TG ARCHIVES: "Dominated by Young Girls

By The Archivist

Published on Jan 12, 1995




  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Dominated by Young Girls -- Part 1 author unknown



Jason H. was a small boy who had suffered from heart problems as a child and had not been permitted to play the "rough games" other boys his age played. At age 11 he was finally given a clean bill of health and allowed to be a normal boy, but he was shunned by the other boys because he didn't know how to play football or baseball or basketball or any other active sports. Whenever, the other boys had to pick teams, Jason was always the last one picked due to his lack of skill and small size. This hurt him greatly, and he always avoided being put in the position of having to be picked if possible.

During the period of poor health, he spent most of his free time doing things around the house, since he couldn't go out with the other boys; like reading, playing cards or board games with the girls in the neighborhood, and fantasy games with the girls. Both of his parents worked so it was not unusual for the girls to come to his house after school and play until his folks came home in the evening. He had a younger brother, whom he had to babysit, so he couldn't leave the house anyway. As is usually the case with young girls, the fantasy games many times involved playing dress-up, something Jason came to like, and which eventually changed his life.

The Beginning

When he was about 13, Susan, the 12 year old little blond girl next door, suggested during one of the games that Jason play the part of his mother, and before he could object, the other girls rushed into his parents room to see what they could find for him to wear. Lisa (age 13) and Vicky (age 14) helped Susan find some of Jason's mother's clothes, in the bedroom closet; they also found a wig, but decided since Jason had long hair, that they would not need it.

They then told Jason to go into the bathroom and put on the clothes, and come back to the living room. Jason didn't want to do this and insisted that he was a boy and not a girl and that he should play the part of his father rather than his mother.

Vicky, who was physically the largest of the four said that she was to be the father, and no arguments. She then grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the bathroom. Once inside, she ordered him to strip; "I can't, not in front of a girl" he said. "You'll either do it yourself, or I'll do it for you," Vicky replied, standing if front of the door with her feet firmly planted and arms crossed over her small firm breasts.

Jason looked at Vicky, who was considerably bigger than his 5', 90 lb. frame, and knew that there was no way that he could make it past her and out the door. "Please, Please don't make me do this," he pleaded. Vicky just smiled, and said, "Do it! or you will wish you had." That smile worried Jason, as it was not a friendly one, but looked to be backed with mean intentions. Vicky just glared at him and started tapping her foot, showing her impatience. Resigning to the fact that she could force him, he started taking off his shirt.

This caused Vicky to smile broadly and say, "Relax Jason, you are going to like this, I think you will make a very pretty woman." With that, she crossed the room, and lifted his downturned face with both hands and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She then stood back and watched as Jason, red faced, with tears in his eyes, slowly undressed.

When he was down to only his underpants, Jason reached for the dress the girls had found. Vicky grabbed his hand and said, "Not yet buster, those (pointing to his underwear) come off too." Jason couldn't believe it! He had never been naked in front of any woman or girl other than his mother since he was a baby.

"Please Vicky, I can't do that," he cried, and the tears which had been welled up in his eyes started to flow down his cheeks.

Vicky was tired of all the arguing and spun him around so his back was to her, then grabbed his underpants and jerked them down to his ankles, with her right hand, while still holding his arm with her left. "Step out of them," she said, "Please" he cried, as she jerked back on the underpants, which sent him sprawling to the floor.

He landed on his back with his legs open and Vicky standing directly over him with one foot on either side of his body.

Glaring down at him, she looked at his small, almost hairless, penis and balls and said, "So that's what you have been hiding? What makes you think I'm interested in that little worm you have anyway? It's too small to be any good for anything." With that, she reached down and took hold of his small penis and balls and clamped her hand on them firmly.

Having, two older brothers, she knew that boys were very sensitive there and that this could cause considerable pain. As she squeezed, she said, "Get up you little twerp, you're mine to do with as I please. If you don't do what I want, I'll make you a girl permanently!" She then pulled him up by his crotch and stood him in front of her.

Shaking with fear, terror and pain, Jason stood before her with tears flowing down his face, but unable to say anything.

After a short time Jason got himself under enough control to say, "Please Vicky, I'll do anything you want, just don't hurt me anymore." Vicky gave a broad grin and eased the pressure of her grip on his balls. "You'll do anything I want? Whenever I want? No more arguments?" she said. "Yes, Yes, just don't hurt me anymore," he cried. Satisfied, Vicky released her grip on his groin and stepped back.

"First, we must put a bra on you" handing him one of his mother's, and helping him fasten it in the back. "Next comes some panties," and she held them for him to step into. As he pulled the nylon dainties up his legs, he got a strange feeling, and trembled all over. Vicky noticed this but said nothing, as she stuffed the bra with toilet paper to fill it out.

Vicky then told him to hold out his arms and put a nylon slip over his head and pulled it down into place. Stepping back and looking him over she said, "This will never do, the clothes are much too old for you. But I guess they will have to do for today. I think you will look much better as a little girl; You can be my little sister."

Shocked, Jason said nothing, he was afraid of Vicky after than clamp hold on his balls and did not want to get her angry again. Time was running short so Vicky quickly pulled a dress over his head, put his feet into a pair of his mothers high heels and coated his lips with a bright red lipstick.

Looking him over, she said, "Yes, I was right, these clothes just won't do. They are too big, too old, and will never look right on you. Well let's go show the girls and see what they think." Jason turned beet red and started to say no, then thought about that hold, and reluctantly started for the door.

When they entered the living room, Lisa and Susan both jumped for joy and clapped their hands, smiling and laughing at the way Jason looked. Vicky stood behind him and pushed him towards the girls, smiling, and looking over his shoulder. "Well here's mom girls," but I don't think he will be good in the role."

"Did he give you any trouble?", asked Susan, with a little grin on her face. "Only when I told him to strip," replied Vicky. "Did you have him take EVERYTHING off?", asked Lisa; "EVERYTHING" grinned Vicky. "Darn, I wish we could have seen that." said Lisa, "Me too!" Susan chimed in. "Maybe next time." said Vicky.

Without warning, Susan lifted the hem of the dress and looked up at Jason's panties. "He's wearing the panties, but no stockings; where are the stockings?"

Jason was mortified, first he was stripped by a girl only slightly older than himself; then manhandled and forced to make promises in order to keep her from hurting him; now he had to let a girl younger than him look up his dress and see his shame, in wearing women's panties, all lacy and frilly. He swatted down on the skirt portion of the dress and pointed to the clock on the wall, "Look girls, my mother will be home in 15 minutes, if she finds me like this, we are all in big trouble." "He's right," said Lisa, "Not so fast," replied Vicky.

"Saturday, your mother is home so you can go out. My mother is going to visit my Aunt and my dad has to work, so we can play at my house," Vicky observed. I think these clothes are too old for him and don't fit right, so I think Jason should come to my house and we'll dress him up in my old clothes so he can play the part of our little sister." "Great" exclaimed both Lisa and Susan, "that sounds like lots of fun."

Everybody was happy about it except Jason; but he could think of no reason Vicky would buy that would prevent him from going to her house on Saturday.

The girls decided they had better leave before Jason's mother got home and as they went out the door, Vicky turned to Jason and said, "you better be at my house on Saturday, or I will tell everybody that you were stripped by a girl your own age and dressed as a woman. The boys will REALLY find that funny and you will never hear the end of it." Trembling, because he knew she meant it, he promised to be there on Saturday as she wanted.

Jason ran to the bathroom and quickly got undressed and washed the lipstick from his face. He no more than finished washing than he heard the front door open; his mother was home. What do I do with these clothes? he thought. "Jason, are you in there?" she said. "Yes, Mom, I'll be out in a minute." Not knowing what else to do, he stuffed them behind the towels in the linen closet and finished dressing, then went out to face his mother and hoped she would not notice anything wrong. She didn't, and later when she was cooking dinner, he got the clothes and returned them to her room unnoticed.

It was only Wednesday, so Jason had two full days to worry about what would happen on Saturday. After, thinking about it, he decided that he liked the attention even though he did not like the way it was done to him. He had been lonely most of his short life since he couldn't do the things other boys did. Not being able to come up with an ironclad excuse for not going to Vicky's Saturday, he resigned himself to the inevitable.


Jason trembled as he knocked on the door to Vicky's house and wondered what was going to happen to him. Susan answered the door and ushered him into the den where the girls were watching TV. In addition to Vicky, Lisa, and Susan there was a friend of Vicky's named Tami who was a cute redhead and the same age as Vicky. Everyone was sitting around watching a program and eating snacks; no one said anything about what had happened Wednesday and Jason was hoping they had forgotten.

In about half an hour, the program they were watching ended and Jason and Vicky got into an argument over what to watch next. Finally, Vicky said, "Go change the channel." Jason refused. "Jason, change the channel or we are going to take your clothes off," Vicky said in a stern voice. "No" was the reply.

Vicky calmly walked over to where Jason was laying on the floor in front of the TV and straddled him, pinning his arms down. Jason thought that Vicky was kidding since Tami was present and did not know about what Vicky had done to him before. He started to laugh which really infuriated Vicky and she called the other girls to help, which they seemed eager to do.

"Last chance buster, either you do as I say, or we will undress you and let these other girls see you naked." Jason knew that Vicky was bigger than him and stronger than him, but still didn't think she would to it to him in front of the other girls. As the other girls held him down, Vicky reversed her position so that she was now kneeling above his head but still holding his arms down. Jason started to get scared, and struggled against their holds; this was a mistake as he was no match for them. Very shortly he found himself naked except for his shorts.

"I mean it, this is your last chance, either do as I say or we will take your shorts off, and I will put you across my knee and spank you," Vicky said. As embarrassing as this situation was, Jason was becoming very aroused, and could not get his mouth to work to give her an answer. Smiling, Vicky said, "OK girls, take them off slowly." Without any vote of approval, Jason shortly found himself nude with his erect penis exposed and the girls with large smiles on their faces.

Jason wasn't very big and neither was his penis and as soon as the girls saw it they began to tease him. "What a cute little hard-on" said Susan, "But it's so small,"said Lisa. "I think it's too small for a boy's, so he must be a girl in disguise," said Tami. "It is cute" said Vicky "but I think he's really a girl too."

"Let's play with it until he can't stand it," said Susan, and again without any vote, all three girls licking their lips, and to the accompaniment of "oohs" and "aahs" took turns feeling, squeezing, and stroking his cock and balls.

Vicky then pulled him up by the arm and forced him over to a chair. The other girls got a big kick out of watching his little erection bobbing up and down as he struggled. The girls finally got him to the chair and over Vicky's knees, where she began to spank him with her bare hand. "Please stop Vicky, I'll do as you say, please don't hurt me," he cried. "You had your chance Jason, now you have to be punished for being bad," Vicky said as she pounded on his bare backside.

Jason was completely humiliated, but to no avail, and the more Vicky spanked him, the more excited he became. She continued to tell him that he had his chance and should have done what she said. The other girls were watching with glee and teasing him about being stripped and spanked by girls his own age.

About the fifteenth time Vicky's hand landed on his sore butt, Jason could hold back no longer and came. This got the girls extremely excited, but because his penis was between Vicky's legs, they didn't see it happen. "I think we should make it happen again," said Tami; "Only where we can see it," said Lisa.

"But what if he tells someone," offered Susan. "No WAY!" said Vicky, "What would he tell them, that he was stripped and beaten by us girls? Who would believe him; if he tells, we'll just say that he dropped his pants and jacked off in front of us poor innocent girls and how shocked we all were."

They then took him to Vicky's bedroom and Lisa got the brilliant idea of tickling him with feathers. Vicky held him in a full nelson in front of a full length mirror while Lisa took an electric razor and shaved what little bit of fuzz was on his pubic area, then the three girls tickled his penis, balls, crotch, legs, and chest. This went on for a few minutes and Jason thought he was going to go out of his mind.

Finally, Tami gave her feather to one of the other girls who continued to tickle him with it. "I think I'll help him along," said Tami as she removed her blouse and bra revealing a gorgeous young set of tits. She then gently took his "cute little hard-on" in hand and rubbed it with her breasts.

Jason was beside himself and couldn't hold back any longer. He came again and sprayed his juice on Tami's young breasts; Tami squealed and the other girls laughed and clapped their hands. Tami scooped a drop of the come onto her finger and tasted it; then scrapped more and put her finger to Jason's lips. "Taste it little girl" she said, "before long we will find a real cock for you to suck, won't that be fun?"

Jason's mind went wild; it was bad enough having been stripped, spanked, handled, forced to taste his cum and tormented by these girls; what was this talk of sucking cocks; was there no end to this? "Time to play dress up" said Vicky. Jason just trembled at the thought.

Naked as the day he was born and thoroughly humiliated, Jason was led into Vicky's bathroom, where Lisa had drawn a bath for him. The room smelled of sweet floral scent from the bubble bath she had placed in the water, and she pointed for Jason to get in. Jason shook as he got into the water and Lisa stroked his head to calm him down some. He relaxed and laid back in the soothing water and listened as the other girls attacked Vicky's wardrobe to find clothes suitable for Jason to wear. They tore the closet apart looking for "just the right dress", then Vicky remembered the outfit she wore to Easter Sunday services three years before, which was now to small and juvenile for her, but should fit Jason nicely.

Vicky dug out the box containing the outfit from the back of the closet, and Susan and Tami jumped for joy when she held up the white taffeta little girl's dress with puffy sleeves and short skirt for them to inspect. Vicky then dug through her closet to find the shoes which went with the dress and into her dresser drawers to find the frilly underwear that he was going to need to make his new outfit complete.

In the mean time, Lisa had washed Jason's long light brown hair, then put a conditioner into it and did the final rinse. Jason was now ready to begin. He was told to get out of the tub and Susan who had come back into the bathroom helped Lisa dry him with soft fluffy towels. Lisa grinned as she gently rubbed the towel over Jason's little cock and balls and Susan who saw the look on Jason's face just giggled. The girls then dusted Jason's body with a large powder puff and gave him a silky robe which was hanging on the back of the door to cover his nakedness. They then marched him right back to Vicky's bedroom.

Vicky had laid all of the clothes out on her bed and when Jason saw them he thought he was going to die. Tami then told him to sit on the end of the bed so that she could do his hair. Jason knew that he was outnumbered, and weaker than the girls and that there was no way out of the situation so he meekly sat an let them do what they wanted. While this was going on Vicky had slipped down to her parent's room and gotten their Polaroid camera. As Tami brushed Jason's hair, Vicky explained that she would be taking some pictures to make sure that he wouldn't act up too much in the future. That if he did, the pictures would be posted all over the school.

Tami said "only a girl should have hair this long," referring to Jason's longer than normal hair for a boy, as she combed it while drying it. Tami parted his hair down the middle and braided two pony tails and tied the ends with ribbons. Vicky took pictures of this. Then Tami put a big bow in his hair and Vicky took another picture. Next they pulled his hair into a pony tail and tied a bow in it; again Vicky took pictures. Then Susan said "Stand him up a minute" and with a devilish grin pulled the robe from his shoulders and threw it across the bed. She then took a pink ribbon like the one in his hair and tied it in a bow on his little penis. "Great!" said Vicky and took several more pictures. All the while Lisa, Tami, Vicky, and Susan kept telling him how cute he was and what a pretty girl he'd be.

Tami then took a pair of scissors and trimmed Jason's hair into a kind of pageboy style, finished combing it out and placed a pink bow above each ear. Vicky took more pictures and voiced her approval of the final product. Jason was then told to stand, and, completely naked before four girls his own age, with ribbons in his hair and one around his cock, was shown the array of clothing he was going to have to wear.

Jason wished that a hole in the earth would open up so that he could just jump in; but he knew he was stuck with no escape possible. Vicky handed him a pair of white lace trimmed nylon panties, and told him to put them on to cover that little girl pussy before one of her brothers decided to drop in on them.

Jason put the pretty white panties on, and then was told to put his arms through the straps of a little girls training bra, which was fastened behind his back by one of the girls. Vicky then inserted two small foam rubber pads into the tiny cups, filling them to the limit of their capacity. They had him sit down on the bed as Lisa rolled a pair of white tights and worked them up his legs. She had him stand back up so she could pull them up around his waist when she noticed the bulge in his pretty lace panties.

"Look girls, I think Jason likes his new clothes," Lisa observed. Immediately the other three girls looked directly at his crotch, giggling and laughing, which caused Jason to again turn beet red from head to toe. Susan, no longer bashful reached out with her tiny hand and slipped it into Jason's panties and gently took his small cock in hand. "Yep! Jason definitely likes these panties," said Susan as she slowly stroked him. This brought howls from the other girls as they fell to the bed and floor with laughter. Jason if possible, turned even redder, but dared not say a word, because he didn't want Susan to stop.

Susan pulled the panties down so that she could see Jason's little cock as she handled it. Kneeling in front of him, she worked it and smiled as Jason trembled from excitement. The other girls started chanting "go, go, go, go" which only caused Susan to pump harder and faster. After several minutes Jason could hold back no longer and climaxed, shooting his juice directly into Susan's face.

Vicky immediately became enraged, "How dare you get that cum on Susan, lick it off immediately!" Jason was dazed from his climax and didn't respond quickly enough. Vicky grabbed his left arm and quickly had him in a hammer lock, while with her other hand she grabbed his hair and forced him to bend toward Susan. "Lick it off, I said or you get another spanking, here and now," screamed Vicky. Reluctantly, Jason reached out with his tongue and licked the cum from Susan's face. Susan just smiled and said "thanks Jason." Vicky jerked him back upright and said "you are never to shoot cum on my friends again or it's an immediate spanking, understand?" A very soft "Yes Vicky" was the reply.

Lisa then took hold of Jason's penis and tucked it back into his panties, giving his groin a little pat as she did so. She then pulled the tights up around his waist, and no one made further comment.

A white nylon slip with white lace trim was then pulled over his head and smoothed out in place as it clung to his body. Tami took the black patent leather low heeled shoes, and slipped them onto his feet and fastened the thin straps to the shiny silver buckles on the outside edge of the shoes. As soon as the shoes were on him, Vicky told him to come over to her dressing table, where she sat him down in a chair and looked at his face. Since Jason was to look like a little girl, she applied a very pale coating of makeup foundation, a little pink blusher was blended on his cheeks, a little mascara to his lashes, and a light pink lipstick to match the ribbons in his hair.

The look on Vicky's face when she was finished was one of pure astonishment, Jason really did make a very pretty girl. She couldn't believe what she was now seeing, he could stand up to any of the girls in the room for looks. The other girls were silent as they looked at Jason, as they too realized how pretty he/she was. Tami was feeling a little jealous in fact, but quickly pushed that thought to the back of her mind.

Now that his makeup and hair were done, Lisa brought the crinoline petticoats over to where he was sitting and had him stand into them and pulled them up in place around his waist. Next they took the pretty dress and placed it carefully over his head and pulled it down into place and Susan zipped up the back of the dress. Vicky tied the white satin ribbon at the waist into a big bow at the small of his back, and Tami adjusted the flare of his skirt as it hung over the stiff petticoats. Now fully dressed, the girls stood back and looked him over from head to toe in silence. He really did look like a girl, they couldn't believe their eyes, but they knew it was true.

It was now time for Jason to see himself, and he was led to the full length mirror in the corner, so he could see what the girls had done to him. He was made to stand with his back to the mirror until all of the girls were in position to see his reaction then told to turn and face the mirror.

As he turned, Jason saw a young girl, maybe 10 years old, in her white party dress looking back, with big blue eyes and nicely styled light brown hair in a pageboy cut with pink ribbons in her hair. It took a minute or two for him to realize that the pretty girl in the mirror was him, he knew it of course, but his mind wouldn't accept it immediately. Deep down, he liked the way he looked, but since this was forced upon him, he knew he had to look embarrassed, over this, or the girls might catch on to the fact that he liked what was happening.

The girls were excited, and decided that they should go back to the den and play with Vicky's new little sister. He was led from the room back down the hall and as he walked he heard the rustling sound of his petticoats and the clicking of his shoes on the floor. The feel of the smooth nylon undergarments rubbing against his body all combined to excite Jason even more than the girl he saw in the mirror. Once again his little penis was hard, but this time the girls couldn't see it under all of these frilly clothes.

Back in the den, the girls taught Jason how to sit "like a proper young lady" which was a problem wearing those stiff petticoats. They then had him sit on the floor and play with a couple of old dolls, while they surrounded him and talked about girl things as if he wasn't there.

Suddenly, Vicky looked up at the clock and said, "Oh God, my brothers will be home in an hour and we can't let them see Jason like this, he's dressed all wrong to be just one of us girls around the house." "Right," said Tami, "back to the bedroom with you young lady" and grabbed Jason by the hand pulling him up.

They rushed back to the bedroom, and Jason was quickly stripped of the dress, shoes, tights, and petticoats. The slip was replaced with a half slip which only barely came down to his mid-thigh level. Lisa then put a pair of tan thigh-high stockings on him with the elastic tops so a garter belt wouldn't be needed. Susan, had been digging in the closet and came back with a short black mini-skirt and a white cotton peasant blouse with three-quarter length sleeves. These were quickly put on him and as Vicky sat him back down to redo his makeup, Tami put his feet into a pair of low heeled black skimmers.

Vicky again looked at his face and made her decision. She used an even foundation to give him a darker complexion, then shaped his eyebrows, and applied several more coats of mascara to lengthen his lashes. A coat of light blue pastel eye-shadow was applied to his eyelids and again blusher was blended on his cheeks. She then coated his lips with a glossy red lipstick, had him blot it onto a kleenex and then coated them again. She then took the pink ribbons from his hair and placed a single black velvet bow above his left ear. A modest gold chain was then placed around his neck; Vicky decided against earrings, since his pageboy hair style hid his ears any way.

Again Jason was led to the mirror and this time was really shocked at the results. Before him stood the most sexy young girl he had ever seen, with great legs, and big blue eyes. Had he not known it was him looking back out of the mirror, he would have never guessed the truth. Vicky leaned over his shoulder and said, "well JANE, what do you think?"

"Jane?" asked Jason. "Sure, we can't call you by your real name in front of my brothers or they will know something is wrong. Jane sounds close to Jason so that you will know when you are addressed but just enough different to throw the boys off; see?" "Oh-OK, I guess," said Jane/Jason, "but how will you explain my being here; they know all the girls at school?" "Simple" said Tami, "you are my cousin from out of state visiting, and I brought you over to be with us girls for the day." Before he could reply, the girls heard the boys come in the back door as they noisily made their way through the house.

Vicky's brothers were named Mike and John and were not that much older than the girls. Mike was 15 years old and very athletic, good looking with dark hair and a firm muscular build. John was 16 and had blond hair, blue eyes, and although 5' 7" tall, not as athletic as his 5'9" younger brother. John was a swimmer and was firm but thin in build.

As they passed Vicky's open bedroom door the boys saw the girls inside and stuck their heads in the door. "Hi girls, what's up?" said John. "Hey who's the new girl Vick? I've never seen her before," said Mike. Tami immediately responded, "This is my cousin Jane visiting from Indiana, thought we'd stop over and see Vicky..." "Hi Jane, nice to meet you" said John, turning to Mike, "she's cute!" "I'll say!" Mike replied. Jason smiled at the boys and looked down in embarrassment, just the way an innocent young girl would in the same circumstances. "Get out of here you louts," snarled Vicky at here brothers, "This is girl talk, and YOU are interrupting." "Easy Sis, we were just trying to be friendly," said Mike as they both backed towards the door. "I know you two," said Vicky, "You just want to get into her pants." "OK, we're leaving, we're leaving," said John as the boys made a hasty retreat.

"Well Jane you're going to have to be careful, you've got both my brothers hot-to-trot, and if they find out who you really are, you're in bigger trouble than you can imagine," said Vicky. "I know, but I didn't put me in this spot, you did.." replied Jane/Jason.

"Since you want to be so 'snotty' about it, I think you and Tami should stay the night. What do you think, Tami?" "Good idea Vicky, I'll call my mom right now to get permission," replied Tami. "No, Jane is going to call first," and turning to Jason, "I would suggest that you tell your mother that you are staying with your friends Mike and John." "Please don't make me do this," pleaded Jason. "You can call right now, or I'll just go get the boys and we'll show them who you really are little bitch... You understand?"

Jason looked at Vicky standing with her arms crossed over her chest, thought about everything that had happened to him so far, and KNEW that she would do exactly what she said. He immediately crossed the room to the telephone and called his mother for permission to stay overnight at Mike and John's house. His mother who was very happy that her son had finally made friends with some boys readily agreed to let him stay out for the night. Within minutes, Tami also had permission, but Lisa's mother said no and Susan knew from her parents rules that the answer would be she was "too young."

It was fast approaching dinner time and Lisa and Susan had to leave. Both girls went over to Jason and gave him a kiss on the cheek; Lisa also hugged him and gave him a pat on the ass; while Susan, now bold reached under his skirt and gave him a pat to the crotch. Jason was ready to believe that this was the start of a long ordeal.

"Enough fun for now Jane, we have to go fix dinner for my brothers and dad," as she led the party out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen. Lisa and Susan departed, and Tami helped Vicky in the kitchen while Jane/Jason set the table. While dinner was cooking, Vicky's father called and said he had been called out of town on company business and would not be home until Monday...would the kids be OK home alone? Vicky assured him that everything would be fine and that they would see him when he got back.

Shortly, the boys came downstairs and asked where their father was since he was normally home by now. "Called out of town," replied Vicky, "It's just us for the weekend." "Well then let's have a party!" said John, "You call Tom and invite him over and we'll dance to some records and have a good time." Mike looked at John and both looked at the girls, then grinned at each other from ear-to-ear. Vicky looked at her brothers, and knew that Mike had a thing for Tami, and that this could get REAL interesting. Decision made, Vicky called Tami into the kitchen for a mini-conference, and told her of her plan for the evening and that she could have her choice, but that Mike had a real crush on her. Tami said she thought Mike was a hunk and approved of the idea. Vicky called Tom her boyfriend, and then returned to the dining room.

"It's all set," announced Vicky, "Tom is coming over and is bringing some beer." Tami immediately went over to Mike and put her arm through his and leaned her head against his strong shoulder. Mike smiled like a cheshire cat. John sat down beside Jane/Jason and said, "I guess that means it me and you cutie." Jason was at a loss for words and couldn't have replied even if he had wanted to. "Dinner is served" announced Vicky, which saved Jason from having to respond; at least for now.

All through dinner, Jason was trying to think of how to get out of this situation. Here he was dressed as a girl named Jane, who was going to stay over night. No parents around; a party planned; and he/she would be expected to entertain John as the other girls were demonstrating that they were already paired off. As he/she was involved in this deep thought, he suddenly felt a hand on her/his left knee, gently stroking the inside of his/her thigh.

Oh God, he thought, that sure feels good, as the gentle stroking sent shock waves straight at his groin. As the fingers crept upward, he suddenly realized where he was and who it was, and how he was dressed, and what would happen if that hand made it to his crotch and found a dick instead of a pussy. In shock, Jason immediately grabbed the hand and removed it from his leg, turned to John and said "keep your hands off buddy." John playfully recoiled as if shot and just smiled as he raised his hands in surrender.

Vicky, Mike and Tami who had been watching this throughout and knew what John was doing, burst out in uncontrolled laughter. Jane/Jason turned red and since he couldn't think of anything else to do got up from the table and stalked out of the room. "She's a virgin John, you'll have to go slow," said Tami. "And I think she is having her period" added Vicky. "Oh" said John. This did not make him happy as he had hoped to score with this very pretty young thing; well something might work out yet he thought.

Jason had gone back to Vicky's room and was huddled in the corner trembling from the thought of what might have happened. Just then Vicky and Tami charged in and Vicky pounced on Jason with a verbal assault. "Listen you little bitch, we are going to have a party tonight and you are going to keep John busy so we can have some fun. You do what ever you have to keep him away from us or I guarantee you, that I will see to it that you will entertain all three boys both sexually and otherwise until they can't get it up anymore. Then I'll spread your little slut pictures all around the school so that ALL of the boys can have a go at you. Have I made myself clear?" Before he could answer, Tami added "Just get this clear Jason, you will talk to him, dance with him, kiss him and anything else you have to; but John is not to interrupt our fun with the other boys or we'll have all three come after you - got it!" Both girls had Jason pressed back into the corner and while Vicky had hold of him by the hair, Tami had him by the balls and both were bigger than he.

"I will do what you want Vicky" replied Jason, "Please just don't let anyone hurt me," he cried. "Good" the girls said in unison. "Now fix your face, you have a date for tonight, come to think of it let's change those clothes also," said Vicky. A meek "Yes Vicky" was the reply. As Jason stripped, the girls got out his outfit for the night, a bright red mini dress, cut off of the shoulder with a scooped back, red high heels with 4" spiked heels, sheer stockings, and a complete set of matching underwear.

Once again Jason was stripped to the skin by these lovely young girls and then handed a red lace long line backless bra and frilly red lace panties. As he pulled the panties up, Vicky grabbed his balls from behind and held them in her grip. Jason stopped dead, afraid to move, when she said, "This is just to remind you of what will happen if you screw up tonight." She then squeezed his balls until tears came to his eyes, while Tami who had been also behind him stroked his ass and fingered his little puckered hole.

Befor, he could take another breath she had inserted her finger clear up to the knuckle and was beginning to slide it in and out. Tami then leaned up by his ear and said, "nice little pussy-ass you have baby, but I don't think you want a giant cock up it." As Jason trembled, Tami removed her finger and patted his rump; "be a good girl tonight and everything will be OK."

Vicky then pulled his cock and balls back between his legs and told him to pull up his panties. When he did, this left his privates tucked up between his legs and the front almost flat like a girls. Next the garter belt was placed around his waist and the garter straps threaded through the leg holes of his panties and the stockings rolled up his legs and fastened in place. A red half slip was pulled up over his hips coming to mid thigh. He was then told to step into the dress which was zipped up in back, he could feel that the dress only came to the middle of his back and noted that both shoulders were bare. To his shock, Jason saw that the skirt only came half way down his thighs. How would he ever keep John's hands out of there, he wondered. This time Vicky applied heavy makeup of blush, eye shadow, mascara and lip gloss and when Jason was led to the mirror he almost came when he saw the reflection. Looking back at him was the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen, wearing a red satin mini-dress with little semi-cap sleeves. Her shoulders were bare to just above her breasts and the tight dress showed her slim waist then flared into a short skirt. He turned slightly so he could see the back and saw the scooped back provided bare skin from her neck to just above the small of the back. Jason thought he was the most sexy looking thing he had ever seen.

Tami then put the spiked heels on Jason and told him to try to walk in


Newsgroups: From: (The Archivist) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 22:23:49 UTC Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Dominated by Young Girls" (2/9)

  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Dominated by Young Girls -- Part 2 author unknown

them. When he stood, he almost fell and Vicky caught him and held him steady. "Put your shoulders back, and push your hips out a little," Vicky suggested. "Try swaying from side to side as you walk and see if that helps," added Tami. Soon Jason had the walk that would make any fashion model jealous.

Vicky told Jason to keep practicing his walking while they changed into their party clothes. Without hesitation, both Vicky and Tami stripped down to their bras and panties.

Jason was beside himself as he caught side glances at the delicious female flesh they displayed as they proceeded about the room looking for the clothes they intended to wear that evening, fixing their hair and putting on their makeup. It was as if the BOY Jason were not present, just three girls getting ready for their dates.

When Tami again bared her firm young breasts to his view, he almost fell over a chair due to the distraction. The noise this caused, caught the girls attention and both started laughing. "Your 'cousin' must be a lesbian," said Vicky, "she seems distracted by all this display of female flesh we are providing." "Come here Jane," said Tami, and pointed to a spot directly in front of the dressing table where she was seated wearing only her panties.

Jason walked over to the spot indicated and looked at Tami; before him sat a pretty 15 year old girl with straight flaming red hair falling down over her pale white shoulders. Her firm young breasts jutted out proudly and were tipped by pale erect pink nipples almost too light to see. "Jane, Vicky thinks you might be a lesbian; that seeing us nude is getting you excited; is that true?" "I...I...," Jason tried to answer but the words wouldn't come out. Standing, Tami pulled her panties off revealing her almost hairless pussy to Jason's view, and again sat in the chair facing him, only with her legs spread so that her young swollen and red outer lips were visible to Jason's hungry eyes. "You know that girls are not supposed to get excited by the sight of other girls naked bodies Jane; why don't you answer me Jane?"

"I...I...," again the words would not come for Jason and his whole body trembled with excitement as he looked at the lovely young woman spread before him. His legs began trembling so bad that he started to fall due to the unstable spiked heeled shoes. As he was going over, Vicky rushed over and caught him and lowered him to his knees in front of Tami's open legs. He was now looking at Tami's pussy at eye level and as he watched Tami reached down and spread her pussy lips wide so that Jason could see the red and pink inner flesh and her erect little clitoris.

"No doubt about it, our little Sissy Jane is a lezzie," said Vicky, "Why don't you suck on Tami's little cunt." Vicky then pushed Jason forward and when he was within reach Tami took hold of his head and pulled it right in between her smooth thighs and up against her sweet young cunt.

"Now , suck it." "I said suck my cunt Sissy, cunt, bitch, lick my hot pussy, little girl." Jason could hardly breath due to the way Tami held his head. His face was embedded so tightly in her cunt he was gasping for air. As soon as he started licking and sucking on her clit, she relaxed her hold and he proceeded in earnest.

All this got Vicky so hot she reached into her panties and started fingering herself as she watched the beautiful young boy/girl eat out her best friend. Finally, Tami came and Jason was allowed to remove his face from her crotch. Vicky had fingered herself to a climax, but had already decided that Jason would do her at some time in the future. "Let's fix your face." said Vicky to Jason as Tami recovered her senses, and started putting her panties back on.

Having Jason again repaired, the girls rushed to get ready for the evening. Tami opted to go braless and put on a black, mini-dress which had a lace peasant type neck and three quarter length sleeves. The neckline was pulled down off of her pale white shoulders and the sleeves pushed up to just below the elbow. Nude pantyhose and 4 inch black pumps made her legs look terrific, and a wide white leather belt completed the look.

Vicky chose black lace underwear including a strapless bra, garter belt, and g-string panty; black stockings, and a black body-hugging nylon/lycra tube dress with spaghetti straps and 5 inch black high heels with leather knotted in a pattern on the toe and with a strap with gold buckle around the ankle.

"Time to party girls!" said Vicky, Jason looked at the two young sex kittens in front of him and knew that he looked just as sexy as they and that they were about to go downstairs and meet three real boys. As all of the bad possible outcomes rushed through his mind, he started shaking uncontrollably and could not stop. Tami got a worried look on her face and wondered if they should force Jason to go through with this.

Vicky on the other hand, looked him up and down and then slapped him hard on the face. "You're not backing out now Sissy no matter what happens; either you go and do as expected or we just send the boys up here for their evenings entertainment." Forcing himself under control, Jane/Jason put back his shoulders and took a deep breath, exhaled, and said "OK I'm ready now Vicky."



