TG: On the Beach

By Edwin Gay

Published on Oct 23, 1994



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K. Moore

Brenda picked me up early the day we began our remarkable trip to the

beach. I really didn't know what to expect from this because even though I

lusted mightily for her, she had shown little romantic interest in me. We

got to our hotel room that evening, and after we had unpacked and were

preparing to go for a walk, Brenda sat down on the bed with a mysterious

look in her eye. She said, "You've always been good to me and I want to do

something for you that I know you'll enjoy." She reached into her purse

and produced a bottle of unmarked pills, shook one out and gave it to me.

"What will it do to me?," I asked. "Something I think you'll like!," she

replied. Trusting her, I took it dry as Brenda watched with a mischievous

look of satisfaction on her face. "Now, let's go take a walk!" Since it

was still warm outside, I pulled off my sleeveless T-shirt and prepared to

go with just my shorts on. Brenda stopped me and said, "Um...I think it

would be better if you wore a shirt." "How come?," I asked. "Um, 'cause

you never if it might get cold while we're out there," she said, and then

added under her breath with a giggle, "And you might come back with

something you didn't go out with!" I looked at her strangely, but put my

shirt back on, anyway. Ten minutes later we were walking hand in hand on

the beach looking at the starry sky. I asked her again about the pill that

I had taken, but she just shook her head and said, "Let's just say, be

ready for anything!"

We were silent for a while until suddenly I began to feel strange. My

stomach began to cramp and I felt like my insides were on fire! I got

really dizzy and sat down with a moan on a log in the sand. "Something

wrong?," Brenda said. I tried to describe my sick feeling to her, but for

some reason, my voice kept cracking embarrassingly, and the description I

related to her came out half baritone, and half high-pitched soprano.

Brenda peered at me closely through the dim light and smiled..."Right on

time!," she said, clapping her hands happily; "Hang on...It'll be over in

just a minute!" "What are you talking about!?," I said through my pain,

listening in wonder to a voice that was not mine coming out of my mouth.

My body suddenly spasmed with uncontrollable shakes, but a pleasant tingly

sensation that had started deep inside me began to grow in intensity and

spread to my skin and extremities. I threw back my head as Brenda watched,

and I was astonished to find that my hair was growing rapidly! It tickled

the back of my neck when I moved my head, and when my hands shot up to

investigate, I found that my new hair was thick and soft, and had the silky

quality only found in girls! As the tingling grew greater, my hands sought

out my face, and I was shocked to find no beard as I normally would, but

soft, cool feminine skin instead. Panicked, I turned to Brenda and said in

my new voice, "Brenda! What did you do?!!" She ran her hands through my

new thick tresses and said, "Shhh...I'm turning you into a pretty girl for

the weekend...You'll love it!" She took my hands away from my face gently

and motioned me with her head to look down. I felt I must be dreaming, for

there, unfolding in front of my eyes was a perfect woman's body with long

shapely legs, curving hips, and firm rounded breasts. I ran my hands over

my new body in disbelief as the tingling sensation subsided, pausing as I

reached my delicate bosom. The stiff, pretty nipples protruded through the

thin material of my tank top, and when I pinched them lightly with my

suddenly slim, long-nailed fingers, it sent an electric shock of passion

throughout my body. My hands travelled down again, feeling the smallness

of my waist and the soft but firm flatness of my woman's belly. I traced

the curve of my round hips and the soft skin of my hairless legs in

amazement. As I petted myself, I realized that a moist warmth was building

up between my legs that I was dying to investigate. I nearly dropped my

now-baggy shorts to see if I was really a complete girl, but I realized

that Brenda was sill watching me with amusement and satisfaction. A new

sense of "female" modesty kept me from exploring any further.

"I can't believe this," I said in my new soft soprano. "How does it

feel?," Brenda questioned with a sly grin on her face. "Like I'm me, but

not me," I said, marvelling at the sensuality of my female voice. She

laughed, "Well, Karen, my girl, let's go back up to the room where we can

get a better look at you...I can already see that I'm going to have some

stiff competition with you in that form, because from what I can see in

this light, you are at least as pretty as me, if not moreso!" I shook my

head again in wonder as all the feminine sensations of a woman that I had

only dreamed about suddenly asserted themselves.

