TG: SRU - The Feminomicon

By moc.liamtoh@seirotseiramartep

Published on Jul 15, 2012



I wrote this story and I hope you enjoy it. I welcome feedback, and comments at This is my first story to the archive, hope you enjoy it.

SRU: The Feminimicon

My name was Jay and I used to be a college student (computer engineering if you care). I like playing role-playing games (RPGs) and spent most of my time, playing, preparing or thinking my next adventure; tabletop, LARP (Live-Action Role-Playing) or on the computer, the medium didn't matter. I'd play anything. I was a typical gamer: 6'2", going on 300 pounds, with glasses and a goatee. A typical gamer.

Now I am a rather typical guy: I don't believe these games turn you into a worshiper of Satan or that you will kill your parents if you become addicted to the game. Yes, I use the word addicted because I am addicted to those. A game is a game.

It was a boring day. On that fateful Tuesday, September 21st, I decided to skip engineering classes and head downtown. I was going to eat at a local Mediterranean restaurant. That place makes great gyros and I'd have them everything I could.

Walking down Main, I passed before a shop I never saw before. "Spells-R-Us" read the sign above the door. The windows were painted black, but had occult symbols painted on there. I would've passed right by, but then I saw something painted "Role-playing material". I almost went in, but continued on to eat.

I wondered what that store meant with "Role-Playing Material". There was a local game game store where I used to do all my gaming purchases. I tried to come up with a number of ideas. Curiosity got the better of me and I decided that once I finished my meal I'd head right to the store and check it out. I felt ecstatic. Maybe I would find something in there for an upcoming LARP I was beginning to put together with some of my gaming buddies.

I pushed the door to the shop and entered, holding my breath, as if I were entering a secret chamber or exploring some dungeon location. But I was disappointed. The store looked more like a gift shop than a role-playing game store.

Behind the counter, a bearded old man stood there dressed in a long robe. I chuckled to myself "Great! I just entered Gandalf's store..." Before the old man, a lovely young woman dressed in a long trench coat was arguing for him to return something. I chuckled to myself. "Show him some cleavage, toots, and Gandalf may grant you your wish."

While the two argued, I looked at the shelves and was beginning to despair about finding anything of interest. When I finally passed before a series of bookshelves under small sign "Live Action". I stopped and began to look at the titles, expecting the usual Vampire and Cthulhu games, but I found none of those. All the games were unfamiliar to me. "Satyr's adventure", "Be a Pixie" and other such funny titles. I was about to leave when my eyes focused on a book with a pin binding.

I reached for the book. The cover only had a symbol of Venus and was otherwise straight pink. Not Barbie-pink, but a rich purple-pink. I opened the book. Within were many occult-looking symbols and circles and invocations as well as drawing of women in all types of attire: whores, princesses, demure manga schoolgirls or bikini wielding booberellas. "Wow! This makes me think of a more generic Macho Women with Guns... Without the humor and all the sex... This will be great for the LARP! At the worse case it'll give us a good laugh." I thought to myself. I flipped through latter pages filled with herbal magic myths and arcane illustrations. I looked for a price tag, but couldn't find any.

I was startled when a voice said "it's 5 dollars. A real bargain... Those books haven't been edited since the mid-80s. Hard to find."

My collector's sense immediately went into overdrive. "I'll take it!" I said without thinking. I started to fumble with my wallet.

"I must warn you that this is no ordinary game... There are a series of rules in the back." Said the Old Man.

"Sure, sure," I said not really paying attention.

I handed the money to the old man and left the store, anxious to read things and incorporate them into my upcoming game. I didn't notice the old man chuckle as I was leaving.

I headed to the University's RPG club where I sat down by myself and began to read. The book dealt with the power of womanhood and other such nonsense. Not really interested in the rules set I photocopied a character sheet and pulled out my pen. "Let's see... Oh that's funny, the gender section is already filled in... So my character will be a female then... I guess it goes with the game."

I thought about a character that I wanted to play for an upcoming game, she was based on a girl I had something of a crush on. Petra Marie Delaney was a 20 years old, 5'8" about 130 pounds brunette with long wavy hair that fell on the side of her face. She wasn't super-thin in a supermodel way, but she wasn't fat either. She had curves where they should be. One of those round faces whose smile is contagious. Just a few freckles gave her a cute girl-next-door look. But the best thing about her was her great set of tits. I found myself dreaming about those C-cup breasts. Just like I liked them: nice, meaty and firm. They promise heaven just by thinking of them. Oh to rest my head on those bosoms, to hold their fleshy beauty. She had all the right curves in all the right places. She was the woman that filled my dreams with sexual delights. I got hard just thinking about her and her tits. I was hard as a rock as I imagined her hot body.

