TG: "Brandi

By Edwin Gay

Published on Oct 22, 1994



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Here is another great TG story...the standard disclaimer applies. E-mail me if there was any difficulty with the post!

Brandi by Jennifer Lorissa-Leigh

The lakeside cabin was totally isolated, more than ten miles from the nearest neighbor. Tony Carver and his best friend, Locke's, girl, Brandi Bower, sat looking out of a bay window at the lake that glistened just yards away.

"It's so beautiful," Brandi said, fidgeting with the rose-colored crystal she wore on a delicate silver necklace. It had been a gift from her dying great, great aunt, who had told Brandi that the brilliant stone was very old and very special. The girl wore it always.

She was gorgeous, a young woman to whom nature had been exceedingly kind. Her exquisitely beautiful face and body, along with her melodious, feminine voice, were those of a goddess -- she was a girl who drew desirous stares wherever she went, a girl who was the embodiment of every man's fantasy. Tony, trying to remain loyal to his friend, had to continually remind himself that the lovely young woman was already spoken for. Still, he could not help the sexual images that kept splashing against his mind's eye. Brandi's voluptuous curves, huge, perfect breasts, and angelic face made it impossible for him to look upon her merely as another person and not as a sexual object.

Tony envied her. He was a crossdresser, a fact well-known to both Brandi and Locke, and was straight, as most crossdressers are. As he looked upon Brandi, he wished he had the power to look like her at will, whenever he wanted to satisfy the feminine ego that dwelt within him.

She had often helped him to do his makeup, nails, and wig styling, and, on occasion, the two of them had spent time alone at the cabin as 'sisters.' While his skills were refined enough to allow Tony to pass as a woman when dressed up, he knew that while he looked female he was by no means beautiful. He longed to be so.

Brandi spoke again, her seductive voice floating in the warm air like a sweet perfume. "I've always loved this place. So peaceful..."

"It is nice. I wish Locke would get here so we could get fishing."

Brandi suddenly seemed to grow irritated. "Fish, fish, fish! You know, that's all Locke will talk about? Damned fish! I've had it with fish."

"I'm sorry...I didn't know you felt that way."

She settled down, clutching the crystal. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to snap like that. It's not just the fish. It's just that I've had it with my life. I hate my job, I'm bored with my hobbies, and I just can't get interested in anything anymore. It's not your fault."

"But you're so beautiful and everything...I'd think that a girl like you would have the world wrapped around her finger."

She smiled, used to the compliment. "Thank you...but being me isn't so great. I want a position...power...I want to be important in some huge corporation, making million dollar decisions every day. As a woman...well, I'll just never get a crack at that. Not in this world, anyway."

I'll just never get a crack at that. Not in this world, anyway."

"You never know..."

"I wish that I could trade places with someone else. And if I could have my way, it'd be a man. I'm tired of being a second-class citizen just because I'm female. I need something more out of life."

Tony found it amazing that such a gorgeous girl could want to be male, though he did see her point. "I never thought about it," he began, "but I guess my life isn't all I'd like it to be. So many years trapped in the same body, the same situation. I'm really tired of school and my job. And it isn't easy trying to pass for a woman when you're not takes so much work to convincingly feminize a male body. It's a real hassle. There are a lot of times when I wouldn't mind really being a girl."


"Sure. Be nice for a change to spend some time in a body like looks so soft and comfortable."

"I wish I could give this body to you," Brandi agreed. "I'd switch in a second."

"So would I."

"That settles it. Let's switch," Brandi kidded. "You be me from now on, and I'll be you. You sure you won't mind having a period each month?"

Tony laughed. "Not if I can look like you and have your legs, I won't. It's a deal." They shook hands, sealing their playful agreement.

"Done," Brandi smiled.

Their handshake felt oddly warm. Brandi's other hand, still wrapped around the crystal, felt warmth radiating from the stone as well. Releasing her grip, she and Tony both saw that the faceted rose jewel was glowing brilliantly.

"What's it doing?" Tony asked, mystified.

"I...I don't know..." Brandi replied. There was a little fear in her voice, but it was short lived.

