Texas Ranger

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Feb 17, 2010


This is a work of mostly fiction, if it is illegal to read this sort of thing where you are then you probably shouldn't do it, or at least don't get caught doing it. I have nothing else to say, all usual disclaimers apply.

I also feel the need to mention that there are no actual Texas rangers in this story, so no more emails asking about it.

Sorry it took so long guys!!

Texas Ranger: Part 3

We pulled into the driveway of my house shortly after our excursion. It was around 3PM by this point, not bad considering we had only left the house a few hours previously. I unlocked the door to the darkened house and walked in, Andy following behind.

"Didn't you say you lived with Mimi and Alexis? I haven't seen them since I got here." Andy asked me. I turned and wrapped my arms around his waist, looking up his chest into his down turned face.

"They do, but I asked them to give me the house for two nights so I could get to know you before they come into the picture."

Andy leaned down and kissed me, his lips lightly brushing mine. His touch still sent a jolt through me.

"I'm glad."

I smiled and stood on tip toe and kissed him again before sliding out of his arms and proceeding to my room. I walked over to my TV and knelt and started rummaging around on the shelf underneath for something I had bought especially for this occasion. I heard Andy flop onto the couch a few steps behind me as I stood and turned to face him. I held up three DVD's, the entire High School Musical collection and his face broke into a great big grin.

"I thought you were kidding when you said you bought them..."

"Awww, now would I lie to you babe?"

Andy laughed and I put the first of the three movies into the Xbox to play. Once that was started I walked over to the couch and sat down next to him. Before I even moved at all Andy pulled me into him so my back was against his chest and we were both facing the television with our legs intertwined. I turned my head and glanced at his face to see him smiling. He slipped an arm around my stomach and pulled me in closer. I felt his breath on my neck and his warmth at my back.

"Mmmmm this is comfy." I muttered. I felt him chuckle and we lay like that for hours, making it through all three High School Musical videos before sliding off the couch to walk stiff legged over to the bed.

I began undressing and he did the same, my eyes roving over his increasingly exposed body. I still couldn't comprehend why someone who looked like THAT was getting into a bed with someone who looked like me, but hey, I wasn't about to start complaining. He crawled into bed and I walked around and slipped under the blankets on my side after turning out the lights. I snuggled up close to Andy and drifted off to sleep, never more content.

I awoke and it was cold. I was alone in my bed and judging by the sunlight flooding my room through the bars on the window I would put it at sometime in the morning. I rolled over and fell out of my bed, why was it so small? I stood and walked the two steps to the bedroom door and pulled it open. The sunlight was blinding. Before I could adjust to the light a rough hand grabbed my shirt collar and dragged me into the kitchen.

"Make breakfast you lazy idiot. And don't burn the fucking eggs this time." I didn't say anything, if you said anything it could be misconstrued as defiance, and you simply did not show defiance. I walked over and started cooking the food for everyone. A few minutes later I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked down into my little sisters big blue eyes.

"Mathew, why do you look sad?"

I smiled and said "I'm not sad."

She smiled and ran over to the table and sat in her place. I brought the food over and placed it in front of everyone, as usual there was no plate for me. I walked outside and went to the barn and fed the horses and hauled water from the tap to the horse trough. We could have bought a hose, but he said this built more character. The water splashed against my jeans, freezing instantly. It hurt, but I couldn't stop, he would drive away without me if I was late.

That done I walked back and climbed the stairs on the porch. He came out of the door and the backhand sent me sprawling onto the cold wooden slates of the deck.

"The eggs tasted weird. Do better next time. You have four seconds to get your schoolbag before I leave, better run faggot."

I scrambled to my feet and went to open the door, but I felt something hit my foot and I started falling forwards. My tooth bounced off the door handle and I felt blood fill my mouth. Tears formed in my eyes and I quickly covered my mouth with my hand so no blood would hit the floor and make a mess, he hated messes.

"Why the fuck are you crying? Why do you always cry? My dad was a thousand times harder on me then I am on you and I NEVER FUCKING CRIED!" As he yelled out the last sentence I felt his heavy boot hit my ribs. The air flew from my lungs involuntarily and the blood that was filling my mouth splattered all over the now closed door. Shit.

