Texas Slave Market

By Slave Bear

Published on May 15, 2023


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address, and I accept the nifty.org terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting Nifty.org to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, body modification, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Texas Slave Market

Chapter 5

L024 spent several minutes licking the seat of the old beat-up truck. It had only been parked briefly, but the sun had raised the interior temperature by over a hundred degrees. The precum that had dribbled out of its nub during the drive to the farm had dried and crusted. The old leather seat was cracked, filthy, and tasted horrible, but the slave ensured every remnant of its fluids was gone before it stepped back and closed the door. The slave then took a breath to prepare itself and walked towards the barn's open door.

Stepping inside, L024 could smell the scent of dirt and hay. The structure was built of wood and metal and appeared several decades in age. The ground was compacted earth for the first few feet and then turned into broken but hard concrete. A ladder to the left led up to a loft above, and on either side of the building, farm implements hung on the walls and stalls that looked to have once been made for horses. The first two stalls were mostly empty except for random tools and buckets, but the next two looked to be set up like small bedrooms. The stall to the right was clean and tidy. It had a hay-covered cot that looked as though it was brand new. Folded white sheets had been placed on top, and a small table next to it held a water container. A brand new rug had been put on the floor. The stall to the left looked well-used. Sheets that had been placed over the cot were in disarray. The bed was sagging in the middle and looked like it had been repaired several times. The water container was nearly empty, and deep, worn marks on a small rug on the floor indicated a lot of use.

"Checking out your new home, Gimp?" came the voice of Frank.

L024 turned to look down towards the back of the barn and saw its master had removed his shirt, boots, and socks. He was standing barefoot on the barn floor, and there was no doubt that the young man was attractive. His chest had tufts of blond hair, and a treasure trail of fur ran down into his tight, bulged jeans. Frank smiled as he walked over to the slave.

"Will I be sleeping in one of these stalls, Master?" L024 asked as it pointed.

"Yup!" Frank said as he came to stand face-to-face with his slave and ran his finger down L024's chest seductively. "The room there that is brand new is for Nutless. The one across from it belongs to Cee. Your stall is just ahead on the right, but you can look at it later. Your ass needs to be bred and marked as mine first. Follow me to the dungeon, Gimp."

Frank turned and walked towards the back of the barn, and L024 followed. There appeared to be a small kitchen to the left, but Frank turned right and grabbed the knob of a large metal door. As he pulled, it let out a loud squeaking noise. Sliding to the side, it revealed a dimly lit room whose walls were covered in leather and bondage equipment.

"This is the sex dungeon, slave," Frank said as he moved his hands around the room to point. "In the back corner is a washing station with a hose and a drain on the floor. When you are told to come in here, you will immediately go there to clean your ass out and prepare yourself for your owners. Then you will kneel in the middle of the room facing the door with your hands behind your back. You will wait until Burt or I arrive. It may be a few minutes. It may be hours. But you will remain motionless and quiet until you are needed. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Master," L024 replied.

"Were you cleaned out at the market before I picked you up?" Frank asked.

"Yes, Master," L024 replied. "They ensured I was very clean inside before we were washed and prepped. I have not eaten anything but a liquid protein meal for breakfast this morning."

"I do love how they make sure you are ready as soon as you are brought home," Frank said with a smile. "When was the last time you were used?"

"I haven't had anal sex in over ten years, Master," L024 replied. "It has been nearly that long since I provided oral service, too."

"So, you are basically tight and near virginal again," Frank said. "This is going to be fun."

"Yes, Master," L024 replied. "I am here to please you."

"On your knees, Gimp," Frank said. "Assume the position I mentioned."

L024 bowed and walked to the center of the room and kneeled as Frank flipped on some lights and grabbed a towel, which he placed on a fuck bench. The young man then walked over to a wooden desk and grabbed a pair of leather gloves sitting on top. He pulled them over his hands and felt as they gripped his skin tightly. Clapping his hands together afterward, Frank looked over at his slave and smiled. He then grabbed a cigar from the table and a lighter.

