving so fast, I was out of control again. Why was this always happening to me?

Back outside, I felt the chill of cool air as it dried the tears on my cheeks. The breeze felt good swirling around under my skirt, and reminded me that I needed to change into fatigues and join the rest of the girls in training. I hurried to the barracks, took off my dress uniform and put on a pair of fatigues. How strange it felt to be dressed in pants again. I still wore my pretty panties and bra, but the rough material of the pants felt like sandpaper on my smooth legs. I opted to put my pantyhose back on, and noticed an improvement. The combat boots felt like lead weights after wearing pumps and heels, this was really going to take some getting used to. I reported back to company HQ, and told Sandy that I needed to get to where the rest of the girls were for training. He arranged for a jeep to meet me out front and I was soon off to the obstacle course.

I arrived to find the others had started running over the barricades, and through the mud holes. This didn't look like it would be any fun. I spotted Karen, and walked up to her. "Sgt. Rogers, I'm reporting for training." Karen gave me a little smile and pulled me off to the side. "Vicky, how did it go? Did you get word on your transfer? Do you know when you are leaving us?" I told her that nothing was settled, and that I had the rest of the week to come up with a plan to present to the captain. "Well, if you want to talk to someone about it, you know where I live. You are always welcome, as long as you are a girl that is." With that, she began explaining the obstacle course to me. It seemed easy enough, just get to the other side - obviously. I took off my fatigue shirt, leaving only my green t-shirt over my bra, like the others, and joined the line of girls waiting to go. I watched as Candy and Debra took off. They gave out a yell, and ran straight to a ten foot wall with a rope hanging to about 7 feet from the ground. Both girls jumped half way up the wall, grabbed the rope, and in a second were over to the other side. I was really impressed, these girls were able to take care of themselves, who ever called them the "weaker sex" never watched these dynamos at work. I wondered how much of the "weaker sex" bit was an act to get control.

At last there were only two of us left to run the course. Some of the girls who had finished were back at the start line and were cheering. They were covered with mud, their hair was caked, their t-shirts were wet and stuck tightly to their bras. I was running opposite Janis, who looked to be no more than 5 feet tall and I was sure didn't weigh 90 pounds. But, at the start command, she flew to the wall, and was jumping at the rope before I realized it. I chased after her, easily catching up with her as she cleared the wall and dropped to the ground. We crouched low and ran through concrete tubes, then danced our way through the tires. Out of the tires, we ran up a small hill, climbed 20 feet up a rope ladder, then grabbed a rope to swing across a 15 foot wide pool of water. Janis was keeping up with me, and maybe even getting a little ahead. Crossing the pool, we dropped to our stomachs, and crawled under barbed wire through the mud, and half way through rolled over on our backs to continue. I lost track of Janis, concerned now only about myself. The mud felt like there was ice in it. My clothes began to cling to my skin, and the wetness made me shiver. This was beginning to get to me. Out of the mud, I saw Janis about 20 feet in front of me. I ran after her, into a trench about 50 feet long filled about 2 feet deep with water. My legs ached at the end, but Janis was only about 5 feet ahead of me now. She bounded out of the water, and jumped feet first over a hill. I followed her, landing in mud up to my knees. Damn. I should have looked. I plodded through, and headed for the parallel bars. I swung the 30 foot length as fast as I could, losing a little to Janis. Then there was the last obstacle, the monkey bars. I stood on the beginning rail, as Janis passed the half way point. Reaching up, I grabbed hold, and decided to go two bars at a time, hoping to catch Janis. No luck, Janis finished amid cheers from the company, and I finished completely ignored. We both fell to the ground, gasping for air. Janis reached over and patting my arm said "Nice try kid". I was mortified. Beaten through the course by a girl no larger than a 12 year old boy. Then Sgt. Wilson came over and told us to all get in formation. We lined up, two deep, like we were automatons. What a sight. Twenty four girls, caked with mud, breathing hard, and completely soaked. Sgt. Wilson began berating us, for being so slow, and in particular got to me. "Private Riley" she started, "you have the honor of having the SLOWEST time of anyone in this company. My grandmother, in a wheel chair could beat you. (I had to meet her grandmother) You had better get your time down to an acceptable level, unless you want to pay the price for being the slowest pussy in basic training. All right, the rest of you did well, for the first time. I expect you to shave a few seconds off your time each week we do this. By the end of 8 weeks, you should be able to finish the course in less than 5 minutes." I thought about that, she told me my time was 8 minutes 48 seconds. That meant I would have to cut about 30 seconds off each time I ran the course. That seemed an impossible task.

We were marched to an outdoor mess area, and given what could be called lunch. I wasn't very hungry, and certainly didn't recognize half the food in the chow line. I looked for Candy and Melissa. Melissa slid over to make room for me at the table. We talked about the meeting I had, then gradually got around to the obstacle course. I asked how they did, Melissa said they both finished in under seven minutes. I was amazed. I never considered myself other than a masculine type jock. Okay, I was never into organized sports, but I always did well when the guys got together for this or that sport. I couldn't believe that EVERY girl in the company had beat me in the obstacle course. Candy told me to cheer up, we were supposed to run the course again this afternoon. "What!?" I shouted. Everyone looked at me. In a lower voice, I said, "That's crazy, who could run that again. I'm completely worn out after one time." Candy laughed "Well, get ready, Sgt. Wilson told us all this morning that we were going to do it twice. Maybe the second time will be easier." My bones and muscles quivered at the thought of that much effort. Candy and Melissa talked animatedly as I finished my lunch in silence.

Back outside, we we marched off to another training location. As we left the obstacle course behind, I breathed a sigh of relief. About 3 minutes passed and we marched up to a small building. There was a Red Cross truck parked outside, and several NCO's standing around the back of a truck. Looking at the small building closer, I could make out "Danger" signs, and began to worry. We halted and Sgt. Wilson began another speech. She had a habit of making everything stop while she talked, wanting us to be sure to understand everything. "Ladies" she began, "this is a gas chamber, we will be learning how to fit a gas mask, then walk into that building while it is filled with tear gas. The gas will not harm you, it will sting for a while when you remove your mask, but nothing permanent. Getting your mask on properly and quickly may save your life, so pay attention." We were issued a mask from the back of the truck, and showed how to put it on and adjust the straps. We had a good time, making fun of our voices and funny looks. Sgt. Wilson lined us up single file and we walked calmly into the building. We sat on benches around the walls. The floor was dirt, and only a couple of low wattage bulbs provided any light to see. Sgt. Wilson's voice came over a loudspeaker. "One at a time, each of you will go to the center of the room, stand at attention in front of the NCO there, take off your mask, and give him your name, rank and serial number. You will not be allowed to leave until you do it right. The time you spend in there will give you a hint of what it is like to experience a gas attack and reinforce the importance of getting your mask on quickly and properly. O.K., single file, alpha order, get going." One by one, the girls stood up, removed their masks, and said their name, rank and serial number. All of them tried to keep their eyes closed, because of the burning gas. Eventually my turn came, I stood in the middle of the room, removed my mask and shouted, "RILEY, VICTOR E, PRIVATE, WA 23822585" then turned to run out. Someone grabbed at my back, catching my bra strap, "Hold it" said the mysterious voice in a gas mask, "Your name can't be Victor, do it again." Oh, no, I screwed up, my eyes were burning, I wanted to rub them, the tears were flowing freely. "RILEY, VICTORIA E, PRIVATE, WA23822585" I shouted, then ran from the building. Outside, I heard someone tell us not to rub our eyes as that would just irritate them more. We coughed, cried and I could see some of the girls throwing up. The bright sun light seemed to be causing even more pain. All we could do was cry until we finally washed all the chemical out of our eyes. What a mess. Some of the girls had mascara running down their cheeks, and with the mud still caked on them, looked like they hadn't washed in months. What a sorry looking group we must have been. Finally, we were given eye wash kits from the Red Cross truck. Everyone was feeling better, most of the girls even washed their faces a little. Once we settled down, Sgt. Wilson got us into formation and began marching us back to the obstacle course. I couldn't believe that after what we did we were to suffer still more.

At the obstacle course, we were paired up with our previous partners, and lined up at the start of the course. Being the slowest two, Janis and I were at the front of the line. I was determined to do better, at least keep up with Janis. She looked at me, smiled and wished me luck, and I did the same for her. A whistle blew and suddenly, we were running. The 50 feet to the wall seemed to fly by. We both hit the wall at the same time. I was feeling better, maybe I could win this race. Over the wall, I hit the ground running, ahead of Janis. I maintained my lead up through the tubes, dancing through the tires, and up the rope ladder. At the top of the ladder, I reached out, missed the rope, and fell head first into the pool of water. Bobbing to the surface, I saw Janis climbing the rope ladder. I swam to the other side and climbed out, just as Janis dropped in along side of me at the beginning of the barbed wire. Quickly, I crawled on my stomach, feeling the barbs tear at the seat of my pants. At the half way point, I rolled over, and saw I was about 5 feet in front of Janis. Great, I might pull this off. Through the water trench, and down to the parallel bars. As quick as I could, not bothering to look for Janis, I swung the 30 feet and rushed for the monkey bars. Two by two, I worked my way down, when suddenly I saw Janis reach for a bar in front of me. No, I worked too hard for this. But, she beat me, by two bars! Damn. I dropped to the ground at the finish, gasping and too tired to stand up. Janis came over to me, breathing just as hard, and thanked me for making her run harder and faster than the last time. At least we had done a little better. Maybe I could finish in under five minutes. Sgt. Rogers came over and told us both that we finished in just over 8 minutes. Wow, we cut almost 40 seconds off our time. I felt a little better, but I was beyond caring because of the pain I was experiencing. My body ached from the strain of the day. I hoped there wouldn't be many more days like this. Janis and I sat off to one side, watching the others come through the course. Everyone did better than the last time, and I was still the slowest in the group. I felt a little more confident though, I might be able to squeeze more time off my total. Doing this every Monday and Friday, I was sure it would become easier. For now, I was miserable, I didn't realize how out of condition I was.

The march back to the barracks added insult to injury. I didn't notice how far the ride out was, but the march seemed like a million miles. We arrived back at the barracks in time for supper, but no one wanted to bother. We piled inside, some of us dropping on our bunks, others moaning in pain. Candy, Melissa and I decided to take a shower first, with all our clothes on. We would have to rinse them off later because of the mud, this seemed easier. We grabbed our towels and nightgowns, then went to the latrine. Once in the shower, I pulled my wet t-shirt over my head, and stood there trying to soak the dirt out of my bra. Candy soaped my bra, paying special attention to the small bumps now in the cups. She told me they must be getting bigger, as my flesh was noticeable popping out around the lace. I didn't care, I wanted to get in bed. I helped Candy and Melissa the same way. We washed and helped each other strip out of our clothing, then stood under the warm spray of the shower until more girls came in. They brought their dirty clothes with them to wash in the large sink. Seeing us rinse ours out in the shower, most of them got dressed and jumped in fully clothed. Once we dried ourselves off, and wrung our clothes out, we gathered in the barracks to hang our wet things. Melissa stretched a line across the barracks, and we each put our clothes up to dry. We left our towels on the floor to catch all the dripping. I sat on my bunk, pulling at the hem of my short nightgown, as I crossed my legs under me. Candy ran a brush through my hair, and put a few curlers in it. I helped Melissa fix her long hair as she helped Candy. I experienced a feeling of sisterhood with these girls, and soon we were settled for the night. We sat on our bunks, gossiping. The other girls formed their own groups and did the same. Shawna joined us as we talked of the "good old days" when we were civilians. I toyed with the rollers in my hair announcing that I would be glad when the week was over. Melissa nodded, saying "I hope you decide to stay with us Vicky. We will miss you if you go". Candy joined her "Yeah, please stay with us, your like the little sister I never had. I feel responsible to take care of you out there." I looked at them, seeing genuine concern in their eyes. "I'm sorry girls" I said "I really don't think I can take this rough treatment for eight weeks. I don't think I have any choice but to quit while I'm still alive. I feel more tired than I can ever remember in my life. I don't know if I can keep up with you and the rest of the girls."

That was the last thing I remembered, until light was streaking in the windows. Morning, already. As I lay there, I tried to imagine what the guys were going through. Certainly they couldn't be any worse off than I was. Later, we would be training together, for now, I couldn't imagine any worse way to spend eight weeks.

We all performed the motions to get ready for the days torture. Breakfast was the usual gossip and runny eggs. And finally it was time to fall out in formation. Roll call was as unspectacular as could be expected, no one went AWOL, no one was late, and amazingly, no one died from the previous days training. Sgt. Rogers made a few announcements pertaining to the days activities. The day would consist of a trip to the rifle range, and later we would have pictures taken to send home to the local paper and our relatives. I looked over at Melissa and she flashed me a quick smile, I made a mental note to avoid the picture session at all costs.

Hup, Two, Three, Four! Off to the rifle range. We all carried full packs and rifles. Hup, Two, Three, Four - march, and march, and march some more. It's a matter of time, I'll be out of this soon, I told myself.

The rifle range was uneventful. I didn't do anything grossly stupid. I was paired up with Candy, and as usual she made every effort to point out my shortcomings in feminine areas. She continued her habit of snapping my bra straps when no one was looking, making me very aware of my unmasculine underwear. She teased me about the picture taking session to come later, offering to help me "look my prettiest for the people back home". The hours flew by and soon we were marching back to the barracks for lunch.

Gossip was the main course for lunch. Cindy and Janine kept bugging me about the upcoming picture session. I swear, almost every girl in the company stopped and made it a point of asking me for one of my pictures. I could imagine the conversations that would accompany the showing of my pictures. "Yes, she really is a boy". "He wanted so much to be a girl, he joined the WAC's". "He was just one of the girls". I would provide them with hours of conversation whenever they showed anyone my picture. But, I wasn't planning on being anyone's gossip topic, I was going to miss the picture session.

After lunch, we went back to the barracks to change into our dress uniforms for the photographers. I tried to convince Sgt. Wilson that I was sick, but she wasn't listening. When I asked to go to the infirmary, she told me "after the pictures". Dejectedly, I changed from my fatigues into my dress greens. I joined Melissa and Candy in the latrine, to apply our make-up. They were elated, commenting on how exciting it would be to have their picture in the local newspapers. All I could do was dread the outcome. I could imagine my parents reading about my joining the WAC's. I had to think of a way out of this!

First we all lined up for a picture of the entire company. We posed in front of the company commanders office. Sgt. Wilson and Sgt. Rogers stood at either end of the group, and I was seated in the first row, next to Candy. When that was done, in the confusion of waiting for the photographer to set up for individual pictures in the day room, I quietly slipped off to the PX. Hiding in a public place seemed like a good idea, I would say that I had a run in my stockings and came over here to get some new ones. Perfect alibi.

I got to the PX without anyone being aware. I was sure someone would miss me, but hoped that it would be too late to do anything. I went in and was walking up and down the lingerie aisles. I looked at sexy bras, lacy and shinny. As I touched the soft material, I felt stirrings in my crotch. These small, wispy objects had changed my life so greatly. I wondered at the simplicity of the lace design, and how it had the power to invoke gentleness on the wearer. I walked a little further down and picked up some nylon panties. Again, the feeling of excitement built in my crotch. How could such innocuous, tiny, unseen garments change an entire life? I felt someone brush against me, and looked back to see Lt. Reed.

She recognized me immediately and gave me a bright cheery hello. "Vicky", she said, "do you need some help in picking out your underwear?" "Oh, no Lt. Reed", I stammered, "I was just looking around." We talked a little while, discussing my adjustment and I told her that I didn't think I was adapting well. "Lt. Reed," I said, "I can't even keep up with the smallest girls running the obstacle course. I don't think I get enough sleep, and on top of that, my body seems to be changing into that of a woman." Lt. Reed just looked at me for a while, then with a empathic smile on her lips, she said "Vicky, try to put up with it a little longer. Captain Taylor has told me that your discharge papers are progressing through channels and it won't be long before you have to make a decision about the Army. Until then, just take it easy and don't be upset. I can tell that you are very worried now. What is bothering you?" Slowly, I told Lt. Reed about the photo sessions back at the company headquarters. I explained that I really didn't want my picture to appear in the home town newspaper with a caption saying that I was in the Womens' Army. She told me not to worry. "Go get your picture taken, I am sure you will look back on this fondly some day, and don't worry about your photo going to the papers, I will take care of that for you" said Lt. Reed. "Thank you," I managed, "Thanks for everything you have done. Most of the girls wanted a picture of me, and I really don't mind, except I didn't want my parents to find out." "Uh, Lt. Reed, could you please help me pick put some new bras? My, uh... breasts are getting too big for the ones I have now. They are a size 36A, and I really don't know how to buy a new one." "O.K. Vicky, it is really quite simple," said Lt Reed and she proceeded to explain bra cup sizes to me and helped me pick out three new white bras, size 36B!

I paid for the new bras, and walked slowly back to the barracks. Although I had agreed with Lt. Reed about getting my pictures done, I still thought that if I went slow enough, I would be too late. True to the way things had been going, I got back with plenty of time to spare. I did my best to straighten my uniform, patted my longish hair into place and glanced quickly into the mirror of my compact to check my make-up. I freshened my lipstick, and joined the short line, behind Shawna. Another line. We talked all the while we were in line, of life before the Army, of plans after the Army, and of trying to survive the next few weeks. Soon it came to my turn, and I walked into the day room. It was uneventful, the usual, sitting with hands folded in the lap, body twisted slightly to the side, and make sure your cap is straight on your head.

It took all afternoon for the entire company to get their pictures taken. Didn't upset me any. I needed the rest. We sat around the barracks, talking and doing nothing. I told Candy and Melissa about my "shopping excursion" and they suggested that a party was in order, to celebrate gaining a full cup size in my bust. I pleaded with them to not make a big deal of it, and they agreed... until the next time. Damn, I thought, I certainly hope there won't be a next time. I couldn't imagine myself with C cup breasts jutting from my chest.

That evening, Sgt. Wilson organized us into groups to clean up other barracks for new arrivals. Time passed quickly, and I was glad to return to our barracks and my good friend ... my bunk. What a hideous instrument of torture that would be in the civilian world, but here, it was a welcome piece of comfortable furniture. The end of another day. I cleaned up in the latrine, donned one of my new bras and a set of pink lace baby dolls. The girls were all sitting around in the barracks, we gossiped a bit, did each others nails, and relaxed. This was one of the best days since I joined the Army. Now if they could all be like this .................

Wednesday. Hump Day. And a bunch of other names. It is really another day. The usual music of Sgt. Wilsons Nightstick Band woke us. We dressed, ate, fell out for the usual exercises, and got to morning formation on time. I was learning to love this little routine.

Today's work shifts were a bit unusual. Candy, Debra and I were detailed to KP duty in the new recruit mess hall. Spending the day at KP seemed to me far better than marching all over hell, getting gassed, and then running an obstacle course. Bring on the potatoes.

Melissa asked me to bring some leftovers when I returned to the barracks. She was sent to the supply warehouse to help pass out uniforms, and offered to bring me some new bras if I wanted. I thanked her and agreed to the trade. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on underwear that I wouldn't need. She made a big deal of getting a new measurement of my breast, cupping them in her hands, and gently lifting the weight off my shoulder straps. She quickly kissed my cheek and we parted for the day.

