TG / Magic / The Ultimate Femme

By ultf113

Published on Jan 29, 2001



The Ultimate Femme

A Lucid Author Story Submitted to the Public Domain with no copyright.

My fantastic journey began one hot day in Miami. It was the dry season. As I looked out the dirty window of my decaying home, I wished it would rain. I was writing, and feeling uninspired. For some strange reason, I wrote down my wish. As soon as I finished the sentence, I heard taps of rain on the window. I stared in wonder as the gentle rain gradually built into a powerful downpour.

The sky had been clear and sunny moments before. Could this be happening?

I wrote, "I wish it would hail."

As before, the wish came true, gently at first. Soon the yard and street were covered in white pellets of ice. I wrote another wish for clear weather. The rain, hail, and clouds took ten minutes to wind down. I went out to see an incredibly clear rainbow arching over the city. Kids were scooping up the hail and playing.

The local news had a great time with the story. The weird weather affected a 15 mile area around my house. It was time to try more wishes. This time, I didn't write them down. I looked around my tiny, dilapidated home and went on a repair binge. I just waved my hand over the crusty, dripping shower handle and it became shiny and watertight. The tiles became new and sparkling. I cleaned the mirror with the tiniest gesture of my fingers. Pretty soon the whole place had new carpeting, furniture, and a spotlessly clean kitchen with the best appliances.

I wanted to know what was happening and why I had this power. The answer presented itself to my mind: I was a character writing a story, and had full power to make anything happen. Like those rare dreams where you realize you're dreaming, I had become a lucid author. I waited until nightfall to venture outside and totally reshingle the roof.


I could NOT get used to this incredible ability! There was no stopping me as I repaired and restored everything I owned. My car suddenly purred, and the fabulous brand new interior looked perfect through the crystal clear windows. I had always wanted a brass bed. Bing! There it was. All of my clothes were instantly freshened and retailored to my exact measurements. After a long and sometimes sad lifetime of dealing with the cruel world of entropy, disappointment, and powerlessness, I was taking charge. Gorgeous vases of the freshest flowers appeared. Beauty and intoxicating fragrances filled rooms which had previously known drab, lonely poverty.

I took a breath and surveyed my charming home. My desires didn't need to be detailed--they came true in just the right way. I was so happy. I became aware of my tongue moving around in my mouth. It felt all my crooked teeth. Hmmm. Gradually, with no pain, my teeth moved into proper alignment. I rushed to the bathroom mirror to watch as they brightened to perfect glistening whiteness. I could change my body!

Glasses? Didn't need 'em anymore. That dark facial stubble I had grown to accept? Replaced with miraculously smooth skin I would never have to shave again. I took off my clothes and waved my hands over myself. The energetic rush of feeling all those little blemishes and thick body hairs go away was incredible. I stood before the full length mirror to see my body transform into the lean, strong, symmetrical wonder it was meant to be. For the first time in my adult life, I was perfect. Of course, it was a complete turn on. I grasped my normal, 6 inch cock and jacked off to my sleek, strong reflection. I was in heaven! Happily knowing I could easily wish away the mess later, I let my orgasm quickly build to a joyously strong spray of ejaculate all over the mirror.

My perfect pink lungs gasped for air. My heart was pounding, and it felt so good!. I kneeled to the floor and weakly turned from the mirror. After catching my breath and feeling the orgasmic afterglow tingle slowly away, I turned and saw the most beautiful shape through the splattered, dripping mirror. At age 31, I had the smooth, firm ass of an 18 year old.


Alot of things had been holding me back in real life. The whole deal with being gay--the confusion, name-calling, and uncomfortable refuge in the closet were not fun. On the other hand, active gay life wasn't that appealing, what with the promiscuity, diseases, and boundless ignorance of society to contend with. It was almost impossible to find any mention of love and tenderness in all those gay sex stories on the web. Since I was naturally shy, I lived discretely and satisfied my sexuality in a world of daydreams and fantasies.

Now it was different. The guardrails had been taken off the bridge. No disease threatened me. I had the fountain of youth and the power of beauty that would never fade away. I could MAKE people want me. With lucidity, I was totally safe within the story. Unlike wild, sex- addicted teens, I really WAS indestructible. Hell, I could FLY if I wanted to. To prove it, I floated around my home like it was a space station. The slightest touch of my fingers was enough to push me from wall to wall. Everything that could be dreamed could be. I had to have a man.

