Getting to Know Her Manhood

By Andrew Arbuckle

Published on Dec 6, 2013



My name is Andrew. Thanks for reading my story. I'd love your feedback. You may email me at


She leaned into me and started to massage my shoulders. I was hot with desire, and decided to make it official.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

She hesitated for a few seconds while we looked into each other's eyes, then said, "Yes".

We kissed passionately, holding each other close. Her tongue ventured in and out of my mouth.

"I don't have a condom," I said, embarrassed. She looked at me, and a slight grin cracked on her face.

"It's ok. I have a few," she said. I was really surprised and more than a little thrilled.

We made our way, kissing and grabbing, first to flick off the lights, then to the bed which we sat on. She ripped my shirt right off and placed her excited hands on my chest. Then she paused.

"I have something to tell you," she nearly whispered.

Timid, I asked, "What is it?"

"Kiss me." I leaned again into her beautiful lips. My hands explored her body, starting respectfully from the ribs and moving down to her hips, finally settling on the side of her thighs. They were so mushy and plump, I just had to get a feel of the inside of one when--

She pulled my hands back up above her hips. I decided to let them find their way up to her breasts. I unhooked her bra from under her shirt and threw it beside the bed. I squeezed her gently into me, then tore off her shirt and hungrily took her her nipple into my mouth. She moaned, threaded her fingers through my hair, and cradled my head. Then she backed away from me on the bed and struggled with her tight pants in short little jerks until they were a pile of denim which she tossed aside. I brought her close to me again and let my hands travel down to her legs, and she shivered violently but let me do as I pleased. I pulled one of her legs up and got a handful of the flesh of her ass. Her quivering became more intense.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yes...I'm just...I'm getting...really hard."

My brain refused to understand for a couple of seconds. But then I snapped back to reality and decided to see for myself. First I felt her nipples again, which were delicious but soft. So I pulled up her other leg over her chest and ran my hand over her crotch. I found she had a massive erection.

"Please don't be mad," she plead. "You can just fuck me. Please just fuck me."

Silently and carefully, I removed her pants and her panties, which had hardly been big enough to keep her erection inside. Her dick was big. Not quite as big as mine, but if she had been a man, her dick would have been a respectable size, plenty big enough to please a woman. I didn't know if I should touch it. I was conflicted because somehow I thought she would think I was gay if I liked it.

"Baby, I just want you inside me," she whimpered. "Don't worry about that." She tried to cover her penis, but her feminine hands were too petite to cover it when it was fully erect, and by comparison, ended up making the size of her dick seem that much more grand.

To my surprise, I was extremely hard. Her dick had done nothing to lower my drive to fuck her. So I summoned my courage and kissed my way down her chest, stopping for a minute at her nipples, which became hard in my mouth. I felt her body convulse as I approached her dick, but I skipped right over it. As I did, I could smell its odor, and I became hot as I stared at it on my way down to her juicy legs.

After tasting the skin of her thighs, I situated myself to penetrate her. I paused with my dick on the opening of her asshole, and gave her a worried look.

"I'm ready," she said. "Get inside." She bit her lip.

I took it slow and pushed. Her asshole resisted, and she whimpered. I put my hands on her breasts and caressed her body to try to soothe her. It didn't work. I didn't want to hurt her, but her asshole was tightly closed.

I decided I knew what I had to do. With one hand on her hip, I began lightly, timidly stroking the shaft of her cock. I felt it get even harder as it lay looking straight up at her face. Meanwhile, my dick started to slide inside her as if someone had previously forgotten to unlock the door. She immediately let out a great gasp, caught her breath, and moaned a low tone. She seemed to enjoy taking me in her ass, but I wanted to be sure.

"Are you ok?" She nodded.

"Does it hurt?" Again she nodded, this time with a light gasp and a grimace, as I was still pumping in and out of her with short strokes, trying not to hurt her. I was only about halfway inside her at the most. I loved the tight warmth inside of her ass, but decided I better come out. She'll recover tomorrow and we can try again another time.

I was just about the whole way out when she rose up and said, "No. Don't come out. Please keep going." I could see that she was about to cry.

I cradled her head and kissed her tenderly on the way back down to the pillow. Then I resumed my upright position, and slowly began to push all the way in, going farther with each slow, firm stroke. Her gasps became heavier, and turned into quiet cries, her chest rising and falling significantly. At last, I pushed in all the way. She cried out loud this time. I slowed down, but went all the way back in. I came almost the whole way out, and I felt her whole body shudder, and she opened her mouth silently. I was as hard as ever, almost ready to come. So I pumped faster, but not so far in. But I couldn't take it, it just felt too good. I went all the way, in and out, really giving it to her. She was surprisingly quiet, just contorting her face with every thrust. Waves of heat traveled down my body and I saw explosions of stars as I came prolifically inside her ass.

I couldn't believe how great she felt. I left my dick inside her and lay down on top of her. My dick pumped out of instinct and lingering pleasure, her gasps in rhythm with my movement as we kissed.


I tried not to look at her cock in the shower, but I was so attracted to it. Before long, I found myself washing my halfway erect cock. My eyes wandered all over her body, but I resisted the urge to stare at her "manhood," almost out of the same respect a man gives another man in the locker room shower.

When she noticed I was avoiding looking at it, she turned away from me. I saw her face. It expressed sadness, even irritation. She must have felt I was ashamed of her or thought she was a freak. I didn't know what to do.

My hands glided around her stomach. I had to turn my pelvis to the side so my dick wouldn't poke her in the middle of her back. "Are you ok?" I asked, softly but cheerfully.