Candy, Debra and I walked over to the mess hall. Breakfast was already over, and we were sent to clean up the tables and floor. We wiped tables, swept floors, and in general had an easy time. About 11:00 we were told to peel potatoes for lunch, and shown how to use an electric peeler. Amazing, just dump 20 pounds of potatoes in this big tub, and a gritty wheel on the bottom rotated, taking the peel off. Great duty. We washed a few pots, and hung around until lunch time. We ate lunch with the new recruits, laughing to ourselves as they asked questions about Army life. Again, we cleaned the tables and floor, and prepared for supper. More potatoes, and this time we got to put breading on some chicken to be fried. After eating with the new recruits, we began cleaning up. As I was finishing, I saw some of the cooks assistants talking together and looking at me. I was getting very paranoid, especially when I saw them close off the kitchen doors and approach Candy, Debra and I in the dining room.

We grouped together, the herding instinct, and the three of them surrounded us. The look in their eyes told me what they wanted, but I wasn't in any mood to bare my secrets to these sadistic looking guys. Candy whispered that we might just lead them on with a little necking and maybe we could sneak out, even that didn't appeal to me. There appeared to be no other way. They came closer, introducing themselves, and asked about us. Debra took the lead, introducing each of us in turn. We smiled sweetly, all the time maneuvering to get our backs to the exit doors. We paired off, talking with our partners. The guy with me was named Dennis. He told me that he thought I was pretty, the usual male bullshit I had used a million times. He got a little closer, putting his hand on my shoulder. I knew he could feel my bra strap, I shuddered a little. As he talked to me, I felt his hand slide gently down my back and rest on my rear. This was getting difficult. Suddenly, I felt his free hand go around my waist. He drew me to a standing position in front of him, and gently leaned in to kiss me. I froze. Too scared to do anything else, I let him part my lips and insert his tongue into my waiting mouth. I took a quick look around, and saw Debra and Candy staring at me. Neither of them were kissing the guys they were with. Candy looked at me with raised eyebrows, and started to make excuses to leave. I broke off my kiss, and followed her lead. The guys went along with us, and asked us to meet them for a movie some time. Debra agreed for all of us, and we moved toward the kitchen. Dennis still had his arm around my waist as we walked, he was pressing me to make definite plans with him. As we quickly left the kitchen, Candy remembered to pick up some left over chicken and take it with us. I heard Dennis talking to his friends about what "a hot bitch" I was.

Embarrassed, I tried to ignore Debra's questioning looks as we walked to the barracks. Candy was much more inquisitive. "Vicky," she said "did that guy have his tongue down your throat or what? If you get a reputation for being a pig, all the guys will hit on you. You have to be a little more discrete and play hard to get, even if you have the hots for a guy." Debra started to giggle. I blushed and stammered an excuse "Well, .... I ... really didn't ... know what to do. It was so overpowering, I felt so .... helpless." "Well," continued Candy "I can see I am going to have to give you some lessons on how to handle men, before this weekends party." "Party? What Party?" I questioned. Candy and Debra laughed together.

Back at the barracks, Debra made a big deal of telling Melissa about the guys in the mess hall and of our "future date". Melissa laughed as she ate the cold chicken, passing it around to the others who had gathered to hear about our day. Melissa brought out a bag and handed it to me. "Here Vicky, these should keep up with you for a while" she said. Not knowing what was in the bag, I reached in and pulled out a hand full of bras. There must have been 2 or 3 dozen in the bag. "I got you two sizes, some 36B and some 36C, in case your future `develops' at the rate your past has", Melissa said as she gently poked her finger into my swelling breasts. Again the rest of the girls had a laugh at my expense. The shame I was experiencing was too great to allow any words to escape my lipsticked lips. I didn't know why they picked on me, I wished they would accept me as one of them. Tears began to slip from the corners of my eyes. Candy put her arm around my shoulder and said "Poor Vicky, don't cry. We are happy for you and everyone is interested in what happens to you. You're like our little sister, growing up, and out, before our very eyes." I felt her hand gently leave my shoulder and drop to my breast. As she gently made circular motions with her fingers, I could do nothing but agree with her. "I wish you could treat me like one of the girls, not some little baby sister" I blurted. Shawna spoke first "Vicky, it's just that you are special to us. You're almost a mascot. Someone we truly care about, and we don't want to loose." "Yeah" said Janis "I appreciate your help in running the obstacle course with me, if any of the other girls ran with me, I wouldn't have the confidence to get my time down, with you, I feel a close connection. You ARE one of us." Everyone let me know, that was exactly how they felt. I was a part of the company, not an outsider. They wanted to help me adjust, and be comfortable in my temporary condition. The fact is, I was developing more feminine characteristics, physical and mental. Both were important for me to get through the next few weeks.

I felt a little better, I could see they were treating me like a young girl who didn't know about being a woman, and I supposed I needed to do that before I attempted to act as a woman. It was a hard job, mentally. I decided to put my effort into getting along and not feeling sorry for myself. Smiling a little, I said to Melissa "Thanks for the bras, I truly appreciate the kind gesture." Then, turning to Candy, I said "I can donate all my old SMALL bras to Candy, she can wear them." That brought laughter from everyone, and set the tone for teasing Candy the rest of the night. She said she didn't mind "wearing hand me downs from a boy, but, wearing his old, too small bras, was a bit much".

Bedtime came, I took my things to the latrine to get ready. As I showered, I spent some time checking my breasts. They were getting larger, much more than a mouthful. I didn't hear Candy join me in the shower. I felt her boobs brush against my back, as her arms encircled me from behind. Her hands replaced mine on my breasts. I was in heaven, as she gently pinched and toyed with the nipples. I groaned as one of her hands slipped down to my engorged cock. She massaged the length of the shaft, adding more pleasure to the intense feelings of my aroused breasts. Heaven. I was nearing climax now, my hips thrusting forward to meet her hand. My breath came in gasps, and then suddenly, I was alone. Candy stopped toying with me, and stuck her tongue out. "There, that will teach you not to make fun of my breasts, you big titted cow." My eyes and voice pleaded with her, "Please Candy, help me to finish what you started. Please! I won't make fun of you anymore, I'm sorry I started that. Please help me." "Alright, but, I'm not going to wank your dickie thing for you. I'll let you rub it between my legs from behind, and you can press your big fat tits into my back as you play with me, as I was playing with you. One hand on my breast and one in my crotch, and you had better not come until I do." I agreed, anything to ease these intense feeling that were still in my body. I gently got behind her, slipped my cock between her legs, and felt my breasts brush against her back. The hard nipples felt like they would drill right through her. I gently cupped one of her tiny boobs in my hand and let the other hand invade her pussy. Slowly, I began rocking to the beat of her gentle moaning. This was great. We rocked together, her moans and groans dictating the pace of my thrusts. I could feel my dick rub on the back of my hand, as my fingers sought to further invade her cunt lips. The pace quickened, I pinched her clit in my fingers, I drove three fingers deep into her begging opening. She came - - her legs closed around my dick, as she milked me to completion too. She pulled my hand roughly from her crotch and placed in one her neglect boob. I massaged her chest until the feelings subsided. Sedated. We turned off the water, turned to exit the shower and heard loud clapping and cheering, as we looked to see the latrine filled with smiling faces from the barracks. I blushed to my toes, not knowing what else to do, I tried to cover my breasts with my hands, and

turned away from the crowd. Candy kept walking out. "If you are all jealous, that is too bad" she said. I couldn't believe how cavalier she was about being caught. She turned to me and said, "Come on Vicky, they have all seen you naked before, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Big girls need sexual fulfillment all through their lives." She wrapped her towel around herself, grabbed mine and helped me wrap it above my breasts, and holding my hand, we walked out to the barracks.

I changed into a long flannel nightgown, feeling rather self conscious about what had happened, pulled down the sheet on my bunk, and sat on the edge to comb out my hair. Melissa joined me, taking the comb from my hand and gently drawing it through my hair. We talked about the shower incident. "Vicky, I'm a little jealous of Candy, do you think WE could do that some time, soon?" she said. I nodded my assent, visualizing a line of women waiting outside the shower while I had to satisfy each one of them. I could see that my reputation had changed from that of a little girl to that of a growing woman, Melissa finished setting my hair, and I did hers. As I wound the pink rollers in her hair, I couldn't help reaching over her shoulder, gently brushing my hand across her lengthening nipples each time. When I finished, I reached over her with both hands and pressed my hands firmly against her chest. She sighed, and kissed my cheek gently. We went to bed then, separately. Sleep enveloped me gently, I was content with things as they were.

The next day was uneventful. Rise and shine. Then the usual assignments. Training was scheduled for Friday, so today we were assigned to different areas. I worked cleaning out some of the supply storage rooms, and was grateful for the rest. Night came, and I could think nothing but happy thoughts. Maybe I would be able to stick out the full eight weeks, then transfer to advanced training with the regular Army.

Friday. Early. Damn, it was till dark out. Sgt. Wilson was making her usual ruckus, getting us to move with little argument. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was only 4:00 AM! We stumbled around to Sgt. Wilsons barking commands. "Get your pansy ass moving Riley". "Come on Baker, get your girlfriends ass moving". This was getting to be routine. Hardly any of her comments meant anything, just routine. Some people get a wake up call on the phone, we had Sgt. Wilson, one hell of an analogy, but that is what it came to. I wondered briefly if I would have to record her melodious tones to be able to get out of bed the rest of my life. Ugh, what a thought.

I stood there, scratching my balls, and looking lost. Melissa laughed and pointed out my unfeminine actions. I changed to rubbing my swollen breasts. We dressed quickly, no make up required for the day, obviously. The mess hall was open early, and we all grumbled through breakfast. Damn, today was obstacle course day. I started dreading the pain my body would feel. Falling out for formation later, in full gear with rifles, we were told of the days activities. As I suspected, obstacle course, in the morning and afternoon, and in between, courses on foxhole digging and hand grenade throwing. What a day. These skills should come in handy in civilian life I thought. You never know when you might want to jump over a few abandoned cars, run through some mud, and lob a grenade at one of your neighbors. Yeah, I had better learn this stuff. We paired off with our teammates, and marched off to do battle with the dreaded monster called the obstacle course.

Obstacle course is really not an appropriate name for that stretch of pain inflicting ground. I fantasized for a moment of opening a chain of these things in civilian life - call them "Torture-Is-Us", or some such nonsense. Sounds like a guaranteed money maker.

Sgt. Rogers' voice brought me back to reality. I wasn't happy about the strange smile on Karen's lips. "O.K. ladies, get your partners ready for your first run through the course this afternoon." OH NO, did I hear her say FIRST run. This was NOT going to be a fun afternoon. As we milled around, getting into place for our run, Candy came up behind me and pulled by bra strap at least 2 inches back and let go with a terrific snap. "There," she said, "if I could just add some of this elastic snap to your run, you would finish first. We could sling shot you to the finish line."

Janis gave me a nervous smile, and added some words of encouragement. "I know we can shave some more time off our last run, let's concentrate on that magic five minute mark and give it hell." "Yeah," I agreed "let's show them we can keep up with the best." Sgt. Wilson blew her whistle, Janis and I crouched into starting positions, and at the next whistle, we were running for all we were worth.

Mud, sweat and tears. We finished, Janis slightly ahead of me, by inches. Seven minutes and 12 seconds! Damn, what a relief. Janis and I were truly thrilled. As we lay on the grass gasping for air, some of the girls came by and congratulated us. This might just get to be fun. We waited almost 2 hours for the rest of the company to finish. Everyone did well. All of our times improved. The morning workouts, and daily drills certainly helped.

The second trip through the course was the same. Our times were longer, but we knew that was because we were a little tired. I could see a bright spot in the future. Maybe, if I stayed the full eight weeks, I could get through in 5 minutes. Things were looking better. As we finished the second run, Sgt. Rogers announced that everyone who ran in less and 5 minutes would not have to run the course more than once a week. What incentive. About 6 girls had already done that, and they cheered loudly.

Marching back to the barracks, I felt as if a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders. The backpack seems lighter, the distance seemed shorter, and I had a smile on my face. After inspection tomorrow morning, we had a day and a half to rest and relax. The girls were planning some kind of party, and I was looking forward to it.


Your Slip is Showing, Soldier

Chapter 5

By: Victoria Elaine Riley

"G.I. Party". Like "Military Intelligence", the words are an oxymoron, a direct contradiction in terms. We got back to the barracks just in time for supper. Sgt. Wilson told me to report to Captain Taylor's office as soon as I was done. Nuts, I forgot, I owed her a decision today.

Lt. Reed was waiting for me in the outer office. We sat and talked for a few minutes, until Capt. Taylor asked us to come in to her office. We both walked in, saluted and sat down as instructed by the Captain. Captain Taylor started the conversation, "Vicky, you have had all week to think about what you want to do. Are you going to stay with us?" Lt. Reed looked at me, awaiting my answer.

"I think I'm beginning to fit in better", I began, "The physical part of this seems to be falling into place. I'm sure the mental aspects would be easier if I was with the guys, but, I think I can handle it. What I would like to do is finish basic training here, then be reassigned to the regular army. I would appreciate any help you can give me to finish the next few weeks, and then get my enlistment straightened out. I will try as hard as I can to make it work."

Lt. Reed said "I'm glad you decided to stick it out Vicky. When I gave you your physical a week ago, I gave you an extra shot of female hormones to help your body adjust to its new demands. Hopefully, you will experience a minimum of discomfort, but if you feel you need to see me, just ask Sgt. Wilson. Captain Taylor will keep track of your transfer, and you can just finish off basic training here. I hope you don't have any more problems. Try to relax and fit in."

With that, Captain Taylor told me to rejoin my platoon and "get on with training". I stood, saluted both officers and left the office with a small smile on my lips. Now, I could concentrate my entire efforts to the next few weeks. When this was over, I could continue my life. A feeling of contentment overcame me, I felt at peace with everything.

Back at the barracks, everyone was cleaning up for tomorrows inspection. I joined in as though nothing had happened. Melissa, Candy, and Debra all cast fleeting glances my way, but no one mentioned anything. When it was finally time to work on our personal lockers, Melissa and Debra had me cornered. I removed everything from my upright locker, stacking it on my bunk, certain that I would soon be bombarded with questions. Candy started the questions. "Vicky, did you talk with Captain Taylor about staying?" I decided to tease her a little and lead her on a bit. "Well" I started, "Lt. Reed and Captain Taylor did want to talk to me, but I really didn't spend enough time thinking about my situation this past week." Debra was drawn in, "What did you talk about then? Are you going to stay with us? What will happen if you leave? Will we still be friends? Are you going to be reassigned to this base?" She rattled off question after question. Melissa sat there, wide eyed, absorbing everything.

"Actually girls, I told them that I would be willing to stay,,, IF they would try to get me reassigned at the end of basic training. So, I guess you all have a `companion in pain' for the next few weeks." All three girls congratulated me, and expressed their willingness to help me any way they could. We fell back to our cleaning duties. I polished my brass, spit shined my shoes, hung my uniforms neatly, folded and refolded everything in my foot locker, and put everything in its assigned place. By the time lights out came, I was more than ready to take a shower and climb into the sack. When Sgt. Wilson called "Lights out in 10 minutes ladies", I gathered my toiletries and nightgown, then padded off to the latrine, with Candy following me.

As I set my things on the shelf over the sink, Candy did the same. We talked a little about the days events as we undressed and took our showers. I hardly noticed her nakedness, it was becoming second nature to shower with women. Candy playfully soaped my growing breasts, commenting on their size. I played with and teased hers. We soaped each others crotch with only hints of sexual teasing. We rinsed off together, hugging each other close. As we dripped our way out of the shower to grab out towels, I noticed what looked like a birthmark on Candy's left hip. When I asked her about it, she showed me a tattoo. The mark was about 2 inches square and was clearly a picture of a pair of ballet shoes with gently flowing pink laces surrounding them. It was beautiful. She explained that the girls in her ballet class all had them done one night, as a kind of a lark. I was amazed at the sensuousness of this little feminine mark on her body. I had heard of women having tattoo's of butterflies and roses put on them, but, this seemed somehow sexier, so much more female. Candy told me that I should get one just like it, to which I could only reply with a stammer and a blush. We put on our nightgowns, brushed out each others hair, and went to bed.

My dreams that night were of a tall waterfall and a peaceful brook. I was standing next to the brook, wearing a white flowing dress and a wide brim hat. The wind blew at the ribbons in my hat and caused my skirts to gently billow behind me. The diaphanous dress outlined the feminine shape hidden by the virginal white material. I was alone, but I was a small part of the image. I belonged in this picture, the total picture of beauty. I turned suddenly to look up and see tons of rocks coming over the waterfall. They pounded into the ground, making an unforgettable sound. I awoke to Sgt. Wilson and her nightstick band and her morning shriek. Something had to be done about that damn stick. Another day. Inspection day. We should all be ready for this one. I picked my regulation white underwear from my footlocker, not wanting to be `out of uniform'. As I removed my nightgown, I gently massaged the growing bumps on my chest. Damn, any guy would be proud to have these,,,, in his mouth. Why did I have to have them on my chest? I remembered Lt. Reed telling me that she had given me another shot of hormones, and hoped that this was the limit of their amazing power to adjust my body to its new environment. I hastily put on my dress uniform, not putting on a slip. I remembered the problems that caused at the last inspection. Melissa offered to fix my make-up, and I certainly couldn't argue with that. I liked being pampered by her. After making our bunks, Melissa and I rounded up Candy and Debra and walked over to the mess hall. Melissa made sure to tell everyone that I was staying to the end of basic training. That brought smiles from some, congrads from some, and giggles and whispers from others. Cindy and Janine were thrilled, they each gave me a sisterly kiss on the cheek and managed to cop a feel of my breasts and pinch my nipples at the same time. Those two little perverts should be tied up some place.

Roll call was quiet. We were informed that two days next week we would be assigned some other duty than training. I hoped I could avoid the mess hall gang again. The thought of Dennis kissing me brought a chill to my spine and tightened my nipples. Sgt. Rogers dismissed us and told us to be ready for inspection in 1 hour. Because we spent the previous night getting ready, there wasn't much to do. We stood around our areas, not wanting to mess up the bunks. We talked, about nothing in particular. This short skirt, that lace bra and the gamut of female clothing. How easy it seemed to fit in with this group of easy going women. I had found a family that I belonged to. The doors open, Capt. Taylor and Sgt. Wilson entered. Sgt. Wilson yelled "ATTENTION" and we scurried to stand at the end of our bunks. I watched as the Captain looked at each bunk, each foot locker, and each upright locker. She muttered something to each girl, and sometimes tore the blankets off a bunk, or tossed some clothing from a locker to the floor. Sgt. Rogers hastily made notes on a clipboard. When she got in front of me, I could only stare straight ahead. She didn't rip up my bunk, she didn't toss clothes out of my locker, and she didn't mess up my footlocker. Relief, I might not get in trouble this time. She moved over to the next girl. My mind rejoiced, I made it. They finished the inspection and turned at the end of the barracks to face us. Suddenly I saw the Captains eyes look at me and open wide. No, not me. Find someone else to pick on. Leave me alone. She strode up to me and standing only inches from my face demanded to know why I was out of uniform. I couldn't think, I quickly glanced down, but could only see my breasts. "Riley", she started, "why in hell aren't you wearing a slip? I can see right through your skirt. I know you got a slip from supply when you came in, I remember seeing part of it during the last inspection. Are you trying to outfox me?" I couldn't say anything. She caught me, and I supposed that she would assign me some stupid duty or other for her personal benefit again. "Sgt. Rogers" she said, "make sure this young lady knows what makes up her dress uniform. I want her to wear it ALL next week, everywhere. You are to report to my office every morning before mess call in your FULL dress uniform for inspection. Do you understand that `Miss'?" "Yes Captain" was the only reply that came to my lipsticked lips. The Captain walked off and Sgt. Rogers trailed after her. As they left, Sgt. Wilson called "At Ease", and the barracks was instantly filled with the buzzing sound of 24 girls talking at the same time.

