Texas Ranger

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Mar 30, 2010


This is a work of mostly fiction, if it is illegal to read this sort of thing where you are then you probably shouldn't do it, or at least don't get caught doing it. I have nothing else to say, all usual disclaimers apply.

Texas Ranger: Part 4

I took Andys hand and led him up the stairs. I emerged in front of Alexis and Mimi and both had a strange smirk on their face. I raised an eyebrow inquisitively at Mimi but she just giggled a little and turned her eyes to the boy behind me. I was about to introduce him, but before I could even get a word out Andy stepped in front of me and wrapped them both in a hug.

"It's good to finally meet you! I've heard so much, Matty talks about you all the time. You must be Mimi!"

As he finished his rapid-fire sentence, he stepped back and looked Mimi in the eye. She chuckled a little and said "That's muh name, don't wear it out."

"And your Alexis!"

Alexis blushed and nodded her head. She was by far the shyer of us three, and was very quiet and reserved. I loved her because no matter what was happening in my life, she could always be counted on for cool headed advice. Muriel on the other hand, was by far the more outgoing and loud of us, she went through a boyfriend every few months and was always out partying, usually dragging us along for the ride.

I gestured towards the table and we all sat down. There was a brief moment of awkward silence then Mimi said "So your from Texas eh?"

"Yupyup! It's hot as hell down there, was 110 degrees when I left and I get here and its like 77 when I get up here. It must be freezing in the winter."

Mimi looked at me strangely and I said "In not-American, that means it was 43 in Texas, and only 25 when he got here." I looked at Andy and said "Celsius is a wonderful thing babe, learn it."

"Why would I have to learnt it when you went to the trouble of learning Fahrenheit!"

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair, letting most of the conversation pass me by. I was in a room with the most important people in the world to me, and my boyfriend was actually getting along with my friends, could it get any better the this. I heard the word `twisted' and I decided to start paying attention to the conversation.

"Whats twisted?" Andy was asking.

"Twisted Element, it's a club downtown that Matt likes and-"

Andy's eyes lit up and he looked at me and cut Mimi off "Is this that gay one with the shower?"

I grimaced and said "Yes, it's the gay club with the shower and the cage and the bathroom where you can have sex. I've mentioned it once or twice."

Andy grinned a big malicious grin. "Well we'll have to check those things out then wont we!"

Mimi chimed in with "Matt doesn't `like' those things. Get enough liquor in him though and he seems more agreeable to things like that. There was this one time where he met this-"

"Muriel!" if looks could kill I probably would have just obliterated Mimi in her seat, but she just sat there smirking back at me as my face turned redder and redder. Andy laughed aloud and put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me close to him. I slipped my arm around his waist and when I was in range, he leaned down and kissed me on the lips lightly. When I pulled away I saw that Alexis was smiling broadly and it was my turn to smirk at Mimi.

We talked for a bit more then Andy excused himself to go to the bathroom. After I heard the door shut downstairs I turned to my best friends and said "So... what do you think?"

Alexis and Mimi looked at each other then back at me.

"He'll do. He's pretty cute and he sounds like fun, just hope you don't get hurt in this..."

I glared at Mimi then turned to Alexis. "And what do you think?"

Alexis made a show of thinking then said simply "Acceptable."

We heard the door open up downstairs and Andy coming up the stairs. I glanced at Mimi and Alexis and whispered "Behave!" before Andy emerged from the doorway. He walked into the kitchen and saw everyone looking at him and stopped.

"Whoa, am I interrupting something?"

"No babe, come on, we're going to go shopping!"

Andy's face lit up and I stood and walked over to him. I stepped into his arms and wrapped mine around his waist, tilting my head up to look into his sparkling brown eyes. He smiled down at me and brushed his lips over mine briefly. We turned to Mimi and Alexis and I asked them if they were coming with us. Mimi threw up her hands and said "O no, I don't shop with gay guys anymore, way to much effort. Me and Lex are staying here!"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Alexis. "Are you coming or staying?"

"I'm with Mimi on this one, you kids have fun."

"We'll be back eventually!" I dragged Andy by the hand out through the front door and up to my truck. As I we both put our seatbelts on, Andy said "Wait, I don't have my wallet... let me run in and grab it."

"Its on me today, you pick the clothes I pay the bills, don't worry about it."

"Matt... I-"

I started the truck and peeled off down the street before he said anything else. "You're my guest Andy, the deal was if you pay for your entire flight, then you don't pay for ANYTHING while you're here with me. And since you wouldn't let me pay for the ticket, our little clothes shopping trip is on me!"

"I suppose..."

"O come on. Remember I promised you ages ago that when you came up I would let you dress me? Well now's your chance, pick what you will at the mall and I'll wear it tonight when we go out."