Off they went down the hall and when they entered the den all three boys were there sitting around drinking some of the beer Tom had brought with him. On seeing these three incredibly sexy looking foxes enter the room, all three whistled and jumped to their feet with broad smiles on their faces. "Hi guys!" exclaimed Vicky, "Ready to Party?" "Sure, You Bet, and Let's Do It," came the replies from the boys.

Vicky immediately crossed to Tom who Jane/Jason observed was older than the other boys, probably about 16 or 17, tall (almost 6 ft) and well built, with light brown hair and grey eyes. Vicky quickly kissed him and snuggled up against him, while she looked back over her shoulder and smiled at Jane.

Tami also immediately marked her turf by moving to Mike's side and hooking her arm through his while she smiled coyly at him and made small talk.

John was standing by the sofa and Jane/Jason moved towards him in a state of pure fear. Her/his trembling made him a little unsteady on the high spiked heels, and when she reached John she had to steady herself by holding his forearms. Seeing her trembling, John moved one arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side, then looked down with a look of concern and said, "Are you OK?" "Just a little nervous and I'm not used to heels quite this high," was the almost whispered reply. "Let's sit down then," John offered, as he gently guided her down onto the sofa and then sat beside her.

John had maintained his arm around Jane's shoulders while sitting them down and now gently stroked the soft skin of the upper left arm and shoulder as he assessed the incredibly pretty young girl at his side. Her big blue eyes and fine features were a real turn-on, and the pale smooth skin of her shoulders and neck looked absolutely edible. As he stroked her shoulders and upper back, he inhaled the fragrant clean smell of her hair and perfume and gently moved his hand to the center of her back and up to her neck which he gently massaged. As he continued, the trembling stopped and he tilted her chin up so that he could look directly into her eyes and said; "better now?" "Yes" she said shyly, "Thank you John for being so considerate."

"You look great!" John said to her as his eyes slowly traveled over her face and down over the swell of small breasts, past her trim waist, to her great looking legs. "I thought you looked good earlier this evening, but I had no idea you were so incredibly beautiful," John added. "Thank you," was the whispered reply as she leaned her head back into the crook of his arm.

The evening wore on and the drinks flowed as the three couples sat and talked and slowly passed the time. Mike put on some music and everyone started dancing. Jane/Jason was still unsteady when he walked, but leaned on John and whispered "I've never done a lot of dancing, John, so please forgive my rigid movement." "That's OK, just lean on me and let me do all of the work," he replied.

John held Jane firmly against him as they danced and continually stroked his hands over the broad expanse of bare skin available to him, on her arms, back, shoulders, neck and upper chest. Jane, just leaned her head against his chest and tried to follow his lead as they moved about the floor. Slowly his right hand moved down from her bare back to her ass and gently squeezed the flesh through her dress. Jane just sighed and continued as though nothing had happened.

Vicky, however, had taken note of this development and when she caught Tami's attention, pointed it out with a tilt of her head and eyes. When Tami saw the hand on Jane's ass, she just rolled her eye and smiled at Vicky who had difficulty suppressing her laughter.

Slowly, the other couples disappeared, first Vicky and Tom, then Tami and Mike, leaving Jane and John to dance alone in the darkened room. Seeing that they were alone, John pressed his body harder into Jane's and worked one leg in between hers as they danced. It wasn't long before Jane felt a hard bulge pressing against her stomach, and looking around saw that they were now alone.

Jane/Jason started to panic, knowing that he/she had gotten this boy hard and wondering how he/she was going to get away unhurt. The fear turned to trembling, and again John placed his hands on Jane's bare shoulders and gently stroked her as he held her to him.

After a short while, he stopped dancing and tilted her head up so he could look at her face, holding her chin in the crook of his index finger. Very gently he leaned forward and lightly kissed her on the lips, then again, only this time with his mouth open and tongue probing into her mouth. Jane responded without thinking and soon found herself being held as he gently kissed her neck and shoulders and licked around her ears. All this activity turned Jane on and she responded by kissing him and stroking his body through his clothes. As her hand moved over his stomach it encountered that hard bulge again, and reality struck home to Jason.

My God, he thought, what am I doing? Here I am dressed as a sexy girl making love to a boy. Am I a homosexual? No, I like girls, even though I have never had the opportunity to have regular sex with one yet; so what am I doing? Is there anyway I can get out of this without John finding out I'm a boy dressed as a girl? What will he do if he finds out?

Without realizing it Jane/Jason had been massaging that bulge while thinking and John was now beyond the point of return. John reached down and placed his hand on Jane's knee and slowly stroked upward. In panic, Jane grabbed the hand and said "Please, No, John, I'm a virgin and besides I'm having my period." "What do you mean NO, you've got me all fired up, you can't just quit and say NO; not now," he said. Jason knew he had to do something for John or the boy would probably rape her/him. John was clearly beyond his own control and would become unpredictable if refused relief.

Without saying a word, Jane unzipped John's trousers and reached inside. Her fingers gently slipped under the waistband of his underwear and slowly probed. "My God! It's huge!" she exclaimed, as her hand gently stroked down the length of his cock. "We better go to my bedroom," he said, "the others might come back." With this he quickly got up and guided Jane down the hall to his room before she had time to think about what he was doing. Inside, he shut and locked the door, and as he turned to face Jane unbuckled his pants and kicked off his loafer type shoes.

Things were now serious and Jane/Jason knew that the only way out was to relieve the sexual stress this boy was under if he/she wanted to survive. "Can I see it?" she said, and gave a slight smile. "Sure," he said as he removed his pants, socks, and then dropped his underwear. Jane's eyes got as big as silver dollars as she took in the sight of his 6" cock and big balls suspended in an almost hairless sack between his legs. Jane didn't know that although John's cock was about average in length and that it's 4" circumference did not qualify as "huge", to her it was at least 2 times bigger than his/her's and that made it huge.

Jane approached him and gently wrapped her tiny hand around his raging hard-on as she stroked him, said, "take off your shirt, I want to see all of you." John quickly complied, and as his smooth almost hairless swimmer's body came into view, Jane thought he was sexy in a feminine sort of way. Moving her hand down to his balls she gently massaged them and guided him back towards the bed. "Sit down and lay back," she said, "I'll take care of this for you."

John wasn't about to argue with this pretty little brunette who had hold of his balls and was offering at least partially what he wanted. He laid back on the bed, with his legs spread wide and his ass right at the edge so his feet rested on the floor. As he looked down over his chest he saw the girl kneel between his legs and resting her elbows on his knees like armrests on a chair watched as she wrapped her tiny hand around his prick and gently massaged his balls with the other hand.

Jane looked at his circumcised cock and noted that the head was turning purple and a drop of pre-cum was visible at the tip. John could feel Jane's warm breath passing over his cock and this got him even more excited. Jane stroked his cock up and down and rubbed her cheek against the head. John was breathing faster and started humping his hips in synchronization with the girl's stroking. "Suck me", he said, and Jane started to say "but I've never...." when he started to get up off the bed. Jane knew she had to do it, he was out of control.

"Ok, Ok .. just lay back and enjoy," Jane said as she gave the tip a tentative lick. Deciding that the taste was good, Jane proceeded to lick the head and as John looked down Jane slowly licked all around the head of his dick and then looked him square in the eyes with her mouth open and his cock resting on her tongue; keeping eye contact she slowly lowered her mouth onto his cock and John thought he was going to faint. John restrained himself as Jane's wet, warm mouth encased his cock and her nimble tongue twined itself around his rim of his knob. Her lips sipped at his cumhole, and then quite without warning, she gulped his cock all the way down to her tonsils, sucking with wild-eyed, hollow-cheeked, total devotion.

With both hands flat on his belly and his cock in her mouth, Jane pumped the young man's meat into her throat. John couldn't take much of this and very soon exploded in Jane's mouth pumping what felt like gallons of cum down her lovely throat, with some excess seeping out around his cock onto her lips.


Expended, John reached down and pulled Jane up onto the bed and leaned over to kiss her. As he did, he tasted his own cum on her lips and thought that it tasted salty but good. John cuddled Jane to him and stroked her body as he enjoyed the afterglow of the best blowjob he had ever had. As he stroked her ass, she sighed and eased her head onto his bare shoulder. His hand worked it's way under her skirt and onto her pantied ass, continuing it's gentle stroking. Without warning, the hand moved to Jane's crotch and felt the little bulge there.

"What the hell!" he exclaimed as he threw the girl off of him and onto her back. "Oh NO!" cried Jane/Jason as John ruffly threw up her skirt and tore the panties from his body. "What the fuck is this." screamed John as he pointed to the little set of cock and balls, he then flipped the girl over and quickly unzipped the dress and pulled it from the slim body before him. Jason/Jane was in sheer terror and began crying as he/she curled into a fetal position, his/her body whacked by spasms of uncontrolled muscle contraction. John rolled the boy/girl onto it's back and looked more closely at this creature.

The face and hair were definitely that of a girl as were the slim legs and smooth skin. The bra however, was filled with foam pads and the hips were a little narrow for a girl. He stripped off the bra leaving only the garter belt and stockings on the little boy-girl before him, and straddling him/her with his limp cock resting on the boy-girl's chest; slapped him quickly and hard about three times. "Answer me...Talk to, whatever you are!"

Seeing the uncontrolled spasms racking the little body beneath him, John started to feel guilty. He moved off to the side and after a minute or two gathered the little body to him and gently held it as the contractions started to lessen. "Please, please don't hurt me," Jane/Jason managed to get out between the uncontrolled sobs "It isn't my fault," he/she continued after a time; "Vicky made me do it," he finally got out. The little body continued to be racked as the sobbing and crying continued unabated. John considered what had been said and now felt compassion for the poor thing in his arms. He therefore gently rocked the little body which huddled against him and stroked it until it finally was regaining control.

Crying and trembling as he spoke, Jason told John the whole story; all of the abuse, all of the humiliations, all of the threats, the pictures, everything. All the while, John continued to stroke the poor boy he held in his arms and listened to the story. Some parts of the tale made John wince in pain just thinking about what it must have been like for the young boy and as he listened and soothed the young body he felt it pull closer to him and relax.

Without being able to explain it, John felt a bond with the boy and considered all of his feelings since he met him. Yes, he had believed it was a girl all the way up to and during the sex they had shared; still it was not a girl, just a poor little boy terrorized by his sister. As he continued to think, and stroke, he felt a strange sensation come over him; yes he could love this boy and would do what he could to end the nightmare for him.

John told Jason what he thought and looked down at the little body in his arms. Even though he knew it was a boy it still looked very much like a girl and John's body was responding. " Jane, I mean Jason. Have you ever made love to another boy?" asked John. Jason shook his head and continued to hug John as hard as his little body would allow. "Neither have I Jason, but I would like to try it with you, if you're willing," John whispered. "I promise that I will not hurt you in anyway, and that no one will ever know except us." John continued; Jason looked up into John's eyes and knew that this gentle boy would do as he said and shook his head yes.

With that cue, John gently kissed Jason full on the mouth and continued to stroke the soft body in his arms. His right hand moved over the smooth chest and down over the hairless belly to the small penis and balls below. Gently massaging Jason's groin drew an immediate reaction from his own and Jason soon felt John's hard cock pressing into the crack of his ass from below, as he sat on John's lap.

John repositioned Jason so that Jason was straddling John's lap with Jason's smooth legs extending around John's sides. He hugged and kissed the boy, and freely ran his hands up and down the back and massaged the young ass cheeks. John could feel the small cock pressing against his stomach and Jason moved up and down to cause more friction.

Remembering the unforgettable blowjob Jason had given him, John decided to return the favor, and placed the boy on his back on the bed with his legs spread wide. Moving up Jason's body, John kissed his young neck and chest and sucked on the small nipples until they were hard and erect. Moving back down, he kissed the smooth stomach and licked the insides of Jason's firm but soft thighs.

Opening his mouth, he sucked Jason's small ball sack in and gently rolled them around with his tongue, he then moved his mouth to the little 2 1/2" erection and gently sucked and licked for about 5 minutes. As he tasted Jason's pre-cum he knew the boy was about to shoot, so he slipped a finger under the boy's ass and while continuing to suck inserted his finger slowly up Jason's tight little asshole. Shortly, Jason let go his cream and John swallowed it all, and continued sucking until the little penis went soft in his mouth.

Jason was happy as he felt John make love to him and could still feel John's finger up his little ass. "John, make love to me like I was a girl; I want to know what it feels like." John looked at him strangely and then realized that Jason wanted him to fuck him in the ass; "Ok little one, but it may hurt at first." John got some suntan lotion he had in his dresser drawer and told Jason to lift his legs and pull his knees up against his chest. Jason did as he was told, and John put a pillow under the boy's ass for better access. He then worked the lotion into the tight little asshole and soon found his finger moved freely in and out. "More" Jason cried, and John inserted a second finger, then three, and Jason kept asking for more.

"More," begged the frantic youth. and John moved between the boy's spread thighs. John's cock was about to burst and he could wait no longer, so he thrust his prick deep into Jason's ass, as far at it would go. The feeling was great, and he began fucking the boy frantically. Both pleasure and confusion played across Jason's face as John thrust into this gorgeous creature below him. "Fuck me John, Fuck me hard, I'm a girl and I love it!" cried Jason.

John's balls were bumping against Jason's ass as they swung in rhythm with his frantic fucking. Soon, John's wild cravings were rewarded, as he exploded into Jason's ass in a huge climax. "Arghhh," screamed John as what seemed like gallons of cum spurted deep into Jason's ass, and he collapsed on top of the small boy beneath him. Jason just moaned and held John with his legs wrapped around the bigger boy until a last John rolled to the side.

The boys dozed off holding each other tightly and later John awoke flat on his back and looked to find Jason straddled across his hips with his firm young ass firmly implanted on John's long cock. He was riding John as if he were on a horse and the undeveloped flesh on Jason's chest looked like small tits bobbing up and down as he moved. John reached up and tweaked the nipples on Jason's little girl tits and Jason just squealed with glee as he continued to pump on John's cock. Soon Jason's little cock sprayed a load of cum on John's belly but he continued to ride until he felt John also climax, then collapsed on John's chest.

John gathered the young body to him and laid Jason's head against his chest as the little boy/girl dropped off to sleep. John smiled to himself and as he stroked the warm body against him, thought that no REAL girl was ever this good to him, or this tender, or this loving, or this sexy.



Jason and John awoke early Sunday morning and John helped Jason get dressed as he had been the night before. There was a problem however, John had torn the panties off of Jane/Jason and of course John had none which looked like girl's panties he could give him/her to replace them.

Starting to panic Jason said, "What am I going to do? I've got to change clothes sometime today and if either of the girls sees I don't have panties on they are going to wonder what happened to them. How can I explain what happened to them without them knowing you discovered who I really am and us having sex?"

John considered this and thinking of his sister, also became worried. If Vicky discovered he had sex with this boy/girl beyond either a handjob or blowjob, she would have leverage over him also and knowing her, would use it! "You stay here and I will go down to the laundry room and see if I can't find some panties; either Vicky's or my mother's," John offered. "OK" replied Jason.

John listened at the door and hearing no one outside, slipped out into the hall and down to the laundry room. Searching through the dirty clothes, John found fourteen pair of panties, but none that were red and none that looked like the ones Jane/Jason had been wearing the night before. Taking a frilly pair of black panties, John returned to the room unnoticed.

"This is the best I could do," said John as he handed Jason the dainty nylon panties. "They're the wrong color!" exclaimed Jason, "What if the girls notice?" "Make sure that they don't" replied John, "Or we both may be in deep shit!"

Jason put the panties on and again thrilled at the feel of the smooth cloth at it passed up his legs and encased his hairless little cock and balls. "Let's go down to the kitchen before the other kids discover us in my room and start wondering," said John. Without further comment they proceeded to the kitchen where John made toast and coffee and were sitting at the table when Vicky, Tom, Tami, and Mike arrived.

Vicky smiling looked at Jane/Jason and winked as she said, "How did you two get along last night, John?" John knew what Vicky was implying and tried to look embarrassed as he responded, "I guess I drank too much; passed out on the sofa about midnight and woke up there this morning." This caused the other boys to laugh and Vicky gave Jane another wink. "I would have thought you two got it on, the way you were going at each other when Tom and I left," said Vicky. "Me too," said Tami, "We sure had fun," as she turned and smiled at Mike. "Where did you sleep?," Vicky asked Jane. "Well when he passed out, I just went to his room and used his bed, it was obvious that HE wouldn't be using it," the cute little brunette replied with a smile. This caused all of the other kids to break down in uncontrollable laughter, and John turned red in embarrassment but knew he dared not say a word.

Vicky and Tami went into the kitchen and fixed eggs and bacon for everyone and no one made any further comments about the night before to John or Jason/Jane other than normal small talk. After breakfast, Mike and Tom decided to go over to the high school and play some basketball, "You coming John?" asked Mike. "No, with this hangover, I'd probably puke," he replied, hoping to re-enforce the previous story. "Well, we're out of here," said Tom as the two headed for the door. Vicky turned to Jane/Jason and said, "I think you need to get your other clothes from my room, don't you?" "Yes, but I didn't want to disturb you earlier this morning," Jane responded. "Let's go then, John can clean up this mess, as punishment for neglecting you so badly last night." The three girls rose and headed up the hallway leaving John to clean up the dishes.

In the bedroom, Jason reached back and unzipped the little red dress he was wearing, as Tami rounded up the black mini-skirt, training bra, half slip, black panties, white peasant blouse, and black skimmers he had worn the day before. "I was hoping I could put my own clothes back on," Jason said softly. "Not as long as John is around," replied Vicky, "We can't let him see a boy leave instead of the girl who has been here since yesterday," Vicky observed. "So strip and let's get on with it," Tami chimed in.

Jason stepped out of the dress and handed it to Vicky who put it on a hanger, and then removed the long-line bra and handed it to Tami who took it to the clothes hamper. While both girls were occupied, Jason quickly stripped off the half slip and put it on the bed on top of the black panties laying there in hopes that the girls would think he had already changed to the other panties. He then quickly picked up the red half slip and black panties and made them into a ball, and wearing only the garter belt and stockings and the black panties John had found for him. He followed Tami to the clothes hamper.

Tami was turning back toward him as he approached the hamper and said "I'll take those." Jason handed them over and turned back towards the bed area. As Tami dropped the clothing into the hamper, the ball came open and she saw the black panties fall out, "What is this! Something is wrong here, Vicky!"

Jason stopped dead in his tracks and slowly turned back to face towards Tami. Vicky rushed over to Tami and saw immediately what had caused the commotion. "Those aren't the right panties" said Vicky and turned towards Jason. In panic, Jason made for the door, but Vicky grabbed him before he could make it out into the hall. Immediately, he was thrown to the floor and both girls pounced on top of him to hold him down.


Vicky sat on Jason's legs as Tami held his arms down; Jason was pinned and couldn't move even if he wanted to. Moving down so she was sitting on his calfs, Vicky could now see the panties Jason was wearing. Grabbing them by the waistband she pulled them down his legs and worked them under her body and off of his feet. Still sitting on his legs, Vicky now inspected the panties.

"Tami, these are my mother's," said Vicky, then looking down at the little boy, "Well now little Sissy Jane, perhaps you would like to explain how you got a pair of my mother's panties and what happened to the ones of mine your were wearing last night?" Jason, still panicked, struggled against Tami's hold and glared back at Vicky. With a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her face, Vicky reached out and caressed Jason's balls, then gently took them into her hand. "Perhaps you have forgotten how much pain I can cause little girl," said Vicky and without warning squeezed, pulled, and twisted the poor boy's balls. Jason screamed and thought that she had torn them from his body; but since he could still feel her clamp hold knew they were still attached, but for how long? Jason was throwing his head back and forth now and crying and groaning, and unable to speak.

Releasing her devastating grip, Vicky told Tami to turn the boy over. When he was released, Jason curled into a fetal position, with his legs drawn tightly to his chest, laying on his side, the tears flowing freely down his cheeks, and sobbing heavily. "That's OK, Tami, this will do for what I want to check," said Vicky as she moved to a position where she could see Jason's little ass. Spreading his cheeks, Vicky traced her finger around the tight little asshole and of it's own accord, the little hole opened. "Look at this!" said Vicky to Tami, "This boy has been ass fucked!"

Leaning over to see better, Tami also traced a fingertip around the tiny hold and again it responded. Tami then eased a finger into the opening and it opened wider, then two, then three, and four fingers were inside. "I don't believe it," said Tami "I've never seen as ass so open. Sliding all four fingers in and out, Tami decided to see if he could take more; placing her thumb with her fingers to form a shape similar to a bird's head she again shoved into Jason's ass. At first there was some resistance, then without warning, her whole hand slipped inside. Kneeling with her whole hand up Jason's ass, Tami said, "I don't believe it, I just don't believe it!" "This boy has been ass fucked but good!" Jason just laid there and groaned as Tami continued to work her hand back and forth in his ass. "I think John has some explaining to do," said Vicky.

Even though John was two years older than Vicky they were physically about the same size, due to the accelerated growth girls go through at puberty. Vicky had been looking for some time for a way to dominate her oldest brother and establish control. She had a pretty good idea of what had happened last night from the missing panties and the obvious ass fucking Jason had undergone. She now was determined to turn it to her advantage.

Vicky went out the door into the hallway and called, "John, John, could you come up here a minute; we need some help." "OK" was the reply as the unsuspecting lad came up the stairs toward his smiling younger sister. "In the bedroom, John; Jane is stuck and we need a strong man to help."

Before he could consider the implications of what she had said, Vicky guided John into her room and closed the door. John could not see Tami and Jason in the bathroom, but heard a moan from that direction. "What's the problem?" asked John as he turned towards Vicky. "Well it would seem," she started, then without warning kicked John as hard as she could in the groin. John grabbed his balls and started choking as his face flushed and he fell to his knees. Not satisfied, Vicky kicked him again right on top of his hands which were clasping his family jewels; John passed out and fell to the floor.



When he awoke, John found himself nude in the bathtub of Vicky's bathroom, with his hands tied behind his back with what felt like pantyhose. His balls were swollen to twice normal size and the pain from his groin was incredible. He leaned back on the cold tile and listened. He could hear Vicky and Tami in the other room, but could not make out what they were saying. He got the impression that Vicky was talking to someone on the telephone, but was not sure, the pain from his swollen crotch interfered with all other perceptions.

After a while in his daze, John heard footsteps approaching, and then in walked Vicky with Lisa, one of her other friends.

"Well, Well," said Vicky, "Is Joellen ready to play now?" In too much pain to be embarrassed about being seen naked by this girl Lisa, John groaned, "What are you talking about?" With a giggle as she talked Vicky replied, "Well, JOELLEN, since my brother is a FAGGOT, and likes to fuck little boys, we thought it only appropriate that he become a GIRL too." "I, I don't understand," croaked John, as another wave of pain shot through his body. "Don't you? Then I guess a demonstration is in order. Bring him in girls. Immediately Jason was dragged into the room by Tami and Susan, with his hands tied behind his back, wearing only a garter belt and stockings. Vicky turned to the other girls and said, "Well I guess we will just have to show him, won't we girls!" Jason was forced to his knees and bent forward with his head on the floor and while John watched in horror, Tami coated her right hand with K-Y jelly and inserted her entire hand up Jason's ass until she had half of her forearm buried in the poor boy.

"As you can see, this boy has been ass fucked ROYALLY, and WE KNOW who he was with last night, DON'T WE," said Vicky. "WE SURE DO!," said Tami, "With that GAY boy named JOHN," she said; and all of the girls laughed and giggled. "I'll kill him," croaked John. "For what?" said Tami, "He didn't tell us anything." "The panties and his cute little asshole did ALL of the talking," added Vicky, "and your reaction of course." "Well you're not going to do that to me!" said John. "Oh but we are," Vicky replied, as she reached down and took John's balls in her hand and clamped down hard. John screamed in pain and tears flowed down his face as he choked for breath.

"You see John, I am in control here, and if you don't do EXACTLY what I tell you, first, you will wish you were never born when I get done with your jewels and second, every person in town will know you are gay and a faggot!" Vicky released her grip and John just laid in the tub crying and whimpering.

"OK, girls take Jane back to the other room, and Tami, try to keep your hand out of his ass; it will never go back to normal if you keep putting your hand up there," directed Vicky. "Susan, Lisa, you two come back here when you're done and help me with Joellen."


When the girls returned, Vicky outlined her plan. "First, let's stand him up in the tub. Good. Now, Susan you take that bottle of hair remover and completely coat his body from the neck down. When this is done, I don't want to see one hair below his neck, not on his arms, legs, or ANYWHERE. Got that!" Susan smiled, giggled and nodded yes. "Lisa, you wash off the hair remover and make SURE that Susan gets ALL of the hair off. Then, you get to give him an enema to clean out that dirty little boy ass of his, OK?" "Great!" replied Lisa. Instructions given, Vicky walked out and back to the bedroom.

With Vicky gone, the girls approached John who was leaning against the back wall of the bathtub enclosure, trembling from the pain and the thought of what was about to happen to him. Little Susan stepped into the tub with him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Easy, John, this will not hurt you and I'll try to be as gentle as I can." John turned to face the little blond and weighed whether it would do any good to try and talk her out of it, then saw Lisa standing beyond Susan and knew it would do no good.

John stood still as Susan slowly rubbed the creamy white lotion onto his body, enjoying the feel of her young hands as she spread the lotion. When she had finished everywhere but his crotch, she put a big glob in her hand and while looking him in the eye, slowly massaged it into his crotch. The lotion made her hand slippery and it glided easily over his public mound and cock, but when she touched his balls, he sucked in air quickly and groaned in pain. "I'm sorry I hurt you," she whispered as she continued to spread the lotion between his legs and over his cock and balls. Normally, John would have gotten an erection from this type of manipulation by a girl, but his balls were too sore to think of sex. Finished, Susan got up on tip toes and gave John a kiss on the cheek before getting back out of the tub.

"We'll have to wait a while for that stuff to work," said Lisa, "Don't lean against anything or we may have to do it again." Both girls sat on the floor against the far wall and watched as John just stood in the tub, covered with hair remover. Lisa leaned over to Susan and whispered in her ear, "He's hung pretty good for a boy his age." "I'll say," giggled the pert little blond in reply.

John waited for what seemed like forever, but was really only about 20 minutes. While waiting he wondered how he was going to explain his hairless body to the guys at school when they saw him in the locker


Newsgroups: From: (The Archivist) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 22:24:29 UTC Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Dominated by Young Girls" (3/9)

  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Dominated by Young Girls -- Part 3 author unknown

room or in the pool. Well he was on the swim team, and hadn't he read some where that olympic swimmers shaved before meets to make themselves go faster? I guess I'll try that, he thought, what else can I do? Just then Lisa came over and wiped a small patch on his forearm, satisfied, she then took the handheld shower attachment and started rinsing the lotion from John's body. John looked down as the water ran from his body and saw that it was very dark as it flowed into the drain. Lisa was now using her free hand to rub his back as she sprayed the warm water over him and John trembled at her soft touch. Lisa then moved down to the back of his legs and continued to stroke as she rinsed the chemical from his body. "Turn around" she said, as he had been standing with his back to her, and she started on his front side. He closed his eyes as she stroked his chest, legs, and stomach, luxuriating in her soft caresses. As did Susan, Lisa had saved his crotch for last and turned the head of the sprayer so that it sprayed up from between his legs. Unconsciously, John opened his legs wider to allow the nozzle to spray the warm soothing water directly onto his balls. The water seemed to relieve some of the pain, and he sighed as she moved the nozzle back and forth between his legs. "All Done!" she said, and John felt dejected.

"John, we are going to have to untie you in order to make sure we got all of the hair; are you going to behave or are we going to have to call Vicky back in here?" asked Lisa. "I'll behave, Lisa, please don't call Vicky," John replied. John turned around and Lisa untied his hands; John rubbed his wrists to return some of the circulation the restraint had cut off. "OK, turn back around, and stand with your arms and legs spread so Susan and I can check you over." John did as he was told and both girls started looking for any hair that might have been missed.

"Shit" said Susan, "I didn't get under his arms, but I couldn't get at them, the way he was tied up." "So get a razor and let's do it that way," Lisa instructed. Susan went to the sink and retrieved Vicky's razor and some shaving cream and the girls shaved John's arm pits to perfection. The inspection continued, with one girl checking each side, looking into every crevice as they worked their way down his body. John, who had now been naked in front of these girls for over an hour suddenly became embarrassed, although he could think of no reason why. He felt the razor pass over his skin every once and a while and knew that one of the girls must have found a stray hair.

"All Done" pronounced Lisa, and she then retrieved 2 big towels and handed one to Susan. The girls then proceeded to dry him off, advising that you must dab with the towel rather than rubbing like he was used to doing. After drying him off, the girls took two big powder puffs and dusted his body with a sweet smelling powder, which made his skin feel super smooth to the touch.

"Unfortunately, John, I have to give you an enema now, cause that's what Vicky wants." "I know Lisa, it's not your fault," replied John with tears welling up in his eyes. Lisa, took his face in her hands and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips, and whispered, "don't worry, I won't hurt you, John." A tear broke loose and ran down his cheek, which Lisa caught with her tongue and then kissed him again.

Lisa put one of the towels on the floor in front of the commode and told John to kneel on it and then put his head down on the floor on his hands. This position left John fully exposed from behind and he felt more vulnerable at that time, than he had ever felt before in his life. "Put some lubricant in his asshole Susan, while I get the enema bag ready." Susan, took the proffered tube of K-Y jelly and knelt behind John. She could see his body trembling and gently laid one hand at the small of his back and gently stroked his skin. When he relaxed a little, she lubed up her index finger and said, "relax, John, if you relax, this won't hurt at all."

Susan, then gently rubbed the jelly around the opening to his ass, and watched as the little muscle spasmed, then relaxed at her touch. Slowly, she spread the jelly around the little puckered opening, and when she heard John sigh, slowly shoved her fingertip into the hole. John tensed immediately, so she waited a minute with her finger inserted about halfway. When he relaxed again, she moved her finger the rest of the way into his ass and gently started moving it back and forth working the jelly into the opening. Moving to his side, with her finger still inserted, Susan made room for Lisa who was now standing by with the bag of soapy liquid.

Susan used her free hand to spread John's cheeks wider and when Lisa had the nozzle ready to insert, removed her finger and pulled the cheek aside as Lisa inserted the nozzle in John' little hole. Susan watched as the little muscle pulsed around the nozzle and Lisa opened the clamp on the hose allowing the warm water to flow into John. "Ohhh," moaned John as the liquid flowed into him. Susan moved her left hand under John and slowly stroked his stomach as the liquid continued to fill him.

Lisa from a position directly behind him could see that John was becoming hard as a result of their ministrations. Reaching under him, between his legs, she gently grasp his cock and started a slow milking motion up and down, flexing her grip as she started each stroke. "Aghh, Ohhhh, God," he moaned and fell a little more forward. Soon the bag was empty, but Lisa continued to pump John's cock, and in two more strokes, gave a little squeal as she felt it jerk in her hand as he came. John collapsed forward and fell into his cum which had splattered on the towel in front of him.

Very carefully, Lisa removed the nozzle from John's ass and guided him to the commode so he could empty the water from his bowels. John sighed repeatedly as the liquid flushed from him and the girls stood at either side of him and held him as he expelled it. Susan held his head and stroked her small fingers through his hair, as Lisa moved one hand on his back and the other pressed on his belly. When it was over, the girls had him stand and wiped his ass with a wash cloth; then seeing the cum on his stomach wiped that off to.

The deed done, John looked at the two girls and meekly smiled at them and said, "Thank you for being so gentle Susan," and gave her a light kiss. Then turned to Lisa and offered, "and thank you Lisa for being so gentle," and again planted a light kiss on the girl at his side. Both girls smiled at John and hugged him. Lisa looked up and said, "We're all done John, I guess we better go back." John sighed and nodded and said "Yea, I guess so."

The three of them passed through the door and into the bedroom together and there saw Vicky and Tami laying on the bed side by side talking as they looked across the room. In front of them sat Jason on the floor in the corner, dressed in a little girl dress all frilly and white, playing with a doll and sucking his thumb. Susan and Lisa immediately recognized the dress as the one Jason had been forced to wear the morning before, after the little fray in the den.

"So, is Sissy Joellen all clean inside and out?", asked Vicky. "Clean as a whistle," replied Lisa, who out of Vicky and Tami's sight, gave John a little pat on the ass. "Well bring her over here so we can check her out," demanded Vicky. Again the three moved as a unit towards the bed. Vicky and Tami got up and moved towards John, Susan and Lisa reluctantly backed away to give them access.

Circling around him, Vicky looked her brother over closely, trying to find even one hair on his body but being unsuccessful in that quest. Tami, ran her hands over John's chest also looking for hair, then knelt and started probing his cock and balls as if looking for hair. John turned red from the embarrassment of this manhandling but said nothing. He didn't want to give his sister any further excuses to abuse him.

Grabbing John by the hair, Vicky yelled, "Bend over faggot, let's see how they did on the other end!" "Grab those ankles you wimp, you Sissy FAGGOT!" she screamed. John complied and bent forward and held his ankles as ordered. Stepping behind him, Vicky licked her finger and then without warning plunged it full length into John's ass.

"Arghh!, God Damn!", John cried. Lisa stepped up grabbed Vicky's arm, "You don't have to be so rough with him Vick, he did everything we asked and didn't give us ANY problems." "So he was a good little girl, was he;" as she probed the inside of his bottom, "well OK we'll ease up some then. I just want him to know who is in charge here." "You are the boss Vicky," John managed to get out. "And don't you forget it Sissy!" Vicky said as she removed her finger and slapped his ass cheek.

Vicky reached on the bed and retrieved a silver and black leather dog collar and buckled it around John's neck; she the attached a 5 ft black leash to the collar and let it dangle over his shoulder. Again reaching to the bed, John saw Vicky with a length of black nylon cord in her hands. This she tied under his balls and over his cock, wrapping it very tightly so that both appendages were pulled out away from his body. When she tied the knot on the bottom, John winced in pain.

Tami, then placed a black garter belt around John's waist and he was handed a pair of sheer black stockings to put on. Lisa showed him how to roll the stockings and attach them to the garter straps.

Turning to Tami, Vicky said, "OK you check him out, since I am too rough." "Gladly," replied Tami and went and retrieved the K-Y jelly. Lubricating her hand and dumping a glob on his little puckered hole, she started working her finger around in his ass, then two, then three, and paused and told him to get down on his knees. When he complied, she eased her hand back into him and added the fourth finger stroking in and out until she felt he was loose, then pulled her hand back out.

Taking hold of the leash, Vicky pulled her brothers head up into view and could see the tears in his eyes from this humiliating experience. "Tami has an older sister Pam who is in college, John, and Pam left Tami some of her toys to play with. Can you guess what they might be John?" Before he could answer, John heard a buzzing sound behind him, and knew that it had to be a vibrator. Tami, slowly worked the tip of the hard plastic device around the edges of John's little hole; then centered it and inserted it with a mighty shove. "Oh God" John moaned and felt like he was being split open. Taking is chin in her hand, Vicky tilted his head up and looking him in the eyes, grinned and said, "But John, it's only the 8" vibrator. We have a BIGGER treat in store for you." and laughed in his face.

