TG Story, Ladies night at the bar

By Joyce Devries

Published on Nov 8, 2010



September 7th, 1988, Ladies Night At The Bar

By Joyce Devries, MSN Chat ID: Yahoo Chat ID:

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life diary entry. My girlfriend at the time, now my husband and I used to get dressed up on a regular basis and hit an establishment, near our apartment that featured, "ladies night", in other words females got in for free and men had to pay a cover charge. I am 5'0", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was another really special, unique interesting adventure.


This diary entry was made on paper and put away in a book on a shelf for years, a recent conversation with a girlfriend reminded me about this unique and interesting evening, and I transcribed it to digital form.


In August of 1987, I told my then girlfriend, now my husband, Sharon, about my feminine side and she embraced it, and within a week we went out to dinner as girlfriends, and the journey to this day has never stopped. After a while, Sharon and I started going to an establishment, about 2 blocks from our apartment, and we typically were there for dinner, dressed like typical women coming from the office, she would usually come home from work one evening during the week, tell me to be dressed "appropriately", and we would go to this establishment. Then one day we ended there on a Thursday night and at 9pm, saw they cleared out the dance floor moved out the tables that were on it and saw that they were charging admission to get in, we asked our waitress about what was happening and found out Thursday nights were ladies nights, now this was 1988, fashions back then were all about "letting it all out", so Sharon and I started seeing women come in with miniskirts, tops tied up exposing their bellybuttons, makeup to the max, high heels, and right then and their, Sharon said, "next week we are coming for ladies night". Well due to work circumstances, it was not for a couple of months we actually made it there. We would go about every second Thursday night, and over time the outfits we both would wear would get bolder and bolder, we went shopping over that time, and before long we both had a good collection of 1980s miniskirts and lace tops and of course at least 3heels. As well, at the time in our "lesbian relationship", we would have female to female sex. It was interesting, as we kept going, to the ladies nights, it was the same crowd of girls and guys, both Sharon and I danced with the guys, of course they would always buy our drinks, Sharon started dancing with one guy more frequently than others, to a point, she was only dancing with him, his name was Daniel, at the time she was 20 and he was 20 as well, and quite a good looking guy, I later found out he was on her high school`s football team, meanwhile I was still dancing with multiple guys. Nothing sexual happened, at most we both would get light goodnight kisses as we left, but that was it, well, until this night happened.

So here is the diary entry from that interesting day:

It was 6pm, I got home from work as usual, and headed straight for the shower, as it was our Ladies night out at Pat and Mario`s, the one we have been going to for the past few months, always a good time, getting to dress provocatively, get drinks bought for us and dancing with cute men, always a good time.

After the shower I started thumbing through the closet to see what I wanted to wear, I knew that Sharon was going to be home in an hour or so and since we share a closet and clothes, did not know what she was going to be wanting to wear, but wanted to pick something and be ready in case she had already decided on wearing it. I grabbed for a leather miniskirt that I had recently bought on a shopping trip out with Sharon and a flowered red silk blouse, that was Sharons. Once I decided on that, I started to get dressed for the evening, I decided on a white lace bra, and pair of red silk and lace panties, then the next decision, the pantyhose I was going to wear, it was either white, nude or black, and decided to go with black. I carefully slipped on the pantyhose, making sure I would not put a run in them and then right away put on my 3black kid heels for the evening to avoid a snag on the hardwood floor. I decided to get dressed before putting on my makeup, and the first thing was the blouse, and then slowly slid the leather miniskirt up my legs and loved the feel of the silk lining as I snapped it up and zipped it up.

I then sat down at my makeup table and started to put on my makeup, I started with my eyes, and as usual, it was dark blue on the bottom and pink on the top of the lids, then a healthy coat of eyeliner, and finally a healthy coat of mascara. I was just about to do my blush and Sharon walked in, still in her work clothes, a long black skirt and pink blouse and low 2heels and she looked at me at said, "getting ready for the evening I see?", I told her I was, and she smiled, and told me she was going to start getting ready as well. Sharon went into the bathroom, and jumped into the shower, as I continued my makeup application, I finished with my blush and then put on my favourite dark red lipstick, I checked my tiny "clubbing purse", making sure the usual was in it, tissues, tampon, lipstick, and a small blush applicator, I finished off my outfit with a healthy dose of Halstons perfume. I then retired to the living room area of the apartment and waited for Sharon, and watched a little television as Sharon showered and got ready.