"What the FUCK. Now look what you fucking did." He kicked me again, I didn't move, my entire will focused on stopping the tears. But they came anyways. I heard his laughter as he reached down and grabbed my collar again, lifting me to my feet so I was looking him in the eye.

"I thought eventually you would toughen up. Maybe you would stop fucking EVERYTHING up. But no, you're still the same depressing mistake you have always been. No one will ever like you this way. No one. No one will ever love you. He doesn't like you, he's going to leave and NEVER talk to you again."

I didn't feel the punch so much as I felt myself falling backwards faster than I thought I should. I knew this was going to hurt more than usual when I felt the deck fall away and realized I was headed for a backwards landing on the concrete stairs. I screamed, and cried for it to stop, but I kept falling.

Suddenly there were soft sheets under me. I was still screaming and tears were running down my face. I felt warm arms around me and hot breath on my face.

"Shhhhhh, shhhhhh, it was just a bad dream baby, I'm here."

I felt my breathing return to normal and my tears ebb away. I opened my eyes and looked into Andy's beautiful face. He had a concerned look in his eyes and his arms were pulling me close to him. I let out a shaky breath and felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to deal with that" I mumbled. I felt so ashamed, I wanted to roll over and die. How could he still like me after that? Waking up screaming is what crazy people did, not boyfriends. I started rolling over so I wouldn't have to look him in the eye but his hand shot out and gripped my shoulder and rolled me back to facing him. I looked down, at my ceiling, anywhere but his face. I felt his hand on my chin, and let him guide my face to an angle that was looking at him. His eyes locked on mine and I saw no judgment there, only... something else.

Still holding my chin, as if he was afraid I would look away, Andy leaned forward and kissed me. He pressed his lips to mine and left them there, the hand that he had on my chin sneaking along my jaw line and softly caressing my cheek. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled myself closer to him, pressing our bodies together as his soft lips were pressed to mine and his hand stroked my moist cheek lovingly. Eventually we separated and I remained silent, looking into his eyes and waiting anxiously for him to say something, anything!

He stared into my eyes for a few moments more, his eyes twinkling in the semi darkness. They seemed to look into my very soul and I was scared. What if he found me wanting? What if I wasn't good enough... I never had been before, why should that change now? I felt tears begin to form and I tried mightily to suppress them. A lone tear escaped and snaked down my cheek to soak into the pillow. I closed my eyes and wished I was anywhere else then here, showing the person I wanted to impress most my weaknesses. I felt Andy move closer to me, so his face was almost touching mine, I felt his breath wash over my mouth and I smelt his scent. I heard him draw a breath in, in preparation to deliver judgment most likely.

"I love you."

What? What had he just said? But... no, that's not what he was supposed to say, he's supposed to hate me now, think I'm weak and pathetic.

"But... You-"

I felt him place his finger gently against my lips, stopping my flow of words. I looked into his eyes and a warm smile spread across his face. He was so... beautiful.

"I love you too."

I leaned forwards and kissed him softly again. When I pulled back Andy pulled me closer to him and I rolled over so my back was resting against him, his breath washing over my neck. We both drifted off to sleep like that, his arm tightly around my middle as if to protect me from my nightmares. Before I finally fell asleep again, I heard him whisper "I love you" again, and I slept the rest of the night without a single troubled thought.

I awoke in the morning sprawled almost totally on top of Andy. My head was nestled on his left bicep and my legs were intertwined with his, my left arm across his chest and my right under his back. I smiled to myself and lay there enjoying his warmth for a long while. Eventually I slowly started untangling my limbs from him as gently as possible, trying my best not to wake him. After a few moments of slow motion detangling, I was free and I stood beside the bed looking down at my angel. He had a peaceful look on his face and his mouth seemed to almost be turned into a slight smile. I felt my heart skip at the sight of him. This must be what love felt like... Never again will I laugh when someone talks about being in love.