The vibrations of the device helped lessen the pain and loosen the muscles of John's behind, and soon he felt a warm glow in his ass and really started to enjoy the sensation. Tami was now plunging the vibrator full length in and out of his ass, and her arm was starting to tire, so she motioned for Lisa to take over. Lisa, placed her left hand at the small of John's back and since she could feel little resistance, knew that the vibrator was no longer hurting him; she worked it in and around and out and back and soon John was meeting her thrusts with thrusts of his own. Lisa smiled at Vicky and said, "I think he likes it!"

"Come over here Jane," Vicky yelled to the little boygirl. Jason, who was still sitting in the corner had hoped they had forgotten all about him, but it was obvious that they hadn't. Susan, helped Jason get up and guided him to a point beside John. "Slide underneath him and suck his little girl cock," directed Vicky. Jason sputtered and stammered; true he had sucked John last night; but those were under different circumstances; and there was no audience of four girls to watch! "I said get down there," Vicky said sternly, "We want a show, and you and John are the entertainment; DO IT NOW!"

Jason knew he had no choice, so he lay down on his back and slid under John's stomach. Underneath, Jason found John's cock swollen and hard as a rock and gently inserted it into his mouth and started a gentle sucking and licking of the member. Lisa was still pumping away; both John and Jason paused when they heard the sound of a Polaroid camera as it cycled picture after picture from it's film pack. The girls were all laughing and giggling, and having a great time as they watched Jason suck John, while Lisa worked over John's ass with the vibrator.

"John raise your head," said Tami. When he did, horror flashed through his mind as he saw the girl standing in front of him wearing only her bra and where her little pussy should be, was the biggest cock he had ever seen. It was at least 12" long and 4 or 5" in diameter and had huge balls suspended below it. When he looked closer, he could see straps extending to the sides of the girl's hips, as if it were attached to her body. "This is my sister's most favorite toy John and now you are going to get to play with it," the young girl said. John still could not believe the size of the thing and felt tiny in comparison to it.

"Open your mouth John," Tami directed and placed the monster to his lips. "I can't," John pleaded, "It's too big." "Yes you can little girl, open," and shoved the giant cock at his mouth. John just barely got the head inside when he started to gag. "Lick it, suck my cock, little bitch, that's it lick it good," Tami said. "Time to fuck Joellen's Pussy," said Vicky, and with that, Tami moved behind John and out of his line of sight.

Lisa, removed the vibrator, and Tami greased the huge member with a liberal coating of K-Y jelly, then took hold of John's hips with both hands and while Vicky guided the head of the thing, slowly started pressing into his poor young asshole. "Arghhh, Jesus Christ, your tearing me in half!" John screamed and dropped into a kind of blubbered speech. "There's no blood, so you're not injured," Vicky replied as Tami moved the monster into him inch by inch. John had gone soft as soon as the dildo had entered his ass and Jason didn't know what to do, so he just kept on licking John's cock and balls and hoped that they wouldn't use that thing on him.

After about 5 minutes, Tami had eased the cock all the way into John's ass and was resting up against him. Then slowly she started to pull the thing back out and when only the head was still inside, plunged with all her might back in until her thighs slapped against John's. John was incoherent and just stayed still for the first five strokes, then his body responded and soon he was meeting Tami thrust for thrust. His body was covered with sweat and it dripped from his face, but still he met her stroke for stroke. Ten minutes later, Tami collapsed from the exertion and fell on top of John, knocking him to the floor, with the monster cock still buried full length up his ass. After a minute or two, Vicky helped Tami extract the thing from him and half carried her over to the bed where she again collapsed.

His ass still gaping open, Vicky handed Susan the K-Y jelly and said "finish him off with your hand." Susan looked at the poor boy and then lubed up her right hand. John had his head in his hands and was covered with sweat, but had decided that he would not give Vicky the satisfaction of hearing him scream again.

With her hand well lubricated, Susan formed her fingers into a bird's head like she had seen Tami do before and slowly but steadily shoved into John's ass. Her hand slipped all the way in and she continued to shove until most of her forearm was inside. John was crying but refused to scream, he only moaned. "I think he likes it," said Vicky, and motioned for Susan to continue. Susan made her hand into a fist inside him and pulled it almost all of the way out then lunged forward fisting his ass. John was completely covered with sweat, and clenched his teeth and then started pumping on Susan's arm like it was a giant cock. Susan was also sweating from the workout, and was rapidly tiring, when John's entire body convulsed and he fell to the floor, passed out cold.

When he awoke, he was on the floor, on his back, Susan was wiping him off with a cool wash cloth and stroking his forehead. He could see the women's sheer stockings on his legs and felt shoes on his feet with long heels and straps. Around his waist was the garter belt for the stockings and he could feel the collar on his neck. He leaned up on his elbow and saw that the black cord was still tied under his balls and over his cock making them stand out from his body.

Seeing that he had recovered, Vicky walked over and looked down at him. "This, Sissy Brother is your new costume, you along with Sissy Jane, are now our slaves and will do whatever we want, when we want; do you understand?"

"Here are the rules:

First, you are to address each of us a Mistress Vicky or Mistress Tami, and so on;

Second, you will always be attired as you are now when in our presence unless we are in public or if we choose to dress you otherwise;

Third, there is to be no hair on your body except on your head from now on;

Fourth, you will go to Jason's house every day after school and serve us as we see fit until his parents are due home;

Fifth, on weekends, you will go to whichever house we tell you and likewise serve us;

Sixth, we took pictures of you while Lisa and Jason sucked you; while Tami fucked your ass with her sister's toy; while Susan fist fucked your ass and with you attired as you are now. If you give us any problems, those pictures will be spread all over town and that poor little ass of yours will be fucked by every greasy cock available;

Seventh, if you are bad you will be spanked by one of us at any time or place we choose.

Eighth, if you are good we may let you fuck Jason's little pussy-ass, but only when we watch;

Ninth, your ass will be fucked with a dildo or vibrator to keep it happy and maybe Mistress Tami might honor you with another one of her special treatments;

Tenth, and last, if you are especially good we might consent to let you eat our pussy or maybe even fuck us under the right conditions."

"Do you understand the rules?" "Yes, Mistress Vicky," John said with a bowed head and a tremor passed through his body.

"Good, that's enough for today, Mike and Tom should be back anytime now and you wouldn't want them to discover you dressed as you are." "Help Sissy Jason change his clothes and then escort him home, so that we can be sure that he is not molested along the way." "Yes Mistress Vicky," John said softly.

John quickly helped Jason strip off the girls clothes and put on his boys clothes; then putting on a pair of pants and t-shirt over his "Uniform", they left the house.

Along the way to Jason's house, they stopped in a small park and John placed his hand on the boy's, shoulder and stroked the boy's neck. "I'm sorry Jason, but until we can figure a way out of this I guess we are stuck." "Yea," replied the young boy, I know, I guess they have us." John hugged the boy, and Jason leaned up and kissed John lightly on the cheek. They returned to the walkway and proceeded towards Jason's house.

Back in the bedroom, the girls were circled on the floor and terribly excited. "Well girls," said Vicky, "We have some serious planning to do, for some serious fun!" "Yea!" was the combined reply.



John's mind reeled as he walked home, thinking about what had happened to him during the past 24 hours. The fun time he had planned to spend with Jane had now turned into a complete disaster. His sister Vicky had turned out to be even more of a dominating bitch than he had ever suspected. For the time being, he was now her slave; if he fought back, she and the other girls would spread the story of his homosexual meeting with Jason as well as the damaging pictures, all over the school and his life would be ruined. He would never be able to show his face in this town again.

Even as he walked, John could feel the pull of the garters on his stockings and the tightness of the cord still bound around his cock and balls. The only part of the costume Vicky had permitted him to remove, was the collar and the high heeled shoes he had worn.

When he arrived home, Vicky was alone in the kitchen of their house; the other girls had apparently gone home. Vicky called him into the kitchen where she was making a sandwich and asked if he wanted one also. "No, thanks Mistress Vicky," John replied and this brought a wide smile to Vicky's face. "Come here," Vicky said, and John moved to a position in front of her where she was standing at the counter.

Vicky reached down and unzipped her brother's trousers and while looking him directly in the eye, reached inside and fondled his bound cock and balls. This time she was very gentle with him and John leaned his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her touch.

"You have been a good little slave today Joellen, and I think I will have to find someway to reward you," cooed Vicky, while she continued to gently stroke him. "Thank you Mistress Vicky," John rasped due to his growing excitement. Just then they heard the back door bang and Vicky quickly removed her hand from John's crotch and zipped him up. As she moved her hand back, Mike charged into the room and exclaimed, "I'm starved, What have we got to eat?"

John turned towards the counter and leaned into it as if looking out the back window, over the kitchen sink, to hide his erection from his brother. With the cord binding his groin, John's cock made a terrific bulge in his pants; almost twice the normal size it would have been with an erection.

"Sit down, Mike and I'll fix you a sandwich," offered Vicky, who seeing John's problem, gave a little chuckle. While fixing Mike's lunch, Vicky decided to give John a way out of his predicament, "John, why don't you go down to the laundry room and throw a load of clothes into the washer for me,...I don't want mom to find it full of dirty clothes when she comes home." "OK, Sis, I'm done with my lunch anyway," replied John and turning his back to Mike, headed for the stairwell. "What have you all been up to today," John heard Mike ask as he rounded the corner. "Not much," replied Vicky, "Just messing around here in the house."

Later that evening, the three siblings were sitting in the den watching TV and when Mike determined that a football game he wanted to watch was on the sports programming channel, Vicky turned to John and said, "I've got to go finish my homework for school tomorrow, guys, I guess I'll leave you to your game." "OK Vick," Mike replied, his eyes not leaving the screen for a second. "John, I've been having trouble with the math problems, could you come and help me?" Vicky queried. John looked at Vicky who motioned with her head that he WAS to come with her, and responded; "Sure Vicky, no problem."

When they arrived at Vicky's room, Vicky quickly ushered John inside and closed the door. Immediately, she turned to John and planted an open mouth kiss on his lips, probing his mouth with her tongue. "That's for being a good boy and not letting on to Mike," she said when she broke off the kiss. "Get undressed," she said as she moved away towards her bed. "But what if Mike comes in here?" John asked. "He's so engrossed in the stupid football game, he won't even notice we're gone," she replied; "besides, he knows better than to come into my room when the door is closed."

Somewhat assured, John peeled off his T-shirt, and removed his tennis shoes, then took off his pants. This again left him for all intents and purposes nude in front of his younger sister; but her attitude seemed less hostile than it had been earlier in the day.

"You can take those off too," she said pointing to the garter belt and stockings, and John gratefully sat down to remove them. When he was done, she had him stand before her, and took hold of his cock and balls and gently manipulated them. Stroking him to erection, she knelt down and untied the black cord binding him and when it was loosened, John gave a big sigh of relief. "We wouldn't want to injure them by cutting of the circulation for TOO long, now would we," as she gently patted his balls.

Now standing completely naked before his younger sister, with his 6" cock prominently erect, John for reasons he still could not understand, felt no embarrassment at his situation. "Undress me," whispered Vicky who was looking at her brother eye to eye. "What!" said John. "You heard me," rasped Vicky, her voice seeming lower and a little harsh, as if she were having trouble talking.

John looked at his little sister with a new perspective. She was the same height as himself (5'7") but thinner, he weighing about 140 lbs and she about twenty pounds lighter. He had not seen his sister nude since she was about 7 or 8 years old, and suddenly he became excited at the prospect of checking out her nubile young body. He knew she was no longer a virgin and this could get interesting if things went as he suspected they might.

His hands trembling, John reached out and started unbuttoning her white cotton blouse. With each button, he could see more of her milk white skin come into view and by the time he reached the button just below her breasts, was trembling badly. Vicky reached up with her left hand and gently placed it on top of his right; "Easy John, easy..." She stroked his hand and forearm for a few seconds until he regained control, then lowered her hand and continued to watch him as he finished unbuttoning the garment. John could now see the swell of her firm young breasts encased in a white satin underwired bra and involuntarily drew in a fast breath, making a sucking noise.

Vicky pulled the garment from the waistband of her blue denim mini- skirt and reached behind her and unzipped the skirt to help him along. John, took hold of the blouse and opened the front fully and peeled it back over the lovely white shoulders before him. He then moved behind her and gently peeled the blouse down, allowing him to observe as her finely muscled back came into view. As he removed the garment from her arms, John noted the taunt muscle underlying her smooth soft skin as it rippled with her movements. Seeing the skirt unzipped, he inserted his fingers in the waistband and slowly pulled it down over Vicky's slim hips, exposing the finest ass the poor boy had ever seen.

Vicky was wearing thong type panties and the only thing covered on her rear was a thin strip of yellow material which banded about her slim waist and down between the cheeks of her well muscled behind. He knelt as he pulled the skirt down her legs and noted that her slim legs were bare since she was just wearing little lace ankle socks with her black skimmers. When he reached her ankles with the skirt, John's nose was less than 6 inches from Vicky's pussy and he could smell the wonderful aroma of the young girl's excitement.

After stepping out of the skirt, Vicky lifted her left foot, for John to remove the little shoe, and dainty sock. John stroked his hand down her slim calf to reach her foot for this operation and felt a shiver pass through her body as he did so. He repeated the process as he removed the other shoe and sock and was again treated to a tremble as his hand glided down her leg. John then slid his hands up the sides of her legs and held her hips as he stood back up behind her. Tracing his fingertips lightly across her shoulders, he moved the straps of her bra off to the sides and onto her upper arms. He then unfastened the bra and it dangled loosely to the sides.

Gently taking his sister by the shoulders, John turned her to face him and noticed a trembling of her lips and rapid breathing as he brought her into position. Tracing his fingertips lightly outward from her neck along her collarbones, John took the shoulder straps of the bra and pulled it slowly down her arms. As it fell away from her breasts, John noticed her draw in a deep breath, which pushed her firm young mounds forward. Vicky's breasts were bigger than an "A" cup size but not quite up to "B" size, and tipped by dark red erect nipples about the size of quarters. John wanted so badly to kiss these lovely breasts that he could hardly restrain himself; but decided that an action that bold might cause Vicky to react badly.

Kneeling again, John took hold of the bright yellow silky cloth of the thong panties and moving his fingers from the front center outward along the inside of the waistband to her hips; slowly pulled them downward with his face a mere 5 inches from his sister's warm belly. The bottom front of the thong was wet from Vicky's excited state and as John pulled it down, he almost came when he saw that his sister's pussy was completely shaved, smooth and hairless, like a pre-pubescent young girl's. John wanted to dive face first into this, the most delicious pussy he had ever seen, but Vicky took hold of his shoulders and pulled him back to his feet.

Taking hold of John's rampant cock, Vicky said, "Let's take a shower," and lead him by his cock into the bathroom.


When they arrived in the bathroom, Vicky released John's cock and pointed him towards the bathtub. John stepped in and turned to watch as his incredibly sexy sister pinned her long brown hair which had been tied in a ponytail onto the top of her head. From this vantage point, John could see all of her slim young body from head to toe and thrilled at the sight of her pert breasts moving and jiggling as she placed the bobby pins in her hair. He looked with appreciation at the firm ass cheeks and wondered what they would feel like in his hands. Her firm flat belly showed that she cared about her appearance and that fantastic hairless pussy set him to shivering.

Vicky slid the glass shower door on the bathtub closed and then opened the panel near the end with the faucet handles. Reaching in she turned on the water and pulled the shower lever up to redirect the flow to the shower head, and immediately, John gave out a squeal, as the cold spray hit full on. "A little cold you say?" Vicky giggled and adjusted the water until it was warm and steamy. Closing the panel, she proceeded to the far end of the tub, opened the other panel and stepped in with her brother. "You like?", she asked as she noted her brother's rigid cock and leering look. "You bet!" he replied. "Your forgetting something," Vicky said in a stern voice, "Yes Mistress Vicky," was the soft reply.

Vicky guided John under the warm spray of water and stroked his shoulders and chest as the liquid pored down his body. She then pulled him out of the spray and standing under the water herself, took a bottle of shampoo and poured some into her hand.

"Turn around," she said and he stood with his back to her as she used the liquid soap on his shoulders and back. Replenishing her supply, she massaged his lower back and moved onto his hips and ass. She massaged the cheeks of his ass working her fingers deeply into the flesh, causing John to expel a deep moan of pleasure, then traced a finger right down the crack and cruised over his dark little asshole. This caused him to jump, and Vicky giggled and said, "Still a little tender, are we." John trembled at the thought of another attack on his poor sore ass. Patting his butt, Vicky said, "Don't worry little Sissy, I'm not going to rape that little pussy again TODAY."

Vicky then soaped up his legs, paying particular attention to his inner thighs, and when the back of her hand brushed against his balls, again giggled at the tremble what passed through his body. "Turn around," she said, and started soaping up his chest and arms, slowly working her way down towards and over his stomach towards his now straining cock. Again resoaping her hand, she softly took hold of his rigid manhood and stroked firmly but gently from the root outward. When she reached the tip she tweaked it with her fingertips and let it slide over the back of her hand as she moved downward to his balls. These, she gently rolled in her fingers, massaging and probing, until his cock was jerking on it's own, and knew that he was about to come. Abruptly, she stopped; "That's enough for now," she said, "step under the water and rinse off." John, could not believe she could leave him hanging on the edge of a climax; but she had.

"Now you wash me." Vicky said as she looked at her older brother coyly. John could not believe his luck, he was going to get to feel every part of this beautiful girl's young body, and AT HER REQUEST! Reversing positions in the shower, John took the liquid soap and poured some into his hand, then starting on her back side, gently spreading the soap over her shoulders and neck, upper arms, and upper back. He massaged her muscles as he worked the soap into her flesh and thrilled at the feel of her smooth soft skin.

Taking her right arm in hand, John stroked the soap from hand to shoulder and back, firmly working the muscle as he did so. When he did the underside, his hand brushed Vicky's breast and a slight tremble passed through her body. He repeated this procedure for the left arm, then moved to her lower back and firmly massaged the muscles as he worked. Skipping her firm ass for now, John proceeded to the backs of her legs, and spent considerable time massaging the supple flesh of her smooth firm thighs and Vicky standing with her legs spread, leaned her head back and gave small moaning noises as he did so.

Resoaping his hands in anticipation, John knelt behind his sister and spread the foamy substance over her taunt young ass cheeks, working the flesh and stroking at the same time. This produced more moans from Vicky who unconsciously pressed her ass back into his hands. With a single finger, John gently traced down the crack of Vicky's ass and when his finger passed over her asshole, she leaned slightly forward. Afraid to penetrate her due to the possible repercussions, John just massaged the muscle and stroked it for a while.

Standing back up, John turned Vicky around and was now facing her. Her eyes were still closed and he noted her breathing was fast, causing her tender young breasts to heave and jiggle with the force of her breaths. Soaping her narrow shoulders, John saw the tiny blue lines laying just under the milk white skin which traced out onto her breasts and decided to bypass those lovely appendages for now. Working on her sides and belly, John massaged her ribs and stomach muscles and again elicited soft moans from his sister.

Moving down to her legs, John again firmly stroked the muscles and concentrated on her thighs. When his fingers brushed her sweet young pussy, Vicky opened her legs wider; but John was saving that for last. Sliding back up her body John circled her breasts and the gently stroked them from the base outward to the erect little nipples. With his thumbs, John gently stroked both nipples at once as he cupped both breasts and felt Vicky press them into his hands. Turning Vicky sideways to him, John placed his left arm around the swaying girl and moved his hand under her arm and onto her left breast, this supported her and he then slowly moved his right hand downward over her firm belly to that most beautiful of pussys.

As he reached her mons, John's three middle fingers curved inward and passed over this shaved pussy, which felt smooth as a baby's. John spread his fingers slightly and the outer lips thread between his fingers, with his middle finger passing directly over her clitoris. "Arghh," moaned Vicky as her body involuntarily humped against his hand. Continuing this motion, John masturbated his sister who shortly climaxed and sagged in his arms.

Still supporting her, John moved her back under the shower and stroked her as the warm water washed over both of them. After a minute or two, Vicky opened her eyes and gently kissed her brother deeply then said, "Thank you John, that was VERY well done." "You're welcome, Mistress Vicky, it was my pleasure," he softly replied. Vicky noted her brother was still hard as a rock and decided to give him relief, but on her terms.

Vicky turned off the shower and the two moved out of the enclosure. Vicky then handed John a towel and said, "Dry me off, please." "With pleasure," John replied and slowly worked the towel over his sister's body until she was dry. John then dried himself and Vicky powdered his body and again leading him by his raging hardon returned them to the bedroom.


"I told you that good slaves get rewarded Joellen, so now is the time; lay down on the bed please." Shaking with anticipation, John jumped onto the bed and laid on his back in the center. Vicky then went to her dresser and returned with four scarves. "I'm going to tie you Joellen, so that you do not get too carried away," announced Vicky. "Yes Mistress Vicky," John said softly. Securing a leg or arm to each of the corner posts of her canopy bed, Vicky then sat on the bed beside John and grasped his cock with her hand. Vicky could feel John's cock pulsing and knew that he was close to a climax; all of that contact in the shower must have really turned her poor brother on.

Moving to a position where she was sitting on his hips with his straining cock resting against her bare pussy and her thighs extending to either side of his body; Vicky leaned forward and kissed her brother several times on the mouth. Then proceeded to kiss his neck, shoulders, chest, and sucked on his hard little nipples. "These respond like a girls," whispered Vicky, as she tweaked Johns erect nipples and then stroked her hands over his belly and again grasped his cock.

Leaning forward, Vicky guided the head of John's straining member between the lips of her luscious young cunt and then in a single move, impaled herself on it full length. "Oh God, that feels GOOD," exclaimed John as he felt the warm moist tight flesh encase him. Vicky slowly started rocking her body moving up and down on John's cock until within 4 minutes, John came and shot a giant load into her young cunt. Vicky continued to pump him until she felt him go soft inside her, then eased him out and again kissed her brother.

Vicky again moved up her brother's body, this time placing her young pussy directly above his mouth, and looking down between her thighs said, "Clean me out Joellen, and do it real good." "Pussy juice mixed with cum was dripping from Vicky's snatch onto John's lips and he reveled in the combined taste of the mixture. Vicky pressed her shaved cunt down into his face, and John responded by licking and


Newsgroups: From: (The Archivist) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 22:25:54 UTC Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Dominated by Young Girls" (4/9)

  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Dominated by Young Girls -- Part 4 author unknown

sucking for all he was worth. After 10 minutes of Vicky's tasty pussy being ground into his mouth, Vicky who had been squeezing her breasts and stroking her body as she rocked on John' mouth, said, "Yes, Yes, Yes," and climaxed again; convulsions racking every muscle in her young body.

After cleaning her brother with a washcloth, Vicky untied him and led him over to her dressing table. Sitting him down, she studied his face and said, " Joellen, your hair is much too short, we will have to let it grow some, and I think I need to pluck your eyebrows some." John had been relaxed in the afterglow of his climax but now came fully alert. Looking up at his mistress, John pleaded, "I don't mind letting my hair grow, Mistress Vicky, but please don't make me look like a fag, or I won't be able to show my face at school!"

Stroking her submissive brother's shoulder, Vicky replied, "Don't worry, I'm just going to clean them up a little bit. So that they look a little more like a girls; but nothing extreme, where you couldn't pass at school." Relaxing, John consented and Vicky proceeded to work. Finished, Vicky was happy with the results and turned John to let him see the results in the mirror. John looked at his face and noted that his eyebrows had a little more arch and that the stray hairs at the bridge of his nose were gone. Thinking it over, he decided that they still looked like a boy's and in fact looked better than before.

Returning from the dresser, Vicky carried a white satin and lace camisole with white garter straps and a pair of sheer stockings. "You will wear these under your clothing at school tomorrow Joellen, you don't have gym on Mondays so there is no need to worry about being discovered." Also handing him a pair of white lace panties, she said, "You are also to wear these; and I think you should bring all of your boy's underpants to me so that I can be sure you are not cheating." John had not considered having to wear girl's underwear to school and was very nervous about what might happen if discovered; for now, however, he didn't see he had any choice in the matter.

"Also, I think you should quit the swim team, it takes up too much of your time and I have other things for you to spend that time on." "Yes, Mistress Vicky," John responded. If nothing else, John thought, that was that many fewer opportunities for discovery of his predicament, so it wasn't that bad anyway.



John got up early the next day so that he could be done in the bathroom he shared with his brother before Mike came in to get ready for the day. Passing Mike in the hall as he returned to his bedroom, John realized that he would have to do this EVERY day to avoid detection. Standing nude in his room, John looked at the frilly undergarments he was being compelled to wear at school. Slipping into them, he then put on his pants and a regular sports shirt. Looking in his mirror, John recoiled in shock when he noted that the camisole backseam made a clearly visible line across his back. Looking closer, he could also see the shoulder straps through his shirt and his jeans had little bumps where the garter tabs connected to his stockings.

John immediately dug through all of his clothing until he found a looser fitting pair of trousers and a white cotton knit sweater which was bulky enough to hide the undergarments. Again checking himself out in the mirror, John was satisfied that no one would be able to detect any lines, bumps, or bulges where they shouldn't be on a 16 year old boy.

At breakfast, Vicky approached John who was sitting with his back to her and placed her hands on his shoulders. To all appearances the lovely girl was massaging her older brother's shoulders and just being a tender little sister. John however, knew she was feeling for the straps to the camisole and when she found them, she patted his back and sat down beside him. "You've been looking kind of pale lately," Vicky said to John as Mike kept on eating his meal. "I think you should start taking vitamins," said Vicky, "Why don't I get you one." She then arose and returned with a little purple pill which she handed to John and he downed it without comment.

Unbeknownst to John the pill was not a vitamin as he thought, but one of his mother's estrogen pills, of which she had a number of bottles, since she was undergoing estrogen therapy following some "Women's Problems." "You should take one of those every day, John, they will make you feel much better," said Vicky. "Thanks Vick," John responded.

The three left the house and walked to school together, John and Mike attended the High School and Vicky the Middle School next door. As they were about to part company, Vicky asked John to meet her for lunch as the two schools shared a common cafeteria. "OK Sis," John said, and each proceeded to class.

During his first study hall, John asked permission to go see the Swimming Coach, which was granted and proceeded to the pool area. A swimming class of all freshman girls was in progress and John thrilled at the sight of 30 young bodies in tank suits. He proceeded to the office and found the coach and told him he was quitting the swimming team. The coach was very unhappy about this and tried to talk John out of it, but finally gave up the effort. The only thing more fickle than a 16 year old boy, thought the coach, is a girl the same age.

John returned to class and the morning proceeded without incident. John did have a panic attack however, when he went to the bathroom and while taking a piss, looked down and saw lace sticking out of the opening of his trousers. Better use the stalls from here on out, he thought and quickly zipped his pants back up hoping that no one had noticed the lace.

Walking down to the lunch room, John could feel the pull of the garters on his stockings, and as he stepped, the elastic straps would rub against his bare thighs, shooting thrilling little feelings into his body. When he arrived, Vicky and Tami were setting together in one of the corners and after getting his tray, he joined them. "Hello John," Tami beamed and gave him a wink, "How are you feeling today?" "A little sore," he whispered and both girls giggled in response.

Shortly, both Lisa and Susan arrived and each gave John a peck on the cheek and traced their hand down his back as they did so. John suspected that all of the girls knew what he was wearing and were feeling for the seam of the camisole. When Susan performed this maneuver, she hooked her finger under the seam and gave it a little snap, which confirmed his suspicions.

After John had finished his lunch, Vicky looked at her watch and said, "John come over to the library with Tami and me; we need to discuss something." Without a word all three rose and after dropping off their trays proceeded to the library. Vicky guided the trio to the back of the stack area where they were concealed behind ten rows of bookshelves and then turned to John.

"Drop your pants and bend over," she said. "Vicky, this is a library, for god's sake, anyone could discover us!" John replied. "This won't take long and the faster you get those pants down, the faster it will be over." As the two girls backed him into the corner, Tami said "You can either do it our way - or we'll take them off you and leave you here without them." Knowing that they just might carry out the threat, John unbuckled his pants and as he did so, saw Tami extract a flesh colored object from her purse.

"Pam had some other toys, John; this is what's called a `butt plug' and I'm going to put it up your ass. You are to leave it in place until you get to Jason's this afternoon." Vicky pulled a small tube of cream from her purse and lubricated the device which was about 6" long and shaped somewhat like a christmas tree on a stand, about 2" in diameter at the widest part. Resigned to his fate, John lowered his pants to his thighs and turning his back to the girls and bent forward, giving them access to his ass. Tami, gently but firmly pressed the plug against his little hole, and after a second or two it started to enter. Tears were in John's eyes by the time the widest part passed through his sphincter muscle and then the muscle immediately contracted down around the shaft above the base. Tami pushed the base of the plug flat against him and rotated it so that the rectangular base was in line with the crack of his ass. Then she pulled his lacy panties back up and gave him a soft pat on the butt.

As he pulled his pants back up and was buckling the belt, the two girls saw the tear streaks down his cheeks, and each in turn wiped the tears from his face and gave him a kiss. "See you later," they said and turned and walked away. John stood there a couple of minutes trying to get used to the feeling of having this 'log' stuck up his ass, and tentatively felt his ass to see if it stuck out any. Satisfied that nothing showed, he went out of the library and headed back to classes.

Along the way, John encountered his brother Mike, who stopped him and said, "What's this I hear about you quitting the Swim Team?" "Yea, I quit this morning," John replied, "Just didn't want to do it anymore." Mike looked at him as if disgusted and said, "You know, you're turning in a REAL PUSSY, these days." "Whatever," John replied and turning walked away. To himself, John thought, God if he only knew how right he was, feeling the full sensation the butt plug provided in his belly.

After school, John saw Susan standing in front of the building as he exited. "Vicky sent me over to make sure you didn't get lost," smiled the sexy little blond. As John got along side her she reached out and put her arm around his waist and when no one was looking slid it down and probed his ass until she found the base of the butt plug. "Comfortable?" she asked, and when John displayed a pained look on his face, she giggled and patted his ass.



When they arrived at Jason's house, they entered through the summer room attached to the side of the house. This was a screened enclosure with windows on three sides and the house made the fourth side. Stopping in the room, Susan turned to John and said, "Undress here, Vicky wants you attired only in your uniform when you enter the house." "But Susan, anyone passing on the street could see me," John pleaded. "Then you better do it fast," Susan replied as a grin developed on her cute little face.

John pealed off his sweater and then unbuckled his pants. Standing with his back to the street, John kicked off his shoes and removed his socks, this left the only remaining articles of clothing his trousers, and the 'uniform' which consisted of the white lace and satin camisole, a pair of frilly white lace panties and his stockings. Taking a deep breath, John dropped his pants and stepped out of them. "Those too," said Susan, pointing to the panties. John removed the panties and this left his bare ass exposed, with the butt plug inserted.

Just then they heard the voices of several kids approaching and John dropped to the floor so that he would not be visible through the windows. Susan giggled and picked up all of his clothes and proceeded up the steps and into the house. From inside, she leaned back out the door and said, "When you're ready, come on in; but I wouldn't be too long if I were you, or Vicky might get mad."

From the sounds of the voices, John could determine that there were at least three boys and two girls outside on the sidewalk (which was only ten ft. from the summer room windows). In order to get inside the house, he had to cross the room and go up three steps from the cement slab on which the room had been built. From the sounds, John thought that the kids were stopped in front of the window and talking. John crawled across the room and was sitting at the bottom of the steps waiting for the kids, who, he supposed were his own age to leave. Vicky came to the inside of the door and saw his predicament. "Get in here right now!," she growled, and John didn't know what to do. "Get in here or I will invite them in," said Vicky and John jumped up and ran up the steps and dove through the door. Apparently none of them saw him, because, they turned and walked on down the street as if nothing had happened.

Inside, Vicky grabbed John by his ear and pulled him into the living room. "We have been waiting 20 minutes for your sorry ass, and for that you will be punished," Vicky declared. Vicky threw John out into the center of the room, where he stumbled over Jason and fell to the floor. Recovering from the fall, John looked around the room and saw that all four girls were present as well as Jason, who was on the floor with him. The girls were seated one on each side of the room, so that they were completely surrounded. Jason was completely naked and his hair had been styled again as a girl's and his face was done up with makeup.

"Joellen, take off your camisole and stockings, we don't want to ruin them," said Vicky, and John immediately complied without saying a word. "Now, both of you stand up," directed Tami, and they complied to her order. Walking to a position in front of them, Vicky looked them over and then grabbed both by the balls, holding one in each hand.

"Both of you will be punished," she said, "Sissy Jane, for not wearing her panties to school today, and you Sissy Joellen for reporting late to the house." "Sissy Jane will receive 12 spanks and Sissy Joellen 16, based upon your ages." Jason was then ordered to bend over the end of the sofa and John was directed to hold him in place. John got on top of the end cushion and held Jason at the middle of his back, this placed John's cock directly in front of Jason's head.

Taking John's belt from his pants, Vicky moved to a position behind Jason, and after limbering up her arm, gave the poor boy 3 fast devastating strokes across his ass with the belt. Jason immediately started crying after the first blow and jerked with each impact to his little behind. Vicky then handed the belt to Lisa who delivered the next 3 blows with similar results. John could see dark red stripes developing on Jason's ass and trembled at the thought of what he was in for. Susan, delivered the next three and Tami, the final three of Jason's allotted punishment. In his attempt to hold the boy's jerking body down, John had unknowingly been rubbing his cock against Jason's head, that combined with the feel of the boy's skin had caused an erection to develop much to his shock.

"Release him," Vicky said, and when the boy rolled away she saw John's stiff cock. Turning to the other girls she said, "Joellen seems to be excited over this procedure, but I'll bet we can knock the blood straight out of his cock and into his ass!" All the girls smiled and John knew his poor ass was in for a REAL beating. Susan escorted Jason to a corner of the room where he was placed with his hands on top of his head and his now bright red ass exposed for all to see.

"Into position," Vicky said to John and he moved around to the end of the sofa and bent forward over the arm. Lisa, assumed the position John had previously held, but grabbed John's hands and then leaned backwards. This stretched John's body and he knew that the flesh on his ass was now taunt. Tami, extracted the butt plug from him which caused him to wince as the wide part passed through his sphincter muscle. Brushing the belt over his ass and legs, Vicky outlined that he was never to be the last one to arrive again or she would double his punishment the next time. "Yes Mistress Vicky," John's strained voice replied.