Reassured, her smooth touch found my dick. "Yes" was all she said, softly again. As I placed my arms lightly around her to embrace her, I felt our dicks touch. Hers almost instantly grew larger, and my body felt hot as mine responded with equal eagerness. I looked downward, and saw hers, leaning on mine a little bit at first, grow fully erect right before my eyes. It took seconds. In a flash, her image disappeared from in front of my face as she slipped down my body. In the next instant she was squatting on her haunches at dick-sucking level.

As she flashed up a devilish smile at me, I could see her hard dick bouncing and bobbing after her rapid descent. I couldn't stand it anymore. Enough was enough.

"Wait," I said. "Dry off."

We crashed back onto the bed, mostly dry, a little cold. She shot under the covers and latched her shivering body onto me. I pried her off and tried to warm her up by laying directly over her. I could feel that her cock had become soft already. I intended to change that; mine was still standing tall.

She got this fearful look on her face, as if to question, "Again? What are you doing?" I nudged her chin up and to the side to get a good angle at her neck, and sucked on it--sucked my way down her whole body, leaving only my fingers to twirl around her nipples as I passed by. Arrived at her stomach, I grabbed her juicy right leg, hoisted it up, and buried my face in its warmth. I kissed my way to her knee, where I paused and down at her. She was already starting the heavy breathing again, her neck fully splayed out, her eyes trained on the sky, her mouth halfway open. The blood rushed to my head when I looked down at her cock. It was nearly erect again.

I thought I knew what to expect a cock to feel like, but I was surprised nonetheless. It was a little difficult to keep my teeth from scratching against the girth of it, but I thought that I must have had it easier than she would with her petite, lady-sized jaw. It was intolerably exciting to feel it balloon on my tongue, and from there sucking it became much more challenging. I opened my mouth wide to keep my teeth away from the rod of flesh.

Knowing exactly how to please a cock, I started slow. She moaned low as I started by licking up and down the shaft, flattening my tongue against it to cover as much surface area as I could. I tried sliding my lips up and down it. I knew she would go nuts as I placed the full surface of my tongue deep in the middle of her sac. Her hips pulsed up and down in excitement as I expected. She could hardly bear how it tickled and felt amazing at the same time, so I went very slow, licking right up the middle, rising up, giving her a second to recompose herself, and diving down again slightly to the right and left.

I took it in my mouth, just the tip at first, knowing how it would tickle and make her squirm, which it did. I licked it all over inside my mouth for a few seconds, and then it occurred to me I had begun my first real blowjob when I felt her cock nearly touch the back of my throat. I took pride in my work, pumping my head up and down on her dick for at least two minutes before I decided to see what it would feel like.

Over-zealous, I went so far down on her that I almost vomited on the spot. I held it back and felt tears well up in my eyes. Again. Slower this time. I gently inched her dick right onto the back of my throat. I was in the danger zone, and I could feel my gag reflex about to kick in. When it nearly did, I took another breath for a second, collected myself, and gave it another go. I had almost forgot her head was up there when her moans finally reached the portion of my brain which was preoccupied with the joy of my work. Suddenly, the moans stopped. A red light flashed in my head.

She's going to cum in my mouth if I go down on her one more time.

I was having too much fun for this to stop now, but I knew that she was too close and that these things come to an end. There was no going back. She tightly grasped the bedsheet like she was going to fly away. Disappointment began to settle over me. I slowed to a crawl and stopped within two seconds. Almost as quickly, she popped her head up.

Her flustered face reminded me I had a job to do. I could almost hear her say, uncharacteristically, "What the hell, man?"

I felt terrible. A man doesn't get anyone this close to ejaculating without sealing the deal.

I got cold feet. I had thoroughy enjoyed her cock, but in my excitement, I never thought about her ejaculating. I didn't want cum in my mouth. No one cums in a straight man's mouth. She would think I was gay, even more so if I swallowed.

Seconds of hesitation passed. Finally, my sense of duty--as a man--helped me shake it off. She was losing some of her erection. The cock was ticking. I mean the clock was dicking.

Time was running out. If I didn't do something soon, she would really be pissed. I couldn't let her down.

I took her dick back in my mouth, sucking, pumping up and down, but slowly. Her head fell back down on the pillow above me. After about twenty seconds, I was surprised to see that she wasn't getting hard again. She was actually losing her erection in my mouth. I was furious and disgusted at the same time, but I managed to forget and focus. I worked my tongue overtime, at the same time making sure my teeth didn't come into contact with any part of her cock. I stuck my middle finger in her ass. I tried to--

She came hard in my mouth during a backstroke. Her dick over halfway out of my mouth, the cum shot all the way to the back of my mouth--all this alongside a long, low moan from her and a gentle, steady upward thrust of her entire pelvis. The cum seemed to shoot down my throat and into my back and chest, where an explosion of heat rippled up to my head and down my legs. I let her touch the back of my throat again, and then she continued to slowly fuck my mouth for a few seconds. She finally dropped her hips back to the bed, her hands relaxed, and I stopped finger fucking her ass, but left it in there. I came up, swallowed her load, and started cleaning up. I thought, start at the base and work up. I went all around her shaft, licking up the stream of cum which continually came out in small bursts. Swallowing her cum was incredible. My mind slowed down to a lumbering pace as every drop of her cum entered my world and changed the way I tasted it.

I was satisfied with her dick. It was clean, and she was silent. I managed to wash my hands before crashing as quietly as I could next to her limp form on the bed. I covered our bodies with the blankets and placed my head next to hers on the pillow, my left leg over hers, and my arms around her warm stomach. A kiss on her round cheek saw me off to sleep.

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