Texas Slave Market

By Slave Bear

Published on Feb 5, 2024


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, body modification, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Texas Slave Market

Chapter 13

"Yes... Yes... Yes!!!"

Male screams of ecstasy echoed down a dingy, poorly lit hall. They reverberated from a thin wooden door with peeling paint and a piece of paper labeled "Room 3" pasted to it. The room beyond was hot and stale. It reeked of tobacco smoke, musk, cum, and sweat. A solitary bed was situated in the middle of the room. Made of metal, it was rusted and looked over a hundred years old. The mattress, if you could call it that, sagged into the bent and worn-out metal frame and was stained dark colors. A worn, sweat-stained sheet that had once been white decades ago was all that separated it from the two figures above.

"God, that dick feels good!" screamed the man again.

He was in his late fifties but looked to be a decade older. His body was wrinkled and he had needle marks on both his arms. He was straddling the large frame of a younger man whose enormous cock was being driven deep into his loose ass. The younger man had his large hands on the older man's waist and was pulling down on him to get deep. A scrotum the size of a baseball contained enormous testicles that were primed and ready to breed. They bounced on the squeaking mattress and frame with each gyration.

"Fuck!" the younger man growled with a deep and gravelly voice. "You ready for a second load, bitch?"

"Fuck yeah!" the older man squealed in response.

The younger man tensed. The muscles in his arms rippled, and his body arched upward as his orgasm crested. His enormous orbs jumped upward as his thick shaft undulated and shot load after thick load into the older man riding him. Intense pain soon followed. His body tensed, and his face contorted as he rode through the feeling. Cumming was never a pleasant experience, especially when the session lasted longer than the dose of the drug he took. But he was getting paid to fuck and breed his clients, and he needed to empty his balls.

"Damn!" the older man screamed as his small cock erupted hands-free. "You fucked a load out of me!"

The younger man let his body fall into the mattress with a thud. He dropped his arms and squeezed his fists as the pins and needles and sharp pains traveled through his groin and up his spine.

"Fuck!" the younger man growled louder as he let his head fall back.

"You are a beast!" the older man replied with a smile as he reached down and rubbed the thin hairs that covered the younger man's chest.

Decades of previous hair removal had stunted his follicles, and apart from the scraggly beard on his face, peach fuzz was all he could grow from the neck down. The younger man opened his eyes and looked up at the older man, and he tried to smile.

"Well, you paid for an hour and got two big loads. I hope you are satisfied."

"Fuck yeah!" the older man said as he lifted his body off the thick, girthy pole that was still at attention and dripping."

"You always give me quite a ride!" the older man said as he stepped onto the floor of the room and attempted to squeeze his ass shut.

Cum was dripping down his leg as he slid on his pants and put on a dingy shirt.

"I'm afraid I don't have any cash to tip you with, but I will add a few dollars to the bill on the way out."

"Thanks," the younger man said as he pulled himself up and twisted to let his large legs fall over the side of the bed and his big feet land on the floor.

His cock was still pulsing, but it slowly deflated as he grabbed a cigarette off a broken table next to the bed and lit it. He sucked on the rolled paper, letting the pungent tobacco fill his lungs, which he then exhaled into the air above as he nodded at the older man who had just put his shoes on.

"I'll see you next week," the older man said.

"Till then," the younger man replied.

The older man left, and as the door to the room closed, the younger man let out a groan as he grabbed his balls and cock.

"Fucking hell."

Placing the cigarette on the side of the table, he reached into a basket and pulled out a syringe filled with a cloudy liquid. Pulling the cap off the end, he inserted it into a port that had been permanently implanted in his upper arm, located just above his former slave tattoos. Pushing the stopper at the end of the syringe, the drug flooded his system, and he felt a numbing fog wash over his brain. Dropping the empty syringe, he grabbed the cigarette, placed it in his mouth, and then fell back on the dingy bed.

A cool flush caused his body to shutter. His balls quivered and sunk low in their large home as his cock pulsed and then slid to the side and deflated. The young man inhaled deeply as he ran his hands over his body. The pain ebbed, and he could almost feel the chemicals prepping his body to recharge and fuck once again.

The young man had experienced a hard time over the past nine months. But, then again, he had always had a hard life. He had been born Jeffery Allen Kennedy, Jr. The eldest son is the fourth child of two poor migrant farmers in north Texas. His parents had gone on to have nine kids, and he and his siblings were put to work as soon as they could legally be in the fields. He had left grade school after seventh grade and had grown into a strong and muscled teen through his manual labor. His large feet and hands were assets as he toiled in the fields and did odd jobs for the neighbors to bring in extra cash.