Finally I heard the heel clicks of Sharon as she came into the living room area of our apartment, as always, she was dressed to kill in her turquoise back zippered miniskirt, floral blouse, tied up to expose her torso, push up bra, displaying her 38DD breasts, and 3" heels, perfect well done makeup, she was wearing Halston's perfume as well, what was odd was she had no pantyhose on, I asked her about it and she said in a quite frankly way, "sometimes those get in the way". She had a certain look on her face, one I had never seen before and I asked her, "something special for Daniel?" (I had no clue they already had planned something at this point), I asked. She smiled and said nothing to me, other than, "you look hot tonight", and walked to grab her tiny clubbing purse, I knew of all of our clubbing nights, this probably was going to be different, Sharon had a certain look in her eye.

She came to me and said, "ready to go my love?", I told her I was and I stood up and followed her out the door, and loved the fact our heels, were clicking in unison as we got to her car. I slid in to the passenger seat and she the drivers seat and reached over and caressed my nylon covered legs and said, "perfect as always". I smiled back at her and we were off to Pat and Mario's, we got there and both got out and slung our tiny clubbing purses over our shoulders and walked to the entrance, Sharon let me take the lead and as we walked in the hostess at the front looked both of us over and said, "little early for dancing ladies?", I quickly spoke up and said we wanted some dinner first. She smiled and said, "right this way ladies", she lead us to a table and we sat down and she told us our waitress was going to be serving us shortly. I smiled and Sharon said, "you enjoyed that didn't you?", I told her I certainly did and shortly after that, a waitress came to our table wearing black slacks, a white blouse and was quite attractive and said, "evening ladies, my name is Linda, I will be serving you this evening", she asked us if we wanted anything to drink to start, both of order a glass of white wine.

As we thumbed through the menu, I look across the table at Sharon and said, "what are you up to?", she smiled with a wild grin and said, "I have no clue what you are talking about?, like always, you have your fun and I will have mine tonight". Our waitress Linda came with our drinks, and said, "ready to order ladies?". We said we were and Sharon went first and ordered Veal parmesan, I went with a salad a soup special, and our waitress took our menus and left. I left the issue of what she was up to alone, and we had idle chat about the evening coming up and if the same crowd was going to show up. Eventually we finished our dinner and our waitress Linda came back, with the bill and Sharon and I split it, and it was around 9pm, and they were clearing out the tables on the dance floor, and we could see the line up of girls and guys waiting to get in. Sharon said she had to go to the bathroom, so we slung our tiny clubbing purses over our shoulders and headed to the ladies bathroom.

As we entered the 6 stall ladies bathroom, there was one woman touching up her makeup at the sink and mirrors, and all the stalls were free, so Sharon and I both grabbed one. I grabbed the close to the middle one and Sharon went to the end one. Even before I could hang up my purse and hike up my skirt I could hear Sharon "tinkling". I sat down and carefully pulled down my panties and pantyhose and did my business, and before I was done cleaning up, Sharon had already left her stall. I carefully pulled up my panties and nylons and left the stall to meet Sharon who was applying a fresh and healthy coat of lipstick, I opened my purse and did the same and as she was re-packing her purse, noticed that she had a pair of black lace panties in her purse, and I asked her about them, and she said, like when I asked her about her nylons, said, "they only get in the way". I looked at her in the mirror with a stunned look and said, "you are not wearing panties?". We were alone in the ladies bathroom, and she walked up to me and grabbed my right hand and hiked up her skirt and force my hand into her crotch and I could tell right away she definitely was not wearing panties, as I felt the hair of her pussy. At that point, I definitely knew she was up to something, was not sure, but with the skirt she was wearing, the full zipper, no nylons or panties, I had my suspicions, which I would find out would be more confirmed in the next 15 minutes.

