TG: A Permanent Solution

By Ricky

Published on Oct 21, 1996



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You know the drill, if you are under 18 you need to ask your mother if you can read this because it has sex and other adult stuff in it.

A Permanent Solution by Ricky

Sometimes life takes a turn you don't expect, mine sure did. Just about the time my friend Sue lost one of her roommates my lease expired and the rent went up higher than I was willing to pay, so I and ended up moving in with her and Lisa. I soon got used to the relaxed routine of the two women. I'm a computer programmer and do much of my work at home, so I took over much of the cooking and cleaning to their delight. As for me, I enjoyed living with them, and seeing two gorgeous women in little more than her underwear was a definite plus. They were both worth looking at, Lisa 5'8" of lean muscle, wide hips, generous tits and a lively face framed with soft red curls that fell to her waist. Her body moved with a fluid grace that drew every man's eye to her. Sue is shorter and rounder, with smaller breasts but an engaging wiggle and an ass that was something to watch as she walked. Lisa really attracted me but I managed to control it, remaining the perfect gentleman until one evening I came home a bit early and practically bowled Lisa over as she left the bathroom. She had absolutely nothing on and was a delicious sight. I instinctively put my arms around her to keep her from falling, but I think I fell instead. For her. With my hands full of delightfully shimmering ass we kissed, our tongues meeting and exploring. My hands caressed her soft flesh, sliding up from ass to waist to the heavy firmness of her breasts. As my palm passed over her nipple she let out a sigh and melted in my arms. An instant understanding flowed between us and I carried her to her bedroom where I laid her gently on the bed. I kissed my way down her body, pausing at each lovely nipple to savor it, still moist from her bath. Kneeling at the side of the bed I brushed her thatch copper curls that covered her crotch and tenderly parted them to reveal her glistening cunt lips. Beads of water still clung to her hair, shining softly in the subdued light of the bedside lamp. I breathed gently on her, letting my breath warm her and again I was rewarded with a languorous sigh of satisfaction. With one finger I delicately traced the outline of her labia, not parting it yet, just teasing. I played with her hair, brushing it oh so gently , just barely touching. Small sounds of encouragement began to form in her throat, and I slid one finger deeper, parting her lips just a bit until my finger began to move with ease in her love juices.

I began to play with her clit, watching it deepen in color as I played with it. Her wordless sounds began to deepen as well, and soon she was directing my fingers within the folds of her flesh, helping me find just the right spot to give her the most pleasure. With her guidance I explored her, plunging my fingers deep into her love tunnel, twisting and playing with her yielding cunt, savoring the fragrance of her womanhood as it filled my senses. Her commands became more urgent and I abandoned subtlety. My mouth covered her beautiful tit, sucking as if for life's milk as I stroked her crotch. With narrowing circles I pressed her clit until I felt her hand cover mine to direct it to just the right place. Here was a woman who knew what she wanted and was not afraid to show a man how to pleasure her. I relaxed my hand a bit and left her in control as I concentrated on running my tongue over her erect nipple. Sometimes I sucked, sometimes I let my tongue lash back and forth over the sensitive tip of it. I felt her body tighten as her orgasm approached, and as she slid over the edge I once again took control of my hand on her crotch and pressed tightly as I rubbed her aching clit. She rose beneath me, grunting and thrusting her pelvis high into the air.

I let up my pressure as she sank toward the bed, just reminding her of her recent pleasure as she came down from her high.

I lay with her snuggled into my arms, her head upon my chest. Her breathing gradually slowed and I felt her hands began to caress my flaccid member. She held my manhood in her hand, massaging it with her strong fingers. As I grew in her embrace I felt her fingernails brush my sack, lightly moving my balls as they hung down. With my cock in her palm she began to ripple her fingers along it's length, like a master clarinetist running up and down the valves of her instrument. Her thumb and forefinger set up a steady rhythm on my glans and I could feel the blood rushing into my cock, filling it and spreading her fingers apart. As I reached full erection she began to stroke my member, drawing me upward from root to tip. Her mouth covered my nipple and she began to suck, her tongue tracing circles of wet ecstasy. I savored the feeling as she stroked my stick, her gentle but insistent caress hardening me with each stroke. Now it was my turn to make funny sounds, I purred like a cat as she teased and touched my tumescent manhood. There was a sudden coolness at my side as she rose, and with her athletic thighs rippling in the lamplight she impaled herself on me. I was spellbound watching her muscles ripple as she rose and fell, driving my cock deep into her wet depths. Her beautiful breasts bounced and jiggled as she filled her cunt with my meat, then shivered as she rose up to leave my prick uncovered for the merest fraction of a second before filling herself with my distended dong once again. I was thrusting upward to meet her, driving my pecker as deep into her as I could, savoring the wet smack as our bodies met, reveling in the slippery friction of my flesh in hers. My urgency began to build, and with a shout of triumph I filled her with my cream, pumping it deep into her waiting cunt, draining myself of all I had in me. She sat upon my shrinking member when I had finished and gave a small wiggle every once in a while to remind me she was still there. At last my satiated prick slipped out and I could feel the warm dripping of my sperm as it fell from her love tunnel to spread over my balls. We slept in each other's arms that night, and the next day there was again a spare bedroom in the house.

