TG: Blood Brothers

By Kozmik Alaska

Published on Jul 13, 1999



This transgender story contains adult themes dealing with female to male crossdressing. Its got naughty language and naughty bits, too. If you are too young to read such a story, if you are offended by such themes, or if its illegal to read this where you are, then don't read any further.

On the other hand, if you like it, if girls in guy's clothes turn you on, then let me know! Cause thats what I like too!

This original story is copyright (c) 1999 by Kozmik Alaska

Blood Brothers

By Kozmik Alaska

Bob and Diane had been best friends for as long as they could remember. They went to the same schools together, lived on the same street, and even played at the same playground. In fact, they even played the same games! Diane never was one for playing jacks or skipping rope, so more often than not you would catch her in a baseball game, or passing a football on a team with Bob.

As kids, Bob never gave Diane's tomboyishness a second thought. But, as they grew into their teens, he came to find it to be a quality in her that he relished. Secretly, he had a crush on Diane that just wouldn't be sated. When it came to asking her out on a date, however, he just couldn't do it. It would be like dating one of the guys. Still, he always had a soft spot in his heart for her.

One moonlit, cloudless night, shortly after they had both graduated from High School, Bob lay in his bed. It was shortly after midnight. His mind drifted to pleasing, relaxing thoughts. Those thoughts were mostly of Diane. He liked the way she looked, not all femme, just natural. He thought of her short black hair, and her small breasts. He realised that in all the years he had known her, he had never seen her in a dress, except for First Holy Communion at church, and confirmation. You know, he thought, that was what he really liked about her. She was just one of the boys. And he couldn't, in fact wouldn't, change that for all the money in the world. Hmmm, he thought, the more the merrier. He had an idea.

The following day, Bob called Diane on the phone.

'Hey Diane, wanna go out to the fields, and play some catch?' Bob asked. 'Ya'know, gotta keep the arm in shape.'

'You bet!' Diane answered. 'Are you heading there right now?'

'Yeah, I'll see ya in a few'

Bob headed off to the fields. Diane met him there. They began a vigorous game of catch. As they tossed the ball back and forth, Bob started up a conversation with Diane.

'You've got a pretty good arm on you, Diane'

'Thanks. If you thought that was good, how about this...' she said as she lobbed a fast ball at him.

'Whoa! Smoking!' Bob yelled as the force of the pitch knocked him on his butt.

'He he he' Diane laughed.

Bob got up and dusted himself off. As he tossed the ball back to her, he said, 'Yep, pretty good, as good as any guy.'

'Damn right!' said Diane, as she winged him with wicked curve ball.

'Let's take a breather. You're too much for me today'

They both sat down on the small slope of a grassy knoll that overlooked the field. After a few minutes respite, Bob spoke up. 'Yep, you're as good a pitcher as any guy.'

Then after a few minutes hesitation, he asked, 'Diane, can I ask you a question?'


'Have you ever thought about actually being a boy?'

Diane's face went a bit pale. 'What kind of a question is that!'

'Well, gee, Diane, it's just that you are a bit of a tomboy, and I just wondered if...'

'Ah, actually, Bob, hmmm, can you keep a secret'

'Can I keep a secret?' Bob exclaimed. 'Let me ask you this - Who was it who covered for you when you came home a little tipsy after we snuck out to Tucker's cave with some beers I stole from my dad.'

'A little tipsy! Hah! I was feeling no pain, until the next morning that is' Diane laughed.

'C'mon, who covered for you? Who's your best buddy, huh?'

'It was you, I know, I know. You're my best buddy, chum.' Diane said as she gave me a punch.

'So answer the question, then. Have you ever wanted to be a boy?'

'Ah, okay then. Ah, well, when I was thirteen, I tried to shave like my brother, Jerry.'

'Have you ever thought about it since?'

'Yeah, sometimes, I wonder what life would be like.'

There was a long silence between them as the discussion set in.

Diane continued. 'Hmm, what would life be like.... if I had a dick.' She leaned toward Bob, and tickling him exclaimed, 'Once thing's for sure, it would be bigger than yours!'