A wave of euphoric pleasure suddenly swept them both as they fell back into their chairs, a sense of well-being and comfort they had never known. It was an enjoyable dizziness, a pleasant alteration of their senses. Joyh thought he/she was looking into a mirror -- for only there had they ever found the faces that greeted their amazed eyes. Their thoughts were slowed by a cloud of stunned amazement.

The man and the woman, disbelieving, rose and ran down the hall.

Tony made it into the bedroom. Behind him, he heard Brandi shut the door of the hall bathroom firmly behind her. With each step, Tony realized more and more that his body felt wrong. His pantlegs, suddenly too long, clumsily flopped beneath his feete very, very comfortable.

Tony fell against the bedroom dresser, still thrown off by his new center of gravity. At the mirror, his eyes found a reflection.

It was not his own. In denial, he stared into the glass, and for a few incredible moments his mind fought to accept the vision he saw there. His mind failed to do so.

He stared at the person in the mirror. She was exquisitely lovely.

Tony had become a real woman.

More specifically, Brandi. They had switched bodies.

Froi..." Tony managed to utter, the words sounding in the woman's seductive voice. "It really happened...I'm she..."

He put his hands to his face, feeling its wondrous suppleness, and watched as the gorgeous girl in the mirror did the same. His face felt softer than it ever had during his crossdressing sessions, softer than any amount of close shaving could have made his old face. This was a face that had been shaped by a girl's hormonal balance, and the years of natural estrogens and careful moisturizing had sculpted the sweexuriously long lashes felt oddly heavy, for they were thick and black with many coats of mascara. He looked upon his shaped brows, forever thinned by electrolysis into slender arches of feminine perfection.

His lips had become full and soft, and they glistened with the high gloss of a thick coat of seductive, deep red lipstick. It was the Loreal shade that Brandi had been wearing, and the taste of its delicate fragrance was feminine and intoxicating. Wearing lipstick had, for whatever reason, for-her shirt -- the once tailored garment was suddenly far too baggy and its tail hung almost to his knees. Looking at the fit of the garment, he once more became aware of the pull against his chest. Knowing by now what he would find there, he gleefully tore open his straining shirt to free a welcome, soft, rounded flesh he had not before possessed. Plastic buttons broke loose and tic-ticked against the dresser top and floor as he peered into the glass, but he did not hear them.

Tony had always envied women. He had llly gotten his wish.

Tony stared as his mammoth breasts fell out of his ruined shirt, their nipples large and dark. He stripped out of the shirt entirely, letting it fall from his new, slender shoulders and to the floor, and stared in silence at the sight of the luscious beauties that had become his own. It was the most sensuous and perfect feminine bust he had ever seen.

"They're mine," he whispered as a feminine pride in their proportions swept him. "All mine..." His delicate hands gently explored their getting used to them.

Yet, as odd as they felt, Tony loved having them. He also loved the fact that they were so generous in size, enough so as to put him in desperate need of a double-D cup bra.

It was like some surreal dream. Transfixed, Tony lightly stroked his new nipples, and the sensation of feeling his own skin at a point so far afront of his breastbone was glorious. Merely touching his huge nipples made them erect, sending jolts of erogenous, female pleasure into his struggling mind. Tony grippedunced up and down in order to jiggle their firmly gelatinous forms.

Below the glory of his sudden mammaries he saw a flat, trim stomach, a tiny, sculptured waist, and rounded, flowing hips. His body hair was gone. Naked from the waist up, Tony saw with definitive clarity that his was a girl's flesh of baby-like smoothness. His hard-earned musculature had dissolved into the soft, female contours of Brandi Bower.

Slender, milky shoulders of artistic beauty had replaced the powerfuinto the gorgeous figure of the seductive woman. He felt as light as a feather, for his previous two hundred pounds had dropped to a dainty one hundred-twelve. He even noticed that he had become much shorter, dropping from his previous five-eleven to Brandi's more feminine five-foot-six. Tony stepped out of the crumpled denim around his feet and stared in wonder upon the entirety of his nude flesh. His gaze dropped to his crotch.

Nestled there among a sparse mound of pubic hair he found a soft, perfecti Bower!" he rejoiced. "I'm a woman," he spoke aloud, trying the words on for size. His voice had become Brandi's, and it flowed with her characteristic, sensuous melody as it left his lips.