Melissa and I sat on her bunk, and were joined by Candy and Debra. Debra was one of the girls who had her locker trashed' by the Captain. She was pissed. Grousing about trivial bullshit' and bemoaning what her punishment would be. At least I knew what mine was. Big deal, so I had to train wearing a skirt, that wasn't as bad as pulling guard duty. Sgt. Rogers came back and called us all to attention. "Girls, most of you did well this inspection. Overall, the barracks is getting better. Those of you that had your lockers rearranged by the Captain, can expect to spend next week in full dress uniform, along with Riley. Those of you who had your bunks torn up, will pull KP each night for two hours, AFTER training. Now for the good news, the Captain has given me permission to issue overnight passes, to everyone, for the remainder of today, through tomorrow. You must be back on base at 10:00pm for lights out on Sunday. Pick up your passes at the orderly room on the way out. That's all, have a good weekend ladies".

Cheers went up from everyone. I don't know why, but I cheered too. Finally, some positive feedback from this mini dictatorship. We congratulated each other, and began getting out of our uniforms. Melissa, Candy, Debra and I began discussing plans for things to do. We heard some of the girls on the pay phone making reservations at a motel downtown, and asked them to book a room, with two double beds, for the four of us. It would be great to sleep in a real bed for a change. Everywhere I looked, there was female flesh, running around the barracks in various stages of dress, some in bra and panties, some in just panties, some with slacks on, some already completely dressed. A few of the girls elected to stay at the base, and just go to town during the day. I guess it takes all kinds.

I pulled a light blue bra and panty set out of my footlocker and stripped out of my regulation undies. As I pulled the panties up my legs, I could feel then snag on the leg hair. I excused myself, put on my bra, grabbed my kit and went to the latrine to shave my legs. Candy tagged after me. She stopped me and volunteered to shave my legs for me, if I would do hers. I certainly agreed to that. It felt nice to have someone smooth shaving cream on my legs, and gently draw a razor over the skin. After she finished, she put baby lotion on my legs, to replace the moisture and soften them. Then she made me raise my arms and proceeded to denude' that area too. I returned the favor. She removed her panties and had me shave along her bikini line', so "her hair wouldn't be sticking out her panties". I didn't even pay attention to mine, I just thought she wanted to get a little sexy with me. And true to form, as I was rubbing baby lotion into the shaved areas, she started moaning and writhing under my ministrations. My hands were oily and slick, and I could hardly maintain any friction for her to move against. I slipped, and groped and felt, until finally she moan and came against the back of my hand. With renewed energy, she pulled her panties up and holding my hand, lead me out of the latrine. I wanted to wash my hands, but she wouldn't let me. She said that it would be good hand lotion, and I should rub it in. I thought my hand would stink for the rest of the day.

Melissa was already dressed in a pretty yellow mini shirtwaister dress. She was fixing her make-up in a small hand held mirror. Debra approached me with a garter belt and began putting it around my waist. She tucked the tabs through my panties and made sure to `casually' brush her hand against my manhood. She gave me a pair of nude stockings to put on, and it wasn't until I had them drawn up my leg I noticed they had seams running up the full length. The seams were twisted and turned every which way. As I bent to my side and backwards to straighten them, I looked up to see a flash in the air. Candy laughed as she said she wanted a picture to remember me by. I taunted her and told her to take all the pictures she wanted, "You will never see a sexier bitch in your life." And I stuck out my tongue, like a spoiled brat. The flashes kept coming. Debra got me a pale blue half slip that almost matched my bra and panties. She held it for me as I stepped into it, and she smoothed it up my freshly shaved, nylon clad legs. As she reached around from the front to pull the slip over my ass, I felt her bra encased tits brush against mine. The feeling was electric. My nipples instantly stood out against the nylon fabric of my bra, and my cock began to stiffen. Debra next brought me a short sleeved white turtleneck and slipped it over my head. As she fastened the small zipper at the back of my neck, I looked down to see two beautiful bulges sticking proudly out in front of me. The tightness of the top made the mounds seem impressively large. I also noticed that this top was monogramed with my initials on the left breast. Something else to draw attention to my breasts. I would have to get over being paranoid about my breasts, after all, every girl had them, and they seemed to adjust. Hell, some of them loved to show off. Melissa brought me a short red denim mini skirt. It was only about 3 inches over my knees, not as short as it could have been. I mentally thanked God for the length of this skirt. As I smoothed it in front of me, I could feel the tabs of my garter belt. Pulling on the red 2 inch heeled pumps, I saw a couple of more flashes. I put my hand behind my neck and struck a sexy pose, "Go ahead Candy, take a picture of the sexiest guy in the barracks." I did feel sexy. I brushed and pulled at my hair, applied my make-up and joined the girls. Candy was dressed in a pair of Calvins and a frilly red blouse. She looked like a cowboy in drag. Debra was also dressed in tight fitting jeans, and a blue silk blouse. We were ready to take on the world.

Grabbing purses, we headed for the door, just in time to be stopped by Sgt. Wilson. She smiled at me, saying "Vicky, how pretty you look". I could only blush. "I see you are ready for your pass. Sandy wanted me to tell you to see him before you left. I think he has some news of your transfer." My heart began to quicken its beat. "Thank you Sgt. Rogers" I said, "Is he in the office?" She smiled at me and told me "Yes". I asked the girls to wait for me, saying I would pick up their weekend passes too.

I rushed off to the orderly room. I could feel my B cup breasts bouncing to the rhythm of my run. They were annoying. I couldn't imagine girls with D cups breasts trying to run - that must really hurt. I walked into the office, and there was Sandy. "Sandy," I said, "What have you heard about my transfer?" He just stood there, blushing and looking at me. Finally he managed to speak, "You look great Vicky, none of the other girls can compare with you. Your legs look great in that short skirt too." It was my turn to blush. "Well, if you really want to know, you will have to pay for the information". "But Sandy, I only have about $30.00 in my purse," I protested. "Vicky" he replied, "I don't want money from you. I was thinking about ... well,,, how about a kiss." Oh, great, another guy with lose lips. But, this would be worth it. I had to know more about my transfer. I closed my eyes, slipped my arms around his neck and waited for him to make his move. I felt his arms go around my waist, one slid up to stop right on my bra clasp, and the other fell to my nylon clad ass. I felt his lips against mine, they slid in the fresh application of lipstick. He pressed against me harder. I felt my breasts crushed by his chest. His pelvis ground tightly against mine. He began to move his lips slightly, and his tongue darted out to flick against my lips, teeth and into my mouth. Damn, this guy knew what he was doing. He held me close for what seemed a few minutes, then finally broke the kiss. I actually felt week in my knees. As he backed away, I could see my lipstick had transferred to his lips. What a sight he was. He grinned at me, and let his hands slowly pick up mine. He looked into my eyes, holding my hands in his and said "Vicky, you are beautiful. I don't care if you really are a guy, I think I could fall for you". Stammering, I replied, "But, Sandy, I'll be gone in a few weeks, and I'll be in the regular Army - we can't have any kind of relationship. I just want to get away from here." Disappointedly, he dropped my hands and picked up a paper off his desk. He read to me off it. "Captain Taylor recommends the reassignment of Private V. E. Riley to the regular Army for duty as a wheeled vehicle mechanic. Advanced training at Aberdeen Proving Grounds should be scheduled upon completion of Basic Training, which is scheduled for 6 weeks from today. This is in conformance with the enlisted persons enlistment guarantees and should be approved ASAP. Signed, by Captain Taylor, Company Commander, and Lt Col. Marshall, Brigade Commander. All I need to do is forward this to the Post Commander for his approval, and you should be set. Is that worth another kiss to you?" God, I thought, are all men sex fiends. Imagine, having to blackmail someone into kissing you. I agreed, and we clinched again. This time he let his hands brush the sides of my breasts as he released me, a move I would have to guard against in the future. Men; always looking to feel this, or grab that. What a bunch of horney little fuckers. At least now Sandy would send my papers up for approval. I picked up the four passes, left Sandy with lipstick smeared all over his mouth, and rushed out to meet the girls. I held the passes up for them to see, and gleefully joined them for the short walk to the bus stop. There were plenty of male recruits here, probably about 20 or so, and everyone was waiting for the bus to town. Melissa hailed a cab, because she didn't want to "ride with a bunch of leering assholes." I agreed, for different reasons. In the taxi, Candy told me to straighten my lipstick, it looked like I had just finished sucking a company of cocks. I quickly removed the compact from my purse and dabbed at my lips, repairing the damage Sandy had done, and blotting the memory from my mind. Debra teased me about Sandy, they must have guessed what went on in the office, so I offered an explanation before their collective imaginations were set loose. "Sandy showed me my transfer papers, they have been approved by the company and brigade commanders. Only the post commander needs to approve it, and I will be reassigned when basic is over." For some reason I expected a little bit of happiness to be expressed over this tidbit of good news,,,, no one but me even seemed interested. After a little silence, I began again, "If any of you get assigned to Wheel Vehicle Mechanics school next, we could be together for a little while longer. Girls can fix cars too you know. Anyone want to try it?" Melissa said "No, Vicky, you just go ahead and leave us, after all we have done for you. Just teasing, you go ahead and do what you have to. We all want you to be happy, right girls?" A resounding "RIGHT" echoed in the car. How nice it is to have friends who care I thought.

We arrived at the motel, checked in and Melissa picked up the keys to our room. Inside the room, we raced through the front and flopped on the beds. They were soft, springy and definitely worth the $15 each it cost us. There was a private bathroom too, what a luxury. And to top it all off, there was a small living room in the front, with a television, couch and chair. We all slipped out of our tops and skirts to rest before the night on the town. At two per bed, Candy and I ended up as a couple and Melissa and Debra were coupled, literally. Damn, those girls didn't wait for anything. Candy turned on the radio, and we cuddled close in our bed. I asked her how I happened to be paired with her, as it all seemed prearranged. "Vicky, you accuse me of treachery. How dare you? Actually, you are right. Melissa and Debra have a little thing going between them, and I definitely have this thing for your `thing'." Saying that, she put her hand into my panties and began to gently tease and play with my cock and balls. "Mmmmm," I replied, "I glad about that. I'd much rather be here with you than with that pervert Sandy in the office. He actually blackmailed me into kissing him, and tried to feel my breasts; on the promise of forwarding my paperwork. What is it y_o_u_ want from me?" The only reply was "THIS." I felt her lips crush mine, and her hand invaded my bra from the top. She extracted my left breast and began to gently tease it with her tongue. She lowered both my bra straps, kissing my chest anywhere she could. I raised my back so she could undo the bra clasp, and she complied with my unspoken request. My nipples hardened in the cool air, and Candy pinched, kissed and fondled them. I returned the favor, by slipping her panties off and moving my hands into position to satisfy her desire. I toyed with her soft curly hair and felt her move her hips forward to trap my hand deeper between her legs. My cock rose quickly, suddenly interested in the proceedings. It stretched upward, demanding attention from Melissa. She continued to play with my breasts. Suddenly I felt something warm and went engulf my cock. Looking down, I could see Debra's head slowly bobbing up and down, with varying lengths of cock in her mouth. Heaven. Slowly, Candy rolled me on my side toward her. Her sex demanding my utmost attention. I dove into my task with both hands. Debra was still giving my cock pleasure when I felt something vibrating at my ass. I jerked suddenly, but Candy soothed me and told me to relax. It was Melissa, with a vibrator, just trying to give me some pleasure. Enjoy it, she said. And enjoy it I did. I felt as if every sensitive part of my body was being attacked. Orgasmic sensations came from my breasts, my cock, and my ass. What a terrific rush. Moaning loudly, I begged them to never stop. Shortly, the end approached. My cock spewed forth its valuable treasure, and I heard Debra muffle a little cough as her mouth filled. Candy pinched both my nipples between her hands, sending pleasure signals to my balls. Melissa quickened her pace at my rear entrance and in one swift movement pushed the pulsing vibrator into my body. And suddenly, it was over. I must have actually passed out. I awoke with the girls applying cold washcloths to my head.

They were very concerned. Melissa spoke first "You scared us Vicky, we didn't know what had happened. Are you all right?" "Yes", I managed to murmur, "I just had the most incredible orgasm of my life. You girls are fantastic love partners. Except of course the part where you almost killed me with pleasure. I'd love to do that again sometime, but right now, I need some rest." Melissa and Debra went to their bed, and Candy snuggled close to me. I slept, a deep contented sleep, heretofore unknown to me.

I awoke lazily. Candy was still next to me. My head was resting on her arm. I scootched a little closer, inhaling the clean scent of her body, mixed with the odor of sex in the room. I heard Debra and Melissa moaning and groaning in their bed, and smiled as I imagined what was going on with them. I heard a small humming, and felt a tingling in my ass, then realizing it was just the vibrator from our grand sexual encounter, I smiled and enjoyed the gentle jiggling that was being carried through to my balls and fell asleep again. .

Candy stirred. She looked at the clock. "Wake up girls", she said, "It's time to get our sexy asses out on the town. Let's go tease some men until they go play with themselves." This brought approval from all of us. The thought of teasing men was exciting in itself, but especially so being in the company of these beautiful women. I got up, went to the bathroom to remove the still tingling vibrator. I washed the messy make-up from my face, and put on my top and skirt. Candy was trying to pry Debra and Melissa apart, they didn't feel like going out. Candy and I managed to finally get them out of bed, and into their clothes. We all helped with make-up and hair then checked each other out. We were definitely a group of hot looking babes. Melissa lifted my skirt and pulled down on my shirt

tail. This made my breasts more pronounced, and deepened the separation between them. Candy took off her necklace and placed it around my neck, "There, that will detract from those little bulges on your chest. Give the boys something else to look at for a little while. Here are some clip on earrings for you too." I wasn't sure I wanted to go through with this, but, at about 9:00, out the door we went.

Since it was early, we decided to visit Denny's for a light snack. We walked in, and were instantly met by glances from every guy in the place. This was going to be fun. Let them all drool, I was reserved for my girlfriend. We sat together, two girls in skirts and two girls in pants. Obviously Melissa and I were the femmes in this group. Candy held my hand under the table, and shot me suggestive glances while snapping my garter straps. My cock was definitely paying attention to this. Debra and Melissa sat like star crossed lovers, I had no idea they were this far gone. They giggled and kissed, and didn't care who was watching. Some night this was going to be. Maybe we would end up in a lesbian bar.

As we left Denny's, Candy blew the waitress a kiss, and I received a pinch on the ass from the waitress in return. I was beginning to think that every girl in the world was bi-sexual, at least. We decided to take a taxi to downtown and walk the streets for a while.

Downtown was a typical run down slum, like all military towns had. I wondered aloud if we were really safe walking around. The girls told me not to worry, and Candy slipped her arm around my waist. It felt strange, and probably looked stranger, but I was certainly happy. We passed several adult book stores, Melissa and Debra even went into one to buy some "toys". Candy and I proceeded further, passing every imaginable unsavory establishment. When we came to a tattoo parlor, Candy pushed me inside. She wanted me to get a tattoo like hers! The guy who ran the place looked like a reject from the all time losers of axe fights. He was about 200 pounds overweight, stunk worse than an animal, and was chewing on a lit cigar. "Come on Vicky, do it for me. I would consider it a personal favor, and be willing to reward you accordingly," Candy purred as she rubbed her small breasts along my arm. I couldn't imagine what more she could do for me, but, I knew I was still a technical virgin, and maybe she would remedy that. Mr. Ugh (I called him), sat me on a table, and Candy SHOWED him what we wanted. She actually dropped her pants and showed the guy her tattoo. Mr. Ugh lifted the hem of my skirt, pulled down my panties and wiped a small area on my hip with an alcohol swab. (I hoped.) He got a design out of a notebook, and traced it on my hip. Candy held my hand, as he got down to work. It hurt. It hurt like hell! But in a short time I had a messy bruise on my thigh, and the monster pronounced the design complete.

Candy paid the man and we walked out to find a taxi. Candy stopped one, and told the man to take us to a bar on the outskirts of town, near our motel. She told me that Debra and Melissa were going to meet us there. Daniel and the Devil' it was called, the owner must have made a deal with the devil to get the place. It was packed with people. Everyone making gyrations on the dance floor seemed oblivious to the sound of the music. The people seated at the tables were obviously in some kind of contest to see who could keep the most glasses on their table. Debra and Melissa were waiting inside at a table, for us. The were yelling and screaming to attract our attention. We joined them at a table just off of the main room. Here, the music was quieter and the couples seemed tamer'.

Candy had to immediately tell them about my tattoo, and I even had to show as much as I could below the table. Melissa thought I was crazy, and Debra thought it was a nice sign of my devotion to Candy. I was beginning to think Melissa was right. My hip was starting to hurt. Candy and I excused ourselves, and went to dance. She held me close, taking the lead as if she was born to it. I relaxed, put my head on her shoulder and moved with her. It was pleasant, her hands migrated to my fanny, and I snuggled closer. After dancing, we returned to our table. Candy persuaded Debra to take Melissa to the dance floor, and we watched them go off, hand in hand.

Candy then took my hand and began to speak to me. "Vicky, I want you to be my steady girlfriend. I talked with Melissa, it's O.K. with her. She thinks we would be good for each other. I'll take care of you during training, and make sure no one picks on you. And I will treat you like the little princess I think you are. What do you say? Will you wear my ring?" She held out a box with an emerald ring in it. It was beautiful. I told her I would be happy to be her steady girl, and I would be proud to wear her ring. With tears in my eyes, I let her slip the ring on my finger. As simple as that, I had my first steady girlfriend, or was I the steady girlfriend,,, whatever,, I was happy about it. We kissed and held each others hand.

Melissa broke our concentration. She said we looked like love sick cows. I showed her and Debra my ring, and with pride in my voice, told them that I was officially Candy's girl. They both congratulated Candy and I, and asked who was going to wear the wedding gown. As I turned red, Candy said "Obviously it will be Vicky, she will enjoy it more than I would. What about you two perverts?" Melissa flashed a ring, just like mine, at me saying "See, tonight is special for me too. Debra gave me a ring too. Must be the night for going steady." There we were, staring into each others eyes, when I heard a male voice say "Vicky, is that you?"