I've always been feminine. Maybe my spirit is female, maybe my fetal brain made too many naturally feminine pathways before it was flooded with testosterone. Whatever the explanation, I love myself, and enjoy being secretly different. It feels good to fully enjoy traditionally women's chores like baking, sewing, and housekeeping. I identify with femmes and bottoms in the gay world, and always love reading their thoughts and stories. Now it was my chance to taste the pleasures I had only fantasized about.

In Miami, there's, uh, no shortage of gay activity. I drove downtown and appeared at the door of a new gay dance club. My incredibly fresh and youthful appearance gained me immediate admission. With no restraint, I happily wandered in the crowded dark room of flashing lights and throbbing techno music. The guys were checking me out. Within the first minute I was picked up.

He was so gorgeous! His medium length brown hair was coiffed perfectly for his masculine face. He was tall, strong, and confident.

He said, "C'mon girl, let's dance" in a friendly low voice.

Swept away in the moment, knowing nothing bad could happen, I reached my hands up to his broad shoulders as he grabbed my waist and pulled me in. I loved his fresh cologne. We spent twenty glorious minutes dancing, kissing, spinning, and falling in love. His name was John.

Let me say that I have no illusions about same sex attraction. Men like sex, so they go for it. It's satisfying. It's simple. It's extremely superficial. Unlike women, who have an elaborate month long cycle for ONE egg, men produce millions of sperm every day, and they might as well go somewhere. Hot sex was all I was after that night. For the first time in my life I didn't care about the consequences. I was easy, and my partner loved me for it.

He drove me to his place. I loved our kisses in the black and chrome elevator. He held my hand as we went through his high-rise apartment's entry hall. I noticed a glossy magazine unfolded to a picture of him wearing a tuxedo, advertising diamond watches. I was going to fuck a model! Maybe he thought I was model material too. With my new body and flawless teeth, I could easily find a place in to the business.

"God, you are so beautiful," he told me.

"Thank you," I said.

It was so natural. We kissed. He held me. Our roles were obvious. I was so turned on! I let him lead, knowing his confidence showed vast sexual experience. He could easily have had any women (or gay men) he wanted, but he chose me... This was the life. I was born for this.

He stood me before the foot of his bed. Slowly, he undressed me, kissing all the way. My palms were sweating. His bedroom, done in black fabrics and gold fixtures, was another world. Gently, he leaned me back and placed me on top of the velvety black bed. I enjoyed watching him strip. Soon he was down to his black bikini. His golden body was wonderful. His arms, chest, and legs were large and muscular. His skin was smoothly shaved. He peeled down the bikini and slowly slid it down and off his ankles.

I closed my eyes with joy as I surveyed his manhood. Mmmmmm! So beautiful, so proportioned to the rest of his body. His thick red cock must have been seven inches long! Yes!

"Take me," I said.

He crawled forward on the bed, softly kissing my nipples, and positioned himself on top of me. I embraced him as he kneeled in for more kisses. Here I was, after decades of daydreaming, making out with a beautiful guy, totally naked, ready to be taken...being taken. Our cocks touched, and he let his weight come down on my groin. I loved the feeling of intense closeness as I sunk deeper into the soft bed. His warm, smooth body was so firm, so strong. I felt safe and protected with his massive presence above me. He kissed me a long time, and we made a good little puddle of pre-come around my navel.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Oh, oh yes," I replied. He guided me up and over.

"Your ass is so perfect," he said.

"It's yours to enjoy," I said, getting my knees down and my ass up into position.

He reached over to the nightstand for a bottle of lube. I flinched as the cold liquid poured down my crack and dripped slowly forward along my spine. His warm hands massaged it all over my buns, and he fully covered his own dick. God, this was the best!

I heard him take a deep breath. His cock touched my tight, rosy asshole. Instantly, I loosened up. He spent a few minutes playing, inserting and removing his cockhead. His strong hands gripped my waist and my toes curled with intense pleasure. I loved the feeling of his bell spreading me wide. I couldn't think of a more beautiful way to lose my virginity.

He pulled out and poured lube on his dick for a good ten seconds. Oh God, here it came. Slowly, steadily, he thrust his searing hot penis inside my velvety ass. I was seeing stars. The sense of being filled with him was unbelievable. I would be happy for an eternity with him inside me. I felt every millimeter of his shaft push past my tight anal ring. He moaned, twitched, and caught his breath whenever I squeezed.

