TG ARCHIVES a Gift of Lingerie

By Rick Panty

Published on Feb 24, 2007



January 26 to February 8, 2007 A Gift of Lingerie By rickthepantylover

Story Codes: TG ARCHIVES `a Gift of Lingerie'{rickthepantylover}(MB 1st con tv )[ ! ]

This story is a work of fiction and is the product of an active imagination and has no bearing on reality. It is intended for the pleasure and enjoyment of people who like to read such stories.

Note: This is the first time writing. I would love to hear from anyone who reads my story. I will ignore flames. If you have any comments good or bad please email me:

Chapter 1. Beginnings

The music of the Bee Gees drifted across the parking lot from the white Lincoln. The motor was purring, just waiting for the order to take off. The middle aged gentleman who sat in the drivers' seat was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited for his friend to show. This would be the 10th week that they had met here and he was hoping that today they could take their relationship to another level. He looked at the clock on the dash he still had 5 minutes to wait. He didn't expect any cars this morning to park here. It was mid September and cool. The forecast was for rain later on this morning.

His name was David Erin Ross, 42 years old, 5 foot 9 inches tall, a full head of wavy black hair, 160 pounds with no sign of any extra weight. His brown eyes took in everything around him. Those brown eyes made his career in photography.

David noticed him long before he reached the parking lot striding along with his knapsack on his back, without a care in the world. He would disappear in a few seconds as the trail headed down a small hill and reappear about a minute later just before the parking. Drops of rain started to hit the windshield.

David mumbled to himself as he watched him disappear. "Come on Richard, let's move it."

His name was Richard Barrows, 16 years old and as he would tell David, "I am almost 17, in 2 months anyway." Unlike most teenagers his face was clear of acne, but he had the same long hair down to his shoulders that every other teenager had in the late 60's. His hair colour was dirty blonde. He stood at 5 foot 6 and weighted around 150 David guessed. Today he was wearing his usual blue jeans, hiking boots, a plaid western shirt, and an old army bush jacket.

They had met by accident on a late May Saturday afternoon at the Five and Dime on Queen Street. David had come in to pick up a couple magazines and a copy of the New York Times. He saw Richard at the back of the store in an area he was not supposed to be in - the Adult Section. Remembering his youth, he casually watched the kid looking at the plastic wrapped magazines on the bottom shelf, the homosexual section. He was there about 5 minutes when he decided he wanted to see what the boy was looking at so he slowly walked down the isle to the adult section. The boy didn't see him standing behind him as he glanced down at the magazine he was holding `The Lady Boys'. David smiled. He made a noise and told the kid "Excuse me" as he reached down and picked up a similar title. The kid had glanced up at him and put the magazine back and left the section picking up a comic book on the way back to the cashier.

The second encounter was a couple of weeks later and basically the same thing happened but this time David had told him that that was "very interesting reading material."

The third encounter was at his studio. His Mom had brought him in for graduation pictures to send to relatives.

A week later they had their first conversation. He came in to pick up the proofs to take home.

"You are very photogenic Richard." Richard mumbled something and picked up the envelope and was about to leave when David told him he remembered seeing him in the Adult section looking around. "If you need any questions on sex or want to discuss something or need help purchasing an item please give me a ring." He handed Richard his card. "I'll be there for you." Richard left the shop blushing.

Richard called the next day and the two met in this same parking lot in mid June. Since then they have met every Saturday morning for chats and later to share some XXX rated magazines that David made sure had some crossdressing pictures and masturbation. They started kissing 4 weeks ago while jerking each other off and David telling Richard that he would look good in nylons and garter belts. It seemed to drive Richard to new heights of lust. Richard asked David if he had any panties and nylons for him to wear when they were making out on a secluded back road just out of town. David promised that he would have a gift when they went over to his place. "You just can't get dressed in a car."

David shook his head to clear the thoughts from his mind. His pants were tenting with his engorged prick just remembering what they had done. David put the car in gear and drove slowly over to where the trail ended and waited. Right on schedule the young man came back into view and gave a big smile when he saw the car waiting for him. He waved to David and a second later opened the door and tossed his knapsack into the back seat. He sat down and turned to the driver and smiled.

"Hi David, it looks like I just got here in time." Big droplets of rain just started to fall. Richard leaned forward and opened his mouth waiting for a kiss. David's lips met him halfway. They broke the kiss a few seconds later. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too." David said. He turned and hit the wiper switch. "You don't know how much I missed you."