I grabbed my pants from the floor and the first hoodie I saw, then quietly opened the door and went upstairs, wrapping the sweater around my bare chest as I stepped onto the deck behind the house. I pulled my pack of cigarettes from my pocket and lit one up. Sighing I sat down in my usual chair and puffed away. I looked down and noticed that I didn't recognize the sweater I was wearing... it was Andys. I giggled a little to myself and bent my head down and breathed in the smell of him from his clothes, so addicting. I sat outside for awhile longer, finishing three cigarettes before heading back inside and sitting at the kitchen table. Andy knew I smoked, but didn't himself so I tried not to smoke when around him at all. Besides, I thought with a smile, kissing a smoker was like licking an ashtray. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost noon, meaning Andy would probably be out for a few hours longer. I started wondering what I would do to pass the time when I heard voices outside the door. They were home... I was somewhat conflicted about that, but I was always glad to see my best friends. I stood and walked over to the front door and opened it just as Mimi thrust her key forwards to unlock it, leaving her with a weird look holding a key in mid air.

"Sup." I asked, grinning. Mimi raised an eyebrow and put her keys away. She glanced up and down then looked me in the eye again.

"Wearing his clothes already? I assume it's going well then. Can we come live in our house again?"

I rolled my eyes theatrically and made a show of blocking the door, before finally saying "I suppose I'll allow it."

Mimi pushed past me and went into her bedroom to dump her bags off, Alexis following through the door. She stopped in front of me and gave me a hug, which I returned. "How are things Lex?" I asked. Alexis smiled and made a show of looking at Andy's sweater.

"Nice hoodie, smells like guy. Good, if you ever make me stay at Cindy's for that long again I'll kill you." She winked and walked into the kitchen, dropping her bags at the top of the stairs leading to the basement and her room. "Where is this mythical boy anyways?"

"Downstairs sleeping, where he will REMAIN until I can warn him about you people." I answered as I walked into the small kitchen, flicking the electric kettle on as I walked by. Alexis gave a crooked grin and sat down at the table in her usual place. Mimi walked into the room and sat down next to where I plopped down myself.

"Sooooo... You gunna tell us about him or what?" She asked, draping an arm across my shoulders. I hated when people touched me, absolutely despised it. Mimi, Alexis, and now Andy were the only people in the world who I would allow it from, and I only enjoyed and encouraged it from one of those.

I blushed and looked at the table. "He's tall... and even cuter then I had imagined. And his body is amazing. He's so nice and... perfect."

Mimi made a dramatic whistling noise. "Whew, Alexis I think someone's smitten." I glared at Mimi, trying to hold back my smile, unsuccessfully. Mimi grinned evilly at me then added "Twisted Element tonight, I got tickets Lex has cash. Enough for your new toy as well."

"Sure thing boss." I stood and went back downstairs, slipping into my room and closing the door behind me. I glanced over and saw Andy still sleeping. I looked at the clock and saw it was almost one, how could someone possibly sleep that much? Time to wake him up in my opinion. I thought about just gently shaking him and waking him up, but then a better idea came to mind...

As gently as possible I slid the covers off of him, he shivered a little but stayed asleep. I quietly slipped the hoodie off and tossed it back where I had found it. Once again moving very slowly I climbed into bed and straddled him, keeping as much of my weight off him as possible. When I was in position I bent down and softly pressed my lips to his, allowing my full weight to rest against his chest, feeling his warmth. I wrapped my arms around his middle and pressed our lips tighter together. I felt him begin to stir beneath me and felt his hands start to slide up my thighs. His tongue ran along my lip and he pressed his hips upwards, pressing his morning wood into the crotch of my jeans. I shuddered a little and smiled into the kiss before breaking it and pulling my head far enough away to talk.

"Morning dream boy."

"Mmm. Get back here"

He slid his hands up my back and pushed me forwards again, I didn't resist at all. Our lips locked again and I felt his hands run up and down my back a few times before they eventually stopped at the waistband of my jeans. I felt his fingertips playing the edge, as if he wasn't sure if he was allowed to enter or not. Impatiently I brought one hand behind me and pushed his hands down, causing him to smile into my mouth and slide his hands farther down and cup my bare ass under my pants. He was breathing heavily now, and I was rock hard from having his length pressed against me. I shuddered at his touch on my skin and broke away from his lips, kissing across his face to lightly bite his earlobe. I kissed down his neck and arrived at his shoulder where I bit him hard enough to leave a mark. He moaned and squeezed my ass tightly, I kissed his shoulder and lightly bit down a few more times before heading farther south, kissing and biting my way down his smooth, hard chest and abs, his hands sliding out of my pants once I was out of range causing me to whimper a little at the lost contact. I got to the waist band of his boxers and inhaled the musky scent that I loved so much and so much more because it was HIS scent. I contemplated pulling the boxers down but I recalled him once saying he had always wanted to cum in his underwear, and no one had ever been able to make him. I took this as a challenge...