"I can walk into beauty salons and have my hair and nails done, and get full makeovers, and talk girltalk with the lady that's doing me!

And I'll get my legs waxed, and try on high heels at the shoe store and flirt with the salesman..." Tony spoke a litany of the routine aspects of a woman's life, looking forward to each one bosom jiggled in that way he had always found so sexually exciting while watching Brandi. In amazement, Tony leaned over and watched as his huge breasts hung freely, swinging from side to side as he swayed experimentally at the waist. Cupping one in each hand, he was stunned and overwhelmed

at the waist. Cupping one in each hand, he was stunned and overwhelmed that such monumental examples of pure femininity had become an integral part of the body he himself lived in.

They're all mine! he joyfullyand warmth against his palms.

Continuing, his hands finally reached his ribcage once more, stopping at the point where his soft roundness rejoined the flatness of his chest.

Excitement stole his breath. He continued to slide his hands downward, feeling the smooth softness of his stomach and slender waist. Curving outward suddenly at the hips, his figure's new roundness was a treat to his touch. He caressed his thighs, wondering at their baby-like feel. Tony gently cupped his breasts, pulled them apart, and looked down. Throuousing but satisfying and comfortable.

Due to the bounce and softness of his new form, he knew he was no longer suited to the contact sports and strenuous workouts he had enjoyed as a man. But he found the feel of being a woman completely preferable to the body he had known before. Why? he wondered. Why does this body seem to make me feel so much more content than my old one ever did?

Content and -- complete? Have I always been a true transsexual, not merely a crossdresser?

He enjoyed between his thighs redefined the entire experience of walking.

His new body moved as it was built to. Though Tony was not consciously aware of it, his walk had forever become the wiggling, fluid glide of a sex kitten. He sat naked upon the sofa, crossing his legs without thinking in a very sexy, feminine fashion. His posture and natural mannerisms had become those of a seductive woman and the playful pose he assumed on the couch felt as normal to him as if he had always reclined in that fashion. His roof of the man's mouth.

Tony moaned. "Oh, Locke...hurry. Take me..." Tony's deep red lips held the seductive smile of a sexy, longing girl.

Tony, his mind filled with its new, feminine passivity, loved being able to yield to the will of the man. Tony spread his legs wide -- they were gorgeous, sexy smooth legs that were long and shiny and wrapped in silk and they led right up to the female treasure that nestled warmly between his thighs. Locke quickly took position between those freshl condom, but he was more than happy to ablige the request. He smiled and instead picked up a tube of K-Y jelly. "Here," he said, handing the lubricant to his apparent girlfriend. "You do it..." Squirting some of the slippery substance into his pretty palm, Tony reached down and began to massage his friend's erection. The woman felt a new excitement sweep through his body, one that made it hard to breathe. The cock felt so hot in his hand, and so big and slippery. Locke moaned. Tony did, too.

"Put it in, ho of his slick cock against the opening that it craved.

Tony placed his hands on Locke's shoulders. Looking beyond the huge bustline that graced his chest, Tony managed to see the man use one hand to move his hard penis into position for penetration.

Tony closed his eyes. Once again, he felt the large, rounded head of Locke's naked penis press against the lips of his pussy. With a single, determined thrust the cock buried itself deep into Tony's flesh, but somehow, this time, it was different. There was a new magic a woman loves a man.

"Brandi...oh, Brandi," Locke whispered. "It's so good..."

"Ohhhh, Locke," the woman moaned. Locke began to pump into her harder. "Ohhhhhh...yes...yes, Locke...ohhh, I'm so glad I'm a woman..."

"I'm glad you are, too, baby..."

Tony held his gorgeous legs straight and high in the air, legs spread wide, and watched as his glossy black high-heels air-danced to the beat of Locke's assault. Overflowing with joy and fulfillment, Tony laughed a woman's laugh and embraagina.

Tony was no more. Brandi relished the feel of the cock inside her, glowing with a life and vibrance she had never known as a man.

"How is it, baby?" Locke asked, smiling at her pleasure.

"Oh, Locke, it's so big..." she moaned, eyes closed.

"I wish it were bigger," Locke said. "I wish it was a huge, monster cock that could fuck you like no woman's ever been fucked before..."