Richard sat back in the seat. "It's kind of cold today. I don't think taking a drive up to Hull Lake is a good idea anymore. Do you have any ideas where we might go instead?"

Richard asked the question that he didn't think he could ask Richard. "My place is not far from here" David paused while looking at Richard "I know it's a lot nicer and roomier than this car." David hoped that he didn't scare Richard off. If he didn't go for this plan he had already checked out the movies playing today and had a movie to go to too.

Richard sat and thought about it. The tension was mounting on both sides as he debated saying yes to Dave. "I've never been to your place." Richard looked at Dave. "Do you think my Mom would approve?" He grinned.

"To keep dry maybe but to do what I think you want to do -I don't think she would approve." Dave smiled as he said it.

"I think my Mom would kill me if she knew what we have done." Richard grinned at that but remained quiet for another minute. Dave knew it was all Richard's decision and no one else's to make. So he zipped his mouth shut and waited for the teenager to make up his mind.

"Dave' a pause as Richard put the words into sentences in his mind "I'll be safe at your place" another pause "like you know - you won't force me to do anything I don't want to do?"

"Richard, I promise we will only go as far as you want to go." David took Richard's hand in his and rubbed the top of his hand. "I promise." This was a big move for Richard going away from an area he had the possibility of escaping from if things got out of hand to being in a man's house where he didn't know where his safe places were. "You have nothing to worry about."

Richard looked over at David and said the magic words David was waiting for. "OK. Let's go to your place."

David smiled and put the car in gear and drove out of the parking lot.

Richard was silent as they drove to Dave's house. Dave decided to try to keep Richard calm. "I live 3 blocks from the university at 315 North Maple. I am sure you have seen my place as you walked to school."

"You live in a mansion?" Richard asked trying to recall exactly where along North Maple that 315 was. "Are you married?" Richard asked thinking he would be meeting his wife and kids very shortly.

"No Richard I am not married. I have been a bachelor all my life. I got the house when my grandfather passed on. It is a big house but it's not a mansion."

He glanced at Richard as they drove and Richard looked relieved. He turned the car onto North Maple. David pushed a button on the visor as they turned into the driveway and drove behind the house and parked a few seconds later in the garage. "We are here." David said as he hit another button and the garage door started to close. David opened his door and got out. "Come on Richard." Richard followed David a second later.

Just after they entered the house Richard jumped on David's back and kissed him on his ear. His tongue whipped around the ear lobe and started to drive David wide with lust as he tried to take the key out from the lock. David twisted and escaped the tongue of Richard. Richard was grinning "That's for doing that to me last week in the car. That drove me crazy."

"That's why I did it to you." Dave was grinning "and if you think that drove you crazy wait till you see what I got planned you us today." Dave closed the distance between them and took hold of his young lover and planted a kiss on Richard's open mouth. They were both holding on for dear life as their kiss drove them to new heights of lust.

David broke off the kiss to suggest that there are more rooms in this house than the hallway and that they might be more comfortable in the living room. Dave grabbed Richard's ass cheeks and lifted him up in the air as they resumed the kiss. Richard wrapped his legs around his lover. They headed off to the living room.

They ended up on the sofa in a deep embrace that lasted a very long time and involved a lot of groping and feeling hot hard muscles and stripping off clothes. They were both half naked when they came up for air. Both of their cocks were exposed and were standing at attention with all the handling they had been given.

"We should strip." Dave said as he finished taking off his shirt. He sat on the sofa to pull his shoes off, and then slid his pants down and off. Naked he turned to his young lover and watched him laying there half naked.

Richard still had his shirt on but it was open showing his chest. His pants were down just enough to expose him for the fun they had but nothing more. "Since you are bear assed naked I should be too I guess" as he pulled himself to a sitting position. Richard took his time taking off his clothes but when he was done he was as naked as the day he was born.

David was taking in the sights of his lover. Richard had very little hair on his chest, with just the beginnings of some bushes in his underarms. His flat belly had a little hair going downward but it was hardly noticeable. He did have a moderate forest of hair around his cock and balls, probably the same amount I had thought David to when he was 16.

"You look even more beautiful than I imagined." David said as pushed him back into a position on his back. His hand started to move up Richard's leg. He took Richard's nice sized 5 inch cock in hand and started sliding his hand up and down the shaft and watching the precum leak out of the tip.

"You are bigger than I thought." Richard smiled as he said it. David stood up.

"Thank you for the compliment." He smiled and walked up to his head. "Wanna exam it now up close." David dropped down to his knees and his beautiful cock was about 7 inches away from Richard's face.