I clutched the bedding as tears poured from my eyes. I was out of breath. In and out, deeper and deeper, his huge cock rammed my quivering body, fully conquering my slippery ass. Soon I could feel the front of his legs touch the back of mine. He owned me, possessed me. I was his forever. He reached his right hand around and under to grasp my penis.

I was being fucked, filled, and jacked off. My leg muscles were completely stiff. My prostate was going wild with his cock massage. I was moaning out of control with his every move. We got into a hot rocking motion--my eyelids fluttered--soon the fire inside exploded. I came, almost screaming with ecstasy, before he did. The unstoppable come boiled through my urethra and jetted onto the bed. He angled my cock forward and I sprayed up all the way to the pillows.

I collapsed and still he fucked me. We were in another universe. He took one last gasp and let his load fly. His muscles stiffened and he kept thrusting away. I loved it! I pictured my body as transparent, and felt his hot salty come injecting me with his incredible love. I was a new being. Fully aware, fully alive, at the summit of homosexual delight.

John was totally drained! With total satisfaction on his face, he let his dick soften. He caressed my back and shoulders. We uncoupled, but I knew our cosmic bond would never be broken. I was totally in love. He kissed me to sleep, and we lovingly embraced atop the wet bed, our cocks dripping nicely.


I woke during the night. John slept peacefully. I kissed him gently on the side of his neck, then cuddled close. My thoughts returned to the lucid power that got me here. The powers were there, always ready to be used. The implications were staggering. I couldn't think of a single thing to wish for though. My ass felt fine, and I loved the slippery sensation when I squeezed.

I smiled as I thought, "Now I am totally gay!"

I got up early to prepare breakfast. It felt so cool to wear one of John's large fluffy white robes. Even though I could easily wish any perfect food into existence, I took the trouble to make French toast and sausage while John showered. Soon John came in the kitchen and smiled.

"You read my mind," he said.

I didn't rush over to kiss him. I knew there would be no way to equal last night's intensity so soon. He happily accepted his nicely prepared breakfast plate. I poured orange juice for us, and we sat down together.

"Thank you so much for last night," I said.

"Girl, you were the best lover I've ever had," he said.

Hearing him call me "girl" in his low voice made me blush. I felt so adored! Our simple breakfast smelled and tasted delicious. When we were done, I cleared the table and kissed him gently on the cheek. I was about to start washing the dishes when he drew near and pulled me gently away from the sink.

"Come on, I have to be at a shoot by 9:30," he said.

He led me to the living room and drew the vertical blinds so the morning sunlight shined in pencil thin shafts. He disrobed me and had me stand in the beautiful light, revealing my every graceful contour. He held me for awhile, then sat back on the black couch. He undid the belt of his robe.

He didn't need to tell me more. Automatically, I kneeled before him. I had never sucked cock before, but had alway taken naturally to it in dreams. How difficult could it be? I was suddenly very aware of my lips. His cock and balls were so lovely in the strange morning light. I held and caressed his erect penis, then leaned in to kiss.

Mmmmm, the complex taste and fragrance were everything I ever wanted. I kissed and licked him up and down as I held on by the base. His balls were smooth and his thick bush was nicely trimmed. His hands ran through my soft blonde hair. Before I knew it, I was sucking a dick. My lord, it was fantastic. It was a lot warmer than I thought it would be. From my reading, I knew to pay special tongue attention under his sensitive rim.

John's legs were scissoring and pressing against my ears from time to time. I went down on him as far as I could, feeling totally natural about everything. His body got more and more relaxed and he started moaning. It was amazing to suck as hard as I could and learn on the (blow) job how to keep breathing through my nose. My tongue flicked. My moist lips circled his glans as I twirled right and left for him. His ass started bucking and I moved my mouth and head to match.

My first BJ was successful. John began shaking, and filled my mouth and throat with thick hot come. I sucked and swallowed while John's hands lightly fell from my head and down to my shoulders. I released him from my mouth, then kissed and licked his softening flesh. He petted my hair and smiled.

"Now you get something," he said.

He slowly got up and had me lay on the couch. I felt so good to be with him, so fresh and playful. He kneeled on the floor and leaned in to kiss my chest. He started masturbating my uncircumcised dick while he licked and kissed my breasts. The sight of this strong man's shoulders so near me was pure bliss. He closed his eyes and sucked my nipples, then worked his way down to my navel.

