TG: The Transformation of Ken & Elizabeth Ann

By Nostrumo

Published on Aug 13, 1995



From agate!!!!!fub!sauveur!nienor!nienor!not-for-mail Thu Aug 17 10:47:18 1995 Path: agate!!!!!fub!sauveur!nienor!nienor!not-for-mail Newsgroups: Organization: The Testsite Lines: 255 Message-ID: 40lr2i$18d@nienor.IN-Berlin.DE NNTP-Posting-Host: Follow-Up: X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #13 (NOV)


Here we have a story which I found a while ago. I asume that this will be a repost, but I don't care. I didn't saw this story here.

I didn't know if this story really belongs to the main theme of tg, but I asume so.

As ever I didn't write this story and didn't put any claim on it. Any constructive comments are welcome and flames > /dev/null.

I hope some people will enjoy the story



cut here with a sharp knife <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The Transformation of Ken &

Elizabeth Ann

Ken was the all-star football player at Ridkin High, he was very popular with the ladies, and had the respect and the friendship of most of the other players. His girlfriend, Elizabeth Ann, was a cheerleader and very popular also. They could also be arrogant sometimes, but this was quite common with star players. Most of the other students accepted them anyway. All except Brian and his friends.

Brian always thought he should be the teams quarterback, and that Ken simply used his position to get the girls, and scholarships, and the many other things which came with being the all-star. He also hated Elizabeth Ann.

His resentment was causing him to think of a way to get rid of them without hurting them. After all, you cannot play pro sports from behind bars or in the electric chair.

While sitting around one Saturday night, Brian and his buddies decided to watch some x-rated videos they had. One of them showed girls being forced into compromising situations and having sex with men and women. There were also transsexuals and others going thru sex changes. It hit him, and he stopped the tape and told his idea.

"Listen, we all dislike Ken and his girlfiend, and we all want them out of the way, agreed?" They all shook their heads.

"Well, I have the perfect idea." "Carl, your brother studying down at medical school, he and his buddies would help us out, won't they?" "Vin, you know your way around the clubs downtown, you can get us some help there, can't you?"

"Sure", they both said. "What do you need done?"

"We are going to grab Ken and Elizabeth Ann, take what we have just seen, and turn them into our little bitches!" "We can have some fun and make some money in the process!"

"What if we get caught, what if they come looking for them?" one of the other players asked as each pondered the idea.

"Look where for who, we will change their names and appearance, there will be no Ken, we'll call him Katina." They all smiled, and shook in agreement. "Now", Brian said to all, "now we grab them and send them on their way."

Ken was out on a date with Elizabeth Ann. She was a girl who was very proper and studious. Ken and her never had sex, the most they had done with each other was to touch each other in various places. They respected each other, and Ken never forced himself on her or insisted on sex.

They had just seen a movie, and Ken was walking her home. He took her up to her front steps, gave her a kiss goodnight, and walked back towards his home. As he turned the corner of the park near his home, he heard someone yell, "get him, now!" He turned, and felt a large object strike him on the head. He passed out on the ground.

"Let's get him in the van, we can be over the border and into Mexico in two hours." They picked Ken up, and placed him in the back of a van, started up, and pulled away.

Ken woke up slightly, but was very foggy and weak. He did not have any idea where he was, and could not move. He was tied down. A man came over wearing a doctors coat, and looked him over.

"You are coming out better than we expected, it will be interesting to see what you are going to look like after your done." "As for now, time for you to go to sleep." Ken was given an injection and passed out.

"It is time for you to wake up little girl, the boys are waiting!" This is what Ken was hearing as he again awoke. As his vision cleared, he saw the face of some of his football buddies.

"Where am I, what the hell is happening, why am I tied down, what's going on!", he yelled.

"You bitch, are getting back what you deserved." "You gave us all a hard time, we decided to give it back to you ten fold, and to get you out of the way."

Ken looked at him, still puzzled. "What do you mean, and why do you keep calling me a bitch?"

Brian smiled as he walked over to the table where Ken was strapped down. He pulled the sheet away, exposing his new body. Ken looked down, and let out a loud scream.

His well-toned physic was retailored to give him a small waist and round hips. He had strong legs, they were reshapped to give them a more feminine appearance. All of his facial hair was removed, and his hair was cut in a short but pleasing style.

