Texas Slave Market

By Slave Bear

Published on May 21, 2023


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, body modification, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Texas Slave Market

Chapter 6

C856 drank from a bottle of water and then flexed its chest. It had put in an intense hour of weight training, and its muscles were on fire. Standing from the bench, it wiped its body with a towel, then placed the cloth around its neck as it left the exercise room and walked out into the evening air. It was still stale and warm but much more pleasant than before the sun had set. As it walked to the barn where it lived, it saw Frank in front in only a pair of damp boxers with a body drenched in sweat and flushed red. C856 paused and bowed.

"Evening, Master."

"Oh, hey, Cee," Frank said. "Already done for the day?"

"Yes, Sir," C856 replied as it remained at attention. "Your slave put in ten hours today and decided to work on strength training afterward. I was going to rinse off before dinner if that is allowed, Sir."

"Of course!" Frank said with a smile. "You know your evenings are always your time to use after you have completed your chores. I had to use the barn for a little while myself. I was breaking in our new sex slave in the dungeon."

Frank turned to the barn and shouted.

"Gimp, get out here!"

After a minute, L024 waddled out of the barn. Its matted fur had bits of dirt in it, and cum was dripping down its legs. Its enhanced sack swung with every step, and a steady stream of precum had caused a long, thin, clear line of fluids to dangle from its docked nub. When the slave saw the massive frame of C856, it stopped cold, and its mouth fell open.

"Cee, this is one of the new slaves we bought," Frank said. "Its name is Gimp."

C856 nodded at the smaller slave and smiled.

"Welcome to your new home, Gimp."

C856's voice was deep and gravelly. It had a slight Texas twang but was soothing to the ears. Had L024 still had the ability to become erect, it would likely have been sprouting wood right then and there. The new slave looked down and saw the state of its body and felt embarrassed, but it still managed a response.

"Thank you, Cee. It is good to meet you."

Frank walked over to the larger slave and gently cupped the warm, sweaty balls that hung between its tree trunks of legs.

"That package heavy and primed as usual?"

"Yes, Master," C856 replied.

"Gimp, I know I told you that slaves have nubs, but Cee here is the rare slave that I refer to as having a cock. It is a massive cock, too. Don't you think?"

Frank moved to hold Cee's thick, soft shaft and show it off.

"Yes, Master," L024 replied.

Frank smiled and released the organ.

"Cee, our red-tagged slave needed some conditioning and correction when it arrived. I want you to delay taking your shower and go down there and treat its wounds. From what I hear, Burt had to tear its back up pretty badly."

"I understand, Master," C856 replied.

"While the slave was purchased to help you in the field, Burt has decried that its ass is yours to use if you wish to fuck something again. I know you have always told me you have only fucked women in the past, but I promise you a tight ass is just as good. I popped my last boyfriend's cherry, which was an amazing feeling. This slave's ass is still virginal and should be a good pick. Your Lord has permitted you to use it after you treat its wounds as another way to break its defiance. Will you take him up on his generous offer?"

C856 looked into Frank's eyes and thought for only a moment. It might have made a different choice if it had been offered this opportunity back when it was a free man. But, as a slave that had only experienced the pleasure of masturbation for nearly a decade, it was too good of a reward to pass up. Plus, although Frank had couched the request as an option, C856 knew it was more an order."

"I would absolutely love that, Master," C856 said. "I will be sure to leave the new slave gaping and sore. Please express my gratitude to my Lord."

Frank smiled and rubbed the large slave's chest before stepping back.

"I will, Big Guy. You have been around longer, so show it where it is in the pecking order. Nutless is hanging in the cellar. Its name comes from the fact we had to castrate it after purchase. Though, Burt did grant it some nice fake neuticles as replacements so that you two will look similar down there from afar. However, without balls, there is no need to worry about it orgasming. Use it as your toy, and remember the gift your Lord has given you for years of faithful service. You know he is not normally that generous."

"I am honored, Master," C856 said as it bowed again. "This slave is ever in your and Lord's service."

"Well, I am going to shower," Frank said. "Breeding my new sex slave took a lot out of me."

Frank then turned to L024.