Time passed and it was a Saturday afternoon. Sue had a hot date that night, so Lisa was going to perm her hair. There was much giggling as the two women went through the mysterious routines of hair conditioning known only to the female of the species. The house was suffused with the sulfurous smell of the perm I began to add my own odorous comments to their happy chatter. I'll tell you right now, it's a mistake to piss off two women when they're busy making themselves beautiful. I have never quite figured it out how it happened, but it all seemed logical at the time. I ended up in the chair in the bathroom as the two of them cut and permed my hair to their liking. Perhaps it was the close up view of Lisa's prominent tits as she fussed over my hair, perhaps I just caught their mood, but I went along with it and my normally straight hair became a mass of curls. When Sue left for her date I found Lisa staring at me across the dinner table with a strange look on her face.

Finally I asked her what she was staring at and se replied "You're just too darned pretty like that, you should have been a girl. A little makeup and a bit of padding and you'd fool your own mother." As she talked she rose and ran her hands over my body to emphasize her point. My reaction to her caress did little to make me feel like a girl, but I have never found it profitable to argue with a lover. Once again I found myself obeying orders and returned to the bathroom for a shave. I have always been blessed with a light beard and could raise the dead before I could raise a mustache. I pity all those people who have to scrape their face every day to be presentable. She sat me in a chair before a mirror and did inscrutable things to my face. With brushes, pads and powders she made me up, and the face in the mirror did look remarkably feminine.

"I knew it - your really should have been a girl. Maybe we wouldn't fool you mother, but how would you like to see how Sue reacts. I know where she and Jim went tonight." It was crazy, but the whole day had been crazy, I actually looked foreword to the attempt. I'm not all that much bigger than Sue, so one of her bras was a tight but manageable fit. A sweater, some stuffing, a bit of jewelry and my own jeans completed the ensemble and I was ready to go out for a night on the town.

Strangely enough, I wasn't nervous as Lisa drove us to the club. It was crowded, but eventually we found Sue and Jim and moved to their table.

She was surprised to see Lisa but she didn't recognize me, so I was introduced as Marie. It was a good thing the place was so noisy or my voice would have given me away. We sat down and about 5 minutes later Jim asked me to dance. I nearly panicked, but a reassuring smile form Lisa bucked up my courage. It's hard to let the other person lead when you're used to doing the leading, but I managed. As we returned to the table Sue's eyes nearly popped out of her head and she dropped her drink, she had finally figured it out. I had a ball that evening, dancing with Jim and even had two guys hit on me, while Sue broke up every time she looked at me.

The evening was a great success, and we laughed all the way to the car. I was horny as hell, the unaccustomed pressure of the bra around my chest and the feather touch of the earrings as I turned my head constant erotic reminder. At every stoplight I reached over and fondled Lisa's breasts, unsnapping her bra as we waited for a particularly long line turning left. We must have given a few people a turn as I nuzzled her ear at the corners. By the time we pulled into the drive we were both ready to make it in the middle of the road, but we went into the house.

Before she could lock the door I had her blouse up and loose bra out of the way. On my knees I covered her tits with kisses, letting my tongue roam about with abandon. I fumbled with her jeans and they fell to the floor as I switched to her other boob. Her nipple grew under my tongue, swelling and filling my mouth with her sweet femininity. I was overwhelmed by the scent of her as I pulled down her panties.

Somehow we made it to the couch, leaving our jeans and shoes behind, where I buried my head in her snatch. I headed directly for her clit, parting her hair to ran my tongue over it's inviting fullness. My fingers slid up her love tunnel with no resistance and I began to finger fuck her as I sucked her clit. She was dripping, hot and ready and came quickly. She bucked under my face as I strove to hold on and keep her in my mouth as she came. At the height or her orgasm I spun her around on her knees and plunged my ramrod straight cock deep into her with one stroke. As I drove ,my meat into her I was suddenly aware of my earrings flying about my neck and the weight filling my bra as I moved. The contrast of raw masculine sex and feminine clothing drove me wild. Her tits were flying under her as I rammed myself into her, she gave a low grunt of satisfaction as I slammed myself into her ass. All too soon I erupted, spraying my love cream into her as my prick contracted wildly.

I kept pumping until my poor member could take no more, then leaned foreword to keep myself buried within her for as long as possible. At that moment the front door opened, Sue and Jim were home.