Winding up her arm Vicky struck John's ass with everything she had, the impact, drove his hips into the sofa and his straining cock was caught sideways between his body and the furniture piece. "Arghhh," John screamed and again Vicky laid into him, by the fourth stroke, John had tears freely flowing down both cheeks and was incoherent, the only active sense in his body at this point were the nerves of his flaming ass cheeks. Vicky traded places with Lisa, who picked up the belt and gave him her 4 swats, followed by Susan, then Tami. When Tami was done, she took the butt plug and rammed it back into John's ass in a manner which normally would have caused great pain, but he didn't even feel it, due to the massive pain emanating from the area around it.

John was released and led to another corner where he was placed into a position like Jason. The girls then sat and talked as if the boys were not even there, except that they occasionally giggled or laughed when one of them looked at a bright red ass on display.

After an hour, Jason was led back to the center of the room and Susan produced a small black leather strap with two snaps on it. She explained to Jason that the strap was called a "belt keeper" by police officers like her father who used them to keep their gun belts attached to their uniform belt. Her dad had a number of them and would not miss the two she had procured.

Reaching out, Susan took hold of Jason's ball sack and cock and pulled them out from his body, then placed the strap under his balls and snapped it in place on top of his cock. This had the same effect as the cord they had used on John the previous day. The boy's cock and balls now stood out from his body and jiggled freely every time he moved or breathed.

John was then brought to the center of the room and a strap was also placed on him. "You will wear these straps at all times Sissies, unless you have permission from one of us to remove it; do you understand?" "Yes Mistress Vicky," both boys replied in unison. John was handed a garter belt to wear in place of his camisole and told to put his stockings back on. While, John was doing this Vicky brought a glass of water into the room, and had Jason take one of the purple vitamin pills, like she had given John earlier that morning.

Both boys were then told to lay face down on the floor and Lisa ministering to Jason and Susan to John, gently rubbed a soothing lotion onto their sore behinds, stroking gently and with care. "That's all for today girls, it's time to go home," Vicky declared and the boys were allowed to get dressed, Lisa then helped Jason wash the makeup from his face and return his hair to a boy style.

As Vicky and John walked home together, Vicky put her arm around her older brother's waist and stroked his ribs. "Other than for the fact that you were late today, you were a VERY good girl today Joellen," Vicky whispered. "Thank you Mistress Vicky," John whispered in reply. They proceeded on home and during dinner, John had trouble sitting still, which brought a smile to his sister's young face.

Every day after school for the next eight weeks, the boys were required to report to Jason's house. Each day they were given a purple vitamin pill to take and subjected to whatever indignities the girls could think of including: sucking each others cocks while the girls watched, being masturbated by the girls, dancing nude in front of the girls so that they could see the boys cocks and balls jiggle, fucking each other in the ass, or while blindfolded, forced to lay in the bathtub, while the girls pissed on them. John was required to wear the butt plug at all times except when being penetrated during one of their sessions or while going to the bathroom to perform necessarily bodily functions. Only once more were either of them beaten again. John was two minutes later than the last girl to arrive and received 10 more strokes with his own belt.

The girls tried to be creative in their manipulation of the boys including: putting spring clothes clips on their nipples, cocks, and balls, dressing them up in every outfit they could find which would fit, even putting them in diapers and having them act as toddlers for the girls amusement.

Other than having them take their pills and an occasional grope, the girls were unable to do much with the boys on the weekends, due to all of the parents being home.

Each day Vicky inspected the boys and noted that the `vitamins' were having an effect. Both boys nipples had increased in size and now stood out from their chests slightly. The swell of young breasts forming was noticeable after the 8 weeks and their skin was becoming softer and more feminine. John's shoulders were losing some of their muscle bulk and tone and looked more like a woman's and his behind was filling out also.

John had noticed the new tenderness in his breasts and the other physical changes he had undergone. Particularly of concern to him was the fact that it took longer for him to attain an erection and it seemed to him that his cock was slightly smaller. Due to his increased breast size, John took particular care to make sure that Mike never saw him undressed, and replaced much of his wardrobe with loose fitting clothes. John's hair was now long enough to be styled, this did not make his father happy, but he did not push the issue.

At the end of the eighth week, word came that Susan's parents were going out of town for a week and Susan would be left at home alone. Susan asked her parents if it would be ok to invite the girls over to the house on the weekend for a pajama party. "Who will chaperon," Susan's mother inquired. "How about Pam, Tami's older sister?" Susan replied. "If she will agree, you may invite the girls over," was the ruling.

Susan called Tami with the news, who immediately called her sister at college and told her all what had been going on and asked if she would help them out; and would she object to their bringing the boys to the house. Pam said she thought the whole thing sounded interesting, and as long as she could watch, she had no objections to the girls having their fun.

Jason was told to ask for permission to stay with John and Mike, which he did and his mother again readily agreed. John was told to ask to stay at Jason's and his parents assented.

Everything was now set for a fun filled weekend.



John had a feeling of dread as he and his sister walked over to Susan's house. Although he had gotten used to being naked and being abused by the girls, he knew that Tami's older sister, Pam, would be present. This would be a fresh humiliation, being exposed to this older young woman and he hoped that he could handle it.

When they arrived at Susan's house, instead of entering the house, Vicky took him into the garage, and ordered him to strip. Standing before his sister wearing only a garter belt and stockings, with the butt plug up his behind and the leather strap on his groin, John was relaxed with this now familiar circumstance. Vicky opened her overnight bag and extracted an underwired bra and handed it to John, directing him to put it on. John complied, and to his surprise, when he looked down, found that his now enlarged breasts filled the bra to capacity, and he noted that he was displaying cleavage suitable for a young girl the same age as himself. He had noted all along that his breasts were more tender and larger, but had no idea that they had grown THAT much.

Vicky then gave him a white silk blouse to put on and after donning it John noted that the blouse had a deep "V" neckline in front and displayed the swell of his young breasts nicely. The blouse was followed by pair of black flats and a black and white checkered, pleated skirt which came to about 7" above his knees and looked great with his black sheer stockings. Vicky then placed a gold chain around John's neck and guided him over to a trunk and sat him down.

Vicky then brushed John's hair which now was long enough to look very much like a girl's, and formed bangs over his forehead, which she trimmed to just above his eyebrows. Pulling the sides back she positioned two berets above his ears so that the ears were visible, and attached clip earrings to them.

Vicky then applied foundation, mascara, eyeshadow, blusher, and bright red lip stick to her brother's face and after finishing looked at the results. Vicky was somewhat shocked, except for the fact that the hair coloring was a little lighter than hers, the hair shorter, and the eyebrows a little heavier, the face she was looking at looked to be her own! The same deep blue eyes, the same nose, same mouth, same high cheekbones, and the same shaped chin. "Joellen" could pass as Vicky and only her closest family and friends would ever know. "Let's go," she said before she had time to think about it any more.

Inside, they found the other three girls and Jane/Jason who was dressed in a flowered knee length sun dress with an open back and the front cut to just above the breasts, with white hose and black patent leather skimmers. Jane/Jason's hair had been done up into two small pony tails above and behind each ear, which were secured with white satin ribbons. John then noted that Jane/Jason's breasts also filled out the dress and looked to be a full "A" cup in size. Jane was more lovely than she had been the first evening John had met and made love to her.

The girls inspected Sissies Jane and Joellen and were very happy with the results. Susan and Tami fixed dinner and everyone sat down to a good meal, as though nothing were out of the ordinary, just 6 girl friends having a good time.

While they were still at the table, the door bell rang and Jane/Jason was sent to answer it. At the door he greeted Pam and another woman, called Tracy, who Pam explained was her roommate from college. When Jane/Jason escorted them to the dining room, Pam looked around and saw six girls, all very pretty, two of whom looked to be twins, except that one had darker and longer brown hair.

Tami introduced her sister Pam to the group and Pam introduced her roommate Tracy. Tami then went around the room giving each girl's name, Susan, Vicky, Joellen, Lisa, and Jane. Pam turned to her younger sister and said, "I thought you said you were going to have your two little slaves here?" "They ARE here," replied Tami, and all of the Mistresses beamed with pride. Looking over the girls again Pam adamantly said, "That's not possible, I don't see anyone here who could possibly be a boy."

Vicky got out from behind the table and walked over to where Pam and Tracy were standing. "Front and Center," she ordered and Joellen/John and Jane/Jason, knowing the order was meant for them immediately responded. "These are the boys," Vicky proudly said to Pam, and gave a sweep of her arm in the boys direction.

"No Way," exclaimed Pam, "there is NO WAY, I'll believe these two are boys." "Ok, Sissies, lift your skirts," ordered Vicky, with a wide smile on her face. Jason turned red, but John did not change expression, and both reached for their hemlines and raised their skirts above their waists. Pam and Tracy were now faced by two sets of limp cocks and balls bound by black leather straps with bright brass snaps on them. "I don't fucking believe this," said Pam to Tracy and then she reached out and fondled Johns balls and cock as if to assure herself that they were real and not some kind of fake.

John immediately got an erection as a result of the contact by this "strange" hand, and Pam wrapped her hand firmly around it. Tracy approached Jason and stroked his little penis which was also soon erect, then pulled the collar of his dress out and looked down at his chest. "But the tits look real," Tracy observed. "They are," replied Vicky and then issued a single word command, "Strip."

Standing with the two 19 year old women holding their privates, the two boys started undressing. John removed his blouse and bra, then whispered to Pam that he could not remove the skirt with her holding him as she was. Almost reluctantly, Pam released John's cock and he removed the skirt, this left him only attired in his garter belt and stockings. Hearing John's comment to Pam, Tracy also released Jason, and he lowered the dress and stepped out of it; Jason had not been wearing a bra so his new breasts came immediately into view.

Pam reached out and fondled John's left breast, slowly rubbing the nipple until it stood erect. Tracy took both of Jason's breasts in hand and massaged them deeply which brought an immediate moan of pleasure from the boy. "But how?," asked Pam, and Vicky extracted a bottle of purple estrogen pills from her purse. Looking at the pills then at the boys, Pam said, "Maybe, I should take some of these myself!"

Tracy turned to the assembled girls and offered the following observation. "I would have been willing to bet ten thousand dollar, PLUS my ass, that these were girls like yourselves. I don't know how you did it, but the results are unbelievable. "Here, Here!" Pam concurred.

The boys were led into the living room and the girls sat around in the various chairs with them in the center, like pieces of art on display. Tracy and Pam were asking questions as if the boys were not even there, and received answers with the same nonchalance.

"Have you fucked them?" "We've let them fuck each other's asses, and we've worked them over with dildos and vibrators." "How about sucking cock, do they do that too?" "Yes they suck each other to put on shows for us." "What else have you done to them?" "We've spanked them , and given them both enemas, and fist fucked them,..." "No you didn't." "Oh yes, that was one of the first things we did." "What else?" "Let's see, we gave them showers with our piss, and have clipped clothes pins to their nipples, balls, and cocks; and diapered them; and dressed them up; and Joellen has to wear a butt plug all the time; and..." "Have you had sex with them?" "Tami let Jane eat her pussy, but other than that no; we've been have so much fun otherwise..."

Vicky had never told the other girls, John realized, that she had been fucking her brother with some regularity as well as having him eat her pussy every evening before she went to bed. This might be a leverage point for whatever it was worth in the future!

"I don't see why not," offered Tracy, "After all, their cocks look healthy and you can control everything that happens." "We just hadn't gotten around to it," replied Vicky somewhat embarrassed over the group of young girl's obvious oversight (even if SHE had not been missing out on the action). "You're missing half the fun of having a slave," said Pam, "You really should make them work for you." "You say you have dildoed and fisted them?" ask Tracy, "that could be interesting." "I want to see one of them suck cock first," demanded Pam. With this, Tami turned to Jane/Jason and said, "Suck Joellen."

John and Jason both had been listening to this whole conversation which had been conducted over and around them, and both knew that they were the entertainment and that it was going to be a Long, Long weekend.

In response to the command, Jason moved to a kneeling position in front of John, and gently took hold of his erect member, then looking up at John, slowly twirled his tongue around the head of John's cock. This caused John to groan and standing with his legs spread wide and his head back, he allowed his mind to drift away from the surroundings and concentrate only on the feel of Jason's warm mouth and agile tongue. After a half dozen tentative strokes inside his mouth, Jason opened wide and inhaled as he plunged his mouth over John's cock, deep throating the boy, so that his lips rested right at the base of John's cock.

John then reached out with his hands and taking hold of Jason's head, started pumping full length into the boy's mouth and throat. Jason met his thrusts and all 6 girls and women moved into a tight circle where they could watch the cock moving in and out of Jason's mouth and throat.

"Damn, he does that better than most women I know," remarked Pam; "seems to enjoy it too!" added Tracy. "Does the other one do it that well also?" asked Pam. "Just as well," replied Susan. "They are both great little cocksuckers," added Vicky. In short order John arched his back and came in Jason's mouth. Jason swallowed every drop, not losing even the tiniest little bit. Smiling, both boys stood and awaited further instructions. "Now how about my request?" asked Tracy. "Susan, Fist Fuck Joellen," directed Vicky, "After all she got to have the fun on the last request."

John/Joellen was placed on his knees with his head down and ass up in the air, and Tami went to the bathroom and returned with some lubricant. Jason was moved off to the side and all of the girls moved to a position where they could clearly see what was going on. Lisa, kneeled on John's left side and gently stroked his neck and upper back. John again felt more vulnerable in this position than any other and it was doubly humiliating with all of these females able to look directly into his ass. "At least Susan has the smallest hands," he thought to himself.

Susan pulled the butt plug from John's asshole and a distinct popping noise was heard as it cleared. This caused Pam and Tracy to smile, even though the other girls didn't notice. Susan then lubricated her right hand generously and proceeded to immediately work two fingers into the little brown opening, working the muscle, she soon added the third and fourth fingers then reforming her hand, slowly pushed until it popped inside. There she held her position until she felt John's ass relax and accept the intruder, then forming her hand into a fist, continued to push forward.

John groaned and moaned and tears flowed freely down his cheeks, but this time no scream was heard from his mouth, and he was fully committed that no matter what, he would not give these females that satisfaction, at any time this weekend. Susan now had her slim arm inserted clear up to her elbow, and Tracy standing looking over the girl's shoulder, said, "I don't fucking believe it, I'd heard of fist fucking but never seen it. If anyone would have told me that I would see a girl with her entire forearm up some boy's ass, I would have bet a million dollars against it." Smiling to himself in his hands where no one could see it, John thought to himself. "Oh yea, then watch this Bitch!" and started humping his body on Susan's arm, moving back and forth so that he cleared to the base of her hand then impaled himself until his ass hit the crook of her arm.

Pam was watching this exhibition with interest, she too had never seen anyone fist fucked although she had heard that it was done by some people. The sight of the young girl's arm moving in and out of this young boy's ass was getting her very excited and she could feel the juice from her snatch seeping down onto her thighs. In fact, she determined looking at the group of girls, all of them were turned on watching this boy hump Susan's arm. "May I try it?" she asked Susan. Susan looked at the woman and replied, "Yes but be gentle; and careful that you don't tear him, or cut him inside with your fingernails."

Susan moved her arm from side to side as much as possible, while Pam lubricated her hand and arm. She had noticed that Pam although very tall, probably about 5'10", was skinny for her height probably weighing about 125 lbs. Her hands were therefore larger than Susan's but her arms were about the same diameter. She didn't want John hurt by the woman and intended to make sure that he was treated OK; or else.

When Pam was in position kneeling beside her, Susan opened her hand inside John and gently pulled it back out. Shaping Pam's fingers, Susan guided her hand to John's ass and gently pressed her fingers inside, controlling the pressure that was being applied. "Now, form your hand into a fist," Susan instructed, "Make sure your nails are covered by your palm or you might cut him inside," she continued and Pam nodded and followed the young girl's instructions. John's sphincter muscle closed partially around Pam's wrist and John quickly adjusted to the bigger hand inside him. When he felt Pam relax her arm a little, he shoved backwards and in one mighty lunge buried her arm up to her elbow. "Jesus," said Pam, "I've never felt anything like this!" As John rocked back and forth on her arm, Pam could stand it no longer and reached under her skirt with her free hand, and played with her pussy, rubbing her clit for all she was worth. This overt sexual act by the woman turned the other girls on even more than they already were and soon everyone in the room (except Jason) was fingering herself without any self consciousness. John could smell the aroma of all of the freely flowing pussy juice and this took him over the edge. In four more thrusts, he came and his entire body dripping with sweat convulsed, the contraction on her arm set Pam's climax off and a chain reaction seemed to flow through the room.

John had fallen to the floor onto his stomach, with Pam's arm trapped in his ass, she fell on top of him and the other girls collapsed in heaps where they were. As each recovered, groans were heard and then giggles and laughing at the sight of each other. Pam awoke with her arm still fully buried in John and slowly pulled it back out, still unable to believe that 13 inches of forearm and hand had been encased by this young boy's firm little ass.

Lisa arrived with washcloths and John's ass was gently cleaned of the juice which had worked out. Pam and Susan went to the bathroom to wash up and Pam expressed her thanks to Susan for allowing her to experience this most unusual activity.

"You love him, don't you Susan," Pam offered. "Yes," said Susan softly, "how did you know?" "The way you were very tender in handling him and the concern in your voice that I not hurt him." responded Pam. Looking up at Pam, Susan said, "I love him more than I can tell you and I don't want to see him hurt." Pam took Susan's face in her hands and planted a light kiss or her lips; "It won't be by me, little one, I can guarantee you of that." "Thank you," whispered Susan and gave the older girl a hug.

"What do we do now?" asked Lisa and pausing but for a second, Tracy responded, "How about a cunnilingus carnival?" "What's that?", asked Lisa, "You'll see," was the response.


Placing the boys in the center of the living room floor, Tracy explained to the other five girls what was going to take place. "First, we must all undress and form a line, then we will have one boy start at one end and the other at the other end of the line, and have


Newsgroups: From: (The Archivist) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 22:25:49 UTC Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Dominated by Young Girls" (5/9)

  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Dominated by Young Girls -- Part 5 author unknown

them eat each girl's pussy along the way until she climaxes. They will pass each other in the middle and this way each of us gets at least two climaxes by the time each boy reaches the other end of the line."

Jason got an immediate erection just from the description of what was to come, and this was duly noted by the young girls. "Jane likes the idea," said Tami, who then reached out an petted the boy's cock.

Tracy began removing her blouse without any further comment and displayed the biggest set of breasts John had ever seen. "They must be at least "D+" cup size," he thought to himself. Tracy was about 5'6" tall and had short blonde hair in a "Boy Cut" style, her body was thicker than the other girls present but could not, in any way, be considered heavy or fat. In short order, Tracy stood nude before the assembled group displaying a heavy growth of pubic hair which was about two shades darker than the light blonde hair on her head. "Well what are you waiting for?" ask Tracy as she looked at the other girls. Immediately all of the girls started undressing and Jason and John just sat there looking at the abundance of female flesh coming into view with each article of clothing that was removed.

John visually took inventory of the women/girls and mentally summarized them as follows:

Susan: small about 5'1" tall and down right skinny, but that was to be expected at her 11 year old age, when girls start growing very fast and bypass boys who don't reach puberty until later. She had long blonde hair tied in a pony tail which extended down her back to just above her butt (John had trouble thinking of Susan's posterior as an ass) which looked like a young boy's. Her chest was flat, her tits no more than tiny swells, but her nipples were long, in fact they stuck out as far as the tiny areolae were wide. In the nude Susan's body was indistinguishable from a boy's, except for her pussy, which was something else again. The hair was sparse and grew only on her mound, which was well formed, but not on her vaginal lips. Had she had dark hair, she would have qualified as a Brooke Shields clone from the movie "Pretty Baby". Her skin was very even and very pale, and John could feel his cock becoming hard just thinking about working on this sexy little girl.

Vicky: as previously described, 5'7" tall and about 125 lbs, well muscled, with mid-back length dark brown straight hair which also was currently tied in somewhat of a pony tail. Her breasts were more than an "A" cup but not quite a "B" in size, and she still had the best ass he had ever seen in his life. Her pussy, completely hairless due to being shaved. She was a sexpot and then some.

Pam: This 19 year old was very tall from John's view point, about 5'10" and thin, 125-130 lbs he estimated. Her hair was dark brown and worn at shoulder length, generally straight, with a flip at the ends curling upward from her shoulders. Pam was a definite "A" cup, with nipples that stood out a good inch from her silver dollar sized areolae. Her tits had a slight sag to them which John considered less than perfect, but which still looked very sexy. Her legs were incredibly long and yet looked smooth as satin and her entire body was well toned like she was an athlete of some type. Her pussy sported dark brown hair in a single strip about two inches wide, which extended right down to the top of the pussy lips, which were bare and hairless. John suspected that this was a result of what girls call a "bikini wax", but his mouth watered at the prospect of sucking on her beautiful cunt.

Lisa: Slightly smaller than John, stood about 5'6" and her slight body would weigh in at about probably 110 lbs. "Not skinny, just about right for her size," he thought. Her breasts were a full "B" cup and topped by nipples about the size of cherries, which John noted were fully erect at that time. Her hair was coal black and cut in a short style which looked kind of Chinese. Her pussy was covered by a dark long mat of black hair in the shape of a "V", and John could just barely make out her vaginal lips. Lisa's skin was darker than the other girls, almost olive in coloring and looked to be smooth and flawless.

Tracy: Her breasts were huge, and looked to be soft and pillowy, her belly was rounded and her ass very large compared to the other girls present. Her pussy, covered with dark blonde hair looked inviting, but her body looked out-of-sync. with her head. Her short "boy cut" style hair and makeup free face, looked very much like a young boy's. She looked short, but John knew she was only about an inch shorter than himself. "It must be the disproportionate size of her tits and ass," he decided.

Tami: His own height, and slim in body, but sporting full "B" cupped sized breasts tipped with nipples so light colored you almost couldn't see them; flat belly, great legs, and another almost hairless pussy, with a very sparse covering of fine red hair. Tracy's head was topped with long red hair which cascaded down over her pale white shoulders in a style like Farrah Fawcett made famous.

The females were now completely nude in front of the boys and both of them now sported stiff cocks in anticipation of the sex play. As the girls lined up, Tracy took one end and Pam the other. Tracy motioned for Jason to come to her and when he did, she sat him on her lap and cradled him in her arms like a baby. Holding his head in the crook of her left arm she feed him her left breast and he suckled it like he long ago had done to his mothers. Tracy used her free hand to stroke the boy's body and fondle his little cock and balls which made him suck all that harder. Smiling at the other girls Tracy said, "I always wondered what it would feel like to have a baby on my breast." This brought chuckles from the other girls who continued to watch as Jason sucked Tracy's nipple.

Pam turned to Susan and placing her hand on the small girl's bare back and offered, "Why don't you go first," tilting her head towards John. "Thanks," said Susan and sat down in the chair behind her and motioned for John to come to her.

As John approached her, Susan opened her legs wide and smiled at him as he knelt between her small young thighs. Gently stroking his hands up her legs from her knees to her hips, he felt her tremble in anticipation. John then moved his hands up her sides and gently rested a thumb on each nipple and slowly massaged them with slow even strokes. Sliding his right hand under her arm and up her back to her neck, John massaged the girl's neck and shoulder area as he looked directly into her eyes.

Susan whimpered a little as John kissed her lightly on the lips; then moaned when he kissed her again very deeply, his tongue probing throughout her mouth. Susan could feel his body rubbing against the insides of her tender thighs and by reflex locked her legs around him and pulled him in toward her. Susan broke off the kiss and threw her arms around John's neck hugging him as tightly to herself as possible.

Thinking the girl was going to mount him on the spot, Pam leaned over and whispered in Susan's ear. "You're just supposed to have him eat your pussy, not fuck him; save that for latter." "Oh," the young girl said with a start, and released her leg and arm locks from around him. Holding her, with his hands just under her arms and fingers on her back, John leaned forward and gently sucked Susan's little nipples, gently pulling the tips out from her chest with his teeth. "Yes, Yes," cried Susan, and she ran her hands through his hair guiding him back and forth from nipple to nipple.

John then kissed his way down over her smooth flat belly and when he reached her mound, gently stroked the flesh of her outer lips with his fingertips. This elicited a whimper from the girl who then pushed her hips upward towards his hands. John then kissed and licked her inner thighs and stroked the juncture of her legs and pubic mound with his tongue. Susan locked her legs around John's shoulders and he had to pry them loose to carry out his planned attack on her pussy.

With Susan's legs spread wide, John opened the lips of her pussy and stroked the inside with a single index finger, then with his tongue, then sucked on the lips one at a time, tasting her sweet nectar. Moving slightly upward with his tongue, he flicked her clitoris, then dove his mouth onto it and sucked hard while swirling his tongue over and around it. At the same time, John inserted a finger into Susan's tight little box and gently stroked in and out. This sent Susan over the edge and she humped his mouth with her pelvis and grabbed his head and pulled it into her pussy as hard as her little body was able. John moved downward, and sucked directly on her hole and inserted his tongue as far as he could, while rubbing his nose on her clit. It only took about 5 minutes of this treatment, when Susan's body went rigid and then slumped following a massive climax. The young girl had never in her life had a climax so powerful and did not want to release John's head from her legs. Pam gently unwrapped him and said, "My turn little one." Susan just laid back too tired to fight.

Pam guided John towards her seated position beside Susan, and as he shifted to her location he looked to his right as saw Jason with his head completely obscured by Tracy's thighs. Tracy had her head back and was pounding it against the back of the sofa, screaming, "Oh yes, my sweet baby bitch, that's so good!, Yes baby suck my cunt you little bitch!" John looked at Pam and whispered, "Guess he's doing OK."

John moved up between Pam's long slim thighs and gently kissed her belly button, sticking his tongue in the little depression and flicking it around. Tracing upwards with his tongue, John drew a straight line up and between Pam's small breasts, then circled each without loosing contact. Rewetting his tongue, John circled her left breast and drew smaller and smaller circles as he spiraled in towards her nipple. Finally reaching it he sucked it into his mouth and gently bit the nipple, then pulled it out away from her breast meat and released it, allowing it to snap back into place.

"Oh you are a VERY GOOD little boy, you can do that for hours," Pam rasped. Her breathing was now fast and her breasts heaved on her rapidly moving chest. John bent forward again with his mouth open as wide as it would go and sucked almost all of Pam's breast into his mouth, then munched on it for a few seconds. In the mean time, he held her right breast in his left hand and was massaging it and tweaking the nipple which was as erect as a little cock. John moved his mouth to the right breast and massaged her left as he repeated the wonderful maneuver on her tit.

Then with the care of a surgeon, he used his tongue and fingers to explore her pussy. This new territory was sweet smelling and he parted her thick lips to find a shiny pink opening into which he embedded an adventurous index finger. Pam writhed and bucked at this penetration, and John boldly added another finger to increase her pleasure. As he finger fucked her more rapidly, he once again touched his tongue to her clitoris, and she banged her head from side to side and lifted her hips to force her pussy into his mouth.

John found it fascinating that each of the pussys he had been lucky enough to eat was a different shape and texture and marveled at the variety, apparently to be found. Flicking his tongue like a snake as he continued to probe with two fingers in and out of Pam's clutching vagina, Pam grabbed hold of his head and worked her pelvis against him, grunting and groaning, straining to reach her climax. When it arrived, John's face was flooded with tangy sauce, which he enthusiastically lapped up. Pam released him and fell back onto the chair with a satisfied look on her face.

Next in line was little Lisa, the gentle dark haired beauty who had given him the enema and treated him gently. John smiled at her and noted she was shaking from head to toe, having watched him eat Susan and Pam to such wonderful climaxes. Sitting first beside her, John tenderly stroked her back and neck and kissed her on the mouth, cheek, and neck. Lisa responded and wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her and fondled her large young breasts. Although one year younger than his sister, Lisa had breasts almost twice the size of Vicky's and John thrilled to the feel of the firm tender flesh. Removing her hands from his shoulders, John kissed them and then placed them at her sides, as he slid down along side her body and then moved in between her thighs.

Just before starting in earnest on Lisa, John again glanced over towards Jason and saw him locked in between Vicky's legs. Vicky was humping the poor boy's head as hard as she could, and John KNEW that Vicky both tasted good and had a VERY TALENTED tight little pussy.

John rolled Lisa's nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, then sucked them each one into his mouth. Lisa leaned into him forcing more breast meat into his mouth and whimpered as he sucked on her breasts. John then lowered his body and pushed his shoulders between Lisa's legs as he sank his face closer to her crotch. He grabbed her ankles and lifted them until her knees were behind her ears as she laid back on the sofa. Lisa curled her arms under her knees and held herself wide open for him.

John slipped his fingers along the lips of her gaping pussy, then finally touched it with his tongue. Lisa whimpered and said, "Please, Please eat me now." John licked his lips and decided that Lisa tasted very good then dived with his tongue into her slit and searched for more of her sweet juice. Between tongue fucks, he licked and sucked her hairy mound to get all he could get of the wonderful nectar. Not wanting to ignore her clit, he pulled the hood away from her pink peak with his fingers and took it into his mouth. He swabbed it with his tongue as he held it firmly but gently between his teeth. Lisa's body was racked by a string of orgasms, before she fell back and released him.

As John came up for air, he felt Jason beside him and the younger boy smiled at him and said, "You did her pretty good, guess I better skip her and come back, after she has a chance to rest for a minute." Looking at Tami, who Jason had just finished with, sprawled out on the end of the sofa with her eyes closed and legs spread wide; "Me too, Tami doesn't look like she is ready to handle it either." John moved past Tami to Vicky and Jason past Lisa to Pam who both greeted them with open arms and crotches.

Between his sister's thighs, John was at home, and knew every button to push and crevice to lick (as it were). In short order he had his sister climbing for the ceiling and soon she exploded in a monumental orgasm, which quaked through her body in wave after wave.

Moving back to Tami, John saw that her pussy was dripping with juice and shiny with the droplets seeping from her snatch. John spread her legs wider and attacked the soft inner flesh of her lightly covered cunt bush. When he pressed her legs back, the cunt lips became a gaping crevice. He swooped forward and attacked her delectable slash with his hungry mouth and tongue. John's tongue went into a frenzy of laving and stabbing, covering the length of her pussy slit. He fucked his tongue as deep as possible into the wetness of Tami's young cunt hole, seeking all the delicious cunt cream it had to offer. Tami's cunt ground against John's face and then her smoldering body burst into the fiery inferno of orgasm. As the last surge of ecstatic pleasure passed through Tami's slender frame, John stood up and moved to Tracy.

Tracy had been watching John work his way down the line and had fingered herself through the last two exhibitions, she was ready and no warm up was needed. She grabbed John's head and slammed it into her cunt, flattening his nose on her mound. "Suck my cunt...yes..oh..God, yes!" she screamed and came almost immediately. When Tracy released his head, John fell backwards onto his back and rested, trying to catch his breath from the workout of six pussies. Just then he heard Susan scream that she was coming and knew that Jason had successfully made it to the other end of the line.

Both boys laid on the floor recovering as the girls relaxed in the afterglow of their climaxes, and hoped that soon THEY would get some relief. Both had blue balls from all the action and laid with erections pointed at the ceiling.

John must have dozed off, for when he awoke, he heard moans and whimpers like he was in the middle of an orgy. Someone was licking his cock and he could feel soft hands stroking his hips, thighs, then tenderly manipulating his balls. His head was laying to the side and when he opened his eyes he saw Tracy kneeling between Tami's firm young thighs, eating her pussy. Tracy apparently knew what she was doing, because Tami was writhing in the throws of an orgasm. To their left, Pam was working on Lisa who from the look on her face was in a place just short of heaven.

Continuing his sweep of the room, Vicky, Susan and Jason were not in the places they had occupied when he dropped off. Who was sucking on his cock? Not Vicky, he knew the feel of her mouth from many experiences. Not Jason, that boy liked to deep throat and John was hard as a rock. Had to be Susan, and from the feel of it, this must be her first experience at sucking a boy off. Looking down over his chest he saw the long blonde hair of the young girl and pale white shoulders as they leaned over his crotch. Not saying a word and afraid to scare her by moving, he just laid back and let the girl probe and explore his body, enjoying the feel of her tender ministrations.

Susan kissed her way up to John's chest and he closed his eyes again as if asleep. Her little hands squeezed his tender new breasts and soon her little mouth was sucking on his right nipple. John could not believe how much the feeling had increased in his breasts since Vicky had been having him take the "vitamin" pills.

Little electric shocks passed through his body every time he even bumped his new tits against something and it seemed the nipples would harden at the drop of a hat. Susan's mouth felt great on his breasts and he did not want her to ever stop, but soon she had moved on upward and was now kissing his shoulders and neck and before he knew it, she was looking down into his eyes with a big smile on her cute little face. Susan swept her long hair back over her ears and with her forearms resting on his chest and body laying partly over his, gazed into his eyes.

John, for the first time, really studied the young face poised above his. Susan's long blonde hair framed an oblong face, with deep blue eyes, her eyebrows were so light colored that they were almost invisible, her nose was small and had a cute little curve upward at the end and her small mouth had pouty pink lips and perfect white teeth. The head sat on a neck John could only thing of as elegant and sophisticated, the kind you saw on fashion models.

Susan leaned forward a little and lightly kissed him on the lips and when she leaned back, John could see the swell of a small, still forming breast, tipped with a cherry red erect nipple. He knew that in only a couple of years, those breasts would swell, and her straight as an arrow young body would fill out into a most beautiful young woman.

Lightly kissing him again, Susan slid her cheek down along side his so that her mouth was now beside his left ear and whispered, "John, I want to make love to you...but I've never done it before...and I don't want an audience." Then pulling back up from him, she said loud enough for the others to hear (if they were listening), "You're all sticky, let's go get you cleaned up!"

Immediately Susan got up and stood over him with her legs spread so that he could again see her tight little pussy which he now knew to be virgin territory. Beside himself at his luck, John quickly got up and Susan immediately placed her arm around his waist and guided him across the room. Pam, seeing the movement, looked up from Lisa's crotch and gave Susan a wink as they passed. Susan just smiled and quickened her step before anything could ruin her plans.



Arriving in her bathroom, Susan closed and locked the door behind her, she didn't want anyone interrupting her right now. John stepped into the tub and Susan started the water running and added a bubble bath solution. John leaned back luxuriating in the feel of the warm water and waited. "This girl has this all planned out and I don't want to mess it up," he thought. After the tub was full. Susan told John to submerse himself, "I want to wash your hair, and get the smell of those other girls off of you," she said with a little smile.

John dunked under the water and when he surfaced, Susan was kneeling beside the tub with the shampoo bottle in her hands. "Why don't you get in with me," John softly suggested and Susan giggled and said, "Good idea!" John moved forward in the tub and Susan sat behind him, with her legs extending around his body. Leaning back between her thighs, John rested his head against her chest and his arms laid on top of the smooth young thighs like they were armrests on a chair. Susan shoved him down a little so that his head now rested on her belly and proceeded to apply the shampoo to his hair. She massaged as she worked the soap into his hair and John just closed his eyes and sighed, enjoying the feel of her hands.