"Gimp, follow C856 down into the cellar and watch the festivities. I think Cee would benefit from an audience. When the deed is done, you two can come back up and get showered. Cee, give Gimp an orientation to the farm after you two eat dinner."

"I will, Master," C856 replied.

"Thank you, Master," L024 added.

Frank smiled and headed to the house, and C856 turned and patted L024's shoulder as it walked by and placed its hat on a bale of hay near the barn. It then sat on another bale and tugged on its boots to remove them. L024 watched as the large slave's huge feet pulled out of the footwear and landed on the dirt below.

"Damn, you are huge everywhere," L024 remarked.

C856 laughed.

"Yeah, I have had big everything since I was a youngin' - especially my feet. My family always hated how fast I sprouted. My cousin Patrick and I were always growing out of our shoes. Still, it helped when I was tackling men in college, though."

"You played football?" L024 asked.

"Yeah," C856 responded. "That was a lifetime ago, though. I went to a small school in Nebraska and was on the offensive line. Had a full paid scholarship and everything."

"Oh, wow!" L024 remarked. "I bet you were quite the stud on campus. I think you are very sexy if you don't mind me saying so. I hope that is not out of line."

C856 smiled and flexed its arms.

"I appreciate that. Yeah, I got laid a lot back then. But, of course, I live a slave's life now."

"That is true," L024 replied. "You know the first man ever to treat me like a sex slave was a senior on the college football team, and he was just as large and hung as you. His musk was just as intoxicating as yours as well."

C856 let out a belly laugh.

"You like my scent, eh?"

C856 took the towel from its neck and rubbed it under its arms and then tossed it to L024. The slave caught the fabric and brought it to its nose and took a deep huff.

"Fuck!" L024 replied as a huge glob of precum flowed out of its nub and dripped to the ground below.

C856 was amused. It reached down and fondled its shaft and heavy balls.

"A heavy musk is usually indicative of a lot of testosterone. You know us slaves usually have a lot of pent-up energy," C856 said.

"And I'm looking forward to seeing how you use it," L024 replied. "Master has a strong scent and a ton of energy, too. He really worked my ass over today. I'll be interested to see how you rut."

"I am glad Master is getting to enjoy you," C856 said. "Our Lord is training him to take over here, and I know he needed some outlet for his youthful hormones. He broke up with his last boyfriend a few months ago. But that kid was like you. A huge furball. I know Master likes that."

"Yeah," L024 said with a blush. "They used to call me Cubby when I was in school. I've always been what they call bear-ish."

"I like that," C856 said with a smile. "Cubby it is - at least when it is just the two of us. Around Master and Lord, I have to refer to you as Gimp. And not to pry, but are you a grower down there? I can barely see your cock. Though your balls are impressive."

"Not anymore," L024 replied as it grabbed its groin. "My tiny nub is just that now... tiny."

"Huh?" C856 asked in curiosity.

"I used to have a large nub, but Lord and Master docked it," L024 said.

"Docked it?" C856 asked.

"Surgically removed my shaft and foreskin and grafted the head on the small remaining stump that was left," L024 said. "I can't even get hard anymore."

C856 grabbed its groin, and its face twisted.

"Fuck, dude! I am sorry!"

"It is ok," L024 said. "My reproductive system still works. You should have seen the load of cum that Master fucked out of me earlier. That is what is crusted all over my chest. I have never shot that much in my life, and the anal orgasm was so intense I nearly passed out. Master and Lord had my testicles and prostate surgically enhanced, so I am constantly horny and dripping precum."

"Oh, I noticed that," C856 said with a smile.

L024 looked down and saw the thin clear liquid extending from the tip of its nub and suspended down to its knees. It collected and swallowed it and then grinned.

"Yeah. I am always leaking now. By the way, was Master's last boyfriend named Eric?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" C856 asked.

"He called me that at one point while fucking me," L024 said with a smile.

"Oh, geez," C856 remarked. "Yeah, he liked the kid, but they broke up about six months ago. Your ass must have been really good to make him forget where he was for a moment."

"I like to think it is nice!" L024 said.

C856 chuckled.

"Well, Master is a nice guy overall. He has grown up around me since I was purchased. I am an owned slave, but I've always looked out for him as though he was like my brother. I even taught him about sex when he was going through puberty. Though he never fucked anything till he turned eighteen. I've seen him eyeing me over the years, but I never knew if Lord would allow him to use me that way."