"In this room, you only speak when you are spoken to," Frank said in a low, deep, commanding voice. "This is an area devoted to my pleasure and that of your Lord. Your body, slave, will provide that pleasure. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Master," L024 replied.

Frank put the cigar in his mouth and lit the end. L024 watched as the flame blazed and the tobacco began to brighten and burn. The young man puffed on the stogie several times before breathing in the vapors and expelling them around his head. The atmosphere in the room was stale and warm, and the smoke lingered around him as he threw the lighter on the table and walked over to L024.

"You will learn to crave my musk, my sweat, my cum, and my firm hand, slave," Frank boomed to the boy below. "I am the only man in this room. As a slave, you are nothing but a tool for pleasure. Your needs are meaningless, but I will reward you with a milking if you please me. But, for now, I want you to show me how much you adore me by worshiping my feet."

"Yes, Master," L024 replied as it looked down at the dust-covered paws placed in front of it.

Frank had average-sized feet but had large toes with small tufts of blond hair on the top. L024 bent over and stuck out its tongue. As it ran over the top of the left foot, it could taste the dirt and smell the pungent odor of the young man. It was acrid and vile, but the slave suppressed its gag reflex. Moving back down, Frank lifted his toes from the ground, and L024 popped them into its mouth and sucked on them.

"There you go, Gimp," Frank growled as he sucked on the cigar and lifted his head to blow a cloud of smoke above. "Get those piggies nice and clean."

Spit began to run out of the sides of the slave's mouth as it washed and licked each digit. It started with the large one and ended with the small one, being sure to clean in between each toe as well. When L024 moved to the other foot to repeat the process, Frank looked down, wiggled the clean toes, and grinned.

"Not bad, Gimp. How do I taste?"

L024 gulped and let the young man's big toe fall from its mouth before answering.

"Like a virile, free man, Master."

Frank smiled.

"Fuck yeah, boy."

Once the toes on both feet were cleaned, Frank lifted his dirty soles and let the slave work them over. The dirt covered L024's beard and mouth, but it focused on what it was doing and tried to ignore the taste and the feeling of the grit in its teeth and throat. Frank watched from above as the tobacco entered his lungs and started to give him a buzz. Pulling the cigar from his mouth, he turned it in his hand and blew out more vapor. He then flexed his shoulders and arms and wiggled his feet, feeling the wetness of the mouth moving around them.

Stepping back, Frank caused L024 to fall to the ground, and the young man smiled.

"On your knees again, Gimp."

As L024 complied, Frank moved till his crotch was inches from the slave's face. He unbuttoned the top of his jeans before looking at the boy.

"Push your face in there and smell me, slave."

L024 complied immediately. The slave could feel the warm mound that was aching to be released. Frank's stiff shaft was visible in the fabric, and as L024 licked it, it could feel the balls below. As the denim began to darken as it collected the slave's sweat, Frank shifted his weight as his cock began to try to force its way out.

"Use your mouth to unzip me and then remove my pants, slave," Frank said. "Do not remove my boxers."

"Yes, Master," L024 replied as it moved to grab the zipper with its teeth and pull it down.

It took some force, but the tight jeans soon split apart and fell. As they lowered, Frank's white boxers appeared, soaked with precum. The outline of his cock was clearly visible, and the strong odor of his musk impacted L024 like a ton of bricks. It was different than the scent the slave had craved when Dom had owned its ass, but it had an earthen tone that made the slave's nub drool.

Frank lifted first his left foot and then his right as L024 removed the young man's pants and folded them nearly on the floor. The slave then looked up longingly at its master. Its face showed how much it wanted the slab of meat poking out from behind the thin cotton shroud. Frank smiled as he pulled on the cigar and blew smoke over his slave. L024 coughed but maintained eye contact.

"You don't get my dick yet, boy," Frank said. "I need to warm up that body first. Stand and walk over to the cross."

L024 nodded and rose. To its left was a Saint Andrew's cross, and it walked over and faced it, raising its hands and spreading its feet without needing direction. Frank smiled as he followed the slave over and buckled its limbs into place. Running his hands over the fur-covered skin of the slave, Frank was pleased.