What pissed me off was that she was in a relationship with a real asshole named Matt Lundberg. I dreamed of punching him in the face and hurting him bad so he would let Petra go and I could be with her. Funny how great girls cling to jerks when they find one! That jerk never wanted her to dress nice and feminine. He insisted she dress with long pants and long-sleeved shirts. In spite of those baggy, ugly clothes, she still appeared great. Her charms still oozed through. I hated Matt. I hated the clothes he had her wear. Every one of my dreams about her involved me flying to her rescue or fighting a Matt-headed dragon or paying a hit man to get her away from that jerk. But the important thing was, she ended up with me and we enjoyed great, mind-blowing sex.

She was an English literature student and wrote absolutely great adventures (yes, she was a gamer too). My main complaint was that she tended to be a little verbose, but her adventures really appealed to me and the other guys at the club. She enjoyed writing complex characters. As did I. We wrote great LARPs together and were perceived by many as the "local storyteller elite". People drove up to two hours weekly to attend our Friday night games.

As I thought of her, I filled in physical scores, above-average social scores and decent mental scores... I placed skill points in areas that would represent her best. It was really free form and the guidelines said to enumerate the most important traits only. So I put down what she was good at cooking, organizing, storytelling, making friends and writing. I'll spare you the list.

The next section was devoted to sexual experience, sexual positions, libido and sexual openness. It took up many pages of the rulebook. It was quite descriptive and filled my mind with dirty dreams and thoughts of madly fucking Petra. I filled it in as she was in my dreams. Slutty in private but classy in public, very willing to try new things: group sex, girls, toys, oral sex and strangers. Basically everything except anal sex and animals which I'm really not into (I thank God for that now!). I laughed at myself thinking how the girls at the club would call this game a "geek's game". Calling it "another game for under-sexed boys" or a "perv's playground". I sat back and began imagine how I could write an adventure for a party of girls like this. Ideas like "lesbian slumber party", "the slasher film" or "the bikini babes and Mr Finn's big gun"... I laughed to myself.

I filled in the advantages section: friendly, good lover and, great taste of underwear (I thought that was a unique advantage, so I put it in)

Disadvantages: jerk boyfriend (abusive), secret love (prince charming) and gamer-chick

I wrote "Petra Marie Delaney" in the name field at the top and my own name on "player name". I heard the door to the club open. I looked up. POOF! And I was looking down at myself as everything I wrote on the character sheet glowed for a moment.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I saw myself say.

I looked down at myself only to have my view obstructed by two lumps of flesh. TITS! I fainted right then and there.

When I came to, my face was right over me. "You okay?" I kept asking.

"Yes, I think..." My voice was a soprano. I froze. It was Petra's voice.

"I take it you're Jay in there... It's me, Petra, in you. What did you do?" she asked.

I explained the whole deal to her: the wizard, the book. I cried and sobbed throughout the whole thing. It was soon clear to her that I didn't know what I had done, how I did it and that I did not have any idea about how to return us to our bodies. She/he looked at me with a look on her face that the "perv playground" would describe well what she thought.

"Let's go see the wizard, he'll know what to do!" said Petra. She stood up and picked up the pink book.

"Sure, that seems like a good idea."

She/he pulled my car keys from my pants and drove us downtown.

We entered the shop and went straight for the Old man. "What the hell is this old man?" I screamed hysterically at the man.

"Calm down Jay... You didn't listen and you didn't read those rules I told you about, am I right?"

"What rules?" I said. I looked up to Petra and looked into my own eyes with a surprised look on my current face. Together we look back at the wizard.

"Those in the back of the book. The ones that are referenced in the disclaimer at the start of the book. Let me guess, you skipped all that and went to character creation..." I said nothing, that wizard knew everything.

Petra and I opened the book to the back. There it was in plain English. The text that forever changed my life was printed out as Rule #1.

"1 - Do not make a character based on a real person. Permanent body swap may result if you meet said person." I began to cry. Petra-in-me talked to the wizard for a while and though I tried to follow, I could not. Emotions flowed through me.

"But don't worry... You'll find a way to cope... You have much gaming ahead of you. You didn't chose badly, so you'll do fine." The wizard said re-assuredly. "This is only the start of your adventure!"

It didn't reassure me.

