TG I could not believe it happened to me

By Stephanie H

Published on Nov 29, 2007



I know this is the spot for disclaimers like this story contains material not suited for anyone under 18 (I'd suggest noone under 25 could fathom what happened to me). This story includes a spell, gender switching, consensual sex between a man and a 'woman', same gender sex between both sexes. If you are offended by any of what you have just read, please read no further.

I woke and instantly knew something was missing. That familiar flaccid flesh was not on my thigh. Nothing on the thigh, no balls as I pressed my legs together. I lay in my dorm bed face down, long hair over my face. Still groggy, very confused I begin to stir. As I lift up, I feel an unfamiliar (and uncomfortable) tugging/jiggling. I sit up and look down at my now totally female body. I stand up; I am smaller than I had been.

"Hey slut! Get on your hands and knees!"

I had been unaware of my roommate until then. I do not know why, but I obey him. I do not want to. His knees push my ankles apart. Oh no, he's a guy. Hell, I'm a guy! His fingers rub my slit and spread my lips. His middle finger knows how to find and please my knob. NO know, my clit. Why is he doing this? What has happened? WHy do I like it? He should stop. I should say stop, but I obediently stay. I have desire to yell out to him, but I cannot.

A probing finger, I am enjoying this way too much. It feels good, but he. I am a guy.

"Still got your hymen, eh? We'll take care of that."

I arched my back as he scoot up behind me. I felt his flesh, it was slick on my now very wet lips. He reached under and spread my lips, I could feel him throbbing. Searing pain was my next feeling. I started to cry. He pumped hard and deep, and the pain got a little worse, I could've screamed for him to stop. It hurt so bad. The pain gradually went numb as I got used to his lower abdomen smacking my ass. The head of his cock was striking me inside. Rubbing my tender areas. I began to feel throbbing, not his, my own. I was starting to enjoy being fucked. That's crazy, I should do the fucking, not other way around.

There was no stopping my building excitement. I came hard. Oh my here comes another wave, and still one more. My mind was a blur. One last deep thrust and "Ahhhhhh, take that bitch," my roommate said. He pushed in deep and stayed deeep, convulsing a little on his own. I felt the heat more than the wet, and it was fast. two, no three waves of ejaculate, spewing inside me. He slapped my ass as he backed away.

I began to move my leg, "No!" I froze.

"Put your knee back down there. I didn't tell you to move. In fact, stay that way."

I looked at the fridge, window above it, my bed on my left, and his on my right. The dorm room was small. The door was behind me. At 19, I was only a sophomore at #% University (I hate that place now, it is where my life changed. I see now it was a change for the better, but I still hate that school.)

"I am going to get a shower. You stay here. Do not move. Not a twitch no matter what until I come back."

I heard the door open, his footsteps into the hall. Odd, the door did not slam. I peeked around to see it wide open. I quickly looked forward, in case he was watching. I had to obey. I did not know why, but I had to listen and obey.

"No way. Dude he was telling the truth, there is a slut in here."

"Let me see."

Voices from the hall, moving into the room. I closed my eyes.My nipple being pinched, I let out a slightly audible moan. Strangers touching me. If they were women and I a guy, that would be no problem at all! But I am a guy mentally, and they are the opposite sex physically. My body reacts pleasantly to their groping. I feel hands on my hips. A soft. but hadening cock rubs against my slit. A mouth suck hard on my nipple. Another cock at my face, pressing against my mouth. I open my mouth and lick the head as another head enters my warm silky slit, into me.

I am being ridden. The cock in mouth nearly fully erect. A load of hot cum shoots against my walls. I stop sucking to bear down on the throbbing member as it drives me near another orgasm. He slips out too soon for me to reach my peak. Damn!

The cock in my mouth is quickening. He put his hand on my forehead, "Slow down baby! I want some of that azz." He pulls out of my mouth, and moves behind my. The head is bigger, much bigger than the first two guys who have taken me. I am stretched nearing pain again as he plops inside. He is touching all of the walls. I am now full blown in heat. I tap the guy under me to move his legs around so I can suck his dick. (I also ask him to pay a little attention to my other nipple).

I grind back, meeting the thrusts. My climax building. The ridge of the head flicking me to higher heights. The waves of my climax pulse around his cock. Wave after wave. Just when I don't think I can take any more, he shoots his load into my hungry hole. I refocus my efforts on the cock in my my. Swirling my tongue. Plunging down the shaft (only a little gagging). I have him ready to shoot.

"Stop it! Get off him. Get off! Get out! Leave him, leave her alone"

Her words are too late, I get my reward as the hot goo slowly dribbles into my mouth and then shoots hard and deep. His next spasm, fills my mouth, cum leaking out of my mout.

The yelling keeps going on around me. There is a commotion of sorts as the guys scramble to their feet. A kick, some swinging arms.

Seconds later I hear the door close. I stay on my hands and knees, now with Jaizelle. Jaizelle is my roommate's girlfriend - of sorts. She is a heavy set, African American lady of Jamaican descent. My roommate bangs her often while I "sleep".

"John, is that you?"

""Jaizelle, why do you know who I really am? Come to think of it, Frankie knew me too." I am starting to piece this together just as my pussy squirts a little cum out; the drop hits my thigh as it falls.