He still remembered the first girl he fucked. Her name was Jill, and she was the daughter of a man that Jeff had been chopping wood for. They were both fifteen, and after hours of swinging an axe, his body was covered in sweat, and his pants were soaked, highlighting his impressive package. She had been flirting with him for over a week, but when she hiked up her skirt and fingered herself in front of the teen, Jeff could take no more. They both ran to the barn, and he was soon deep in her, sowing his oats for the first time.

As he matured, he began to make his way to other farms and bedded a wide selection of Texas teens. He was quite a catch and had no trouble getting laid. But his life all changed the day he turned seventeen.

A drought had swept through the Great Plains that year, and many farmers were impacted before the government stepped in to help. His family took it the hardest. The land they were working on was decimated, and his parents blew through all of their savings trying to support their children. Jeff knew what was coming, though he still felt the pain in his chest when his father told him he would be sold into slavery along with two of his younger brothers. His older sister was also promised to an older farmer in the next county over, who could support her, and she agreed to take on two of the youngest girls as well. His entire family was being broken up to survive.

Jeff still remembered being dropped off at the Texas Slave Market by his father. He put on a brave face, but when his twenty-year contract was signed, he was swiftly moved into the processing center. He turned to see his father leaving without a goodbye.

The young man was soon stripped naked. His clothes were disposed of, and a hefty green tag was attached to his ear. He was treated just like the cattle he saw on the farms where he grew up. His physique did not go unnoticed. He was a hairy young man with dense, dark fur covering his chest, arms, and legs. He had a nice size set of balls and an above-average cock that swung side to side with every step he made with his large feet. His chest was broad and muscled, and his arms and legs were thick and powerful. He could have tried to escape if he wanted to, but he knew better.

The first day at the facility had been humiliating. He had been gawked at and examined. He had been fed an erection-inducing pill, and when he was at full mast, a man arrived to shove a large metal probe up his ass. Electricity had been delivered, and he screamed as his cock convulsed and his cum was collected in a container to be sampled and studied. A ball gag had been forced into his mouth, so he was unable to speak. He had then been chained naked in a cage next to dozens and dozens of other slaves. There were young men of all shapes, sizes, and colors, but they had one thing in common. They were all about to be sold.

He had to squat and shit twice in the side of the cage and then stare at the piles for hours before men came to hose it away. He had been dehumanized. He was no longer a man. He was a piece of property, and he had cried himself to sleep against the cold metal bars.

In the morning, he was awoken by the clang of metal on the bars of his cage. He looked up to see the face of a large man. Clyde Handleman had been given exclusive early access to check out the slave property being sold that day. He had gone to school with the facility's owner, and the man had owed him a few favors from past gambling debts. Clyde was a massive beast of a man. His ebony skin glistened in the light of the warehouse, and his deep brown eyes pierced through Jeff's cage and zeroed in on the young man's physique.

"So, your family sold ya," Clyde said. "You are quite a fine specimen of a slave."

"Yes, Sir," Jeff replied into his gag as he nodded.

"Y698," Clyde said as he read the fact sheet that had been attached to the young slave's cage. "Yes. Those are very impressive stats. And your sperm counts and mobility are very high. Have you knocked up anyone yet?"

"No, Sir," Jeff said into the round rubber ball between his teeth as he shook his head.

"I'm shocked with these numbers," Clyde replied. "Well, let me get down to it. I am going to purchase you today. I know this is an auction, but let's say I have a deal in place to purchase any slave I want before the festivities begin. I need what is in those balls of yours."

Jeff remembered swallowing a load of spit at that point.

"I'm starting a breeding farm," Clyde continued. "I will start with three slaves, and you will be my first purchase today. The slave market will process you, and in addition to slave tattoos and an implant in your neck to keep you from escaping, you will be fitted with a port in your arm. Through this, I will be able to pump drugs into your body. This will cause those impressive balls of yours to swell even larger, and your shaft will thicken and engorge as well. Your hormones will be supercharged, and you soon will be able to cum several times a day. I hope to milk those balls at least four times a day."

Jeff's eyes were wide as he heard his future owner speak. His cock involuntarily swelled between his legs at the thought.