On auto-pilot, I followed Petra-in-me went back to my apartment. Once there I fell on the couch and kept sobbing uncontrollably, curled into fetal position. "I don't want to be a woman! I'm a guy!" I kept repeating. Petra sat next to me.

"Don't worry... we'll find a way out of this... good adventures always start with a premise where the protagonist is stuck in a position that seems impossible. But through perseverance and hope, the hero always perseveres and emerges victorious." She said.

"That's deep... Who said that?" I asked between sobs.

"You did, silly!" She replied. I managed a chuckle as she placed her arm around my shoulder. This made me feel so protected and safe. I knew that Petra wasn't judging me too harshly and that she'd help me get through this ordeal. I raised my lips and planted a kiss on Petra's lips. She quickly returned the favor and drove her tongue deep in my mouth, French-kissing me with passion. "Petra, we shouldn't..." I weakly protested, but returned her kisses and allowed myself to melt into her masculine arms.

I felt the bulge in her pants grow and grow. I was shocked to see that she was getting aroused! I hadn't been particularly hung or anything, but my old cock felt big and hard. It used to provide me hours of entertainment, both alone (usually thinking of Petra) and with a rare partner (I was a gamer). I wiggled one of my hands free and unhooked her belt. Pulling down her pants, her cock sprang free and almost hit me in the face. We both chuckled nervously. I could smell her manly odor. It drove me wild with desire. I pulled back the skin (I was uncircumcised) and took a deep breath. It smelled heavenly. "I always loved that smell... so manly... But I never thought I'd smell it from this angle..."

I always liked getting my cock sucked, but I never thought I'd be the one doing the sucking. "Are you sure?" Petra asked me. I knew the look and emotion in her voice. It meant "please don't leave me like that, suck it baby."

"Yes... It's not like I never saw or played with this bad boy before!" I replied with a smile. "I'm new at this, so be patient with me."

I dropped to my knees before Petra to get a better view and took her cock in my hand. I stroked it lightly. "Now let's see what cock tastes like..." I kissed the tip. It wasn't bad. I kissed it again, letting my tongue lick the pre-cum that was forming. I was hooked! I formed an `o' with my lips and took the head in. Using my hand I stroked her cock while giving the glans a tongue bath. "Wow Jay! You're great! Huh... you're great! Keep it up! Wow! Take it all in, baby!" She moaned. My mind kept racing back to all the points I put on what is now my character sheet... I lifted her cock and licked the balls I grew up with. They tasted manly. I took one in my mouth and gently sucked on it. Again she moaned with pleasure.

This boosted my confidence and I renewed my efforts to make this the best blow job I could give. Returning my attention to her shaft, I sucked the tip while twisting gently as my hand stroked up and down. I tried to deep throat my old dick a few times, but gagged every time. That didn't diminish my ardor or desire to succeed and I kept up the pressure on her cock, my hand flying up and down the shaft. She was moaning "Fuck yeah! Suck it! Don't stop! Please!" she said.

I didn't stop.

I felt her balls tighten so I pulled back until only the head was beyond my lips and braced myself. "OH GOD YES! I'm cumming!" she called. At that time, cum then filled my mouth. I thought the floodgates of Hoover's Dam had just opened! There was cum everywhere. And it kept coming! My cheek filled up so quickly. I thought cum would squirt out of my nose and ears, but it didn't. I tried to swallow as much as I could, but some spilled out of my mouth. Taking a deep swallow and using my fingers. I cleaned the sperm from my face and her diminishing cock. I ate all the sperm.

"I saw stars... You are one expert at sucking cock! Wow... I mean I never thought guys had it so good... Such a sudden release. You have to do it again!" Petra-in-me commented out of breath.

"I had that cock for 23 years! I should know how to work it..." I winked, laughing.

"Now my turn... come here", she said patting the couch next to her. I sat next to her and I barely sat down that she had her tongue deep in my mouth. I let her roam her hands over my body. Her hand reached my breasts and began squeezing gently. I moaned in pleasure.

"A man who doesn't mind sampling his own cum..." I told him.

"For the last 5 years I've been on the receiving end of a cock... Your sperm, I mean mine, tastes really good. Plus it's only good measure after the great blow job you just gave..."

"Let's get naked it'll be better," she said. I nodded in agreement. In a swift move, she was naked in front of me. I giggled. "Do you want to dance for me?" She asked. That was something I would ask of all my girlfriends. I love to see girls dance and do strip teases. I like to see them move and twirl, it really turned me on.