Brenda pulled me to my feet, and I looked around at the world for the

first time from the perspective of about a 5"3' beautiful woman. The whole

sensation of movement was wonderful as I felt the wind in my hair, the sexy

bounce of my unencumbered breasts, and the tingly sting of sand as it blew

against the sensitive skin of my pretty legs. I took Brenda's hand as we

neared civilization again, but she patted it gently and loosened my grip.

"Don't want people to think we're lesbians," she said with a giggle, and I

realized for the first time the reality of the situation. As we came up

the walk to the hotel, she said, "Now, you need to walk a little slower and

hold your shoulders up. There's nothing wrong with letting your pretty

hips sway a little bit!" I tried to do as she asked, allowing my walk to

become more reflective of my dainty feminine appearance. As we walked into

the harsh light of the lobby, I realized the provocativeness of the way I

was dressed. My T-shirt was very revealing and nearly see-through,

appropriate for the strapping man that had walked out of the hotel, but

shameless for the bouncy-breasted maiden who came back in. I felt my face

get hot with a blush as I became aware of the appreciative stares I was

drawing from the male guests. Thankfully, the elevator opened almost at

once, and we found ourselves alone inside it. I watched as Brenda looked

me over carefully. "My God, you're perfectly beautiful," she said in

excitement, grasping me by my bare soft arms. "Your boobs are perfect and

your legs go on forever!" She grinned with pride as I couldn't think of

anything else to do but giggle girlishly in response.

When we got to our room, I ran straight to the full length mirror.

What I saw made me gasp with sheer disbelief. Staring back at me was a

vision of feminine perfection. I had deep liquid brown eyes framed by

perfectly contoured eyebrows, a turned up button nose, high sculpted

cheekbones, generous pink lips, and perfectly even white teeth. My body

was spectacular! I took in the wonderful soft angles of my new figure,

marvelling at the high waist, the long legs, the ample breasts, and the

sexy pelvic curve. Ignoring modesty, I drew my T-shirt over my head and

looked at myself topless. I explored my breasts in the mirror, admiring

their perfect size and shape. I ran my tiny hands and palm over a large

pink nipple, loving the dual sensations of being both a woman having her

breasts felt up and a man copping a feel! I felt sexy all over, and,

noticing Brenda watching my exploration in the mirror, turned seductively

toward her and took her in my arms. I sighed passionately as I felt the

warmth of her soft breasts crushing into my own, and turned up my face to

be kissed. I experienced the limitations of a woman's strength then as she

gently but firmly pushed me away. "Karen," she said with a happy but

serious smile, "I'm not really into homosexuality, and you don't have

anything between those gorgeous legs of yours that would make me want you

right now." I realized that she was right, but having not seen or

experienced the sensation of having a vagina, I still wanted her even

though she was now the same sex as I. "If you want to go all the way in

that package, it's going to have to be done with a man," she said. This

was something that I hadn't considered before, and I just wasn't sure I

wanted to. Brenda, I think, guessed my situation, and said, "Why don't you

take a shower and, if you're willing, I'll help dress you up and see if we

can't let you find out how the other half really lives." I nodded, and,

trying to act like I wasn't excited, walked to the bathroom and eagerly

locked the door. I bent down with my new breasts swaying and turned on the

water. I quickly pulled down my shorts and looked at that which made me

truly female. It was perfect! Surrounded by a small thatch of black pubic

hair and in beautiful proportion with my lovely thighs, my vagina

practically begged to be caressed. I reached for it with a long nailed

finger and found myself to be wet with anticipation. With my finger

discovering new ways to arouse myself from the inside, I stepped into the

shower and allowed the water to pelt against my sexy body. I rubbed myself

sensually all over and sat down on the edge of the tub. With a slow

sensual moan, I opened my silky thighs and began to play with myself again.