"Get up and clean yourself off. What is going on in this room?"

"I'd like to but Frankie said to stay here, like this, no matter what happens. I want to get up, I do, but I can't. I really..." I begin to cry.

"Hughmphormagosis! Kisses and lies, set the mind free of the control over this poor soul."

Jaizelle walks around to face me, gently lifts my chin, "You are free of his control. I am sorry. So very sorry. HE..." her voice trailed off.

I got up, weak knees, a little uncomfortable and awkward in my new body. I crawl onto my bed, and pull the sheets up.

She continues, "I didn't think the spells would work. I found them in my great-aunts house this summer. I thought they might be a fun way to play around on Halloween. Frankie wanted to have a three-way. I told him no other girl could touch him. I didn't think it would work John, I am so sorry."

"What are you talking about?" The dawning just now coming to my senses, I started to think about waking up. "My first few minutes were total confusion, then Frankie started with his orders, then the sex, I haven't been thinking straight. This is so unreal! Are you telling me that I am not dreaming? Are you saying that you put a spell on me last night and now I'm a girl? Jaizelle, talk to me."

Just then Frankie returned.

"Ahhh. Good, I see you met our bitch slave. It's really cool, she does whatever I say's She'll be OOOmph" The shoe hit Frankie square in the nose, blood spurting out. A kick to the stomach, a knee to the nose, kne to the groin, left hook, right uppercut. Jaizelle is kicking his ass, and I am happy about it.She throws him out the door, removes his towel and closes the door. She locks the door.

She looks at me, "Get some clothes, we have to go. My rom should be safe for a little while. Don't just sit there."

"But, I can't go out like this. I am so much smaller. I don't want anyone to see me like this."

"It's ok, your change if it worked should be complete. The clothes, the ID, I am surprised you remember. Only the person giving the spell will ever remember you as John. Come on now." She opens a drawer and tosses me a bra. That was my drawer!

She opens the closet and picks out a blouse.

"Wait a second, this is all happening too fast. Are you saying these are my clothes? What about my friends? My mom! Jaizelle!!!"

"We'll figure this out. I may need some help, but we'll figure this out. We need to go." With that she takes the bra and wraps it around my tits. "Slip your arms in here. Lean forward a bit. You may want to adjust those in the cup before you stand up. Looks like a good fit though."

I stand up, putting my hand under my boob and shift the cup a bit. "What size are they?"

"Frankie wanted a model type. We asked for blond, 5'3", 115 pounds, mostly in the busom and ass."

"You didn't answer my question."

"They're bigger than mine by three cup sizes, all natural, perky and perfect. You are a 34 F. Pull on the blouse and get dressed. Do you have a suitcase?"

"I think I have one in the closet."

She reached into the closet and pulled out a travel case. "This will be a start. Get dressed and start filling this with all of your clothes. You're moving. I'll be right back." With that she left the room.

I opened the top drawer, I have to get something to wear below the waist. LOL My underwear were all gone, replaced by panties. There were also some slinkier items. I chose a plane yellow pair of cottons. Size 4, I guess my ass isn't too big. I grabbed Frankie's towel and wiped up the still wet down there. I am starting to feel a little sore, but oh my it did feel nice. I pulled on the panties and opened the next drawer, my shorts were tiny compared to what I was used to. My old shorts would almost hit my knee, these looked like underwear.

Let's see what is in the next drawer. Skirt, skirt, and more skirts. Check the closet. Tops and dresses. Huh, no pants. Well I guess that elastic banded skirt will do. Shoes. No way can I wear heels (at least not then), I guess sandals will do. I looked at myself in the mirror, brown blouse, khaki skirt, brown sandals, hmmm I do look good. Blue eyes, white straight, teeth. No acne. I guess Frankie did change a whole lot about me.My hair is a matted mess, and I have no clue what to do. I know, I remember, yep that'll do. A hat. Much wider brim than I am used to wearing though.

A knock at the door almost made me wet myself. "Let me in, it's Jaizelle."

"I thought it might be Frankie, where'd you go? Where is he?"

"I heard him next door. He's telling your story. He is sounding quite mad. Here I got this bag from my room upstairs, let's get this stuff and get out of here."


"What 'cha need?

"Can't you just change me back?"

"I am certain my family can, but I don't know how. We'll get you fixed, okay. I am so sorry my EX-boyfriend/ I am so mad at myself for listening to him. Let's talk about it in the car, okay?"

"Sure. I guess this is pretty sad. My whole life fits in two suitcases, a purse and a backpack of notes and books." She laughed appropriately. Jaizelle may be the reason I am who I am and not who I was, but she has always been so kind and thoughtful. She is a good friend. We lugged my stuff to my car downsatirs.

"You better let me drive, you probably need some time to adjust."

"Okay, here's the keys," I said as I reached into my purse. I had to look. My driver's license, my school ID. All had my picture and name. "I am Cindee. Cindee Phillips." I get in the car, and asking "How long will it take to get there?"

"Not long just a few hours, My family lives on the outskirts of New Orleans." I rest my head back in the car, closed my eyes and wished this was just a dream. Wishing she would change me back to myself soon or at least her mom could. My last thoughts as I dozed off were of the possibility of staying like this, but I quickly drove those thoughts away. I have to get back to myself.

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