Richard laid on his side and took the cock in his hand. "How big are you Dave?"

"8 inches long." Dave was grinning as he felt both of his hands encircle his love muscle. "That feels really good Rick." Dave got another thrill when he felt his breathe on his cock head as both hands started sliding back and forth. Dave looked down and saw and felt Richard's tongue lick the precum off the tip. Another "Ohhh that feels great Rick"

David pushed his hips forward a bit and was rewarded with a warm mouth engulfing his hot member. He made sure he didn't go too far in his mouth and then started backing off slowly. He watched as Richard moved his head forward and pushed the shaft father inside his mouth. He started to pull out slowly again .Richard's tongue swirled around the cock head a few times sending slivers of joy to David before letting the shaft slide back inside his mouth. David leaded on the sofa and pushed Rick back onto his back. He stood up for a second and put his legs on either side of Richard's head and dove down to enjoy Richard's cock too.

Richard watched the dick bob a few times before he grabbed it and guided it to his mouth. He played flute on the shaft and then took it in his mouth and started to suck in earnest while David did the same to him.

Richard of course shot his load into David's mouth first. David took a few more minutes but pulled out of Richard's mouth before he released his load to ask Richard if he wanted it in his mouth or on his face. "I want it both ways" was his reply and David delivered two big globs of his man juice to the back of his throat and pulled out to squirt another 2 globs onto his lover's face before sliding back inside the warm mouth that helped deliver the goods.

Richard shot another load into his lover's mouth just after David came on his face.

Recovering from their 69ing effort they laid in each other's arms and cuddled and kissed for a long time. David excused himself after a bit and asked Richard if he wanted a drink.

"A coke for me if you got it, if not water will be fine." David brought back the drinks and they sat and just enjoyed each other's company without saying anything. They went at it again before the broke for lunch.

It was after lunch that David brought out several gift wrapped boxes. He handed them to Richard. "This is for being such a god lover."

"What is this for?" Richard asked with a smile a mile wide. David said nothing but grinned at the look of surprise.

"What is in here?" Richard asked.

"Open the packages up and see." David said "Go on open `em up." Chapter 2 - Bearing Gifts

"No don't open them up yet. Can I ask you a question first?" David told Richard just as he was about to open the first package.

"Sure." Richard said with a silly grin.

"The day I saw you in the store you were looking at a lady boy magazine and a couple of weeks ago you asked me if I had any panties that you could wear. Have you ever worn panties of girls' clothes before?"

Richard blushed. He looked down at the floor. "I have."

"Would you like to tell me about it?" Dave asked.

"Not today." Richard smiled at Dave. "I will tell you sometime later. OK?"

`OK. Go on and open your presents."

Richard pulled the pretty bow off the package. He lifted the lid and underneath there was a few sheets of pink wrapping paper with a store sticker holding the sheets together. The sticker said `Jacob's Fine Lingerie.' I know this label Richard said to himself wondering what he would find under the paper. He broke the seal and moved the paper apart. Underneath all of that was a beautiful white bustier with garters and a pair of breast forms to wear under the garment. Richard picked up the bustier and held it against his body. "This is beautiful." Tears welled in Richard's eyes as he reached over and kissed David. "Thank you very much."

He was now getting excited so he quickly put the bustier back in the box and reached for the second box. Opening it he found about a dozen panties in various colours and styles. He picked up each panty and admired each panty. "They are so beautiful and sexy." He turned to David "you will have a hard time keeping your hands away from me."

"That was the plan." David grinned as he watched Richard's joy soar to new heights. As Richard opened up the third box David went back into the bedroom and brought out 3 more boxes and put them next to the Richard.

"More gifts?" Richard said in awe.

"These are the finishing touches so you will be even more beautiful that you think you can be."

The next box contained a pair of white 3 inch high hi heels and a pair of black 4 inch high hi heels along with some fancy nylons in various colours. Richard put the boxes aside and picked up the newest box.

"You got me some Makeup!" Richard jumped up and kissed David on the lips; after pulling away from the kiss. "You did think of everything."

"There is a certificate for make up lessons and a spa treatment for you too. When you want to use those certificates they will come here and pamper you and make you feel like you are a woman."

Richard looked up in shock at David. "No! They will know I am a boy!"

"Relax Richard. The girls that will do the treatment will be boys. You'll be safe."

"You mean there are people like me out there. I'm not a freak?"

"There are lots of guys out there like you" a pause to let it sink in "and there are many guys like me that like girls like you out there too. You are not along."