It was such a cool feeling to have his large hand squeezing and jacking my dick. I thought he could pump me forever. He kissed my firm abs and sucked on my soft pubic hair. His hand sped up and my legs and ass went into hot twisting moves. John rose away from me and pointed my dick toward my face as he pumped and pumped. Oh God, it was really happening! My ass tightened and a massive wave of pleasure radiated from my pelvic area. My own come shot out and splashed into my chin. I opened my mouth to catch the next spurt as the pleasure, incredibly, built even higher. My entire body was on fire, and my come kept landing in and near my mouth.

"Good girl!" he said.

I smiled and began to recover. There was come on my face, in my mouth, and inside my ass from last night. John kissed me on the lips and licked my face clean.

"You taste good, beautiful," he told me.

He ran his finger down a stripe of come on my chest, then licked it. He took a long look at my smooth, light body.

"You're the most perfect girl I've ever seen."

"I'm yours forever, if you'll have me John," I said.

He French kissed me, then got up to get ready for his modeling assignment. I relaxed and watched him leave the apartment, then went to his spacious, glittering bathroom to shower. It was a pleasure not to shave or need to clean my glasses.

After I dried off, I wandered through his place. The feeling of being his was wonderful. I enjoyed my fantasy of permanent Love, but knew it couldn't realistically go on at this level of passion. His silence when I offered myself told me this was just a sexual experience, nothing more. Making it more complicated would ruin it. I really loved him. I also knew it would be best to leave him with the gift of sexual satisfaction and great memories.


I got dressed and teleported to my car. It was the only one left in the parking lot. I drove it back to my garage, even though I didn't need it anymore. With the lucid ability to instantly teleport anywhere, the car was a burden. I got out, slammed the door, and made it vanish.

The vanishing made me think--sexually of course! I went in my bedroom and became nude. I held my hand inches away from my soft penis and sent a wish wave in. My cock and scrotum grew smaller and pulled in to become a vagina. Knowing this was my dream, I easily transformed the rest of my body to female. It was so fun to turn and examine my lovely female face in the mirror, knowing she was still me. My hands were so delicate now. I loved this!

I made a variety of girl clothes and tried them on. I selected a pastel lavender mini-dress, put on a pair of tall-soled brown sandals, drew a tiny purse with a hip-length strap from thin air, and walked my petite, small-breasted body out into the Miami sunlight. After a few minutes I made a pair of stylish black framed sunglasses appear. I changed my hair from soft, short blonde to a black, bouncy chin length bob to match.

Walking around outside in a dress gave me a feeling of total freedom. I would have never tried this before becoming lucid. Now my hips and legs moved without the heavy restrictive feeling of pants or shorts. I wasn't even wearing panties! My A cup breasts had no need for a tight, uncomfortable bra.

I spent the day in my new body doing the things I could never do as a guy. I freely shopped in the women's department of every store. I moved through space like a fashion model on the catwalk. I enjoyed all the male attention, realizing I would soon get tired of it like most women do. Knowing my cunt and clit were there for later was a special secret thrill.

I decided to take things slow. One of my old daydreams was to "fulfill the female role" with dozens of lucky guys at a wild spring break party town. But getting picked up by the first cute guy didn't seem right with this beautiful form I inhabited. I was content to simply enjoy being female for a while. And, I have to say, the solo multiple orgasms I had my first night were everything the authors of erotica said they would be.


I spent the next month luxuriating in my new freedom. Being female opened up a new world of understanding and self respect. Offering myself as a cute, delicious bottom to other gay guys was thrilling, and the sex we had was intensely wondrous. I went back in time to live the fantasy of meeting my shy college-aged self in the guise of the cutest, smoothest guy he could ever dream of, and leading him to a glorious release of his/my repressed homosexuality. I relived our first kiss again and again.

Since there was more to life than irresponsible, deeply satisfying gay sex, I used my wish power for the good of the world. I disabled all nuclear weapons not under US military command, toppled oppressors around the world, and created an underground playground kingdom for myself in a forgotten Nevada desert, where I could make exciting HDTV she-male porn and give it away for free on the new broadband net.

I had no need for money, since anything I wanted simply appeared. I traveled the world using the convenient powers of flight and invisibility. Now I live in the secret nation, forever independent from the political systems the human race creates. I also created a cure-all panacea wave generator to reverse sickness around the globe. As an anonymous ultimate femme, I send my deepest love and wish all the best life can offer for you, the readers.

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