"I see that that cock of yours approves of this idea," Clyde replied with a laugh. "The drugs will also increase your volume and potency. It is the sperm I need, after all. Unfortunately, it also means your orgasms will become painful. But the concoction I'll be giving you will also include a sedative and a chemical that will make you feel like you are on cloud nine. Yes, for the next twenty years, your cock will be milked over and over, and your seed will be sold for profit, making me a wealthy man. At least that is the hope."

Jeff was now shaking on the floor of his cage.

"Now, don't be nervous, there!" Clyde said as he squatted down, reached out, and gently squeezed Jeff's leg. "You are going to be my bull for profit. I will take excellent care of you. You will be well-fed and allowed to work out to maintain your physique. However, we will have to remove all that hair of yours. It just is not sanitary in a milking facility. We can dip you weekly in a bath of chemicals to make all that body hair fall off, and your face and head will be shaved daily. Just be calm. Be lucky that I am purchasing you. You could have been bought as a sex slave or for manual labor!"

Clyde laughed again as he stood, and Jeff's eyes followed his every move.

"I can't wait till my young boy sees you. Lewis is just as excited as I am to get this milking farm started. He has never seen a slave before, and you will be a great specimen for him to inspect. I will see you again soon."

Jeff had watched as Clyde walked away. Soon after, he was removed from his cage and sent back for processing. Within a week, he had been tattooed, branded, and implanted with his port and had arrived at Handleman Farms for his first day in the barn.

He had already been given his first denuding. His smooth skin was an odd sensation, as was his shaved head and face. He had always had a nice beard and long hair to match his furry body. A metal band had been installed around his waist, and a metal chastity cage attached to this had encased his genitals, which had already been significantly enlarged through particular drugs at the market. His balls had increased in size by almost twenty-five percent, and they ached as he had not been allowed to touch himself or orgasm for over a week.

The stall Clyde had selected for him had been at the end of a newly constructed barn. A metal chair greeted him as he approached it, and his master had helped him into it and strapped him in. It was only then that the metal chastity cage was removed, and a tube was placed over his shaft, which rapidly filled with blood upon release. The port in his arm was attached to tubes that delivered a drug into his body, and a separate tube was placed in his mouth and secured with a small gag so that he could receive fluids and sustenance throughout the day.

The drug that had been delivered into his port acted quickly. He had felt a flush over his whole body that made him shiver, and his balls and cock had reacted almost immediately. His shaft filled the tube it was inserted in, and the feeling of blue balls increased in his testicles.

"We are almost done," Clyde said with pride as he reached under Jeff's chair.

The chair was designed to spread and lift the slave's legs. Clyde slid a rubber noose around the fist-sized testicles that hung below and secured them so they were out of the way. He then pulled a lever, and a lubricated metal butt plug swung into place and forced its way into Jeff's ass. The young man had screamed and flinched as it invaded his virgin ass, and his ass clamped tight around the smaller neck of the device.

"There we go," Clyde said with a smile as he rubbed the smooth legs of the slave. "You are ready, Y698."

Clyde looked at the eyes of his slave and paused a moment before reaching down and feeling the heavy balls that were now primed to produce.

"No, I think we will call you Hog," the man said. "That cock and balls of yours are already thick and heavy, and before long, it will be double that size. A definite hog."

Jeff watched as Clyde pressed a switch and soon felt more chemicals flood his body as the milking machines started and began to stroke his cock. He groaned as he felt the movement up and down on his sensitive shaft, and he felt himself drifting into a cloud of bliss.

It only took fifty seconds for the slave's balls to lift and his cock to explode inside the tube. A massive load of cum was soon sucked away, and Jeff was amazed as he saw it sail through the tubing and up and over his head. But then he felt a tinge of pain. It became more and more intense, and his body seized. As the orgasm crested, he felt as though a knife was being stabbed into his groin. Clyde saw this and adjusted the dosage of the meds, and soon, the feeling left the slave's body as he drifted off into a blissful sleep.

"Yeah, we need to work on the dosage of that med, Hog," Clyde had said as the slave was drifting off. "But we will adjust things so you won't feel any more pain."

It had been the first day of Hog's life as a slave, and soon, the days became weeks, then months, then years. Two decades passed as he was milked time and time again. His balls increased well over two hundred percent of their starting size, and his sack hung like a baseball between his thick, muscled legs. His shaft and head had also enlarged, adding three inches in length and two and a half in girth to his already impressive package. But the slave could never admire what was attached to him. It was always locked away in a chastity cage when he was not being milked, and when he was in his stall, he was always in a fog of drug-induced bliss.