Susan spent a long time washing John's hair and with soapy hands also massaged his neck and shoulders, enjoying the feel of his skin. Finally, she said, "All done...time to rinse," and John slid under the water between her legs. John rolled over before surfacing and when he came up his chin rested on Susan's firm belly and as he gazed up her body to her face, he marveled at the taunt firm muscle underlying her soft skin. John smiled and said "Thanks," then laid his head gently against her smooth stomach.

Susan lifted his head, and turning her body sideways, extracted her left leg and slid down into the water beside him. John caught her as she moved downward and rested her head in the crook of his right arm and she laid her head onto his shoulder, as the two stroked each others bodies and enjoyed the warmth of the bath. John kissed her lightly on the forehead after gently brushing her pale blonde hair out of the way, then moved to her lips and Susan responded with her mouth wide open and tongue searching in his. During the unending kisses, Susan reached down and stroked John's cock and feeling himself nearing an orgasm and not want to come up short later; he took hold of her hand and stopped it's gentle movement.

"Do you want to do it here?" he whispered, "No, let's go to my bed," she purred. Reluctantly, it seemed, they got out of the water and then took turns drying each other's bodies with big fluffy towels. Susan then grasped John's cock behind her and lead the way to the bedroom. Just as they passed through the door from the bathroom to the bedroom, John reached forward and took hold of Susan's shoulder and stopped her. Looking hurt, Susan turned to face him, and he responded with a wide smile.

"I just thought you might like me to carry you into the room," offered John, and this brought a smile and a little laugh to the girl's face. "Oh yes," she said, "that would be very nice." and leapt into John's arms. Bending forward, John swept her small legs up with his left arm as he held her about the shoulders with his right, and Susan laid her head against his chest as he carried her through the door and gently laid her on the bed.

Susan laid on her side, with her head on the pillow and her long blonde hair draped across her upper chest, forming a perfect frame for her lovely face. Her left leg crossed over her right modestly covering her young womanhood. John sat down on the edge of the bed and very slowly stroked from the back of her left knee up the back of her thigh, over her tight little buns, up her smooth back, over her shoulder and back down the front until his hand gently rested on her left breast.

This single continuous stroke caused Susan's entire body to tremble and quiver and her lips fluttered in anticipation of his mouth reaching hers as he leaned forward to kiss her. John kissed her deeply and laid down beside her, stroking her back, arms, hips, and ass with his right hand. His left, gently traced circles on and around her small breasts and stroked the side of her neck and face. Moving his hand to her thigh, he caressed from her knee upward, and she rolled onto her back and opened her legs to give him access to her inexperienced pussy.

John kissed her small mounds and then moved downward with his lips to her abdomen and tickled her belly button with his tongue. Tracing a line with his tongue he continued on until reaching her sweet tasting little vagina, then dove into it with his mouth, his tongue flashing and slashing like a sabre.

Susan's pubescent body thrashed through wave after wave of convulsive orgasms before John moved to a position between her thighs and lifted her hips into a suitable entry position. He rubbed the head of his cock lightly between the lips of her pussy coating it with her juices, the gently slid the head into her orifice about an inch. Her internal muscles immediately clamped down on his dick, unaccustomed to intruders and the waited until he felt them relax. Another inch and again she clamped down and as before he waited. Finally after several such pauses he was all the way in, buried to the root of his manhood. He paused, and reaching up stroked her small breasts, then her face and traced her lips with his fingertip.

Susan, who had closed her eyes during the penetration, now opened them and kissing his finger tip said a single word, "YES!" Starting slowly, John moved his prick in and out of the tightest little cunt it had ever been his pleasure to fuck. Building speed, both were now humping at each other and the slapping of flesh against flesh echoed through the room, their bodies were dripping with sweat and both were lost in the rapture of their lust. Soon, John heard Susan moaning and her muscles went rigid and the internal muscles clamped down on his cock so hard he thought his prick was being mashed, when she groaned and screamed. "Ahhhh...Ahnnn...Ahhhh!" then suddenly relaxed. Her climax set John off and he shot his cum deep into her pussy and collapsed on top of her and tried to catch his breath.

To his surprise, John found that he was still hard and still deep inside Susan's snatch. Pulling out her turned her over and pulled her up to her knees, then re-entered from behind and thrusting for all he was worth, he brought her through three more climaxes before coming again himself. Totally wasted, both fell to the bed and dropped off to sleep in each others arms.

During the night, John awoke to find Susan riding his cock like a mad woman, rocking and bouncing up and down as fast and as hard as she could. He no more than realized what was happening when she came, and fell forward onto his chest. Too tired to make use of his hard cock still buried in her pussy he just held her and went back to sleep.


Vicky it seems has recognized the Pam/Tracy combination as being lesbians when Tracy had first dived on Tami's cunt and Pam went after Lisa without hesitation. Not wanting to get into THAT kind of scene, she had quickly grabbed Jason and fled to a bedroom, where she spent the night with his head buried between her legs and occasionally engaging in a 69 to give him some relief. She lost count of the number of orgasms she had and awoke in the morning with Jason sleeping, but still sucking her right nipple. "This little boy is a jewel!" she thought to herself and vowed to not let him go elsewhere any time soon.

After John had rocked her body with one of the most powerful climaxes of her young life, Tami had all but passed out and when she felt a licking on her cunt was sure that John or Jason had come back for more. She was a little shocked when she looked down and saw Tracy eating at her pussy, but the feeling was so good, she could not force herself to tell the woman to stop.

Tami was even more shocked when she glanced over and saw her sister eating out Lisa, who was lost in the throws of multiple climaxes and continued to flail and squirm until she collapsed from the exertion. When Lisa gave out, Pam moved over to Tracy who stopping on for a second, came up and they kissed full on the mouth. Tracy then returned to Tami's tasty little cunt and Pam moved along side her younger sister and began sucking on Tami's full breasts.

Tami wanted to tell her sister to stop but again, the feelings being given her by these two women were too good to pass up, so she just relaxed and let them have their way with her. Not too much later, Tracy picked Tami up and with the help of Pam, carried her to the master bedroom, where the two women continued to provide Tami with more pleasure than she had ever experienced before.

Lisa, who had been left on the sofa, awoke about 3:00 am, and searched the various rooms, until she found Susan and John and crawled into bed with them and quickly dropped off to sleep.



Jason awoke with his mouth wrapped around Vicky's nipple and kissed the breast before moving his head. Vicky who was already awake, had been stroking his head, which is probably what woke him up. Looking down over her breast to his face, "Is my little baby hungry?" "Yes Mistress Vicky," Jason replied softly. "Well first we must get cleaned up," she announced, and immediately raised to her elbows and rolled Jason off to the side. Then motioning for him to follow, led the way into the guest bathroom, and started a shower running. Vicky got in and pulled Jason by the hand in with her, then had the boy wash her body and she washed his. Jason was beside himself when he was allowed to run his hands over Vicky's taunt body and had an erection throughout. Vicky seeing the boy's problem, stroked his cock with soapy hands as she washed him and when he climaxed, held him to her breast and kissed him on the forehead.

After the shower, Vicky got dressed as Jason dried himself and then she led him naked into the dining room.

Pam, Tami and Tracy also awoke together and decided that a shower was in order. They washed each other, the two older girls working over Tami's body until she was hot and excited. Pam then pressed her sister into a kneeling position and pushed her cunt into her sister's face. Tami had received many orgasms last night and felt compelled to return the favor to her sister. While Tami was eating Pam, Tracy again sucked Tami and soon, both women came, in shuddering climaxes. Falling into a heap in the shower, all of them began laughing and shortly moved back to the bedroom, where this time Tami worked over Tracy's hairy pussy, while Pam ate Tami and Tracy ate Pam. After all had come at least twice, they reluctantly dressed and headed out for breakfast.

John awoke sandwiched between Susan and Lisa, and wondered when Lisa had arrived. He didn't remember her being there during sex, so she must have come in during the night. He stroked both girls and they awoke smiling and both kissed his breasts and then his mouth, before getting out of the bed. All three went into Susan's bathroom, and enjoyed the feel of the hot water pounding down over their tired muscles.

The girls insisted that they get to wash John, so he stood between them while four hands roamed over every part of his body. Lisa at one point was using her tits as washcloths on his back which brought an immediate erection to John's groin. As soon as she saw it, Lisa squealed and said "Mine!" and dropped to her knees in front of John's cock. Susan was not happy about having to share John's cock with anyone. She considered it HER'S, and only with great reluctance, did she mentally consent to Lisa having use of it.

Lisa, held the base of the cock and gave it a few tentative licks then wrapped her lips around it and worked it in and around in her mouth. John stood silently with his head tilted back and thought to himself, "both of these girls could use a lesson in cocksucking from Jason." He dared not show anything but appreciation for their efforts however. Lisa soon tired of sucking and arose turned her back to John, then bending forward, and placing her hands on the wall, offered her pussy to him from behind.

John moved in behind her, and reaching around and underneath, massaged her large breasts, which were hanging down from her chest, this got Lisa murmuring and as he probed her pussy with his cock, she whimpered and shuddered. Sliding his hands back to her hips, he started moving in earnest, plowing her young cunt with his rigid member. Susan stroked his body as he fucked young Lisa, and when her hand reached around him and pinched his nipples, John climaxed and shot everything he had into Lisa's cunt. His hot sperm hitting the walls of her pussy triggered Lisa and both sagged to the floor of the tub, with John still inside her.

After again washing and rinsing each other, the three dried and Susan put on a short silk robe to wear, and handed Lisa, a terrycloth robe she recovered from her closet. Susan had nothing big enough for John to wear, so he remained nude when then left the room.

When John, Susan and Lisa arrived at the dining room, they found Jason sitting at the table completely naked and Tami, Pam, Tracy and Vicky were also there, fully dressed and drinking coffee. "Well, Well, the dead have arisen," said Vicky as the three arrived in mid-breakfast. "I'm starved," said Lisa in reply. The three late arrivals were seated, and Pam served them breakfast. Susan sat beside John, and stroked his leg through most of the meal.

"Well now, did everyone have fun last night?", Pam queried. "Yes," was the response from all of the women, in one form or another; the boys remained silent, unsure whether to answer or not. "How about you, 'Jane'?" Pam asked; "Yes Mistress Pam," he replied. This got Vicky very mad and she slammed her hand down on the table and screamed at the boy, "You will NOT address ANYONE other than Tami, Lisa, Susan and MYSELF as Mistress...DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" Pam and Tracy are GUESTS, they are NOT your Mistresses!" "Yes Mistress Vicky," Jason whispered in reply to the outburst.

Pam was shocked, as was everyone else present, "Vicky, I...", Pam tried to say. "Shut up, Cunt; you and your LEZZIE butch roommate come in here giving everybody orders, trying to run everything, I've had it with you LEZZIE CUNT BITCHES, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Vicky was shaking with rage, and when Pam again tried to talk to her, "Vicky...please..." "You heard me bitch, get away from me before I knock you on your ass; you and that cunt come in here and RAPE my best friends and one of them is your SISTER, then try and act like everything is just hunky-dory, WELL IT'S NOT, so just shut up and get OUT!"

Pam and Tracy looked at each other and knew that Vicky was right, at least in part, and that there was no reasoning with her. "OK, if that's what you want, we'll leave; just ease up," said Tracy and the two arose from the table and headed for the bedroom to get their bags. When they returned, everyone at the table was silent, and Vicky was standing with her arms crossed over her chest and her feet firmly planted.

When Pam stopped to talk to Susan on the way out, Vicky knocked her arm from Susan's shoulder and launched into her again. "You've already RAPED two of my friends, you're not going to get the third; NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Pam just shook her head and walked away, with a tear flowing down over her cheek, following Tracy out the door.

Vicky was still shaking with her rage, and John went to his sister and gently stroked her back shoulders and neck until she regained control. "Thank you John," she said and gave her older brother a peck on the cheek and a hug. This was the first time Vicky had called him John other than in front of family or the public since this whole thing had started.

Vicky sat down in a chair and started shaking again, "Those cunts have ruined the whole fucking weekend," Vicky sobbed, and John again massaged her shoulders and neck. Then leaned over and whispered in her ear, "No Sis, they're gone now, and we still have 24 hours to have more fun." Susan and Lisa had flanked John behind Vicky and each placed a hand on her shoulders indicating agreement.

Jason and Tami were huddled on the other side of the table, afraid to say or do anything to set this wildcat off again. Vicky looked at the three behind her, then stood and spread her arms to try and hug all three at once. Being unsuccessful at hugging all 3, she settled for hugging and kissing each, one at a time.

"I suppose we ought to clean this mess up," she whispered. This brought smiles to all their faces and a series of little chuckles. "You've got it," replied Susan, and everyone started clearing the table. With the dishes cleared and washed, everyone once again went into the living room.

"What should we do now?" asked Lisa, and John offered a suggestion. "How about us dancing for you," knowing that this had always made all the girls happy and gay in the past. "Great," Susan said, "Let's go down to the rec. room, we can set up a stage there." No vote was needed, everyone proceeded down the basement steps to the recreation room, which was a finished room containing a pool table, old furniture, a stereo and on one end her father's photographic "studio" (he was an advanced amateur photographer and was learning how to shoot portraits). The studio had flood and spot lights, which Susan aimed at an area which had black seamless background paper 12' wide on a big roll draped down and out onto the floor.

The boys placed four chairs in a row at the edge of the background paper. Meanwhile, Tami had located some lively music and put a tape in the cassette player of the stereo. The boys escorted each girl to a seat, then assumed their position "on stage" and started to dance.

The girls clapped and giggled and laughed as the boys gyrated before them, and cheered them on as they worked up a sweat which made their bodies shiny. The girls had always liked to watch the boy's cocks and balls jiggle and sway as they danced, but now their breasts also bounced and jiggled which made it all that more interesting. When John turned his back and wiggled his ass at the girls, they went wild and doubled their lively cheering. With their good looks, long hair and firm tits, they could have danced in a club, were it not for their boy's genitals.


Newsgroups: From: (The Archivist) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 22:26:11 UTC Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Dominated by Young Girls" (6/9)

  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Dominated by Young Girls -- Part 6 author unknown

John and Jason then moved to positions directly in front of the seated girls and gyrated and rotated their hips so that their crotches were directly in front of the girls faces at a distance of about 1-2 ft. The girls with happy smiles on their faces, continued to clap and cheer and soon, one, then two, then three and finally all reached out and stroked the boy's sweaty asses, cocks and balls as they danced. This really got the boys heated up and soon both were dancing with raging hard-ons which they waved in the girls faces.

"Stop!" Tami yelled, and both boys froze where they were. "Suck each other in a 69." she continued, and both boys immediately dropped to the floor and assumed the indicated position, with Jason on top and John on the bottom. All the girls moved their chairs so that they were in good position to watch the action. "I can't see," complained Tami, and she then had the boys roll over so that they were both laying on their sides as they fervently sucked each other's cocks.

The sweaty bodies and mouths plunging on cocks before them, got the girls excited, and each began rubbing her crotch, finally little Susan couldn't take it any more and opened her robe and openly worked her little breasts and pussy. The ice broken, Lisa followed suit and soon Vicky and Tami had their skirts up, panties down and fingers deeply planted in their cunts as they continued to cheer the boys on. The boys came almost simultaneously, spraying deeply into each other's throats. This set off a chain reaction and climax after climax could be heard around the room.

When it was over, the girls dropped to the floor and two took hold of each boy and cradled, stroked, and kissed them; Susan and Lisa on John and Tami and Vicky on Jason. "Thank you boys, we needed that," murmured Vicky as she kissed the boy in her arms.

When everyone had recovered, the boys were allowed to go upstairs and clean up, then met the girls in the living room, where the girls cuddled them for the next several hours. The evening was spent playing dress-up and at about 8:00, with the boys fully dressed as girls, and looking very pretty; the girls decided to take them down the street to an ice cream shop for a sunday.

To say that the boys were apprehensive about going out in public dressed, was an understatement. They had never been seen by anyone other than the four girls, Pam and Tracy, in their female persona. The boys were dressed exactly as they had been the day before, when Pam and Tracy had arrived, Jason in his sundress and John in the white silk blouse and black mini-skirt. They knew they looked good and could pass but were terrified that they might meet someone they knew.


John and Jason both trembled as they walked down the street in front of god and everybody with the girls to the ice cream shop. Susan placed her hand on the small of John's back as they walked, which seemed to help; but not much. When they arrived at the brightly lit store, John panicked when he saw that two girls from his high school were the waitresses. They recognized his sister and looked inquiringly at him, when Vicky offered, "My cousin, from Indianapolis." This seemed to satisfy them, and they proceeded as though nothing were out of the ordinary.

Jason/Jane sat in an inside seat with Vicky and Lisa and John/Joellen was on the aisle end of the facing seat, with Susan and Tami. They ordered, and while eating their treats, John looked up and saw Mike (his brother) entering the store with two other guys. John immediately got up and turned his back towards the direction Mike was coming from and looked for the restrooms.

Without hesitation, John went through the door marked "Restrooms" and reached for the door inside marked "Men" forgetting how he was dressed. Just then a man came out of the door and looking down at the cute little brunette said, "Woah there, Wrong one little lady." "Oh...Thank you sir," John said as he quickly turned and entered the room marked "Women." The man just chuckled and went on out into the dining room.

Inside, John exhaled the breath he had been holding and fell back against the inside of the door. He then went to a stall and went inside securely locking the door, sat down and waited. He didn't have a watch on, so he had no idea of how long, but it seemed like FOREVER. "That was TOO FUCKING CLOSE," he thought to himself and quivered at the thought of what might have happened.

Meanwhile out in the dining room, Mike and his buddies approached the table where the girls were seated and said, "Hi Vick, Hi girls, what's happening?" "Nothing much," his sister replied. Seeing that sexy little girl in the corner, Mike said, "Oh, hi Jane, nice to see you again." "Hi Mike, good to see you also," Jane/Jason replied with a smile on his face. "Who was that other girl I saw, when we came in?" Mike asked his sister. "Oh, just a friend of Jane's from Indianapolis who came with her this time; feeling kind of sick though," added Vicky to cover the missing body. "Too Bad," remarked Mike, "Hope she's feeling better; We got to run now...See you tomorrow...Have fun girls." "Thanks Mike," was the unanimous response.

After the boys had left the store, Susan looked at Vicky and said, "Guess I better go get Jane's sick friend before she gets lost." This brought giggles all around the table, and Susan went to retrieve Joellen/John. Inside the restroom, Susan heard someone throwing up in one of the stalls, and suspected that it was John. She knocked on the door and said, "Joellen, open the door, it's OK to come out now."

John unhooked the latch and then immediately spun around and threw up again into the toilet. Susan held his head as his stomach emptied into the fixture. Then wiped his mouth and held him for a minute while his nerves calmed down. "I've never been so scared in all my life," he whispered to Susan, his trembling body sending the same message to the girl. "Let's get you cleaned up," she said, and guided him to the sink where she repaired his face and stroked his back as he drank some water to get the taste out of his mouth.

John/Joellen went back to the dining room together and when they got to the table, the others were finished with their treats and Susan told them of Joellen REALLY being sick, and that they should go home. The girls paid their bills and walked back out of the store and up the street to Susan's house. Along the way, several boys in passing cars whistled at the group of pretty girls and gave them wolf calls. No one recognized John or Jason and they made it back to the house almost unscathed.

Back at the house, the girls noted that John still looked very queasy, and Susan suggested that they put him to bed and let him recover. The others agreed and Susan took him to her room and after undressing him and washing the makeup from his face, put a baby doll nightgown on him (which due to the difference in their sizes, came only down to his navel) and had him get into the bed. Susan then sat with him, stroking his forehead and body until he dropped off into a deep sleep.

In the living room, Jason was now alone with the other three girls, who were excited at having publicly displayed the 'girls' and talked about the experience. "Jane, how did it feel sitting in the dining room with over 30 people present?" Tami asked. "Not much different than that first night at Vicky's, when the boys came in," he replied. "I knew I looked good, and if Pam and Tracy could not tell; I didn't see any reason anyone else could," he added. "Then why did John get so upset?" asked Lisa. Jason thought this over then responded.

"No one other than you girls had ever seen him dressed," the boy conjectured, "and he knew the waitresses from school, and then there was his brother coming in...and he looks like Vicky..." "Yes I see," Lisa said softly and nodded her head in understanding of the major stress John must have gone through. Susan returned at this point and Lisa looked up and asked, "Is he OK," with definite concern in her voice. "He's asleep now," Susan responded, and sat down beside Lisa and inconspicuously gave the girl's had a squeeze of confirmation.

The five of them spent the rest of the evening, just sitting around and talking, and watching TV, like five young girls; it was as if they accepted Jason in his Jane persona as one of them, and didn't realize that he was a boy. That is, until it was time to go to bed.

Susan and Lisa had, by unspoken agreement, already made up their minds that they were sleeping with John, no matter what! When the question arose as to who was sleeping where, Lisa simply said, "I'm sleeping in Susan's room." The tone of the statement made it clear that no compromise was being offered, nor would any be accepted. Vicky and Tami took note of this development, and just looked at each other; gave little shrugs of their shoulders and Tami replied, "OK, Vicky and I get Jane then." The decisions made, everyone got up and cleaned up the mess from their evening snacks and proceeded to the various bedrooms.

Vicky and Tami took Jason to the master bedroom, and decided to shower before going to bed. They undressed themselves, then stripped Jason and giggling, took him into the big shower of Susan's parents bedroom. They had Jason wash each of them, and he successfully fingered each to an orgasm in the process. Then both went to work on his small body and while Tami sucked on his breasts, Vicky gave his little pecker a ball wrenching blowjob. When he came in Vicky's mouth, he was afraid of possible repercussions, but she just smiled up at him and licked her lips. They spent most of the night, with Jason between their legs, licking and sucking the sweet clean pussies for all he was worth. Early in the morning, when Tami was asleep, Vicky allowed Jason to fuck her tight little cunt with his cock and the boy couldn't believe his luck at getting to make love to this beautiful young woman. He fell asleep still between her legs, with his exhausted body entwined with her's and his head on her lovely breasts.

Lisa and Susan took separate showers, but both ended up flanking John's sleeping form on the bed. They decided not to wake him and just cuddled to him as they went to sleep in the warm comfort of bodily contact. Four times during the night, however, John awoke to find either a pussy impaled on his cock, or resting against his lips, and he did his best to make the girls happy. From the feel of the bodies, he knew he was sleeping with Susan and Lisa and even though he couldn't see them.



Susan and Lisa awoke about 8:30 and while in the bathroom together, Susan looked at the heavy mat of hair on Lisa's pubic mound and said, "You know Lisa, I don't think John likes all that hair down there (pointing to the other girl's pussy), he seems to be picking it out of his teeth, every time he finishes you off." "Oh," said Lisa, "I had no idea, he never SAID anything." "Well what did you expect? He's our slave, remember?" "No problem, I'll just shave it off," the dark haired girl offered. "Why don't you let HIM do it for you?" Susan suggested. "THAT COULD BE INTERESTING!" Lisa responded, and immediately went into the bedroom and returned with a sleepy John in tow.

Lisa immediately sat on the edge of the bathtub and spread her legs wide. John looked at the tender pussy before him and thought to himself "God, not again, I sucked her off at least twice during the night, not to mention fucking her." "Lisa, has a problem," Susan said, "It seems she has too much hair on her pussy and would like you to shave it for her," she continued, offering John a razor and can of shaving cream.

John couldn't believe it! Here before his eyes was a beautiful young girl with her legs spread so wide, her pussy was gaping open, wanting him to shave her young cunt bald. "Please," was the only word Lisa spoke, as she looked up at John and smiled coyly.

John took the razor and shaving cream from Susan's hands as well as a warm wash cloth and a pair of scissors. As he knelt between Lisa's thighs, Susan also set a bowel full of hot water on the floor beside him, then stood back to watch the fun.

With his hands trembling, John slowly raked his fingers through the heavy bush before him, this sent a tremor through Lisa's body, but she said nothing. Using the scissors, John then carefully trimmed as much hair from her snatch as he could. This brought her labia clearly into view and John could see her love juice oozing from between the lips. He then pressed the warm washcloth against her mound and let it rest there for several seconds to soften the hair.

Spraying a large glob of shaving cream into his hand, John then approached the lovely vision before him and gently applied it to her, softly stroking, and massaging the cream into her pussy and the juncture of her legs. Picking up the razor, John trembled and his hands shook as he approached her tender skin. From behind him he heard Susan's voice, "Easy, John don't cut her." "I won't," he whispered and took a deep breath to calm his nerves before proceeding. In short order, John had scraped her mound bare, leaving only the lips yet to be shaved. Pulling the flesh taunt with his fingers, John gently scraped the remaining hair from Lisa, who made it very hard by thrusting her hips against his hand as he worked.

The work done, John again placed a warm washcloth against the now bare little pussy, and gently pressed on it with his fingers. Susan, then passed him a bottle of baby oil, and pouring some into his palm, he smiled as he applied it to the naked female flesh. His oily fingers glided over the smooth mound and dipped into the wet hole of her womanhood, and John slowly fingered her clit and two fingers moved in and out of her cunt. Lisa, pounded her pussy against his hand, then exploded in an orgasm and fell forward against him. John just held the girl and stroked her body as she clung to him trying to recover her breath. With a sigh in her voice, Lisa said, "Thank you John, that was very nice of you; you know of course that you'll have to do this again every couple of weeks to keep it this way." This brought chuckles from both girls and John grinned widely as his response.

Everyone else awoke about 10:00 a.m. with smiles on their faces and a little tired from the night's activities, but no one mentioned having sex during the night. Jason was dressed in a white with black trim tank dress with a scooped neckline, and deep scoop in the back. This dress was made out of a material similar to a T-Shirt he observed and his enlarged nipples were clearly visible through the cloth in outline form. A black leather belt was placed around his waist, which highlighted his trim waist and made his small hips seem bigger. He was given a pair of sandtone pantyhose to wear and Tami had to show him how to put them on, as he had always worn stockings in the past. Vicky did his hair and makeup and placed a pair of black high heels on his feet with little black straps which buckled around his slim ankles and had open toes. When Jason looked at himself in the mirror, he almost came, when he saw that the back scoop went clear down to the belt line and that the narrow shoulder straps showed off his back, shoulders and arms.

John was provided with a white denim mini-skirt by his sister, which had dark blue flowers scattered over it and zipped up the back. This was placed on over a red chemise, and black high cut nylon panties, and off-white pantyhose. The blouse was made of red rayon and had full length sleeves and a collar which tied into a big bow below his chin. Bright red flats with red bows on the toes completed the outfit. John was bra-less and could see his breasts jiggle under the sheer fabric of the blouse when he moved, and the feel of the smooth fabric caused his nipples to erect, press outward and remain that way. His hair and makeup were done up by the girls and he was happy with the results.

Assembled in the dining room, Vicky announced, "I don't feel like cooking, let go back down to Friendly's Ice Cream and have breakfast there." Susan who was holding John's arm, felt the shiver pass through the boy's body and started to object, when the others headed out the door. Looking up at John, she uttered softly, "It'll be OK John, I'll make sure of it."

With John still trembling, Susan and John walked 10-15 feet behind the others as they moved down the street. John was scared to death, it was broad daylight and the streets were full of people coming and going from church. "At least," he thought, "They didn't decide to take me to a church full of people!" When they arrived at Friendly's, the place was packed, and the girls had to wait in line by the cash register for a table big enough for six to open. John noted that the group of good looking girls received many appreciative glances and a couple of leers from passing men and boys moving about the restaurant.

Finally, they were seated and when the waitress came to take their orders, John noted that it was again a girl he knew from school; a pretty, tall blonde named Debbie, who sat beside him in several classes. "This must be your cousin from out of state," Debbie said to Vicky, then looked at John/Joellen and said, "I heard you weren't feeling well last night, hope you're feeling better today," with smile. John/Joellen turned red, and softly replied, "Yes much better, thank you," returning the girl's smile, as he realized that she did not recognized the boy who sat beside her in class.

They got their food and ate without anyone noticing that two of the four were boys. At one point, however, Susan leaned over and whispered to John to close his legs, as a young boy seated down the aisle was looking up his skirt. John turned beet red and quickly pressed his knees together, "little lecher," he thought, and scowled at the boy.

John was much more confident as they walked home and when they arrived the girls treated him as if one of themselves. Everyone packed up, since Susan's parents were due home within two hours and John and Jason reluctantly returned to boys clothing.

As things progressed over the next year, the girls met daily with the boys at Jason's house after school. Everything continued as it had with only a few minor exceptions. Vicky continued the boys on the hormone therapy, and now both sported breasts just under "B" cup size, which jiggled, bounced, and swayed like real women's breasts. Worthy of note was that Jason's little cock grew dramatically (Vicky claimed this was due to all the exercise it was getting) to a point where it reached 5" when erect and was almost as big as John's. Neither, boy developed hair on their faces, even though John should have had a light beard by his current age of 17. The boy's bodies had rounded somewhat and from any angle other than looking at their crotches, they looked like girls.

The girls had grown also, and little Susan now filled an "A" cup bra and her straight as an arrow body was showing signs of womanhood. Vicky was now taller than her older brother, having added an inch to her height while he stayed the same, and now filled a "B" cup bra nicely. Tami and Lisa now both pushed towards size "C" bras and their hips had widened in a satisfying manner. John was a Junior in high school now and no longer had to take gym. This solved a major problem for him as he realized that if the other boys saw him naked, he would be raped on the spot. Jason, however, was only in 7th grade, and fortunately his gym class was the last one of the day. The other boys had always made fun of him and tended to avoid him so he was able to make it undetected by binding his breasts with ace bandages and always wearing loose fitting sweatshirts. He never took showers at school, but went home directly after class. Swimming was out of the question for both boys as they could no longer appear in public wearing boy's swim suits.

During the summer, the girls had all day to play with the boys, and often took them into town dressed on shopping excursions. This involved them going from store to store trying on many beautiful dress and outfits, some of which they even bought for the boys. Both boys became comfortable in public and were able to pass unnoticed other than by stares of appreciation from young boys and men.

All the girls were now engaging in regular sex with the boys and had taken all the necessary precautions to avoid pregnancy. Even Vicky was openly fucking her brother.



One day during the Fall at Jason's house, while the boys were dressed in their now usual type attire (as girls), Jason's mother suddenly walked in the door and discovered 6 girls in her living room, where her son should have been. "Where's Jason!" she demanded, thinking of beating his young behind for leaving this many girls in her house unattended. She had known for years, that the neighborhood girls came to her house after school and played board games or studied with her son while he babysat for his infant brother. "I said, WHERE IS JASON?" she demanded of the girls.

Storming off down the hall, thinking her son might be in the baby's room, she searched every room before returning. "OK, now I've had it, WHERE IN THE HELL IS MY SON?" Jason had never heard his mother swear and knew that she was madder than he had ever seen her before. "Here Mom," said one of the girls, who then got up from her chair and walked towards the woman. "What the HELL are you talking about," sputtered his mother, and Jason shaking replied, "I said, I'm right here Mother."

Frozen in her tracks, the woman slowly looked this pretty girl over from head to toe and thought that she was very attractive for her age. Then looking closer into the eyes, it suddenly dawned on her that this girl was indeed her son. Struck as if by lightning, this realization took her breath away and she fainted backwards into the recliner chair behind her.

The other girls helped Jason move his mother into a comfortable position in the chair. Jason then turned to the group and said, "You better leave now, when she comes to, I'm going to have to explain .... And it might be better if we were alone." The girls didn't want to leave him alone to face his mother, but eventually he convinced them that it would be better that way. They gathered their things and left, John still attired as a girl along with the others.

Jason's mother awoke to find the pretty young girl looking down at her with a look of deep concern on her face. "I...I, don't understand," she whimpered to her son, who stroked her forehead with his small hand. "Mom," he started, "I've always been smaller and weaker than the other boys, and have always played with the girls in the neighborhood," he continued. "About two years ago, when we were playing dressup, I dressed as a girl, and liked the feel of all the soft things girls get to wear." "I've gotten dressed up every chance I've had since then, because I like the way I look as a girl and I'm only happy when I'm dressed as one." "Oh, my poor little boy," his mother cried, and taking his face in her hands kissed him, then hugged him to her body.

Pressing her body against Jason's she could feel the swell of his breasts and slowly slid her hand up and encompassed his left breast, squeezed, and probed with her fingers. "They feel real," she observed, "They are," Jason whispered. Leading his mother to his bedroom, Jason undressed in front of her, something he had not done in several years. His mother gasped when his breasts came into view and looked over his hairless body from head to toe. Had it not been for that nice little cock and set of balls dangling between his legs, she would have thought that she was looking at a very lovely young lady.

Sitting down beside his mother on the edge of the bed, Jason's breasts heaved as he breathed rapidly under her gaze. Again reaching out with her hand, his mother caressed a breast, this caused Jason to suck in a quick breath as his tender breasts were very sensitive to touch. "But how?" she asked, and Jason explained he had been taking hormone pills for over a year. He told her he had stolen them from Vicky's mother and left out all references to anyone else being involved in his transformation, in anyway. "But the other girls..." she said, and before she could get the sentence out, he replied. "Accept me as a girl, and call me Jane, and treat me like they do one another. I'm HAPPY with that arrangement Mom, I Don't want to be a boy anymore."

Still shaky from this most dramatic of shocks, Jason's mother looked deep into her son's eyes and knew that he was telling her the truth. Jason had never been able to lie to her and she knew in her heart that he was not lying now. "Is that what you really want?" she asked, still looking deeply into his eyes. "Yes Mother, I want to become a girl, and live my life as a woman," he softly but firmly replied. "Then, I'll help you," she said, "But I don't know how your father will take all this." Jason leaned forward and gently kissed his mother on the cheek, then lightly on the mouth and said, "Thanks Mom, I knew I could count on you."

Jason was instructed to get dressed again as he had been when his mother came home. Wearing a cute little plaid pattered dress with a wide white stiff collar which framed his small neck. The dress, came to about 6" above his knees, and it was complemented by a white ribbon type belt which was tied in a large bow at the small of his back. His legs were covered by white pantyhose, and he wore black patent 'MaryJane' style shoes which buckled across the top of his foot. Small pearl barrettes were holding his hair back from his lovely young face and his eyes showed signs of mascara and eyeliner to set them off. Told to stay in his room, while his mother broke the news of their new daughter to his father, Jason trembled in fear at what his dad's reaction would be.

Jason's mother being a nurse helped when she explained the situation to his father, since she knew all the terms which applied to this situation. Later, she also knew what had to be done to make her son happy. She was bound and determined that he would get what he wanted, the boy had suffered enough during his short life.

Jason thought that the explosion which erupted when his mother delivered the news of their new daughter to his father should have been heard around the world, it was that loud. "Are you telling me my son's a FUCKING FAG?," his father screamed at the top of his voice. "No, your son is a Transsexual," his mother calmly replied, "that's someone who's mind is trapped in the body of the opposite sex," she continued. "I'll fucking kill the little faggot," his father retorted, "NO son of mine could be one of those wimpy assed faggot sissies," he further declared. "Calm down," his mother said, "There's nothing we can do about it except try to help him and be supportive," she continued. "I'll KILL HIM!" his father said as he charged for the boy's room.