"So, he's never fucked you?" L024 asked.

"No," C856 said. "I have never been fucked in my ass in my life. It was something I was worried about when I was first bought. I was strictly a ladies' man when I was a citizen. But, I have come to understand a slave's life is that of service. So, if Master or Lord wanted to bend me over and fuck me, I would allow them to do so. I am their property, after all."

"That makes sense," L024 said.

"I will tell you, though," C856 added. "While I have never done it before, I am looking forward to taking my first ass today. I was too tired to jack off last night, and my balls are heavy and sore today. A good workout usually makes me horny, too."

L024 smiled as it glanced down at C856's package.

"I can see that."

L024 tossed the towel back to C856 and the larger slave grabbed it and smiled as it put it on the hay bale next to it.

"Do you know anything about the slave purchased with you?" C856 asked. "Master mentioned it was a red tag. I know that means it was a criminal."

"Yeah," L024 replied. "I asked Master on the drive over. Apparently, it has been in trouble with the law since it was a teen. It started with burglary, drug distribution, and aggravated assault but progressed to rape later. I know it was convicted multiple times and was serving a life sentence when it escaped from a prison in Amarillo. After it was caught, it was sent to the auction block. I was terrified of it when I was hung next to it after my purchase."

"Well, I am not sorry it was altered then," C856 replied. "I have no sympathy for that kind of violation. And don't you worry about it, Cubby. It will never hurt you. I will see to that."

"Thanks, Cee," L024 replied.

"Come on," C856 said as it stood, stretched, and then walked over to pat L024's cum-crusted ass. "Let's go check on it."

The two slaves walked around to the side of the barn where the entrance to the root cellar lay. C856 grabbed onto the handle of the old door and pulled, and as it swung open, L024 could see the daylight extending downwards like pillars of light piercing a dark chasm. C856 stepped inside first and walked down the staircase, and the smaller slave followed.

When the two reached the floor, they could see in the shadows the form of F385 as it hung from its wrists next to a far wall. As their eyes adjusted, they could tell the slave had been whipped severely. There were numerous cuts and abrasions all down its back, and blood dripped down over its ass and leg and had pooled in some places on the ground.

"Go up to the kitchen, Cubby, and look in the cabinet under the sink," C856 said. "There is a first aid box there. Please bring it to me with a pail of clean water and a towel. When you enter the barn, you can find those in the first stall to the left."

"Ok," L024 replied as it turned and left.

F385 groaned when it heard the voices. It lifted its head and turned to see who it was. C856 grabbed the keys hanging on a pole next to the entrance to the cellar and approached the bound slave. It then moved till it was in eyesight.

"Who are you?" F385 replied.

"My designation is C856. You may call me Cee. Our Lord sent me down here to treat your wounds. If I unlock you, do you plan to fight me?"

"Fuck, no," F385 moaned.

C856 used the key to unlock the restraints on the slave's legs first and then removed the ones on its wrists. F385 fell forward and braced itself on the cold brick wall in front before turning to face C856. The two slaves had similar builds, though C856 was slightly taller and had more muscle mass. It was apparent, though, that F385 was in severe pain and in no mood to cause any problems. As it rested, C856 saw the bag around its neck with the plasticized organs inside.

"Those your former balls?" C856 asked.

"Yeah, the fucker took them from me," F385 replied.

C856 slapped F385's face and moved till it was inches from the slave's eyes.

"Do not disrespect our Lord," C856 growled. "I'm glad he castrated you. I heard about what you did. If you had violated my sister, I would have done far worse than remove your balls. Do you understand me, Nutless?"

F385 stepped back. There was a fire in C856's eyes and it looked like it was about to pounce.

"We cool, man," F385 replied as it held its hands up. "We cool."

The two stared at each other for several minutes. F385 slowly slumped down as the larger slave stood over it. Neither said anything until L024 returned carrying the bucket of water and supplies.

"Here you go, Cee!"

L024 stopped when it saw the two slaves locked on each other.

"Are you two going to fight?"

"No, Cubby," C856 replied as it relaxed and stepped back. "Nutless and I are cool. Right Nutless?"