Bob sprung to his feet, and she started chasing him. 'You think so!' Bob hollered. Diane tackled him and brought him down with a thud. As she wrestled with him in the grass, he laughed as he said 'You just think so, huh? Huh? Then I dare you to try life as a boy!'

Diane stopped in mid-wrestle, 'What! How?'

Bob regained his composure and climbed out from under her. 'Let me make you into a boy.'

'When? How?'

'As for the how, I'll handle that. As for the when, my mom and dad said that I could go up to Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario Canada to go canoeing as a graduation present. It sure would be nice to have a buddy come along'

'Ah, I don't know'

It was Bob's turn to wrestle Diane. He pounced and had her pinned. 'Chicken! You're too chicken to be a boy.'

'No I'm not! I'll do it! I'll do it! Let me up!'

'Only if you say I want to be a boy and dress like one, and do everything like one. Say it!'

'Alright, alright. I want to be a boy and dress like one, and do everything like one.'

She paused and looked Bob straight in the eyes.

'Make me into a boy', she asked.

Bob let her get up. 'Meet me at my house on at 3 AM Saturday morning, so that we can leave at 5. Climb up on the roof and into my room. We'll get to Algonquin by 10 AM. We'll need some time to get you ready, so don't be late. In the mean time I need to know some sizes. What is your size shirt and pants do you wear? You look like about a guy's medium shirt.'

Diane gave him her sizes and then paused. 'You think we can pull this off?'

'I know we can'

Early Saturday around 3 AM, Bob heard a light tapping on his windowsill. 'Bob, are you there, it's Diane' Diane saw a bunch of packages on Dan's bed. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt.

'Oh hey, Diane. C'mon in' Bob stepped out from around the corner of his room. He was wearing just a T-shirt and his white boy's briefs.

'Are you ready for this', he inquired.

'I guess so'

'Well, what are you waiting for, get undressed', he exclaimed as he took a pair of Levi's 501s out of a bag.

Diane pulled off her hiking boots and socks and then pulled off her girl's jeans. She picked up the 501's and began to pull them on.

'Uh-uh-uh!' Bob clicked his tongue. 'Not so fast. If you're going to be a boy, you can't be wearing panties.... or a bra. Off with them. You need these.' Bob handed her a package of crisp white boy's Fruit of the Loom briefs and a boy's undershirt. 'You're going to be a boy from the inside out.'

Diane chuckled as she took the packages from Bob. 'Well aren't you going to turn around?' she asked as she pulled off her shirt, bra and panties.

'No way! We're both guys, I'll just go about my business.'

Diane ripped open the package of boy's white briefs. She pulled a pair of the underwear out of the plastic wrapping and unfolded them.

'Take some time and get used to your new boy's underwear Diane. I think you'll be wearing these an awful lot from now on.' Bob observed.

Diane held them up to examine them. She felt the stitching around the fly and gave the elastic waistband a test stretch. She held the white briefs in front of her waist and crotch and looked in the mirror.

'Go ahead.' Bob instructed. 'Get into them.'

Diane pulled the boy's briefs on and adjusted them on her mid-section. Not bad, she thought, not bad at all.

'I could get to like these' she said.

'I certainly hope so' Bob replied.

Next Diane put on the undershirt pulling it over her head. She tucked it into her boy's briefs.

'What do you think?' she asked.

Bob made her turn around and model her new underwear. 'Very nice. You look great. But something is missing' he said.

In a flash he grabbed a white athletic sock, formed it into a cylindrical shape and thrust it down the front of Diane's briefs.

'Now THAT's much better' he said as he patted his handiwork.

Diane looked at the sight of the two them in the full-length mirror. She reached over and pulled up the front of Bob's T-shirt displaying the bulge in his briefs. 'Hah! I thought so. My dick IS bigger than yours!' she laughed.

'Right..very funny..ha is to laugh...give a girl a dick and first she does is start comparing sizes!' Bob shot back.

Observing the time Bob remarked that they had better stop horsing around and finish up. While Diane pulled on her boy's jeans and a baggy shirt to hide her small breasts, Bob stashed the rest of her boy's clothes in her backpack. Quietly they crept past Bob's parent's bedroom out to the car. Soon they were on the road to Canadian border.