Within seconds, Jason heard his father charging down the hall, and sitting on the edge of his bed with his hands folded primly in his lap, he sat and waited for him to arrive. The door burst open and slammed into the wall so hard it knocked a bookshelf loose and the items on in crashed to the floor. His father stood in the doorway, with his feet firmly planted and the meanest look on his face, Jason had ever seen. His father looked him over, and before he could say anything, his mother said, "Bill, meet your daughter Jane." With all the strength he could muster, Jason formed a small innocent smile on his face and said softly, "Hi Dad."

Jason's father wheeled on his heels and ran down the hallway trying to escape the sight he had just seen. "I don't fucking believe it," he said, "You work your ass off to provide for your family, and out of nowhere, your son turns into a faggot....I just don't fucking believe it...and I just can't take it anymore." Turning to his wife, he said, "Janet, I can't handle this, I've got to leave, and I'll probably not ever come back...I'm sorry...that's just the way it has to be." He had tears streaming down his face as he delivered his verdict, and immediately turned on his heel and walked out the door. Jason had been watching this interchange from the hallway and ran to his mother and hugged her as hard as he could.

Both of them wept and held on tightly, comforting each other in the aftershock of the confrontation. "We better go to bed now," his mother said as she released her son/daughter, "I can't take anymore tonight." "We'll need to have a long talk in the morning." With that, both staggered on unsteady feet to their respective bedrooms and retired for the night.

The next morning, Jason put on only a robe, and went to the kitchen where he found his mother sitting at the small table they used for breakfast and lunch, drinking coffee. She looked up at her son/daughter and said, "Well Jane, we have lots of plans to make, and things to do." Jason thrilled at his mother's use of his female name and sat down at the table. "But what about Dad?" Jason asked, "We'll probably never see that son-of-a-bitch again," she growled. Jason decided to exercise discretion and drop the subject of his father.

"Jane, do you understand what has to be done, in order for you to become a girl?" "Well not exactly," he replied. "Well, you're part way there with the hormones you've been taking and your skill at dressing the part." Then continuing as if lecturing to a class; "You will have to undergo two operations, in the first they will castrate you, that is to say, remove your testicles. In then second, they will create, a vagina for you by basically reversing your penis into a cavity inside your body. It's much more complicated than that, but I don't think you would understand if I gave a technical explanation." "Yes Mother," Jason whispered his reply.

The first part we can get done locally, I know a woman doctor who owes me a favor or two and she can do it in her office on an outpatient basis. If you're serious, I'll set up an appointment for you, yet this week. Once, the first operation is done, Jane, you will have to take hormones from there on out, you can never quit, do you understand that." "Yes, Mother please make the arrangements," he whispered.

The second operation will have to be done somewhere else, there's no hospital in this area that does it. Doctor Price, should be able to make the arrangements however." "But that's not the real problem Jane, that operation is VERY expensive, and I don't know how I'll pay for it, especially since your father is gone." "We can't afford to move," she continued as if talking to herself, "so you'll have go return to the same school system, as a girl...I should be able to get them to transfer you to a different school and change your records to reflect your changed sex; that's the best I can do for you baby." The last word was uttered with such love, that Jason could not restrain himself and moved around the table and hugged his mother and kissed her and held her to him. "Thank you Mother, I'll try to make you proud of me." was all he could say, except when he added, "I love you Mom," and kissed her again.

From that point, things moved very quickly, his mother called the school and told them that Jason was sick and would be off for a week. She then called Dr. Price and explained the situation, an appointment was made for that afternoon, and Jason and his mother filled the inbetween hours shopping for additional girls clothing for him to wear.

At 3:00 they arrived at Dr. Price's office, Jason/Jane fully dressed as a girl, and when the Doctor looked her/him over, she smiled and told Jason he would make a wonderful young lady. Soon, Jason found himself laying on his back on a OB-GYN table, with his feet held in straps that felt like stirrups his legs were spread wide and he felt very vulnerable in this position. His mother had put on an operating gown and mask and was assisting the Doctor with the procedure. The doctor gave him a local anesthetic and told him it would all be over before he knew it. Other than feeling some pressure every now and then, Jason felt nothing after the needle puncture the doctor had used when giving him the local. "All done, Jane," the Doctor said after removing her mask and both the Doctor and his mother smiled at the youngster. Dr. Price, then handed Jane a 90 day supply of hormone pills, with her very own name printed on the label and told her mother that she would be in touch about the second operation.

You're going to be sore down there for a couple of weeks, the Doctor advised Jane, and when you're ready, your mother will remove the stitches. Be very careful not to tear them open, and keep yourself very clean so you don't get infected. "Yes Doctor," Jane replied and was lead out the door by his/her mother. As he/she walked, Jason could feel the rubbing of the bandage taped onto his crotch, but did not feel the normal jiggle of his balls. Without seeing himself, he knew that all that remained of them was an empty sack of loose skin, between his legs.

Jason/Jane remained at home in bed for the next several days, until the swelling went down in his groin. It didn't hurt much, the pain pills he had been given had taken care of that. But every time he moved, it felt like something was missing; he knew what was missing of course, but his mind and body had not both reached that conclusion as yet. Jason returned to school the following week, and continued as though nothing was different.

His mother and the Dr. Price had made arrangements for him to go to New Mexico for the second operation. He would be staying with Dr. Price's younger sister during the procedures so his mother could save at least some of the expense. Since he would be gone for about six months, his mother had decided to wait until the end of the current school term in December, and had arranged for tutoring for him in New Mexico.

When he returned to school John and the girls asked him what had happened after they left, and he filled them in on all of the details, not only of the bad scene with his father, but the medical procedures he was undergoing. When Jason told John he had been castrated, John recoiled in shock and couldn't believe the boy would consent to such an operation. "I wanted it," Jason told him and explained why. At the end of the explanation, John gave the boy a hug, and he didn't care who saw it. In a month Jason departed, and all of them knew that when he returned, it would be as Jane; forever.



John and the girls continued as before, the only differences being that Jason was now gone, and John had to keep all four girls satisfied by himself. Another change was that they were no longer able to use Jason's house, as his mother had sold it and moved to an apartment. They rotated among the other houses as available, but had to avoid John and Vicky's due to Mike and his buddies always running in and out.

John had successfully avoided his younger brother seeing him for almost two years, and had become complacent about the problem this might pose. One day as he was taking his morning shower, Mike came into the bathroom and opened the shower door. Mike in his athlete's macho type outlook had thought nothing wrong about sharing a shower with his older brother.

However, when he opened the door, he saw Vicky standing with her back to him under the spray of the shower. Apparently, Vicky who was washing her hair, had not heard her brother enter the room, nor open the shower door, so Mike just stood there checking out his sister's fine little ass and sleek backside in general.

After several minutes of watching his sister's breasts bob about as her hands worked the shampoo into her hair, Mike decided to offer her a hand. "Hey Sis, Need some help with that?" he suggested. The girl in the shower gave a little yelp and immediately tried to cover herself, crossing her right arm across her full breasts and her left hand shot down to her crotch. John was afraid to answer Mike, in that it was obvious Mike thought he was Vicky, so he just huddled into the corner of the shower and trying to imitate Vicky's voice, told him to "Get out!" "OK, if that's what you want, but if you don't want to give John and me a show, you shouldn't use our shower," the boy observed and then stepped back and closed the shower door.

Mike took a piss as he waited for his sister to complete her shower, and soon, he saw her extract the towel from over top of the shower wall. John wrapped the towel around him like girls do covering his tits and crotch, and hoped he could keep up the deception long enough to escape from the bathroom. When he exited the shower stall, he dashed behind his younger brother who was standing at the sink completely naked, Mike saw Vicky passing behind him and reached back and gave her a pat on the ass as she went by, "See you Sis," he chuckled.

As Vicky opened the door, Mike did a double take. Out in the hallway was another Vicky wearing a long robe. "Just a fucking minute!" Mike bellowed, and both Vicky and John froze in their tracks. "What the fuck is going on here?" Mike screamed, and both turned to face him in the hallway. Mike, standing nude in the hallway, looked from one girl to the other and could not decide which was his Sister. They looked like twins, the only obvious difference being at this point, one was wet and the other dry. Mike grabbed both of them by an arm and drug them down the hall to Vicky's room where he roughly shoved them inside.

Standing guard inside the door, Mike had his legs spread wide, and his arms crossed over his muscular chest, his long cock dangling between his legs. "Would you two care to explain to me what the hell is going down here," he asked. Vicky responded almost innocently, "What do you mean Mike?" "Well let me outline it for you then," Mike replied in a whiny voice. I go into the bathroom to take a shower and there find this Vicky (Pointing to John) in the shower washing her hair, with her tits bobbing and ass wiggling in my face. Then just as she is about to leave, I see another Vicky in the hallway outside; now doesn't that seem strange to you?"

"This is a simple case of misidentification," offered Vicky, "I'm Vicky, and this is John." "No fucking way," replied Mike, "I saw those tits and they were real!" "Of course they are real you dummy, here see for yourself," whereupon she moved over to John and pulled the towel he was clutching, down below his breasts. "Feel them if you want," Vicky offered, and Mike crossed over and did just that. "But you have tits too," Mike advanced, "Of course I do, I'm a girl stupid." Vicky then lowered the robe from her shoulders and presented Mike with her luscious breasts, which he immediately fondled with his free hand. "But...But..." Mike tried.

Seeing that only full disclosure would satisfy her brother, Vicky dropped the robe to the floor, then pulled the towel away from John so that they now stood side by side naked. Identical, except for the


Newsgroups: From: (The Archivist) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 22:26:29 UTC Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Dominated by Young Girls" (7/9)

  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Dominated by Young Girls -- Part 7 author unknown

fact that one had a cock and the other a pussy. Still holding each by a breast, Mike was at a loss for words, he just kept mumbling to himself, "I don't fucking believe it." Vicky reached out and stroked Mike's cock which was already half erect. Meanwhile, she told Mike, that John was a Sissy Boy and her slave, and that she had feminized him in order to subjugate him.

Mike was now fully erect, and John couldn't believe the size of it; it had to be at least 8" long and 2 1/2" in diameter, and his balls were huge hanging down between his legs. "Mike, I'll make you an offer, but only if you promise to keep this our secret." "John is my slave, but I share him with three other girls; I'll also share him with you, but you must never tell anyone about it, nor give him away; do you understand?" "I understand," Mike replied, "but what can he do for me?" "Well why don't we have him give this big thick cock a good blowjob for starters," Vicky suggested. "Yes," was all Mike said as he pulled John by the tit towards the edge of the bed where he sat down.

His brother outweighed him by more than 65 pounds and had muscles like steel, John knew he had no alternative but to perform as directed or his younger brother would beat the living shit out him. Resigned to his fate, John knelt between his brothers legs, and rested his arms on Mike's big hard thighs. Then he proceeded to give Mike the best blowjob the young man had ever had, until he was drinking the copious jets of sperm which ricocheted off the back of his mouth and ran down his throat. Grabbing John by the hair, Vicky pulled him around and shoved his head down so that his ass was displayed to Mike.

"Joellen also has a nice little pussy-ass, see here Mike," and she stroked John's ass and thighs in invitation to her other brother. Throughout this, Vicky was thinking to herself, "As long as he's fucking Joellen, he won't be coming after me!" "Yes," said Mike, who moved into position behind this beautiful creature, and Vicky handed him a tube of K-Y, which he used on himself and spread some on the little hole before him.

Without any warmup, Mike took hold of John's hips and shoved in one continuous stroke until he was buried to the hilt. "God, she feels good," exclaimed Mike as he started to stroke in and out of John's ass, thrusting with all his might on each stroke. "I've never felt a cunt THIS tight," Mike added as he continued his attack on the smooth ass in which he was impaled. It only took Mike about 25 strokes to come again, and when he did, he fell backwards against the bed, while John fell forward onto his stomach. Vicky quickly arrived and washed Mike's cock of the residue from his lovemaking. "Is it a deal?" asked Vicky, "You bet," replied Mike, "No one but us will ever know."

Every day thereafter, Mike would require John to shower with him, and either provide a blowjob in the shower, or when he was soaped up would fuck his boy/girl brother's pussy-ass. When Mike arrived home in the evening, it was usually another blowjob and either a blowjob or fuck before going to sleep. Vicky knew that Mike was getting it at least once per day and that was fine with her. It kept her middle brother occupied and did not interfere with her activities in any way. John however, felt abused, and came to hate even the sight of his brother and looked for a way out. This continued for another year, during which time Jane returned to town and assumed her new identity.

The first time, he saw Jane, John rushed to her and hugged her little body to him, kissing her and acting as if she had been gone for years, rather than 6 months. Jane knew that something was wrong and the two of them took a walk in the park down the street from Jason's old house. "God I missed you," John cried as he stroked the shoulders of the young girl. "What's wrong John?," Jane asked in a most direct manner. The door opened, it all came rushing out, how Mike had discovered him, and then Vicky gave him to Mike to use, and the continual sexual abuse he had to endure. John was weeping heavily by the end and Jane cradled his head against her breasts and slowly rocked him, while stroking his back, shoulders, and neck.

It was obvious to Jane that the other girls had failed to protect John from his brother and sister, and that something had to be done quickly, or John would end up in a mental hospital. After comforting John as best she could, Jane called Susan, Lisa, and Tami and arranged a meeting. Jane told the girls what was going on, and they were shocked. Vicky had told them nothing about Mike, and John had been ordered not to say anything to the other girls about Mike using him. The more they talked about it, the madder the girls became; and vowed to do what they could to rescue John from his siblings.

The following month, John graduated from high school, and got a job as a clerk in a store for the summer. He hoped to save enough money, so that he could leave home and move away from his tormenters.

When he came home one evening, he found Mike and seven of his buddies, sitting around the living room drinking beer. Mike and his friends were drunk, loud, and swearing up a storm; John skirted their party and went to his room, hoping to avoid his drunk brother. The talk among the drinkers soon turned to sex and Mike boasted that he was getting it every day. "Bullshit," one of his friends replied. This got Mike mad, and he swore it was true; the other refused to believe him.

In a rage, Mike stormed out of the room, and went to John's door. "Joellen, come out here please," Mike said. Getting no response, he pounded on the door and said, "Joellen, get your fucking cunt ass out here right now!" John, had heard his brother and knew he was drunk and was afraid, Mike might hurt him, so he stayed in his room, with the door locked and hid. Hoping Mike would tire and go away.

After several more minutes of yelling and pounding on the door, Mike became frustrated and stepping back, charged the door with his shoulder, backed by his 195 lb. frame. On the second charge, the lock mechanism tore out of the door frame, and the molding shattered and threw splinters all over the room. "Where are little pussy wimp," Mike bellowed and seeing his brother, grabbed him by the hair and drug him back to the living room.

Changing his hold so that he held John in a hammer lock with his left hand almost raised over his shoulder. Mike tore the front of John's shirt away, now the other boys could see his breasts encased in a white satin bra. Grabbing the bra between John's breasts, Mike tore the garment from his body, fully exposing his breasts to the assembled boys. "This is where I get my daily sex," Mike proclaimed triumphantly, "This is my pussy-assed brother, Joellen." The boys couldn't believe their eyes and several reached out at touched the breasts to assure themselves that they were real. "I don't believe it...It MUST be Vicky..." was heard around the room. "Not Vicky," Mike screamed, "Vicky's and My sex slave!"

To convince the boys, Mike used his free hand and tore the pants John was wearing off of his body, then grabbed the lace panties and tore them off also, fully exposing his brother to the group. John was crying, and the only word which he could make come out of his mouth, was "No!" Mike threw John to the floor and told the other to hold him, which several seemed eager to do. Mike was placed on his hand and knees with his breasts hanging down. A couple of the boys reached under and grabbed his breasts, squeazing them and pinching them. John cried, and continued to say, "No..No..No!" While the other boys held John in place, Mike dropped his pants and got into position behind his brother, and without any lubrication, shoved his hard cock full length into John's ass, "Arghhh, Ahhhh, Arghhh," John cried, but to no avail.

Almost immediately, John's crys were silenced by a cock in his mouth and the two boys now pumped him from both ends simutaniously. John lost count of how many cocks he sucked or had up his poor ass, but was sure that each of the eight boys came at least 2 or 3 time apiece. John's body was covered with cum, where boys waiting for their turn at either his mouth or ass had jacked themselves off and sprayed their juice onto his body. After what seemed like hours, the boys finally gave out and released their holds on his beaten and abused body. John collapsed on the floor and passed out, every muscle in his body feeling damaged and exhausted.

Later that night, Vicky, Susan and Jane entered the house returning from a movie. When they entered the living room, they found Mike passed out on a chair, with his pants and underpants both down around his ankles. John was laying on the floor unconscience, with blood trickles running from his mouth and asshole; large bruses were visable on his hips, breasts, and arms; as well as red marks all over him, and his body covered with cum. Susan and Jane immediately rushed to John and determined that he was still alive although badly beaten and apparently had be raped multiple times, both analy and orally. Jane gathered John into her arms and gently held him, while Susan wheeled on Vicky and unleashed her rage. "You FUCKING BITCH! This is all YOUR FAULT." Vicky seeing the rage on the younger girl's face, started backing away and then tripped over Mike's leg and fell backwards onto the floor.

Susan leapt onto her chest and sitting stradling Vicky's body, punched her face and body until she was unable to swing her arms anymore. Then grabbed her hair, and slamming Vicky's head into the floor, yelled, "You fucking cunt, this is all your fault, You knew this would happen when you let Mike at him." Vicky was unable to respond, and shortly passed out. Getting up from the inert body, Susan went to where Mike was sprawled, and pulled him down to the floor, then viciously kicked him in the balls, until blood was trickling from his groin where the soles of her shoes had cut him. "Mother Fucker won't be getting THAT up for a while," she muttered to herself.

Susan and Jane half drug, half carried John to Vicky's bedroom where they clean him and tried to determine the extent of injuries. Susan got a suitcase out of Vicky's closet and packed as many of Vicky's clothes as she could into it. Then went down to the living room and got both Mike and Vicky's wallets and put all of the money and credit cards into Vicky's purse, including all of Vicky's I.D. Cards and birth certificate.

They then dressed John and took him in his car to Jane's mother's appartment. The girls were afraid, John had suffered serious internal injuries due to the blood coming from his anal opening. Jane explained to her mother what had happened and the woman immediately stripped John and checked him for injury. The nurse marveled at the well developed breasts this boy had, then remembered her son/daughter's previous development and wondered if there was some connection. "We can get to that later," she thought as she gently opened the boy's ass with her fingers, looking into him with a flashlight, inspecting for damage. "He's definately been raped," she reported to the girls, "and from the looks of it a number of times." "He's pretty badly brused and battered, but I don't see any permanent injuries, nor anything that won't repair itself, given time and some aspirin." The girls were relieved at the news and relaxed a little. "Oh God," cried Susan, "What about Susan and Mike," she said thinking of how badly she had beaten them. "Fuck them," replied Jane, "They did this to John, They deserved it!" Jane's mother scowled at the use of profanity, then considered the circumstances and let it go by.

"How bad are these others?" Jane's mother queried, "Not bad enough," responded Susan, and "Pretty bad Mom," said Jane. "Jane, if they are that bad, I want you to go to a pay phone and call 9-1-1," directed her mother. "Why not call from here?" asked Jane. "Because they can't trace the call to here if you make it from a pay phone stupid," her mother growled. Jane made the call as directed and then hid John's car in the garage which came with the appartment and parked her mother's car on the street. They then carried John to Jane's bed and gently laid him out for a well deserved and needed rest. "Back to the kitchen, you two...We need to talk."



"Now what's this all about...How did he get that way...What's going on here..." Jane's mother asked. As they sat around the kitchen table, Jane and Susan told the whole story (leaving out only a sex act or two like the fist fucking) from beginning to end. Then told her how John had been given by his sister to their brother to use as a sex slave, and how they had found him tonight after the apparent gang rape. How Susan in a rage had badly beaten Vicky, then kicked Mike in the groin until blood ran from his balls and then returned here with John in the condition she had seen him.

"I see," said Jane's mother with a raised eyebrow concerning the sex and sex slave disclosures; "These kids are into stuff we never even thought about," she thought to herself. "Well first things first," she declared, "We will have to get John out of town, he'll be safe here until he recovers, but after that rape, he can't live in this city with any assurance of safety."

Regarding Susan's problem, "Sue, you could be charged with several felonies, from what you say happened, although I doubt that Vicky and Mike's parents would want all this sex stuff to come out in a court of law." "In all probability, they will hush it up if they know about what happened, in particular the gang rape of John." "I would suggest that we send them an anonymous letter, telling them about this sex slave stuff and the gang rape and see what happens."

They proceeded as planned with John staying with Jane and her mother for several days until recovered from the brutal attack. Then one day while Jane, Susan and John were eating breakfast, Susan posed the question they had all been avoiding. "John, what are you going to do now?" "I'm not sure," he replied with eyes downcast, "Your mother and I discussed it, and I know I have to leave town." "The question, is where will I go, what I will do...How I will live..." he almost cried. (At his point they didn't know that no police investigation was being conducted into the events at his house the week before.)

Susan went into the bedroom and returned with Vicky's purse which she had stolen the night of the rape and packed in the bag along with the clothing. Looking through it, she discovered a driver's license, birth certificate, two gasoline company credit cards and various miscellaneous papers that one would expect to find in a young woman's purse. These included: library card, club membership cards, pictures of boys, papers with telephone numbers, etc.; as well as an assortment of combs, hair devices, cosmetics, etc. and $132.00 cash. Susan also threw the $46.00 she had removed from Mike's wallet on the table and then considered alternatives. Looking over the stuff spread on the table, Susan offered a proposal.

"John, you're probably going to think I'm crazy, but listen to the whole thing before you make a decision." Picking up Vicky's driver's license and laying it in front of Jane and John she continued. "When you are dressed, you and Vicky look like twins, even your own brother couldn't tell you apart." "NO ONE is looking for Vicky!" "I think you should assume Vicky's identity, at least until any trouble with the police blows over."

John, considered the proposal and asked for more details. "Well, I stashed your car down in the garage, and ...Do you have any money in the bank? You do?...Where is your passbook, checkbook, or Automatic Teller Card?" John advised that his checkbook and ATM card were in the top drawer of his dresser at home; but how would he get them? At this point Jane chimed in, "I'll get Tami and Lisa to go with me to visit Vicky, I heard she is back home," then pausing to think for a minute, "I don't think Susan should go, Vicky knows who beat her up and we might have another fight." Jane then outlined the plan, which was for Tami and Lisa to visit in Vicky's room, while Jane slipped next door in John's room and obtained the needed financial materials. They should be in and out in only a couple of minutes.

Jane contacted the other girls and told them what she needed to do. That afternoon, they went to the house and were relieved when they found that neither of Vicky's parents were home. While Tami and Lisa talked to Vicky, Jane got the checkbook, ATM card, and John's billfold and then joined them as if just then coming into the house. Over the next 3 days John used the ATM card and withdrew the maximum allowed per day from his accounts and now had an additional $600 in cash, which gave him a total of $778. He still had another $1200 in his savings account that he had been saving for college tuition and transferred all of that to his checking account.

John had to leave and he knew it. Packing his bag with the women's clothing Susan had swiped from his sister, and dressed as required for his cover as Vicky, he told the girls who were all assembled at Jane's apartment the next morning that "today was the day." The next 45 minutes were filled with tears, many hugs, and promises to keep in touch through Jane. When he finally got into his car and left, everyone was crying including himself and the girls were holding each other trying to comfort one another. At this point, John and the girls all realized that they REALLY loved each other. They had bonded over the past two and one half years closer than any man and wife they knew of.

John drove to the next town and stopped at a "Goodwill" used clothing store and bought a single set of man's clothes into which he changed at a gas station restroom. He then drove to a used car lot and traded his Ford for a VW 'Bug' which he told them to title in his sister's name as he was going to give it to her as a gift. This transaction only cost him the tax and title fees, since he was 'trading down' in value. John left driving a different car, which legally belonged to Victoria J. Henderson (Vicky's legal name). That evening and some 600 miles from home, John got a motel room and after throwing away the man's shirt and trousers he had purchased to make the car deal, went to bed wearing one of his sister's frilly nightgowns.

Now moving as Victoria, he continued driving until he arrived at a medium sized college town in Indiana, where he decided to try and make a go of it. He got a job at minimum wage, as a waitress at a small restaurant near the college and rented a room in a rooming house until he could find an apartment. Using a check drawn on the account of John Henderson, 'Victoria Henderson' opened a new checking account with a beginning balance of $1200; John then destroyed his remaining checks from the old account and sent a letter to the bank with his ATM card enclosed, telling them to close out his accounts.

John/'Victoria' worked at the restaurant for about three weeks in the evenings. Every night some college boy would pat or pinch him/her on the ass or try to feel up her leg when she had her hands full of dishes. Having had enough of it, John quit that job and tried to find one in sales. The problem was that all of the big stores wanted to see his/her high school diploma or had policies against hiring 17 year old girls (Vicky's current age). His funds started running lower and he knew he had to find a job or give up the role of 'Victoria', but he still thought the police might be looking for him so he dared not return to being John.

One day when he was walking from one job interview (he had sold the car to raise cash), he passed a storefront only a block from the campus, which had two things which caught his eye. First, it was a 'Consignment Sales' store which dealt in used women's and 'Vintage' clothing; this was good used clothing which the owner's had out grown or for whatever reason, no longer wanted. The second, was a "HELP WANTED" sign in the window. John decided to go in and look around, maybe even try for the job. "After all," he thought, "the worst they can say is NO," and it seemed he had been hearing that a lot lately.

Inside, John found rack after rack of beautiful gowns, and dresses and entire section devoted to "turn of the century" high fashion clothing as well as other sections having clothing from the 20's, 30's, WW II period, 50's and early 60's. The Lingerie section was like a fantasy palace, with every imaginable type of women's undergarments from corsets to girdles, 50 kinds of bras, slips, petticoats, and nightgowns from baby doll to floor length.

The store was relatively small but packed solid from wall to wall. "May I help you," said a small voice from behind him/her. "This store is fantastic!" replied John as he turned to face a small elderly woman who he was later to learn was the owner. "Why, thank you young lady," the woman replied, "I try to keep only the best in my stock." "But where do you get it all?" Victoria/John asked, "Faculty wives for much of it...and some from other dealers...most just from ordinary women in town who either can't wear it or are tired of it," the little woman responded with a wide smile on her face. "It's just wonderful," John said as he appraised the woman with whom he was speaking. She was in her upper 70's he guessed and very tiny, only about 4'10", a very grandmotherly look surrounded her.

"I...I was wondering about the job?," John asked pointing to the sign in the window. "Oh yes," she said, "I've been looking for someone to help me with the store. As you can tell, I'm getting old and I can't do it all myself anymore." "It has to be someone special," she continued, then "Oh I'm sorry...I'm Mrs. Roberts, I own this store." "My husband used to be Dean over at the college and after he died, well I just kept it open to keep myself busy." The woman looked at John/Victoria and he could tell that she was evaluating the young woman before her. "What is your name child," the woman asked, "Victoria," John replied.

"What a beautiful name,...I'm so glad you don't butcher it like most of these young girls and call yourself 'Vicky' or some such." "I was named after my Grandmother," John replied, "and out of respect for her, I use my full name," he added. "What a wonderful young lady you are," Mrs. Roberts offered, "I thought the young people of today had no respect for their elders anymore." "My Grandmother was a very intelligent and sensitive woman and I'm proud to be named after her," John said. He had loved his Grandmother very much and was greatly saddened when she had died four years previously; so he wasn't lying to the woman regarding the respect with which he had for the namesake of his sister.

Mrs. Roberts read the emotion in his voice and knew that this girl was telling the truth. "Would you like to work for me?" she offered. "Oh yes! Mrs. Roberts, working here would be like....well, like being in heaven," John replied. "Not quite," said the woman, "but I think you'll do well if you're willing to work." "Yes, thank you very much, Mrs. Roberts...You'll have no complaints about me not working hard." "I'm sure," the woman replied, and lead 'Victoria' into the office.

After filling out the payroll paperwork Mrs. Roberts turned to face the younger woman. "Do you know WHY I am hiring you?" "Not really," replied John softly. "You never asked about the pay," replied the old woman, as if that was all encompassing, then continued; "It's obvious you love my store, and anyone who likes it that much, to accept a job without knowing what they will be paid." "Well, they just have to be the kind of person I want to work here."

"In answer to the question you didn't ask however, I'll pay you 5% of the gross of your sales with a guaranteed minimum pay of $200 per week. Also, I see you live in that rooming house over on the other side of campus. I don't want you walking across campus alone at night, so if you want it, there is an old apartment upstairs above the store. If you clean it up, you can live there for $100 per month which I'll deduct from your pay." "Oh Mrs. Roberts, I don't know how to thank you," John excitedly replied, with tears welling up in his eyes. "Your very generous, I just don't know what to say." "Don't say anything," the woman answered, "Just work hard and sell lot's of clothing and we will both be happy." "Oh yes, I will, I will," 'Victoria' cried and gave Mrs. Roberts a kiss on the cheek. "Easy, child," the woman responded, "Let's go upstairs and see what it will take to put that apartment back into shape."

When they got upstairs, they both looked around the apartment which had no furniture and was half filled with boxes of clothing. "Oh MY," said Mrs. Roberts, "this will never do, I'll call a friend of mine who has a used furniture and appliance store and get you some things to use...Don't worry, they come with the apartment,no extra charge." As for all of this stuff, you'll have to carry it down to the basement and store it there, I guess." "Oh," as if an afterthought, "all of the consignment clothes are already downstairs on the racks. This clothing I picked up at garage sales, goodwill stores, and anyplace else I could find it. If you need additional clothing and you want any of this, just help yourself. That's that much you won't have to carry downstairs. "Oh THANK YOU MRS. ROBERTS," 'Victoria' said with glee and gave the woman a hug. "Easy girl, my old bones can't take all this excitement, just watching your reaction is all the thanks I need."



The night of the gang rape, Mike and Vicky were both taken to the hospital unconscious. Vicky was treated and released the next day with no injuries more serious than a minor concussion, bumps and bruises. She was sent home to recover there under her parent's care.

Mike however, was severely injured, his testicles were destroyed and could not be repaired. A specialist was called in the next day for consultation and it was determined that he would have to be castrated in order to save his life. The specialist, a Doctor Price talked to his parents and obtained permission to conduct the operation on the 17 year old boy. His father was not happy about the idea, but saw no other recourse available if the boy was to live.

"I would suggest," said the doctor, "that you consider a sex change operation for the boy." "What!," his father screamed. "Consider the alternative," the woman doctor reasoned with him, "Your son will NEVER be a functioning male again. Would you rather, he live his life as a EUNUCH, or give him the chance to live it as a sexually functional female?" "He is young enough," she continued, "to make the transition without permanent psychological damage, and physically even though 5'10" could pass as a woman after hormone therapy and losing some weight."

Mike's parents discussed the options at length. Mike was still unconscious and could not be consulted in the matter. They made the decision to have the sex change done and informed Doctor Price. Doctor Price contacted two other doctors who performed this type of surgery and outlined the case to them. They concurred with her conclusions and advised they would arrive the next day to perform the operation and told her what they would need.

Immediately after consulting with the other doctors, Dr. Price and her nurse Janet used one of the hospital's OB-GYN rooms and performed the castration part of the procedures. Janet (Jane's mother) had told Dr. Price what Mike had done to his brother and neither had any sympathy for the boy on the operating table. When completed, Dr. Price turned to Janet and whispered, "This little fucker will NEVER rape anyone again." They both chuckled, then went about their normal business.

Early the next morning the other surgical team arrived and Mike was wheeled into an operating theater and the surgery performed. When he awoke the following day in a recovery room, he was experiencing considerable pain from his groin. His hands were tied to the bed so that he was unable to move them and he had tubes running down and into both arms. His chest felt heavy and it seemed harder for him to breath, but he didn't know why. The nurse came in and gave him a shot, which put him to sleep and made the pain go away. He was kept heavily sedated for about three weeks until his body recovered sufficiently from the surgery that the doctors felt he could not accidently hurt himself when he awoke.

When he opened his eyes, Mike saw his parents standing beside the bed with very concerned looks on their faces. On the other side of the bed was a woman in a white doctor's type coat with a stethoscope around her neck. An "IV" tube was running from his left arm up to a bottle hanging from a pole and he felt strange, but couldn't pin down quite why. He must be in a hospital, he thought but when did he get hurt? The last thing he remembered was the party at his house with the other guys when he got VERY drunk. While mulling this over in his mind, he discovered a more recent memory of waking up with more pain than he had ever felt coming from his groin, then blacking out until now. "What the fuck happened to me?" he asked himself mentally.

"Mike, are you awake?," his dad asked. "He's just disoriented," said he woman who looked like a doctor. "Mike, can you hear me?" his father tried again. "Yes Dad," Mike choked out, his mouth and throat feeling like he hadn't had a drink in a month. The doctor placed a glass to his lips and he drank the refreshing liquid. "How do you feel?" he was asked by the doctor. "OK, I guess," he whispered, still having trouble speaking, "a little sore all over though." "That's to be expected," the woman said to his parents.

"Mike is your head clear enough to understand what I'm saying?" the woman asked. "Yes," he replied. "I'm Doctor Price and I need to tell you what has happened." Then turning to Mike's parents said, "This will probably go easier if I am alone with him." Nodding, his parents solemnly walked out of the room, but his mother had given his hand a squeeze before leaving. "Am I sick or something?," the boy asked. "No, but you were most seriously injured when they brought you in here," she replied.

Sitting down in a chair beside the bed, the Doctor looked at the boy and then started her planned speech. "Do you remember the night you had the party at your house with the seven other boys?" Mike nodded assent. "Good, sometime after you got drunk, someone seriously injured you and you were brought to the hospital unconscious." "I'm not sure exactly what happened, but your mother said that they have been told you raped your brother." Mike shot up from his reclining position, suddenly, the whole events of the night flashed through his mind, including the gang rape of John/Joellen. "Lay back down, Mike, I don't want you hurting yourself, you still have an 'IV' connected to your arm." Mike did as directed, but trembled at the thought of his parents knowing about the rape.

"It would seem," the doctor continued, "that your injuries were in retaliation for raping your brother... We don't know who did it, but they hurt you very badly." "What happened to me," Mike managed to rasp. Very matter of factly the Doctor replied, "They destroyed your testicles." Mike started choking and couldn't believe what the doctor had just told him. By almost reflex, his right hand reached for his groin and to his further shock, not only were his balls missing, but he couldn't feel his cock either. "Oh GOD!," he cried.