I looked up to see Dennis, from the base mess hall, with 3 of his friends. Shit, talk about bad timing. "Hi Dennis" I said. "You remember Candy, and Debra, and this is Melissa. We are on a weekend pass, just having fun." Dennis introduced his friends, Harley, Steven and Adrian. They dragged over some chairs and sat at our table. I was dying to get rid of them, they were spoiling a romantic evening. Candy got up first, "Actually Dennis, we were just going back to the base. She handed me my purse as I stood up. Dennis asked if he could have one dance before we left, and the rest of the guys looked on hungrily. Debra decided that would be allright, and the other girls paired off as Dennis escorted me to the dance floor. As we approached, the song ended, and the band went on a 20 minute break. Walking back to the table, we found it had been occupied by someone else. So we were left to stand at the bar. Candy promised Dennis we would dance with them, but since the band was on break, we needed to visit the "little girls room". The four of us marched off to tinkle. This was my first trip to a public womens' bathroom. I was a little apprehensive, but since I had passed so well all night, I didn't really worry. Of course, there was a line which we joined and talked. Candy said that it would be good for me to dance with Dennis. Make me feel more feminine. The other girls all agreed. Besides, they thought they could get these guys all hot and bothered, then walk out on them. They liked to tease and annoy guys. I could see they had been hurt bad by some uncaring guy.

After doing my business, I stood in front of the mirror with 5 other girls, each of us fixing our make-up. I felt like I belonged with them. I walked out, and told Melissa I would meet them at the bar with Dennis. Dennis was talking and joking with his friends as I approached. As soon as they saw me, they all stopped and paid attention to me. I got compliments on my legs, my smile, and my sexy fanny. I was beginning to think one of them would be gross enough to say that I had nice tits too'. The other girls joined us, and got the same treatment from their assigned' guy. Shortly, the band returned, and announced they would play a set of slow lovers dances. We girls looked at each other with dread in our eyes, and I could see the guys looking at each other with glee in theirs.

Well, the sooner we started, the sooner we could get it over with. I let Dennis grab my hand and lead me to the dance floor. Everyone else did the same. The band began to play, and Dennis put his hand on my waist and lead me into the dance. "Vicky" he said "You look much prettier in your skirt and turtleneck. It shows off your figure much better. The guys and I were commenting on just how shapely you are while you were in the ladies room." Great I thought, this guys wants to get me in the sack tonight. He continued "I think you are the sexiest girl here, and from the way you kissed me in the mess hall, I think you feel the same about me already." He leaned his head down and nuzzled my neck. I could feel his nose and mouth brush the dangling earrings I was wearing. He nibbled at my ear lobes as he continued speaking. "Vicky, would you like to leave here with me?" "Uh,, No, Dennis, I don't think that would be right. I just met you and I came here with my girlfriends. I should leave with them." He pulled me closer to him. I looked over his shoulder to find Candy. She was dancing right next to us. When she saw me looking at her, she made a sarcastic face, and crossed her eyes. I couldn't help but giggle a little. The feel of my breasts rubbing up and down on Dennis's chest brought me back to reality. "What's so funny?" he asked. "Nothing", I replied, "Nothing at all."

I managed to keep his hands restricted to my waist and my fanny. And when the song was over, we all applauded the band and walked off. The guys insisted on walking us to the door, I think to make sure we were leaving, and even called us a cab. Debra waited until the cab was underway before telling him our destination. We didn't want these guys bothering us tonight. The motel was only 10 minutes away. We suffered the ride in silence, each of us looking into our girlfriends eyes, imagining the delights to come this evening. I paid the driver at the motel, and we walked hand in hand to our room. Inside we embraced, quickly falling on our unmade beds. Candy and I stood up long enough to take off all our clothes, then we bounced back into bed for a night of fun and games. I awoke the next morning sexually satisfied, but still a virgin.

The sun was shinning outside, I could see a hint of it at the edge of the window. Candy was still resting, with her head on my arm. Debra and Melissa were no where to be seen or heard. They must have been out to breakfast or something. If they were doing or something' I would have heard them by now. I tweaked one of Candy's nipples, watching her eyes open to see me. "Hi sweetie" I said, "Have a good nights sleep?" She just moaned, stretched and cuddled up to me. I invited her to shower with me, but she would have no part of it. As I got out of bed, I noticed a big scab on my hip, and remembered what I had done the night before. That would take some explaining in the future. I dashed into the shower, and leisurely washed the night out of my body. I felt better as I stepped from the shower and dried myself off. I put on my underwear from the night before, making a mental note to bring a change of clothes the next time we had one of these sleepovers'.

Somehow my stockings managed to get through the night without runs. As I pulled them up my legs, I felt as though I was born to wear them. I never had feelings like these when I wore my male clothes. Each piece of female attire seemed to evoke some kind of emotion in me. A plethora of feelings flowed, just getting dressed. As I pulled my turtleneck down over my head, Melissa and Debra came in the door. "Good morning Toots", said Melissa, "Or should I call you Tits. Those things are getting bigger every day. Are you filling them every night with hot air? Maybe you should tell Candy that she is supposed to suck on them, not blow." Debra laughed at her girlfriends words, and playfully pinched her rear. They hugged each other like newlyweds. We decided to do a `gang wake up' to get Candy out of bed. At the count of three, we ran into the bedroom and jumped on her bed. We all pulled at the covers, and tried to tickle her. She screamed, threatened, and laughed. Finally, she admitted to being awake and ran to the shower.

It was 12:00, check-out time, as we left the motel. We decided to walk downtown, and see what was going on. We couldn't hold hands, or walk with our arms around each others waist, but, it was nice to be together anyway. I was happy as I noticed the sun glint off my new ring, a token of Candy's love for me. I felt special.

We walked to the downtown mall, and decided to do some shopping. After agreeing to meet at 4:00pm for a movie, we split up with our partners. Candy and I did a little window shopping, stopping to try on a few dresses that she thought would look good on me. She bought me some new panties, and some new stockings. Then we window shopped some more, until we came upon a display of wedding gowns. Candy insisted on going in and taking a closer look. She teasingly made me hold a few gowns up to me, "just to see if I would be a pretty bride." I was dying of embarrassment. Finally a sales girl asked if she could help us. I started to walk away, but Candy insisted I try on a few gowns. She told the salesgirl that I was going to be engaged soon, but it is never too soon to do some gown shopping.

So, I was marched off to a changing room, ushered in with Candy and a gorgeous white gown. Candy helped me remove my top and skirt, then she held the gown while I stepped into it. It seemed like a lot of material for only one dress, but, Candy told me to be quiet and get dressed. She pulled the bodice up, making sure my breasts were in the proper place, and put my arms in the sleeves. As she zipped the back of the gown, I began to feel like a real bride. She fussed with the sleeves, puffing them out, straightening the waist, and fluffing the skirt. She walked me over to a mirror, to let me see the result. I looked like a fairy princess (pun intended). The gown had lace sleeves that joined to a lace low cut bodice. Small parts of my bra could be seen through the lace. It had a low waist, and was tightly fit too show off a womans' obvious figure. I was fascinated. Imagine, having a dress like that to wear, but only being able to wear it one day. What a waste. A flash woke me from my dreaming, there was Candy taking pictures again. I primped while she took another picture. The sales girl noticed the fun, and came over to attach a veil to my hair. Candy took another picture of me, then the camera was out of film. As I put my clothes back on, I couldn't help but think how lucky girls were to have the option to wear such beautiful clothing.

By this time, it was 3:45, Candy and I exited the store to go to the movie. We met Debra and Melissa out front, and Candy told them about my wedding gown experience. They oooo'd and aaaa'd through the details, and I just blushed. Candy told them they would see the pictures soon. We went in to the movie. We sat close, exchanging pinches, pokes and strokes. I can't remember the movie, but I remember Candy reaching up my skirt and providing me with a warm hand to vent my sexual desires. As I reached orgasm, she caught the white gold in her hand and told me to lick it off. I did, and I provided her hand with a good tongue cleaning.

On the taxi ride back to camp, we kissed and cuddled as if we were parting forever. The driver shot us disapproving glances, but I think that just turned Candy on more. We got back to the barracks at about 8:00pm, and got ready for our bedtime shower. Candy and I went first, hand in hand, dressed in nothing more than a towel wrapped tightly about our chest. We each carried our nightgowns and toiletries. No fooling around in the shower this time. I think some of the girls were getting tied of us. We quickly washed each other, dried each other and got dressed. We passed Melissa and Debra on the way out, giving each other a knowing wink. I was really adjusting to becoming a member of this company. Candy set my hair, and tied a hair net around the rollers. We sat on her bunk, playing cards and talking. Eventually we were joined by Debra and Melissa. The four of us had enjoyed our day and a half off, to the limit. Training may continue tomorrow, but it couldn't wipe out the memories of the last days.

We were each in bed before lights out. Resting and reviewing our situations. I know I had a smile on my face, as I thought of what the future would bring, and I was sure the other girls did too.

I dreamed of sunny fields of flowers that night. Gentle rains kissing the earth and helping the seeds grow into flowers. I was one of those seeds, and Candy was my gardener. She watered and cared for me as I began to grow. As I blossomed into a full flowering beauty, she kept caring for me. It was because of her help that I was so beautiful and had grown into the flower I was. I was happy as she gently caressed my petals each day and inhaled my perfumed fragrance. The sun warmed me, the earth fed me, and Candy provided any outside care I needed.

For the first time since I entered basic training, I was awake when Sgt. Wilson entered the barracks to begin her wake up ritual. By the time she got to my bunk, I was sitting up, contemplating the days events. Sgt. Rogers reminded Debra and I (and a few others) that we had to wear our COMPLETE dress uniform every day this week. No problem, by this time I certainly preferred dressing in skirts to fatigues. I took the rollers out of my hair, and brushed it into place. I made sure to wear all my issue undies with my uniform. When I was finally dressed, I helped Debra with her things. She rumbled about having to dress up, obviously preferring to be in more masculine clothing. I decided to harass her and told her she made a cute girl. That drew a stare, but I wasn't done. I fussed with her skirt, making sure her slip didn't show, I styled her hair a little, and put a little make-up on her.

I reported to the Captains office, before joining the girls at breakfast. Captain Taylor told me not to cut the rules, to follow them fully from now on, and I didn't need to report to her each morning. But, I still had to wear my dress uniform all week. Fair enough. I joined the gang at the mess hall.

I didn't eat a big breakfast. No telling what training routines they had planned for us today. I imagined the usual things, rifle range, some indoctrination courses, and, my friend, `Mr. Obstacle Course'. Roll call proved I was correct. A march to the rifle range, a demo on field living and setting up camp, and in the afternoon, yeah, that thing. We were dismissed from roll call, and told to pick up our field packs and rifles and fall back out in 15 minutes. Suddenly, I realized that wearing a dress uniform, a hat, and 2 inch pumps was not going to be fun. The pack was uncomfortable and looked absolutely ridiculous on us. And slinging a rifle also proved a contradiction. Debra and I laughed at the sight of each other. We fell out into formation, and were formed up into columns for marching. At the command "Round Step, March", Debra and I began our complaining. The heels, although not very high were not easy to walk on a dirt road in. Our skirts limited our steps, causing us to hike the hem a little over our knees with one hand. We soon had fallen back from the main part of the company. Sgt. Rogers joined us. "What's the matter ladies, is this a little too much for you?" she asked sarcastically. "No Sergeant" we all replied. "Well then, get your little skirt clad butts back in with the rest of the company. We are not going to slow down for you. Now, double time, back into formation!" We gathered our guts and our stamina and jogged bag into the column. If you think it is easy to hold your skirt over your knees, and with a pack on your back, a rifle over your shoulder, run in two inch heels, think again. It is a bitch!

By the time we arrived at the rifle range, we were completely worn out. My ankles ached, and the additional weight of a pack on my back while wearing high heels brought new pains to my lower back. Damn, if I every wanted to torture a prisoner of war, I knew how I would do it. I located Janis, she was to be my training partner all day, and got into position on the firing line. We stripped off our packs and Janis went first, I knelt off to the side as the command came to "Lock and load one round". She went through the various firing positions, standing, kneeling, sitting and prone. She fired away while I refilled her magazines. I spotted for her and reported as best I could on her accuracy. Then came my turn. I empties a magazine at moving targets in the standing position, but from there on, it got difficult. The kneeling position required me to hike my skirt almost up to my waist. Putting one knee on the rock strewn ground took its toll on my pantyhose too. I fired off a magazine in that position. The sitting position required more exposing myself. We were to sit with our knees up in the air and rest our rifle and hand on our front most knee. Sgt. Rogers came over, and looking down at me said "Nice to see you are wearing the required items to complete your uniform Riley. Too bad the world has a good view up your skirt, be sure to hid your little pouch though, these rifle range instructors probably wouldn't like to know your secret." There wasn't much I could do. I hurriedly squeezed off the twenty rounds in the magazine, and got into the prone position. This was less revealing, and as I finished the last magazine, I felt Janis' hand on my back. "O.K. Vicky, time to clear your weapon and let someone else up here." I did as instructed, making sure to lock the bolt back in the open position, then walked away from the firing line.

What a mess. My pantyhose were torn, my skirt was filthy, and my shinny heels were scuffed terribly. Janis and I talked about work, actually training, until we were joined by Debra. She was almost in the same predicament I was. Her skirt was torn, the side seam let loose, both knees on her pantyhose were torn, and her shoes were a mess. It is true, misery loves company, I was grateful to have her near. We talked, grousing most of the time until Sgt. Wilson ordered us to fall in for another march. We loaded up our packs, shouldered our rifles and marched off to the bivouac demonstration area. At least here we all sat in bleachers and listened to the instructors. They demonstrated field set-up techniques for tents, making a latrine, digging foxholes and more. At the end of the demo, we had to do the same tasks. My team was assigned to digging foxholes. We took our folding shovels from our packs and got on our knees to dig. Damn, the girls in fatigues got to strip off their shirts, wearing just t-shirts. The few of us in dress uniforms had to suffer this one out. Actually, two of the male instructors told us we could take our blouse tops off, but none of us was willing to suffer their stares. I certainly wasn't going to be digging a foxhole wearing just a bra and skirt. I completely ruined what was left of my panty hose, and not wanting to be out of uniform, I didn't dare take the shreds off. I had to work with my skirt up as close to my waist as I could, it proved impossible to dig a hole while wearing a skirt down to my knees. Shit, I wasn't going to enjoy this skirt thing as much as I thought. Maybe a skirt was nice around the house for a wife, it certainly didn't fit into the Army for field application.

Thankfully lunch broke the digging routine. We got our mess kits from our packs, and I joined Candy in the bleachers. "Yuck!" She said as I approached, "You look like you've been playing in a sand box all day. Your uniform is a mess. My poor rag-a-muffin baby, let daddy give you a hug." I sat next to her and gratefully accepted the attention she gave me. Debra and Melissa join us. Debra was a real mess. She was assigned to putting up tents. Her hair was a mess, and her uniform looked like she slept in it for a month. She was one upset lady. Every other word she said was unprintable. After lunch we went back to our assignments as the instructors passed through giving hints and help. We survived, but next we marched off to the obstacle course.

This was not going to be good. Janis and I were first as usual. Debra sat off to the side, she had run the course in less than 5 minutes before and didn't have to do it at all. Sgt. Wilson told me that I had to finish wearing my complete uniform, shoes, hat , everything,, so I had to keep track of all of it. I pushed my hat further down on my head, gathered my courage and concentrated on the course. At the whistle, Janis streaked out in front of me. While the pumps weren't really difficult to run it, they made for unsure footing on the rough surface of the course. A couple of time I twisted my foot, but finally I arrived at the wall,, in time to see Janis drop over the top. Damn, I jumped as high as I could, grabbing the rope, and planting my feet against the wall to walk up. The soles of my pumps were slippery and I couldn't get much traction. My feet frantically flailed at the wall, and eventually I made it to the top. I looked over to see Janis had cleared the concrete tubes and tires and was moving up the hill to the rope ladder. Well, I wasn't going to be close this time, but I steeled my nerve and made an attempt. I was sure the other girls in dress uniforms would have the same problem. I dropped to the ground, landing sideways on one foot, damn, my ankle twisted in pain. I hobbled through the rest of the course. By the time I reached the barbed wire, I noticed a complete silence, no one was yelling and cheering. I dropped to my stomach, and began to get myself through the dirt and mud. I managed to snag the seat of my skirt on the wire a couple of times, but pulled free. I rolled on my back, and exited that maze as fast as I could. I sloshed through the water trench, the mud hole, over the parallel bars, and onto the monkey bars. I finished, completely out of breath. My ankles ached, my body gasped for air, I collapsed on the ground. I heard Sgt. Rogers tell me my time,,, 10 minutes plus - the stop watch didn't go that high. Ugh! All that effort wasted. But I did prove that I would finish a task without backing away. Janis and Debra came over to help me. I must have looked as bad as I felt. I pushed my wet stringy hair away from my face, feeling the caked mud in my fingers. I wiped some mud from my cheeks, but felt more smear from my hands. I check my uniform, it was completely ruined. As I smoothed my hands over my butt, I felt the tears in my skirt that were inflicted by the barbed wire. My shoes were full of mud. In general, I was not a "happy camper". Janis told me that she ran the course in just over 7 minutes. I was happy for her, but felt absolutely miserable. On the march back to camp, I noticed that Debra and the girls who wore dress uniforms were in much the same condition I was. They all ended up running the course, regardless of their last time. It was intended as part of the punishment. We fell behind on the march, but no one bothered to wait for us. We grumbled, and groaned but decided that we learned a valuable lesson, inspection next week would be different. We would pass at all costs.

The barracks was a welcome sight. As we trudged in, I saw Melissa and Candy coming out of the latrine in their nightgowns. They had cleaned up and were ready to relax. Debra and I grabbed our things and went to the latrine. We removed our clothes, tossing them in the trash - they couldn't be worn again. I noticed that my slip and panties were torn, and Debra pointed out that I had a couple of deep scratches on my fanny. I knew that meant I would have to get a tetanus shot, but for now, I wanted only to clean up. We showered, and dried ourselves, then joined the rest of the girls in the barracks. They were settled, writing letters to home and taking it easy. If I had only worn a slip during inspection, I knew I would have saved myself a lot of grief. No more shortcuts for this girl. Wait, I'm not even a girl. What was I thinking. Tomorrow was going to be duty assignments on the base. I could relax a little. I wrote a short note to my parents, and gave it to Melissa to mail for me.

I closed my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep. No dreams tonight. Much too tired. I could barely listen to as Sgt. Wilson announced lights out. Tomorrow had to be better.


Your Slip is Showing, Soldier

Chapter 6

By: Victoria Elaine Riley

We rolled out of bed, complaining about the day before. I dressed in my only dress uniform. Debra did the same. We plodded around, like automatons. After breakfast, and roll call, we did some aerobic exercises. The routine that signaled a day of job assignments. Remembering the scratches, I thought about a tetanus shot and dropped out for sick call, riding the bus to the hospital. Lt. Reed was obliging, as she asked me to disrobe for a `mini' exam. She carefully examined my breasts, noting the increasing size and instructing me on how to check them for lumps, she check my heart beat, and reflexes. Upon seeing the large scab on my hip, she asked what happened. I explained the tattoo, and she had a laugh. She cleaned it with some alcohol, and part of the design showed. Not too bad. She had me bend over as she cleaned the cuts from the barbed wire, and then gave me a shot in the arm. After some small talk, Lt., Reed told me to get dressed, there didn't appear to be any problems. She gave me some pills to take every day, telling me they were supplements to the hormone shots I had taken. "Just enough to make things comfortable for you" she said.