"Fuck you are going to feel so good, boy. You have the perfect body. It just needs a little color."

Frank turned and grabbed a flogger from the wall. He swung into the air to practice before moving behind the slave and then flicking the implement over L024's upper back and shoulders. As the leather strips hit L024, the boy tensed and grunted. It had never been flogged, though it had always wanted to experience it.

"That's it, boy," Frank said as he puffed the cigar and adjusted his stance. "Let's ramp this up."

The flogger soon began to fly through the air. Frank expertly twirled the straps in a circular motion, bringing them down with varying degrees of intensity as he worked left and right down the slave's back. When he reached L024's ass, he delivered some hard blows, and the slave squealed and clenched as it pulled on the chains that bound it. Frank chuckled as he stopped to rub the reddened skin. The slave felt the sensation of the leather hand as it ran across it, and it groaned.

"That's what I like to hear," Frank said. "I'm not out to punish you, boy. The more I work over your body, the more your nerves will increase their sensitivity. When I am done with you, the slightest touch will make you quiver, and that is when you will get the fuck of your life. You got that, Gimp?"

"Yes, Sir," L024 groaned. "Thank you, Master."

Frank let the flogger sail through the air again, and he moved around L024's ass and down each leg, pausing to hit the enhanced balls that hung between lightly. That caused the slave to try to jump off of the floor.

It didn't take long for the slave's body to develop an overall reddish tone. There were a few slight marks on its shoulders and ass, but nothing that wouldn't fade over the course of an hour. Frank's hand was getting sore, however. So, he hung the flogger up, put the cigar down, and then removed the restraints from the slave.

"Kneel before me, boy," Frank said.

L024 fell to the ground without a word. Its body ached, but as it got eye-level with Frank's package, it could see the young man had been precumming so much that his boxers were now soaked through. Its Master hooked his thumbs under the waistline, and with a quick pull, the moist fabric fell to the floor. Frank's cock now pointed straight at L024. It was only inches from the slave's nose. While not huge, the young man was packing a little over six and a half inches, and it had some decent girth. It was circumcised, and the head glistened as a drop of precum formed and collected at the tip. Frank's balls hung below. They were covered in hair, and each testicle was about the size of a regular egg. But the scent of his musk was now potent. It wafted over the slave, and L024 felt drool forming at the edges of its lips.

"What do you think, Gimp?" Frank asked as he looked down at his slave.

"Master has a god cock," L024 replied. "This slave is honored to view it."

Frank broke his concentration and laughed.

"Well, it's never been called that before, but I like the sentiment. I permit you to take it into yourself. Go slow. I want you to feel and taste me. I want you to prepare me for your pussy."

"Yes, Master," L024 replied as it moved forward and opened its mouth.

As the head of Frank's cock crossed L024's lips, the slave cradled it with its tongue and pulled its mouth close to suckle. The young man's precum was salty and sweet, and as it nursed, Frank groaned. Pushing deeper, the head moved back into the slave's throat, and L024 cautiously reached out to hold onto its master's legs. When it noticed no correction to its move, L024 closed its eyes and began to moan as it applied pressure and pulled back and forth on the shaft, going deeper each time.

Frank grunted as he felt his cock pleasured. This slave might have been out of practice, but it knew what it was doing. Before long, he could feel his head sliding down the back of the slave's throat and his heavy balls resting on the slave's chin. Looking down, he placed his hands on L024's forehead and pulled it back.

"Open that mouth, boy."

As L024 complied, Frank pursed his lips and let a wad of spit fall from his mouth. It dropped directly into the throat of the slave. The young man then pulled L024's head back down on his shaft and began to skull fuck it. L024 gagged initially but quickly opened up its throat and took it deep.

"Damn, your throat is nice, boy! Suck that cock! Take that dick deep!"

L024 grunted and looked up as it was used. Frank was pushing his hips back and forth as he held onto the slave's head. L024 could feel the movement of the muscles in the young man's thighs. Frank had some strong legs, and the slave knew that his ass would likely be reamed when the time came.