Richard started to cry. "I thought I was the only one like this." David came over and hugged his girl. "No baby you are here and you are not alone anymore. I'll make sure you have lots of friends that are like yourself." Richard calmed down and resumed opening her presents.

"Wow. You are too much David."

The next 2 boxes were long like for dresses. Inside he found a long white satiny see through robe along with a pair of white 2 inch hi heel slipper.

The last box had a young lady's clothing to work in an office.

"If you don't like the colours you can take it back and exchange it." David said.

Richard put the boxes down and came over and gave David a big sexy kiss. "Thank you so much. I though if I ever got some lingerie from you it would have been off someone's clothes line." David was sitting in a club chair and Richard dropped down to his knees and took David's rapidly raising monster into her mouth again and started to suck him dry fondling his heavy nuts in one hand as her other hand and lips and mouth pleasured his love muscle. Richard received another blast of cumm and swallowed. Her tongue teased another blast of cumm out and with a bit more suction Richard received one last hot blast of cumm.

After a bit of time David asked Richard to "be a good girl and put on a fashion show."

"Don't run away lover" as he picked up the gifts and walked away into the bedroom. "Be back in a few minutes." Richard disappeared into the bedroom closing the door.

Chapter 3 A lingerie Show worth Watching

The clock rang 15 bells when the bedroom door finally opened. "Hey Dave do you have that strip tease song in your record collection?" Richard asked from behind the door.

David was not expecting that request. "I might have, give me a second to check." It took a couple of extra minutes but Dave finally had it. "Do you want me to put it on?" Dave asked wondering what kind of show he was in for.

"You are a real sweety Dave. Put it on in a minute and take a seat."

The brassy sound of the strip song was playing when Richard stepped out of the bedroom door.

The makeup was applied but was a bit off in places but looked very good for a first timer Dave thought. Dave took in the outfit he had brought her and was amazed at how well it fit.

Richard was wearing the office girl outfit and most girls would have a tough time competing against this boy. Dave thought. He gave Richard a wolf whistle to encourage her along. That just made things hotter.

This gal sashayed up to him and then turned around and rolled her hips in a sexy display of a woman's lust. She had a pair of glasses on and she flipped them to him. She turned back and blew him a kiss and then started to unbutton her blouse. With the top three buttons undone she came over and moved her titties inches from his face. Dave loved the show so far. She moved back a bit and finished unbuttoning her blouse and slid it slowly off one shoulder and then the other moving her hips to the music. She turned and dropped the blouse as the song ended.

With a few seconds as the record got to the next song she unbuttoned her skirt. The next song was `Big Spender Spend a Little Time with Me.' As the opening bar came on she dropped the skirt and stepped out to reveal her splendor in all white lingerie and hi heel shoes. She was on the chair with him between her spread legs as she weaved her magic bumping and grinding away. Dave's cock so hard now, was bouncing between her legs as she swayed to the music. His sensitive head was feeling the nylons and bare flesh and the satiny panty material all at once. She slid her hand down and took his cock in her hand and drove her poor lover even crazier with lust. Near the end of the song she slid off the chair and her mouth took his member into her mouth. When the song ended she slipped his cock out and stood.

The last song she peeled her panties off and freed her cock and it bounced around as she danced around the room. She ended up behind the chair and put her legs on the top of the chair she leaned forward and resumed sucking his cock. Her cock was hanging out around David's mouth and Dave being the gentleman he is grabbed her cock and started sucking it. They both shot their love juices into each others mouth as the song ended. Dave was worn out and they cuddled for a long time after.

"How did you learn to do that?" Dave asked

Richard was grinning as he told him "Natural talent I guess."

"That's not natural talent. You move as if you have had dance lessons."

"You see that in my dancing?"

"Yeah I do. So who taught you?"

"My Mom teaches dance. When I was a kid I was always there when classes were in session and I picked up a lot of their moves."

"What about the stripping?"

"A stripper taught me the basic moves one night when I was 12. She couldn't do that kind of dancing then in the bars `cause you are not allowed to touch your customers."

"They still can't do that kind of dancing. And millions of guys are disappointed, but I am one hell of a lucky guy." Dave smiled and gave Richard a kiss "but you did it for me." Richard kissed back and sooner than you could say blow job Richard was giving another blowjob to Dave.

When they had calmed down again Richard told him his story about dressing up.

Chapter 3. Life Lessons

"So when was the first time you wore panties?" Dave asked.