I left the hospital with a spring in my step. I reported back to Sgt. Rogers for the days assignment. "Since you think the hospital is such a nice place to spend time, why don't you go back there, Lt. Reed wanted some help for the the volunteer candy strippers. Maybe she will let you join them. Captain Taylor told me that you can change back into fatigues now, seems she thinks yesterday was enough punishment for you. So, go to it. I'll give you 15 minutes to change, then get your cute little fanny over to the hospital again. Maybe Lt. Reed can make those boobs of yours a little bigger while you are there." Embarrassed, I left her office and went to change in the barracks. I put on my green fatigues, combat boots, and cap. I walked happily to the bus stop. This was going to be a great day.

The bus driver recognized me from the morning trip. I ended up talking with him and explaining why I was going back and forth. He seemed nice enough, but obviously more interested in me than I was in him. As I left his bus, he told me to look for bus #15 and flag him down ANYTIME I needed a lift. Great, a bus driver, I wondered why the Ralph Kramden types liked me.

I reported in at Lt. Reeds' office. She had the typical magazines of a waiting room to read. Eventually she came out and asked what was wrong. "Nothing Lt. Reed," I replied, "Sgt. Rogers told me to report to you for duty today. Something about volunteer candy strippers needing help." Lt. Reed replied "Oh, yes, I do need some help, but candy strippers are just 16 and 17 year old girls who come in after school. Since you are here all day, maybe we should give you another classification. Or would you mind wearing a candy stripper uniform?" I stammered "Uh, I,,, uh really,,, don't mind wearing a uniform, I'm getting kind of used to them by now." Lt. Reed said "O.K. Vicky, maybe some day you can wear a real nurses uniform like mine and help people who are sick. For today, you can help the nurses on the maternity floor. Seems like there is an epidemic of military wives having babies lately." She handed me a box "Your uniform is in here, I got it last week. Sgt. Rogers mentioned she might be sending you over here, she wanted you to have some easy duty for a while. Go change in my office and let me know when you are ready."

I went into her office and opened the box. There was a beautiful candy stripped jumper, a full slip, white pantyhose, white shoes, and a white oxford shirt. I picked up the jumper and noticed a name tag on the breast, it said `Victoria Riley, Volunteer'. I guess she did know I would be showing up eventually. I took off my fatigues, and put on the slip, enjoying the feel of the cool material on my body. Next I tugged on the pantyhose and shoes. The shoes fit comfortably, and were the right size. I put on the white shirt, and then dropped the jumper over my head. It was beautiful. I looked like a perfect 16 year old girl. I fixed my hair in two pony tails to add to the appearance. I folded my fatigues and put them and my boots into uniform box. As I was doing that, Lt. Reed came in. She stopped at the door, just staring at me. "Vicky, you look delicious, I know what Sgt. Rogers sees in you now. You're a sexy little lady." Blushing at her inference of Sgt. Rogers crush on me, I just stood there. Taking a purse from under her desk, she gave me some cosmetics and pointed me to her office bathroom so I could pretty myself a little. I applied a little lipstick, some eye liner and mascara. Perfect, I liked the pretty girl who stared back at me from the mirror.

Lt. Reed wrote me a note and told me to go to the 8th floor, East wing and see Lt. Thompson. I was to be personally assigned to her for the day. I left Lt. Reeds' office, and walked to the elevator carrying my clothes in the box. I drew many stares from guys in the halls, and some unnerving glances from some of the women.

I approached the nurses desk on the 8th floor. There were rooms on both sides of the hallway, all with women in them. I asked for Lt. Thompson, and was told to wait, she was with a patient right now. The ward was divided into two wings that I could see, one each to the right and left of the nurses station. I decided to wander the halls and check out my new work area. Most of the patients were still eating breakfast, there were servers in and out of rooms, delivering and picking up trays. Doctors were making their rounds. I walked quickly down the right side and back, then down the left side. There must have been about 12 patients in each wing. As I returned, I saw the nursery. It was directly behind the station, having a picture window at either side for viewing the babies. The nurses in there were all wearing masks and rushing around feeding and changing their patients. It looked to be a busy place. Back at the station, I found a chair and sat to wait for Lt. Thompson. A nice looking brunette nurse approached the desk. She had her long hair tied in a pony tail, and wore a beautiful uniform of pink scrubs decorated with small red flowers. I could see her name tag, Lt. Nancy Thompson. I rose and introduced myself to her. I explained that Lt. Reed sent me, and handed her the note. She looked me over closely, and opened the note. It took her a minute to scan the note, then she looked up at me. "So, your the guy who wants to be a WAC," she said. I was shocked by her bluntness, I couldn't imagine why Lt. Reed had told her about me. "Don't worry sweetie," she said "I won't tell anyone about you. Carole had to tell me about you, I'm the one supplying you with birth control pills. We have them by the box here, so anytime you are hungry, just grab a handful. Follow me, we are going to the break room so I can orient you on your job."

We entered a room behind the nursery. The nameplate on the door said - NURSES ONLY. Inside were a couple of tables, a microwave, a fridge and some lockers. Lt. Thompson told me to sit at a table, then sat down opposite me. "O.K. Vicky, I don't care if you want to be a WAC. Hopefully you can be of some help up here. We are always short handed, so there will be plenty to do. Your job will be to do whatever the rest of tell you to. Does that sound difficult?" "But,, what exactly will that be, Lt. Thompson?" I managed to utter. "Well, since you will be here only on Tuesdays and Thursday for the next few weeks, we have set aside some easy things. Changing sheets, cleaning bed pans, helping feed and change the babies. Have you had any experience with babies?" "No Ma'am" I replied. "You will be O.K., we can show you everything you need to know." Just then the door opened and in walked another nurse. Lt. Thompson called her over, "Sharon, come meet our new duty candy stripper. His name is Vicky." Oh, no, she let it slip that I was not a girl. Sharon came over with her hand extended, "Hi Vicky, I heard we were getting a new male helper around here, but I had no idea how pretty he would be. This is a special treat. Nancy tells me she has been supplying hormones to develop your breasts, they seem to be working well. Unless of course that's all padding in there." Without even thinking, I threw myself into the conversation "No, there's no padding in here, it's all me." As soon as I said it, I realized what I had done. I turned red from my head to my toes. Nancy and Sharon just laughed. "He's a little sensitive about his bustline isn't he" said Sharon. Lt. Thompson told Sharon to let up on me, it was my first day.

"If you need any help, find Sharon or myself, no one else knows about your situation. You will call us both Lieutenant, no familiarity during work. Hopefully you will find this an enlightening and rewarding experience. Carole said you will be leaving in six weeks, so we will bear that in mind. Put your clothes in a locker and, you can start by following me on my morning rounds." We left Sharon in the break room, and proceeded down the right hallway. The first room, #802, had two obviously pregnant women in it. Lt. Thompson gave them both a cheery `Good Morning' and asked how they were doing. No complaints, one of them wanted some ice water, and I was dispatched on my first errand. I took the womans' pitcher with me, back to the break room. Sharon was still there. "Excuse me Lieutenant, where can I get some ice water." I said. Sharon turned and just stared at me. "Are you really a boy under that cute little dress?" she said. "Yes Lieutenant" was all I could reply. "The patient kitchen area has an ice machine and sink in it. It is located in the small room by the elevator. There is also a fridge there with soda and orange juice, and that is where we store some of the food that patients don't want during regular meal times." said Lt. Stafford, "Let me know if you don't find what you want, sweetie."

I walked out and located the kitchen area. I filled the pitcher, with water and ice, and walked back to 802. Lt. Thompson was still there, taking blood pressures, and temperatures. I poured a glass of water for the woman, set the pitcher down, and asked if there was anything else I could do. Lt. Thompson told me to check each room on both wings, so off I went. There was only one woman in room 804, she was just finishing breast feeding her baby. I blushed a little as I walked in, but she urged me on, "Come in honey, a girl shouldn't be embarrassed by seeing a woman feeding her baby. If you are going to work here, you had better get used to it." I walked to her bed and asked if there was anything I could do to make her more comfortable. She wanted her pillow fluffed, some ice water, and a blanket for her feet. Easy enough, she leaned forward while I fluffed her pillows. I got her a fresh pitcher of water, and found a blanket in her clothes closet for her feet. On to the next room. And so on, and so on. This wing had all even numbered rooms, the other must have the odd numbers. No outrageous requests, I did have to find Lt. Thompson once though, one woman wanted some medicine. After clearing the newspapers out of room 824, I went to the other wing. I started in room 801, and did the same, water, magazines, little things really. But, in room 817, the woman wanted me to help her with her bedpan. I instantly froze. "Just hand it to me honey" she said. I did as instructed, and pulled the curtain to give her some privacy. I tended to her room mate, then went back to clean up. The smell was a little distracting, and I couldn't bring myself to look at the mess. I covered it with a towel and went to the bathroom to clean up the pan. Ugh, how could a nurse go through 4 years of college and end up doing this kind of work?

I finished in that room, and continued my rounds. More small requests, nothing major. I liked the feeling of being able to help people who needed it. I reported to Lt. Stafford that I had finished my rounds, and she told me to wait for her in the nursery. I walked in, donning a mask that was given me by another nurse, and was led to a sink where I was told to wash my hands. Damn, not taking any chances here. Lt. Stafford soon joined me. "Have you ever held a baby Vicky? Not a doll, I'm sure you have held a lot of them, but a real live kicking baby." "No," I replied "I've never even been this close to a baby." Lt. Stafford told me to relax, and watch her closely. She showed me how to pick up a baby, holding the back of its' head, and its' fanny. She showed me how to cradle the little ones below my breasts, and how to hold them while feeding them. I was beginning to feel like a mother myself. When the instruction was done, Lt. Stafford and Lt. Thompson took me down to the cafeteria for lunch. Lunch in the cafeteria was a little better than I was used to. I didn't really feel hungry, as a matter of fact, I was really happy with my job and didn't want to stop. I picked at my lunch, talking most of the 45 minutes. Nancy and Sharon wanted to talk about my enlistment, so I told them the "short" version. They were both intrigued, and had me elaborate on my feelings at certain times. I told them that I was beginning to feel comfortable just now, and I would be glad when basic training was over. They both volunteered their services in case I needed any help, and I thanked them. It seemed like the whole world of women wanted to `help' me become one of them.

Back up in the ward, I made my rounds, adjusting beds, doing my Gunga Din imitation, and cleaning a little. An hour of that, and I was back in the nursery. I washed my hands, donned my mask and began feeding and changing babies. I was enthralled with the babies. Their small hands and fingers clutching at my covered breasts made me wish I could bare my breasts and feed them. Somewhere deep inside me, feminine instincts were surfacing. All this holding and hugging and care giving put me at ease. Maybe nursing is what I should do for the rest of my life, I thought. I could certainly be a male nurse.

I feed and burped about 4 babies when Lt. Stafford came over. She told me that it was visiting time, and some of the families would be asking me to hold up the babies for them to see. She showed me how to cradle them and where to stand at the window to give them the best view. That proved to be easy enough. The families would come and look at all the babies, there were note cards on their side of the window, and they would hold the name of the baby they wanted to see, and I would oblige them. The fathers all beamed with pride, the mothers looked tired, and the accompanying children all had a look of fascination. The miracle of birth - certainly a good thing to devote ones life to. At 4:00pm, Nancy and Sharon stopped in and told me to come with them to the break room. I told them I didn't want to, but they insisted I get out of the nursery for a little while at least. I agreed to visit the rooms for one last time that day and see if I could help any of the mothers.

Some of them had been down to the nursery with their family to see their babies. They thanked me for showing the babies. The husbands and children were all wide eyed with fascination and interest. It was a wonderful feeling, helping these people and being thanked profusely. In room 821, I found only a father. He told me his wife was at the nurses station for a little while, but he wanted to talk to me. He was wearing the uniform of a 1st Sergeant, his name tag read `Chapin'. I felt uncomfortable being there alone with him, but, as I cleaned and straightened the room, he talked with me. I was commenting on his good fortune in being a new father, straightening the sheets on the bed, when I felt him standing close behind me. I stood and turned, directly into his arms. He quickly pressed his body against mine, drawing my face to his with one hand. I felt his tongue pressing at my closed mouth, and gasped for air. "Stop" I murmured, "Your wife will be here shortly". "Vicky, you are a cute young lady." He said, "I'll bet you would like to make it with a proven stud like me." I was crazy with confusion. This man obviously intended to have sex with me, no matter where his wife was. "Think of your wife and new baby" I said. Nothing would slow him down. He renewed the pressure of his hand on the back of my head and closed his mouth over my lips. As I opened my mouth to breath, his tongue pushed in.

His was demanding. His eyes intense, burning with lust. He pushed his body closer to mine, and as I tried to back away, I fell to the bed. His weight was crushing me. I heard the bathroom door open, and looked around his to see his wife standing there smiling. He lied, I thought to myself, I wonder what I am in for. He broke his kiss, and I breathed quickly. "Your wife", I said, "Your wife is here." He didn't slow a bit. His hands caressed my body, lifting my skirt. I felt hands at my breasts too. This was crazy, he couldn't be doing all this. I looked down to see both his hands on my breasts, and his wifes' hands smoothly caressing my thighs. I knew I was in trouble now.

I heard her voice "Relax Vicky, I know what is going on. I'm too sore to have sex with Vince, so I suggested he try one of you cute nurses. We won't hurt you, Vince just needs to have his needs taken care of." My mind raced, "But, Mrs. Chapin, I can't have sex with your husband, it's not right". "Relax honey," said Vince, "enjoy this." Mrs. Chapin massaged me further, "If you scream, I'll swear I caught you and Vince going at it in here, I'll swear I saw you start to get fresh with him first, and he will agree with it. I'll tell everyone you seduced my husband." Her hands moved to caress my hips.

What was I going to do? I tried to escape, but Vince was too heavy. His wife was massaging my belly now, and my cock was beginning to get hard. Soon she would learn my secret. Vince was pushing my dress over my head and unbuttoning my blouse. His lips still sought mine, his teeth biting, and his mouth sucking. His wifes' hands removed my panties and I could feel my cock spring into the air. "I heard a gasp from her, then felt her hands massage my cock and free my balls from their confinement. "Vince" she said, "Our little friend has a secret she didn't tell us about." I braced myself, I knew that this maniac on top of me was not going to be happy. I waited for the certain fist that would slam into my face. His wife continued "She is raggin' it today, your going to have to fuck her face." Vince let out a moan, "Oh honey, I could do that with you, let me fuck her anyway." My eyes pleaded with him, I hoped his wife would get him to listen. Her hands were making me horney, and I too needed `to get my needs met', and soon.

I felt his weight lift, and as he straddled me, he slid his pants down. He moved closer to my face, and I brought my hands up to rest on his hips. I gently tried to hold him back, I thought maybe I could do exactly as his was wife was doing for me. I massaged his hips as he rocked back and forth on my chest. His weight on my breasts was painful, I pulled him forward off them. He took this as a signal that I wanted him. I felt the tip of his cock against my face, he brushed it on each of my cheeks. I reached up to grab him, and began to pump for all I was worth. I felt his wifes' hot breath on my cock, and soon felt the coolness of her mouth engulf me. I swooned, another signal to Vince. He quickened his pace. He was stabbing at my lips now, I couldn't hold his back, I slowly opened my lips and accepted the purple flower of manhood into me. As he thrust forward, some of his weight lifted from my chest. I tried to breath, but, there is only so much air you can get into your nose. I decided to get this over with. I followed his wifes' lead. As she nibbled at me, I returned the favor to Vince. Her head bobbed up and down, and Vince bucked back and forth. Suddenly, this was what I wanted. It was indeed true, `A hard dick has no brain'. Forgetting everything, I immersed myself in this sexual heaven.

I felt Vince's cock begin to shudder. As I felt his balls bump against my chin, he moaned louder, and so did I. His wife was an experienced cocksucker. I came in what could only be described as `in buckets'. I felt my muscles pull, all the way round to my prostrate, a deep hunt for all the sperm available. Vince was still moaning and groaning on top of me. Faster and faster, he moved into my mouth. Finally, I felt his sperm hit the back of my throat. I swallowed all I could, but, still coughed and dribbled some down my chin. As I licked and cleaned him, I felt a second, unexpected shot hit the back of my throat,,, this guy was loaded for bear.

His wife replaced my panties, and pulled my slip down. She came up to the head of the bed in time to see Vince shoot his second load into me. She smiled and caressed my checks while Vince was still inside me. I felt her rub the escaped come into my flesh. What an experience. Vince slowly pulled himself from my caressing mouth. I didn't want to let him go, and was amazed at the `pop' as he finally pulled free. He quickly got off me, and pulled up his pants, as his wife helped me get dressed.

She slowly massaged my breasts as she helped my to button my blouse. I felt her hands trace the outline of my body as she slowly dropped my dress into place. She pulled me close and pressed her lips to mine. I could taste my come on her lips. This was a crazy world. She knew I was a guy, and she didn't tell her husband. Now, here she was, kissing me as if she were kissing her lover. I relaxed and enjoyed the attention. "Break it up, you two lezzies", her husbands voice commanded from the doorway. "Get your asses settled down, here comes another nurse". We separated, and I ran my finger thru my hair to straighten it. Mrs. Chapin (whatever her name was) patted my clothes into position, and got into bed, as I rushed to the bathroom.

Lt. Thompson entered the room as I exited the bathroom, carrying a bedpan. She looked around, sensing that something was not right, but her visual inspection revealed nothing. "Vicky," she said, "it is time for you to go home. When you come back on Thursday, I want to see you before the shift." "Yes Ma'am" I replied. I quickly set the bedpan down, and left the room with the lieutenant.

As we walked down the hall, I felt Lt. Thompson's eyes on me. She knew something was wrong, and I was quickly thinking of what to say. We walked directly to the Nurses Lounge. As soon as we entered, Lt. Thompson stopped me. "All right, young lady, what happened down there?" I told her that Sgt. Chapin made a pass at me, and was caught kissing me by his wife. I hoped she would accept that, and think that was why I was so flustered. It worked. "Vicky, you are going to have to watch yourself around these fathers. Most of them would have sex with you if they could. Don't let your guard down for a minute." I thanked her, told her I would watch myself in the future, and breathed a sigh of relief.

I removed my things from my locker, but decided not to change. Nancy, Sharon and I left the hospital together. They car pooled to work, so they dropped me off at my barracks. I thanked them for the ride and exited to find Candy waiting at the door.

She smiled brightly as she saw me in my candy strippers uniform. And rushed to greet me. "Vicky, you look great! No doubt about what your detail was. Keep your uniform on during supper, for me, please?" I agreed, and Candy took me by the hand into the barracks. She stood back holding my hands and looked me over. "Turn around, let me see all of you" she said. I did a little turn, and as I faced her, I felt her lips close on mine and her tongue invade my mouth. She kissed me deeply, and suddenly broke away. "Vicky, you taste like you have been giving blow jobs to the entire Army. What have you been doing?" I just stood there, tears welled up in my eyes, and I blurted out the story. I told her every last detail, and collapsed into her arms at the end. "Poor baby" she said, "That awful Sergeant Chapin had no right to sexually abuse you." I sobbed gently as she hugged me. Her hands caressed my back and soothed me. Candy was a good friend. I needed her strength during this time of trial.