"Anything? Really?"


"O this WILL be fun. We should totally match! We're going to get you..."

I smiled as I drove, Andy chatting happily beside me. I was somewhat scared of what he would dress me up in, but it didn't matter as long as it made him happy.

We pulled in to the mall parking lot several minutes later and got out of the truck. The mall was packed at this hour and whether Andy knew it or not, there was about to be a huge test for him. I had had several boyfriends in the past who weren't very openly gay, much like him, and they flat out refused public displays of affection. They said they hated the way people stared at them if they held my hand or anything like that. Except for my brief stint of dating girls, I had never been kissed in public. It was a big deal to me and I didn't know how to bring it up with Andy without sounding awkward.

While all these thoughts were swirling around my head, I felt a warm hand slide into mine. I looked at Andy and he smiled, his hand holding mine loosely as we walked through the parking lot. I don't know how he could still think of me as attractive after the stupid grin that plastered itself on my face after that moment, but he kept smiling as we walked. Once we got to the main entrance to the mall, I asked "You hungry babe?"

He grinned and said "I thought you'd never ask, I'm starved."

I laughed and pulled him into the mall, then turned right and we walked down through the shops. Eventually we came to a restaurant in the far corner of the mall. It was a Moxies, one of those big chain restaurants that are everywhere, and I walked up to the stewardess and asked "Is Stefan working tonight?"

"Yes, of course. Would you like me to get him for you?"


She marched off and we stood there for a bit, finally Andy said "So who's Stefan now?"

"He's the head Chef here. Technically head cook, but he hates me reminding him of that. I worked here a few years back and we became pretty good friends and - STEFAN! What kind of motherfucking shit show are you running here!"

"YOU! You have a lot of nerve coming back here faggot!"

Andy spun to face the source of the angry voice and looked about to say something then his mouth dropped open. The man walking from the back of the restaurant was possibly one of the most attractive people I have ever known, and Andy seemed to agree. At 5'10" he wasn't short, but not too tall, and had olive skin and dark, dark eyes. He wore his Chef jacket like an Armani suit and it was several sizes too small for him, showing off his perfectly toned body better then anyone I had ever seen.

"Who are you calling a faggot, ass-pirate, still screwing your sous-chefs?"

Stefan's previously angry face broke into a huge smile and he walked up to me and wrapped me in a hug, laughing all the while.

"It's good to see you again. And no, my favourite sous-chef left so its lonely nights in the kitchen for me now. How have you been Matt?" I smiled and returned the hug.

"Never been better my friend."

Stefan stepped back and looked at Andy for the first time, his eyes almost predatory. "And what have we here..."

"This is Andy."

"THE Andy?"


"Wow, well done Matt, solid 9 ½ there."

Andy was just standing there glancing from me to Stefan. Finally he said "Uhhh... I am right here guys."

I laughed and slipped my arm around his waist, standing on tip toe and kissing him hard on the lips. "And I'm happy you are. So how about some food Stef?"

"Well I suppose I have some of that kicking around. Go pick a table and I'll have it brought out."

With that, he spun around and marched off to the kitchen, disappearing through the swinging door a moment later. I dragged Andy towards the lounge and we sat down in a booth. I went in first and expected him to sit on the other side across from me, but he sat down on the same side and slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"So do we get to order or...what?"

I was still a little giddy from his seating plans so it took a second to reply, but I eventually said "What? Oh, no Stefan knows what I like, and what you like so he'll bring us something good."

"Wait... he knows what I like? How?"

"I told you... me and him were... GOOD friends when I worked here, and hes still a great pal. I talk about you a lot and when I stopped messing around because of you he made me tell him EVERYTHING about you."

"WHOA! Wait a sec, you slept with HIM?"

"Is that bad..."

"No its just holy crap Matt... hes fucking hot."

"You haven't seen the half of it. Yeah, this was the first restaurant that I first decided to not hide the fact that I was gay in, and he...er... seduce is the wrong word. I didn't take much convincing... but yeah. I've slept with him. A lot."

Andy got a sly look in his eyes and asked "WHERE did you sleep with him...?"

I blushed furiously and said "Why does it matter. What do you want to dr-"

"O no no no no, you're gonna tell me!"

I sighed and looked heavenward. "Here."

"Here as in the restaurant?"

"Here as in the restaurant, here as in this table, pretty much everywhere here..."

Andy burst out laughing and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Tell me about some of them."


Andy pulled me closer to him and brought his other hand up and turned my head to face him. I felt his hot breath on my face and could feel every part of my body that was touching him. Softly he whispered "Please Matty, I just want to know."

I shivered and breathed deep, his smell infusing my mind and I knew that he could probably ask me anything and I would do it. I don't think I had ever been this smitten.