His rock hard length could be seen through the plaid material, I brought a hand up and cupped his balls through the fabric before dragging my fingertips lightly along his shaft up to the mushroom head that could scarcely be seen through his boxers. I rubbed a few fingers on his head, rolling it around in my hand, I heard his breathing quicken and smiled up at him, staring into his eyes. Without looking away I brought my mouth down and mouthed the middle of his shaft, breathing out and letting my hot breath flow through the thin barrier between me and his most intimate place. I started moving up his shaft while still playing with his head, and brought my other hand up to roll his balls around. He was breathing heavily now and gripping the sheets on either side of him tightly. I brought the hand that had been massaging his sac down and ran two fingers up and down the crack of his tight ass, loving the feel of his tight globules of muscle clenching my hand from either side. I allowed my teeth to lightly clench his shaft and breathed outwards again, eliciting a slight moan from Andy. I felt him getting close so I brought my mouth up to his head and breathed out once more, allowing the heat to wash over him. I surrounded the head with my lips and moved them up and around the tip before descending again.

"I'm gunna cum!" Andy gasped out, so I leaned back and brought my hands to his shaft and started jerking him through his boxers, and seconds later Andy was writhing on my bed, cumming into his underwear. I saw the wetness spread and he stopped moving and just lay on bed breathing heavily, music to my ears. I climbed back on top of him and looked into his half closed eyes. Eventually they opened fully and he looked up at me.

"Take off your pants." I was shocked for a moment, then shook my head and started to say

"Andy, you said you wanted to wait unti-"

"Take off your pants Matty."

I melted a little inside when he used that petname, as I always did.

"Are you sure?"

As an answer he reached up and undid the button on my jeans and pulled the zipper down, then reached up and pulled my head towards him so his lips were against mine. While returning the kiss I started to pull just my jeans off and got them to my knees before I felt his hand pull my boxers down to the same level. I kicked the clothes to the end of the bed and pressed myself against him, horny beyond most rational thought. I hadn't cum since the shower the morning before and since then I had made him cum twice, I had so much pent up sexual energy I thought I might cum just from his hands all over my body. Andy broke the kiss and leaned forwards and whispered in my ear

"Can I blow you...?"

"If you want to, yes" I managed to whimper out. Andy had never been with a guy except for a little experimenting when he was much younger and I was surprised he had asked. I started to roll off him but he stopped me while I was straddling his chest. He pushed my ass towards his face, my raging hard on leading the way. As it neared his lips I expected some hesitation, maybe even for Andy to change his mind, but instead he just kept pushing and my dick slid into his mouth, causing me to gasp loudly and fall forwards a little, so my hands were supporting my weight on the headboard of my bed. For someone who had never really done this, he was amazing. I felt his tongue sliding along the base of my shaft as he went down, I wasn't very big so he had almost no problem getting my entire length into his mouth. As he came back up and his lips slid over the base of my head, he pushed my ass into his face and I caught the hint, I started humping into his mouth. The feeling was perfection and I didn't last five minutes before I said "I'm gunna shoot" and started pulling away from him. He pulled me against him again and thrust my dick into the back of his throat and I couldn't hold it anymore, I started cumming in his mouth. Surprisingly he swallowed it all before I collapsed in a heap on his chest. Before he had a chance to do anything else I put my hands on either side of his head and kissed him hard, tasting my own cum in his mouth. After a while I pulled away, both of us breathless and lay down on top of him, my head resting on his chest and our legs intertwined. He still had his boxers on and I was naked, I wanted nothing more than to pull the covers up over us and let this moment last forever. Andy leaned down and kissed the top of my head before whispering "I love you" softly in my ear. I sighed and smiled, then brought my face up to look into his eyes "I love you more" Andy's face split into a huge grin and he leaned forwards and kissed me tenderly.

"I suppose we should get up." He said, sighing.

"Probably, Alexis and Mimi are home."

"Wait... we just did that and they're just waltzing around the house?"

"Mhm... is that bad?"

Andy laughed and hugged me "No, not at all."