At 6:00 we walked over to the mess hall and sat to eat supper. Suddenly I was hungry. We moved thru the line, and I loaded my tray. Candy giggled and quietly teased me saying "Does giving blow jobs always effect you this way?" We sat at our usual table, Melissa wasn't back yet, hoping to enjoy a leisurely supper. Cindy and Janine spotted us and stopped to eat. Janine sat right next to me and started teasing me, "Oh Vicky, I just love your cute uniform. How can you work all day in it? You are so darling,,, if you want to come over and play nurse with us, just let me know. I'd let you give me a physical any time." Cindy joined her "I'd like to give YOU a physical Vicky. Your boobs look bigger and sexier every day. I bet Candy is jealous."

Candy just smiled and said "I'm not jealous, Vicky lets me examine her boobs any time I want. Both of us don't need big boobs anyway." We ate and chided each other for half an hour. Walking back to the barracks, I took closer notice of the fact that I was the only one wearing any kind of skirt. All the other girls had on fatigue pants. My pink and white striped uniform looked very out of place. I mentioned it to Candy, but she ignored me. Entering the barracks, I saw Sandy, the company clerk. He was looking for me. "Vicky, I've been looking for you, Captain Taylor wants to see you, right now. She is waiting to see you before she goes home." "O.K." I replied, "just let me change". "No," said Sandy "come as you are, you look fine. The Captain is in a hurry to get out of here." Hoping that there was some news of my transfer, I shrugged my shoulders, said "Bye" to Candy and walked with Sandy back to the orderly room.

I entered the orderly room, and Sandy told me to have a seat. He went to inform the Captain that I was here. I smoothed my skirts under me and sat at his desk. He had papers scattered everywhere. Nothing seemed to be in order. I read a few of the papers, nothing interesting. Morning reports, readiness reports, and assignments. WAIT - - ASSIGNMENTS! That could be interesting. Sandy must know where everyone is going to be assigned when they leave here. As I reached for the paper, Sandy came out of the Captains office. "Vicky, you can go in now. Captain Taylor is ready." he said. As I walked past him, he patted me gently on the fanny and told me I looked cute in my uniform. As I walked into the captains office, my face was blushing an intense shade of red as I saluted the Captain. She told me to take a seat, and when I looked to my right, there sat my mother and my sister!

My mom look at me in disbelief. My sister just stared. I froze, not knowing what to do. Captain Taylors voice brought me back to reality. "Private Riley, your mother and sister are here because they are concerned about you. They saw your picture in the home town paper and became concerned." "But, how,, I mean,,,,, why,," I stammered, "Lieutenant Reed told me she would keep my picture out of the papers, I don't understand." My mother took a paper out of her purse and handed it to me. "Is this you?" she asked. There was my picture, it listed me as Victoria Riley, but gave a fictitious address and city. My mom continued "Your sister noticed it, she said it looked a lot like you. I can see now that it does. Why did you do this? What is wrong with you?" I couldn't speak. My sister spoke "I didn't realize you were this bad. I told mom about you borrowing my underwear, but she just said to forget it. How did you get away with joining the womens army, you couldn't pass the physical,, could you?" I was still at a loss for words. Captain Taylor came to my rescue and told them of my problems at enlistment, and explained that I volunteered to stay here until after basic training when I could be reassigned to the regular army. I sat there, stunned as my life of the past few weeks was opened before me. I was thankful Captain Taylor didn't go into detail about taking hormones and such.

Finally, Captain Taylor turned to me. "Private Riley, tell your mother not to be concerned, that you want to be here and that you will write to her each week. You are lucky to have a mother who cares about you, now, you have to be honest with her and trust that she will love you." My mother continued the conversation, "Yes, I will always love you. I was concerned when I didn't hear from you. The picture gave me a flicker of hope, and I had to make sure. I will love you, no matter what, and if you have to dress like a girl for a few weeks, that is O.K.." My sister added her two cents worth, "Vicky, is a better name for the person you have become. We could never desert you, you should have called right away." I stood and rushed to hug my mother, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. My sister joined us, and I could feel her examining and feeling my breasts as we hugged. She looked at me and winked, as she pinched my nipple in my bra. She knew - she knew something different was happening to me. I knew now that I was loved, and whatever I decided, my family would stand by me. We left the captains office, each of us holding the others waist. I walked them to their car before saying my good byes. I kissed my mothers cheek, and she told me to take care of myself. She told me to call her and let her know how I was doing once in a while. My sister was next. She hugged me, and wouldn't let go while she whispered into my ear. "I know you have done something to your boobs, and I love it. I'm going to enjoy having a sister for the rest of my life." I told her it was temporary, but she didn't listen. She sat in the car, and I closed her door. As I waved to them, Candy came over and held me.

I needed someone at that moment. I no longer felt that I had to hide, and I had a lot of support to help me finish basic training. My family connection was back, I did wonder about my father though. Why hadn't he come to visit. Probably, he was ashamed of me. I would have to make it up to him. Candy walked me back to the barracks, and helped me out of my uniform. I showered and shaved my body, putting on a long nightgown to join everyone in the barracks. Melissa and Debra had returned from their assignment, and they were upset. They were sent to the mess hall, and this time they stayed through supper. Dennis asked about me. They told him that I went on sick call, and that was all they knew. Hopefully that would end it. Tomorrow was a training day, that meant the obstacle course and some other `fun' project. I fell asleep that night while the other girls talked around me.

The weeks passed quickly. I worked at the hospital every Tuesday and Thursday, the rest of the time was reserved for training. Janis and I worked our obstacle course times down to just over 5 minutes as we entered the last week of training.

THE LAST WEEK. Those words sounded so sweet. Soon, the dream would end, and reality would set in. It was Tuesday morning of the last week when I finally realized how soon it would end. Sgt. Wilson had lost her ability to wake us by banging on the bunks. Somewhere in the last week, someone' stole her nightstick and returned it, cut it into little pieces. Someone' else had tried putting rubber pipe insulation covers over the bunk rails, but, that just slowed her down. Slicing the nightstick and leaving a `Vegamatic' with the pieces was my brilliant idea. No one, except Candy, Melissa and Debra knew it was my idea though.

As we walked to breakfast, me in my now familiar candy strippers uniform, we felt like we owned the place. New recruits had come in the week before, to the company next door, and we constantly lorded it over them. They were still scared and didn't dare step out of line. Breakfast was more leisurely now, the harassment slowing to almost a standstill. We enjoyed seeing the new recruits rushing around, trying to get ready for formation. We casually left the mess hall and got into formation for aerobics. Even exercising was easier now. I put a pair of sweat pants on under my uniform, not wanting to flash my underwear to the entire world. After aerobics, we parted for our regular assignments. I walked to the bus stop, and rode to the hospital. Lt. Thompson was already on the job at 8:00 when I arrived. I joined in, and knowing what was required, I slipped right to my duties.

Lt. Stafford came in shortly after me, and called me into the lounge. I joined her over a cup of hot coffee. "Vicky, you will only be here one more day, basic training is over," she began. "You have helped us tremendously, and both Nancy and I wanted to thank you." At that very instant, in walked Lt. Thompson, carrying a small cake and a gift wrapped box. I was soon in tears. We had built a sisterly relationship in those six weeks. Each of us knew secrets of the other, and we occasionally gossiped about other nurses. Nancy cut the cake, and they wished me happiness in my new pursuits. She told me that I would make a very good nurse, and should consider going to school. Sharon agreed, saying that at first they thought I would just be getting in the way, but gladly, that had changed. I was touched by their gesture of friendship. We ate the chocolate cake, and drank our coffee, the end of a relationship drawing us closer. Nancy handed me the gift wrapped box telling me it was a present for my weeks of help from both of them. I gratefully accepted the box, thanking the girls sincerely. Opening it, I was surprised to find, a new white nurses uniform. It was a very nice front zippered, short sleeved shift dress, under which I found a new full slip and a new white bra and panty set. Nancy told me that they both thought I should be prepared in case I decided to become a nurse. I hugged and kissed them both, thrilled that they thought enough of me to go to this effort.

Sharon told me to get started on my rounds, and then left to do hers. I rinsed my coffee cup out and walked onto the ward with Sharon. More bed pans, more water, and more sheet changing. Then it was back to the nursery for changing and burping the little ones. A full day of work, culminating in holding the babies for viewing. It was mechanical now, I saw a card and found the baby, raising it for viewing in the window. Today, was different. I couldn't find one of the babies. A woman held the card at the window, but, I couldn't locate the baby. I looked again at the card, then realized why - the card said `Chapin'. There at the window was Sgt. Chapins wife. I thought for sure I had seen the last of her. She motioned for me to come out,,, which I grudgingly did.

"Hi sweet cheeks", she began. "I haven't seen you in a few weeks, just stopped by to thank you for the nice BJ you gave my husband." "Shhh," I whispered. "I don't want to get into any trouble here. Lets go somewhere and talk." I took her to the patients lounge and we sat at a table. She spoke first, "So, sissy, how long are you going to be working here?" "Uh, only one more day Mrs. Chapin." I replied. "Well, I'm glad I came then. I was just talking about you to a few of my friends and they didn't believe me. So, I came over to see if I could `borrow' you for a little fun."

"No, Mrs. Chapin, I can't do that. I have to be in bed at the barracks by 10:00pm each night. I wouldn't have time to go to any party. I'm sorry." Mrs. Chapin straightened in her chair, "Well listen to this Miss Dick in the Panties, you come to the party or else I tell everyone about the perverts working at this place. I'm sure someone has a lot to hid with you here, maybe you should talk to them before you just tell me no. Here is my phone number, I expect you to be at my place Thursday night, dressed in your cute little candy stripper uniform. Any questions?" She reached out to me with her phone number, and tucked it into my breast pocket. She patted the pocket closed and winked at me. "Nice titties, fella." With that, she stood and walked out. I sat there for a moment, thinking. Wednesday was the final run on the obstacle course, and MAYBE, after work Thursday I could get away for a few hours. Damn.

Sharon and Nancy dropped me back at the barracks that night, I was quiet all the way. I held my present tightly to my breast, clinging to it for some security. We said our good nights, and I went into the barracks to change for supper. No one was around, I slipped out of my uniform jumper, and blouse, and went to the latrine in just my underwear. I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair down past my shoulders, my eyes darkened with just the right amount of mascara, my lips with just a hint of pink on them. Further down, I noticed the swell of my breasts as they rested in my new C cup bra. My waist was slim and my round hips filled a pair of french cut bikini panties. In a few days all this was scheduled to change, but how fast I wondered. Would the swelling of my breasts e_v_e_r_ diminish? Would my walk, and my stance change overnight? Did I really want to change back to being a male? I needed some time to think about this. I walked back into the barracks. Candy and Debra had returned. I put on my bathrobe and sat heavily on my bunk. Candy noticed I was down, and asked me what was wrong. I really didn't feel up to talking, but I was grateful for her companionship. I suggested we take a walk so we could talk. Candy agreed, and I put on a white sleeveless turtleneck, a short denim skirt and put on open toed sandals.

We walked with no particular destination. I told Candy about my problem with Mrs. Chapin, and we talked about what I was going to do when basic was over. I had decided to go back to being a male, but I didn't feel comfortable about it. Candy asked if I would like to remain `one of the girls'. I couldn't say. I was confused. I wanted to start a new life in the Army, and I had, but I also felt I should do it as a male. I didn't know what to do. Candy was sympathetic, but she had ulterior motives for keeping me in dresses. She wanted me to remain her girlfriend, forever, and possible even marry her. The thought of marriage was alright, but, how we would both live, as wives, confused me.

We walked back to the barracks, with no major decisions made. I was too worried to sleep well. I drifted to consciousness at about 4:00am and couldn't get back to sleep. I was worried.. I dressed mechanically in my fatigues, skipped breakfast, and fell out for sick call. I needed to see Lt. Reed, I needed some reassurance that I would be all right. I arrived at Lt. Reeds office just as she did. She saw the worried look on my face and I explained to her that the end of training was close, and I still couldn't decide what to do. Graduation was set for Friday, and I should be ready for it, but I still needed time to think about my future. Lt. Reed said she could help me. She gave me a note to give to Captain Taylor, excusing me from training for the today and tomorrow. She said I earned it because I was such a help at the hospital. Sharon and Nancy must have given her a good report on me. I smiled and thanked her.

I went back to the barracks, stopping to turn in my medical excuse in the orderly room first. Sandy seemed concerned, but, I told him it was nothing. He handed me a note, I had a call from a Mrs. Chapin, and I was to call her back before lunch. A ray of hope, maybe the bitch was going to leave me alone. Just two more days and I would be free of this place and her.

I stopped by the day room to call her. A man answered the phone, and I asked for Mrs. Chapin. I waited for a few seconds before I heard her voice. "Hello Mrs. Chapin, this is Victoria Riley calling, from the hospital maternity ward." She answered, "Oh, yes, the girl with something extra. I wanted to tell you that Thursday night is off. I know you are heartbroken,,, (luckily she couldn't see me smile) but, I decided to move it up to tonight." TONIGHT! My mind raced. This was too soon. "But Mrs. Chapin", I pleaded, "I can't get away that fast, I need some time to plan an excuse." "Now, now, sissy," came her reply, "already took care of your problems, My husband knows your Sgt. Rogers, and he arranged for you to have an overnight pass for tonight. See,,, now you don't have a problem. You get your cute little ass over here at 4:30 this afternoon, I need your help preparing for my guests. Bye, Miss Dick in the Panties." With that, I heard a click and dial tone. I hung up the phone, and walked slowly to the barracks.

I took a nap, tired from a lack of sleep the pervious night. I awoke some time later and was surprised to see it was 3:30pm. I hurried and got dressed in my uniform, and walked over to Sgt. Rogers office. She was sitting at her desk as I walked in. "Sgt. Rogers, er, uh,, Karen, I've come about an overnight pass." She looked at me, handed me the pass, then told me to sit down for a second. I sat at the side of her desk, straight and quiet. "Vicky, I don't know how you got mixed up with this Sgt. Chapin, but the less you have to do with him, the better. I agreed to let you go there tonight, because his wife threatened me with exposing you. If you need to be rescued, it the going gets too rough, just call me, and I WILL come get you." All I could do was mumble a "Thank You, Karen," and escape to the bus stop. I took a taxi to the Mrs. Chapins address. I approached the house with butterflies in my stomach. My instincts told me that tonight was going to be a little different, but not too bad. Hopefully I would prove to be right.

I brushed at my skirt, making sure it was neat, and rang the bell. The door was opened by a girl in a short dress, probably my age, who hid behind it as she opened it. I entered, and asked for Mrs. Chapin. I heard her voice, "Here I am Vicky, did you say `Hello' to my daughter?" I said I didn't, and she dragged the girl in front of me. I looked at her as Mrs. Chapin introduced the girl as "her former son, Larry." Larry dropped a neat curtsey, and replied with a "Pleased to meet you Miss." I was confused. Mrs. Chapin continued, "I got the idea for dressing Larry as a girl when I met you. Larry graduated school 4 months ago, and he has done nothing but hang around the house, I am preparing him to join the WAC's, just like you. I was impressed with how docile and prim you were, and thought dressing Larry as a girl would calm him down too. It worked beautifully."

I looked closer at Larry. His dress was short, about 4 inches above his knees. The white top showed that he was wearing a training bra, and I was certain that he wore stockings or panty hose under his dress. His hair was curled, and set into an almost feminine style. I could tell he was terribly embarrassed by the amount of staring I was doing. I quickly glanced away, to Mrs. Chapin. She spoke again, "Now, you two lovely ladies, can get ready for the dinner tonight. I have floors to clean, dishes to set out, and food to prepare. Since the `big sissy' already has an apron on, he can help with the food. Now, you Lory, since I can't really call you Larry all night, you can clean the floors and set the table. We are having 8 guests, and you two can set places here in the kitchen for your selves. Children shouldn't be allowed to eat with adults."

Larry and I set to our tasks. He cleaned, I prepared food. At about 5:30pm, Mrs. Chapin told us to stop and come upstairs to get ready. Mrs. Chapin told Larry to take off his clothes, which he did with only a glance at her. As he removed his dress, I could see red marks on his back and fanny, where he obviously was taught not to argue with his mother. He continued to remove his bra, and panties, then his pantyhose. He stood there, buck naked, as Mrs. Chapin turned to me and said, "You too girlie, you have nothing to hide." I slowly took my things off, stopping when I was wearing only my bra and panties. Mrs. Chapin slapped my face. "Take off the rest of your clothes Vicky, I want my son to see what is going to happen to him." I slowly removed my bra, letting my breasts hang on their own. I reached down, slid the panties down my shaved legs, and stood with my arms in front of me. Mrs. Chapin told Larry to go over and feel what nice titties I had. He slowly came to me, and lifted the weight of one of my breasts in his hands. I noticed his nails had been painted a deep shade of purple; he gently caressed me, acting as though he was fondling eggs, very careful, very delicate. My nipples hardened, and his mother made him kiss each one of them. My cock was getting hard now, and so was his. He just stood in front of me, fondling me gently, I could tell he was deathly afraid of his mother. She suddenly broke us apart and took us into her bedroom. She pulled some clothing from her dresser and threw it at Larry. "Put those on right now Missy." Larry complied, drawing the white pantyhose up his shaved legs, and pulling on a pair of ruffles panties. He took a while to straighten the straps of his white lace bra, before tightening it around his flat chest. Next he put on the short white slip, and stood with his hands at his side, obviously awaiting his mothers command. She tossed me some underwear also, much the same as his, I was grateful to have something to put on, and quickly dressed. Mrs. Chapin then sat us at a vanity and instructed us on applying our make-up.

A light cloud of powder, blue eye shadow, and pink lipstick completed the look. We were obviously not to be made to stand out. I was thankful for that. We stood and walked to Mrs. Chapins closet. She held out a blouse for Larry. He took the whispy silk creation and covered the small mounds on his chest. His mother then handed him a pair of 2" pumps and a long black hostess skirt. He put these on with no argument. When he was completely dressed, his mother turned to me. "You're next Sissy, I have the same outfit for you." I also draped a silk blouse over my chest, put on a pair of 3" heels and pulled the hostess skirt up my legs.

Lory and I stood together, both identically dressed, but he appeared to be younger. The small bumps caused by his bra, and his being about 4 inches shorter than me were a direct contrast. We looked like sisters. His mother ushered us downstairs and told us to wait by the door. At 6:15, the door bell rang. Lory, without a word from his mother, opened the door and dropped a deep curtsey to the people on the other side. He stepped back, as three women walked in, commenting on what a sweet sissy son he was. I stood there blushing. Mrs. Chapin didn't give me any instructions, so I just stood there, like a piece of furniture. I smiled to the ladies, and they walked past me as if I didn't exist. The bell rang again, and Lory performed his duties. Two more ladies entered. By 6:30, all seven guests had arrived. They were all women, ranging in age from 30 to 50. They women were seated in the living room, and Mrs. Chapin called to Lory and I to come in. I followed him, not knowing what else to do. Mrs. Chapin introduced us to the women. "I suppose you all met my son Larry, at one time or another, well, here is the new Larry." Lory stood there bravely, letting the women comment on his outfit, and blushing at the mention of his small breasts. I was introduced next, "This is Vicky, the boy I told you I met at the hospital. The bulges on his chest are real, which I will certainly demonstrate to you later." Now it was my turn to blush.