I rotated my finger around a little bud that sent shivers of electricity

throughout my girlish self, and found that I was audibly groaning in sultry

female whispers. Amazed at the wonder of it all, I let my exploration get

more daring. I increased the speed of my finger on my clitoris and kneaded

a ripe breast with the other hand. As I plunged my finger in and out of

myself, I found that my body was beginning to quiver uncontrollably. In

ecstasy, I realized that I was about to climax in a woman's body for the

first time. The intensity of my building orgasm nearly overwhelmed me as

my right hand alternated between my breasts, squeezing them roughly and

forcefully. Suddenly, I felt total release as my feminine body bolted, a

high-pitched cry of passion issuing forth from my mouth. Wave after wave

of electricity rolled through me as my orgasm reached its apex. Never as a

man had I experienced such utter delight! As I thrashed my head in rhythm

with my undulating hips, I found myself wishing to experience this feeling

again with a man!

Weak-kneed and flushed from my experience, I got out of the shower and

wrapped a towel around my petite body, tucked in conveniently around my

breasts. Brenda was waiting for me outside, and her smile told me that she

knew and understood what had just happened to me. "Well?," she said. I

sighed heavily and grinned..."Let's go get picked up!" She smiled and

touched my still moist shoulder, "I thought you might feel that way...Tell

you what, why don't you let me take a shower while you see if you can

figure out how to get into the clothes I picked out for you." I looked

over on the bed and saw a beautiful and sexy set of lingerie and stockings

laid out for me. I nodded, and she squeezed my hand and disappeared into

the bathroom. I dropped my towel away from my still warm body and set

about putting on the lingerie she had picked out. I slipped a lacy black

garter belt over my tiny waist and drew on a matching pair of panties. The

feel of their perfumed silkiness around my hips caused me to shake my head

again in delighted wonder. Next, I leaned down and sensually pulled up a

pair of black nylons over my shapely legs, my breasts making contact with

the top of my thighs as the stockings came up, causing my nipples to

stiffen yet again. I attached the nylons to my garter belt and felt the

incredibly arousing pull of the straps against the backs of my bottom

cheeks as I walked over to the mirror for another look. I toplessly

inspected the wet-haired nymph that gazed back at me with happiness before

enclosing my beautiful bosom in a strapless push-up bra that forced my

breasts against each other, creating a beautiful crease of cleavage. I was

drying my long black hair, clad only in my lingerie, when Brenda came out

of the shower. She looked me over approvingly and cocked her head in a

sassy way. "You are going to make one hell of a slutty tease in that

outfit! You ready to see a lot of bulges in men's pants!" I crossed my

legs and cupped a breast with my hand, licked my lips sexily and said, "I

beg your pardon...I'm no slut!," and thrust a shoulder out provocatively.

She laughed loudly, telling me that she hoped my virginity wasn't a

valuable thing to me.

I sat in a chair at the makeup table while Brenda teased my hair into

fluffy sexiness, little punky bangs poofing up from my luminous eyes. She

made up my face with blusher, mascara and a deep red lipstick, and then

turned her attention to my nails, turning them into sexy, spiky red claws.

She did herself then while I stepped into a tight green sleeveless mini

dress that dipped daringly at the neckline and came up all the way to mid-

thigh. I slipped on a pair of high heels and wobbled a little while

practicing walking in them.

We walked out of our room and headed for the hotel nightclub

downstairs. I felt totally feminine in my tight dress and heels, my

perfume making my head spin a little bit. In the half-filled club, male

eyes sought us out with lust as we perched on a bar stool with our pretty

legs crossed. For the next hour, I laughed, danced and flirted like a

normal girl, men practically throwing themselves at me, compliments being

showered on me like rain! I felt my first attraction for a man during my

first slow dance. Jonathon was a muscular, intelligent man with strong

arms that wrapped me up tightly and led me around the floor to the slow

beat. As the song was nearing its end, I laid my head on his broad

shoulder as his hand gently stroked the sensitive skin of my back. I

looked up at him through what I hoped were bedroom eyes and sighed as he

turned me gently but forcefully in his arms. His finger traced the curve

of my chin and tilted my face up to his. The woman I had become melted

into his arms as our soft lips locked into a soulful and passionate kiss.

...................To be continued???..................

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