"Yeah," F385 replied in a nervous voice. "We cool."

"It is kind of like when two wolves meet for the first time, Cubby," C856 said, keeping its eyes locked in place. "One has to establish dominance and become the alpha. Usually, it's the larger one that has the biggest balls, the strongest will, and the support of the pack. Between Nutless and I, I think we know who that is. Don't we, Nutless?"

"Yeah, man," F385 replied. "Sure. You're the alpha."

"And Cubby here is under my protection," C856 said pointing at L024. "He's the beta. That makes you the omega, Nutless. You are the lowest of the low in our pack. I expect you to honor our owners but you will show deference to Cubby and me. If you harm Cubby or talk back to me, Master and Lord will hear about it. Is that understood?"

"Yeah, man," F385 replied. "You got it."

C856 stepped back and relaxed its body. L024 did not know what to say. It had barely moved since it returned.

"Now that we have that out of the way, it is time to treat Nutless's back," C856 said with a more normal-tone in its voice.

The larger slave looked around the dark room and saw a large log six feet long and three feet in diameter. The side had been shaved flat, and several pots and cans were on top. Pointing at the platform, C856 looked at L024.

"Clear the things off that log, Cubby. Nutless can lie down there so I can tend to its wounds."

As C856 moved to collect the supplies that L024 brought down, F385 stumbled, got to its feet, and walked over to the log. After the smaller slave cleared the space for it, F385 stretched out on the log on its stomach. It let its limbs fall to either side and exposed its back and ass.

"Our Lord did a number on you, Nutless," C856 said as it walked over with the pail of water and cloth. "I have never been beat myself, but I knew that our Lord used flogging as a punishment. I hope you learned that lesson. Stay where you are, and don't move. I need to clean and disinfect everything before I apply some ointment."

L024 stood back and watched as the larger slave dipped the cloth into the water and gently washed the open cuts on F385's back. It was evident that C856 was being careful not to cause additional harm, which was surprising given the display that had just happened.

"You are awful quiet there, Cubby," C856 said as it rinsed the towel and dipped it back into the water.

"I'm just observing," L024 replied.

C856 smiled.

"Back on the farm, I used to treat our animals when they hurt themselves. It is important to keep a cut clean to avoid infection. Nutless here might not be as well-behaved as it should be, but it still is a valuable piece of property to our owners. And it is part of our pack of slaves, so we will treat it accordingly."

F385 grunted as its wounds were cleaned. It did not say much and remained relatively still throughout the process.

"It is a good thing Master and Lord had that log down here," L024 said. "It makes it easier to help Nutless rather than leaving it strung up."

"Our Lord put this thing down here a long time ago," C856 said as it dropped the bloody towel in the bucket of water and stood up. "It predates my purchase and relates to a former red-tagged slave that Lord had."

"Oh really?" L024 asked.

"Yeah," C856 said as it walked towards F385's head and crouched down. "And it has some special attachments."

The large slave grabbed F385's hands, and before the slave could react, C856 shoved them into metal bands drilled into the wood. The bands locked around the slave's wrists, and F385 yanked on them in frustration.

"Hey, what the fuck, man?"

Quickly, C856 moved around to the slave's feet, found the bands hear the other side of the log, and locked F385's ankles in place next.

"What the hell are you doing?" F385 growled as it found itself firmly secured to the log.

"So, you remember that talk we had about dominance?" C856 asked. "Well, there is another way that the alpha of a pack shows it."

L024 watched as the bigger slave straddled F385 and moved to sit on the slave's thighs. F385's ass was now directly under C856's large balls and cock, which was starting to engorge.

"What the hell are you doing?" F385 growled.

C856 smiled as it spat on its hand and then stroked its cock. It then reached down, spread F385's ass, and saw its tight hole. A glob of spit formed on the slave's lips and fell perfectly onto the puckered entrance, and C856 rubbed the fluids around and pushed down.

"Oh, fuck!" F385 shouted.

"Oh, fuck is right," C856 said as it spat on the slave's hole again and began to push a thumb inside. "Our Lord wants me to help break you. I haven't fucked anything in almost ten years, but I think the muscle memory will return quickly."

"Fucking hell!" F385 screamed. "Don't you dare!"