I climbed off Andy and grabbed a pair of boxers from my drawer, and a clean pair from his suitcase. As I turned away from the suitcase I saw something tucked under a shirt. Grinning, I replaced the boxers I grabbed initially and took it instead, tucking it inside mine so he wouldn't see. I heard Mimi and Alexis talking upstairs and I grabbed Andy's hand as I opened the door, walking briskly across the hallway to the bathroom, closing the door behind us. I looked at Andy and said "You should probably take those boxers off, I cant imagine they feel very nice right now."

Andy grinned and looked at me. "My hands are tired, you do it for me."

I made a show of rolling my eyes, then walked over and knelt in front of him, the tiles of the bathroom cold on my legs. I positioned my face in front of his crotch and inhaled his aroma, which was different this time because of the cum filling his underwear. I raised my head a little and kissed from his belly button down to the waist band of his boxers, where I took the fabric between my teeth and dragged the garment to the floor. I released it and stood, lightly dragging my fingertips over his semi-hard cock. Once I was standing I kissed him and stepped away, leaving him standing there with a wistful look on his face.

"Your hands would have worked you know..."

I grinned and turned around, turning the water in the shower on and pulling the curtain back. Without facing him I said "I'll remember that next time."

There was a moment of silence then I felt his hands encircle my chest and I felt his breath on my ear. "That way was better baby." I smirked and stepped into the shower, bringing him along with me. Once we were inside, his arms still around me and my back against his chest, we stood there letting the warm water wash over us. I felt his now fully erect dick between my ass cheeks and thought back to a conversation I had had with him several months ago.

"It's not that I don't want to fuck you, it's just..."


"I want actual sex with you to mean something is all. So it has to wait a bit alright, we can do other stuff, I just want to wait on actual... fucking."

"Alright Andy, whatever you want, I can wait for as long as you need me too."

Andy's hands were running up and down my chest, I shuddered, brought back to the moment. I also found that when he was horny, he really didn't think that well. Had I wanted too I could have had him inside me back in the bedroom, but I wanted our first time to be brought about by his legitimate desire to do it, not just the fact that he was really horny. But god I wanted it...

I sighed and turned in his arms, moving up to kiss him right away so he didn't see the longing in my eyes. I felt his dick slide along my stomach and touch my own rock hard member, that's not helping this at all I thought, so I stepped back and took my body wash off the shelf. I squirted some on his chest and stepped back towards him, my hands rubbing the gel into a nice lather before they went exploring the rest of his perfect body. I did his entire body, but purposefully left his dick for last. Right before I was about to start jacking him off, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me into a slippery hug. His hands roaming all over my body I closed my eyes and let him do what he wanted. I felt his hands slide all over me, up my back and around my neck then down my chest again. At one point he even slide a hand down my ass and slide one finger into my hole, I almost came right then, but he slide it out and ran his hands up and down my legs. All too soon he was done and I felt his hand wrap around my dick and I opened my eyes and looked down. He had one hand on me and one around his own cock. He pushed me closer so our dicks were touching lengthwise and started sliding his hand up and down both our dicks at once, his other hand sliding down my back and his finger finding my hole again. I gasped as he slid it in, having not been expecting him to actually do it.

While I still had my mouth open from the gasp he leaned forwards and slipped his tongue into my mouth and locked our lips together. I brought my hands around his back and dragged my nails down his back, probably harder then I meant to but I didn't care, I was in sensory overload from all the feelings he was giving me. Eventually I started cumming, and not 5 seconds later he did too, my cum hitting him and his splattering all over my soapy crotch. After a few moments of standing there breathless, he seemed to suddenly remember he had a finger up my ass and slid it out. Without a word I kissed him again and grabbed the shampoo and squirted some in my hand and then handed him the bottle. We finished in the shower and stepped out, I got him a new towel from under the sink. Once we were both dry I grabbed our boxers from the counter and slipped mine on. Andy stood there staring at the mostly transparent briefs I had given him.

"Found those in your luggage, I think you should wear them babe."

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. He slipped them on and I re-evaluated my earlier thought. They werent MOSTLY transparent, they were just plain transparent. You could see everything, a condition I didn't object too at all. I laughed and opened the bathroom door and led the way into my room, closing the door behind Andy. We got dressed and headed upstairs so I could introduce the boy I had been talking about non-stop for the past five months to my two best friends.

Thoughts comments, reach me at matt-k-d@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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