Grabbing his hand the doctor removed it from his crotch, and held in her's so that he could not hurt himself. Stroking his hand and his forehead, the doctor explained how badly he had been hurt and that his life had been in serious danger. That his parents had to make a decision to do either a 'simple' castration or complete surgery. Given the choice between their son being a permanent eunuch, with at best a pair of fake balls and no sex life, or having his sex 'reassigned' to a female, who could lead a mostly normal life, they had chosen the latter. When the boy fully realized what she had said, he broke down crying and shaking throughout his body.

She continued stroking him and after he seemed to regain control, she gently took his hand and guided it back to his groin. "I'm going to let you touch yourself," she said, "but I want you to do it lightly, so that you do not tear anything until you completely heal. You now have a vagina down there, and only a doctor could tell it from the real thing." As she guided his hand over his newly created pussy, Mike couldn't believe that he was feeling his own body. "It feels like a girl," he thought to himself as he gently stroked the 'lips' and rubbed a finger over the 'clit'. Then the realization hit him again, that he was feeling himself and not some young girl; immediately he began shaking again.

The doctor removed his hand and moved it up to his chest. "I've given you something else," she said, "to help your transition along," then rested his hand on a well formed female breast. Mike had felt weight on his chest, NOW he knew what it was, he had two perfect small "B" cup sized breasts laying on his chest. No not laying on, but part of, he corrected his mind's perception. "We'll leave those implants in until your own breasts grow from the hormones," the doctor lectured, "but they should help you feel like a woman right away."

After a few day's Mike finally accepted that physically he was now a woman. Dr. Price had told him that she had made arrangements for him to go so a special clinic where they would continue his treatments and teach him the things he needed to know to live the rest of his life as a female. Mike was not happy about the whole thing but on reflection did not blame his parents for the decision they had made on his behalf. As much as he hated the idea, he much preferred living as a woman than a EUNUCH. Mike shuddered every time he thought of what he had done to his brother, both before THAT night and during it, and vowed that he would try to make it up to him somehow.

Eight months latter a very nervous girl named 'Michelle' went home to her parents. Her younger sister Vicky couldn't believe the transformation which had occurred and tried to help her new sister adapt to living as a woman. Michelle was tall for a girl at almost 5'10" but weighed in at a trim 128 lbs. and had a terrific figure for a 17 year old. Michelle's parents had moved to a different town, and she was enrolled in the local high school to finish her education. Vicky for some reason was never allowed to leave the house, having been "permanently grounded" by their parents until old enough to move out on her own. Michelle didn't ask why, she knew that their parents must have found out about the rest of the John/Joellen story and put an end to all possibilities of a repeat performance by her younger sister. Her older brother was gone and had not been seen or heard from since "That" night.



After cleaning, painting, and furnishing her new apartment, 'Victoria' moved from the rooming house to the flat above the store. In the boxes of clothing she had to move to the basement to clear the apartment, there were many in her size and her wardrobe quickly quadrupled in size. The Monday after being hired 'Victoria'/John actually started work in the store. First Mrs. Roberts explained how the clothing was arranged and the codes for pricing. Although every item had a price on it, the tags were different colors and the codes indicated the base price the owner was willing to accept or the cost Mrs. Roberts had paid. Markups averaged around 2545% over base price and 'Victoria' was authorized to deal within the "Net" sales range in order to make a sale. However, she was reminded that her pay was dependant upon gross sales, so the higher the volume and higher the prices, the higher her pay.

Most of the customers who came into the store were wives of younger faculty members who could not afford to pay full retail for a new dress they may only wear a couple of times per year. Others, were students who needed formal attire for dances or sorority functions at the college. Occasionally, John noted, young men would come in "to look around" and after spending a few minutes in the tuxedo section, would look at the dresses hanging on the racks or lingerie, "looking for a gift for their Mother, Sister, or Girl Friend."

One such customer, was a blond boy about 18 years old, who was about the same height as John/'Victoria' and very slim in build. After making the obligatory pass through the tuxedo and "vintage" sections he was looking at a beautiful pink floor length satin gown with lace trim, which had been worn at last year's prom by a student at the college. Seeing the boy's hand tremble as he fingered the fabric, John moved over to a position behind him. "Very nice, isn't it," she said, and thought the boy was going to jump out of his skin with fright. "Sorry, I scared you," she offered to the trembling boy and gave him her best smile.

The boy quickly recovered and tried to offer an explanation for being in the women's dresses area, "I...I.. was just thinking how nice my girlfriend would look in this," he proposed. Looking the boy over and seeing how badly he was still shaking, John decided that this was a lie, then noticed the bulge in his pants, which confirmed it. "Would you like to try it on?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. "I think it will fit you pretty well," she continued then added, "You should look very good in it." The reaction she got to these statements was exactly what she suspected. "Could I! I mean there's no one but us here is there?" The boy then gave her a questioning look and she responded, "I get paid a percentage of sales, it doesn't make any difference to me who I sell these clothes to, just how much I sell." "By the way, my name is 'Victoria', what's yours?" "Jim," he whispered in reply.

"Well Jim, would you like to try it on?" "Could I really?," he said excitedly, "Sure, I think you will look cute in it." John then guided the boy to the dressing rooms, showed him inside, and handed him the dress.

"Try it on for fit," she suggested and headed for the lingerie section to get some accessories. When she returned, he had put on the dress and was standing looking at himself in the full length mirror mounted on the wall just outside the dressing rooms. She walked up behind the boy and gently stroked the sleeves off the shoulders and down onto his arms, then looking over his shoulder into the mirror, this sent a wave of shudders which passed through the boy's entire body. Holding his shoulders, she leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "It was meant to be worn off the shoulder." She then told him that it fit pretty well, except that it was tight at the waist and a little "loose" at the bust. "We can fix that," she offered and turned him to face her. Looking at him full front, she checked the fit at various points and then said, "Take off the dress and hang it up a minute." The boy looked totally defeated, so she added, "just for a minute, "Jamie", I've got to rearrange your body a little, and held up a waist cincher and heavily padded strapless bra. The boy had noticed that Victoria had called him by a girl's version of his name, and liked the sound of it. Grinning from ear to ear, he quickly removed the dress and hung it on a hanger in the dressing room. The boy stood before her now wearing only his underpants, which displayed a very large bulge for his size.

Victoria then turned him around with his back to her and placed the waist cincher around his waist and laced up the back pulling in his waist a good 3". This made his little butt look considerably larger, and from the back, gave him the appearance of a female. She then handed him the padded bra and hooked it for him, when she saw that his hands were shaking too badly to do it himself. "I think you should take those boy's underthings off," she suggested, "they won't feel


Newsgroups: From: (The Archivist) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 22:26:24 UTC Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Dominated by Young Girls" (8/9)

  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Dominated by Young Girls -- Part 8 author unknown

right with the dress on, and they don't look nearly as pretty as these," waiving a pair of pure silk panties under his nose.

Seeing what she had in her hand, he stripped off the cotton jockey shorts with no hesitation, until he realized he was now standing nude, for all intents and purposes, in front of a beautiful girl approximately his own age, with a raging hard-on no less. As he turned beet red, Victoria put her hand on his bare shoulder and said, "It's OK, I grew up with two brothers, I've seen them before, indicating his hard-on with a flick of her eyes. I must say though, THAT is a very nice one." Victoria then gave the boy a peck on the cheek, which seemed to calm him down some. After having him put on the panties as well as a garter belt, stockings, petticoats to make the dress stand out, and a pair of matching shoes, she again led him to the mirror. The dress now fit perfectly, and except for his hair being too short he would make a very pretty woman. Showing him several wigs, he picked one and after putting it on him, Victoria was proud of her creation. "Makeup is the only other thing you will need," she said and smiled broadly at him.

When the boy left, he carried everything she had put on him plus 12 extra pair of panties, 6 pair of stockings, 2 more bras, and 2 other dresses. He also left with $680 less credit available on his Visa credit card. "I should try that on all of the younger one's who come in," Victoria/John thought to himself. She did, and in only two months, sales at the store tripled. Mrs. Roberts didn't know what was going on, but she knew she had one heck of a sales person. It was later learned that the word got out quickly in the Gay/TV/TS community around the college that Mrs. Roberts had a new sales girl who was sympathetic to them and would allow them to try clothing on in the store if no women customers were present. By the end of the year, the store was doing more than four times it's previous turnover, and Mrs. Roberts was almost constantly gone on "buying trips." Victoria was left to handle the store on her own, and did it very well, selling almost every item at full tag prices.

Over the two years, John wrote to Jane and let her know what was happening in his life and also how much he missed the girls. Jane advised him that no investigation was done at the request of his parents, and that he was safe if he wanted to return to his own identity. She also gave him the news of his new younger sister Michelle, and told him how it had come about. John felt some sympathy for his brother, but recalling the rape, not much. Jane and Susan were now Seniors in high school and both applied for admission and were accepted to the college he worked beside, beginning the following Fall term. One day during the Spring when business was slow, Mrs. Roberts called Victoria into her office and had her set down.

"Victoria, you and I need to have a talk," Mrs. Roberts with a solemn look started. John's mind raced with everything he had done over the past six months trying to come up with what he had done wrong to invoke Mrs. Roberts displeasure. "We have done incredibly well in the year and a half you have worked for me Victoria. But I'm and old woman, even older than you think young lady, and I can't keep up this pace." John/Victoria started to object, when Mrs. Roberts held up her hand to silence the girl. "I have to get out of this business or it will kill me, I've already talked to 10 doctors and they all agree."

John was shocked, he had observed no indications of ill health on the part of his employer, then his mind raced again. "If she closes the shop I'll be out both a job and a place to live", he thought to himself. Seeing the panic on the young woman's face, Mrs. Roberts reached out and took her hand in her own. "I know what you're thinking," she said, "this old bag is going to leave me high and dry after you've busted your pretty little behind for me for 2 and a half years." "But...," Victoria tried to object. "Not so little girl," replied the woman, "Like they said in that 'Godfather' movie, I'm going to make you a deal you can't refuse." John relaxed at that point and listened to the offer.

"You are too young for me to legally transfer the business to you outright, you must be 21 in this state. So as of this minute, you are the manager of this store and I am the absentee owner. You will be paid 15% of gross sales with no guaranteed salary and your apartment is now free as part of your pay. I will have my lawyer draw up a land contract sale for the business, with 10% of gross as the stipulated payment per month. If I die before you pay off the contract, the remainder of the business will be willed to you free and clear. This guarantees me a 10% of gross income for at least the next 10 years, if I live that long, and guarantees you the store and a decent living in the meantime. "I don't know what to say Mrs. Roberts," John stuttered. "Just say yes sweetheart, and the deal is done," she responded. "Yes, Yes, Yes! cried Victoria/John and gave the woman a big hug. "I thought I told you about those death grip hugs of yours...well I guess it's alright this time. Good Luck Victoria, the business is now yours." "With that the woman arose and walked towards the door, OH don't forget to sent me my checks young'n," she said with a smile as she passed through the door and out onto the street.

John just sat in the office stunned, he couldn't believe that he was now the manager and soon to be owner of the store. While he sat there he looked at the books Mrs. Roberts had left on the desk with all the financial information regarding the store. "My God," he said to him self when his eyes rested on the bottom of a page, the store had done over $600,000 in gross sales during the past year. He knew they had done well, but had no idea, it was that good. His mind did some quick mathematics and with an average 25% markup that would make the net income before expenses something like $150,000 per year, deducting Mrs. Roberts $60,000 (10% of gross) he would still be bringing in $90,000 less store and living expenses if he could keep sales at their current level. Even after deducting the average $40,000 operating expenses, he was left with about $50,000 per year. "This little store in a God Damn Gold Mine," the thought to himself.

John then looked around the rest of the office. This had been Mrs. Roberts' private domain up till now and he had never had the nerve or interest in poking around in it. John opened what he thought was a closet, but instead found a narrow hallway on the other side of the door. Light was coming from somewhere to the left, but he couldn't see the source. Walking in, he soon found the source or sources would be more correct. To his surprise, their were 4 glass windows which looked into the dressing rooms of the store. From the angle of view and height of the windows, John quickly realized that they were the mirrors mounted on the back wall of each dressing room. They had probably been installed to prevent shoplifting, but John could see other applications were possible.

This realization struck home, as he considered how many young boys he/she had fondled in the dressing rooms and two he/she had even given blowjobs to in order to close bigger sales. "I wonder if she was ever back here when I was working on one of the boys," he thought, "Well if she was I sure hope she enjoyed herself!" Fortunately John had never stripped completely himself in one of these rooms and had never resorted to fucking any of the customers, so she probably never discovered his REAL secret.



Jane and Susan arrived in mid-August before the school term began the following month. They had told their parents they needed to go early so that they could find an apartment and part-time jobs before the rest of the students arrived and took everything worth having. Janet, Jane's mother knew the real story but Susan's parents didn't know, that they had already made arrangements to share John's apartment above the store and that he had offered them jobs as his sales staff. Both were very excited about getting back together with John and looked forward to their reunion.

When they walked into the store, John almost didn't recognize his friends. Jane was now 5'9" tall, 110 lbs and had that beautiful "willowy" look. Her breasts were a full 36" "B" cup and stood proudly from her narrow shoulders. She was wearing a light blue and white sun dress, which showed lots of well tanned skin on the arms, shoulders, and back and was wearing leather 'Roman' style sandals with straps crisscrossing her little feet. Jane's hair was very long and worn straight with a part down the center of her head, and her hair was pulled back from her face and held by a light blue bow type barrette.

Susan, was 5'6" now and had blossomed into a beautiful woman, now measuring 36-22-35, and about 120 lbs. Her pale blonde hair was still worn long, but now only came to a couple of inches below her shoulder line. Susan was wearing a halter top and cut-off denim shorts, which both did nothing to hide the fantastic body they adorned. Her hair was tied back into a pony-tail and secured with a bright red ribbon at the back of her head.

When the girls saw John, they squealed with glee, he was beautiful, even more lovely than he had been when they last saw him almost three years before. He was wearing a black flower print, button-front, dress which was cinched at the waist by a black leather belt with a large silver buckle. The dress had a scoop neckline and little cap sleeves, and was cut full below the fitted bodice and came down to mid-calf length. His light brown hair looked to be a couple of shades lighter than when they last saw each other and was worn straight with little bangs dropping down almost to his eyebrows, which were now plucked in a definite feminine arch. His hair was loose and brushed over both shoulders and extended down to the bustline. With a pair of 2 1/2" black pumps on his feet, his long legs looked great.

On recognizing each other everyone jumped for job and rushed into a three-way hug. Kisses were exchanged every other word and the three danced in a circle around the store. "John decided to close the store early, and immediately locked the door and put the "Closed" sign in the window. The three moved to he back of the store, and John tenderly took each in his arms and deeply kissed them, they responded full force and enthusiastically hugged him as their tongues probed his mouth. Susan slipped her hand under John's dress and gave his cock a stroke and his ball a gentle squeeze.

Just then, Jamie stepped out of one of the dressing rooms, wearing a white cotton summer dress with a peasant top and stood wide eyed as he looked at the beautiful blond with her hand in 'Victoria's' crotch. As soon as they saw him, John and Susan broke off their cinch and Susan removed her hand. "Uh...Ex...Excuse me," Jamie uttered and both Susan and John turned beet red in embarrassment at being caught. "I...I didn't mean to intrude..." Jamie muttered. "It's OK, Jamie," John offered, wondering how much the boy had seen. "Come over here and meet my two best friends," said 'Victoria'/John and offered a smile of friendship to the lad.

"This is Susan and that is Jane, we grew up together back home," John said, "And this pretty young lady is Jamie, girls; one of my best customers." Both girls responded with "Hello, nice to meet you," type greetings and looked over the boy wearing the nice white dress.

They knew it was a boy, because his hair was a little short, he wore no makeup, and had on a pair of high-top tennis shoes on his feet. "Susan and Jane will be working here from now on Jamie, so everyone might at well get acquainted." Jamie, who had been used to having Victoria see him in a dress now realized what he was wearing and became embarrassed. "I...I...don't normally dress this way," he said softly, and seeing his embarrassment, Jane immediately replied. "But, why not Jamie, it looks very good on you; I think I'd change the shoes though." Jamie looked down at his feet and started to laugh, which was quickly joined in by the others. Jane walked over and gave the boy a hug and suddenly everyone relaxed, all the tension that had been in the air now gone. "We're closed for the rest of the day Jamie, but if you want it, I'll ring up that dress for you." "Please, Victoria," the boy almost whispered and went back into the dressing room to change back into his boy clothes.

While changing, Jamie's mind was racing, "Is Victoria a lesbian?" he thought to himself as he stripped. "I've never seen her out with either women or men, come to think of it, just here at the store." "No she can't be, she's too nice to me to be one of those man hating bitches; but I did see that other girl's hand under her dress at crotch level...No can't be..." "You about ready Jamie?" Victoria called to him. "Yes Victoria, I'll be out in a minute," he replied. "No rush, I'm just impatient since my friends are here," came the response.

Jamie quickly pulled on his shirt and stepped through the curtain which enclosed the dressing room. Victoria took the dress from him and walked with it to the counter where she rang up the sale and processed his charge slip. "Thank you Jamie," she beamed as she handed him the bag, then escorted him to the door with her hand on his back. Letting him out, she again locked the door and returned to where Susan and Jane were standing. "That was close!" Victoria/John said, "Look you two, NO ONE in this town knows I'm anything other than what I appear to be."

"A gorgeous young piece of ass," Jane chimed in before John could continue. "Be that as it may," Victoria/John continued, "NO ONE knows my real sex and we have to keep it that least until I pay off this store!"

"The old woman I'm buying it from thinks I'm a woman, and if she found out differently, it could blow the whole deal." Looking at Susan, "So, YOU, little SEX POT, keep your hands out from under my dress in the store, got it!" "Yes John," Susan replied as if hurt, then looked up with a smile and said, "but how about upstairs?" "And another thing, DON'T CALL ME JOHN outside the apartment, you never know who might hear it. Then grinning John replied, "Upstairs, sugar pants, you can put you cute little hands wherever you want." This brought chuckles and laughter from all three and the three-way hug was reestablished. "Let's get you two moved in," John said and all immediately headed for the car and the girls belongings. Everyone felt happy after their long separation and looked forward to four years of fun together.

The apartment consisted of four rooms, a living/dining room, bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. The bedroom had one entire wall dedicated to closet space, 2/3 of which now stood empty. The bed was a 'California King Size' 6' by 7' in dimensions. "Big enough for all of us," Susan observed, "That was the idea," John replied with a grin. Two additional dressers had been moved into the room and now stood empty beside the one containing John's things.

"There are two more storage rooms up here," John said pointing to the adjacent wall, "I'm going to have them remodeled to give us more space." Jane hooked her arm through John's and leaned into him, then said, "This looks fine to me, VERY COZY!" "That's OK for you and me, Jane, your mother knows more about us than anyone else in the world. But, if Susan's parents visit they would probably feel more comfortable with three bedrooms; even if we never use them except during their visit." The girls could see the logic in his statement and agreed to have separate bedrooms, with the condition that they were only to be used to store clothes and display to Susan's parents or other visitors.

Susan turned to Jane and said "I'm hot from the drive out here, let's take a shower or bath or whatever this place has." "You're just HOT in the CROTCH," responded Jane, "but it sounds good to me." No vote was taken and none was needed, Susan immediately dropped her halter top displaying her luscious breasts to John's view, then in a single motion stripped off the shorts and her panties. "You Like?" she grinned, "You bet!" John replied. Jane slowly undressed as did John, each savoring the other's bodies as piece by piece more flesh came into view. When Jane removed her panties, John almost came on the spot. He had known about the operations but had never seen Jane nude since she had them done.

He knelt before her and placed his face against her tummy and held her hips to him, then slowly dropped his gaze downward until he was looking at her pussy at point blank range. "It's wonderful," he murmured as he gently parted her lips with his fingers and stroked her clit. Jane just stood perfectly still with her head tilted back and her breasts heaving as he probed her manufactured vagina. "Enough of that!" Susan said as she playfully slapped John on the top of the head, "We've got all night for you to explore Jane's pussy, but the shower is running and the water will eventually get cold." "Yes Mistress Susan," John replied, and Jane then did the same. "And don't you forget it!" Susan said then giggled and drug each by an arm into the bathroom.

All three got into the shower and little Susan took command, "Me first," she directed and both John and Jane went to work soaping every part of her body, then stroked her as she rinsed off the soap suds. The girls then did John and spent considerable time on his breasts and groin, Susan snuck a finger up his ass and gently probed in and out as John just relaxed and luxuriated in the feel of the hands on his halfman, half-woman body.

John had not had any sex for almost 3 years following the rape, other than jerking off by himself. His fear of discovery and the potential for another rape, made him afraid of all sexual contact. Now, however, he was in the hands of two women who loved him and for the first time since leaving home after that terrible night, he relaxed. When he came from their incessant stroking of his cock, his entire body convulsed and released all the tension it had held over the long years.

It was now Jane's turn and she stood still as John and Susan gently caressed her long willowy body with loving care. John worked her breasts until her nipples were swollen like rockets, then gently probed her womanhood with his fingers as he kissed her elegant neck. "Jane, I can't get over how beautiful you are," he whispered and before she could answer, Susan said, "Jane has a surprise for you John....She's still a virgin, she's been saving herself just for you, wouldn't let any boys near her sweet little snatch." Then with a giggle, "She sent a lot of them packing with blue balls, I'm here to tell you, but none of them scored." "Is that true?", John murmured to Jane, "Yes," her voice raspy replied, "I wanted it to be you." John gathered the tall beauty into his arms and planted a soul-wrenching kiss on her mouth, which did not break off for several minutes, until Susan cracked him on the ass with a playful slap.

All three quickly rinsed off, then after the fastest and most minimal of drying ran in to the bedroom and dove onto the giant bed. Then next seven hours were spent in the most varied and passionate lovemaking possible to imagine. After eating Susan to a climax, John spent the next 45 minutes working over Jane's lethal body, sucking and licking every square inch of her skin and giving her two body-racking orgasms with his mouth. "Fuck me John," she whimpered and with Susan guiding his cock into Jane's virgin orifice, John brought her to two more orgasms before shooting his load deep into her tight pussy. Susan, immediately licked and sucked John's sperm from Jane's cunt and Jane whimpered and moaned through two more climaxes as she did so, then collapsed into a fitful sleep.

Susan then switched to John's cock and sucked it back to erection. "My turn," she giggled as she rolled him onto his back and mounted him, impaling herself on his shaft in a single downward thrust of her hips. Facing him, she reached down and played with his breasts as she rode as hard as her little body could muster, and John reciprocated by reaching up and working her breasts, stroking her arms, shoulders, back, and ass as she pumped herself on his cock. Susan arched her body and froze in mid-stroke as a wave of her climax shook through her tender body, then continued on until she felt John's cock jerk inside her and was immediately seized by another convulsive orgasm. Susan fell forward on top of John and he held her gently but tightly until her breathing returned to normal.

During the balance of the evening John fucked every opening on the two girls including their asses, of which, to his surprise, Susan's was virgin. The girls licked and sucked each other through countless orgasms and used John's cock every time it was able. By 10:00 all three were exhausted and fell to sleep in each other's arms. The next day was Saturday, and John decided to keep the store closed until Monday, so he put on a robe and went downstairs and hung a hand printed sign on the door, "Closed for Inventory." "Well it's not a TOTAL lie," he said to himself, "I'm inventorying two of the hottest bodies ever produced."

Saturday was a continuation of Friday evening, all three remained nude throughout the day, and the sex was constant. It was only a question of who was eating whom, or fucking whom, in which opening all day long. Pauses were inserted for the intake of food and a couple of showers were thrown in to clean up the sweat, but it was non-stop and ended only when the three dropped from exhaustion and cuddled through the night. Sunday morning, they had a leisure breakfast, all of them remaining nude. As Susan sipped her coffee she asked if there were any beaches in the area and John advised that there was a state owned lake about 10 miles out of town which had a swimming beach, but that he had never been there. "Well you're going today, buck-a-roo. My tits, pussy, and ass are sore from over use and that nice little cock needs a rest." "But Susan, I can't go to a beach like this," holding one of his breasts in his hand. "Of course you can, you just go as a girl, stupid!" As John kept muttering, "But...But...," the girls took him down the internal stairwell of the building into the store and directly to the section where the swim suits were located.

As the girls looked over the merchandise, John was looking at older style one-piece suits which covered up most of the torso. "No you don't!" declared Susan, "only old women wear those." She then selected a two piece bikini for him which was made of nylon/lycra spandex with a halter type top and a bottom which would fit tight as a girdle. "This," she declared, "will do nicely, your tits are perfect, so really this top is too much, but the bottom will conceal the little problem you're so worried about." She then put the top on John and the halter formed his breasts into some very satisfying cleavage, pushing both up and out at the same time. When he had stepped into the bottom, Jane reached out and gently pushed his balls back up into the internal tubes from which they had dropped at puberty, then folded his limp cock back between his legs as he pulled the briefs up into place. The lycra spandex fit tight and when John looked in the mirror, nothing was visible beyond the mound normally visible on a woman in a swimsuit.

Susan picked a strapless bikini for herself which featured a 'Cabana Print' design and the top was an underwired, with molded cups, and tied in the back. The bottom was made of nylon/lycra and had a seamed back which spread her ass cheeks delightfully and a sliding front with a wide pale pink waist band. When Susan had it positioned the way she wanted it, only a two inch wide strip went down the front from the waist band to her crotch. She was a knockout, and was very proud of her body and not afraid to show skin. Jane picked a traditional string bikini in a pink and grey pattern. The little triangles of material barely covered her firm breasts and the bottom seemed almost nonexistent. The material was very thin and the outline of her nipples and pussy lips were clearly visible through the suit. "This ought to get some cocks hard," she said, then looked at the other two and raising her hand to her face, coyly looked over her hand and giggled. "This girl is sexier than anyone I've ever met," John thought to himself as the three went back upstairs.

They drove to the lake in Susan's car since John had never replaced the one he had sold. Living above the store, he really had no need for one up to this point. At the lake, they found a nice sand swimming beach and spread their towels in the middle of a good sized crowd. They received many appreciative looks from the men and boys present and with John laying face down, Jane began spreading suntan lotion on his back. Her ministrations were like a massage, and soon John turned his head towards her and whispered, "come here a minute."

Jane leaned forward so that her ear was near his head. "You've got me hard as a rock and this spandex is stretched to it's limit," he whispered to her. Jane immediately rocked back onto her heels and started laughing. Susan, was unable to hear what had been said, so she leaned across John's body, and Jane whispered John's problem to her. Susan fell backwards laughing very hard and was sprawled wide holding her stomach trying to recover control. John just turned red from head to toe, but it wasn't from the sun.

John's 'problem' soon took care of itself when Jane stopped applying the lotion to his sensitive skin and after that, he made a point of applying it himself to avoid a re-occurrence. Laying back enjoying the sun, the three rested their tired bodies and felt the warmth of the sun on their skin.

"Say isn't that the guy who was in the store when we came the other day?" Susan asked. Raising up on his elbows, John looked in the indicated direction and replied, "Yea, that's Jamie." "He's cute," said Susan, then whispered, "Especially in a dress." "Not badly built either," John replied also in a whisper, "about 7" and thick, from what I've seen," he continued. "How do you know that?" asked Jane as if jealous, "you been cheating on us?" "No, the poor boy has a hard- on almost every time he's in the store," he replied.

"I want him." Susan declared, "Not that I don't love you two, but as we...hum...recently discovered, John's cock can't handle the two of us hot women." John looked hurt, and Susan immediately bent down to beside his head and stroking her fingers through his hair at the temple offered an explanation. "Oh I didn't mean to hurt you baby, I just meant that NO MAN can handle both Jane and me at once. God hasn't created a cock that can do that." Then kissed him on the cheek and continued stroking his head. "OK, Susan if you want him, go get him," John softly said with hurt still in his voice. "I intend to SHARE him; I don't intend to give up what we already have, just add a little extra." She replied to both of her lovers. Both nodded and Susan got up and walked over to Jamie's location.

About 15 minutes later, Susan returned with Jamie following her like a little puppy dog. Susan plopped down on her towel and indicated the place beside her to Jamie. As he spread his towel, his eyes slowly scanned the alluring physiques of Victoria and Jane resting before him. "Hi Victoria," he said with a smile on his face. "Hello Jamie, I see Susan was successful in luring you over," Victoria/John replied. "That's not hard," Jamie replied, "What man would pass up a chance to be with three beautiful women on a sunlit beach?" "Indeed," replied the woman, "Keep that up sweet talker and you're liable to have more than you can handle." "It would be MY PLEASURE," the young man responded.

"I suppose, I should warn you Jamie, Susan is hot for your tight little body and will rape you if you don't watch out," Victoria said. "I should be so lucky," Jamie answered, "I must tell you Victoria, I always thought you were pretty, but I had no idea how really beautiful you are until seeing you here on the beach." "Keep that up, Sweet Cheeks, and I'll rape you myself!" Victoria/John replied as the two girls listening to the conversation finally lost control and broke into laughter. "Not until after I'VE HAD HIM," Susan said to Victoria. Jamie just smiled as these girls playfully argued over who was going to fuck his brains out first.

About an hour later, they decided to go home, and Susan gave Victoria her car keys and announced she was riding with Jamie. When they got back to the store, they went inside, and Susan guided Jamie into the store portion of the building. Susan told Jamie she wanted him to fully dress as a woman for their "date" that evening. Jamie was beside himself, not only was this beautiful girl putting the make on him all the way back to the store, now she wanted him to dress for her; HOW COULD HE BE SO LUCKY!

"Let's leave these Love Bird alone," Victoria said to Jane, as he guided her to the back of the store and into the office out of sight of the others. John then took Jane into the hallway behind the dressing rooms and they sat down on the floor together, to watch the fun through the fake mirrors. "Susan doesn't know about these (pointing to the mirrors), does she John?" "When did I have time to show either of you the store even?" he replied as he hugged Jane's shoulders and stroked her arm. Jane laid her head on his shoulder and cuddled up against him as they saw Susan and Jamie approaching one of the dressing rooms.

Although they couldn't hear what the two were saying to each other, it wasn't necessary in order to follow the action. Susan was carrying a white wedding gown and all of the accessories for it. Jamie was told to go into the dressing room and take off his trunks and T-shirt, which was all he was wearing. Jamie faced the mirror and dropped his trunks and removed his shirt, standing naked before the mirror in the wall. Susan entered behind him and Jamie tried to cover his nice sized cock with his hands. Susan apparently told him some thing like, "Don't be silly," and he continued to stand with his back to the girl but his hands at his side. Susan, looking over his shoulder must have complimented him on the size of his cock, because it quickly rose to full length. Susan then reached around his body and gave his cock a couple of strokes; then pulled him by his cock as she moved in beside him. This put the two in the dressing room standing facing each other, with their observers having a perfect side view.

Susan continued to stroke the boy's hard-on while talking to him, then placing her free hand on his neck, pulled him forward and down so that she could kiss him. As they kissed deeply and Susan stroked his cock, John and Jane became more active in their stroking of each others bodies. In no time at all, Susan was kneeling before the boy giving him head, and he stood with his legs wide and his head back in ecstacy while he stroked her head as she sucked him to bliss. When Jamie came, Susan sucked down every drop, not losing even one, the removing her coverup romper, took off her bikini and sitting on the bench in the room, placed Jamie between her thighs with his head in her snatch.

John removed the bottom of his swimsuit and so did Jane, then they continued to watch the show as they gently masturbated each other. "This is great!" whispered Jane who was afraid loud talking might be heard on the other side of the mirror. "Don't worry," replied John "If we can't hear them, they can't hear us." Susan was arching her back in anticipation of a climax and had the poor boy in a headlock with her legs, her hands pressing him as hard as possible into her pussy. Again, they couldn't hear it, but were both sure she screamed, with her mouth wide open and body convulsing as if having seizures. "He must be pretty good," Jane observed, then turning to John said, "But I want ONLY you." then kissed him for all she was worth. John thought she was going to suck his tongue out of his head, with all the vacuum she put on that kiss. With his hand still on her clit, he pulled her upright and they walked holding each other by the crotch upstairs to their room.

Upstairs, John made slow passionate love to Jane, working her body as he had when he took her virginity the day before. Jane was in heaven, with the man that she had loved so long, giving her more pleasure than she had ever experienced before prior to yesterday's orgy. As they lay under the covers holding each other in the afterglow of their lovemaking, they heard the door open, then saw Susan walk in escorting a beautiful young bride. "I thought this attire would be appropriate," she said with a smile as she presented the shy bride to them.

Jamie looked at the bed before him and saw two of the most beautiful women he could imagine laying there. "Jamie, would you like to go to bed with Jane and Victoria?" Susan asked. His whole body trembling, he responded softly, "Susan, I'd give anything in the world to be with the three of you." "You must make a solemn promise to the three of us," Susan continued, "That you will treat all of us gently, and never reveal our secrets." "I will," he said. "That you will give each of us all of your love and that you will accept all of ours." "I will," the trembling boy in the wedding gown said clearly. "That you will accept our faults and imperfections, whatever they may be," "I will," he replied. "Then I now pronounce us married, by no authority other than our love," declared Susan.

"May we now kiss the bride?" asked Jane, "But of course," replied Susan. "Come here Jamie," Jane said, and the young man wearing the bride's gown, sat on the edge of the bed with tears streaming down his cheeks. Jane put her arm around Jamie's shoulders and tilted him back across her lap, then after stroking the tears from his face with her fingertips, gently kissed him on the lips. The sheet came away from Jane's breasts during the kiss, and after kissing him again, she held him to her breast, which he kissed and suckled like a baby. "Victoria's turn," said Susan, and helped he boy around to the other side of the bed. Victoria/John held the boy as Jane had, and kissed him deeply, then let him suckle his breasts as he stroked the boy's hair.

While Jamie sucked on John's nipples, he turned to Susan and said, "That wasn't fair to him Susan, you should have told him everything before making him promise like that," he said in a stern voice. Then drawing the boy's face away from his breast, he looked down into the eyes and stroked his cheek. "There is something more you need to know Jamie, and I won't hold it against you if you want to back out. I only ask that you never tell anyone, or I could have serious problems." "I promise, Victoria, no matter what it is, I will never tell anyone," Jamie told her with his head still pressed against her breast. "Then sit up a minute," Victoria told him and the boy reluctantly complied; not wanting to remove his head from her breasts.

With Jamie now sitting on the end of the bed flanked by Jane and Susan who both had their hands on his small shoulders, Victoria took a deep breath then threw the sheet back from her body. Jamie looked at the woman and starting with her beautiful face, slowly scanned down her body since it was obvious that she must be talking about some physical abnormality. His gaze passed over her lovely shoulders, down across her fantastic breasts, and over her smooth tummy to her groin. When John saw the boy's eyes move down from his breasts, he pulled his knees up and opened his legs so that his cock and ball were fully exposed. Jamie swallowed hard, then took a deep breath and blowing it out, leaned forward and then moved so that he was sitting between John's legs.