"I wonder if the woman you violated said the same thing," C856 replied as its shaft engorged in its hand. "You obviously didn't care if they did."

"Bitch! I ain't gay!"

"That is good to know, Nutless," C856 replied. "I'm straight myself."

C856's thumb moved in and out of F385's hole as the bound slave struggled and squeezed its ass tight.

"Please, no!" F385 begged. "I'll be good. You're the alpha! I'll respect Lord and Master!"

"I'm glad to hear that," C856 said as it rubbed its swollen dick head over the slave's ass. "But begging at this point is not going to change anything. Our Lord commanded that you will be fucked and I will be the one to do it. This is going to happen."

"Fuck!" F385 screamed.

C856's cock spurted out a glob of precum, which helped to lubricate F385's ass. The larger slave was unsure if it would be able to go through with this and become erect, but it was having no issue at all. The chance to give some payback for all the individuals wronged by F385 was all the motivation it needed. Soon, its shaft had swollen to its full nine inches. L024 watched from the side of the log and was amazed at the length and girth of the slave. It reminded it so much of the cock of its first master, Dom.

C856 rubbed its shaft back and forth between F385's ass cheeks. Soon the mix of spit and precum was audible as the thick organ slid around. The larger slave adjusted its stance and firmly grabbed F385's lower back. Its cock was now dangling directly over the slave's hole.

"Time to pop that cherry!" C856 growled.

"Please, no!" F385 begged. "Don't do it!"

C856 made a thrusting motion, and L024 watched as the large head emerged from the larger slave's foreskin and then disappear inside F385's ass below.

"FUCK!" F385 screamed as it pulled hard on its restraints and tried to escape.

"Hell, no pussy was ever this tight!" C856 said with a smile as it lifted its head and pushed down.

As the cock moved deeper, F385 began to beg louder and louder.

"Please, stop! I'll be good! I promise!"

"Oh, Cubby and I know you will be," C856 said with a grin, looking at the smaller slave. "But, as I said, our Lord commanded me to fuck you, and I always obey him."

C856 winked at L024 and then turned to face the back of F385. With a final shove, he bottomed out inside the slave and felt its huge fake nuts below. F385 squealed like a stuck pig.

"Holy hell, this is an awesome feeling!" C856 said as it slapped playfully at the scarred ass of the slave below. "Your fake balls are the perfect resting place for my nice full intact ones."

"Fuck you are huge!" F385 shouted. "You are ripping me in two!"

"Not yet, Nutless," C856 said. "Not yet. But I will be."

L024 could not help but be turned on. Its nub was now pouring precum out of the tip, and it was falling in globs to the floor below. It reached down, collected some, and tasted it as it watched the show.

C856 took a deep breath and then pounded F385 three times in a row, forcing the slave's body into the hardwood. With each impact, the air in F385's lungs was expelled in a loud grunt, and it cried out as they refilled. Then the larger slave went into gear. L024 watched as C856 moved back and forth. Its large, full balls slapped into the fake ones below as it split F385 wide.

"Fucking hell, this ass is so nice!" C856 shouted. "I'm gonna need to unload in this a lot in the future!"

"Fuck!" C385 screamed. "FUCK!"

C856's chest flushed. Sweat began to form on its skin as it built up momentum. Its muscles were still sore from its workout, but it could power through. This felt far too good. Closing its eyes, it blocked out the cries and wails from the slave below and concentrated on the sheer pleasure it felt. Jacking off was never like this. No pussy was like this. This ass was tight, and gripped it in the best way. It was soon coating F385's inside with precum, and the fuck became more intense and rapid.

"Wow," L024 replied as it watched.

C856 laughed as it performed.

"You like what you see, Cubby?"

"Dude, you fuck like an animal," L024 replied.

"That's what the girls said in college," C856 replied. "And I used to have a lot of stamina, too. But this tight virgin ass is getting me close far too early."

"I think our Lord will be proud of your performance either way," L024 replied.

"Yeah, you are probably right," C856 said. "What do you think, Nutless. You about ready for your first breeding?"

"Fuck!" F385 cried out as tears ran down its face. "My ass!"

"Fuck your ass?" C856 asked, sarcastically. "Sounds like you need it!"

"FUCK!" F385 screamed louder.