With each thrust, L024 could feel Frank's sack impact his face. The testicles inside hung low and were warm and sweaty. They felt heavy too. The slave's trimmed beard deadened the impact, but there was no mistaking the amount of dominant seed contained within.

"That's a boy," Frank growled. "My sexy, furry slave. Worship my cock. It's the only dick that should matter to you."

L024 groaned. It could taste more precum flooding its mouth. With every moment, its master increased production, almost matching the pooling amount between its legs that emanated from its enhanced testicles and docked nub that could never become hard again.

"Ok," Frank said as he abruptly pulled the slave off. "I need at that ass. I can't wait anymore."

L024 looked up at its master longingly. Its face was covered in spit and cock slime and still open. Frank slapped the slave lightly to close its maw and directed it to stand and walk over to a flat bench.

"Jump up here, Gimp," Frank said. "Normally, I would put you on the fuck bench, but I want you to watch as I breed your ass for the first time."

"Yes, Master," L024 replied.

Frank helped the slave get up and lay back on the bench. The young man then pulled out two metal extensions with stirrups that allowed the slave to rest its legs, spreading and exposing its ass. Pulling its arms to the side of the bench, Frank secured the slave's limbs in leather straps and then patted L024's chest when it was secured.

"I hope you got my dick nice and wet cause that is all the lube you are getting."

L024 watched as its master moved between its legs and stroked his cock. The slave's hole was at the perfect height and puckered in anticipation. Frank licked his thumb and then probed it. With only slight resistance, his digit entered the slave's ass and was pulled deep.

"Fuck, that pussy is ready for me, isn't it?"

"Yes, Master," L024 groaned.

Frank smiled and pulled his thumb out. Stroking his cock twice and letting some precum collect at the tip, he lined himself up and then, with one movement, pushed inside. As the head disappeared inside the slave's tight rosebud, L024 closed his eyes and grunted.

"Eyes on me, slave!" Frank growled as he grabbed L024's spread legs and pushed deeper. "I want you to focus on me. Direct all your efforts into making your pussy pleasure me. Got that?"

L024 nodded as the young man went deeper. Frank was not overly hung, but his cock felt good as it neared the enhanced prostate of the slave. The organ had been desensitized during its alterations, but the pressure of the cock on it caused a massive spurt of precum to shoot out of its tiny nub. The clear liquid sailed into the air and landed with an audible sound on its abdomen.

"Damn," Frank replied as he collected the fluids and tasted them. "That nub of yours is primed!"

"Yes, Master," L024 replied. "But it's nothing like your huge cock."

"Not anymore, for sure," Frank said with a smile as he bottomed out. "I'm glad we docked it. It wasn't needed anyway."

"No, Sir," L024 replied.

"Fuck yeah!" Frank growled as he began to thrust.

L024 could feel the sheer energy of the impact of his master's body as it was thrown forward, and the cock inside its ass went deep. The young man then pulled almost entirely out before thrusting in again. The table creaked and groaned and soon began to move back and forth with the movement. The slave's ass was then pummeled. Like a horny rabbit, Frank quickly pounded his cock deep inside his toy. L024's oversized balls were rolling around due to the kinetic energy of the fuck, and its body tensed as it pulled against the restraints.

"That's it, slave!" Frank shouted. "Take that cock!"

"Yes, Master!" L024 replied as it gritted its teeth and felt its head fly back and forth.

"Fuck you feel so good. Yeah, Eric, yeah!"

L024 was momentarily confused. Who was Eric? It looked up and saw that its master had his eyes closed and was deep in the moment as he fucked. However, the slave thought it was best not to break the momentum of the fuck. After all, if its master wanted to daydream while it fucked his slave, that was his right too.

"Fuck yeah!" Frank growled again as he opened his eyes, reached down, and grabbed onto L024's waist.

While the young man might not have been as hung as Dom, he certainly had more energy than L024's previous master. Frank seemed to have infinite energy as he pounded and reamed the slave's ass for nearly fifteen minutes straight. But, eventually, he slowed, and L024 could see the sweat pouring off the young man's forehead and dripping down his chest.

"How are those balls of yours doing, slave?" Frank said as he pulled out to rest a moment.