Over the years, Clyde had retired and handed the farm over to his son Lewis, who had cared for and treated Hog as a prized animal. So, it had been quite a shock when he had woken up and prepared for another day's milking only to have his chastity cage removed, handed clothes for the first time, and told he was a free man. Jeff did not know what to do. His whole life revolved around being milked and producing for his Master.

He had been given six doses of medication to take with him to help him deal with the pain of orgasms that would come now that he was on his own. Without the constant pharmaceutical drips, however, he had been told he would be able to adjust back to a normal human life with less volume and more pleasure in his shots of cum. He had also been given enough money to cover six months of rent at a housing facility for ex-slaves, and he had travel resources to return home. As he was put into a car by the technician slave who had come to care for him and drove away from the farm for the last time, he reached down and felt the bulge in his jeans and silently cried.

Jeff was let out at a bus stop and took the following route to his old hometown. When he arrived, he could barely recognize it. The area had been built with apartments and homes, and none of the farms he had worked at and grown up on existed. As he stepped off the bus, many people turned to stare at him. He was bald and clean-shaven. There was not a hair on his body. He had been given a stylish shirt and pants, but they were cut tight, and the obscene bulge in the front was hard to hide, as were the slave tattoos on his arms and neck that bore his former designation, Y698. The hole in his ear that had held his green tag for two decades was also visible. There was no hiding he had been a slave, but everyone needed to know he was not an "escaped" slave. Thus, he quickly went to the nearest police office to obtain a metal dog tag around his neck that designated him as a free man.

While at the station, he used their computer system to try to locate his family. His parents had disappeared years ago, and there were no records of them in any of the state files. Nor were there records of his two brothers, who had also been sold into slavery. However, if they had been released on the same day as he had, it could take time for their records to be reprocessed and located anywhere in the world. He found the records for two of his sisters. One lived in New York, and another in Spain now. However, none of his relatives were nearby, and he left the station without direction.

The hostel in the town center that took in ex-slaves was an older building, but it was clean and well-maintained. Jeff had checked in under Hog's name. He had been called that for twenty years and saw no reason not to use it as his official name now. The woman at the desk constantly stared at his crotch, and she smiled while she checked him in. When she was done and handed him his room key, Hog blurted out the first thing on his mind.

"Look, I just was released from a slave milking facility this morning, and my balls are killing me. I might be reading this wrong, but do you want to help me blow a load or two? I haven't been with a woman in twenty years, but I don't think it would take much."

"Yes!" the woman shouted as she grabbed Hog's arm and led him down the hall and to the room.

As they entered, she tore off her clothes as Hog kicked off his uncomfortable shoes and peeled off the shirt and pants that constricted him. The woman's eyes bulged when she saw the massive slab of meat that emerged and the huge dangling balls that dropped below. Hog's shaft immediately engorged as he reached down and felt it.

"Fuck, I haven't even touched my cock since I was a teenager," he said.

"Well, come over here, and let's put it to use, stud!" she said. "You milking bulls always give a good ride!"

The woman reached out and threw the large man onto the bed and straddled him, shoving his thick tool deep inside her. Hog groaned as his eyes rolled back into his head, and she did her work. She was loose and no stranger to riding cock, especially milking bull cocks, and it was not long till Hog felt a warm feeling in his body.

"Oh, God," Hog said. "I am so fucking close."

The woman groaned in ecstasy as Hog went over the edge. At first, the massive shot of cum that left his balls was a relief. He had been wanting to jack off since he had left his former home. The force of the load was such that it filled the woman and dripped out and over the large man's shaft and balls. But then, a sharp pain followed. Like someone had taken a knife to his balls, a searing pain shot threw Hog as more loads of cum erupted from him.

"FUCK!" Hog screamed in pain.

"Oh," the woman replied as she continued to ride the man to her orgasm. "I forgot to warn you about that. It will take time for those drugs they gave you to work out of your system. Until you do, the stuff that made you hard, horny, and able to shoot so much will give you a lot of pain."

"Oh fuck!" Hog screamed again as more cum shot from his loins.

The woman seemed to get off on his pain, and she experienced an orgasm as her body flushed and she rode the geyser that was overfilling her. Hog tried to push her off, but she clamped tight on him and continued to ride.

"You stay still, bitch!" the woman screamed as her voice became firm and deep. "Or I will tell them you are causing trouble. You are my bull for pleasure now!"