"I think our pack's omega is ready to be christened," L024 replied.

"Yeah, I think you are right, Cubby," C856 said with a grunt. "Here we go."

C856 gripped F385 tightly and pounded even harder. The bound slave's head began to bounce back and forth as it screamed. Spit fell from its mouth and ran down its face as its ass was penetrated. For five minutes straight, the pounding was intense and brutal. But, soon, a tingling feeling spread upward through C856's shaft and into the slave's balls. A warmth then developed and moved upward into its abdomen.

"Oh, fuck!" C856 growled loudly as it through its head back.

"You ready to cum, Cee?" L024 asked.

"Time for the alpha to breed!" C856 replied.

Deep inside F385, C856's cock exploded. It was so forceful that it could feel the organ's contraction in its groin. C856's balls jumped, and its taint pulsed as load after thick load was delivered.

"Fucking hell!" C856 screamed.

"Please, no," F385 mumbled. "Oh, fuck! No!"

C856 slapped F385's ass again and shoved deeper to deliver the last bits of its cum. It was breathing heavily and paused to recover. It's barreled chest was heaving and drops of sweat fell like rain down onto the conquered slave below. When it finally moved and extracted its cock, the slab of meat fell down and bounced on its balls. A mix of blood and cum coated the shaft and glistened in the light beams from the open door behind it.

"You popped its cherry for sure," L024 remarked.

C856 laughed as it moved to stand up and wipe its brow.

"That was intense! How was it for you, Nutless? You enjoy it?"

F385 just mumbled and sobbed.

"That good, huh?" C856 replied as it stretched its legs, reached down, and grabbed the wet cloth to wipe its cock down.

"That was amazing," L024 said. "I so wish I could have been on the receiving end of that!"

C856 laughed.

"I'm sure Master and Lord can do better."

L024 smiled back.

"So, Nutless," C856 said as it leaned down and unlocked the slave's ankles and wrists. "Where do we stand?"

F385 mumbled and did not move.

"What is that?" C856 said, leaning over the slave's head.

"You are the alpha," F385 said louder.

"And whom do you serve?" C856 asked.

"My Lord and my Master," F385 replied.

"And what about Cubby?" C856 asked.

"I won't harm the beta," F385 replied.

"Because you are lower than it is, right?" C856 asked.

"Yes, Sir," F385 replied.

"I am no Sir, Nutless," C856 replied. "That title is reserved for free men. We permanent slaves are just property. Our bodies and devotion belong to our masters. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha," F385 replied.

C856 smiled and winked at L024.

"See, Cubby? You have nothing to worry about. Our omega here will fall in line."

"Thanks, Cee," L024 replied.

"Ok, well, grab me some ointment and bandages," C856 replied. "We need to tend to our brother slave's wounds."

It took a while to clean and treat each deep mark on F385's back, but when the two slaves were done, they helped the near-lifeless body to its feet. In doing so, cum poured out of its ass, and C856 smiled with pride as L024 helped to put F385 back in the manacles it was in when they arrived. The slave looked defeated and sobbed as they collected their things and left. As the door to the cellar was closed, they could see the stars coming out, and C856 stretched and scratched its balls.

"Well, that was fun."

"I was not expecting that at all," L024 replied. "Dude, you area beast!"

C856 laughed.

"I hope I didn't scare you."

"Oh no," L024 said. "In fact, that is probably exactly what Nutless needed."

"Well, I know it was what my balls needed," C856 said as it reached down and groped its sack. "Do you smoke weed, Cubby?"

"What?" L024 asked.

"Weed," C856 repeated. "Marijuana. Ganja. Cannabis."

"Oh, I know what it is," L024 said. "I haven't smoked it since high school, though."

C856 laughed.

"Our Lord has a nice patch of it in the back field," C856 replied. "I'm allowed to use it after a long day of work, and after that fuck, I would like to unwind. Want some before I make dinner?"

"Sure!" L024 replied.

C856 ran his hands over the smaller slave's head and smiled.

"Come on, Cubby. Let's talk and get to know one another. I'll tell you all about the farm, too."

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As with my other stories on Nifty, I accept and love to get constructive feedback and criticism from my readers. You can contact me at slavebear1976@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 7

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