We packed up our tiny clubbing purses and headed back to the table, which we found was now gone, and then headed to the bar to get a drink, by this time, the establishment was now a bar, and people started to file in. Sharon and I both ordered a glass of white wine, and before the drinks arrived, the "usual" crowd of Daniel and his male friends found us at the bar and there was lots of hugs and such, and the guys made sure they paid for our drinks. We both got lots of compliments from the guys on our outfits, there was Daniel, Paul, Mario and Frank. Daniel, who Sharon was getting close with walked up to her and I saw him give her a long and deep kiss and hugged her and cupped her miniskirt covered ass, after that Sharon and I separated, I was left chatting with the other guys while Sharon and Daniel disappeared into the crowd. It was not long after that the dancing started, I danced with Paul Mario and Frank, was typical 80's dance music and I found myself, having to ask for a break every once in a while to get a break for a sip of my drink or the ladies washroom, I lost sight of Sharon, had no clue where she was, But I was pretty much on the crowded dance floor in my heels the entire evening, dancing with the usual 3 guys we had made friends with.

Things got interesting around 10:30pm. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Sharon and Daniel coming back into the bar hand in hand. I knew something was up but in the crowded bar, could not see where she was, in between dances, as I wanted to talk to her, I would from time to time, excuse myself and see if I could catch her in the ladies bathroom, but never did, saw lots of other females in there, but not her, and used that time to fix up my lips. I continued dancing with the guys, and has having a great time, and around 11:15pm or so, saw Sharon walking back into the bar with Daniel again, once again had no clue what was happening. It was around 12:30pm, the bar was shutting down and I started looking for Sharon, as it was time to go back to the apartment, but I could not find her, I checked the ladies bathroom, searched the dance floor and finally she came hand in hand again with Daniel back into the bar.

This time, she came and found me, and when I saw her coming, gave each of the guys I had danced with all evening a hug and a little kiss, which they appreciated. Sharon was flush and "glowing" is all could say and gave Daniel one long last kiss, which had his buddies clapping. We then left the club, and I asked where she was all night and all she said was, "you will find out soon enough", then I asked about why she was leaving the bar with Daniel, she said again, "you will find out soon enough". I was really intrigued and she then asked me if I had a good time and I told her I did, she told me she had a "spectacular time".

We pulled into the parking lot of our apartment and she was still smiling and as we got out of the car, she immediately came and helped me out of my seat and lead me upstairs to our apartment. Once we got in she said, "get into that powder blue teddy of yours and meet me in the bedroom". I went to our shared closet, grabbed the teddy and headed to the bathroom, and stripped out of my blouse, skirt, nylons and heels and put on the teddy, I loved the feeling of the lace and satin. I touched up my lipstick, but nothing else as it was so late and headed to the bedroom.

Sharon was waiting for me in nothing but a sheer white lace teddy. She had a wicked smile on her face and said, "so wondering what I was doing all evening with Daniel while you were dancing with his friends?", I was completely lost, but she said, "lay down on the bed and you will find out". I crawled up onto the bed and Sharon got on the bed and positioned her pussy right over my face and undid the snaps at the crotch of the teddy. She giggled and said, "lick me off dear, I have a special treat for you". I started licking her hard clit and then she said, "this was 3 loads of Daniel, all for you, enjoy my love", I felt her release her pussy muscles and the flood of cum started, and it was a ton, it kept flowing over and over, I swallowed it all, then when it felt like it stopped Sharon, was squealing out, "stick your tongue in, get every last drop", which I did. It did not stop there, Sharon then started riding my face and asked me to make her cum, which I did.

When she was done, she did up her snaps and we cuddled up and went to bed.


  • Sharon and I continued going to Ladies night, and as time wore on got a bit of a reputation, especially Sharon. - I knew what to expect on nights when she would visit the backseats of guys cars, and always looked forward to cleaning her up. - As well, over time, I as well, got asked out to the backseats of cars, but for me, I was giving oral only. - The fun stopped when Sharon asked me to be her wife.


So here is the proposal: First off, I AM NOT A PRO. This petite, passable TV, would love to meet you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the diary entry above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" gay male sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, if things work out, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, or couple, please contact me, and who knows?

Joyce Devries, My MSN Chat ID: My Yahoo Chat ID:

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