"Sure..." And I got up and began to do the best striptease I could. I marveled at how flexible this new body of mine was. I was gyrating and wiggling my hips. Flaying my arms to some imaginary beat (actually I was singing to myself Kylie Minogue's "Can't get you out of my head"). I took off my pants and blouse and realized somewhat happily that Petra has put on some very nice lingerie. I had felt the kiss of silk on my skin, but the events of the day distracted me so much that I did not pay attention to the underwear. Green silk bra with matching silk bikini panties that had a little pink bow in the middle. "Petra! You are one naughty girl! I thought you wore granny panties!" We both laughed while I kept on dancing. After a few more twists, Petra's cock sprang to life again. I felt proud to be able to get my old cock to approve of what I was doing.

In a second she was on me and roughly pulled me on the couch as she maneuvered that big ol' body of mine between my legs. I helped by moving by butt to the edge and spreading my legs, exposing the still unfamiliar equipment I had down there, my body knowing exactly what it wanted and how to move to get it. In a swift move, she removed my panties and bringing them to her new, she inhaled deeply. "I always thought I smelled great when I was excited. Smells even better now!" She put the panties on my chest, just above my bra. The smell of my new pussy juices reached my nostrils and excited me too. "You're right... your pussy smells great!" I said as I took them in hand and filled my nostrils with my feminine aroma. She smiled and said "Your pussy, baby girl. It's yours now..." I did not find it funny.

"Now... the kiss of the butterfly" She smirked, but I had no idea what she meant. She took my wrists and held them as if they were handcuffs. Lowering her mouth to my labia, she licked, sucked and kissed everywhere down there, focusing on my new clit, but she also licked the labia, and sucked on my pussy. I was squirming with pleasure against the bonds that she forced upon me. "Oh fuck yeah! Oh yeah!" I kept moaning. I thought many times that I could not get more aroused, but each time, Petra would start working on another spot and bring me to new heights. I was on fire, I begged of her to allow me to climax, but her strong hands held my wrists so tightly, I begged for her cock, but she kept licking and sucking.

Then it was an explosion, fireworks and full-scale world war three! I flayed my arms, head and legs in all direction and struggled against Petra's strong hands still clasped on my wrists but unable to break my bonds. Petra didn't let go of her ministrations as I kept cumming and cumming and cumming. "I LOVE YOU PETRA!" I screamed out between fireworks. I had barely started to come down from my first female orgasm, panting like a marathon runner when I felt something poke between my legs. "Now for the main course, the sausage..."

"Put it in... Put it in! I can't wait anymore! Fuck me, please fuck me," I panted. "Go on Petra..." Taking her cock in my hand I guided it to my waiting cunt. I felt it enter me in a single stroke as she began to thrust in and out. It felt so alien yet so good. "Petra... you are so great... Keep fucking me... Fuck me again and again."

"Oh I will, Princess, I will..." She said.

Petra calling me "Princess" shocked me. I thought about protesting but the sensations coming from my vagina overwhelmed my senses again and all I could come with was a nonsensical mumble. "I know you like it girl... just like that, don't you?" I could only nod and moan my agreement, I lost the power of coherent speech, so I lifted my legs in the air to give her better access to my pussy. She took long strokes, knowing it drove me wild. And it worked. She lifted my legs on her shoulders to allow he to speed up her tempo. With a major effort of will, I screamed out. "Plow into me good, big boy... Fuck me! Fuck me!" Dirty talk made Petra go faster as she obviously liked dirty talk. In a flash, she ejaculated into my waiting pussy. I felt its liquid warmth spray deep inside me and I loved it.

"Keep going big guy... I'm almost there too" I whispered in her ear and she kept pumping until I came again. I bucked like a wild horse as waves of orgasm crashed over me. Petra took hold of me and held me as I came and came. She pulled out of me and we both crashed on the couch. It took her but a second and she fell asleep, her cock now limp. I felt cum ooze out of my pussy and onto the couch. "Men!" I said rolling my eyes.

I brought my hand down between my legs and scooped some of the mixture of her sperm and my own cum. The result was not bad. I smiled to myself "I could get used to this..."

For the first time since the change I had time to myself. So I headed for the bathroom to check myself out. I wiped myself with toilet paper as I proceeded to examine my new body. My breasts were milky white and had silver dollar-sized aureoles. They were exactly I dreamed they would look. They looked GREAT. They felt FANTASTIC. They were MINE.