We served dinner to the women, both Larry and I received various pinches and feels throughout. After we ate in the kitchen, cleared the table and did the dished, Mrs. Chapin called "SHOWTIME", and the women all cheered as Lory and I walked into the living room. She put a tape into a player and turned on the music. I recognized the tune, something classical, and slow. Mrs. Chapin told Lory and I to face each other and dance. I would gladly dance all night for her, I took the lead, letting Lory put his hands up around my next as I held him at the waist. We slowly rocked with each other, trying to keep with the beat of the music. My breasts brushed his, and the silk material stuck closely for a split second. I felt myself getting excited. Mrs. Chapin appeared behind Lory. Without warning, she hit his butt hard with a wooden paddle, "Get closer, Sissy. Dance close enough that I can't see between your tits." I pulled him closer to me. Lory was whimpering, that paddle must have stung terribly. Mrs. Chapin walked behind me, and I awaited the pain of the paddle. THWACK! I got mine. "Get your pelvis closer together." I rubbed myself as close as I dared to Lory. I felt his cock stiffen, and mine followed suit. Mrs. Chapin yelled for us to kiss - which we did instantly. I crushed Lory's lips against mine. Both our cocks grew. "Feel each other up, grab each others tits." I felt Lory comply as his hands gently lifted my breasts. This was definitely getting to me. I didn't care anymore that Lory was a boy, my own age, I needed to make the swelling in my panties go down. I pulled him closer, and gently massaged his bra through the silk of his blouse. He moaned and gently opened his lips to let my tongue invade his mouth. I heard Mrs. Chapins voice, "O.K., girlies, that is enough for now. Pull yourselves apart and help each other out of your skirts and blouses." As we separated, I could see that all the women in the room had pair off and were getting cozy with their partners. Some had hands invading their bras, others were kissing passionately, and even Mrs. Chapin was being attended to by a cute red head. I reached up and unbuttoned Lory's blouse, gently removing it and exposing his tiny almost nonexistent breasts. I unbuttoned his skirt, and held it as he stepped over the waistband and into the view of everyone. Some of the women began to cheer and whistle. Lory then returned the favor to me. His small hands quickly undid the buttons of my blouse, and he played lightly at my breasts. He unfastened my skirt and let it drop to the floor. I stepped over it, and stood facing Lory, our breasts and cocks almost touching. Mrs. Chapin gave us one last instruction, "Make love to each other, dance in each others arms, caress your partner, and bring him to the point of climax." I needed no further instruction.

I pulled Lory close to me, enjoying the feel of our cocks brushing each others panties. My big breasts blocked his from view, as I tightened our embrace. I kissed him again, enjoying taking the aggressive role in our love making. I thought to myself, if this is all Sgt. Rogers was worried about, I could definitely handle it. Lory brought my thoughts back to him. I felt his hand grasp my cock and begin a slow, careful stroke. I returned the favor, but it caused us to separate our bodies. We played with each others cock, and kissed passionately. I looked quickly around, and noticed that everyone was doing the same. A couple of women were already naked and sucking desperately at each others love nest.

Lory began to remove my bra. He worked at the back clasp, and when it finally gave, I heard him moan softly as he pulled the fabric from me and began to kiss and lick me. As I tried to remove his bra, I murmured, "No, please leave it on, I don't have breasts like yours, and I feel sexier wearing a bra." I agreed, and massaged his tiny nipples through the lace of the bra. My hands drifted lower, and I helped him shed his panties, no argument this time. He helped me out of my panties too. Slowly we dropped to the carpet, our mouths glued to each other, our hands holding raging hard cocks. Slowly, Lory twisted from my grasp, he turned to get into a 69 position, and I felt his small cool hands caress my balls. As his warm mouth engulfed me, I desperately returned the favor. His cock was small, compared to his fathers. I took all of him into my mouth, marveling at the feeling of his nude crotch. I sucked him deep, and soon was rewarded with a mouthful of sperm. I did not excite as easy. He moaned as he pumped into my mouth, but he never lost track of honoring my organ. His tongue darted over the tip, and down the shaft. I felt it curl against the length of my shaft. This boy was going to be a great cocksucker some day. I wondered who gave him lessons already, but imagined his mother saw to his training. From somewhere I felt a breeze, then heard the THWACK of the paddle on Lory's ass. "Suck him harder girlie," said his mother, "he already got you off, now return the favor." His lips greedily caressed my cock. THWACK, the paddle hit him again. I felt his head bob as he winced in pain. THWACK! THWACK! THWACK!

I felt his tears on my legs. He was crying, gasping for air, as he bobbed his head on my cock. THWACK! His mother kept striking him. I concentrated on coming, in the hopes that his mother would stop punishing him. THWACK! THWACK! His head bobbed hurriedly, and he choked and sobbed as he licked frantically at my organ. THWACK! I buried myself deep in his mouth as I felt the urge to shoot my load. I gasped as I felt my muscles tighten, and suddenly, the dam broke. I flooded Lory's mouth with the fruits of our love session. Gasping for air, he swallowed as fast as he could. I lay there in a stupor. Sated. Content.

I licked slowly at his cock and balls, hoping to provide some pleasure for the pain he had received. He purred softly, and cleaned the juices from my cock. We massaged each others legs, and gently kissed the now deflated symbols of our manhood. I relaxed in post sex bliss.

Mrs. Chapin's voice brought me back to the present. "Up girlies, get up, it is time for Vicky to go back to the base." I looked at the clock in the living room, only 9:30. I would be back at the base plenty early, I might not make lights out, but, I certainly would be there for roll call in the morning. Mrs. Chapin took me to the bedroom, where she gave me my clothes to put on. She left me and returned downstairs to bid good evening to her guests. I hurried into my uniform, wanting desperately to cover my nakedness. As I came downstairs, Lory was being excused to clean up the living room, and the last of the guests had left, arm in arm.

Mrs. Chapin handed me my purse, and said "Good Night Sweetie, have a nice time on the way back to the base." With that, she pushed me out the door and slammed it shut. I stood there, under the porch light for a couple of seconds before I realized what had happened. I rang the door bell, waited,,,, knocked on the door, waited,,,, nothing. I went around to the back door and knocked as hard as I could. Mrs. Chapin came to the door, but didn't open it. I heard her voice through the door, "Vicky, you had better hurry back, if you walk through downtown after midnight, you may get attacked." "But, Mrs. Chapin, I,, I can't just walk thru town,,, like this." I heard her laugh as she spoke again "You had better go now. I already called the police and told them that a burglar was trying to break into my house. If you want some company for the night and don't mind spending it in jail, just hang around. If I was you, I'd get moving." With that, I heard the front door open and close quickly. I rushed around, to find Lory standing there in a uniform identical to mine. I could see the tears forming in his eyes, as he also realized he was locked out. Suddenly, I heard sirens, Mrs. Chapin wasn't kidding. The police were on the way. I held my hand out to Lory and said "Come on, I don't want to be found here by the police. Your mother probably won't admit to knowing us, and we will end up in jail." We each grabbed our full skirts, and ran down the block as fast as our heels would allow. We crouched low, behind some bushes about 6 houses down, as two patrol cars wheeled into Mrs. Chapins driveway. There was no turning back now. I had to walk back to the base, and figure out what to do with Lory.


Your Slip is Showing, Soldier

Chapter 7

By: Victoria Elaine Riley

The police were talking with Mrs. Chapin at the door. Lory and I, both dressed as candy strippers, were still crouched in the bushes. Lory was shivering and beginning to cry. "Vicky, my mom told me she wasn't going to let me in the house until tomorrow morning, I've got no place to go. Can I go with you?" I had already realized this poor kid would be with me for a while, "Sure Lory, I have a few friends I can call and maybe we can get a ride to the base." We gathered our composure, straightened our clothes and walked to the sidewalk.

I asked Lory if he knew where a pay phone was. "Oh, yes,," he said, "there is a 7-Eleven about 6 blocks from here, take a right about 3 blocks down this street and we should be able to see it." We walked calmly down the street, our skirts brushing together, the steady staccato of our heels coordinated as if we were marching in formation. We approached the 7-Eleven, and I began searching my purse for change. Lory found a quarter in his purse first and deposited it in the phone. I called the base first, someone was always supposed to be on duty in the orderly room. The phone connected, I remember thinking `one ringy-dingy, two-ringy-dingys; and there was a voice at the other end. "O Company Orderly Room, Pvt Watkins speaking." I didn't recognize the voice, but I asked to speak with Candy Nichols in barracks #5. The voice told me to hold on. I waited, it was almost 10:00. I had to deposit a couple more quarters in the phone, but eventually, I heard Candy's voice "Hello?" "Candy, it's Vicky, listen, I'm in trouble and I need your help. I'm at a store on the south side of town, and I need a ride back to the base." Candy yawned a little "Vicky, you know I don't have a car, and none of us are allowed to leave the base without a pass, see if you can take a taxi." Good idea, a taxi, I should have thought of that. Lory and I rummaged our purses to see if we had enough money. It really didn't matter, once we got to the base, I could borrow the money and pay the driver.

I said good night to Candy and dialed a cab company. The dispatched took the information, where I was, where I wanted to go and how many people. I was told to wait about 15 minutes and the cab would be there. Lory and I went into the store, he was a little nervous, but wearing a dress had become second nature to me. We each bought a Pepsi, and went out front to wait for the cab.

Lory told me how his mother had come home with the baby, and got him to help her. She slowly eased him into wearing her clothes and recently had him acting as the maid around the house. His father went along with the idea, taking every opportunity to embarrass Lory in front of company. As we were talking, we didn't take notice of a man approaching us. "So, here you are." said a voice. Lory looked up and gasped as his father stood in front of us. "Dad!" said Lory. "What are you doing here?" His father smiled and began talking slowly, "Your mother told me that you had a sweet little girl friend. At first I didn't believe her when she told me that you were out prancing your pansy ass around town, probably looking for boys. I don't suppose you would tell them that you are actually a boy too. Well, you both had better get in my car and I will take you home." I protested, "Sgt. Chapin, we have called a cab, and they will be here shortly to get us." Sgt. Chapin's face tightened, his eyes glared, "Get your asses in my car now, or I'll tell everyone here that you are a couple of boys out playing as sissys." Lory rushed ahead of me and opened the back door of a late model full size car. He must have learned at an early age not to argue with his father. He quickly sat in the car, smoothing his dress almost as if he had done it all his life. As the door closed, I heard his give a little shriek and I wondered what happened. I wasn't as willing to move. I would rather wait for my cab. I tried to stall, but Sgt. Chapin had his arm around my waist and was pulling me with him. "Vicky, if you cause me any trouble, you may regret it." I loosened a little, and let him lead me to the car. He held the door for me as I slid into the front seat. I looked in back and was surprised to see Lory sitting next to another man in uniform. Sgt. Chapin got in the car started the engine and backed away from the store. I heard the power door lock system activated, and saw a taxi pull up to the store. Damn, a matter of a minute and we would have been safely on our way back on the base.

Certain that we weren't heading back to the house, I asked Sgt. Chapin where we were going. He smiled, patted the seat next to him and said, "Why don't you slide yourself closer to me and I'll tell you what I have planned." I didn't move, as he continued, "You had better sit closer to me, or you will pay for it later. If you want me to be nice to you, you have to be nice to me." Frowning, I gathered my skirts and slid closer to him. As I moved, I glanced in the back seat, and was shocked at what I saw. Lory's head was buried, face first, in the lap of the stranger in the back. No wonder I didn't hear anything from him. The stranger was sitting with his head back, and mouth wide open. His head rolled from side to side, but not as sound escaped him. Sgt. Chapin looked in the mirror and smiled at what he was seeing. "Some cocksucker I raised, that boy loves to suck as much as his mother. Mark back there is getting hooked on Lory, he actually offered me money if I would fix him up with my boy again. Imagine that, `My son, the whore'" He laughed all the time he said that. "I wouldn't be surprised if we had a wedding in the family soon." The laughing continued.

I felt Vince's arm stretch around my shoulder and pull me close to him. "We are going to the beach Vicky, just the four of us. I've been planning this little party for some time. When my wife told me about you, and started dressing my son as a girl, I really became interested in you. I still find it hard to believe you are a guy, but, I am planning to find out tonight for sure." Great, maybe if I just showed this guy we had the same sexual equipment, he would leave me alone. His hand strayed over my shoulder and rested on my right breast. All I could think of was `When rape is inevitable .......', I sighed and let all the air from my lungs. He must have taken this act of submission as a hint to increase his ardor, because he was soon pinching my breast and telling me to open his pants. I followed his instructions, half wanting to obey this man, half feeling ashamed to be here. I fished his cock out of his pants, and gently let my hand slid along it's six inch length. Vince sucked his breath through closed teeth, and I felt the blood rush to fill his cock.

Vince turned the car into a small driveway along a lakeside cottage. As the lights flashed past the mailbox, I could make out the name `Chapin'. I thought this must be his summer place. He pulled up in front of the house, and turned off the lights. Vince leaned toward me and grabbed the hair on the back of my head. He pushed my head to his and kissed me. This man knew how to kiss. He unlocked the doors and yelled, "Everybody out, the beach is waiting." Lory raised his head, he was drooling, and I could see him opening and closing his jaws to ease the pain. His friend scrambled out of the car, dragging Lory by the hand. They raced down to the beach and disappeared into the darkness. Vince locked up the car, lead me to the beach. Lory and his friend were already tightly entwined on the sand. Their bodies moved against each other as their sexual feelings rose.

Vince reached down and grabbed a hand full of Lory's hair. Lory rose to his feet under the pressure, obviously in pain. Sgt. Chapin said "Get up slut. My friend Craig and I have plans for you two girls'." He said the word girls' with a snarl on his lips. Craig got up, and Vince steered Lory and I toward a group of trees at the edge of the beach. There glowing embers from a recent fire, and Craig added more wood. As the light reached out, I noticed strange things hanging from the trees. I walked over to examine them closer, and they proved to be iron manacles. I was getting scared now. These guys were up to no good.

I looked back at the fire, Craig and Vince were talking to Lory. They each grabbed one of his arms and started dragging him toward me. I knew Lory was in trouble, Vince slapped him across the face and Lory began to cry. I wanted to get away, but I couldn't leave Lory. His own father had somehow come to resent him. Lory's arms were put in manacles, he cried and screamed the whole time. Craig reached up under Lory's dress, pulled his panties down and off, then stuffed them in his mouth to shut him up. I walked over to Vince and began to plead with him. "Let him go, haven't you hurt him enough by making him dress as a girl? Can't you see that he is scared to death of you?" Lory's father just laughed, "Look you stupid faggot, look at him tied to that tree with panties in his mouth. See that bulge sticking up in his dress, that is a hard dick,,,, he LOVES this."

There was no denying it, Lory was sexually excited. He moved his hips, anxious for anything to rub against. His eyes were ablaze with excitement. Craig approached this excited person and put manacles on his ankles too. Lory was spread eagled between the trees. I felt sorry for him, but, there wasn't anything I could do. Vince spoke to me, "Vicky, why don't you see if you can relieve Lory's frustrations. I think if you were to put your hand under his skirt, and pull on his dick, he would be grateful to you." "Come on Vince, can't you give your own son a break." I whined. "He has payed enough for whatever wrongs he has done." Vince was not impressed. "I told you to jerk him off, and I meant it. Unless of course you want to challenge my authority. If you think you can take me in a fight, go ahead, otherwise, you had better start giving Lory a hand job."

What could I do, except as I was told. Lory pleaded with his eyes. I decided to do my best and get this over with. Craig joined me, and began playing with Lory's ass cheeks. I knelt in front of Lory, and slowly ran my hands up his stockinged legs, pausing to tickle his balls. He groaned and thrust his hips forward to meet my hands. His father pulled a knife from his pocket and slit the skirt of Lory's uniform, in the front and rear. Craig dropped his pants, and I could see that Lory was going to be in trouble. I stopped toying with Lory's cock and kissed his legs. I wanted to give him some pleasure, and hoped that sucking him off would take his mind off what Craig was about to do. Lory's father laughed as his son squirmed in his bonds, his cries suppressed by the wad of panties in his mouth. I sucked his small cock into my mouth as Craig entered Lory from behind. I felt his thrust forward to escape Craigs cock in his rear, and he shuddered as Craig embedded himself fully in Lory's ass.

Craig and Lory moved to their own rhythm. I let Lory freely fuck my face, giving him as much pleasure as I could. I felt Vince adjusting Lory's clothes. It sounded as if he was using tape of some kind to keep his son's billowing skirt together. Vince passed around the back of Lory, between Craig and quickly came behind my head. Around he went again, this time he pulled tightly on the loose end of the tape. I felt my head being forced forward, and couldn't back up. Vince passed the tape around two more times, sealing his sin's cock in my mouth. I couldn't release Lory and I couldn't release myself. I never realized how strong tape was, I couldn't pull away. I brought my hands up to caress and feel Lory's ass, and was suddenly enthralled with feeling Craig's shaft slide in and out. I felt it's wetness and heat, and imagined the feeling of being invaded. I didn't have to imagine though.

I felt Vince lift my dress and cut my panties away. He pushed a finger into my ass, and massaged it around. He knelt behind me and in one stroke pushed his full weight forward. He actually lifted me into the air, as his violent fucking ravaged me. I concentrated on breathing through my nose, and tried to forget the pain Vince was inflicting on me. I encircled Craig's cock with the fingers of one hand, and felt them driven tight against Lory's ass. Lory was shaking violently and his cock began to spasm. I gulped quickly as I was being hammered from behind. As perverted as this seemed, I was beginning to enjoy it. I couldn't separate from Lory, so I playfully licked him to softness. Craig continued to pound into Lory's ass and Vince quickened his strokes.

Vince and Craig came at about the same time. I felt Vince flood my insides with warmth as his weight forced my knees deeper into the ground. Craig's body shook and I helped milk him into Lory's contracting hole. Vince and Craig backed away from us, and walked off laughing. Neither Lory nor I could do anything. I tried to comfort him, but my words were not understandable. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I felt him begin to harden in my mouth. I massaged his fanny, and felt him move. I didn't believe it, but it felt like he wanted me to put my finger in him. As I teased and tested my idea, I heard him moan "Yeth, Yeeth, muurrr." He was pleading for more. I worked two finders into him and slowly slid them as deep as I could. His cock stiffened noticeably in my mouth, "Muuurrr" he murmured. He bucked against my chin as I slipped another finger in him. Instantly, my mouth was rewarded with the warm fluid of his contentment. Lory's weight sagged against his manacled arms and his knees bent slightly. I could move, but, being taped to his crotch, not far. I reached up with a free hand, and searched for a loose end of the tape.