"Mom found me all dressed up one afternoon when I disappeared and was not making any noise. She found me in her bedroom with a full slip on, some pearl necklaces around my neck, panties on, and half a bottle of her perfume on." Richard giggled retelling the story.

"How old were you?"

"I was 5 or 6 at the time. Mom has a picture of me in a photo album. But if you had asked me when did I become interested in lingerie. That happened when I was 10. I overheard my Mom talking to her friends about a crossdresser she knew. She was telling her friends that he had nicer dresses than she did. That is what sparked my interest. I knew who she was talking about and a couple months later I was alone with him and asked him. I told him what my Mom had said about him. He finally told me the truth when I asked him how I could do it. I stole my first panties when I was 11 and started wearing them almost immediately. I got in trouble when I forgot I had gym class in Grade 7 and I got teased because the boys all found out I was wearing girls panties. I never made that mistake again but the rumors were out and very few people would hang out with me. Dating was a real nightmare. None of the girls who heard about my wearing panties would go to a school dance with me. I had no guys that I could hang out with. The boys thought I was a fairy.

Grade 8 I got involved in the Drama program and because my Mom taught dance I could hang out with the girls and to this day I know more about girls than almost anyone my age. They may not want to go out with me but they will confide in me. It's strange isn't." All David could do was nod his head.

"What part of Drama did you end up doing?" Dave asked. "In the beginning it was acting, but later in grade 9 I got involved in stage management and set design. Eventually I stopped acting at all. It was fun but not as much as I stuff I do in High School.

The two chatted a long time about what life was for a boy that didn't fit in. Dave finally asked about boyfriends. "I got lucky on my first one." Richard turned over on his side and looked into Dave's eyes. "You are my first boyfriend."

"I'm you're first boyfriend?" Dave asked knowing how lucky he was. "I'm it?"

"The one and only." Richard smiled. And gave Dave a peck on the cheek "and you are a real sweety. I'm going by the experience of a lot of hetro girls. Some gals have no luck at all."

The clock rang 17 bells. "That was a fast day." Dave said when the clock starts chiming the hour. Richard looked over at the clock and read the time.

"Shit its 5 o'clock. I gotta be home by 6." Richard got up. "Can I use the shower?"

"Go ahead Richard. Take your time. I'll drive you home. Remember you were supposed to be with me today up at the lake. Your Mom will understand."

"Shit I don't even have a picture. What will I say we did together?"

"Because it was raining we decided to go to the dark room and develop some prints." Dave pointed out.

Richard paused to think about that. "That'll work. Mom will be Ok with that." Richard calmed down and Dave walked over and hugged Richard, "You are OK."

In the bedroom Dave helped Richard remove his lingerie. As Richard sat on the bed to take off the stockings David chatted quietly to him. "You made my day, my week, my year, my decade. Today I was blown away by how beautiful and sexy you are."

Richard rolled up the stockings. "I'll have to wash these" and pointed out the cumm stain on the nylons. "You do know how to blow a gal away."

Dave handed Richard the panty. "These too need to be washed." There was dry cumm stains all over the panty. Richard took the panty and put it with the stockings. He decided he better check the bustier for any stains and found a few. "We were animals you and I" as she put the bustier with the dirty laundry.

Dave walked over to the shower and started it up. When Richard came over the water was nice and warm. "I'll wash your back for you" as they entered the stall. It was Dave who dropped down and took Richard's member into his mouth and sucked her to completion while the warm water pounded down on them.

It was while they were drying off that Dave asked the question that would shape Richard's future. "Calling you Richard is kind of confusing to me when you are dressed up. Do you have a girls name I could call you?"

Richard thought about that for a minute "call me Barbie."

Dave looked at her "yeah you look like a Barbie." He gave Barbie a smile "it's nice to meet you Barbie."

"Now if only Barbie can talk to her Mom and keep out of trouble I will be fine." She was drying herself like a girl - patting herself dry instead of rubbing.

"Give your Mom a call and give the phone to me and I will talk to her." Dave said with a smile. "She'll understand."

"I hope so." Barbie said. "She still likes to ground me."

"We definitely don't want the love of my life to be grounded." Dave said.

Barbie noticed the phone on the bedside table. "Can I use this phone?"

"Be my guest."

Barbie phoned home. "Hi Mom I am over at Richard Ross's place. It was raining so we decided to work in the dark room and we don't have a clock there and we spend all day down there." David heard only one side of the call and it wasn't going good it seemed for Richard. David waved to him to hand him the phone and seeing the wave "Mom Richard wants to talk to you." "OK." Richard handed the phone over to David.