The young man lightly slapped the huge testicles lying low in the slave's stretched and enhanced sack.

"I can't believe how large they were able to make them," Frank said. "They have to be twice the size they were when I bought you."

"Yes, Master," L024 replied with a grunt as it winced when another slap came.

"Big and full," Frank said. "I know you haven't cum in a month other than being prodded at the market. And you have had a week of enhanced production, filling those tissues with tons of swimmers. I bet they are just painful at this point."

"Yes, Master!" L024 cried out in pain as it threw its head back and twisted on the table.

"They are so much fun to play with!" Frank said as he quickly tapped each one in quick succession.

L024 was now writing. Its ass was on fire, and now its groin felt like it would explode. Several globs of precum shot out of its nub as Frank continued to lightly tap, eliciting pure joy from the young man.

"Fuck I love this!"

"Yes, Master!" L024 screamed out.

Frank stopped for a moment and then hit the huge testicles lightly again.

"Yeah, slave?"

He hit them again.

"Is this too much for you?"

And then again.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, Master!" L024 cried. "My body is for your pleasure!"

"Damn right, it is!" Frank replied as he grabbed the slave's waist and shoved deep inside again.

"Fuck!" L024 groaned as his body was rocked again.

Frank's dick was now hammering the slave's prostate. Even in its desensitized state, biology was beginning to win out. It hadn't properly orgasmed in over a month, and a familiar warm feeling began to spread through the slave's abdomen. The fire spread into its balls, and the heavy testicles inside began to lift. L024 started to sweat. Its body flushed, and it groaned loudly. Frank watched as the slave pushed its legs as wide as it could, and then its tiny nub erupted like a volcano. Cum shot into the air so forcefully that it nearly reached Frank's head before it fell back and landed in splashes on the slave's body.

"Fuck yeah!" Frank growled. "Now you know what a real man's cock can do! I just fucked those balls of yours dry, boy!"

"Fuck!" L024 screamed.

"And now it's time for your master to breed!" Frank replied as he shoved hard into the slave.

Deep inside L024, the young man's cock spewed forth. The warm cum plastered the insides of the slave, and L024 could feel the pulsing of the organ. Frank was howling at the ceiling and clenching his ass as shot after shot was delivered.

"Fuck yeah! Woo-hoo!"

L024's head fell back, and he nearly fainted. The intensity of its own orgasm, coupled with that of its master, was almost too much. Both of them were panting and trying to collect their energy as they came off their respective highs. But it was Frank that gasped and came to first. Pulling his softening and dripping cock from the slave's ass, he stepped back and laughed.

"Fuck you were a good purchase!"

L024 opened its eyes and groaned as it nodded. Frank moved to unstrap its arms and pull its feet from the stirrups before stepping back.

"Get down here and clean your Master's dick!"

L024 gasped. It was barely able to move as it rolled off the table and fell to the floor. It managed to crawl to its master and lift its body till it was face-to-face with the cum-coated organ in front of it. Opening its mouth, it sucked the shaft inside and cleaned it of its precious fluids.

"Be careful there, Gimp," Frank winced. "Your master is sensitive after he cums."

L024 slowed down and made sure to be gentle as it finished the job. After letting the shaft fall out, it moved to lick and bathe the sweaty balls that had blessed its ass with a real man's seed. Frank was pleased.

"That's a good slave."

When L024 was done, it collapsed on its hands and knees as Frank stretched and walked over to finish his cigar and wipe his face with the towel he had set out. Turning to look at his slave, he saw the copious amounts of cum on the table and floor and the wet mess that covered L024.

"Look at me, slave," Frank said.

L024 managed to pull its body upright to face its master.

"I want my equipment and floors cleaned before you leave here. But I want you to wear that cum on and in your body for a while. I want my fluids to become a part of you."

"Yes, Master," L024 replied.

"Get to it, then," Frank said. "Use your tongue till everything is sparkling clean."

"Yes, Master," L024 replied as Frank smiled and left the room.

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As with my other stories on Nifty, I accept and love to get constructive feedback and criticism from my readers. You can contact me at slavebear1976@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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