I found it at the back of Lory's dress. I pulled carefully, until the tape was at my hair. Then I reached for the other side and split the tape in two. I was free, and I worked for a few minutes to get the tape out of my hair. I checked my clothes, a few tears and a lot of dirt, but, not too bad. I took the panties out of Lory's mouth and saw the relief in his look. He didn't say anything, but I check the manacles fastened to the trees. Luckily, they were just held together by a gravity catch. I freed his arms and legs, and helped rub the circulation back into his legs. He looked a mess. His dress torn down the front and rear would be O.K., but, his slip was soaked with body fluids. We were a mess, but we were free. Gathering our courage, we slowly walked back to the car. We could see lights on in the cabin, and heard the voices of Vince and Craig. Lory checked the car, luckily the keys were in the ignition, and our purses were on the seat where we left them. As quietly as possible, we sat in the car. Lory told me that he knew how to get out of here, and thought maybe the surprise of a starting car would give us an advantage.

I sat close to him, wanting him to feel my energy. I held his hand as he held the ignition key. "On the count of three", he whispered. "One.... Two.... Three." The car started! Lory put it in reverse and we backed out of the driveway and onto the street. Lory backed into something, I felt the crunch, but he put the car in drive and pressed the pedal down hard, urging the car forward. I saw Vince and Craig come running out of the cabin, but it was too late. We knocked the mailbox and fence down as we sped away.

I hugged Lory, he was just as happy as I was. We sped down the road, away from our capturers and toward the base. I told Lory to slow down, we didn't want the police to be stopping us for speeding now. We talked for a while, about life, the future, and also about what would happen tonight. I really couldn't take Lory onto the base with me, and I was certain he didn't want to go home. I decided to call Lt. Reed to see if she could help. We stopped at a 24 hour supermarket, and I used the payphone. Lory stayed with me, he didn't want to be in the car alone. Lt. Reed was home, obviously awakened from a sound sleep, she gave me directions to her house and told me I could stay over since I had a pass. Lory and I held hands all the way back to the car, and he drove the speed limit to Carole's house. We pulled the car into the driveway, and walked to the door. Carole opened it before we arrived, and told us to come in. Thankful for the warm invitation, we went into the kitchen and sat at the table. Carole offered us something to drink, then waited patiently for an explanation. I introduced Lory, and gave a detailed description of what had happened. I told her about being attacked in the hospital, and Mrs. Chapin dressing her son as a girl. At the mention of Lory being a boy, Carole's eyes widened.

She thought for a minute, then gave us a few ideas. "Vicky, I know you won't have any problem, but Lory is in a little trouble. If his parents report the car stolen, he could go to jail. Why don't you call his mother, let her know that he is leaving, and tell her that IF she drops this whole thing, you will return the car, take a few of Lory's belongings, and be out of her way. Threaten her with exposure to the welfare people and the fact that she may be called an unfit mother and lose her baby, and you should be O.K.." Both Lory and I thought that was a good idea, but Lory didn't have a place to stay. Carole rescued him, telling him he could stay with her for two weeks, until he found a job and a place of his own.

There was movement in the hallway, and we looked up to see Lt. Thompson coming into the kitchen in her nightgown. She kissed Carole on the cheek and asked what was going on. Obviously Carole and Nancy were closer than room mates. Carole explained part of it to Nancy, and poured her some milk.

Lory called his mother. From the tone of Lory's conversation, she was livid. He told her what he wanted to take with him, and said he would pick it up off the porch. He said he would leave the car in the driveway with the keys in it, and told her that friends were expecting him back and if he didn't show up in one hour, they would have the police at her house. That must have scared her. Lory hung up the phone and smiled for the first time tonight.

Carole brought us to the bedroom and gave us different clothes to put on. She didn't ask Lory about what he was wearing, but gave us both skirts and blouses. We dressed hurriedly, and so did Carole. She offered to follow us and bring us back with her. I rode with Lory to his mothers house. We parked the car, and removed his things from the porch. We noticed his mother peeking out of the curtains, waiting for us to leave. As fast as we could, we raced back to Carole and the waiting freedom. We piled into the back with Lory's things, and Carole drove off with the lights out.

Back at the house, Carole showed us to a bedroom, pointed out the bathroom, and gave us nightgowns to wear. She went into her bedroom and closed the door. Lory and I took turns in the shower, put on our nightgowns and crashed into the wonderful softness of the queen size bed. We slept, occasionally Lory would reach out and hug me, and I would return the favor, but we slept through until Carole woke us.

The clock read 7:00AM, it felt like it was 2:00. Carole sat on the edge of the bed, and gave us instructions for the day. She told me that Nancy and her had to work, so Lory and I had the run of the place for the day. She asked us to clean up our mess, and told us she would be back about 4:30. She told me she would call Captain Taylor and explain away my absence, and to just take it easy for the day. I'm sure I fell asleep before she left the room.

I woke up again, this time I felt a stirring in my loins. I stretched a little, reaching between my legs. I stopped suddenly as I felt a head of hair. Lory was waking me, with his gentle caressing and kissing. I stretched and relaxed, enjoying the feeling of starting the day with a "bang". His mouth closed gently over my cock and I felt his head rise and fall. I quickly climaxed and Lory came up to hug me. We kissed slowly, and he spoke "That is a thank you for last night, I noticed you didn't get to enjoy yourself last night. Hopefully, that will be my last blow job for quite a while." We both laughed at that, and hugged each other a little closer. I slept again, contented.

I heard bells, somewhere in the distance. I awoke to the telephone. Carole's answering machine cut in and said she was not available right now, but please leave a message. At the beep, I heard Carole's voice, "Vicky, pick up the phone honey." It took me a few seconds to locate it though. "Hello Carole" I said. "Aren't you out of bed yet?" she said. I smiled as Lory pranced in front of me, off to the bathroom. "We just got up, must have been very tired. Lory is in the shower now, and I'm next." "Well, you just stay home today, I cleared it with Captain Taylor, you have to report back tonight before lights out, and tomorrow is graduation. You and Lory just hang around, and figure out what he is going to do, I can't `keep' him forever. Nancy and I will be a little late tonight, see you about 5:30. Bye." "Good Bye Carole, and thanks for everything." The phone went dead.

Lory returned from the shower. He had a towel wrapped around his chest, and had found a pair of pink mules somewhere. He asked what he was to wear, and I told him to put on what he wore last night. As he pulled on his blue panties and bra, I left to take my shower. The water felt great, it danced on my full breasts, making me wonder about my future, I pinched and teased my nipples, amazed at how they reacted. I enjoyed the water until it grew cool. I shut the water off and reached out to grab the large yellow towel on the rack. I dabbed at the water on my body, I didn't rub the water off anymore. The thick towel absorbed the dew, and my body felt alive. I dusted myself with Chantily power I found on the toilet tank, wrapped myself in the towel and stepped into the bedroom refreshed, ready to face the day.

Lory was gone, I heard him moving about the kitchen. I dressed leisurely, enjoying getting myself into my bra and panties. The simple denim skirt and blouse felt amazingly light on my body. I danced around the bedroom, and made the bed. I folded our uniforms and placed them on the end of the bed. Then went to the kitchen. Lory was making breakfast, eggs and toast, with orange juice. I devoured the food, and absorbed the moment. Times like these were very few. I left Lory to do the dishes and went into the living room to watch the tube. Lory joined me as Gilligans Island came on. We laughed at the stupidity of the show, and Lory imitated Ginger's walk and talk. We giggled like 10 year old girls. It was Lory who brought seriousness back into our lives. "Vicky" he said, "do you enjoy your life as a girl?" I thought about that for a moment. "Sure I do Lory. It's a lot of fun." He looked at me closer, "Is it fun to have real boobs?" Getting rather personal. "They are nice, but soon I will be back to being a boy. I graduate from basic training tomorrow and I should be reassigned to advanced schooling in the regular Army." Lory continued, "Well, I've been thinking, I really like dressing as a girl, and I think I would love to BE a girl for the rest of my life. I was always too small for being a boy anyway." "Well,' I said, "that is up to you. I don't want to be a girl, I know that what I have between my legs isn't the biggest or best, but I certainly don't want to go through life without it. Living with the girls has been fun, and I suppose I wouldn't be too upset if I HAD to do it for a while longer, but, I don't think I want to be a complete girl."

Lory thought about that for a while. "Vicky, I really enjoyed what my father did last night. I like being treated rough by men. I feel protected with them even if they are hurting me. Does that make any sense?" My mind couldn't really understand, but I agreed. I figured that he would be happy spending his time with his head in a man's lap. Personally, although men were O.K., and if you HAD to have sex with them it was O.K.,,, but,,, women!! Now, they were made for sex!! "Yes Lory, I understand. Why don't you talk with Carole and Nancy about it tonight. She may even be able to get you in at the hospital. Who knows, maybe you can be a "Head Nurse". We both laughed at that.

The day passed, we talked about our future plans, and I became more confused about what I wanted next. I talked about some of my experiences since joining the Army, and Lory told me about his childhood. Time passed quickly. Shortly after five, Carole pulled into the drive. She and Nancy got out of the car and I held the door for them. Nancy smiled and said "Hi boys, what have the two of you been up to all day? Carole tells me you were in bed until lunch time, what ever did you find to keep you busy all that time?" Carole and Nancy laughed and kissed each other. If I had any doubt at all, I dismissed it from my mind, Carole and Nancy were lovers.

They went into their bedroom to change clothes, and returned twenty minutes later with smiles pasted on their faces. "O.K. boys, what have you talked about all day? What is Lory going to do?" said Nancy. Lory spoke up, "If you two will help me, I would like to do what Vicky did. I'd like to join the WAC's and maybe even be a girl. Vicky said that you might be able to give me some hormones shots that will help change my body, and I'd be happy to go along with any training you think would be necessary." Carole laughed, "Lory, we can help you with hormones, but you are obviously already girl enough, without training. You can stay here for a while and we will try to get you into the Army." Lory hugged me, I was glad he thought he was happy, but, being in basic training wasn't a picnic. I didn't envy him. Later that night Nancy took me back to the base. She let me drive, but she sat close to me in the front seat. Several cars went by and took second looks at these two girls sitting so close together. The MP at the gate waved us in, just looking at the car bumper sticker, and I pulled up in front of the barracks. I kissed Nancy, "Thank you," I said, "you are a very good role model for women today. I admire you for your dedication to your job. Thanks again, you're wonderful." Nancy just smiled and I got out of the car. I got my dirty uniform from the back seat and rushed into the barracks.

Candy, Melissa and Debra were sitting on their bunks, talking. I rushed over, threw my dirty clothes on my bunk and hugged Candy. They were all surprised to see me. All of them asked me to tell them what had happened, and I sat down with Candy's arm around my waist, to tell the story of the past day. The parts that included sexual descriptions drew pinches and stares from Candy. By the time I finished talking, it was time to shower and get ready for the big graduation next day. No one had their assignment yet, they would be posted after the ceremony.

Candy and I grabbed our toiletries, some clean nightgowns, and towels, then went off to the shower. We had our little playful sex game in the shower, Candy attacking me from behind, and we helped dry each other. We dressed quickly and walked, hand in hand, into the barracks. Candy whispered to me, "Vicky, I've got something for you, lets get up on your bunk and talk a while." We both jumped up to my upper bunk, and sat with our legs cross facing each other. Candy put something under my pillow, then reached out to hold my hands in hers. "Vicky, I've known you for about 8 weeks now. We have been through some pretty tough times, and we have been through some wonderful happy times. I feel like we are special friends." I agreed with her, and thanked her for helping me adjust. Candy reached under my pillow and retrieved the something she had put there before. "Vicky, I bought you this because I really love you, and I want to spend the rest of our lives together." She produced a small box and handed it to me. I opened it slowly, and uncovered a beautiful engagement ring! "Vicky," said Candy, "will you be my wife, or husband or whatever? Would you consider spending the rest of our lives together?"

I was shocked. Hell, I was more than shocked, I was overwhelmed. I couldn't even think of what to say. Candy helped out "You don't have to answer now, lets try the ring on to see how it looks." I held left hand out and Candy removed the ring from the box. "One of these days" she said, "I hope to be putting a wedding ring on this finger." She slipped the ring over my half inch pink finger nails and into place at the base of my finger. It was beautiful. My hand looked so much more feminine. I was no longer a boy with long painted fingernails. An engagement ring was a mark of femininity that removed any doubts.

Debra and Melissa came back, in time to see the tears forming in my eyes. They were concerned, but when I held out my hand, they ooohed' and aaaahed' at the ring's shimmering beauty. I held my hand out in front of me, twisting and turning it, catching the glimmer of light as it reflected off the beautiful stone. I was confused. Tomorrow, after graduation, I might not see Candy for a while. I told her, and she just laughed. "I talked to Sandy, we are both assigned to the same advanced school. Maybe we won't be in the same barracks, but we are set to go to school together." I was very curious, "Where are we going? What is our assignment?" Candy would only laugh, "I'm not telling,,,, I know a secret, and I'm not telling."

Sgt. Wilson's voice interrupted our thoughts, "Lights out in 5 minutes ladies. This is your last chance to get a good nights sleep in basic training." Candy and I stretched out on the impossibly narrow bunk, and held each other close. She whispered to me again, "I love you Vicky Riley,,,, I love you as a girl, I'll love you as a guy would. I want us to spend forever together." I snuggled up closer to her, and placed her hand on my breast. Sleep snuck up on me, I enjoyed Candy's gentle touching and thrilled as she twisted my engagement ring on my finger.

The last morning of basic training. Candy was out of my bunk before the musical' Sgt. Wilson made her last parade. I sat up and stared again at my engagement ring. Would I really accept this ring? Could I really accept this ring? I was going to wear it proudly, at least for today. Candy came out of the latrine with her dress uniform on as I dropped to the floor. She helped me get undressed, taking special care to feel every bump on my body, and almost creating a new one. She handed me one of my new 36C bras, helping me as I bent forward to fill the cups. It fit better than the B cup did, but, damn, I may want to get rid of them. I stepped into the panties Candy held for me, and she teasingly patted my fanny. I finished dressing by myself, and went to the latrine to fix my face. Melissa and Debra were already at the mirrors and they giggled as I approached. My ring was the topic of the day. One of the girls' had got engaged, the news made the rounds that day, like lightning.

At the Mess Hall, Janine and Cindy got their digs in. Everyone seemed to think I was something special. Janine promised to throw a bridal shower for me, and Cindy threatened a baby shower, "when the time came". Candy and I were inseparable that day. Graduation was scheduled for 11:00 that morning, and we had to be information at 10. Candy and I walked and talked, like we had just met. By 10AM, I had decided to accept the ring, and marry Candy, on the condition that I could buy a ring for her too.

Our company was one of 4 companies graduating that day. We all marched around the parade ground, saluting the flag, the base commander, the regiment commander, the company commander and anyone else on the reviewing stand. I proudly marched with my friends, one of the group. We had all worked very hard for this moment. We lined up in front of the stand, to hear the words of the base commander. He told us the expect bull, beginning of a career, hard part over, and all that crap. After he concluded his speech, and dismissed us, we all walked back to the barracks area. Everyone ran to the bulletin board, to check their assignment. Candy pulled me to the side. "Vicky, we are assigned to the same school. We start in 5 days. Please give it a chance." I still didn't know what I was going to do. Candy paused for a minute then said, "We both got assigned to nursing school. I would love it if we could be in the same company, would you consider being a female nurse? Lt. Thompson said you were a natural, you had an empathy for the patients, and a talent for the job. Please Vicky? Please remain Vicky for a while longer."

"VICKY!", someone else called my name and distracted me. It looked and saw my mother and sister walking toward me. My mother rushed up and hugged me, congratulating me on finishing basic. My sister did the same. Her gaze remained on my bosom for a while, and I could tell she was wondering what was under my blouse. My sister noticed my engagement ring and asked who the lucky guy was. I objected immediately, and introduced Candy as the girl I was engaged to. My mother and my sister gave Candy a look of amazement.

"Well" my mother said, "who is going to be the bride in this couple?" Candy and I just laughed. "Don't worry about it Mom, Candy and I will share everything. She will be the bride, and since the brides family has to pay for the wedding, you won't have to worry about the expense. I'll help her with the expense as much as I can." My sister piped up "Well Vicky, I was hoping to be your Maid of Honor, I guess that won't happen now. Too bad, you would make a cute bride." Candy agreed "He certainly would. But, if you want Stephanie, you can still be the Maid of Honor, I'd be glad to have you in our wedding." "Great" said my sister, "that should be fun. Have you set a date yet?" I replied "No", but Candy corrected me, "We haven't set anything definite yet, but it will be soon. I can't let this beautiful boy run around single forever. Someone else may grab him away from me." My mom and sister laughed, and we all walked over to the orderly room. There were displays set up for visitors, pictures of our training exercises, and of course the pictures of our first few days.

Stephanie made mention that I had "really rounded out as a woman", and my mother hushed her. My sister seemed fascinated by my bosom. "Where are you going to school Vicky" she said. I told her that I was assigned to Nursing School, and that I was going to be in the regular Army. That brought a look of contempt from Candy and looks of surprise from my mom and sister. Stephanie and my mother both thought I should continue as a WAC, because I "obviously was built for it". It isn't necessary to tell Candy's thoughts.

My mother and sister left finally. Both of them told me to write. My sister again squeezed my breasts as we hugged good bye. Candy and I went for a walk again, we had until tomorrow until our orders were handed out and we could travel. We talked about life, and what we wanted from it. We talked about love and what we felt for each other. And we finally got around to discussing my leaving the WAC's. Suffice it to say, I lost out on every argument. By the end of the day, I had agreed to continue in the WAC's, and do my best in Nursing School. I was glad to be going there with Candy, it would make things a little easier. Melissa and Debra were assigned to cooks school. Janine and Cindy were going to the same Nursing School I was attending. Other assignments ranged from mechanics to pilots. Everyone seemed happy. Sgt. Rogers stopped to congratulate us. She gave me a special present, and wished me well. Sgt. Wilson gave us all the expected "good job" speech.

The next morning, we all got our travel orders. Our bags were packed the night before, and we were ready to get out. Candy and I piled our duffels outside and walked to the orderly room. Sandy gave us an official looking brown envelope. He told us it contained our tickets to our next assignment, our travel orders, and a partial pay to get us to school.

I opened my orders and spotted an envelope with my name on it. Inside was a note from Lt. Reed, she requested that I stop by the hospital before I left. Well, I certainly owed that to her. I conned Candy into accompanying me. I rode the bus around the base for the last time. Candy and I were in civilian clothes, no more training required. We went up to Lt. Reeds office and I walked in. Her nurse said she was expecting me, and buzzed her in her office. Carole greeted me at the door and welcomed me inside.

I explained that I decided to continue in the WAC's and that I was assigned to nursing school. She was happy for me, and told me I would be a terrific nurse. She asked Candy if she really knew what she was doing, and told her a little about my medical condition. She gave Candy a box, containing birth control pills, for me. Then she told me that I needed one more shot, to keep me in form. Candy watched as I hiked my skirt up and bared my hip. Carole injected the golden liquid into my hip and swabbed the area clean. I dropped my skirt and Carole explained the shots and pills to Candy. I guess Candy was going to be in charge of me from now on.

We left the hospital, picked up our bags at the company HQ, and holding hands, we walked to the taxi stand to begin our new adventure together.

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