As they neared the customs checkpoint at the Peace Bridge, Bob cautioned her to just act cool.

'Where are you guy's from' asked the customs officer.

'Erie Pennsylvania USA, sir' answered Bob.

'And you young man?' the border guard continued looking straight at Diane.

Using the deepest voice she could muster, Diane answered, 'Erie, too, er, also, sir.'

'Where you headed, eh?' he then asked.

'Algonquin, sir. My buddy and are going to do some canoeing. Isn't that right, Dan.' Bob replied as he referred to Diane by a masculine name.

'Yep!' Diane shook her head in agreement, trying to say as little as possible.

'Have a good one then, eh. Oughta be a great day for it. Wonderment is in the air!' the guard said as he waved them through.

Diane breathed a sigh of relief. 'Whew!'

'Yeah -- you think the twit would have been able to figure it all out' said Bob

'Geez, yeah, I almost thought my voice would have given it away' Diane observed.

'What d'ya mean? You were great. I meant that he should have been able to figure out what we're going to do, since we have a boat strapped to the top of the car!' Bob exclaimed.

After a pause they both burst out laughing, Diane shooting coffee out of her nostrils from laughing so hard.

The kilometres rolled by, first the Queen Elisabeth Way, highway 427, then the 401. By the time they hit the 400 heading north out of Toronto the coffee began to have the affect that coffee often does.

'Ah, Bob, can we stop, I gotta pee, and bad' Diane asked.

'I think that would be a good idea. There's a Tim Horton's up ahead. We can stop and take a break, pee, get some more coffee, and then be on the way.' Bob said.

'Okey dokey' Diane said. As they pulled into the parking lot, her smile turned to a grimace. 'Ah, Bob, I gotta go, bad. And, ah, I just realised, I can't use the ladies like this.'

'That's right Sherlock.' Bob replied. 'You get to use the guy's lavatory.'

'But what if, do you think that, but, but, but...' Diane sputtered. Bob pulled into a parking space and opened his car door.

' Hey! We're going canoeing...and you sound like a motorboat. Just act cool, go in do your business and leave. We fooled customs, so you can fool some guys in the bathroom.' Bob slammed the car door as Diane got out on her side. 'And by the way, guys never wash their hands after' he instructed.

Together they entered the highway service center. 'The men's is right down there,' Bob pointed to his right, 'You go, while I get the coffee'

Leaning over to him, Diane whispered, 'You mean you're not going with me.'

Bob chuckled, 'I don't have to go. Besides, only girls go to the restroom together. You want two Sugar-Twins and cream in your coffee?'

As Bob walked toward the counter, Diane nervously answered in the affirmative.

Standing outside the door to men's room, Diane took a deep breath, then pushed open the door. In one big stride she stepped across the threshold to a new dimension in her boyhood. She observed the gleaming white urinals. Now, this is different, she thought. Seeing no one else was in the washroom she impishly strode up to a urinal. After thinking for a second she unbuttoned the buttons on the fly of her 501s. She imagined pulling her dick out and letting go. Just then she though she heard someone coming so she quickly bolted into a nearby stall.

A guy walked in as Diane sat in the stall in did her business. She pulled her briefs back up, adjusted her dick into position, and pulled up her boy's jeans. After flushing she stepped out of the stall see that it was only Bob.

'I guess I hadda go anyway. Everything come out okay?'

Diane smirked at him.

As the sun rose over the Canadian landscape they pulled into the park. Soon they were paddling up from Canoe Lake to Little Doe lake. The atmosphere was quite relaxing. By 2 PM they found a secluded spot to set up camp for the day. Bob and Diane busied themselves by setting up a tent for night and getting the campsite in order. When all was said and done, Bob tossed a plastic bottle of iced tea to Diane, as they relaxed in the warm clear lake breeze.

'Boy, that water sure looks nice' Diane observed, ' So calm and inviting.'

'Sure does' said Bob echoing her sentiments. Then with a big smile on his face, he jumped up and shouted, 'Last one in is a rotten egg!'