"Hello Mrs. Barrows." The two chatted for a few minutes when David asked if there was something important that Richard had to do. "No well, I was wondering if Richard could stay over for dinner. I'll have him home say by 9 p.m." They carried on for another minute or two and "Well I will see you around 9 pm. OK Have a good evening. Bye." David hung up the phone. "Barbie Mom says you can stay for dinner as long as I have you home by 9."

"Thank you Dave."

Dave looked around the room for his clothes. "Where are my clothes?"

"You were stripping in the living room if I recall." Barbie said with a laugh.

"OK smart ass." Dave gathered up the clothes and brought them back to the bedroom.

"Yours, yours, mine, mine, yours," Barbie said as she sorted the boys clothes. "You know Dave you gave me all these nice presents but I have no place to put them at home."

"I have some room in my closet" Dave pointed to a closet. Barbie walked over to it and walked into a closet that was bigger than her bedroom. She came back out. "That is bigger than my own bedroom."

"Probably but as you can see it is empty. It is yours." Dave walked over to his dresser and picked up another box. "Girls hangers" and tossed the box to Barbie.

"I'll be in the kitchen getting dinner ready. Come on down when you are finished." Dave looked in the mirror to check to see if everything was ok.

Barbie spend another 15 minutes in the bedroom putting away her things and washing out her lingerie. Back in boy clothes she joined Dave in the kitchen. "How do you like your steak?"

"Medium well." Richard replied. "Anything I can do?"

"Just relax got everything under control." They are a few minutes later when the steaks were cooked.

As they were leaving the house Dave gave her a key. "Richard, if you ever want to come over after school you now can."

Richard smiled taking the key and putting it on his chain.

"Give me a call anytime you want to play and I'll break away from work" Dave told him when they got to his house.

"Are we still on for next Saturday?" Richard asked before leaving the car.

"You got it; my place. OK?"

"OK." Barbie entered David's house on Saturday morning well before dawn and tiptoed up to the bedroom. Dave was sleeping and she quietly went into the closet and took out her wardrobe for the morning. She reappeared a few minutes later in just a red bra and panty outfit with a red garter belt and nylons. Dave woke up a few minutes later thinking he was dreaming and found a head bobbing up and down on his cock. Woken up in such a sexy way there was no stopping Dave as he Barbie that two can do this and she complied by bring her hips over his head.

Dave decided that today his love may want to try some anal. He took some lube off the bedside table and as Barbie swung her hips over his head Dave asked her if she would like to try some anal.

"Like in the magazines - the cock up the ass?" Barbie asked between sucks on his dick.

"Yes. I want to fuck you in the ass." Dave said.

"I want you to do it to me." Barbie said before putting her mouth back down on her tube steak.

Dave took her love muscle in his mouth as he dabbed his finger into some lube.

Barbie felt the coolness before she felt his finger gliding up and down her crack. Dave took his time and slowly over a period of minutes opened up her flower so one finger was now deep in her bowels followed a couple of minutes later by a second finger. The fingers slowly opened her up for a third finger. Then Dave started slowing finger fucking her and those sensational fingers soon hit the nail and Barbie blasted 6 hugh gobs of cumm into David's mouth. Dave was not quite done with her yet and he picked up a small vibrator and inserted that into her hole. Dave knew what he was doing and started making the vibrator hit the prostate and before long and another gush of cumm hit David's throat.

Barbie was now moaning like crazy as the vibrator sent more sensations to her overloaded brain and within a minute of last shot of cumm David received another. With Barbie's ass well broken in now. David flipped her onto her back and got between her legs. He tossed her legs over his shoulders and spread her legs, opening up her ass for his penetration. "Keep the vibrator inside you honey while I get ready." He watched with delight as Barbie took control of the vibrator and started plunging it in and out of her ass.

He put on a condom on and lubed up his cock, then put some more lube on his fingers her quickly removed the vibrator and lubed Barbie's hot boy pussy. "You ready love?" Barbie nodded her sweaty head. Dave placed his dick up against her ass and slowly plunged his hard cock all the way in.

He waited for a minute for her to relax again and then started to slowly remove his dick before slowly reinserting. Barbie got the sensation of being full being emptied and full again. Dave picked up speed and soon he was going very fast. Dave pulled out of her ass and whipped off the condom as his seed flew onto Barbie Belly and chest. A second shot landed on her chin and the last one shot of cumm landed on her new bra.

A couple of hours later a young Barbie, freshly fucked ended up slipping her own sausage between the ass cheeks of her lover David.

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