We must have been a sight, two women apparently fucking each other on the floor, and one of them a woman he had just been dancing with. He was unflappable. His only comment was "Very nice, perhaps we should join them" as he began to unbutton her blouse. I had to laugh, because her red bra was the twin to the black one around my own chest. It was soon hanging loose around her shoulders as Jim cupped her breasts in his hands. I held on to Lisa's ass as we watched him begin to play with her tits. In no time he had her breathing heavily as she leaned back on him. He soon had her skirt on the floor and her pantyhose around her knees. With one hand he played with her tit, the other was caressing her crotch as he nibbled on her ear. I disengaged myself from Lisa and we leaned back against the couch to watch the show. Sue slowly sank to the ground and Jim laid her gently on the floor. With an expert tug he removed her pantyhose and spread her legs. Even though we had just been through a monumental climax ourselves a few moments ago, watching Jim eat Sue was getting us in the mood once again. With unspoken accord we crawled over to Sue. Pushing aside the loose fabric of her bra and blouse we began to nurse on her breasts. Sue's eyes opened wide as we began to suck, but Jim had his complete attention on Sue's crotch. I could feel my newly permed hair brush Lisa's as I ran my tongue over Sue's nipple and my earrings dangled and brushed my cheeks. She had a different taste than Lisa, a bit more musky. Her boobs were much smaller, too, but felt soft and warm in my mouth. I began to flick my tongue across her erect nipple in time with Jim's attentions. Each time he hit the right spot a shudder of pleasure went through Sue's body and I tried to match it. To keep things interesting every once in a while I would open my mouth and suck as much of her sweet tit into it as I could, running my tongue in circles about it. Once again I was aware of the bra I was wearing, the weight of my falsies as they hung below me. I was incredibly turned on as each shift of Sue's body made my own move and react. At last I was aware of something new, Sue practically levitated as she was swept with an orgasm that defied description.

Jim had not removed his clothes in his eagerness to get into Sue's cunt, so he stood and began to quickly undress. He stopped dead with his hand on his belt as he noticed I had a very erect prick below my boobs. "Well, I'll be damned" was all he said and continued to remove his clothes. That brought Sue out of her languor and she glanced over at me. "Yeah, and he's wearing my bra, too. He does look awful cute, though." There wasn't time for any more talk as Jim plunged his penis into her. We backed off I held Lisa in my arms as and watched. I had never watched anyone else make love before, and it was incredibly arousing. Jim's arms bulged and rippled as he drove his meat into Sue, his taught belly straining with each thrust. His cock shimmered with her love elixir as he drew out, and then disappeared as he buried his manhood deep within her body. With each stroke her whole body shook, her legs high above her rose and fell with his pounding, her tits shimmying with the waves of passion flying over her body. They were totally involved in their pleasure, oblivious to us as we watched. I began to play with Lisa's tits and she slid over in front of me, cradling her back into my chest, pressing the weight of my false boobs into my chest. I had thought I was aroused watching our friends rutting on the living room floor, but when I felt her press against my bra I reached a whole new level. I cupped her magnificent mammaries in my hands, gently squeezing her nipples in time to Jim's thrusts. The man was an insatiable machine, his rigid rod thrusting over and over into Sue's hungry twat as she cried out for him to fuck harder. As he pumped his prick into Sue's twat she again cried out as she came, driving Jim to even greater efforts.

Lisa's ass began to move, pressing into my crotch as she reacted to my playing with her tits. I reached one hand down and began to play with her slit, sliding in the wet wonder left by our recent fucking. I found her clit and began to tease it, barely wiggling my finger on her ultra sensitive mound. She sighed and leaned back into my bra and spread her legs wider for me. About this time Jim pulled out of Sue, his dick swinging freely in front of his body as he urged her to her knees. As soon as her ass was in position he drove his cock into her again setting up a rhythm that kept Sue's small tits swinging like a pendulum. Lisa rose and pushed me flat to the floor, then squatted over my revived rod for a second, giving me a good look at her dripping snatch. I could see drops of my cum still clinging to her bush as she lined herself up, and a ring of fire descended my cock as he lowered herself on me. She began to fuck me very slowly, all the time her eyes on Jim and Sue as they screwed only a few feet from us. I was watching too, as I relaxed and let her do the work. It was tremendous, as she implaed herself on my manhood I felt her weight on my body for the merest fraction of a second and she was springing up again, drawing my aching dick up with her then sitting down on it again. She was an artist, an angel with only one purpose in life, to give me pleasure. As I reveled in her artistry I noticed Jim had started to move with shorter, stronger strokes and suddenly pulled himself tight to Sue's ass as he pumped her full of his spunk. He ground his body into hers as his cock pumped spurt after spurt into her, then propped himself up in the same position as he had found us in when they entered.

With the show over Lisa redoubled her efforts. Jim and Sue were now the audience as they watched Lisa riding my cock. Once again I was very aware of the bra I wore, and it enhanced the pleasure I felt. It was unbelievable how erotic that bit of cloth and elastic felt. I didn't have much time to appreciate it, however, because I was soon unloading myself into Lisa's churning cunt. I exploded like I had never done before, feeling my prick contract over and over again, driving forth jets of my cum into Lisa's body. As I subsided she settled herself on me and kept my cock nice and warm within her slit. With a smile she turned to Sue and Jim and asked them how they liked her new girlfriend.

They agreed I was one of the most unusual girls they had ever met. Since that day I have learned to enjoy wearing a bra and panties even if I'm not fucking a willing woman. With their help and encouragement I spend much of my time around the house dressed, venturing out on occasion. No one at the office knows I wear a skirt and blouse when I'm programming, they just know the stuff arrives at the office on time. I'm happy living as their "kept woman" and I've found that I seem to be more creative in my work when I am dressed up. I never would have believed it, but it works and I'm not going to change it.

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