After a moment of regaining my composure, I leaned forwards and kissed him, slipping my tongue along his bottom lip and then into his mouth, to begin a wrestling match with his own tongue for dominance. I ran my hands up his thighs and then felt along his ribs to his back with my left hand, under his shirt. I slowly snuck it up his back and felt him quiver and moan a little in my mouth, my other hand rubbing his crotch under the table. I pulled my tongue back and lightly sucked his bottom lip into my mouth before very gently biting it. I let it go and leaned forwards more and whispered huskily in his ear "Two can play at that game babe."

Andy giggle and whispered "I love you" in my ear. I sat back down and said "I love you more", smiling broadly. It then occurred to me that we were sitting in the middle of a restaurant during dinnertime, I looked around and quite a few people were staring at us. I waved, smiling at all of them and Andy burst out laughing. Our food arrived a few seconds later and we tucked in. I can honestly say it was the best dinner I had ever had. Not because of the food, Stefan was good but not great, but because of Andy being there.

Andy didn't remove his hand from behind me at any point during the meal and when I asked to try his food, he skewered some steak and fed it to me himself. I had always thought that that was a somewhat corny thing to do, but coming from him it just made me giddy as a schoolgirl. Once the food was gone we sat close together for a bit, sharing stories and the occasional kiss. Eventually Stefan emerged from the kitchen and walked over to our table.

"Your still loitering about? Jesus! Get out off my restaurant why don't you!"

I laughed and gestured for Andy to stand. While I was extracting myself from his embrace I said "That's captain assholes way of saying its on the house."

We said our goodbye's and left the restaurant, walking off into the mall. I slipped my hand into his and we strolled slowly through the crowds, looking into stores occasionally. Finally we came to Le Chateau, and Andy's eyes lit up.

"Let's go in!"

"Please god no..."

"Come ON!"

He dragged me in and immediately went to the rack with jeans on it and selected a stone washed designer pair. He handed me a few different sizes and pushed me towards the change room.

"Try each, then come outside and show me!"

I sighed dejectedly and marched into the fitting room to begin living my nightmare. Before I had even got the first pair on, clothes started flying over the door and he started yelling combinations at me.

About forty five minutes later I had an outfit that satisfied him. A white V-Neck with a black dress shirt with red pinstripes, and scandalously tight jeans. I walked out of the change room and Andy whistled loudly, causing several of the clerks to look our way. I blushed and asked "These jeans don't fit, can I have the next size up?"

"They do FIT. None of YOUR clothes FIT. We could both fit in your regular jeans!"

"I wouldn't mind that..." I grinned.

"I bet you wouldn't. That's whats your wearing. You DID promise me that you'd wear whatever I wanted."

I sighed and went back into the change room and put my normal clothes back on, emerging a short while later with the chosen outfit on my arm.

"All right, your turn babe, what are YOU wearing?"

Andy grinned and set off to find his own outfit, while I followed behind giving my opinions every now and then. Another half hour later he came out of the fitting room clad in a skin tight pair of jeans that showed off his package to an arousing degree, and a red t-shirt that matched the color of my shirt perfectly. Overtop of it he had a black hoody, again color coordinated to my shirt, that also hugged his frame in an incredibly flattering way. I grinned and walked up to him, slipping my arms around his waist and tilting my head up to look at him. He smiled down and kissed me lightly.

"You like?"

"I love."

With that he slipped out of my arms and started back to the fitting room. Before he had gone two steps he grabbed my hand and dragged me along with him. The fitting rooms were set in a big line along the back wall, while a large dividing wall set along parallel to them to cut off the rest of the store from the area. Before going behind this wall Andy glanced around to see how many people were in the store. I did too and saw that there was now only one bored girl standing at the check out and several other customers wandering about aimlessly. Andy yanked me to the fitting room in the far corner and dragged me inside, pulling the door shut gently behind us. The room was fairly large for its purpose, and had a full sized bench and large mirror.

Before I had even fully gotten my bearings Andy pressed me up against the wall and his hands started roving up and down my body. His lips met mine and I gasped at the sudden contact. His tongue pushed its way into my mouth and I tasted him again. My own hands started moving up and down his chest under the tight red shirt. Within seconds I had his chest bare and I dragged my mouth away from his to start kissing and licking my way down his chest. I hadn't known it was possible to taste good, but he most certainly did. I changed course and sucked one of his nipples while my hands went down the back of his jeans, they barley fit in the new jeans, and cupped his ass. I moved my mouth lower and licked my way down to the button of his jeans, sliding my hands out of his pants as I did. I quickly undid the button and pulled down the pants, exposing the mesh boxers I had made him wear that morning. I grinned and ran my fingers lightly over the long shaft that could be seen through the tight material. Gently I rand my hands up his hip to the waistband and slipped just my fingertips in, then stopped. I looked up at him and saw him staring intently down at me.