Hog groaned as he felt this woman take control. When the orgasms finally stopped, the pain in his balls ebbed, and the woman pulled herself from the large man's tool. She grabbed Hog's pants and fished out one of the syringes he had been given, and she plunged the contents into the port in his arm. As it flooded his system, he felt a familiar rush of euphoria.

"Now you listen here," the woman said as she tossed the syringe in a trashcan. "You mention that we fucked to anyone, and I will kick you out. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," Hog groaned as he flew through a sky of pink clouds. His softening cock fell into a quarter cup of cum that puddled on his groin.

"Do you have family here?" she asked.

"No," Hog replied.

"Do you have a job prospect?" she asked.

"No," Hog replied.

"Would you like one?" she asked.

"I don't know, Master," Hog replied.

"Master," the woman said with a laugh. "I love newly freed slaves. They are so pliable. You just come to me if you need employment. I know of a job for a hung milking slave like you that will help pay for that drug you seem to like so much. And believe me, when you start going through withdrawal soon, you will beg for it."

The woman laughed as she left the room, and Hog passed out.

Hog had woken up hours later. His groin was covered in crusted cum, and his cock was erect and throbbing. He leaned over and grabbed another syringe from his pants, plunged it into his port, and then proceeded to jack himself off for the first time in twenty years. It felt weird holding his shaft. It was far larger than the last time he had stroked it, but as his mind drifted into the sky again, cum erupted from his loins and covered his body and bed. He jacked off twice more before coming down off the drug and wandering out to get his first meal as a free man.

Hog had only been given six syringes of the drug. He was supposed to report to a local medical facility to start treatments to lower his sex drive and prepare him to remove his arm port, ass brand, and slave tattoos. However, when he had been told that the process often caused depression and erectile difficulties, he had a change of heart. What did it matter if he had his tattoos or a big brand on his ass? It was evident from the hole in his ear and the massive bulge in his pants that he had been a slave. He had taken to walking barefoot everywhere as well. He never wore shoes on the farm, which were too uncomfortable to wear now.

After three days, he was out of his drug, and withdrawal symptoms followed. He began to sweat in his bed, and he nearly passed out from the searing agony he experienced when he came. The woman who ran the facility also forced him to please her whenever she was in heat, and she orgasmed every time his body was rocked with pain. But, when he did a good job, she would plunge a shot of the drug into his arm from her stash, and it allowed him to live another day.

Hog soon started purchasing Zirtran B off the street using the funds he had been given. In small doses, it allowed him to maintain his erections and load volume and ease the pain that came with it, but even purchasing small doses added up. Within two months, he was broke and was at the mercy of his landlord. She seemed pleased at the former slave under her control and soon found a permanent place of employment for him: a local brothel.

The place was a rat hole at the edge of town. The rooms stunk and were roach-infested, but Hog was promised three meals a day and a healthy dose of his drug to keep him in top form and able to meet the needs of multiple clients daily. He had been warned by his former master and by the medical people he had seen after he became free that continued use of the drug would eventually leave him sterile and unable to cum, but right now, all he needed was to breed his next client so he could get his fix.

As Hog blew the last bits of smoke from the cigarette in his mouth away, he pulled himself to a sitting position and grabbed a crusted towel to wipe the remnants of cum away from his shaft and abdomen. Inside the drawer of the table, he found a box of wipes that he used to half-heartedly clean and disinfect his genitalia. Throwing the cloth in a small trash bin, he flexed his body and felt his muscles. They had started to decrease in size from lack of exercise, though his body was still impressive.

A knock on the door distracted him, and he looked up to see a young fit man appear. It was his next client. Most of them were men. At first, this disgusted him. But over time, he realized a nut was a nut. It didn't matter what sex his client was as long as he got fed and was given his drug. He was a slave again. But, then again, he had always been a slave.

"Howdy," Hog said as he stroked his stiff cock. "What position do you want to be in?"

"Lean back and throw those legs on my shoulders," the young man said as he unbuckled his belt. "I've got eight inches of thick meat, and I wanna see your big cock and balls bouncing as you take my loads."

"All yours, stud," Hog said as he leaned back, lifted and spread his legs, and exposed his gaping hole. "Pound my branded exslave ass and breed me with your cum."

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As with my other stories on Nifty, I accept and love to get constructive feedback and criticism from my readers. You can contact me at slavebear1976@gmail.com

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