As I was examining them, the nipples proudly stood up they were about a half-inch long and wide. "Well hello there you guys! I'm your new owner... We'll have a lot of fun together!" I chuckled to myself as I tugged on them a little and felt a tingle of excitement.

I probed myself and found everything: clit, lips, and vagina. I moved my hands all over my smooth skin, discovering myself with great joy and glee. I could not believe this hot body belonged to me. I slipped two fingers into my vagina and flicked my clitoris a few times, to see how it felt when I pleasured myself. And it felt great. Not as good as Petra's cock did, but good. After the two mind-blowing orgasms Petra gave me, I expected we'd have sex again when she'd wake up and I wanted to be in the mood and ready for my man. The thought of more sex made me flush all over.

The thick muff of fur did put me off. "Well... it seems there is some work to be done down there!" I said. "The lady hasn't been taking care of her garden... We can't let that be... A trimmed woman is a good woman" I used to say. Now I had to put this into effect for myself.

I pulled out my, I mean Jay's, razor and scissors and entered the shower. I trimmed myself down to a nice landing strip. I was admiring my work when the big shape of Petra appeared in the door frame. "So... how hard is it to take a piss with this thing?" I laughed and said "just point and shoot" So she stood over the toilet and let go, laughing.

"Hey! You trimmed down there! Matt'll..." she stopped herself.

I got out of the shower looking up into Petra's eyes. "Yeah what about Matt?"

"He's my boyfriend! He'll be pissed when he sees what you've done to my bush. He likes me long and furry"

"Well I don't. It looks more elegant this way! And while we're at it... are YOU gay?" I asked her.

"No why..."

"I doubt he'll be interested in going out with you now! In case you haven't noticed I'm in your body now. He'll never believe that I'm you and you're me. Plus, I hate Matt! He's a jerk and an all-around ass hole! Plus `you' just cheated on him. I don't want to see him. I want to stay here with you. I want to stay with you," I winked "We have to face it that I am now Petra and you are now Jay. Who's got the balls here?" I said as I grabbed a loving handful of my old nut sack before releasing it.

"I do." She winced.

"So we have no choice... I have to be Petra and you be Jay. It would definitely be better if you took me as your girlfriend. If you'd have me as your girlfriend... We could fill in the blanks for each other so people don't know. I... I always loved you Petra and dreamed of being with you so many times. Not this way of course... But it does have some perks..." I said as I knelt before him, once again facing the cock I had stroked so many times before.

"I have to think..." The new Jay stuttered. I stroked him a few time, blowing cool air on his balls. He rose to the occasion. I could see that his "little brain" was starting to do the thinking.

I stopped myself as for the first time I realized that I considered Jay a man, and I as a woman. I placed my hair behind my ears and looked at the man I wanted to be mine. I smiled suddenly happy and fulfilled.

Pulling me to my feet Jay looked at me "Princess, will you be me girlfriend?" Tears flowed as I gave him a big hug. A moment later, I looked him in the eyes.

"YES! I will become your girlfriend! Come here mister... Your girlfriend has an itch that only you can scratch... or is it you?" I took his penis in my hand and guided him to the bedroom. Jay seemed stunned as I pushed him on the bed where he fell on his back, his beautiful love shaft standing straight up. I straddled him and impaled myself on his cock. It was heaven. I rolled my hips, fucking myself and kissing him hard. He kept playing with my tits. "Oh Petra, you are fucking great." Jay moaned.

"You're not bad yourself!" I was soon bouncing up and down, feeling my tits jiggle in all direction. I knew why bras were so important. I was soon cumming on Jay's hard cock. "Get on all fours, Princess. I'll take you doggie-style Petra... I'm gonna give you a fucking like you never had before."

I happily obliged and Jay went behind me, holding on to my hips and pumping quickly. I could feel him so deep inside me. This was straight animal sex. I relished the slapping of his balls on my clit. There was no sensuality involved. I loved it. "Fuck me Jay, fuck me big boy! Fuck me, fuck your woman!" I begged and moaned. Jay slapped my round butt one time, "Here it comes, Petra!" He said before grabbing hold of my waist and burying himself deep into me. Again I felt him cum inside me and that triggered another of my own orgasms. I was bucking again. "I love you Jay!" I screamed as I collapsed on the bed.

"I love you Petra!" he whispered in my ear. "I am so blessed that you are my girlfriend." I did not answer but melt in his arms, crying with joy for the man I loved wanted me as his girlfriend. I would get to play the role of the girl of my dreams for the rest of my days.

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