Without pausing I yanked the underwear down all the way and watched as his very large cock bounced up and down in front of me. I looked up into his eyes and licked my lips, then exhaled as much as possible, letting the warm air caress his most intimate place. He groaned very quietly and whimpered, thrusting his hips forward slightly. I smiled and licked my lips again before going down on him, taking almost all of his length in at once on the first go this time. I felt the smooth head slide along the top of my mouth, then into my tight throat. I started to come back up and when I reached the top Andy gently pushed me off his dick. I looked up into his eyes inquisitively and in answer he reached down and pulled my shirt off, tossing it in the corner. He then pushed me onto the floor and onto my back then sat on top of me straddling me. Andy kicked off his jeans and turned so his ass was in my face, and when he crouched down I could see his tight pink hole clearly and smell his musky smell. It was amazing.

Andy undid my jeans and pushed them down as far as he could, then propped himself up on his feet and lined his dick up with my mouth and gently slid it in, coming to a rest on hi knees straddling my head. I felt a warm hand take hold of my dick through my boxers then my boxers were pushed away as well and the air hit my dick. I felt but didn't see Andy lean over my dick and lightly lick the head before taking my entire dick into his mouth. I started working on him again and soon the only sound was an occasional muffled groan coming from stall ten. It was an amazing combination of sensations; Andy's hot, wet mouth on my dick, his hands exploring everywhere they could and his warm weight on top of me. His hot dick in my mouth and his musky smell all around me, on top of the sound of crowds and laughter coming from not 30 feet away and the adrenaline from the risk of getting caught, neither of us lasted more then ten minutes and soon I felt myself start to cum in Andy's mouth. He managed to catch most of it but some dribbled down the side and onto my balls. He gently leaned down and licked me clean. I started sucking on him in earnest and he started gently fucking my face, building up speed. Soon my hands were just planted on his ass and my head was on the ground and he was doing all the work, going pretty fast, I felt his balls touch my eyes a few times and I squeezed his ass. I heard his breathing speed up and felt his dick twitch a little and prepared myself for another monster load. He lifted himself almost all the way off as he came, so just the head was in my mouth and I sucked it all back, then when he stopped cuming I circled my tongue around his head a few times and gave him a few quick tugs with my hand.

He managed to crawl off me and turn, only to collapse beside me with his face scant inches from mine. I moved over and started kissing him, placing my hand on his warm chest. I felt him place his own hand over mine and kiss me back. Just then the door shook and an obnoxiously loud female voice said "Are you almost done sir? There's other people who need too try on clothes!"

"Give me a godamned minute!" I yelled, in my best mad-customer voice, trying to stifle my laughter.

I kissed Andy one last time, a long one, and then stood and started getting dressed, he did the same and soon we both had our old clothes on and the new ones in our arms.

Gingerly I pushed open the door and didn't see anyone so I stepped out. From behind me a voice said "About time, what the hell took so -"

The clerk stopped when she saw Andy come out behind me.

"I...er..." She looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

Andy cleared his throat, held out his shirt and said "Do you have this in a medium?"

30 minutes later we arrived back at the house and unloaded our bags. We marched back inside and walked past Mimi and Alexis watching TV in the living room and down to my room. We dropped the bags and Andy was standing beside my bed. I walked over and pushed him onto the mattress, following close behind. It ended up with him on his back and me mostly on top of him, my head resting on his chest and his arms around me. I could get used to this. We had about an hour before we had to get ready to go and we lay on the bed the entire time cuddling and talking about nothing. It was one of the best hours in my life.

About two hours later we were all ready to go and were just waiting on the girls, who emerged from the house moments after we did. We all piled into the truck, Andy sitting close beside me and Alexis and Mimi in the back. Andy slid his arm around my waist and I smiled. Without thinking I leaned over and kissed him, but before our lips even touched both girls chimed in from the back with a high pitched, obnoxious "Ewwwwww". Without stopping the movement I raised my right hand and flipped them off, before straightening in my seat, Andy laughing beside me and his arm warm behind me. Yes, it was going to be a great night.

We found a spot to park downtown and unloaded before walking the two blocks to Twisted Element, one of the more reputable gay clubs in town. We got in line and prepared for a night of drunken debauchery. Andy stood right against me with his arms around my chest and his breath on my face, whispering about all the things he wanted to try. Yes, it was going to be a good night.

Sorry this one took so long guys, but to be totally honest I'd rather talk to Andy then write about him! Let me know what you think, matt-k-d@hotmail.com

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