Ken's penis and testicles were gone. They had been used to create the vagina he now had. It was big, and very sensitive to the touch. It would provide him much excitement once her learned and understood to control the sensations. Other body tissue was used to create and shape two big and beautiful breasts. Brian slapped him across the face to quiet him down.

"What's a matter star, something missing!", the guys were saying to him. "You sure are pretty, you will be the favorite of all of the boys."

Ken could not look down at himself any longer. The doctor came in, and pulled the sheet over him and gave him a sedative. He slipped into a deep sleep.

"That's enough guys, we have to work on his voice and his mind, and show him how to use what he has now, then you can take him home." They all gave each other a high five, and walked out of the room.

"Now", Brian said as they walked away. "It is time to turn the socialite into a slut."

Several weeks had passed since Ken disappeared, and there was a lot of talk around the school about him and what might have happened. Brian had taken his place, and the whole team, even Brian and his friends, were or pretended to be upset and concerned over his absence.

Elizabeth Ann was distraught, and was unable to give a great deal of ethiusment when cheering at the games. Most times, she sat on the sideline and watched. This delighted Brian and crew to no end. It was time to make the move on her next. They had their plan, they made arrangements thru Carl's brother to have friends do some work on her once they had her. It would take place tonight.

There was a victory party for the game later that night. She was not happy about it, but Elizabeth Ann decided to go anyway. Her parents were out, so she was home alone getting ready. She put on a white sweater, plaid skirt, tan pantyhose, and flats. "Just another night out", she thought to herself. She picked up her purse, and walked out of the house.

The party was down by the mini dam along the river. She always liked to walk there with Ken, and it was a place she always felt comfortable at. Before going to the party, she decided to stop there for awhile and think.

She sat on the railing along the side and thought about Ken. There were tears in her eyes. She did not see or hear the boys coming from behind. She was grabbed, her mouth covered. She tried to struggle and scream, but passed out. Brian took her purse and shoes and left it by the side of the rail. When it is found, it will be assumed she jumped in and drowned herself. They also left her ID bracelet on the side.

They put her in the back of the van, and drove off to the party. All night while her friends partied and had a good time, she lay on the floor of the van, covered with a blanket.

With the party breaking up, Brian and his buddies went back to the van. They all piled in, and pulled away, driving towards the downtown area.

One of the other players, Nick, was rubbing Elizabeth Ann's legs as they drove. He ran his hand up her skirt, and toyed with her thighs. "This girl is hot, seems a shame to get rid of her without doing anything", he said while continuing to stroke her.

Brian snapped back, "never mind, we have to drop her off so she can be fixed up." "Once she is gone, we can go onto doing whatever we want!"

They pulled the van up to a warehouse on a dead end street in a not to nice section of downtown. Elizabeth Ann was carried out, and brought inside. There waiting was a plastic surgeon friend of Carl's brother.

Lying flat on an exam table, the surgeon looked over to see what was to be done. "I can do something with the breasts, make them bigger, and puff up the lips." "She will be "interesting" when I am done."

"Doc, it is all up to you, let us know when she is ready and you need us." "We will be checking on Katina next week, I understand she is looking great!"

"Yes", the doctor replied smiling. "She is hot, we did our best work there, I do not think he will remember a thing when we are complete."

They all high fived each other outside. Getting in the van, each of them reflected on what they had done. "Guys", Brian said looking around the van. "We got them out of our way, now we are going to have some fun and make a little money with them." "We did it, we did it!" They drove away laughing. Meanwhile, in another clinic, Ken was being prepped and dressed as Katina. The star football player was being turned into a blonde and busty bimbo. A similar fate was to fall on Elizabeth Ann. It will be interesting to see what occurs next.

Huddled on the edge of her bed, a beautiful blonde, covered with only a sheet, cried. She was in a locked room, released only to go to the bath room and to be worked on. She heard voices coming to the door.

The door opened, and two doctors walked in. The girl looked up, curious as to what would happen next. One of them came over and spoke.

"Now, is this anyway for a quarterback to behave, you have to be a big girl now!" This crying girl was none other than Ken, now Katina, converted and changed into a submissive woman. The men made her lay down on her bed, pulling the sheet covering her. Flushed with embrassment, she was being poked and probed by these two men. They checked her breasts, nipples, inside her vagina, her whole body.

Ken would have made every attempt to get out some how. But he was in no position to run or fight now. All he knew was what he was taught, his name was Katina, and he was going to be used and exploited.


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