John leaned forward and rested his breasts against his knees and said, "Are you OK Jamie?" "Yes," Jamie replied, the gently reached out with his hand and stroked John's face and slowly ran his hand down over his breasts, across his tummy and stopped on his cock, the gently manipulated John's balls as if handling his own. Still holding John's balls, Jamie leaned forward and kissed John on the mouth, probing with his tongue deeply inside. Then holding John by the back of the neck, rested his forehead against John's and whispered. "Victoria, I've been in love with you since that first time you let me try on clothes in the store; I loved you then, and I love you now and nothing could change that."

Victoria/John whispered "Thank you, Jamie," and laid back pulling the boy on top of her with his head resting on Victoria's shoulder. The other two girl quickly undressed Jamie and Susan was naked in a flash and all four spent the night it slow passionate lovemaking. During the course of the night, Jamie sucked John's cock and gently fucked his ass, and John reciprocated fully.

The store remained closed for "Inventory" for another week, at the end of which the four lovers flew to Las Vegas and got married legally. John put on men's clothing only long enough to get the marriage license, then all four wore bridal gowns to the wedding chapel where they had made the arrangements in advance. Susan married Jamie and John married Jane, but everyone was unofficially married to each other.

Jamie, who was an accounting major in college took over the office of the store and the girls handled the sales. Business continued to grow, and John paid off the land contract in 4 years instead of 10, much to Mrs. Roberts surprise and delight. Within the year, they had rented the adjacent storefront and expanded the store, doubling it's size. By the end of the fifth year, they had bought the entire building and converted the second floor over the two store fronts into two interconnected apartments. Who slept where was continually changing but the John/Jane, Susan/Jamie pairs were the basis to which they always seemed to return. They were all very happy and continued their relationship for many, many, years. At that point Susan and Jamie opened a second store in another college town and called it "Victoria's II." John and Jane continued to operate the "Victoria's I" shop and lived long and very happy lives. Eventually, both stores passed to a son Susan bore, named "John" although they never bothered to find out which was the father of the child.



James was a smaller than average boy when he was young and therefore avoided many of the rough games other boys played. He grew up in a small town in Ohio with and older brother and a younger sister. This brother, Nick, was 2 years older than himself and considered him a pest, and excluded James from his play group unless forced to include him by their parents. His younger sister, Jill, was 6 years his junior and as the baby of the family got most of the parental attention. James was forced many times to baby-sit for his sister, since his brother Nick had a habit of disappearing frequently.

His family was very close to another family in the neighborhood named the 'Kobrights' who lived down the street from them. In the summers, the two families would go camping together at a state park and spend most of the summer there with the fathers commuting on the weekends. The Kobrights had 3 daughters, Cindy the oldest, Nancy, and Debbie; the girls were spaced at about one year intervals in age and Nancy was the same age as James.

Since the two families were so close, James considered the girls almost like sisters and when he got stuck babysitting for his little sister, one or more of the Kobright girls would usually come over and help him with the task. They usually studied their school work or played card games at his house until dinner time.

When he was 10, his mother took a job as a bookkeeper to bring in more money as the family was running under tight financial restraints. This left James at home almost every evening with his sister and 'chores' in the form of various house work to do before his parents arrived home. His mother taught him and his older brother to cook and the boys alternated in cooking the evening meal for the family. Other chores included doing the family laundry, including ironing clothes, cleaning the house, and the normal yard work boys usually get stuck with.

Nick hated to do the 'house work' type chores and since he was


Newsgroups: From: (The Archivist) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 22:37:30 UTC Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Dominated by Young Girls" (9/9)

  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Dominated by Young Girls -- Part 9 author unknown

physically bigger than his younger brother coerced the smaller boy into handling those duties. Nick handled the yard and outside chores, but refused to do any house work other than cooking dinner a couple of times per week.

One chore, James particularly hated was having to change or cleanup his little sister when she 'had an accident' or managed to spill food all over herself. The only good part of the duty was when he had to give her a bath, he got to check out her small female organs as he washed her. By the time he was 11, he knew his way around at least the external portions of her female anatomy having inspected her on many occasions. These 'inspections' included opening her little slit and looking at the inner lips and that little 'nubbin' thing at the top. He never inserted his fingers into her tiny opening, just looked at what was there. He did sometime stroke his finger over the 'nubbin' which seemed to always make the little girl laugh and giggle.

One day when he was about 12 and Nancy was at the house with him, Jill managed to spill chocolate milk all over herself as well as peanut butter and jelly from a sandwich he had given her. "Hell," said James as he picked up the wet and sticky child and took her to the bathroom. Nancy cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, then came into the bathroom to help James with the girl. He had already stripped off Jill's soaked clothing and was removing her panties when Nancy arrived.

Nancy drew a bath in the tub, while James used a washcloth to remove the heavy peanut butter and jelly from the girl's hands and face. James then picked up his wet sister and sat her in the warm water, and started cleaning her with a sponge. "How long have you been giving her baths?" Nancy asked, "Oh, a couple of year," the boy replied with a sigh, "Why?" "Just wondered," Nancy said, the continued, "You seem to know what your doing, and she seems accustomed to you handling her, that's all."

"Have you ever taken a bath with a girl?" Nancy asked as he continued to work on his sister. "Not since we were little and our folks used to throw us all in at once," he responded. "I was wondering if you remembered that...It was kind of fun wasn't it," Nancy said with a grin on her cute face. "Yes, except for the fact that you girls couldn't keep your hands off Nick and my's peckers," James replied, then looked over his shoulder and grinned back at Nancy. Looking him straight in the eye Nancy then said very softly, "Maybe we should do it again sometime, might be fun, don't you think?" "It just might," James replied, just as softly; then turned back to his sister and finished her bath.

Nancy was a very nice girl, very pretty and petite with milk white skin, china blue eyes, and shoulder length dark brown hair. In the past several months, puberty had hit James and he was beginning to sprout pubic hairs. He was also having a terrible time with unexpected and un-hidden erection and was starting to look at girls in a new way. When Nancy made this proposition regarding a bath, his young mind raced with possibilities, but he knew his parents would be home shortly, so decided to drop the matter, for now.

Over the next month, he noted that Nancy, was a very nice girl with a pleasant disposition but had started to make a pest of herself by wanting to follow him everywhere he went. She also acquired the habit of putting her hands on him whenever she was within reach, which was something she made a concerted effort to be.

A month or two later, James was riding his bicycle on Saturday along an old railroad spur which ran behind the housing allotment. There was an old line shack back beyond the woods, which were behind his parent's property. The boys had discovered the shack when they were little and used it as their 'fort' during games of cowboys and indians and war, etc. As the boys grew older, it was again abandoned and he was headed out just to look around and be alone for a while. As he rounded a bend in the tracks, he looked back and saw Nancy following him, so he decided to try to scare her off and hid in the woods out of sight until she came around the bend.

When she came past his position, he jumped out and trying to scare her said, that he would take her prisoner and spank her if she didn't go home. Nancy just stuck her tongue out at him and dared him to. Challenged, he took out some cord from his bike kit and tied her wrists behind her back, then marched her to the small railroad line shack. Instead of being frightened, Nancy seemed to relish the adventure, even when he told her he was going to spank her bare tail.

He knew he had to go through with the dare then, so he removed her halter top, shorts and little white panties. She was such a lovely sight with nothing on but her sandals that he could hardly control his excitement. He sat on a chair and put her in front of him, telling her that part of her punishment was to have to stand naked in front of him while he 'inspected' her.

Nancy, too, was just into puberty with the contours of femininity starting to throw hints around her straight-as-an-arrow body. Her breasts with their rose-pink nipples were just budding, her pubis had formed an enticing little mound and a dark fuzz with a few delicate strands shadowed her pouting sex. James put her over his lap face down and let his hand roam over her smooth back, her sassy round butt and smooth thighs and he didn't care if she could feel his hard-on through his shorts. He then ran his hand down the crack between her thighs and she giggled and squirmed against it.

James then began the spanking, gently at first and then harder until her ass was bucking and jerking. Every so often he would stop and put his hand down her crack. Nancy told him to keep doing that; spank her some more and then put his hand there again. They had discovered sexual spanking and although they didn't know the word for it, James gave her several orgasms. They did this little scene several more times over the next month and both enjoyed the excitement it gave them. That Summer, James agreed to mow the grass at the Kobright's and he was about half done one day when all three girls came out wearing their bikinis. James had seen all three girls all his life, but he now looked at them a little differently. Cindy had just turned 14 and to his amazement, had a rather large set of breasts for a girl her age. Her hips were well rounded and her legs looked fantastic to his young mind. Her hair was dark brown and worn long, almost half way down her back. Her eyes were a pale blue, almost grey in tone and penetrated straight through you when you looked into them.

Nancy's body he knew well after their little games in the line shack, but to his surprise, Debbie was rapidly developing also. Debbie was bigger than Nancy, both in height and overall size. She only stood about 1/2 inch taller, but her bust was half again as large as Nancy's bumps. Debbie also had dark brown hair but her's was worn short and framed her face highlighting her doe like brown eyes. Cindy was taller than James by an inch, Debbie was now the same height, and Nancy was only slightly shorter. Stealing glances at the girls as he worked, he circled the yard, his mowing bringing him closer and closer. To his dismay, he soon had a throbbing hard-on. Being much to shy to try to act out what he had been fantasizing about them, he finished mowing and went home to discover he had been locked out of the house, his parents, brother and sister having left for the evening; and his bladder was about to burst!

James went back to the Kobright's and approached the girls in the back yard, and asked Cindy if he could use their bathroom, explaining his problem. She started to agree but Nancy protested, saying that it sounded like a trick to get into their panties. Embarrassed at her comment, James turned beet red and noticing it, Debbie and Cindy joined in Nancy's game. While they discussed openly if he really needed to pee and what his real motives might be, he began to squirm as it became more and more difficult to wait. Nancy finally suggested that if he really had to go and they began tickling him, he would probably wet his pants. Agreeing, Cindy said, "Let's find out!"

After a brief struggle, the girls wrestled him to the ground and with Cindy holding his hands and Debbie sitting on his legs, Nancy began tickling him. He resisted as best as possible but soon he was laughing uncontrollably. Unable to hold back any longer, he began pissing his pants. The release of pressure felt so good, he didn't even try to stop.

Then he was embarrassed. Here he was, with three beautiful girls, and instead of screwing the hell out of them like he dreamed, he had wet his pants. The girls apologized for misjudging his intentions and to make up for it offered to let him shower while they washed and dried his soaked clothing.

James stripped in the bathroom and handed his clothes to them through the crack in the door before showering. Even though he still hoped to somehow fuck at least one of them, he couldn't help jacking off in the shower. Even then, when he dried off, his erection was returning. As per their instructions, James went to Nancy's bedroom where she said she would have some dry clothes for him. He wrapped a towel around him so they wouldn't see him in the hall but he didn't expect to see them in the bedroom.

The girls had changed from their bikinis. Nancy was wearing a tight fitting t-shirt which clearly outlined her budding young nipples and small mounds, which stopped at her hips and a revealing pair of bikini panties. Cindy had on a halter top which showed her breasts right down to just above her nipples, and a snug-fitting pair of cut-offs. Debbie, wore a sleeveless white cotton top which looked like a man's undershirt and again her breasts were clearly visible through the thin material, she also wore only white cotton bikini panties.

James started to back out but Cindy said to come in so they could dress him. Explaining they were afraid he would mess up any clothes they put on him, they picked out some of Nancy's for him to wear rather than wearing their father's clothes. James protested but they quickly pointed out he had little choice since he was caught with his pants down. They then produced and help him put on a blouse top which, with its flowery print and lacy trim, looked like a girl's dress on him. That illusion was furthered by the white cotton panties which plainly showed beneath the waist length hem of his "dress."

All the while they dressed him, they chided him for wetting his pants. Then turning to Cindy, Nancy told her that their mother still had supplies on hand for their younger cousins and if James had any further problems they might be able to find something in them for him. Nancy then asked how he liked getting into Debbie's panties (the one's he was wearing), then Cindy placing his hand on her breast, asked if he would like to kiss it. As James mumbled a reply, she pulled him onto the bed with her and pulled off her halter top to expose her rock hard nipples. James needed no further encouragement and was sucking furiously away while, slowly, Cindy rolled him over until he was flat on his back nursing and fondling her marvelous tits. Cindy then leaned over him and began stroking his throbbing penis through the soft cotton cloth.

Unknown to James, Nancy had left to dig through the supplies kept for their cousins and had returned with what she wanted while he was still being manipulated. Eventually Cindy's pumping proved too much and he came, shooting his sperm into Debbie's panties as he continued sucking those breasts. Utterly drained, he collapsed into a spinning world as he tried to separate fact and fiction; unable to believe what had happened.

As James slowly recovered, the girls scolded him for getting his pants wet again. While they removed them and washed the sperm from his now limp cock, they decided that he should be spanked. It was useless to resist and he was turned over Cindy's knee and given a very sound and stinging whipping. Then he was placed face down on the bed while Nancy explained she was rubbing his behind with baby powder to cool off his behind which felt like it was on fire. Turning him over, Nancy did the same to his penis the stuck a baby pacifier in his mouth. Cindy and Nancy then held him down while Debbie explained they had no choice, because of his problem keeping panties dry, except to diaper him.

Startled to his senses, James began squirming around to keep her from slipping the baby diapers she held in her hand under him. Debbie picked up a diaper pin and said she hoped he would lie still so she wouldn't stick him. Realizing he was trapped, he cooperated as she slipped the diapers under him, pulling them up between his legs, and pinning tightly in place. Nancy put the pacifier he had spit out back into his mouth and he sucked on it as Cindy led him to a mirror so he could "admire" how well they had diapered him. She pointed out the pink edges and Curity logo to prove they were real baby diapers and explained there were plenty left in case he had more accidents.

Then, having him lay on the floor, Debbie told him that since anyone toddling around in diapers must be a baby, he could nurse on her. Removing all her clothes, she let James suck on her tender young nipples resting a the tips of her small breasts. Then, with her guidance, he was eventually licking at her wet cunt, which had only a few hairs above it, none on the lips themselves. Even though he was inexperienced at cunnilingus, she was not shy about explaining and guiding his tongue where she wanted it. As he ate her delicious pussy, he felt a hand on his cock and glanced back to see Nancy reaching under his side. By the time Debbie came, James was aroused again. Nancy seeing and feeling this, left Debbie collapsed on the floor and removing all of her clothing let him continue his "training" on the bed with him still clad in his diaper.

When Nancy felt her orgasm approaching she grabbed his head and holding him by the hair forced it as hard as she could into her crotch, then arched her back and ground her pussy as hard as she could into his face until she collapsed backwards onto the bed. Cindy immediately unpinned one side of his diaper and guided his rock-hard cock into her steaming love tunnel. Fortunately, she had stroked herself prior to mounting him for he climaxed on his first few strokes, coming after only about a half a dozen.

Debbie had recovered and came over to the bed and pinned fresh diapers on him. James was then "forced" to eat all three girls out again before they would let him have his now dry clothes back.

For the rest of the summer, James made sure that he only cut the grass at their house on Saturday's when their parents were gone on the flea market circuit. As soon as he had completed the work he would be immediately stripped and diapered before eating the girls out. Usually they would jack him off while he still had his diapers on but occasionally, one of them would remove them and fuck him if they had already come.

During this period, the girls added some other attractions to their game; they shaved James pubic area since "babies don't have hair down there", tried inserting objects such as plastic hair brush handles and broom sticks up his ass, and putting ice cubes in his ass then checking him to make sure he didn't dribble in his diapers. These activities lead them to another favorite pastime, which was giving him enemas and then "inspecting" his asshole and underwear almost daily to assure that he wasn't having any accidents they were unaware of. This involved him coming to their house each day where he was made to drop his pants and underwear, then bend over and spread his cheeks while one of the girls checked his underpants for brown stains and looked into his ass with a flashlight. Often, she would slide a lubricated finger in and probe around, the friction from which usually got James hard. As a result of all of this anal activity, James became accustomed to having someone's fingers probing his young behind.


During the following winter, the girls tired of having James dressing as a diapered baby and either kept him nude or dressed as a girl in their own clothing. The latter of the two alternatives was something James really enjoyed as he got the chance to wear the frilly undergarments girls take for granted. Every time he felt the smooth fabric pass over his body, it sent chills throughout him and passed waves of electricity directly to his cock. He tried not to let the girls know that he enjoyed wearing their clothes since they were getting off on the thrill of dominating him completely, but he wasn't wholly successful. James mother no longer had to work, so she was now at home with his 7 year old little sister who had started school that year. James was therefore free to spend the time between school and dinner at the Kobright's every day, as their parents both worked. Although Debbie and Cindy had both fucked, Nancy as yet had not let him into her virgin hole other than with his mouth and tongue.

In January when he arrived at the house, the only one present was Nancy, the other having stayed at school for some activity. As soon as James entered the house he stripped off his clothing as required by the girl's rules, then walking naked through the house found Nancy in the kitchen. Nancy was sitting at the table drinking a coke when James walked in and indicated that she wanted him to stand beside her with a point of her long finger. James took the indicated position and waited for further indication of what this pretty girl might want. Still drinking her soft drink, the girl's eyes slowly raked over his body from his head downward taking in all the smooth skin along the way.

James was still only 5'6" and still smaller than the other boys his age, and had a very thin almost feminine build to his body. His skin was flawless and his face smooth like a girls, not having started developing as beard as of yet. The girls had kept his body completely hairless, shaving his groin, underarms, and legs regularly, saying they didn't like all that 'awful' hair even though there never was very much to begin with.

As if having made some decision, Nancy reached out with her left hand and gently stroked his cock until it shortly was erect. He was about 6" when hard, but not very thick only about 1 1/4" in diameter. Cindy called him "pencil dick" when upset with him, which usually caused him considerable embarrassment. Nancy then tenderly took his balls in her hand and gently rolled them between her fingers, as she looked off into space as if her mind were somewhere else.

"Do you remember when I was over at your house and you had to give Jill a bath after she spilled stuff all over herself?" "Yes," James said as he enjoyed the feel of her hand on him. "I told you that it might be fun for us to take one together," she continued, still as if her mind were lost somewhere else. "Yes," James responded. "I think since we are alone, today would be a good day to do that," Nancy proposed, then before he could answer, arose and leading him by his cock took him to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Nancy filled the tub with hot water and added a foaming bubble bath solution to it as the water ran. "Get in Jamie'," she said, and turned and started undressing. "Jamie?," he thought to himself as he slowly lowered his body into the foamy water. "My brother calls me 'Jim', my parents call me 'James', and my little sister calls me 'Jimmy,'but no one has ever called me Jamie' before. Before he could ask the question, Nancy offered the explanation. "I thought that since your body is more like a girl's than a boy's and since you enjoy dressing as a girl, you should have a girl's name," she said.

James was taken aback, obviously he had not been successful in convincing all of the girls that they were 'forcing' him to wear their clothing. Probably due to the fact that he had a hard-on most of the time when he was dressed as a girl. Nancy, told him to move forward in the tub, then stepped in behind him and sat down with her legs extending around him and down either side of his body. She then pulled him back so his head rested against her chest and James could see the swell of her still growing breasts to either side of his face.

Nancy arched her back which caused both of them to slide forward and down into the water, dunking James and then pulled him back up into the former position, only this time with her feet flat on the bottom which brought her knees up along side him. She then pulled his arms out and placed one over either thigh which held him from slipping again. Taking the shampoo in her hands she proceeded to wash his hair and soaped his shoulders and arms, then told him to dunk himself again. James followed her directions and when her surfaced again, she slid her arms under his and pulled his body tightly between her thighs until his back was pressed against her now hard nipples.

In this position, she slowly stroked his chest and stomach, with her chin resting on his right shoulder. James was thrilling at all of this contact by his pretty friend. Then reaching downward, she grasped his cock with her arm around him. As she gently stroked up and down, she asked, "Jamie, what's it like to have a cock?" James realized from the way she was holding him and stroking him that she was fantasizing that the cock she held was her's and trying to make believe that she was a boy masturbating himself. "At times, it's very nice," he whispered as she continued to stroke him. James reached back underneath and gently fingered Nancy's clit while she worked on him and soon felt movement in her pelvis as she pressed against his hand and not long after was humping her pussy against him. James couldn't take much more of this and gently inserted a finger into Nancy's slit, and was amazed at how tight and hot it felt.

He had fucked both of her sisters, but neither had felt THIS tight. James soon came and his cum shot up from his cock and some ran down over Nancy's hand. At the same time he felt the wall of her tight pussy seize onto his finger and knew that she had come also. Nancy managed to keep her hand covered with cum above the water as she climaxed and then drew it back past his head and he realized she was tasting it when she said, "Ummm, this tastes good, I want some more." Then shoving him forward, got up from behind him and said, "Baths all done, Jamie, let's go to my room," and immediately got out of the tub and dried off. James also got out and dried, then followed the luscious little ass which wiggled ahead of him down the hall.

Once in the bedroom, Nancy had him lay down on the bed on his back, then pounced on his cock with an oral assault, unlike any the young boy had ever experienced before. Debbie had given him the only blowjob he had ever had, but compared to this, she was a rank amateur. As soon as he was hard, Nancy got above him on the bed, then slowly lowered her tight pussy onto his shaft. He knew now that she was a virgin, and was afraid to move thinking he might hurt her, so he let her take complete charge. Nancy impaled herself inch by inch, stopping every so often to let her cunt adjust to the intruder. After he was part way in, she suddenly dropped with the full force of her weight and screamed as his cock tore through her hymen. Resting for a couple of seconds, she then looked down and smiled at him as she started moving on his cock.

Slowly she built up speed until she was driving down at him with such force that he thought she would pound him through the bed. When she came, it was explosive, with her body being whacked by tremors and convulsions and her falling forward onto his chest. After resting a few seconds she could still feel his hard cock inside her and looking up from his chest into his eyes said, "You just got one cherry, so you might as well have the other...besides I don't want you to come in my pussy,...I might get pregnant." She then got off of him and walked to her dresser where she picked up a bottle of baby oil and returned to the bed. Turning her backside to him she liberally coated her asshole with the oil, then poured some in her hand and coated his still rampant cock.

Nancy then got back onto the bed, but this time got into a position on her hands and knees and told him to stand on the floor behind her. James did as he was told as was soon looking at her well muscled behind from the rear, her pussy lips visible between her thighs. "Be careful and gentle," she said and gave him a smile, then dropped her head down onto her hands and wiggled her ass at him. James stroked the crack of her ass with his fingers and picking up some of the excess oil, slowly massaged the little puckered opening. After a minute or two the tight muscle relaxed and James slowly inserted his finger, working the oil inside from all angles. When he had the second finger inside, he decided she was ready, and gently grasped her by the hips and then ever so slowly penetrated her ass with his cock.

He stopped each time he felt her body tighten, not wanting to hurt her, and it wasn't long before his balls rested against the back of her thighs. Again he started slowly, pulling almost all the way out then sliding through this tight tunnel of flesh until his thighs touched hers. After about 10 strokes, she started meeting his thrusts with her own, and soon they were driving at each other with all of their strengths. Their bodies covered with sweat, they pounded each other until James felt his balls tighten in anticipation of his climax. "I'm going to come," he rasped short of breath, and Nancy responded, "Fuck me Jamie, come in my ass, Yes, Yes fuck me Jamie, I want to feel you come inside me." That encouragement was all that was needed as James climaxed with his entire body and drove Nancy onto her stomach on the bed, where they rested with his cock still up her ass, until it came out on it's own, limp. After cleaning up in the bathroom, Nancy took James in her arms and kissed him more deeply than he had ever been kissed before, then whispered, "Thank you Jamie," and gave him a pat on the ass.


For the next 3 years, Jamie had sex with one or more of the girls every day. After Nancy had spread the word of how good his cock felt in her ass, he was soon plowing all three with regularity, since they could not get pregnant with that type of fun. They not only continue to allow him to dress up as a girl, but helped him acquire his own wardrobe. They taught him to use makeup and how to style his hair which he had let grow as long as possible before his father complained, which was almost as long as Debbie's. Keeping it at that length, it could be styled either way and with a little brushing and a couple of berets or ribbons and the proper clothing he could make a convincing girl when he wanted. He only grew another inch in height reaching 5'7" before stopping and remained thin and trim in build. His beard when it finally started was very light, and the girls removed it with Nair rather than him shaving it.

It was Jamie and Nancy's Senior year, and Nancy decided to take Jamie to the school Halloween dance as a girl. It was not uncommon for boys to go as girls so Jamie didn't object, he knew he would be the best looking boy/girl at the party.

Jamie told his parents that he was going to the Halloween dance as a girl and that the Kobright girls were going to help him with his costume. Knowing that the kids had grown up together, they thought nothing of his request to stay at their house the night before the dance so the girls could "work on his costume." The girls however, were alone for the weekend, since their parents were away on a mini- vacation.

Jamie went to the girl's house Friday after school and was not due home until Sunday. The girls told him to dress (as a girl) because they were taking him out to dinner.

With glee, Jamie charged up to Nancy's room and there found an outfit laying on the bed for him to wear. It was a white cotton blouse with a big frilly collar and full length sleeves with lace cuffs. A navy blue jumper dress, slip, padded bra, nylon panties, pantyhose, and black patent leather flats for his shoes. Jamie donned the clothes then sat down at Nancy's dressing table and did his makeup and hair, and when he was done, he looked like a young girl of about 15 just home from school.

All three girls smiled when he came down the stairs and twirled before them in young girl fashion, then applauded his work at the transformation. No one seemed to notice when the four pretty girls arrived at the local oriental restaurant in Cindy's car and then went inside to eat.

Jamie however, was trembling since this was the first time he had ever been in public 'dressed', only the three girls had ever seen him this way. Nancy noticed his nervousness and placed orders for both of them and stroked his thigh under the table while they waited for their food to arrive. Jamie had seen a number of people in the restaurant whom he knew, but none of them recognized him. Nancy leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Just think of this as a trial run for tomorrow," she said and both saw and felt him relax.

The entire outing including a movie Cindy treated them to went without incident. Although Jamie almost headed for the wrong restroom at the theater. Nancy who was with him, however, guided him in the right direction so it was not even close to being a problem.

When they arrived back at the house, the three girls all but raped him just inside the door. They had been excited all evening watching him and the reactions people had to him as he moved about town in his female persona. Of particular interest, was that many of his and their friends failed to recognize him and accepted their explanation of a visiting friend from out of town. After being stripped, fucked twice and he had eaten all three girls through several climaxes each; they all sat nude in the living room and discussed the evening. After an hour of solid talk about what they had seen and felt, Cindy offered an observation to the group.

"We now know, Jamie can pass as a girl almost anywhere, even with people who know him." "But tomorrow night, he must OBVIOUSLY look like a boy dressed as a girl!" "But why?," both Jamie and Nancy answered in unison. "Because, if he looks like he did tonight, he will NEVER be able to dress in public in this town ever again," Cindy replied. "Oh," all three of the others responded with dejection on their faces. "I know you had plans of him wearing a beautiful gown, and looking absolutely perfect," Cindy continued, "But that's just not possible, unless he is willing to stop dressing forever after tomorrow." "I don't want to do that," Jamie said softly. All four of them remained nude for the balance of the night, and each of the girls offered Jamie her personal condolences in the form of sex of one kind or another. At midnight, he went to bed sandwiched between Nancy and Debbie in Nancy's bed, and cried twice during the night when he thought no one would hear.

Jamie spent the next day dressed as a girl in a shell type blouse and bright yellow skirt, with the same shoes he had worn the night before, and little lacy ankle socks. He helped the girls clean the house and it felt perfectly natural for him to do that kind of work attired as he was. Two of the girls managed to get him alone during the day and continued to console the boy; Cindy gave him a blowjob in the laundry room and Debbie let him fuck her ass in the upstairs bathroom. The latter came about when he discovered her cleaning the bathtub in the nude, "so she wouldn't mess up her clothes," with her bare ass pointed at the door. Seeing him behind her looking her over with appreciation, she wiggled her ass at him then reached up and got some vaseline and lubed her little hole before his eyes, then wiggled her butt at him again.

With an invitation like that, Jamie could not refuse and immediately hiked up his skirt, pulled down his panties and filled the little hole for her. Both were excited about the possibility of discovery and Jamie fingered her as he pumped her rear channel. They both came in a tangle of limbs and laughed as they cleaned each other up following their climaxes.

That evening Jamie was placed in a dress too large for him and his makeup was done to both excess and poorly so it looked like an inexperienced boy had put it on himself. He wore a pair of high heels but without stockings or pantyhose and his own underwear under the dress. When he looked at himself in the mirror, he was grotesque and hated the way he looked. All three girls saw this and gave him hugs and kisses in response. Nancy, dressed as a clown and the two went to the party, but returned home early. Jamie just couldn't enjoy himself dressed as he was.

By the time they arrived home, Jamie was crying heavily and the girls stripped him of the offending clothing. Then, undressing themselves took him into the shower and all three washed and stroked the poor boy as they cleaned the makeup from him. They then took him to their parents bed and all four slept together, Jamie being passed back and forth from breast to breast all night long.

Jamie awoke Sunday morning with Nancy riding his cock, Debbie's pussy in his face and Cindy kissing his nipples and sucking on his belly button as she stroked his thighs with her hand. He did his best to satisfy all three in one way or another, then after a nap and a hearty breakfast went home to his parent's house.

At the end of May, Cindy told Jamie to get dressed in something "very pretty" tomorrow when you come after school. "Our parents will be out of town, and I have a special graduation present for you," the young woman explained. When he arrived the next day, he was met at the door by Debbie and Nancy who guided him to Debbie's room where he was dressed in a very pretty pink and white flowered dress with a crisp white 'Navy' style collar and little cap sleeves. Under the dress he wore a white satin and lace camisole, with white lace panties and white stockings attached to the camisole by garters. On his feet were placed black pumps with 2" heels and they did his hair and makeup for him as he sat back and allowed the girls to work. When the girls finally allowed him to look at himself in the mirror, he almost came on the spot, when he saw the beautiful young girl looking back with little white ribbons pined in her hair above each ear. Each of the girls planted a kiss on his cheeks then lightly on his mouth, not wanting to mess up his pink lipstick.

The three of them sat and talked for about half an hour when they heard the front door open and Cindy called Jamie's name. Jamie bounded to the top of the stairs and was half way down when he froze in his tracks. Below, stood Cindy with a good looking young man of about 20, who was well over 6' and looked to be around 200 lbs. of muscle. "Isn't she pretty," Cindy said to the man. "Damn, she's gorgeous!" he responded. "Come here, Jamie," Cindy encouraged, and Jamie cautiously continued down to where they were standing.

"Jamie, this is Terry, a man I work with," Cindy said indicating the man, "Terry, this is Jamie, the girl I told you about." "Hello Jamie," he smiled and gave a slight nod of his head. "Hi, Terry," Jamie replied with the most innocent young girl's look on her face. "Jamie, Terry knows all about you, and thinks it's great, and he is going to take you and Nancy out to dinner tonight as a graduation present...I'll see you when you get back from dinner," Cindy said. Looking at Terry then to Cindy, and feeling Nancy touching him from behind, he gave a cute little flick of his head and excitedly said, "OK, let's go!"

Terry took the two girls to one of the best restaurants in town, and to all appearances he was escorting a young lady of about 18 (Nancy) and possibly her younger sister who looked to be maybe 16 (Jamie), out for a night on the town. When they returned home, they found Cindy and Debbie sitting in the living room wearing short satin robes, and both of them got up and came to the trio giving them each a kiss. "Now, for the rest of your present," Cindy said, and opened her robe to show she was naked underneath. Debbie stepped over to Terry and began unbuttoning his shirt, while Nancy unbuckled the man's belt and then lowered his pants to his ankles. Jamie looked on in horror at the big bulge in the front of the man's underwear and then felt someone unzipping his dress at his back.

"Terry," said Cindy, "is a bisexual, and has agreed to let you feel what it's like to be a girl," she continued. With his dress and slip removed, Jamie was now attired only in his camisole, panties, and stockings, was gathered into the arms of the man now nude before him. Terry gently kissed Jamie as all three girls stroked their bodies and after several such kisses, gently lowered the boy to his knees before him. Jamie was now "eye-to-eye" with an 8" hard cock and large set of balls suspended below it. Nancy held his shoulders and gently stroked them, then bending over, whispered in his ear, "Suck it Jamie, you know you want to."

Jamie leaned forward so that the giant cock was resting against his cheek, then gave it a tentative lick with his tongue. Deciding that it tasted good, he slowly licked all around the head and down along the sides of the shaft. Gently taking the shaft in his small hand, he opened his mouth as wide as he could and slowly lowered it over the cock he held. Jamie remembered what he liked when the girls sucked him and attempted to duplicate the best of the blowjobs he had received on this man's cock. Shortly, the man was moaning and thrusting in and out of Jamie mouth as the girls all grinned at each other. Jamie applied the suction and swallowed each time the man's cock reached the back of his throat, forcing it down into his throat. The man quickly came from Jamie's forceful sucking and deep throat technique and Jamie swallowed all he could, but a little leaked around the shaft and onto his lips.

As soon as the cock cleared his lips, Nancy planted a kiss on him, licking the cum residue into her mouth. "Taste's good doesn't it Jamie," and gave him another kiss. Cindy was now laying on the floor with her legs wide open, "EAT ME JAMIE!" she cried in her excitement at watching that blowjob. Jamie immediately dove mouth open on her cunt and proceeded to ream her innards with his tongue. When working on Cindy, he felt hands on his ass, spreading some slippery substance on his asshole. Jamie relaxed, and quickly two fingers were sliding in and out of his backside and in what seemed like no time at all, he felt the head of that big cock at his tiny hole.

Terry was gently and slowly worked his cock into Jamie's ass until buried full length. Then started stroking as he held the boy by his hips. Jamie continued eating Cindy, who came quickly and was immediately replaced by Nancy with her box wide open to Jamie's mouth. Jamie slurped and licked with all his strength was Terry continued to ram his meat up Jamie's ass, Debbie meanwhile was laying under Jamie sucking his cock from below and soon everyone came in a giant orgasm which reverberated from body to body. Jamie called his parents and got permission to stay the night, then the three girls, Terry and Jamie retired to the big bed for an all night sex feast which involved every possible combination of bodies at one point or another.

After graduation from high school, Jamie went away to college at a town in Indiana. The first six months he was there, he was very unhappy, no longer able to dress as a girl and having left all his clothes at the girl's house anyway. Then one day when browsing in a used clothing store, he met a beautiful young woman named `Victoria' who let him try on clothes in the store.


Vicky moved away from home immediately after turning 18 and graduating from high school. Within a year she was pregnant and married a guy named Joe who worked as an auto mechanic. By age 24 she had gained 100 lbs and had 4 children to drive her crazy. Joe, it seemed believed in keeping his woman "barefoot and pregnant."

Lisa, married Tom (Vicky's former boyfriend) and they moved to the east coast after graduating from college. Nothing more is known about their lives.

Michelle, went to college after graduating high school, and according to newspaper reports was gang raped at a fraternity party. Six boys were arrested and prosecuted in the case.


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