"Mmmmmm..." Brandi moaned, wordlessly wishing the same and joyfully pulling the man's face closer in order to kiss him deeply. " you..."

"Love you, too, baby," Locke said.

The crystal glowed once again, unseen by either of the lovers for it was pressed between the massive inner sides of Brandi's breasts.

She felt something gently warm in her cleavage, and something wondrous inside her.

Locke's cock grew two inches longer and an inch bigger around, even as he continued pumping. He felt the woman's hot vagina grow even tighter around his engorged organ, as she felt him fill her beyond the limit.

"Oooooooh...yes! Yes, Locke! ocke! Ohhhhhh, Locke! YES! FUCK ME...!"

The moist, wet sound of their sexes merging filled the cabin, as did the woman's cries of deep ecstasy. Her passion stirred the man to pump still harder and even faster, bringing her to the very brink of climax.

"Ohhh, Locke! Ohhh, Locke! I'm going"

She came. Gloriously, explosively. Eyes clenched, gripping Locke's flesh in her soft hands, she cried out in the throes of female fire.

A woman's orgasm flooded her senses, universe had taken ignited within her.

With great satisfaction, Locke watched the woman have her orgasm as he continued to pump slowly and gently into her. She's never felt one like this, he knew, looking into her perfect face.

"Ohhhhh..." the woman moaned as the electricity began to subside.

"Ohhh,'s" Again, their lips found each other's in a hard, lustful kiss.

Moments later, Locke's breathing became spasmodic and his face contorted with the intensity of his own orgasm. He rammed his cock as deep into nside me," she said, running her fingers gently and repeatedly through his hair. "That's it...fill Mama's pussy...that's it...Mama's pussy needs your hot's so warm...your come feels so good...yes...come for Mama..." Locke finished and relaxed, then, exhausted, he lied upon her and laid his head beside hers. She once more played with his short, curly hair.

"That was wonderful," Brandi whispered, stroking her man's firm flesh, fulfilled and totally happy for the first time in her life,

In the throes of passion, Locke totally forgot that Tony was due to arrive.

The new woman loved each sexual position more than the last. She found that her favorite was the same as that which had been the favorite of the old Brandi -- on her hands and knees on the edge of the bed, with Locke standing behind her, holding her waist as he rammed his erect and newly-enlarged tool hard into her wanting vagina.

Their naked bodies glistened with the glossy sheen of body oil.

During the man's rhythmic pounding of her vagina, Brandi rocked back d by a sharp, loud pounding.

Rising from the sex-mussed bed, he walked naked into the hall bathroom.

He found Brandi in the bathroom, dressed only in panties and one of Locke's huge dress shirts, which was unbuttoned fully to expose her breasts. She was leaning over the sink, smashing her rose-crystal necklace with a hammer. He smiled and watched her, aroused by the sight of her luscious breasts as they jiggled with each hammerblow.

The crystal shattered. Its tiny, broken pieces washed down the drain. now." He looked at her quizzically.

"Don't worry,'s a girl thing," Brandi assured him.

The doorbell sounded. Locke answered to find the new Tony at the door. "Sorry I'm late," he said. He watched as Brandi, buttoning her shirt, walked into the room. Their eyes met. The secret they shared danced in the air between them.

"Hi, Brandi," Tony said, looking upon the feminine lovliness that had previously been his own. "Have a good night?"

The woman smiled, clutching Locke's arm and leaning up y served as best man. Brandi cooked and cleaned for her husband, embracing the stereotypical role of housewife. She even joined the ladies' club in a nearby small town, living her June Cleaver life to the hilt as Locke's woman and wife. She always wore dresses and high heels, never pants. She embraced every part of daily life as a woman, from shaving her legs to wearing lipstick and having her nails done.

She greeted her period each month. Only she knew how much more fulfilling egnant moment.

She bore him twin daughters. Happily and lovingly, she nursed her children with the milk of her generous breasts and delighted in total motherhood.

A year later, Brandi became pregnant again. Once more she embraced being with child, and positively glowed with a feminine radiance that somehow made her even more beautiful than usual. Every time the new baby kicked, she again thanked the woman in her past who had made it all possible.

When the time came, she gave birth to a son. Locke chose his name, and his wife gladly agreed to his choice.

They named him 'Anthony.

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