'You're nuts,' Diane shouted after him. 'I can't go in there'

'Ah, ol' buddy, ol' pal, when I said that I would make you into a boy, I thought of everything. If you'll look in your backpack, you'll find a guy's swimsuit, and a dark T-shirt to hide what is now, not so very obvious. So grab your baggies, and hop in!'

Diane rummaged in her pack, and pulled out the baggy boy's swimtrunks. She also pulled out something a bit foreign to her.

'Don' forget to wear your jockstrap' Bob turned to her as he stood there pulling his up his legs.

'So that's what this is' Diane said, twirling it on her index finger. 'I'll give you this much, you did think of everything.'

'Absolumente, as they say over in Quebec.' Bob smiled.

Diane took off her shirt and jeans and folded them on a rock. She then removed her boy's briefs. As an afterthought, with a lighthearted feeling inside her, she set her boy's briefs next to Bob's. I'm a boy, too, she thought. See, I wear the same underwear that he does.

She pulled her jock up her legs as she had seen Bob do. After adjusting it, she tapped him on the shoulder.

'I think it needs something. Wanna help a fellow out' she asked.

Bob smiled and handed her a clean athletic sock, which she folded and stuck down the front of the jock. She adjusted it into position then patted it.

'Cool' was all she said.

Within minutes she pulled the T-shirt and her boy's swimtrunks on and then was dunking Bob into the chilly waters of Little Doe lake.

The afternoon breezed by and by nightfall, the Bob and Diane relaxed by sitting around a campfire while wearing just their T-shirts and briefs.

As the evening call of a loon could be heard in the distance, Bob got up to stir the fire. As he stirred, he related some stories of the native people of the Americas to Diane.

'Have you ever heard of being blood brothers, Diane?' Bob asked.

'I've heard about it, but don't know too much about it.' Diane replied.

'An old native custom says that two guys can become joined in a bond never to be broken by mixing their blood together. They just made small cuts in the palms of their hands, then clasped their hands together, allowing the blood to commingle.' Bob explained.

A Canada goose could be heard honking across the water. Bob skipped a stone over the lake surface.

'Diane?' he said then paused. 'Will you become my blood brother?'

Diane looked at him as she smiled fondly at him. 'Yes' was all she said.

Bob reached around to pack and pulled out his Swiss Army knife. 'Then, so be it.' He took her right hand, looked her square in the eyes, and softly said, 'Thank you!'

Gently he made a small cut in Diane's palm. Squeezing it, he saw the blood appear. He handed her the knife, and she repeated the action on his palm. Then they clasped hands and closed their eyes.

As their blood mixed, Bob began to prayerfully speak, 'You now have my blood in you, and I have your blood in me. We are now brothers in blood for all time, just as the ancients before us.'

Diane held his hand tightly, and intoned, 'Yes, I am now part boy, and your brother forever.' Then she took the initiative and still holding his hand led him off to their tent. Together they sat upon the sleeping bags. Diane leaned over and kissed Bob deeply. Soon her hands made their way into his briefs. Following up on what she had started, Bob's hand found the soft white cotton of Diane's boy's briefs. He teasingly ran his fingers along the seams of the fly that covered her now moistening pussy.

Diane continued massaging Bob's dick inside his briefs. Soon she felt a bubble of pre-cum ooze out his dick.

'Now Bob, we can become more than blood brothers. I want you inside of me' Diane breathed.

Bob leaned back his head as Diane climbed on top of him. She pulled his dick out through the fly of his briefs and guided it into the fly of her boy's briefs, straight into her waiting pussy. Pumping up and down they moaned in ecstasy. Bob had never felt anything like this before in his life. Diane's rising and falling motion sent waves of intense pleasure through him. The added friction of her cotton briefs massaged against Diane's erect clitoris. With every up stroke she felt the brushing of it against the fabric. Every caress against her clit filled her body with tingles of gratification. Her heart pounded against her chest and then with one deep breath they reached nirvana and collapsed all covered with sweat.

Diane kissed Bob. 'Thank you, blood brother, for the best gift ever, letting me be me. You and me, together, always.'

'Always and all ways' Bob answered.

A loon made its cry out on the water as the sun set. On a clothesline strung between two trees, both Bob and Diane's jockstraps hung next to each other, together as symbol of their togetherness.

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